Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 07, 1892, Image 2

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Marks Prairie drain and Hop Yields
(ii Homl News (inthrrliig
of lh Prairie.
M inks rKMK!K,(Vl. S.-TI1 Burnett fam
ily l Knox 1'ity , Kentucky, he txtni vis-
ltms trirmt hew lor two see. 1 hey were
well lUeaMHl aiili tiling in litis pari.
V ll..vr.l il, II. A. Howard.
Jim. Howard ai-.d II. fox pan! Tisil to
f lark f itv. Wellington.
A. K. Xlarks mill wife have paid us visit
from McMuuiville. I hey apH'itr 10 (mi-
jovitii: 110:1 It ti ami prosperity,
Mrs. 1 a lor 01 hi wood commenced school
all is an experiment teacher. The repairs
on Hie school lioue are not yet completed
owing to itiUtortness on Itie part of the
. 11. Hilton removed nm IT. M. Oie-
ay's place 10 II. Hoke place. He is not a
resHlenl 01 Marks I rain out nearly so.
residents of this place are awakening to the
laci tliat forliearancf is not always a virtue.
Hereafter they will ilo well to heed the
posted notia1-.
K. K. I'limutighani, w ho ha for the past
two years heen working fur J. 1. lVjier, has
taken lr. M. tiiesv'a lann (which has lieen
Itiven un by J. t May) fur two years. YV
wish him every success ami to ju.lire fKini
ihesleaoy b iines tact ami perseverance
he baa already shown there is little doubt
01 his success.
The Khodes-P.t!es prie ficlit cam off
near Heins s on lluirxlay, fH-otemlvr y.k
This was a tiiree-round attair with Queens
bury rules. Juocuii; from the apivarance
of llie particiints they must have been
runiiuiR 1 h rou ill the brush very carelessly.
A repuhi'.c.ni rally will be heid at barlow
tX-lober JJ. 7 :30 p. 111.
The productions of p-ain on the prairie
this vear were as follows:
Acres. Yield
Acres. Yield.
C Koeher .
l -2
Hilton A Mav . M
8. K. Marks."..... to
A. Koener 8
J. N. Howartl . . 30
J. H. Sinilierland 7
IHulv A linives . H
K. A. II. Howarvl IS
J. I. Doner. till
Geo. toutlier:and
3.vs 5js tins
This is not as cood an averai as we ei
iwled. owing to a wet spring and dry sum
mer. The follow irs is a report of the hop crop
of Marks Prair.e and itnmciiiute vicinity :
New Yards. Old Yards.
Names. Acres, lioxes. Acres. Boxes.
E.A.H. Howard
E. Miller..
8. Miller .
S. Walter .
4 2".1
5 J.M
7 4il
IS 441
10 K
If, JO
t 140
9 rwi
;i..i la 3J.5 14
Frel I'eters
C. Kixher
Hv. Kochcr
f. Bevtns.
Bei.. YVoltVr
sul. Miller
The new
yards promise well for the fu-
Old Ladj' Birthday Anniversary . liar
Tt Over. Other Ilenu.
Nkw Ee. Oct. 4. Tom Blanchard
threshed for August Premier today.
This winds 11 1 the tlireahing in our
locality for IS'..
Pet?r Enle is having hia residence
painted. frank Clinker is douijj the
While: engaged in baling his hops
Henry R'chler had the misfortune to
get one of his tinkers badly mashed
wliicli came near taking the end of
bis thumb off.
We are anxiously waiting our time for
a republican rail at Brown's school
hoDse. When will it be?
Fred C. Ely, David MeArthur and E.
C. Maddock assisted by Win Gaylord
took an invoice of the stock of merchan
dise in the store of K. A. Baine, de
ceased . The stock was valued at nearly
Grarmma Freestone's eighty-seventh
birthday was celebrated last Thursday
at the home oi H, S. C. Phelps. There
was quite a number of invited guests
?re-ent, among whom were Kev. and
...!.... r... i r. .-.r 1 r...
