t j HARRISON'S LETTER. THt PRESIDENT'S ABLE DOCUMENT I ACCtPTINQ THB NOMINATION. A rawar'ul Hlm of lk Work at th KwuWHr party liurlag In Cul r.r ; Y.rtH.aulta or th fallor-HMlpnM ljr Oth.r Suiter. I'nwldont Harrison ha iiutiml ami, to tlie American jwoils, In illi lilty mul otnvnUun of ton, In brvaillh of (iltitiiitnlili, in dtOllMTHlloii ami earn of itatommit It U worthy of a placo with th alilt sUtt inHra of tho n. tlon'i liUtiiry. Ilia luttnr of auoiiptaiiea, in form atlilrrountj t ths coitiuiittoa from th Iti'tmlilli'itii national conven tion, is in illwtniica a powerful rnvinw of tho work which Inui Ikmui dons tut tho country hy tho ailmliilatrntioii ami by roiiKriM slurs power w liitriintuil to tho Ib'piilillfiiii party four ywirs k. Jt (lirot'tly nppxals to tho pmipU to do clito wluithnr thl work morll a voto of wuitof coiill.l.'iii'o. Tho appl I not wroiml. AMtwtly tho prwaliltiiit at tribute to oilier grvnt slisrs of tho crwllt for Kruiul aiTotnplialiiiimiU. To tho li'ailnra mul iiiniilwrs of tho Iliipubliraii cuHnrtm he glvim IiIkIi iirniM, nor dor ho htwluto to hoimr Domocratlu iiii'inU'r who liavs faith fully iurdiHl the honor of tho country In foreign affair. Moro than atii tribute l pulil to Mr. tllolno, whM oalou sarvii-e, tho presiilulit says, d onrr tho nation's, thank. Tbsappnal is on behalf of tlio tirliK'lplM mul un Hr whluh tho prooldvut o ably rprt out. i'rwliltmt Harrison dvot uint'h of lil ipso to a imwt roiivliirliitf ststn uiout of tho rmulu attained by tho pol icy of reciprocity. Ho how how it ha alarmed Urost Hrltaln mul other na tions; how anxloualy European traders ara ftpprnlliiK to their K"eroiiinta In oiiio way to rwaiat what thi-y call "tho coimnnrdal rriiKndo of tho I'nltiil Stat;" how llrltlsli MjKirt to Latin Atlinrlrau eomilrif lmv ilc lii:iw fsj:,. IW.OtH), while our own ciorU to coun trie with which Ireiiti.. hove lmn made 1 hove Incrrmioil sa.t pur cent.; how a-reiit I '" tho benelit already m'liml for i Aiiu'riom farmer mid wurkiiifc'iiien; nnd hit then iiiH'iiU with (rent (Kiwcrto i tll people to dei ldo whether tho utrty i which style tin "slmiu recipnirtty," ' mul propose to abolish It. ahull be pre ferred. ! The review of tho nwtilt of protc- ' tlon, mid imrticuliirly of tho new tnrlir. ! would liloddeii tint heurt of every Ainer- ' nun cltiieti If tho mind of iiui wern not ditrkened by purtnuin prejudice. Af ter showing thut price have been low rod and wire advnuced; that new In dustrie trauaplaiitml and enlnbllalieil iiere and tho revival or enlnrKeinent of other "hare given eiiiployuieut to many thouaaiidaof American uien and women, ami will each year giro employment to Increasing thousand." tho proaidnnt urgeo that It repeal "would throw thonaand out of employment and give work to other only at reduced wageo." el notlilng elao than repeal can bo ei tNwteit from tho party which declare II protection nucoiutltntional. Thl now deiarttir of tho IVinocrnllc party, tlio prmldent well jra, If exo cutoJ "would at oueo plunge the coun try into a bualnea convulalon tuch a it ha never wen." Uut if It 1 Raid that thU radical policy will not bo executed If Democracy gain power, tho president aak. "What ahall be thought of a party that I capable of trilling with great in tretr' It i with tho dignity of tni tateamannhip and the onnuwtno of atrong patriollam that the preaident ay. "Thi mad cruaade agulnat Ameri can iliop. the bitter epithet applied to American manufacturer, tho perxiatent dlalxlief of every report of the opening of a tin pinto mill or of an tncremw of our foreign trndo by reciprocity, are a urpriaing a they are dicreliuble." Not lea atrong and clenr la the treat ment of monetary question. At tho very outlet tho Democratic demand for revival of the old itato Iwuk system, or want of system, is met with an im pressive picture of the condition result ing from tlio use of inch currency, and In contrast the splendid result of Kepiililicnn legislation are ul mlttod. Regarding tho coinage, Presi dent Harrison could not have okou mors distinctly or candidly. Ho de clare that the free coinage of silver at uch a ratio to gold as will main tain their eipiulity in purchasing power would conduce to tho prosperity of all nations: that "the one essential BHRCHINS. illayeii A N. B.