Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 07, 1892, Image 3

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    Oregon City hntcrprisc.
KKIKAY, (H TOIIKK 7, imiif.
I.nriil IVimiihiI .Notcn,
M. A. Htiiiiiim uml family moved l
1 '01 ll it nit lliuiHiliiy,
Alimiitiilur Wtiriior'H fiiinily Imvii
iimvi'illii lliulr imw H'bIiIciihi al Aluiinl
W. I'. Wnlmiiiinilnl, Mini wua In W'ullu
Walla all mini r, lia rultlriiml lo Oio-
ri t'll v.
I,. H. J11111117 i'iit n) lo HhIimii IliU
Hi'i'k uml wan ilniitli to iirai llru law
Ml (I in Irnr.
Mr mul Mm. II I', Hinllli u( Nmnly
nr vlnlllnn Cumity Cli'tk llortiui mul
in ovit Siuulity.
Mia, W. I.. HlllliT of Nt. llnlnllH, HB
vUiiltiit Iiit nUirr. Mm, Mrllriilti, In
IIiIh nly tlila wi't'k.
(.'ImrlcM I!. Mi'Mrniii mul Frank llurk
hurt urit llri'itmi City'" ri'iri'm'iilttlivt
In Hit- 1'intlmnl uiiivu'raity,
(ii'o. Hliiiuiimin mul l'' 1', liinx tlilii
wi'H 1,1'K.ni mii'iiiling ilin Uw arliool ol
tint Into iiiilvrmilv In I'urtlmiil.
W, T. CmtliilKM uf I.ohii n In Oro
gon Clly WiMiitUy mul inmln a liaa-
lit ru 1 1 it I tlui Kniciiihihk tilllrit,
MIm llutlin ll'OrHuy ul t'ortlmul mul
lttT mitli'r, Mim uilltt ll'Oiaay of Cali
fornia, Hern viniting Mm. M. A. Ntrattol)
till wtti'k.
Mm. Sulury Clnrk ol Mnntt'rvy, Cut.,
who wan vlaltlng M.a. K. K. Clmrinmi,
It'll (ur liiinin Monday uvimiIiiii uu Did
uvitIhiiiI train,
Mri. J. A. Moor mul licr tnotlitr,
Mm. HiiImwIikiii, ri'tiiriuvl WviliittMUy
limriiliiK limn Kalniii lurti tlify urtt
vmitiim mivural day.
H I, llolmail Ka In Mt'Miniivlllit
thit (urn pmt of tlio wtwk, rallt-d to tint
IhhIhIiIii ol IiIn lutlmr who waa critically
111. llti in imw improving.
lifoiiltr S M. Hmimliy liaa inovnd
liia family to linn mul tlity mfiipy
Mr. Aliliiilf'a it)llKt on folk itrmt
U'lmx'ii hfvfi.tli mul Klitlitli.
Mm. Klniit (irfttn mul dauuli'.t'r, Minn
llinlin, ol Lincoln, I'ulk t'tiillity are vinlt
liitf Mr, (irecn'a viator, Mr. J.H. I'tir
dim.. Mim liiwii will km-iiI tint wlntor
lii'tti with liur mint.
Mm. I K. Cook ol linker City I
vlBiliiiK lr aUtor, Mm. K. M Murk.
Mm. Cixik will accompany linr !mataiil
to Kiiki'Iik to mtfiid tlio Kniiilit ol
I'yUiun liwtivititu niit tfk mul will
tln'ii mx'ii'l mum' iiiiip in tlii city.
K J. Hwatlunl, a SmIi'Iii liiiniiH'KH mull,
in vinilitiK liin tirothrr, J. I,. Swuiruril,
ill tliia city thlii fi. Hit wan formerly
pnnlcr mul Iik act tyiw on llitt Kntkh
I'Iiik alirti it waa only a year old mul
waa ptililialiisl (rum ilie old capitol
liuildiiiK, imw I he t'tit'iitul lioti'l.
J. I.. Waldron mul luiiiilv, who moved
tn at fruit farm imar Iterkrly, Cl., I a at
I'NIiil, liav iiinvi'd lull k to ('lurkmiiml
county mul taken up lliiur liniiie hkhiii
at Mount rit'aamit. Hit aata mall Irtiil
wimi rtt nut "111 it" in Culilotniit ; tliry
Imvp a niiii li Ih'IIit aliuw in llrt'iton.
1 hr rrralijrtriiiin Chtirrh.
