Oregon City Enterprise. lulMtKett Kvery Frklny. TVrPllJVP X- T. Y1KCE I ri BUSHKKS axi I'RorRiKTtms. -z ... ' . i OFFICIAL FAFERDF CITY AND COUNTY. 1 j- v: .. . ; ai'HSICUIl'TION KATKM, One vear. - .M fi months. 1 Three mouths, sin'-seriyiion mysMe ir. vlvunoe Advertising rales given on application. Entered at the I'.wt In Oregon City, Or., as soeoml elas matter. AliKXTS FOK THK KNYKKPKISK. Osweso, Clly. Ciaokamas, Vilwaukie, l inen Mills, - Aim, Ncaitow Brook. New Kra. ilsonvill, Hark Place. Barlew. i.U.Woue. .-n.tt.rvl. Nn'ttno, t'srus, w.i;i- Varituam. liaiwvUI Aurora. OrviUe. Kagle Creek, Sunnyside. Damascus, Ktndy, Salmon, Curriusville, Cherryvtlle, Marmot, 0. XV. Prosscr tieo. Knight VA.S Kutiyau Oarv A Wtlner l) J. TYillllnser K S Hrnmhall l'h Heimsn xy. S Sewtwry Hamilton A ..h'l.urn . Mrs. G. A sheppard I T. M iron J. 0. Una. C. T Howard K. XI t'ooper N. XI MtHhlr E. XI. Ilartmaa U Jeuuinga .F tilesy . L.J rent ii H.Wilhem John Welsh J. C. Klltolt K. Ootlsch Mrs. V. M. Mclntyre tieo. J. Currin Mrs. M. J. Hammer Adolph Aschott : FKIDAY, SKl'TKMBEU 30, ThetTERl,KlSE(ruaraiiteesalancerNna-! tide cireulatien than that of th other three : iwprrt in the county ronihlned. --------a ' KEriBLUAN TICK FT. For President. BENJAMIN HAKKISON. For Vice-President, WHITI.AW KKII-. For Presidential Elector. J. F. CAPI.KS of Multnomah I H. B. MII.I.EK of Jackson ! P. M. rU'NNK of Multnomah li. M. IKWIN ofl'nion; McLnaghlln Monnment Fund. The following subscription list is made on j the plan suggested in the KsiisRrRisg a few weeks ago to raise $li.iA for a nionutuent j to Pr. John Mclaughlin, the father of Ore gon, one-half of which should be by popular subscriptions and one-half by legislative appropriation. No one is employed to solicit subscriptions. The object is to show popular and spontaneous movement in favor of the enterprise so that when the legislature meets next January something tangible can be presented to induce that body to make th required appropriation. Thus far the subscriptions are: Tai Enterprise, Thomas Chamian and wife, George A. Harding and wife,.. George C. Brownell .$.10.00 . 50.00 50.00 . 5.00 George F. Horton 5.00 8. M.Ramsby, 5.00 P. F. Morey, 100.00 C.H. Caufield, 25.00 H. E. Cross 25.00 Rev. Fr. Hillebrand . . 10.00 J. P. Shaw, 10.00 J. Vf. Noble 5.00 Cleveland's Letter. Cleveland's letter of acceptance has finally made its aparanre. It is not half so long as President Harrison's but it is twice as bard to read on account of its ponderous style and the dearth of thought in it It is a straddle or a sprawl. In one view of it the letter is remarkable for the masterly way in which it succeeds in saying nothing. In another view it upsets the platform of the party as if to succeed that document in the campaign. In still another, and the one that most people will take, it is merely Cleveland, heavy, dull, abstract and unprogreasive. His tariff doctrine is the same he held four years ago, the fallacy of which has been clearly shown, not in abstract theories but in actual application, since then. " A tanrt is a tax," he says, while everybody else who thinks recognizes the fact that it is not true except when duties are levied on the free trade plan ; that is, on articles that are not and can not be produced to advantage in this country. Cleveland had previously put himself on record so often as a gold bug that he could not deny that doctrine in his letter and he is clearly out of joint with his party plat form on that subject. His platitudes on the few other subjects touched are unim portant. The Dismemberment Scheme. The reason alleged lor the proposed