.B. v..,u ,c,, " .v.uj ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kaueh, Mr. and ,
Mrs. (ieo. Kandall and Mr. and Mrs
Tboe. Blancl.aid. A splendid dinner wao
served and an enjovable time was had .
by all
Married Sept 30th, lb'.2, at the resi
dence of Win. lieauman, Justice .1. J-'.
Briggs olliciating, Mr. Michael Huiras
and Mrs. Anna Lucas. Mike gave the
boys a dance so the cow bells and tin
pun parade was postponed. All of the
people in the neighborhood turned out
to wish the newly married couple peace,
pleasure and prosperity.
Henry Lash of Portland visited his
daughter, Mis. James Houghan, last
week, as did three of Mrs. Hongham's
cousins, John Hart of Idaho, Mrs. K. A.
Brown of Chicago and Mis. M. E. Oren
dolph ol Portland.
Hurrah for Harrison, the next presi
dent. Central Point and Beaver Creek.
Ckntkal Point Oct. 2 A temperance
lecturer by the name of Bunnell delivered
a lecture at the M. E. church of this
place last week and organized a Good
Temi.lar lodge with twenty-three charter
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown
of this place September 29, a girl.
J. M. Pindley is gradually improving
in health and will we hoe soon be able
to be up again.
Potato digging has commenced in this
neighborhood and the crop is yielding
seventy-five bushels where last year
150 were taken out.
Mrs. H. P. Eastman had the mis
fortune to lose a purse between your city
and this place, containing some $15 or
Born to Mr. and Mm. F. Vs. Mc
Cormac of Beaver Creek September 2'J,
a boy. ....
The whooping cough is raging in
Beaver Citek.
J. N. Harrington and wife and Win.
Savage and family passed through
Central Point last Sunday.
David Pennan is improving his farm
by wrestling with the black slashing
ltia reported that Enos Cahill has
xold his lot of fine sheep to W. S. Rider.
Mr. Wilcox is trying to satisfy us
Central Pointers by bringing us fresh
fish twice a week. Uno.
A iJht Fruit Crop Harirtd-Othr Ne. of
th NflshhorhvHHl,
Sl'RlNMWATKH, Sept. 3l). Oil the 21t
at 10 . 111. nuniN't o( friend and rela-1
live gathered at llw residence of Mr.
and Mrs. O. H. tinttridce to ho present
Hi tlu marring of their daughter Maggie
to Alomo Stout of darken. The cere--mony
was performed by Kev. J. V, Syl-1
vanus. After oil had partaken of a sump- j
tnoud dinner the happy couple started ,
for their new home in Portland, j
0, G. Miller is leaching our winter,
.,i.j t(,.. ...i.,,, : ',...!
...v ...... mmv.
Farmers are hnsv plowing for full
wheat. If the weather is favorable the;
acreage w ill le large, j
Ten or ritteen head of horses have re- '
oentlv died here with some kind of lever. '
! li i ..n, ,,,.,... I t. 1, 11,., ,,a.,,.,i, .....,.
W. J. l.owellen ha purchased die store
business of J . K Lovelace I
The fruit crop is the hottest ever !
known here. Orchard that usually pro-j
nice iroiu mv 10 nusnt-is 01 atpiea
have hardiv enough for a fanillv. Last
1 year 0. H tiuttridge .li in! nearly ,V.tKK ,
pounds of prunes Tina vear the o;t
put will be about 4000 pound from the:
same orchard
11. E. Hayes, lecturer for the state
franco, paid ns a visit one day this :
we'k. There is some talk of organinini! '
a grange- at this place. We certainly !
ought to have one, I
The KxrursUm to IVrtUnJ. J
Wrst Orkoos City, Oct. 2 The I
West Side Baptist mission Sundav !
school went on an exclusion Saturiliiy
to visit the eximsit ion at Portland audi
the young folks w ere highly pleased with i
their trip I'pon their n'turn they
passed a unanimous vote of thanks lo
Supt. Mitchell of the expoeitiou for his
unil'orm kindness and the many
courtesies extended them j
Mr. Mitchell's agent met the excursion '
party at Oregon Citv boat landing and
accompanied llieiu to Portland distribut-
mg memento confectionary ami in vari-:
oua ways assisted in making the trip a j
pleasant one. Mr. Mitchell personally j
met the excursionists at the door of the 1
exposition ami conducted them to!
various points of interest within Ih? j
building and assisted in entertaining
the children and in every way possible!
contributed to their pleasure.
