Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 30, 1892, Image 7

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
An Oiik Hunaway. I.tut HnmUy af
ternoon Mr. ami Mr. A. W, C'liiny
wore out driving wllli Ijtn.llunl Llvor
tnorVi hois ami liimtfy, About A
u'cliH'k a limy wore driving tlnwn
Htivoiitli struct ruturtiiittc lioino some
toy riilltiK luirwi which limy wt'ro
pmwtlllitf lotho ttto( tliulr stmmUanie
ntt until down tlio hill Milml thn
lniKiiy. 1'farliiK tlicy would trillion
IiIh home Mr. Cliwiu-y turned to go into
the aide lriM't at Wlnliurd's shirs to w
nt i t thn ntt'cr to plum, Junt thttn the
running home tlmt km further ahead
CHiue ii with thu vnhli'lw mill Itiaiwd
ovur It lwtwtMn tho liormi tlmt tu
drawing it mid Hi btiiigy tot). Hii
(mit struck thu further fore whttol, wreck
lull It throwing Mr. I'huoittty out
starting thi hiiKify bnrim which ran
vvural yard till it got free of the LiiKKy
lid limn It wwnt to tho stable. Mr.
Cheoney rtmialnftl In the bqggy to the
last and iu uiiltijiirttd. Mr. Cheeiicy
mi nut hurt to xk ol. The home
that iimde the odd Imp came down on
bin knwt and threw hla rider and both
man and boast were bruimxl a little.
The buggy wasalmost a roinplete wreck.
And the whole trouble wai the remitto!
riding at an utilawlul tpved.
To tu Cm iHAi The right ol
wav (or the Kast Hida motor line Is
rlnarvd to the Clackamas river and the
grading la done nearly through Judge
Molilrutu'i place. Car have bven run
ning tvgulaily to Osk (irove, nearly two
milt above Milwaukee, (or mure than a
wiH-k . The contractor! are well along
with the bridge over the Clackamas,
The road w ill cross the river alxiut ball
way U'twwn the I'riwut wagon road
bridge and the mouth o( the stream
Two ol the rara newly lettered (or the
Oregon City run are in i'ortlaiid now
waiting lor the completion o( the roml.
The rare run Irom Oak (irove every
twenty miniltea and the fttlftilatloii in
to have them leave Oregon City at
interval of thirty minim al tiie lougiil.
I! ia eipei-tod 1 1 ml the run Iroiu thia
rity to Portland will be made In an
hour and a purler. If the weather con
tinue line the line will tw in tiiieralkm
to this city very early in NovemU'r.
An Oin llorai Kktiuixii. The firm
of Mayer A Ackotiinsii announces thia
week a closing out (ale prcpurntory to
retiring from the mercantile buainexa.
Tlii ia one of the oldest buxineii Iioiim-s
In Oregon City, H. Ackerumn atarted
the business thirty-three year ago in
the store now occupied by Fluid A Son,
From there he moved to the present
lturmelater A Andmaen stora then to
the prone nt Lovejov atore and alter
tnat to the present location at the vornei
of Main and Hiith atreeta. In 1H7H
Alexander Mayer entered the firm and
about three years ago laaac Ackerman
sticceudml hi father in the business,
though be baa Utn the manager of the
concern for thirteen year. 11a baa
other business arrangement In prospect
though be haa not vet definitely deter
mined what be will engage in when the
mercantile business ahall lie cloaed out.
II la Onpoaeil to Hiring any (Jot).
Ulven Might Abridged.
Oiuiioh City, Kept. 20. To Tn
Kiiitok :) In your hut Issue you charged
ma with being uncomiiromlaliigly op
posed to the paamige of the ordinance
restraining the vow.
1 am opposed to It In behalf of the
people IIvIiik In the soeoml ward. I did
not think that Cniiuciliiiuu O'Connell
had any rlglit to illctute to the honest
voter and taxpayer of second ward
what our right and privilege should lie.
He wuii a newcomer In our midst and
only paid luxe enough to mako himself
ellgildu to ollice iu our city council, lie
ha no right to deprive the honest Ux
payer of the right (iod haa given u.
