Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OP TIME O. (i.TTO H NTKAMKICS. In KrrTOTkN , Iwx Nlaimra A I, TON A HAMONA: J.IMVa OHHIIOH I'lTV. 1 ' III, .'!. III. M Wl III, I ."I l III, : p 111. No M y UiiiIIiiwh 7 in. I , m. m mi in. II MI III, i 11 i ill. l'illlvi.y mi li.iul.t i.Ii.ii on ilm 4 anils ,10 w irln Ht'NPA V i. m. 'I i m 1 "i i. in. aim a. Hi II ia in. 4 t i. Ill linaa wtilnmi unite TlltIM PHrl HIllljtMIt III HTKAMKIt MANAM l.l.i I, 1'iilly Hint i'ii Hiimlay, MWHUMII liMKllllN riTf-l-ilKTI.ANIl Ilil'TK. Jlna - .rave Mluliin anil NnwU'rg H a. in, ; OrcKnii Oly l a. in. I r Uv Portland Vainhlll alrrrt ihu k, 'I i in,; (iti'Kini I'liy S.lAa. in, WOl'TIIKKS j'Al iril! KAII.WAV Knara inn AIIhiik mp (, ilallmi.i t III a. m. 4 alllotiil Kaureu iilirimiln . a la m tiuMbur lAHml (way Mailiiui) . I p tu fil'TI aimaii. Miwtbur I .aim I (war Mailunal Ilia, m Alhanr I M't (way iuiIiiiiii a w t m . alltarnla Kiia iiliroiiali) 7l m 1 1I K MAIM. Mailt Hm. (mm Nnnh. U n , I n m., a p m Mailt r.o atilug a.iuih, a m , J jo p m. aina a,MT. Orci.ni I'lijr ii Klr.l'arua, Miillnnmi't Molalla laatM at j m anil arrliM al i m. ilall, ()tnn Til; l Kl Muik I'lark MM.tiiHrt"k. I'ul, mi Willi, Mnliuu ami l iiUmi. liama al lUa til. I'uf..v. Ihnrxlar anil Hlurlx, ami r luriia iiu lulliiariiia iai ill i m KKIMAV, HKITKMIIK.H :, HaI.MiiN Klllla rHllll Til K HaNHV Hilrllilrl,l.'llt lllllihnii of tint Clurkav iiim aalmoii Imti lmry hua Ihmii iiiatriirtnl liy thtt l'titll Stlia Huh t'oliiiiiiaaiiiiiir to irmi!ti fur taking luliiioi) fiuin flh In Ilm Kunily rivtr to aini tliti work t thr) CUrkaiiiaa Inilchcry. Thtrc rt lint aiilumn Din, null In tli l Inrknunta to H't an Hili'iiiiUii aiiihly ol rm fmui for thu artilli'iiil liatililnij. I.m-t viar an alli'mpl waa iimilo to runm U'lmv tln iilaibitoiio ihiiu to jji't nn ailililimm) ii)ly tint tlin lilvli watir i-amt) Miu th gg roiilil U niovii! ami aomithn! likn K),iaHl of IIi.mii worn lout. The truuhln la Unit no wlir nn lx ohtuini'il tlirro t How mr tho had liiiiK tMiixha at an altnti.lt. Iiighfr than liitili wattr In the rlvtr Hut on the Hintly a ait ha lirnn awliM'ttnl hir apriiiK walrr in ahutiilaiii'v tan lx olitaiiml ttvyoii.t ilaiiir from any nomlhln )iih watttr, and a ton! will I t-rwied anil yU'lniil trougha taknn thcra to atart tli rlt, A rack, km, niuat In) ronatruottl arroaa the alrram anil aomc lra built. Thla Its la ahotit (lltn milca from tln '! kamaa tialchory ami lour inilna from llrraliam. Aftt the rx have betin in tint hatihlng Ironitha a Unit thrwi wiHka (liy are louuh enoiinti to aland niovlng and thny will tie hroiihl to the I' lark a nut! tiaU'lier and the work thore com- llt.Ud. Th Onn Kxi.ixwa' ViaiT. Thevlall of the aovereigu grand lodge of Odd Fellow to Oregon Clly waa not a long a bad been expected. The excuraion train went up the valley on the treat aide road to Corvalll Wednesday of laat week, went acroaato Albany and then down the east aide. The atop at Albany and Salem were longer than bad len ar ranged for eo the train, w hich conaiated of ten coachea well tilled, waa an hour and a half behind time al Oregon City, arriving at II ::() liiatead of A o'clock a had been planned. Aa tliia waa the hfinr they were dun inl'orllaiid lo par ticipate In exorciee ol the order ar ranged there the train halted only about tlve minute and then continued on to thoenil of the journey. The board of trade distributed among tho excuraitm lnt 000 copie of the liiindaomeHt aou venlr gotten out anywhere for the Odd Kullowa. It conalaled of a folder with a line half tone of the fall printed over biilftinlonthe fit at page, a cut of the atiapenaion bridge on the laat pago and the two innldii pages carrying a abort (leacription of the city, it imliiBlriiil udvantiii.'ea and hiaturlcal feature. No liner job of the kind waa ever turned out in the NorthweHt. It waa a credit to the board of Initio and lo thu KmkiiI'hihk job room, which did tho work. SKWKlia AlTHOACHINll CoMI'I.KTION The aewerugo system below the bluff la