The members of the Sunday school i
will retain tiianv pleasant nieuioi ies ol i
thedavand of Mr. Mtt hell's kindness,
and all hope to meet him again next
year. The thanks of the Sunday school
are a'o due Mr. Priggs and his associ
ates for securing streetcar transportation :
to and from the exposition. ;
Oeokiie II. 1'I NN.
By order of the Sunday school. i
New frutn Clarkm. ,
Clarkks, Oct 2 Our niercliant, d.
W li race, has laid in a large stock of
w inter goods. I
Miss Anna Young will commence'
school in this distiict tomorrow. j
J B. Noe was a guest at C. Moran's ;
last week.
Mahlon Moran will commence school )
in the Paluiateer settlement, the second
week of October j
ljuite a numK-r of the young folks j
from this part are attending the camp ;
meeting at Meadow Brook.
Mr. I. I.. Clarke has returned from
the mountains with about twenty-five
gallons of huckleberries. I
Charles Moran has sold his farm to
Mr. Kleinsrnith, who will take posses
sion in about six weeks.
Mr. Tinnerstet has his saw mill in :
running order.
Mrs. Likewise is very ill with con
sumption. Miss Emma Tinneralet will leave or
Portland in a lew days where she will
spend the winter. Ivan.
Lacey Wants a Saw Mill. I
L.u'EY, Oct. 4. F. J. Lovelace has sold !
his store at Springwater to W. J. I,ew-
ellen who has also purchased of I). P. I
Howell five acres of grouud for 250. Mr. j
Myers w;ll repair the store to the extent j
of probably $150. Mr Lewellen intends
to build a dwelling house in the spring. I
There will be a Presbyterian conven
tion at the Springwater church October
In addition to the 35,000 bushels of
n,in raised in the Springwater district
,., ,,, ,v, i.u,,u ,,.
: this vear pome lO.ftiO bushels were har-
. i ..,...... ; i... I 1. i
" , .' . L. . 1 i .,
I pay well to have one built here Some
i tune ago $104)0 of patronage in six months
I was guaranteed to any one who would
eraie a saw mill here. This offer still
holds good. A small saw mill could
make money here.
Orange Officer.
Moi.am.a Oct. 2. Multnomah district
Pomona grange met with Molalla grange :
at their hall No 40 last Saturday I
i Fifth degree was conferred on sixteen
' fourth degree members,
j Much important business was transac- j
J ted for the farmers. I
j The annual election was held which !
I resulted in the choice of the following1
ollicers : I
J. Canto, master; It. Wright, overseer;:
E. Carter, lecturer; Geo. Stevenson,
steward ; K. Graham, asst. steward J. G. j
Foster, chap; Cyrus Bucktnan, treas.-j
Mrs. M. Howard, sec; Geo. La.elle, G. j
K; Mrs. Susan Linn, Pomona; Mrs. A. I
MeArthur, ForajMrs. .al Goncher, i
Ceres ; -Mrs. Carter, lady asst. steward.
Sandy .Notes.
Sandy, Oct. 3. Government Camn
most likelv will take a boom soon, as a
portable saw mill was taken up near
Mount Hood last week.
Quite a number of bands of horses
have gone back to eastern Oregon. The
horsemen claim that sales for horses are
very dull in Webfoot this season.
H. T. Fischer has nearly completed his
new house. ,
Died, October 1, Miss Merry Errick
son w ho had been sick for many weeks.
Dissolution Notice.
By mutual consent the firm of Will
iams A Burghardt doing business at
Oregon Citv, is this day dissolved.
Dated this 4111 day of Oct. 1802.
O. O. f . Wll.MAMS.
W. II. BimoiiAiioT,
For choice family groceries,
Hamilton & Washburn, they i
p to
I ways
keep the best of evedything.
