Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 30, 1892, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory.
A Ten Thousand Horse Tower to
be KrerteU.
J. W
of Court.
a.. en nor .
rVhool Superintendent,
Moldrnm !
UtM. K, lloriou I
C. W. tiatioti
S. M Kmr.kliY I
J.O Welhcrefi
i, r. Kru.tloy 1
II. S. i.ttwou
Sidlte Smylh
K. L lu.niian
I Richard !hs
(Cornell" Hmr
. T. W Snlllran
Recorder, -Chief
of lVllc -ANMUor,
City Attorn.
Ptrt OoinmWioner.
Hnp'l. of Water Work.
It j Muinwr,
The Work of rreparlwt- Tor Immense
Developments of th Water Power
ow In I'roicress.
AI.I.nKUHiF.-MMiKs -At tint l'nlt...
Hrvthrvii elnnvlt in Oregon City Sun
day afternoon, September S. ISli'.',
Kev. IV . Williams olhYlrtting, Mi.
John Alldridgo mill Mini flora Marra,
both of this ciiy.
At Hi Baptist eliuivh last Sunday
night there was Hit InlervHting meeting
in the interest of tit ptiMic reading
room, The committee to obtain looa-
; lion rvrlil on several thai had Iwn
lempiire I into and was aiithoried to go
Kver Kino the announcement that tlu I Hm, th 1M(Wt uiui,0
Kdison and Thomson-Houston electric . n-.H...tiVM ..ommiit..,, .,,,1
committee on permanent organiiution
wore appointed.
The county court of Josephine county
companies had acquired a large interest
i n t in tlroiron I ilv water lxnvir ami
L. L. Porter i , .. . ., ,
j s. i'nrlom ; adjacent real estate in the newly organ
g, k Kti.m.iM j , i i),,nor8i KlinnrU' company, the work
it' k.Vfmm. j of preparing for the development of the ' lined the sheriff Ml or tw enty-llv days
w tl. iiowJu property has been going ahead. There ' in the county jail tor contempt. At tlu
Stdney Smyth, i !, ..... t..u ,,.,. i, I,. .1,,, nwth.r ! JnS' ttrni tlin isittrt txtondml tlio tinm
unm.n.ii vhli.J J O.vko. J. , hut ifood work in he in; done nvrrt i U. I to tho itMiiUr term for tlio return
W O 'Council. J. 0. Forcer ml T. V. Ku
dull. Ciinotl mcctHrt Wotncxlar oicn month
In city hull.
Boys' Glothingl
Boys' School
Cirfnll court onvn tlrt Monity In S
Tntern thlnl Mon.Uy in April.
Prohut court Intession drst Vomty lu fh
CommlMloiir court nt rirst WduMy
after Ural Mon.Uy ol ccn month.
i ThiTy to build up Orrsron
Cltj Is to giTf Org City people your
One price to al! and all iwckIs marke.1
in plain figure at the Park l'lace store.
J. S. Courtney M. P., physician and
eurgwn, room 5 and ft, Charuiau block.
Full stock ol lubricating oils, b8t and
the cheapest at Seventh street d'titf
School deportment cards one cent
each, itood for term, at the Enterprise
Suits, Ages 4 to 13 Years,
$2.00, 2.50 Per Suit.
Boys' School Suits, ages 4 to 13 years, oxtra quality,
$3.00, $3.50, $4.00 per suit.
Boys' All Wool School Suits, ages 4 to 14 years,
$4,00, $4.50, $5.00 por suit.
lOur standard Boys' extra heavy all wool suits, 4 to
14 yrsM $5 a suit, equal to ony $7.50 in tho city.