I loiight the ordinance until it lay dead
at the feet of the council,
I will furthermore ataUi that over eight
tenth of the taxpayer of second ward
art) opKMcd to the on 1 1 mince, a i aenn
by more than one hundred name on the
(minion to have the ordinance regaled.
Councilman While haa publicly
atateil that be waa elected on the "cow
iue." I have Interviewed over aeventy
of the tax m. vers of aecond ward and not
one of them have known anything aliout
such an laaue, I would like to have
Councilman White atate through your
valuable pwr wlierti he wa inlormeil
that be waa running on any auch laaue.
I will alo atale that Councilman
I'orter giiwnlv Inaulted me tiefore five or
Ix men In the factory at the time I wa
omioaing the ordinance laat winter. lie
charged me with trying to make niyeelf
popular Willi tlie people ol aecond ward
In order that I miaht lie ra-elecUiil. 1
did not reaent the inmilt on account of
Councilman I'orter being a very large
man, Anoiner reaaon lor mv not reaent
lug it waa that Councilman "I'orter knew
about tha "O'Connell onllnance" teing
very uiiiuiular In the aecond ward or
elee he would not have charged me with
lining It for my re-election. Now, Mr.
F.ditor, 1 believe that Councilman White
and I'orter will be men enough when
lliey are aware of the fact that over
eight-tenth ol the taxpayer in aeconrl
ward have remonstrated againit (lie
ordinance, to riiMMip and have it re?ahd.
If not, on the Ami Monday of next
May It will I dead at the feet of the
votera and taxpayer of theaocoml ward.
Jamie Vii.kinon.
OIWcb A RrKlrirk
pint land riuiirlug
7 at
V 71
Balielia Helllui 101
pnjr nil
" " ... lle
" " . lei iu
"... . " ... M
" " ... law
" " . IB US
" " ... IB W
" . " ... SI
Villllm ami Nirdion M 10
Johu Hrlimm . irj 10
Tua Nkw tliiii Kici. lows Hall. The
Oregon City Odd Fellow now have
probably the hamUomoat lodge room in
the atate. They have recently expended
about tK'OOIn lilting it up and fmninhiiig
it. Flegaiit furniluro and rarpela have
been put in, the walla elaborately (res
cued, electric light added and every
thing put in the bent ol order. Some ol
the (iirnituie wa obtained in the Kaat
and aoine procurred at home. The
general elleet la excellent ami the breth
ern may well feel proud of their band
aome and roomy ipmrtera.
ExroamoN Kxci'HaioN. Sunday
Hcbool vxcuraioii to the l'ortland Kxo
altion leaven the Ijitona dock Saturday
Oct lnt 18112 any boat. Faro round
trip 25 conta. AdiHiiun to Kxpoaitiou
10 cent. All Sunday achool children
and teachers welcome.
Kullrr l herl,jr Hfn. Dial the 1'illowln
ptiiittii l,,r rwtri In Orrgoit I'liy. Ori'tu,
r uuw iliie ami .t.l iu iheeiiy onllcpMr
I'iiIi-m mII aH'iiiHtil m nM wllktu lwiily
ely. Ir.mi lh flr.l imlilli ad Dili iiiiIcb,
Hr.lml,r i Wl. warrant will U laaiicd to
llir rity riill.rl.ii l. (MilliH't aal.l iMnmuu by
al ol lliv properly innwl, a luilewa.
I Ira
im ini"M. hik. ii, B.
Iilia I Lit I . . Orn t ll Ml a fern-
Im a . .
Inl ,
Ua .
Ii.l 7
lot .
Hl.K-lt J-
lol I uorth hall ,
Ul I k.iiiIi hall .
IickIiiuIii at ih
it. K. c.rrn-r UH 1.
KUvnv waitrly a-
lolil Hip nortlirrly
Una el lot i lift ft ;
tlirucw mmtlivrly
aluni .irtly
Hn.,n,K'J. Will.;
thelie eaaurly al
rilu iiIm u ft ;
thi'Dca uortlirrlr
at rlfht am Ira
'ti7i h.; thonra
aaaterty at rlihl
uurtharlir a I oa I
Main at 41.,v ft ui
place o be(in-
nlni J. M. Uraliam
liKaliinlnr at R E.
tyinifir of aalil lot 1:
thane iiortherly
aluiif weal Una of
Main al n n It.:
thvnra westerly at
flu In aiilra 75 It
thaure aouthrly
at r in Hi aiml.-a
'tin li'ft; iht-uee
aaiu-rlvui place ol
North hall lots ..