rapidly nenrlng completion. Two week morn of good weather will milllco to fin IhIi tho contract . It I now done on Main street from Kighth to the "basin" on Water street from Sixth to Fourth, and Ilm brunches on Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh streets. The sowers have been flushed out fiiHt us constructed and are found entirely Hiit iafiictory. Thu ventilation unforced by having the cover to (he manholes bo that thoro will be a free passugo of air through them will prevent the collec tion of sowor gus and the possible dam ago that might result therefrom. No tice of the assessment for tho aowors ap pears in this paper. Tim 1'uiii.io Hciiooi.. The Oregon City public schools opened lust Monday with !lft4 enrolled the firBt day a con siderably larger nuinbor than was en rolled the first day lust year. The total enrollment for the first wook last year was 404 while 415 had been registered tha flrat throe duva this term. The corps of teacher consists of Prof. R. W rrlliKln, principal. Olio. I, Story aevimlli gride, MIm Kminie I'orlur Ixlli vmu, Mini Jtiitln Wade fifth grade, Ml Kuiilr DiiimMiton fourth grade, MIM Llmh Mi Cown thin grade, MmaTacey Wllkinioii Micmid riln and MImii May Kelly flrat giade. U lien tlit'ly philmlilii Unit ciwlnK til Ilm large miiMiiluiirii Hiiolhi.r tiiiuilinr will moid lt employed itml Hiiollior room iijkcitUfiI In which In linmlln Ilm overflow from oiun of tin. xmkIkk. Will, m ru illtl at liuud tin. eight t.HK'lii'rn nu ,i proper- ly iimirui't morn limn l milt 400 iii'iiiIh h lewa liutiiiii.r wouhl nivtt innrti autialiti lory rratilta. '1'liu .iij.IU who ilt aire to I'litnr thu i hiii t ida ahould he itnrolleil Mtonm iia there will hum, oijiortuiilly r ' "t m.xt Moinlay till the otKHiiir.atinn of a now i'Iuni In Kehiuary, (iniNii tiik Km Mia, V. I', Turner, a oalu clink on tint Itoalon, S.rili(llt.li and Nnw York, run aentout a laiok lat July for a I'olli'clinn of the luiiri.aaiona of tlntiliK ataiiijHi ol Ilm .liiri.mnt xmi of Bina ami railway mail ronliia lo, It i. I'fK'tt I lla (Irat ataiup In lloalon, July 22 ami atartml weatwanl over the lloaton, I'roviilani'it A Now Yoik run. It mai ded Orcnon C'ly from the Hound eountry laal Tueaduy, AIkiuI half the a-t-t had own wrlltun or atam:m upon and moat ol the prima roiild only U claaaillwl ; lay about two wm-ka will aufflce to com under the head etc." It conlainwl 1 plele the work. If, however, it la re pholimrapln, oraw lntta and mlacellano-! quired that the blotter be none over ou meaaMKea ol all degreea of irrelevance. It went down the coaat fioui hem, Tiik Yoinii Akno-Amknicam. An Inatrurtlvt and ertjoyahlu atereoptiran entertainment on mlaaionary life and woik among the colored iieonla of the anutli will lie given at the Congregational iliurcli on l-inlny evening hepi. ,'10 by j ii.. t . . i t ' . ... . . .. . . ! ivev. jui-.n r.. noy, i i, tint nelil ecretary ol the American .Miaalnuary aaa.H luti. in, liev K. P.( iiaxl win aava ol the elili-rtaiiiuimil "No church can afford lo ml aiH'h a rare evening' pleaaura." Kev. Arthur l.ittl" I). I. aava ' It inakea aililiulurlvteal anme of the moat aignill-1 i tem rnapiera in American lualory." Thla eiilerlainmeiit ia frtm lo all, with the privilege of taking a collection le erved. Coi.ixii-a Dv Omurm. The general committee on tha joint cehtbta Hon of Colum'iua ilay in Ihia t it met at tho county auperinletuleiit'h olllce laat .Monday and apHinted the following aiib-rommiHee lo look after the detalla of the ndebialioii : On program Hev. Kr. Ilillehtand, Supt II. 8. liihaon, Miaa Fannie U. l'jrter and Prof. H. O Pringle. On apeaker Mia Fannie (I. Porter, (iao. 11. Dunn and Mr. Pierce. On band Supt. H. H. (illMion, Kev. Fr. lllllebrand and Mia Mollie Uanklna. On ortler of niarth-Mra. Turner I,unn ,,J R"- AaoTiia Haloo Kow. Itarney Dolan and Andnmiru Clark (colored) got into an argument over game ol card In Putter A Kelly' saloon laat Saturday night and Andronicu I wearing hia head in a aling thla week on account of il. The