"basin'' at that opening. The wing
w ill carry any drift out to the very brink
of the fall and insure its going over the
Furnished rooms and board in private , j)reoij,itV instead of being sucked around
family. First door bacfr of Commercial j - . . "l,asin." The extension of
the "basin" wall is also intended to
Won the suction by preventing the
but good work is being done nevertheless. ; to tho September term
The clearing of the timber from the of the dolinnuent tax roll. The alierill'
several hundred acre of land owned by ; failing to make such return at tho S li
the company waa the first indication of temN'r term, proceeding for contempt
renewed activity. Then the construe-j wore instituted.
tionof the drift wing was begun, thei nHUv ."n'Tn " Concrossmiin
walls of the "1-asiir tna.lt higher and nmmm wil lU,ivor a speech at F.agle
finally tne building of a dam to preserve 0rwk as ,liv,irtilMH. chairman Itrown
an even brink to the fall and inctvase . e wU k, , , Ks, Cr,wk sm, (nm,
the iKwsible iower was put in progress, j (lur() wl (riv0 ili(V, (o lVr(1(UU wllw
I lie (trttt wing, originally mten.iea to w , u, jg bin11 (or ,,,,, rt,puhcan rally
but tW feet long, haa twu extcn.leit to js,,,,,. n'ht.
lililO fot and it now well alontf toward -
completion. This structure consists of! eek-s letter from IWscu.
lnt work, the ton ot it is sixteen feet j correspondent stated that M. Yetsch
alH3ve low water, it is well anchoro.1 to; oi .ro,,, , i ,
the solid rock bottom and it is so nearly of land. Tins wa, an emir. Only I t Q rJOZCll BOVS ScholHatS Ol VaHOUS StylCS andpriCOS.
parallel with the course of the river j -. bushel, were wheat, the rvmainder j v v J
current that it is deemed entirely beyond '. rley eti-a very g.HKl yield, , .
possibility of damage bv tlooil There j however. 1 - WE HAVE MORE
is sufficient apace between the shore end xi.e reading room committee has
of the drift wing and the liank to permit : rented the one story wooden building:
the passage of boats. The shore line i opposite tlm l.iverinore hotel andncU:
w ill keep drift wood from entering the 0 Cooke's livery stable for a free reading i
bank. "
Take vour babies to the New York
gallery and get a good picture while you
have the chance.
Five full blooded Wyandott roosters,
all perfect Iieatities for sale by L. V.
Pavis, Oregon City.
James Barlow and Charles Bitzer went
to Forest Grove Tuesday for medical
treatment at the Keelev institute.
. . . i
It will pay you to call early and secure j
one of those school suits at the Park j
Place store. They are selling like hot j
The store of I. Selling will be cloed
overflow that has been usual during
high water season .
Then the dam to preserve the even
ness of the brink of the falls was under
taken. It was hardly exacted that this , and stationery stock to V. A. Huntley
room and carpenter are now at work
arranging shelves and fittings for reading
rocm purpose.
The house of a Cliinnman was recently
searched in Kugene for some stolen
proHrty, which he was aniiKwet to
have taken. The searcher did not find
the articles stolen, but they did find six
.Viae! cans of smuggled opium.
tt. V. Kich has sold his school hook
Boy s' Clot In 1 ii
Than all of the so-called clothing houses in
this City, and
Superintendent Gibson haa moved to
4owp from Eagle Creek and occupies one
of Willouiihby'8 Cottages on Thiid and
Monroe streets.
work could be finished during this low
watel season, but it is now so fur ad
vanced that it is sure to be completed
this year. The last sectiwti of the
coffer dam was put in last Tuesday
and that insured the finishing of the
dam this season. Thi dam w ill amount
to adding an average of about one foot
, to the height of the falls, and w ill result
WrM'HuWigfIie3ry season so that the
whole volume of the river may lie
G. W. Church is to be a motor man
on the East Side line when it readies
"Oregon City and be is now catching on
to the knack of running the machine.
There was filed for record last Monday
deed by B. F. Baker and wife to X. O.
W'alden conveying all the Marshall K.
Perrin D. L. C. 322.85 acres for 925,671.
Word comes from all quarters that
the neatest and most satisfactory dye
for coloring the beard a brown or black ;
is Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers.
Just arrived from New York over 100
Boys and Youths suits at the Park Place
store. Just think, we can Bell you a
good school suit for your boy for only
91.25. Come and see them.
Just opened at the Park Plaoe store
twenty cases of boot9 and shoes which
we are selling equally as cheap a: you
can buy at any bankrupt sale. We buy
direct from the manufacturers.
Captain Apperson, W. M., gives notice
that there will be work in the third de
gree in the Masonic lodge on the third
Saturday in October
Saturday in the month
The Knights of Pythias will give the
first ball of the season on Friday evening
October 21. As usual with Knights of
Jfytluas balls no pa:ns will be spent to
make this affair one that may be un
reservedly enjoyed.