Tilt) rnaiyttrimia livid tlutir annual
riinuii'Halioinil inifliiiK lat .Moiuliiy
ttvt'iiliiK. Tin- alli'iul nii'i" w a lai)!t' and
tin' luli h'itt nniiiift'oltil wita iit'otiuiiiiit(.
'II if iiIIiii'ih hiiiI tiiiiiimttt'c ol tint
rliiirtli n'liilorpil riHiiia nlmwiiiK llu
ilitnoiiiiimtliiii to In' in a prtutptTona ron
1I1! inn.
Tli fltiiri'li ilts litri'd Ilat'll at'll anpirt
lint, mnl will Ihti'hIiit ilmanatt with
tint uil,iiu p o I hi! board ol liullif
Tint 1 Hxlnr'a auliiry t iiit i nt-rturu-) and
11 votti ol thanka to lhi piiator, Ki'V.ti.
Win. ttiUmi'V, lor Iiik vt-rv wit iitmi
aiCini'iil of llii' attaint ol lliu'i luirt li, wun
pllMKl II'IHII i 1 iioiikI v .
Tim Inllow inn olllrt'ra wn fltftt'd :
t'lilt'rtt, A K. Iional'liton, J. N. Mat k
burn mul II. S. StrnniMi; trimlt'fa, J. T.
ApiH'mor, and M. Mrtii't'lian ; trfamirttr,
J.N. MiukuhuiK ; ornniimt, Minn K. M.
IkmalilBiiii ; nil hti 11 1 nltl ol Sunday
atliotil, II. S. Sirniit!!'; a,ilHut iiMrin
ti'iuli'iit, ti. Win. tillMintiy; mwrvtary and
Irt-atiirtT, II. A. KuikIh; lihrnriun, .
H. llfutliti.
Boath run thk Kxi'tmmox. Ilt-rti-alli'r
on Siitiintnv niifhla iliirlni tint
rouliiiiiiinrs ol tint I'm I land txHtition !
tint lrt'iiin ( itv lioat will iniike nn ex
tra round trip Ifiivinu Ort'itmi City at
7:;lHniul I'liriliind at ll::ii). Konnd trip
lli ki'ln inrluiliiiK adiniMion lo lint tx
oMilion tkl t't'iim.
II. . Iliirklmrt
l!nv fily IioiuIh, wIiomI liondit, rntinty
and fily warninla. Olllrn .'III Waaliing
ton NtriH't, I'tirt tiimi. KfMU If 11 1', Oru
Kon Clly. I (HI tl
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
Just received a large line of all kinds of DRESS GOODS, Fall Styles, which we will sell,
low prices. We have among them a line of
Henrietta F
Mail Orders promptly attended to.
TDK cor NT v ashkhsmi;nt.
KlKHt't'it Mi 0 tv 11 lijr llt'iiurla of lliiiirila of
Kipiiillmilliin rr Clve Vi'm a,
'011 ul y Jiulvit Mtildruiii, Clink llortun.
and Aamiaiior Nnldtt mil Hit H hoiitd of
tiipiitlliilloll on Ilin coiinly aMwmnutinl
hint witt'k, A d'W eliitiivt'M and imw nn-
MI'MHIIH'lllH Willi' llllllllt llllt lllll llrjrfIllli
VHIOl lllll lllrtll'MltHV t'IIHIU'l"l. llllt I1HHI1NH- I
iiunit roll, Imviun pnni'd the Imard ol
ttipiall.itlloii, al.owa tint IdIiiIn hh kIvimi i
litdow. Ini liidiiil in Hit' vulutyil "Affi-H i
ol hind" in mini httil ol lint Hoiitlirrit I'n-1
I'illi! railway which witu hi'hki:i at $7fi,'
WKI. Thu lulling oil' in tlui. ntyibiT n
liv hliM'k im attilliulud to tint ilrtin ol
tint aaitunaor In not liatlliK aiiiliiull Ihi
IoiikIiik to pnmona tint VKKri'ato value
ol win mil prnH'rly would not rxwcil tint
,'l(Kl tiMiiptlon allnwt'd by law. No
tend purponn U at'ivt'd by ImliuK anili
irnnnlv and It Iniiki'H a (in' 11 1 deal ol
work (or tin) HHni-HHur. It will Ih nulrd
that tint liu ri'iiw' In Knma valunol all
prontity in In round iiiiiiibfm limi.OiKI,
w hli li ia I'oiiKiili'nihly iiiortt Hutu thu in-
1 ll'ltf of illlll'bll'llllt'HK
off SST iisa
?1 ?'E
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n I
if 3
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rSi-.'j J'.-.-, :--:
'jr;'; j; t "j J ? i
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fit -ill
liifj'li J. S'
Mtii'lmllnK I dun.