dis memberment of Clackamas county and cession of a large part of its territory to Multnomah is that the people of the dis trict aHected want better roads than they now have. This is the chief reason, though some argue that because they now go to Portland owing to the roads from the pres ent Multoniah county line being better than to Oregon City their most natural outlet is in that direction. It is true that some of the Multnomah county roads are better than some of the Clackamas county roads. But Multnomah is a small, though rich county. And still the latest report of County Judge Moreland stated that there were 500 miles of wagon roads in Multnomah county which there was not half money enough even to keep in repair, let alone constructing new ones. Add to that county new territory equal to nearly one-half its present area and what is the prospect for the construction of new roads? It can't maintain the roads of its present small territory in good repair and doesn't pretend to be building new ones. The road from Milwaukee to Portland is as .bad as any in Clackamas county, and Multnomah professes to be unable to put it in rvhmI Iii. A tin nK4, truly, tor people uenting roods muohMlo iIiom of mirtliinstern t'lmkmmis county. Allt'r joining Xlulmonmli fount)' the ins pie onltl Wthor not got Hie rntl tliey want or they Wiitil.l haw to pay as ilearty 'f I'"''" "'' oM to rin In oUt Clat-kamaa. Am! the chatuv would he ,m, ihrnow romer would have to pay th licw iira to he expended on roads ami """f improvement near th city. The petition (or dismemberment ha been extensively tiened in Multnomah county oiivmlly in t'ortlatnl -we are told. That doesn't mean anything to heuetll the peo- pie of the section tlmt proposes annexation. Hut itloe.s mean thai foil Inn. I is willui;', anxious, to he the political power of the stale. It is loo nearly so now. I lie annex alion of the territory north of the I'laeka ma would gi-c Multnomah two or three more members of the legislature ami Hie force of the other ivniitics would he cor respondingly weakened. Clackamas and Marion counties would lose their Joint sen ator and t'tackania would also lose at least one representative. The people of the portion of I'lackama .Nimiiv north of the Clackamas river are f really deceived as to the real advantage! that would accrue to them Iroiu joining Multnomah county. They have a large share In the attaint of this county but would lose their influence if attached to Multnomah. They are more certain to get good roads by remaining In this county and proceeding in an intelligent, energetic way to gut them. The people ahould consider the matter well before signing th petition. Mr. WtLKisaos's idea that the right to keep cows and let them run at large In Ore- j,,, city is Cukl givett is rather far fetched. The right of a person to go naked is more God-given than the right to keepcowa, but one who would presume to perambulate the sir.tsof the city without proper raiment would get into trouble very speedily and Mr. Wilkinson would not think of del'end- ji,,. ,itn. The right of the people to own ' cows is no more (iod giieu than the other I right of the people, through tlieir represent I atives, to prevent the heat. from roaming I at large in the city. lUit people who do not I own cons have rights and those who do own cows have other rights than merely to own those nuadrupeds. Among these i An' reasonable security a:;.iinst the ma- : raudiugcow Ixith at their homes and in the ! streets. In the country rattle do not aoUire such vices as they do in town and prorty i is more easily protected aiiaiiist them. The j