Hniith hnll lot H
HKinnliig at the
nortii vaat rorurr
nf lot 4, thelii'e
aonllirrly nil lh
el Una ol Main
I 4naft.;thMiit
rlaht aiil.a wi.nt
any W ft.; Il.ene
ai.iuhrrly at rlnht
inlc. fl i!m.-o
wnMnrly al r.K'H
rnalra mlt; hence
horilierly at rmlu
alila m lart;
Ihriica aaaterly at
rtf ht anitlpa un ft Thomai t'hartnan
llpiiluiiliiK at the
a. K riirner ol lot
4; theneti norther'
ly alonjt the went
line nl Main is
ll.l IheHc weater-
If at rlii ut ii(Im
in llithene aoiuh-
Port I tad Flourln
M lilt l.o
Logua A Albright.
laaae Farr SI 74
J liini'l aitate and
Mr. Clara Morey ..
M 1
Mm E ntirtuelater.
3 K. Ayfr
Thomai I'harmau
27 10
fri 4N
M ia
rljr at right an
la'ja It. thaiiii
aatarly at right
anglaa N7 leal lu
pjauaol beginning
Let I
Heilnntng at Ilia
H.K nirnariilliit 7,
thane niirthnrly
along tha matarly
llllmol lota 7 and
to Kourth atriwti
thanea al rlaht an.
rlaa wiaUrly IU It;
ham atrtlftlt ate
fi'iil: tluriii'B aoulh
aaHlerlv Ui a point
on aoutiiarly hoim
ilarynl lot 7 It
(roin H. K. comer
til lot 7; thence
naalerly ml Una ol
lot 7 iv it. to place
ol hi'glunlng
lleillliultig at Ihe
a. W.iuirner nl lot
7, ihanca norther'
ly along tha eaat
line nl Water at Ki
N W. corner lot ft;
tlimira auriy al
rlitlit ami.-. 4U ft
tlienca aontherljr
at right anglea
in feat; thvuoa
aoiuh aaat tti a
iMitnt on tha aoiitli
Imi unitary ol lot 7
4V lest wratprly
Inim uia a r. cor
uarol lot7;thne
waat4?rty along tha
aouih Una til lot 7
,v. ft. u tha place
of beginning
Block t-
Ileglnnlng at tha
uorth aaai comer
ol lot 1; theme
eniitherhr on waat
Una ol Main alrrel
JO It.; thence w aat
arly al right au-
lea lua h.; thence
northerly at right
aaalerly at right
anglea Ida feat to
the place ol begin
ning Keglnalng al the
annlli-eaat corner
ul lot i, thenca
northerly on waat
Una of Main at reel
41 70 feet; theme
weaterly at right
eilKlee 10A trot;
thence aoiltherly
at right anglea
40.7 It; UieneriMiat
erly at right anglea
iri feet to place ol
Heglnnlng at the
N K. corner ol lot
It. thence weaterly
along the north
Hue ol lot lie. ft j
theuce at-ulherly
on weKtllneol lots
44.B lt;thenceeaat'
erly al right an
glea HI It.; Iheui'B
Miitlherly at rlgtil
anglea M) It thenra
ealerly at right
anglea 74 feet to
Mam at.; thence
tiortherly to nlaca
ol hegltiulug .. . T. I. Chartnan, E. T..
I hern.au, M. M.
I'harmau 1W 00
H.glnnliig at a
imint on the wet
line of Main at. ax
ft. northerly (tun
the H K. etirner ol
lot 4; thence weat
erly at right an
glea In Malu at M
It. tha'iceuorlher'
ly at ntlil anglea
M fl; thence weat
erly at right an
gle V It,; thenca
northerly at right
anglea 37 4 lct;
thence eaaterly at
right angle HI ft-: . ,
thane aoutberljr
at right angle w
It. thenca eaaterly
at right anglea 74
It: lliroceaoollier-
Ir to nlaca ol be-
gluulug B. Jaggar, H. C. ele
ven Bl S7
Heglnnlng at tha
M K corner ol Ul 4 ;
thence northerly
on weai line ol
Malu at. S3 feet.