Murrhitff Mcnine fur Srit'nilur.
Yolmiiiut I'lulvmi and IVIit HaiiHon.
I'.innia I'lillur and W. J. Ivia.
lritl),'t't K. (I'Coiiimr and Tho. Knowli'H,
Nora Marm and II. K. MrCarver.
Ilattitt I.. Ilaintuond andJaa W. ItiTricn.
Mttrt'eliint I'lui'ard and William K. baker.
Sopbn KIiiiit and Fred l.indan.
Martha V. Ritkor and llt'liry Woixlriiir.
Stnna ('. Hall and V . T. SiMxnifar.
Aiinio K. Iliirnitaiitl Siiun'8 M. I.ayinun.
MnnKitt (iiillridittt and Alonxo Stout.
iHtraJ. Iluntt'rand lobit W. Jomtg.
Coral K l.aviuty and C K. Part,
Mnry K. Kia-niu and Joint II. 1! rod jo.
Flora Marra ami John Alldridxu.
Uoni KraxbcrittT and II. Kuitinu'r.
Mia, I,ir.iEitt Hrollardand huvid II. Clone.
lioraM SinilliamlJ W. Uray.
KbIIiit J. llili'g and (iarrt'tt J . ralnia-
Annit 1 iiraaitiul M. Iluiraa.
Cbrintina llluoin and Jiit'ob.l Mit'lutla.
MurKiirt't Mii-liola and Juliim 1'um h .
CltM'ka at HiiriiioiKtiT Si Andi'rHcn'n.
Kvttryoiui warranlod.
n n nu Dlnirlo
ailUv I laiud
Hit AililrfDNi-il a III if Crowd ur Fiinnern
I, Hit Hnfiiriliiy.
I.uitt Kaluidiiy inorniiiK CoiiKrniiniiii
I It 11 W r lliTiiiiinn arrived from Idmi'bury
on thu ovtti land ti itin. lit) wiii ini'l at
tint Hliitioii by lion, 1'i'tnr I'mputi, who
look tlui 1 iiiiiiri'Mii.iii lionitt to uri',ikfitHt
with liiiu. Ili'fora H o't'lm k tint parly,
whii li Im liiilid Mr. iltTiiiitini, Mr.
I'liipift, Chalrtlian lirowiit'll, W, T.
W litl'xk, I'imiiiiiialvr Kiiiidn, M. II
I '. n i 1ft i, k , I it 1 .11 1 v Miirnluil Millt-r, and
0. A, iltttinaiiii, wan on iln way to Fault)
Crt'ttk, a liainii't ntivi'iilKfii tiiiica to tint
raittward ol Orunoii City.
Thu pi'iiple from tint rutiKhltoritiK
lowm and adjat't'iit country Iwyan
:!utlioriii bt'lorti iitHin, and at I :.'!(), tin
iluitt advcrtiacil (or lint iiit'ttlintf, Wit
Iiuiii'n bull hum llllcd tti ijvi'rtl iwiiu.
Mr. llrowiiull nil led thu tuiMttiiiK to
or Iit and mild it wan tbn plan of Hut re
publican campaign In tbin county to take
tint prominent workttra of the party out
aiuonx the pnrty rank and lllo rather
t 'iitn t'omnil lint rank and file to
travel Ioiik litiuicen to the city to bear
the Hililical Innuen dittcuaaed.
The central couiiiiilleeiiian (or that
precinct baviiiK moved away, the Keltic
Hon of a 1 liairman wan Kivcn over to
the iiieellnn by Mr. Itrownell am! John
M. Hiker wan iiominuled and iiuaiii
moiinlv elected Mr, Hliker thanked
the nutetinu for tbn honor conferred and
!n a few feliftioua remarkn Introdticed
Coiirennmaii Hermann.
In lx'iiminn bin npeecb Mr. Ilurmann
naid it bad Ufii bin diatom lo K amoiiK
Hie plain Kt jpl lor inntruclion tenpect
Iiik their winhea ami be belie veil in inch
a plan of action, lie deemeti it the aufent
ami heat way ol duiuK bin duty lo bin
ronNtitiienta to ifetoul amoiiit them and
become trnoiially acipiainted with them,
not at lonu raiii;e through the Hjlitciann.