argument began by the colored gentleman whacking IHilan over the head with a cribhage board. Then IKilan lay il hjii the darkey and smote him hip and thigh and especially upon the head until the latter waa very griev ously afflicted. No arrest were made. Itoth spilt blood and both em content to keep out of the courts. Kkadino Koom K.ntkhtainmkst Next Tuesday evening there will be a free reading room entertainment and business meeting at Pope' hall. Eu phoney orchestra consisting of ten memlier will contribute instrumental nuwic, there will be oine vocal number and short atldrease on the reading room subject. All member of the reading room association are expected to be nreaent. The constitution of the new organisation will be read and discussed and other business transacted. There will be no admission fee charged and everybody is Invited. An Annivkhsaiiy Pahty, I-ast Mon-1 day was Ihu twenty ... . . I -lllill Mllllivi'iniii v ui. the wedding of Mr. anil Mr. David Olds and also tho birthday of their youngest daughter, (ioorgie. A goodly company ol tliuir irieiuis mot al ine family residence on Falls View to cele brate tho event. Some twenty-live or thirty people were present. Several nice presents of silverware were given to Mr. and Mrs. Olds and to their daughter. Tho presentation was made by the Kev. Sykos in u neat address after which the company set a nice lunch and hud a good time in general. Hook and Kyk Social. There will lie a "hook and eyo" social at the Baptist church Friday night. A lino entertain ment for 10 cents up stairs and then the social in the basement where the gen tlemen will bo assisted in "hooking" a girl. Tho ladies are requested to bring a hook and eye decorated to match, with a tiny ribbon, or any way they choose. Ice cream and cake Will OU KJ'tDU 111 the dining room. A Univkrsal HttAurifiKU. Harmless, effective and aureeablo, Ayer'a Hair Vigor has taken high rank among toilet articles. Tins preparation causes thin, weak hair to become abundant, strong, and henlthyt and restore gray hair to its original color. Turk Mii.k. Johnson & Warnack will deliver pure, freali milk to all parts of the city both morning and evening. Good pasture, pure water and healthy cow. Vr Kivki NAvioATum. The Heamer Mmiunlllo, Klwoxl mi! Modi urn now lmy on the river carrying grain, flour, hop and iiinri liniliw am have ill they cn handle. Tli late ruiiiH ralod t tin water bIhivii tlin full ahout night liiehi' mill lii'low nearly two feet, hill thin ' hardly enough to warrant tl in aieainer in going up to Hitli'in, 'i'hny ply from thu Yamhill down. TIih nnprovuiiipn', ill in;M'H lit Him full" ha liuil the I'll'i'i t ol raining lh wutir aomu twenty aix inlh'a mi airi-ain an thiit'.lt wan a rropllhlo khl In ttHvlgiition. Tim I'oflVir iliini howevir lalara the wnU r innia than the cruiNiieiil dam will, thtt lutti.r atrimture only ruialnit the WBU-r ' ahout a f-mt at tint hrink of tlin fiilla. llutlhat ralao will le ol con.d..rahle l Ill l navigation alv the (alia during tha low witter aeaaon for It only lakea a lew luchea lo mnkn Ihi: diirerenre hot ween eaay and poor running for the IlKht draught up rlinr boata. I'HixiNKaa or rilKaKN'M)WNKK llooKa, I'lm examination and verillialion o( the iirrattnt-owiwr hooka km- on alow ly. All the town Iota wore pgaaud aome time aio and a large rt of the at reaite profwrty of the county haa tiaal under examination. The work of comparison with the recorda la now In proiiraa and i If there he no furllmr interrui.tion or , thomiik-hlv and aearchiimlv in niakimr up the reort and the compariaoiie made on that baaia, which la not at all (in- ! l'rol",l,l,i "'"V Uke aix uion.lia yet lo ,,le J"" preaenl a projier re- f"""1. The main thing now ia to have ' c,"rm t ""d few monthaof J time will not matter il mat en.l aliall lie ' attuiued. TiixCamiv Bai-oon. A paer ia Unng circulated in C'anhy by H. Matlutw ask ing Suahaiier, the proprietor, to with draw (roiu the buaineaa and adviaing the iHindamen lo withdraw from Ilia bond. It ia