Iheiic at right au
glea weaterly Ml It;
thence al right an
glea uortherlyjM ft;
nitniceat right an
glea weaterly M It;
Iheuce al right an-
flea eoutherly A7
I; thene at right
anglea eaaterly la
placeolbcglutilug KutttOOlC. W. Pop.. W 72
Lot 4 H. Jaggar and H. t",
btevcua l.4 19
40 feet off the
aomherly aid ol
loin M.8. Plllabury M 55
7 feet off the
northerly aide ol
lot T. I.. Charraan 4H B
U7 Heithen Hmlih Ill SO
Lot a Logua A Albright .... 104 I
Bloc 4
,S frel cfT the
northerly aide ol
lot 1 Multnomah Lodge No.
I A. F. A A.N ...... ii
4S.7 leet off the
aoulherly aldo ol
lot 1 Jhn eVhnun 78 24
North hall ol lot 2 K. I). Kelly (6 45
All of the aoiitli
hall nl lot 2 south
ol alley Oregon Lodge I, 0.- I
O. t 8? 4t 1
Lot t
Lot 4
Lot I .
17 feel off the
aniitlierly alii af
loft . ,
M 0 Walden. riao A
Harding, Clara sto
rey 7 77
If (I WeMeo, (m A
Harding, Clara Mo
re , ... . 112 90
') Waldan. lien A
Harding, Clara Mo
rey 124 It
Owuan am a lot 4 lit 19
Vi feet off the
northerly il.le ol
All ol lot 7 aouih
ol pre?ut alley
North halt ol lot 7
l I
HO leet off the
northerly aide ol
lot! ,.
leet off the
aoiithcrly aide ol
lot 4
lot I
lot a
lot 7
Block -
lot 1
lot 2
lot I
lot 4
tot a
lot T
Block 7-
lot I
lot 2
lot I
lot 4
ha a
lot 7
lot S
Block n-
lot I
hit 4
lot t ... .
lot 7
lot .
Block 9-
lot 4
lot 6
lot e
Block Id
iot lot 4
lot 4
Block Tl
.North ball ol lot 1
Muih ballot loll
U i
Vi feet off norther
ly al'le ol (
14 leet off ft"tither
ly il.leol ni a .
Ul 4
Uit 4
14 feet off souther
ly aide of hit tt
W It. off northerly
l.leof lot s
lot 7
Hmnh half ol lot
W oat B5 It off the
north hall of lot a
Kaat 40 feet off
north half ol lot D
Hlock 29-
Lot 1 ....
Hlock 24-
lot 1
Beginning at 8. E.
ooruer ol lot 2;
thene along alley
northerly 70 leet;
thence at light an
glea eaaterly tl Iu,
tlieuc southerly
70H. at right an
glea; thence west
er! t n ft. to place
of beginning
uegiuuiug ai ma
south-weal eorner
ol lot J:theneeeaat
on the northerly
line ol alley 35 It:
thence al right an
glea northerly 52
ft.; theuce at right
anglea easterly 70
it.: tneuoe at right
anglea nonhvrly.t!!
il; tnenoeat rl c lit
anglea westerl) 106
IU: thence aoiuh.
erlyio place of he
gltinliig ...