---PLEASE CALL EARLY TO condition" ti that tnta equality anaii o maintained, mid declare, "1 am qtilU uro that if wo ihotild now act upon thl aubjeot Independently of other nation, we should greatly promote their InUir ta and injur our own." Tho bright proapvotof good remit from the con ference of nation on thi lubject give tho president much gratification. til treating of the freedom of elec tion, I'roaideiit Harrison quota from his last annual message the proposal that a nonpartisan commission should b created to consider tho evil of elec tion laws and apportionment, and to suggest some remedy. He describe with great clearness and fore the opera tions in a laiiama, and urge that "par ties and Mlillcal debute are but a mock ery if the judgment of honest majori ties 1 to bo reversed." He advocate no law, and says wilh truth that tho Republican party would rejoice if exist ing ovtl could be met and corrected hy action in tho wveral states, lint such a commissinu a he auggtMUt would surely do much to preiare public opinion for necessary action. On many other topic rresident Har rison apeak In tin remarkablu letter with a power which men of all parties will recognise ami with a spirit which every true American must admire. It la not tho letter of a narrow artian. HhmmI and lofty patriotism inspire It throughout It apNal to whatevur Is bust and moat worthy of honor In Amer ican character and to tho nobleat mo tive that can actuate American cltlxeii. It would ll'Jt bo crodltablt to the people to suppose that wh an J al will fall to have a powerful and touting effect.- New York Till"""1 TM6 MARHISON CURRENT. Mural llsl.sl Trovn Thsl II la riuw In (reiir Tbaa Kvr. Stronger tlmn ever tho rouatuntcur rent for Harriaon flows. There ha not leen for more than a year an obstruc tion or an eddy In tli steady tream ol event providing commanding forcei for a second term of national adminis tration by Harrison. The nomination of Mr. Cleveland wai a bid by Democrats for conservativ aupiHirt. and it has aroused the Alii aiice In tho south to opMwilion, serl ouly threatening tho solidity of that section for tho Di'iins'racy. Tho strike agitations in thi country are a much exaggerated nbMad as the Kumpi'im cholera isenaatioiialiseil hero, but they have Siui far enough with u to show that the leiiiM'rlia mrtiMiiiji hud greater reason than the Republican to be alarmed alamt their jxilitioal inllu ence. The strike have testified to our industrial and commercial prosjierity under the protective system, and it t prevalent public opinion that there can lo no safer, no stronger administration than Harrison's, There ha lnen a Dcmocrutic effort to change the scene and the issue of the national political contest to locate the decision iu the northwest and insist upou lighting tho force bill. Hut It U tho tariff issue that rise up incessantly. and the state of New York that draw 1 with the attraxition of gravitation. Democratic concern a to the purpose of Senator Hill amount to dismay. Tammany I nnoqnivocally for t'leve- latul, tmt Hill ha not taken his place at the head of the procession. Hi vote on the silver bill for free silver after the Chicago platform wo the rty law has been a deep mystery. There ha been added to It the publication of state sta tistics showing officially, on Democratic authority, tho Increase of wage of wnrklnmnen in Kuvr Vorlr sitw McKiuley law took effect. Labor Com-1 misaioner Peck, who make the resirt, I la A close friend or Hill, and hud Just seen him Moro giving out tho figure so fatal to hi