Qiuntry is the plai-e for the animals and no lone would thii.k of keeping them oil the roads there. Hut there is as much unreason in letting cattle range at will throt.gh a city .re there is any self resect and regard (Vr neatness and comfort as to have the beasts in the parlor more in fact, for letting them go at large is a public nuisance, not merely a private one. It would he noth ing short of disgraceful to reieal the present ordinance. While the "cow ordinance ' is under dis cussion it should not be forgotten that Ore gon City has an ordinance which makes it unlawful for dogs to be at large in the city unless a license has been paid for each ani mal. The license for all the dogs In the city expired September 1, since which time only about half a dosen new licenses have been issued by the city recorder. But there are mors than half a down dogs at large in the city. The dogs are a greater nuisance than the cows, without possessing as great com)insating qualitie aa the cow. The street of a city is no place lor a cow and it is certainly no place for worthless curs in defiance of law. It cab not but be gratifying to every pro gressive citizen that the Seventh street injunction xuit was decided by Judge Stearns in favor of the city. It makes possible street improvements, which, more than anything else, are what Oregon City needs. The manner in w hich the city was fought in this matter made it esjiecially galling to those who believed the Seventh street property owners were in every way in honor bound to pay for the improve ment that has made that thoroughfare the most metroolitan in the city and the one street that is a credit to th town and espec ially beneficial to the property abutting upon it. THEyoung man Mr. I'ague left In charge of the Portland weather and crop works may have had some experience in forecast ing weather, but when he sends out a report that "what little corn remains in the ground has been improved by the rains," farmers think he doesn't know what he is talking about. Corn doesn't grow in the ground like potatoes in this country. Why do nearly all the leaders in the pro cow movement take pains to disavow any jiersonal interest in the matter one way or another, and how does it hapiwn that most of them are people in easy circumstances or wealthy? The cows can't vote. Correspondents should be careful lo state what kind of grain is meant when giving the yields In various localities whether wheat, oats, barley, buckwheat or corn. 8o many bushels of "grain" from so many acres of land doesn't mean anything. Tup. Butte Creek fair will 0en next Thursday at Marquarn. It will pay the people of Oregon City, as well as those of the country, to take an active interest iu the fair. At Terre Haute, Ind., last Wednesday Nancy Hanks trotted a mile in 2:04 on a regulation track, thus beuting her previous world heating record by three and a quarter seconds. Letter List. The following is the list of letters remain ing in the post office at Oregon City, Oregon, September 2!, 1X02: Davis, Mrs Ally Olmstead, MissDedie Gibson, John Peterson, Itennie Halley, William Kounzier, Oebhard Himtnler, H Russell, Alvis Jordan, Miss Pollle Taylor, Win M Olmstead, 8 0-2 Wellman, H E If called for, please say when advertised. E. M. Ranks, p. m. Christian Kdear Contention. The flmt animal convention of th ociotios of Christian endeavor in Clnek amaa county will be held at the rongw galional church in this city next Thurs day, (VI . tl, Th billowing program will Ihj prvwntod : rROllRM. lVvotlons, led by liev. Pavid Wet sell, of Portland, 10:00, Orgnniialion. 