Begluulng at 8. E.
comer of lot 4:
thence weaterly
along the norther
ly line ol Seventh
st. 3 It ; thence al
Hunt aiiBlea north
erly Oh It. Iheuce at
rtghl anglea west
erly 7 feel; thence
al right anglea
northerly 25 leet;
thence at right an
gles eaaterly 70 ft. :
thence southerly
91 feet to place of
Geo A Harding, M 0
Walden, Clara Mo
rey ... 25 00
Mrs Unrapop 79 05
Mrs I .a ura Pope 51 vs
l;lal : W Pope .... W45
John Hcli rem 124 19
hViphlaCharrnan 124 19
ateveus, Jaggar, Har
ding and Morey .... 112 90
Jargar. Harding and
Morey 500
Bank ol Oregon Cltr 2 10
' ' 49 W
John Welch w 54
MraVO Harding .. 112 90
ateveua, Jaggar, Har-
ill nc and Moray.... 112 90
Mr A Ltiaee 124 19
fnale Hol.t Cauflfld 111 54
M AHtrallon 112 90
Mlsa Kate Barclay ... 112 90
" " .... li M
" " " .... 9598
" " " .... 5f, 45
M A Htrattnn M 4
tilal Kobt. Cauleld 9 95
8t. Paul' Pariah .
M M I barman
Clackamas county.
121 19
112 90
112 90
H 19
107 26
... 55 45
8t Paul s Parish 5S 45
" " 101 61
ArchblshopW B Oroas 124 19
,i it m 112 w
m , M
Trustees Baptist ch'b 124 19
ArchbiahopW 11 Oroas 101 61
M 45
" " fte) 46
" " 101 U
Goorge Bronghton A7 74
Archbishop Vt il uroaa 101 61
101 61
George Broughton ... 45 16
George A Harding ... 45 le
. . 101 51
" " .... 101 51
.... 67 74
Luke Tomer 59 MS
ArchblshopWH Gross Mho
Vi H Uroaa, trustee . 56 45
Mrs II L Ulln 44 60
E E Channan II HS
' " Id 61
" " 124 1
E E Charmao. 25 71
Mra II I. Mlln 9 19
Arehblauop W II Gross 112 90
62 10
Albert Schilling S3 50
Luke Coiner 23 60
Ektate J Log us
Mrs F E Caldwell
101 61
56 46
56 55
Estate 1 Mader 56 44
118 50
Mrs PE Caldwell 112 o
" " 112 94
Estate J Logus 124 19
Mrs Margaret Wygant 5( 45
Cha-les Bold.: 18 82
B Jaggar 37(3
Having beencompelled to give a mortgage
on its stock, I will sell every
Until Every Creditor is Fully Paid.
And you can have anything in the store for
almost a eong.
J. P. SHAW, Mortgagee.
Doors, Windows, Mouldings,
Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds.
Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed.
JJaShop comer Fourth and Water streets, back of Pope A Co's, Oregon City
Manufacturer of and dealers in all styles of
Mrs Elisabeth Fuchi 75 70
(Continued on next page.)
It is education that makes all the
diflVri'iicu 1 Is wn the men who dig in
the ditch and the man who bosses the
job. It is the superior qualities of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla that give it its
acknowledged pre-eminence over all
other blood purifier.
Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also
Hartman Steel Picket Fence,
And Wire Panel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence.
Call and see Samples and get Prices.
Shop over Bestow'i Sash & Door factory, Oregon City, Or.
We are showing in large variety choice new styles and late novelties. Dry Goods, Clothing, Etc.
It gives us pleasure to call at
tention to our new stock. In the
matter of prices wo shall continue
to deserve our reputation as close
buyers and sellers. Call and get
quotations on any line of goods you
may Incline to purchase
Wo carry full and completo as
sortments, sell only straight goods
and guarantee our prices to be the
lowest for tho sanio class of goods.
A careful examination of the prices
quoted will insure us your trial
order if you have never dealt with
us before, and onco our customer
you will always be our customer.
We extend our thitnks to our
patrons for past favors and shall
not fail to use every effort to merit
a continuanco of their good will in
tho future.
Yours Truly,
Unbleached Muslins.
Best Cabot W, 30 in. wide, 1(1
yds. for $1 00
Atlantio L L, 36 in. wide, 18
yds. for 1 00
Aurora C, 30 in. wide, 20 yds.
for 1 00
Bleached Muslim.