party. Doe this candor amount to treason? Can it show that Hill means to strike Cleveland? That a cruel knocking down and out blow ha been delivered there is no doubt. Coincident with tho statistics, which aro a deadly dose for the Democracy, comes the home ieech of Mr. Sloven ou, which unreservedly places the tariff and Involved labor and wages questions in tho flint place, and then aggressively Include a subject so tremendous that others cease, to bo distinguishable. This does not obscuro tho consideration of tho tarilT, for it at once supplements and magnifies that auo. Stoveuson's point is, It would be "tha essence of justice" to restore the Inter nal revenue war tax on our home manu factures that one year yielded 127,000 (MM!, and other war taxes of the same character, the income tux among them. This is adding the platform of Omaha to that of I'himgo, and would grind the inoimftti'turii'u ii)d.utrii between tin- RETIRING FROM BUSINESS! Great ckerman are AND FIXTURES, upper knd nether millstone of fret trad and special war taiatlon and grind them ory fine, Tho speech of Htovenson making this shocking suggestion wa delivered Im mediately after he bad been In consulta tion with tho Democratic, managers in this city, and gains significance from that fact. Taken In connection with tho labor commissioner's rejs-irt of tha Informa tion gathered from manufacturers in New York, It Influence upon business men on the deciding questions iu tho decisive state, and Indeed all the manu facturing state, must bo considerable If not conclusive, Republicans greet President Harrison with cheerful confidence and warranted assurance that matters and thing are going hi way with accelerated velocity. Murat Halstiiad Iu New York Herald. la a rick of Trouble. D. U. H. (apurt) ) thought I hntrd a lull, aickeuii g thud.-.Nuw York I'fess. I.el II Im Try 1 1. If any Aunt-lean workingni.fc, even la "protected J'ennsylvauia," thl'rkyr the llrltish wtirkifimiiaii is lu.ttir off fKan h'uuulf he should go over to the olif country and try it. It la a strange fact thut though the free trailers claim that the tariff docs not sffirt waire. work- iugmen are continually emigrating from (rm trade Knglund to seek the higher compensation of lalsir in protm-twl America, riansaa tuy Journal. llvutui-rala la t'ruw rXslra. 1'. is an unfortunate turn of affairs for Democratic newspaiK-rs when they are coiti-led just now to praise President Harrison for his ringing, American, re taliatory proclamation. Hut, alas! there 1 no i'Schk but silence, and Democrats know nothing of that method of expres sion. Omaha Ui-e. NtevinMin' alleac la Natural. We are not surprised that Copperhead Candidate Stevenson had so little to-aay aUiut the force bill In his liloomington sswch. The subject of force naturally suggest unpleasant uiemories to him in connection with bis record in the early ixtte. Cleveland Leader. Ilrjfic In th. I'ollid aialssv The uieu employed In the busiueaa nnmbtr 730,000 and the borsos are over 1.000,000. There are over 12.000,000 horses all told. The cows and homes annually con sume 80,000,000 tons of hay and nearly 90,000,000 bushels of cornmeal, about the same amount of oatmeal, 273.000,000 bushels of oats, 2,000,000 bushel of bran and 80,000,000 bushels of corn, to say nothing of the brewery grains, sprouts and other questionable feed of various kinds that are used to a great extent It costs fWO.OOO.OOO to feed these cows and bones. The average price paid to tho laborers necessary iu the dairy business Is probably twenty dollars a mouth, amounting to f 180,000,000 a year. The average cow yields about 430 gal lons of milk a year, which gives a total product of 8, "30,000,000 gallons. Twelve cents a gallon is a fair price to estimate the value of milk at, a total return to tho dairy farmers of $S10,000,000, If they sold all the milk as milk. But SO per cent of their milk is made into cheese and