10: 1.V Address of Welcome. by 0. It. lye, Oregon City. i;es)Miise, by Hev. T. W. Parker, of Woodhurn. 10 'VS. Koll Call and Kcp.nl of Societies. U:'.M. Solo. , , .Ivy Miss tiladys M. Jones, of Oswego. It:.t0. Paper--How to Organise by T. J. tinry, of Milwankie. lt .W Announcement of Committees, INTERMISSION. 1: 4A. 3:1X1. 2:1.x. IVvolion. Election ol Oltlocrs, A Pai-cr- Ihity ol'lhe Lookout Com mittee , , by Mrs. Annie Iteed, of Park Plait-. 4i, A Paper -Social Element In the Christian Endeavor by Prof. J. W. tlmy. tW JO. Free Parliament. Solo by Mlsatlladys M. Joiira. A Paper-Importance of the Pledge by Mr. Noel II. Jacks, of Portland. A Paoer Puty of the Prayer-Meet 4:11. ing Committee., bv Mr. W, S. Hostile. t :.'. Pastor's Half Hour. .VCl, Adjournment. :.ttl. Praise Service. M:00. What Relation is the Christain En deavor to the Church? by Kev. Uavid Welnell. UeiHvrl of the International Convention of New York . by President K. S. Miller, of Portland. IM THE COl' IMS. ,')'. county court. C. A. lloltiistroin administrator ol the estate ot William Ooad, deceased, vs A. . Pouglas and F. M. While ; suit to enforce the payment ol a protnissoty note lor S4 .' made August 2t, ISt'l duo one year from date. C. 1' A IV (.'. l.atourette attorneys. 504!) T. H. Hurt vs lieo Pliilp, Mag gie Kenton, Peter Pliilp, Andrew Pliilp, HoU'rt Pliilp, Agnes Hamilton, Alex I "nilp, Kinni Pliilp, William K. Pliilp, Walter S. Pliilp and lavid Mc Pliilp; suit for partition of real estate. II. K. Cross, attorney. Sotlre. All persons finding themselves in debted to us will please call anil settle tlieir accounts as soon aa possible or else the accounts will l turned over to our attorney for collection. Mayer i Acekkmak. Sparks from tks Wuti. The president has appointed Irving A. Centon of I'tah United States marshal for the territory ol Utah. The New York weekly bank statement shows a reaerve increamt of $171,5(X). The bank now hold 15, 151. OKI excess of legal requirement. ' The Herald says : The steamer South Portland which tailed from New York with munition of war for insurgent of Venezuela la not being pursued. Augustus Bismarck and Bismarck Boh lea have resigned their post in the German army owing to Emperor Wil liam's alleged offensive remark about the Bismarck family. A Brsuci Lint for Vtacoavtr. Vancouver, B. C, f'ept. 25 Voting to give a bonus ol $:0O,00O to the Burrard Inlet A Fraser Valley railway, a local compnny formed to connect Vancouver with the Northern Pacific at Sumas, re sulted in the law being carried by a majority of 133. A Coil Ltbortr'i Petition. London, Sept. 23. The coalers at Hull, in a meeting today, rc-Bolved not to work on ships hailing from Hamburg, and to petition the mayor that the city council take steps to quarantine every veaael entering every harbor from an infected port. Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of (iroton, S I)., we quote: " Waa taken with a bad cold, which set tled on my I.ungsf cough set in and finally terminated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up. saying I could live but a short time. 1 gave myself tip to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above My hus band was advised to gut Dr. King's New Itiscoverv for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, f gave it a trial, took in all, eight bottles; it has cured me anil thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at G. A. Harding's drugstore, regular hizu 50c. and fl.00. The Pendleton roller mills arp now running quite steadily, with an in creased output, there being a better water supply. The mills have now lo0, 000 bushels ol wheat on hand and 100, 000 