Bethel Presbyterian church at Red
land, ten miles from this city will be ded
icated Sunday, October 9. There will
be a service at 11 o'clock in the morning
and another in the afternoon. A basket
dinner will be served between the two
services, tverybodv is invited to at
tend the dedication ceremonies.
Marriage licenses were issued last
week to the following named couples by
County Clerk Horton : Dora J. Hunter
and John W. Jones, Coral E. Laverty
andC. E. Dart, Mary E. Koenig and
John H. Broetze, Flora Marrs and John
Alldridge, Rosa Kraxberger and II.
Kummer, Mrs. Lizzie E, Scollard
and David II. Close, and Dora M . Smith
and J . W. Gray.
The telephone circuit between Albany
and Portland is completed and in splen
did working order. The different towns
on the circuit are Aurora, Canby. Ger-
vais, Hubbard, Oregon City, Park Place,
Salem and Woodburn en the east side,
and Amity, Beaverton, Corvallis, Forest
Grove, Gaston, Hillsboro, Independence,
McMinnville and North Yamhill on the
west aide.
turned to the water wheela if necessary
Tins dam Is of crib work. It varies in
height from two or ttiree feet to sixteen ;
the irregularities of the rock being re-
sponsible for (he varying heights of dif-
Trent parts of the dam. It I SO Con
structed that the weight of the water
will serve to keep it down to the rocks
so there will not be a great tendency
to break away from the fastenings.
The plana have been prepared for a
large power hous to be constructed on
the west bank ot the river on the west
side ot the canal. The new building
will be next to the bluff. The dimen
sions are 315x45 feet and it will be fitted
with machinery for generating 10,000
horse power. This will render necessary
the widening of the canal by eighty
feet for about 1300 feet of its length.
The waste way for the water giving the
power will be between the upper and
lower mills of the Willamette Pulp A
Paper company. It is not yet deter
mined whether work on this immense
power house will be begun this year or
not. The rainy weather is so near at
hand that it is likely this work will be
put over till next season and then rushed
through to completion. Still the com
pany is eager to get the thing in shatie
r. ... . !... j ..... . .
instead of the first I . ;uc "le'""ve ueveiopraeni work .t
in view aiiu u may ugin wie power
house this fall and push construction
through the winter even though it wil'
considerably increase the cosf of the
concern. Between 300 and 400 men
will be required on this improvement.
Engineer Sullivan is kept busy in ar
ranging and directing the plans and
improvement work. Every officer of
the company is anxious to get the work
planned completed so that the big
scheme of development may be carried
forward. President Morey is thoroughly
alive to the possibilities of the case and
he is pushing with all his indomitable
energy toward the goal. It will take a
little time to put in operation all the
forces which will be centered here but
the matter is in competed hands and it
promises to bring Oregon City the prom
inence and prosperity to which its nat
ural advantages entitle it.
and advertises his postotlice confection
stand for sale. He intends to return to
the East where there is an attractive
business opening for hint.
Hamilton A Washburn of the Park
Place store are daily gaining more cus
tom because they keep one of the lies!
assortments of goods and their prices are
low, ibvPfcOlsewhere.
their w i i e C7 1 "o7t U iTd bouts put
Monday, j timetable into effect next
the head tfs,Ui,v t(ie new time card at
paper and don i get left.
For choice family groceries, vegetables
feed etc., go to the Park Place store
where the best article is sold for less
money than v!Mthre.
nil now wi'luivo iiia.li' this titlcr to v.mr lvs at a rrtlurti.m offrum ton to twcnty-livo.
,;it. r.rr this oitkk is umy hood tntil octouf.u first.
Ihm't fail to call on us as vt will savo you money on all linos of clothing ami hats.
The One Price Outliers and Matters,
' ' t
The JMost Complete
Councilman Kelly was so, indisposed i
that he was at the bank on forenoons onlv
last week but is putling in full time at
business this week.
Louis Doolittle who was accidentally
shot in the shoulder last week caught
cold in the wound and Is In a aerions
state now.