Iln adreaaed the people not an nicinlicrn
ol any party but aa citizen. He ac
corded a toll meanure ol praine lo each
ol the prenidenlial caiulitlatea, with each
ol whom be enjoyed a erwoual at
iiiaiiilanc, anil then itarletl out on an
examination of the republican record
ami the principle it reprttneniei He
adverted to Mr (levelaiid'a more than
(UK) vetoc in bin lour vearn ol ad nil; in
tration and rompared it with the lUtl
VeliM' in all the previoua liintory ol the
Kov'e rnmeiit He nhowed what an in
creami there had lHen in the iiumlier
ol land title (rallied tinder llarrimtn'n
adiiiiiiintration an compareil with the
previoua one The matter of -nnionn
wan alio touched ll'li, I he ironey
matter briefly ilinciinw-il and the tariil
iiilention bandleil at conaiile rahie length.
The naei b wan du tilled with ntatmticn
at every (Miint. Mr. Hermann wcupitnl
a little morn than two bourn with bin
nait b and be w an frequently intcrrujitiil
with aplilaiine.
After Mr Hermann bad concluded
thete wre loud call lor Itrownell, He
renponded and made a rattling- good
lelt iiumitca nteech.
I'.ei'ure ailjniiruinK it wan announced
that a meeliui; would le held at Meiti
llt'n ball, Sandy, Salunlay, OcIoIht lo
at 1 p. in. to be atldrenned by Chair
man Itrownell ami other.
The chairman of the meeting wan
a Cleveland man eight yearn but he
in convinced that tiie democrat don't
want no, ul Kovernuient anil no he in now
heartily with the republican
Their' were approximately tVX) opl"
prcxeut al the llerinann iueeliri(. The
houne wan 111 led and miiny h'ihI oiitnitle
Kuthcriui: in what they could at loiijt
ranite. Many from Ijtcey, Sprimiwater,
lanianciin, I'owell'n Valley, Sandy,
I.oiian and Viola and the Intervening
country were in ailendence.
CoiiKreanntan Hermann returned to
tIreKon City and wan a ucnt of Mr.
I'mpiet till Sunday when be went to
The Oteifnn City teoile and other
early arrival at Fnle Creek were
royally enterlained by Ir. ami Mr.
C. II. Smith ami Mr. and Mra. Wilbern.
Stale (', K. Conventiiin.
Christian Kiulfavorvrs nhould reniein-
la?r the ntate convention at KtiKcne Oeto- :
tier 14-111. Societien sboiild not tail to
nend a number of delegate and Hum at- I
nitt in making the convention a nucces. j
The convention ol '112 will t the greuteat
yet In Id a great young people' rally.
And you will regret it if you tlo not go
tin prepared to make a report ol vour no-!
ciety and give prnerieal nuiigenlion (or
the work. I). K. A. Kkkytao,
(bounty .Secretary.
Send to tlie Kntkhi'kihr otlice for your
legal blankH. A niiigle one or a hundred
(iirninhed at rorllatul pricen.
Wliv pav $I.LS for toal oil
w hen you :
can get 5 gallon best for ,t5 at Hiimii
tonrx Allen , Clackamas. tf
The latest in visiting cards at tlui l'.s
TKMrmsK Okkii.k. Prices to suit vou.
Notions, Clothing, Furnishing
mul vtrmoo
mill uu iijuOi
Samples of Dress Goods sent free. BOSTON STORE.
Time fur raylng liixe Fttcmleil Thirty
1'ityn Lunger.
Kelly, I'orter and Hiindull were abnent
Irom the council tneeiing Witdnenday
night. A commumcalioii wan received
Irum lint Kh' Side railway company
olli'iiiig lo build abridge over the Alter
nt'lhy that could be lined (or general
Irnllic il the mini ul f.'.'ih nhnuld be paid
ll (or doing no. The renidelil o( (iieen
I'm nl hud mined I ") of the amount and
aakeil Hut council to iay the balance,
1011. Tint cotiiicil neeined favorably
dinMined toward the appropriation but
in the abnence o( Information concerning
the exact width ol the bridge etc. the
mutter wan relerred lo a ecial com
mitteo connintiiigol Cook, Albright and
The pe'ilion to Improve the "liaptint
nlide" wan referred lo the committee
on nlreetn and public pioperty with
power to net. A naliHjii licenne wan
gianled to Matlluan lluerth who pur
clmaenl Joneph llrehin' naloon right.