bushelH more engaged. It is very smoky on the upper Siuslaw. Foreit fires are raging in the Coast mountains, and the trip from Eugene to Florence is an interesting one. Every few miles you pass through a burnt district, or one which is just burning. The Siuslaw stage manages to get through, but is more or less delayed each trip by fallen timber caused by the fire. The land department has given notice that it hopes to be able to allow Oregon $35,000 for surveyors of public lands, and that directions have been sent to the surveyor-general of Oregon to complete the inspection ol all surveys not yet Inspected. Probably lint best hop yield In Marlon or Polk county was that ( Put mini I llrxva., ol Kola, Their yard inn braced ' Iwotity-llvo acres, and thoy liv about W,000 pounds ol hop. Tlioy picked (kkt boxoa from throe aero. ioJe owe for couiiterfcltii. Imi tations, ami sub stitute, repre sented as frauine, but sold at lew than regular piiiva bv itenlciw til medicine not L aiithoi iml to aell I'. llenvX) ih ine uiHltctiic. To euarvl against fraud and tittikwlttnn, the iiiakem of lr. Plcive'a genuine indicium now sell their world finned ix'timlte only through druggists, aulliorued n agent, and under a jhmiuv ptitirxnttee of Umetlt or cur, or monev refunded. Authorised agent only can, under thn regulations, furnish Ir. llccce's Pennine medicine, which always bar twin, are, ami always will bo, told at tli following prlii i lr. PlerxV Golden Mcdliid I'laoovery (th rwuedv for all disease arising from tiupiiro hloodl, 1 OO er bottlw lr. PlerxVs Favorlta PrencrlpUon (the rwuedv for woman' chronic wmkneaae and derangements!. It.Ui vr tmt tl. Dr. IWc' Pleasant Pellet (the origi nal little Uvar PllUl. 'IX cent per vial. Hut they're tlx cheaimt medicine sold, baoaus you pay only fur th gowl you gaft, W. S. MAPLE, Blacksmithing and Repairing. Having on of 111 best idioera In the state in my employ, I make HOKSISHOIING A Sl'MALTY. ALL WORK ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY Shoj) oHisiti corner from rin' Imrtlwiui' store ORECON CITY, ORECON. NO Ml K Klllt ITUI.Ii Alios I si iirrn t imtuox rirv ossoom.) S, . JO I s r.' I Nmle ts herftty ilve't thsl ihe t (hmlug nsuirit settler has rtlisl leitU-p ot tila tttli'iitl.,n in m he rlnat er.f in mij.irt t h rUun. nl thai proof HI he lns.h tx'fnrc lh rt'ltrr sint n'crU rr of the t iiui'.l Sis ir. l,n. initce hi Oregon i iiy, cirftfon, on N.imlH'r in. is-.rj, vu l.swreuc,' liin.l, Itoniestrad entry N.t M. for the N V of N x,of...e .11, I' I N . I; .X K II" names Ihe followlinj Mltneies to irove Mb coniliiiloita r.iilcncr nHulnliMitlUsthno( ashl Istnl rlr I't'ler l'il!on. AiiKU.l Pollon, of I iourelle KsU. ami Ttusnlore Itslfet, frnnk ictls aiul N,'1 I'aiiUou of I'ortUli'l. all ot orton 1 1 J. T. An-ta'.N, Keglstrr. Nulti K Ton ft HIli'AI'lo.N lAtid (ittlre at Orrgou city, nrecou.j SeiM.'ju. ts'J t Noilre I hert'hf tiveii. that the following usnte.1 irltler has rlle n,,t,-e ot hl inlel.llon to nuke final pntof In iniitiortut hit eUtm. ami that laid aroof will be ina.te hvfor the emuiy elerk of Wthluion eoiinir at IttllitMiro, ort gou.ua Novinl'r II. tsy.'. r Klch.r.t Heeler, Homntead enliy No rjev lor th W of N R '.of . 