being very niimerouly igned. If 8 '"'r J, "", ''IB fmeat It is J , in m un muiin win oe oegiin againut him for running a disorderly houaoand there la an impression that uch. charge could eaailvL snhstanU. . , , , .. . . ' aieu. it ia sum itml the Canity aaloon ia an unproliMble venture both for it pioprietor and for the community. llaowxKi.L at IIabww. Chairman Brownell held his meeting at Barlow last Friday night according to agreement. Hut it waa a bad night out of door stormy overhead and muddy underfoot. Still tiie hall wa well filled, a number going over to the meeting from Needy. Mr. Hrownell apoke about two hour, holding Ilia closest attention of the audience and getting genaroua applause. He presented the isauea fairly and weie well paid for braving the storm to attend the meeting. Boat roa tub KxpoaiTion. Hero alter on Sal unlay night during the continuance of the Portland exposition the Oregon City boat will mis it 6:00 o'clock trip up from Portland, and will leave at 11:30 Instead. Round trip ticket including admission to the ex position 90 cents. Dklinui'kst Taxxs. City Collector Khodes give notice that after Saturday, October 1, the city taxea remaining un paid will be delinquent and costs will then be added to the taxes. His office hour are irom 10 A. M. to 6:15 P. M., room 3, Charman block. E at licit AN iFt UOPS . Report of the Condition In Western Oregon for the Week. The temperature has been deficient from two to four degrees a day; It has ranged from 40 to 80 degrees. There haa lieen an absence of frost. On the morning of the 22nd the barometer fell rapidly and a severe wind gtorm, accom panied by heavy rain, occurred dining the afternoon ; rain continued up to Ihe Or.,1. ...1,..,, ,,dP:,,,. w.iall,ur timi'uiUI . . . " .,...,,, ,iu,. rummy niiu niuimtij weno niuixiimjo. , . . . , Hie ruin cieareu iiiu aiiiioi-iiiirio oi smoke and quenched many of the forest fires. The rainfall amounted to over throe inches aloinr the northwest coast from 1. IK) to UK) Inches in the Willam amette valley and from .60 to .85 of an inch in southern Oregon. CHOI'S. The rains were of great bonetlt to agri cultural operations, and injurious to none of the crops. The ground has boon softened up sufficient to allow of uenernl ploughing anil seeding. A large acreage of fall sown grain is being pre pared. Hops have been safely secured, a better crop than was expected was gathered. Corn is riie and ready to cut. Potatoes are being dug, but are turning out fairly well. Figs are ripe in Curry county and a very good cipp. SpiTiihiilon lhiiigcroiH. Scarcely a day passes without the tho news of some larrge failure flashing over the wires the usual result of spec ulation In stock or some equally danger ous venture. The same electric current carries to dear distant friend the sad tid ings of death of loved ones too often the result ol speculation in patent nos trums. Moore's Revealed Remedy iB no speculation but is sold on positive guarantee. Do not fail to go to your druggist and ask for your money if not satisllod. We know you will go and buy another bottle. For sale by all druggists. The finest line of cigars in Oregon City Seventh street drug store. BUSINESS LOCfALS. Idlea'aml Uniitg', roW at Iloliran A. Warnnr'a UmlnrtakiiiK parlora. If llolnian rtWarnur, Unditrtakera and Kinhalim.ra, OritKonClty Hank liiildln. r-iwiliniin'a aoothinK jMiwilera for teelhliig hahii-g a, fVeriali children, now only fifty n-nta a parkot. Amcpt none hut HltMlman'a. tf Wedding atationery, the luteal atylea ami fluent anwirtnmiit ever brought to Oregiin city g( th Kntukciuhk olflce. d'ntral addition toOiegon City in lota and blia ka to wuit puntliaaer, l'roiierty cheap, terma May. Htm L. It. Jaunxv, " J"","M'nJ . tf If you want furniture go to Itellomy A Bwli 0pKiaiU poat ollice. You can get bedroom auila fur H.70. Call and ex- amine our gootla before buying ele tl w here I-oungea, chaira, etc., nidiolMere.) at Iloliuau A Warner'a. All work guar anteed. Hej air all your old lounge for llitle