C. A. Nash has resigned the leader
ship of the Willamette Silver Cornet
band and J. J. Couke has been chosen
.lire. r.. l,. enaw I;
from her bullet wound
s fast recovering
For ehoice family greceries, gi to
Hamilton A Washburn, they always
keep the best of evp.lvthing. '
Southern Pacific Koute
Express Trains leave Portland Daily.
I North.
7 OOr. M
7:1.1 r. ii
8:15a. M
hiriln.i Ar
OrwonCKy Lv
8. Fr.iK'l.fo 1,
9 3.1 A.M.
Quality consider
ed, our prices are
always the lowest.
I in tx irtt re ami ilciilers in
Selected Toas.Vutu Coffees & Spices.
Butter & Cheese from f best dairies
Fruit and Vegetables in Season.
Business Conducted
On Business Principles.
One Price to All.
Positively no con
nerVlon with any
advertising scheme
Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City
One ton of our Hone I'hosp'rm'tc fully equals 50 to
60 loads best barn yard manure. You cannot afford
to plant trees or vines without Using it. If you have
never tried it, send us your name. Will send you a
large sample free.
Manufacturers and iniortcrs of all kinds of
, . mm w m
Send for Catalogue of Seeds, Trees, Fertilizers, Bee Pupplles, etc. (Knglinh or German.
Above traiim top only at the MIi.wlu m.
tlou north i( Ktuwhurir Emit Portland, Ore-
ou K,ny, woomMlHl, flajm
Jheddn. Haliwy, Harrl.burj', Juuctfoa City,
vlngand Eugene
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
For accommodation of wnd-;ia PanMnger.
attached to Kxprem Train.
:0 a.m.
9:Ka. m.
6:10 p.m.
Portland Ar
OrPKonClty Lv
KowehurK Lv
.'Oil T.u
2;.VJP. M
ALBANY LOCAL (Dally, except Sunday.)
5:11 p.m. Lv Portland Ar
6 Ui r. m
:W v. m.
Oregon City
SJWa. M,
7:!4 A. .
5:110. X.
When you go to the Butte Creek
fair call at C. K. Young's restaurant
for your meals. Main street, Marquam,
Good Templar Bushell of Seattle
lectured to a small audience at the
Baptist church last Monday night.
G. II . Wishart has been confined to
the house by illness for a week but is
recovering now.
Councilman O'Connell was confined to
his room by illness the fore part of the
Went Hine Pivmlon.
Mall Train, Dally (Except Huiiduv.l
7:WA. M.
l':10 p. x.
Lv Portland Ar
Ar CorvHllia Lv
I : mi r m
I MM r m
At Albany and Cnrvallia conned wltli trauil
ot Oregon Paclnc Railroad.
Expreia Train Daily (Except Sunday)
Jhe Oregon Qty Ei?tcrprise
With any other county paper in the Northwest
elsewhere. If it does not contain more nfiixr nnri
better shape than any of the others don't take it If
it does send in a subscription. You never pay too
much for a good newspaper. A poor paper is dear at
any price.
4:40 p.m.
7:2ftp. M.
Portland Ar
UcMlnnville Lv
I 8:20a. m
I Mo a. 11
Fortlcketi and full Information retardfn
rat J. map, etc., call on Company' airent at
" "
Oregon City
Au't O. F, and Pats. Agent
In the County Court of Clackama County,
State of Oregon.
In the matter of the eatatc of
Samuel J Oakley, deecaM:
Notice I hereby given, that the undersigned,
administrator with the will annexed ol aald ea
tate, haa filed hla final account as auch admin
latrator, and the Judge i.l aald court haa fixed
Mmday, the 7th day of November, lUKi, at 10
o'clock a. m. at tho county court room In Ore
gon City Jn Clackamaa county. Oregon, as the
time and place to hoar objection, to said Anal
account aud for the settlement of the name.
Kkuhkn Wkukit, ,
Admlnlntratnr with the will annexed of the es
tate of Samuel J. Oakley, deceased. Ii: '.1-10:21
Eupture, Asthma and Piles.
Specialists in the treatment of all forms of Chmn.V n,.i.i
x ,00 -I Female Dima,: - rvou8
iSS and
Street, 8alem( Oregon. IVo. 3 Cmmorc"11