Mr. Cochrane is on the street again
nearly entirely recovered from his par-
Helow la Riven the Oregon fily Market
Kepurt, corrected Oct. II from quotations
IWnished tin KNrum'Hi.n by Im-al mer
elianta; IIKIIS.
Wheal, vallev, ir bushel., $ us
Oals, per bushel , , 40
Orrgon flty Mills, Portland brand , , 3 SA
Country brum! 3 si
IK 11.
Shorts, (er Ion , p.MXl
. . in 00
. . 10 im
Clover hay, Imled
Timothy hay, haled
I'otatiH'S, per PHI lbs
OllioMS, '
Apples, gn-en, per box..
Apples, dried, i-r lb
Hutter, H-r lb
K:gs, per lo
Honey, er Hi
I'rnues, dried
Plums, "
Beef, live, per lt
Beef, dressed
Mutton, .he, per head .
l'ork, live rUi
Pork, dressed, per lb
Veal, live, x'rlb ..
Veal, dressed, er lb
Hams, per lb
7,1 '
. . lu'i
... '.,
1 aivfj ,m
... s,
... ,1Ctl
The Ownership of Hone. j
Constable Fields levied or four horses
belonging to James tirifllu of Caubyi
Sptein)M'r 3. This was lo satisfy a;
judgiuent against tiritlin obtained by
James Hodges, the Canbv merchant.
After the conslnble had taken the horses '
into his possession William Henderson,
who is now In jail lor the murder of
Silas Suter, claimeil to ow n two of them, i
and Mr. Fisher clainusl to own theotheri
two. They replevined the horses The
rights ol the parties were tried in Justice
Fouls's court Wednesday. There was
a jury in each trial and the verdict was
in each case in iavor the defeudout,:
Constable Fields, who was permuted lo
resume charge of the animals and pro
ceed under the law in disiHiaiiig ol
them to apply on the judgment of
Office-Seekern Must Put I'p
YVbtin , ni'Mrirrim ti Imvlrv u-itlt
sloping forehead and a w ild, reeking '"
sire to feed at the public crib, insinuates
that we should gratuitously assist to
boost him into ollice, we draw the line
Just now the woods are full of this ilk.
They can go into a saloon and touch
things up in beautiful carmine lints and
pay for the privilege. They w ill then
mosey over to the printing ollice, pi a
half galley of type, look as lonesome as
a borrowed, pup and leave, elwcting us
to tell the dear people how utterly im
possible it will lie to stub along without
them. We can lie for value, but pure
missionary lying from this on is reserved
for births, deaths and marriages. Voll
mer (Idaho) Vidette.
Fred, a young son of Mace Warnirk ;uf
Springwater, fell otr a fence one day last
week and broke the tipper end of the
numerous bone near the shoulder. I'r.
Smith of Eagle Creek reduced the frac
ture. The (out teen year-old daughter ol
John Tracy of Springwater is sick w ith
The sewer is completed down Main
street to ninth and in the connecting
cross streets. Another week's woik will
finish the job.
The meat markets of Oregon City have
signed an agreement lo close their shops
at 8 o'clock p. in., except Saturday
urea, nop., .or r. n.rn.o..
Washington, net. .'.-nr. -ar.lueriHUrt(,, Tuesday morning, in company
said todav that Mrs. Harrison enjoyed ! witll tiv(, UuVlall 1)lllv,.Hi fr jitt(.k ,.,.
the best rest last night she has had since ,ui iviB iM,,ttn M,.;,,.,Mm .-reek ,.nd
her return from Ixxm Lake
There was
also, he said, a visible diminution of the
accumulation of w ater in the lungs. The
good condition of the patient noted
yesterday was visibly improved for the
first time in several weeks. President
Harrison attended church service this
Mrl. Earriion'i Condition.
Washington, Oct. 4. Mrs. Harrison's
extreme nervous condition has dis
turU'd her rest the piiHt three nights so
that she is not feeling ns well us last
week, though It is saiil no iilunnimri
symptoms have developed, and her con- instruments, but Mr. Tall'o is only flx
dition is about w hat it hurt been for : irig for a seining grounds, and he lias no
wekH pant. !,mo (0r the drill.
The Eduon Company Wins.