butter. It takes tweuty-seveu pounds of milk to wake one pound of butter, and about ten pounds to make one pound of cheese. There is the same amount of albuminoids in tH pounds of milk a there is in one pound of beef. A fat steer furnishes 50 per cent of boneless beef, but it would require 24,000,000 sUwrs weighing 1,500 pounds each, to produce the same amount of nutrition as tho annual milk product does. Amer ican ATl'llvg mm BARGAINS. News and no Humbug ! Going to Sell their Entire stock of Merchandise REGARDLESS AVOID THE RUSH. Beautiful Fruit Farm ! Forty acr!H, level as a floor, all cleared, well fcncwl ir.to five fieldH, good houae Wx26 ft, splendid well of good water and force pump, f;"l bam and out houw.-a, several lundred fruit trees prune, apple, cherries,, etc., stnall fruit in abund ance, several dheep, hoga, cowg, two young florae. Kverything in flrHt cIhhh condition. For particular, apply to owner, Milton Btingbv, near Currinsville, or aee L. It. Janney, with W. Carey Johnnon, Oregon City, Oregon. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Oregon City, Oregon. Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Ilepalra on all kinds of small nischlnea promptly mole. Iu. Iliac key to any lock manufactured. Hliopou Main Htnwt. next to Nohlitl's Htables. DR. L. WHITE, tEWTTIST. Over Caufleld'i tJrug store, 0ltlM"1ar (mm tha lit inlMhofsach mouth. Artificial teeth on rnhUT. nml cliu. Hi. liulil fllllusa from I'i up. All work guaranteed. r. P. WHITE. W.A.WBTTI WHITE BROTHERS, Practical drchitectt f- Builders. Will prepare plana, elevation, working de UIU, anil ierSratlon lor all klndi ( builii liura tfil atte'itlun iveu ut miwlero cot Ua. Illmati-N ttimlfthed on apitrattoa Call oo or address WHITE BKoa . OreiioD City. Can JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STII.L ON EAKTH. For general repairing he standa without a peer. For firct-clasR, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him ! On Improved Farms of not less than GO acres. C. 0. T. Williams, W. H. Burgh ardt. Woman's Friend So successful and delijjlitful have been the efleets of " Moore s Revealed Rem edy" upon the delicate ailments of womankind, that this wonderful reme dy lias been called " Woman's Friend." Moore's Revealed Remedy Tn a tarn .Iimiab alinvi irnmantrlnd its pcculisr virtues for their ailments. Its ert'tH-U arc vi'nlli' soothinir snd uniform ly suocesslul. llundretlsof testimonials from ladies ail over the const bear witness to its suc cess. t sVSoM by all driiKKliU. Money to Loan ! htm witnm I OF COST, FOR CASH ONLY. Pari EVERYONE. We rcBjiectfully invite your attention to our immense and elegant stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which we propose to sell at prices never before offered in Clackamas county. BootfjoB? BOUGHT DIRKCT From the Manufacturers. Dfijljoods aqd MILLINERY -In GREAT VARIETY. 0H0I0E FAMILY GROCERIES. Wfj treat all of our customers alike, and we are determined to give full value and large measure for every dollar left with us, Hamilton awaslilinrfljark Place.Or. FURNITURE. We carry the most complete stock and best grade of Farfliture,WMow SMbs, Cariiets, LOUNGES, ETC., in the city, which we sell at prices that WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. JaTCall and get prices before buying elsewhere jp"J fT"and you will find we mean what we say JJ "and will not be undersold. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING. We carry a complete line of Caskets, Cases, Robes, Etc. f4olman & Warner, OREGON CITY BANK BUILDING. ANDERSON WALKER, pai9terai7d44ou5eDeeorator PAPER-HANGING AND KALSOMINING. I carry the largest and best assorted stock of wall paper ever brought to Oregon City, and will sell at Portland prices. Let me give you figures on your work. Shop on Seventh street, near Center. BHRGHINS. MAYER & Mnis, mm CLOTplN And Men's Fur nishings Uelow Portland prices. ACKERMAN. Si