Lonsdale, 3(1 in. wide, 12 yds. 1 00
First Call, 30 in. wide, 14 yds. 1 00
Fruit, 30 in. wide, 11 yds 1 00
Butter Cloth, 45 in. wide 14
yds 1 00
Our Best Prints, 20 yds 1 00
Shirting, best quality 20 yds. 1 00
Indigo Blue, figured, fast col
ors, 10 yds 1 00
(loot! Quality Press Ginghams
12 yds 1 00
Nice Small check Apron Ging
hams, 12 yds 1 00
Excelsior Cheeks, 10 yds 1 00
Canton Flannel shirting, 8 yds 1 00
English Cheviot, 8 yds 100
Cotton Flannels.
Medium Quality, 14 yds 1 00
Heavier Quality, 12 yds 1 00
Extra Quality, 8 yds 1 00
Flannels, Cassimeres, Etc.
Heavy Striped Cheviot 35
54-in. Water Troof 50
Light Weight Cassimere 50
Good Quality Cassimere 75
Extra Quality Cassimere.... 1 00
Red Flannel Twilled 25
Gray Flannel 20
Brown Flannel 20
Cotton Batting,
Best Quality, per pound 15
Carpet Warp.
All Shades, 5 pound bunches 1 25
Pins, 2 papers 05
Needles, 2 papers 05
Knitting Cotton, 4 balls 25
Garter Elastic, per yd 05
Skirt Braid, roll 05
Ladies' Black Cotton Hoso. . . 10
Ladies' All Wool Black, ribbed 25
Misses' Brown Mixed Hose. 3
pairs 25
Infants' All Wool Black, rib
bed, 2 pairs. 25
Ladies' Black Cashmere 25
Misses' Black Ribbed Cotton,
2 pairs 25
Missos' All Wool Cashmere
Hose 25
Dress Coods.
Double Folded Cashmere, 8
yards 1 00
Henrietta, 30 in. wide 25
Plaid Serge, 30 in. wide 15
All Wool Ladies' Cloth 52 in.
wide, black and colors ... 50
House Furnishing Coods.
White or Colored Marbled Oil
Cloth, per yd 20
Turkey Bed Damask, 50-in.
per yd 25
Sorim, for curtains, 15 yd. . . , 1 00
White Crochet Quilts 1ro
Unbleached Linen Crash, 12
yards 1 00
Turkish Towels, large size. . . 12$
Furniture Crotones, 10 yds.. . 1 00
Men's Furnishing; Coods.
Men's Blue Flannel Shirts. . . 1 00
Men's Knit Shirts, lace front. 1 00
Men's Suspenders, heavy 25
Men's All Wool Seamless
Socks 25
Men's Outing Flannel Shirts. 35
Men's Turkey Red Handker
chiefs, large size, 3 for. . . 25
Men's Knit Undershirts and
Drawers, per suit
Men's Heavy Seamless Socks
6 pairs
Men's Celluloid Collars
Men's Extra Heavy Blue
Denim patent buttons,
patent reinforced stays . .
Children's Wool Hats
Men's Good WroolHats
Men's Good Quality Stiff Hat 1
Boots and Shoes.
Men's Calf Boots. . .7 2
Men's Buckle Oil Grain 1
Men's B. Calf, lace or congress 1
Ladies' Bright Dongola patent
tipped 1
Ladies' Whole Stock Unlined
Button 1
Ladies Oil Grain Button, riv
eted 1
Ladies' Whole Stock Unlined
Laced shoes 1
Misses' Whole Stock Unlined
Laced Shoes. 1
Child's Whole Stock Unlined
Lace Shoes 1 00
Men's Satinet Suits, best work
manship 6 00
An Extra Good Quality Cassi
mere Suits 10 00
Men's Fancy Worsted Suits,
finely made and trimmed . 10 00'
Ladies' Cloakes & Jackets. .
We have a nice line which we
ofl'er at exceedingly low
Gray Blanket, coarse quality. 1 50
Gray Blanket, Wool,5ft 3 00
Gray Blanket, wool 7 ft, If -4 . 5 00
We have a full line of Oregon
City blankets and will sell them at
exactlv factor v tirieea. whirh urill
be about 15 to 20 per cent, lower
man any other House will or can
Wo respectfully invite you to inspect our stock and prices.
The store of I. Selline will bn
closed from Friday evening until
but tway evening of this week on
account of Jewish holiday.