Nkw Yohk, Oct. 4 The I'niled
States court of appeals has ullirmed the
decision of the lower court in favor of
the Edison Company against the I'niti d
States Illuminating company. The de
cision involves the right to use the in
candescent light.
One million dollars in gold weighs ;i,((Mft.8
pounds avoirdupois.
A medireval writer on demonolngy places
the total number of devils at precisely 41,-43.-1,.
Used in Millions of Homes
Is booming and
Thoir cash system gives thorn tho
lead, for their prices cannot bo
duplicated in tho State,
5 gallons best Pearl Oil, - $0.65
Arbucklo s Coffee, per lb. - $0.20
Extra 0 Sugar, per 100 lbs, $4.90
Gran. 4 $5.65
All other goods sold at propor
tionally low prices. A trial will
convince you.
(' " r i , ;
rr i
Civscont Wedges (warrantnl.) U it S Proof Clums. A renin Kilos. Roj.o.
Lnjzgi-ra ami Wotul ('hojun-rs juriiiltii's.
Ort'non Citv Acont, ......
J V KoonU. of Wasco county, lour
years ago planted eighteen pear tns'S,
from which he has just picked twenty
boxes ol l-ears of the Harriett variety.
The steamer Coon, which plies on the
Siuslaw river, run on a snag Saturday
on North Fork and had to hr lieached to
save her from sinking. The damage
w ill I small.
Klectric lights will soon illuminate
Prineville. The old Albany plant, w hich
had he.-ome too small to tins' t the re
quirements of that growing city, has
been purchased and will soon U shipped.
John Bonn has tobacco stalks that
measure six feel in height. It was his
purpose only to produce this article lor
the juices to be Used in spraying fruit
trees, but the samples are of mote value
than exiected.
Charles Downey, II. C. Vaughan and
John MclieBii, the interpreter ol
the I'trntillii Indians, have planned
nld-liu.e "Indian hunt." They
' ,;.,,i i:,,,,,!,, j.;..,,, .i ;
able part of the Bluis, where there is
reported to be big game in uh'indiincu,
Divers have been at work for a week
past removingdrift in the Columbia about
a mile ulsjve the Celilo cannery. Somo
logs have been taken out that apticar to
have laid in the water since the days of
Noah. It has been piled up on the
beach, and after it has dried out so it
will burn Mr. Talfe will log and burn it.
Some of this limber would make line
material for violins and other musical
The Colunibui Celebration.
Washington, Sept. 30 All the great
naval powers, end many smaller ones
to which invitations were scut by the
state department fo participate in the
naval display in New York next April
have accepted the invitation and signi
fied their intention to send some of the
latest constructed vessels to take part
In the exercises. Details ol the diKplay
will be soon begun by the navy depart
ment. 40 Years the Standard.
1M Front Strwt. HARDWARE I'tMtUiM, Ort'tfun,
Norlhwpitvru Arfrttla Ir
oeelitetll TillllM.mlll IVilcf lne SlWer Mlreli S.
This old and reliable fltm always keep in slock lull line of
Mil Slielf ail lifactiri
Harflware, Tiiirau etc.
Plumbing, Gas Filling & Jobbing
Alleiided lo Promptly. Es
limalcs Furnislieil.
Second Hand Household Goods
Of all kinds, Bought and Sold,
Next door to Commercial Bank.
Largest slock of ColIltiH and Caskets kent South of Portland. Alsoclolh covered
and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies Burial Holies and
Gents' Burial Holies In stock.
Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Novho Shooing ami 0 on
oral lilaclvHinithing on short notice
,N "1 Fw CHIIORf N tlllllNR TFflH
- .
8m that the words "JOHN 8TERDMAK, Chain.
1st, Walworth, Surrey," aro engraved on Uis
Oorernment Stamp afllxed to Men packet,
rSold bj all Leading Druggists.
so is tho trado of
( T'fsccnt Mc't'l
I IJktj
. Livery, Food and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and mid
dle borsuH always on band at tho
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with tho barn for loose stock.
Information renrdini any kind of
stock promptly attended to by person or
Horses Bought and Sold.