There wan couniderable ibncuhniHri ol
the matter of permitting iietijamin Jag- j
gar to erect a lHx'4 wooden ntructure
next 10 the city jail. Mr Jaggar had
npoken to nome o( the cotincilmeii aliout
it and they bad told him they would not
oppone it. However on a vote not to
grant the iK-riuiHeiuri anked (or Albright,
WhiUi and O'Connell voted Aye and
Cooke and Ureemuan No.
The chief o( hjIico retorted nelling
three bead ol cattle (or $IH 25 and pre
xen led a bill of IS .'JO for the name.
The recorder wan inntructed to rent the
room back ol Fountain hotte room to F.l
iner iHxon at a.nitinlh. The garbage
colleciing ordinance waa panned.
The anaennoi and collector reiorted
that of the total lax of Wmi.Zl.
Ml.'illl''.' had been collected leaving
inH.(l3 delinquent Thereupon the
lime for paying taxen waa extended
imriy nay.
Helative to the mailer of tertnitling
(ieorge A. Harding lo build acronnwalk
ai:ron Main street at hi own ex,enne,
a motion waa panned instructing the
trect uKrinteudent to aee that no
cronnwalk re connlructed without the
order ol the council
The tubject ol providing a new city
inil wa relerred to the committee on
ica 1 1I1 and police to report plan and
the committee 011 lire and water wa in
structed to report where extra light are
needed in 'he city
The lollowing hill were allowed :
Portland (ien F.lectric Co., 1.15 50;
I.. A. NoUd, ." tHl; J. V.. SaiiiRon, 13.
VI; II K. Cronn, Itl.lU; L. L. i'orter,
2.H 50; John Kellv, 12.50; Cha. Bold,
K.Ik); M. Ojiinn, 15 00; J S. I'or
dom, 77W): Chrin. Holterg, $52.00; C.
K Fuge, 5.25 ; C 0. T. William. 83..
75; J. II Kellotfg, $11.00; Sidney Smvtb.
;i.V)5S; Hugh I'etem, $53.00.
Illlt'klen' irtiil Salve. I
The Ilet Salve in the world for Cut,
BrtiiHe, Korea, I'lcent, Salt Klietim, !
Fever Sore, Tetter, Cliated HaniU, I
Chilblain, l'orn, and all Skin Eru(-1
lion, and (Kimtively cure Pile,. or no
pav n-tiiiretl. It ia guaranteed to give
perleet aalisfai'tion, or monev refunded.
J'riee L5 uenta r box. Fur sale by ti
A. Harding.
All ieron finding tbeniaelve in
tlebted to ii will pleafe call and nettle
Ibeir ai'vouula a oon a possible or else
the at t otitils w ill be turned over to our
attorney for tollet lioii.
Wauled To Kxrlinngr.
Improved property in Clackamas
naar stores, church, school and station,
for improved farm property. Value
;I500. T and V . T. SlIl'TK,
Clackatnaa Oregon . 0-tf
Contiiation is the parent of innumera
ble diseases, and should therefore, be
promptly remedied by the use of Ayer'g
Cathartic Tills. These pill do not grip,
are terfectly safe to take, and remove
all tendency to liver and bowel com
plainU. The best market price paid for pro
duce of all kinds at the I'ark PI aoe storo
Firmer, call in to our store and we will
truat vou well.
Hamilton A Washburn of the Park
Place store are daily gaining more cus
tom because thev keep one of the best
assortments of goods and their prices are
lower than elsewhere.
I V NTKt), second hand grain sacks.
K. V.. Williams the grocer. tf
Rlrnoo E-IQIMqIg in
Ul goo i lumiuioui i imuo uu i uuup
J. W. n. R6DHOUS6,
Watches Keulated
No. 4, Commercial Bank
If (M-IM & fflffl CO.
Open & Top Buggies, Carriages,
Phis, BuckDoartts Hoaft Ms,
Largest stock and most complete assortment in the Northweft.
Also, largest dealers in
Farm, Dairy and MillMachinery.
New Market Block, - - - Portland, Oregon.
ssSpecial Bills Cut to OrderH:
Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street.
Goods BOOTS Ml SB.
AVatclimaker & Jeweler.
All Work Done on the Prem
ises and Warranted for
Twelve Months.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Free of Charge.
Block, Orrgon City, Oregon.
as usual, at very
P mir o Vtnnoc