7, T iri, K I W lleusmes th fol lowing witnesses, to pr.iv his eoiittiinttiiB rt- itfnee itpm anil enltlvailon ol sahl lainl. vl rre.1 Klelr, ot Schoili Cerrj, t'hss Pllrirh. of Tlgardrille. P. Frohlng. ol Mrhelli terry. T Anne, of Sc hull, Frrry.all nf Oregon 3011 J T. ArrxM, KegliUr. NOTK'R Of FINAL SKfTl-KM ENT. Nrttlee I herehy glvtn, that th timtrrslgned. lmlnUlrltr f ihctNlof Jineph Wrsi. d eea.l. has filed hlk flits) aeeonut s siieh a.l mlfilftinttnr with lh elerk of In county court of I'lackamaa county, itai of Hrrou. ami thai Monday, th 7th ,lar of Nnventlx-r, li. hs hMii appohitwl by ilia Hon. J W. Xi-lilrum, Jmlg of id eoiirt, for the hearing of nhn tlotu lo such final aeeniin! and the ftetttemenl ihemtf lath court room nf said county court lor Clackamas county, tut nf Oregon. JotlM UHftHAK, AiltnlnUtrator ol the ratal of Joarph Vt eat, d eet,l . S. Ilnelat, All y for adm'r D B-10 1 DO You have housohold rwoijtts as woll an prescriptions to (ill? Cliarnian A Co. puar- an too accuracy ot their prescr i p t i o n counter. YOU Can fintl at Char Mian it Co.'h the host selection of rerfum ery and toilet articles in Oregon City. SAVE Making further impiiriftH by going to Charinan it Co where you will find nil the leading niiikeH of patent medicines. MONEY Clin he na veil by buying your paints, oiU, gliisH, ' etc., of ('hurtium it Co. Special rateH on large orders. THE PRESS, (NEW YORK) FOR 15 9 2. Has a Larger Dally Cirriilitlion tlinn any other Iteputiliean Newspaper In Attierii H. DAILY. SUNDAY." WEEKLY. The AaoRE88ivE Republican Journal of the Metropolis. A Newspajier for the Masses. Founded Ducoinln'r 1, 1887. Circulation over 100,000 copies DAILY. The .Moot Iti-iiiurbalrlei eri pniier MaeeeNn in or l'rk. As an Advertising Medium THE PRESS THE PRESS, 30 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. i - i j SEVENTH' AHN(UAL FAIR OK TH IC BUTTE CREEK FAIR ASSOCIATION TO UK HICI.l) ATTIIKUUiUOl'MiS Near MARQUAM - Thursday, FridaySaturday, OCTOH1CU )tl, 7th find 8th, lHyj. PREMIUM LIST LARGER Ami morn liln-ritl tliutt hvit ix-for" tiU'orcil, larpjBiiisaiiMSice KOU ATA lCXIIUUTOKS. STOCK AND FARM PRODUCTS W ill 1k given every ailvunttto for it iroH r ilisjiluv. THE LADIES'-r DKPARTMliNT Will l. one of tin lciiliti iittnictions, ami mi cxhihit is x I'ci'tcil worthy tif tlio ilciiiitinciit. Closing Exercises on Saturday: Hand Tournament tit I 1'. M., Annual AddrtKH bv Hon. (ioo. C. liroivn.'U, of Oregon City, at 2 I. M Awarding of I'ri'tniuni! to o1ohi tlio tlav'a t'xi'rt'iM'H. .Mantiatn oonnoctcd with nil jiiirtn of thu county by ginnl wagon roada. Vinitor from a dintiini-ii coming by ritilrotid will Iki bl to got convtyiifta at Mt. Angid, Silvcrton and othor convi'tiiint ratlroud jHiiutH. 13 EAUTIFUL GROVE Adjoining grtiundn with every conviMiicnce for eatuping with mip plit'H and fuel in abundance and at nmnonablo priffn. Hotel accommodation ample for .ill, TICKhXS KOU THE KKASOX: liKXTLK.MKX, 50 CKXTS, LADIES, 25 CENTS, ChildrtMi unilor 15 yiurn of ago free. f "Snd for premium lint and full information regarding andntand privilege to E. M. HAKTMAN, MAUQUAM, OR. J. E. MAUQUAM, C. W. DRAKE, Secretary. rroHident. PRICES the 17 11)8. Dry (Iran. Sugar, $i 00 2 lbs. Arlmcklo Coffee 45 30c. Itrooms, 2.r Hcst Oil Cloth, elsewhere 25c to 30c, 22 J 15c Socks, jo 40c Fancy Suspenders, 25 TouikI liars Soap, per box, HO I'.est Cottonatlo Pants, will not rip, 1 50 Underwear and Over-shirts lower than elsewhere. Special prices on quantity prices. HAMILTON & ALLEN, Clackamas, Oregon. CANBY NURSERIES, MILLIARD J. JMC1C, . - - Proprietor. A COMPLETE LINE OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Etc., WHOLESALE A. IT ID RETAIL. CANBY OREGON. SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes, Notions, Optical Goods Full Stock Of Machine Oils, Best and Cheapest. Fine selection of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. And Load ing Brands of Cigars. iki:nckiitiokn caiii:i-(;m,v fii.m:i. Shlvely's Block, ... . . . Oregon City, Or. ON - LOWEST.