money and they will be good a new. ISIuiik note, receipt and order book t the KNTKMeaiai otlice. When you are In need of rublier good, oil clothing, ladle and genla overalioea nil rublier boola. Don't forgtt that Hamilton A Waahbiirn of the Park I'laoe atoie keep everything in thi line that ia needed. tf Bellomy A liuach, the houae furniah er will aell .i belrooin auit 20x24 Iwveled glaaa for lfl. A ah Cheval miU forIH. IteilateaiU and chaira aold at the loweat price fnim August 15tll to Nn.temla.r 1Mb. Now ia the time to J buy your furniture. tf Jnatii e blanks, teal estate blanks, and all othei blanka al the Kntkki'Misk of fice. Portland prices. Ileautlful NDliiirntn Home. One mile and a ouarter fiom town, good board walk mint ilie lun.l . tracu to auit purchaser, U-r-u easy, the iineni auuurnan proity olleretl lor sale on ,,ie niarkel New proiaoted S "B'(J,r7 ,IJwtl."nd- "'' 'iyi.,.,J- JaN!KY W- --"- """'""il II ABOUT SCHEMES. It ban Wri said that were man constant he would be perfect It will breed distrust to offer " some thing for nothing." We would ex pect you to watch us the rfttxif the ne.'" We have but one 'j pr0per aim to give good value a ,11 the time. The beat "offer" we think of to induce you to buy of us is to give you what you want and charge the right price every time. Our prescriptions, our toilet arti cles, our paints and oils, in fact everything we carry are " one price to all." We invite comparison. Caufield & Huntley, Preioriptlon Drtgglitt. Near the Court House, Oregon City. SCHOOL BOQKS FOR FALL TERM THE Will soon be needed. We bought our School Books and School Sup plies last spring and they came by clipper from New York. By buying so early we got a special discount; freight by clipper is about one-third of R. R. rates; together they make a saving on a bill of school supplies, and it GOES INTO YOUR WHEN POCKET you buy your books at the OREGON CITY BOOK STORE, (Next door to P. 0.) W. A HUNTLEY, Prop. P. S. Prices are uniform. The smallest boy can buy as cheaply as the largest man . NEW YORK GALLERY. Photographs Delivered Promptly in the Finest Style of Art. Fine Crayon Work a Specialty Old Pictures Copied to Any Size. Satis faction Guaranteed. OalUrjHerroitOfBo, 0BEQ0H OUT, 0. THOS. CHARMAN & SON -AT PIONEER a STORE Have just received the largest invoice, direct from New York, ever brought to Oregon City, of ?loaKs! ?ioaKs! loals! LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S, All of the latest cut and of a superior class of goods. -MEN'S, YOUTH' AND BOYS'- Clothing! Clothing! Direct from Chicago, and the most complete line ever brought to Oregon City. Mackintoshes and Rubber Goods Of all kinds, and the Celebrated Duck brand of Umbrellas. pine Groceries, All fresh and of superior quality. One Price to All-No Baits-And That the Lowest. Having decided to go oat of business, I ball offer my entire stock ol Fancy Goods and : Needle Work Supplies -AT COST.- Sale commences October 1. Come early and secure the choice bargains. GO TO Oregon City Iron work and Casting. ALL REPAIRS To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to. OUR PRICES Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City, J. ROAKE, Prop. CITY VIEW MARKET, HENRY BOYER, Proprietor, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresli Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon and Lard. THE BEST OF MEAT KEPT AND SATISFACTION GIVEN, SHOP ON 8EVENTH STREET. AT HEAD OF 8TAIR8. MOODY & VAUGHAN, MOLALLA, OREGON. Leaders in Low Prices. Their stock is complete in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Etc, Country Produce Handled. Postofflce THE- Works for all kinds of Machine Cooke's Stables, W. H. COOKE, Manager, Successor to V. H. T i L. Co. Corner Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. The LEADING LIVERY STABLE of the City. Rigs of any description furnished on short notice. All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi- ness promptly attended to. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms.