CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE FSTKRl'RISK CORKElH)M KSTSSW KKP TIIK HELD. T11K WKST SlbR IMPKOVKMKNTS. Buildings I'mler Oeuvttnwtlna and In fentfm. tilKtion tthr New. Witst Sum. Sept. XV, TIit is consder aWe improvement at present in progress on tli West Side. K. K. rtonaldson h a Urge barn completed iul a fin two story house under may. lr- Payne has ,h 'um ber on the ground for tin residence ami Mm. Willis lias a two story residence ix4i with An I. il: well under way. The T.iomson brothers have just completed a nat tittle coitageeach and numerous barns, w wdsbeds anil other buildings are being rected ami several well are lieing dug. William liodtvuld is contemplating th erection ot a large hotel for tli accommo dation ot tli men in tli paper mills. Mr. t-rahatii has lately move! in the I'ltarmaii house. M r. Hess hss sold liis lions ami lots and moved to Hi east side to I nearer his wort;. Mr. Newton has purchased a tin parler organ for his daughter IVra. Prof. J. A. brook, late of retaluma. Cal., ho has (liars of the new Sunnysiile School, was visiting his sister, Mrs. It. H. runn, last week. He reivris a pleasant school at Sniittysiile. Mr. Downing has a ganten of ever-hearing strawberries, from which she gathers several gallons e.-u'h week. Mr. Baker ami family started Monday for their ranch near Cottage Grov, where tliey will make their future home. Mr. Downing removed with his family to Portland Monday and will remain during the winter. Mr. Wolfer has leased a large ranch on Clear creek and w ill remove there in aKnit two weeks. The west side Sunday school elected the following orlicera last Sunday to rill vacan cies caused by resignations on account of removing from neighborhood: J. Humph ries, superintendent; Kura-tus Smith, as sistant superintendent; Mamie Dunn, sec retary : Louise Folliiisbee, assistant organ ist The Sunday school will go on an excur sion Saturday 10 the Portland Kxposilion. Hi KS KITS. MONKOITH NORMAL SCHOOL. Hew Clackamas County is Represented in the Institution.-lnteresting .Notes. MoxMorTH. Or., Sept. 'J;. School 0ned on the J"th with an attendance of 247. Short introductory speeches from each member of the faculty and the president's usual w ords of welcome were received with loud applause. escially from the old stu dents. The enrollment is now 275 and new students are emering every day. The number from Clackamas county this year is not large. They are as follows: Jess Waldron of B'y, Ollie Gage of Stafford, A. D. E. Elmer of Clarkes, Frank Knight of ilu'ino. A. B. Hibbard of Manuani, and William Vanghan of Molalla. Three new members have been added to the faculty since last year: Prof. Getzof Ashland, Miss Priest of Cornell university, N. Y., and Miss Avers of Dakota. Among the new features of the school is a " model school department." Members of the senior class will take charge of the kindergarten work under the supervision of Professor Getz. The senior or graduating class numbers about sixty. Several members of the class who were teaching summer schools will en ter as soon as their school term closes. The commercial class is large, numbering twenty-eight student. Ttie students' reunion held last Wednes day night was enjoyed by all. On Saturday was held the reception of the college Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations. The cbapel was well tilled and great interest was manifested. tThe school year promises to be a very prosperous one. Each student sterns to be well satisfied with his work and is looking forward to a pleasant and successful year. Cherryville Gleanings. Ciikrkyvii.le, Sept. 23. Glad to see neighbor Corey at his ranch again. His little girl, whoa month ago shattered a bone of the left arm by being thrown from the buggy, is looking well, recovering steadily, and will soon outgrow it. Mrs. Corey how ever is less fortunate and may feel for many months the effects of her strains and bruises. The runaway which injured the mother and little oaughter came about in this way: Mr. Corey alighted to water his mare, but rinding the animal hindered by the new bridle, kindly took the bit from her mouth. Just then a huge dog more thirsty than polite rushed forward to get a share of the water. Thia startled the mare and caused her to run. A petition to the legislature asking that a portion of this county lying north of Clack amas river be ceded to Multnomah is now being circulated. Some neighbors are con scientious enough to ask if it would be right to leave Clackamas without assum ing a share of the county debt. Others shrewdly inoure : Supposing that we pay a part of the county debt, shall we be allowed . to put the Oregon City bridge or the court house iu our pocket when we go? Don't worry, boys. We are not going yet. Still they come more sheep from east ern Oregon. Lartkkn. News from Handy. Sakdy, Sept. 2ti. Mr. Smith of Spring water has taken the contract of clearing land for Mr. Brown. We are glad to see Mr. Brown make his home in Sandy. Gust. Staulter has returned from eastern Oregon and is intending to make his home in Sandy this winter. Mr. Frick, the Portland and Sandy mail carrier, has been very ill and is now rusti cating in Sandy to renew his good health. The Mt. Hood, Sandy and Portland dili gence has stopped running for want of passengers. Died, Sept. 20, Mrs. Fischer, aged S3 years, two months and 21 days. MlklMOM latelttCeM. Mawam, Sept. .rnl. J. W. Baker ronmtvncfei th Ml term ol acliool here last Monday. Several Marquaniitoa attended th state fair. Tliey riiHrt having had a good time. Threshing is about all over In thia part o( the county . The yield it report ed to be alnittt one-half a crop. Hon. H. K. Haves, state lecturer for the grange, called at Marviuam Saturday en route to Molalla Mr Tasvliol lxineU accidentally fell from a load of straw which h waa haul ing tor K. M. Ilartniatt ltut Monday, resulting in the fracture- of several rils and a severe hruising up. The manager of the. Untie Creek Fair are making all necessary arrangements for the coming exhibit and a cordial invitation is extended to everyone to bring their products and compete (or a premium. Hi.I'kJay. Items front t'anemah. C.vskmui, Sept. 3. School began Sept. l! with Prot. C. K. lVase aa vrincival and Miss lna Thomas assistant; there were forty-eight pupils enrolled the tlrst day, and several have been enrolled since. The Sunday schvol was reorganimt last Sunday under th auspice of the Baptist Y. P. S. l K. The otttcers are: John liibson, superintendent ; Misa lna Thomas, assistant; Miss Kuby Sjiencer, treasurer; and Misa Itossie Mi. Ham, secretary. Mr. Labor of Portland was present and offered a handsome Ave dollar Oatord bible to the pupil who should attend every Sunday from October 2 to lVvemhcr Misses Kuby Spencer and IWssie Midlam; Samuel Stevens, Fred Hedges, James llar greaves and Charles Svencer are alteuding the tregon City school. Salmon Newt. Salmon, Sept. 23 J. N Jennings has gone to Portland to remain a short time on business. W. (. Steel has gone up to his home stead claim at Uoivrntuent Camp to re main a few weeks. S. O. Mitchell killed a very tine fai buck a few days ago at I'pivr Salmon. Mr. Morgan has moved lna lauiily to Portland fruin the Summit, where he has lieen keeping inn during the sum mer. Mr. Brown of Tyghe Valley passed here some days ago with a bunch of very nice, horses, which he hopes tq find sale for in the vullev. PuouHicas. Clarkamaa County at t'orvallis. Corvallis, Or., Sept. S!. Seth L. Ca-sto, A. R. Shipley and Lest?r M. In land are students iu the freshman class in the Agricultural College this year. Miss triissie Caato has entered the pre paratory department. Mias Orla Bob bins is sophomore. Lyman B. An drews has reached the junior year, Henry A. Andrews the senior year. Mrs. Joseph Casto, well known in Clackamas county, ig matron of the Young Ladies' boarding hall. The college is under good management and has an efficient corps of professors and instructors. A Sti dent. Clackamas Notes. Clackamas, Sept. 27. Henry Carlton and w ife were visiting here Sunday. Dr. (Jeorge and family have sold their property and gone to Salt Lake City. The numerous signers of petition for division of Clackamas county give as their reason the bad roads School commenced last Monday with Prof. Thompson and Miss Salisbury as teachers. A hearty interest is shown in the school work. Mr. Bagley's fina house, which is now nnder construction, will be quite an addition to this burg. Tkkkknck. Cnrrinsville Jots. Ci'erinsvii.le, Sept. 28 Our school opened on Monday with an enrollment of thirty pupils. Miss Ida Bates of Damascus spent Saturday and Sunday in the neighbor hood visiting triemls. Agnes and Jessie Currin are in Pow ell's Valley visiting their grandmother. Report says there is to be a wedding in the neighborhood this week. MARKET REPORT. Below is given the Oretfon City Market Reort, corrected Sept. 20 from quotations furnished the Extekprisk by local mer chants: GRAIN. Wheat, vallev, per bushel $ Oats, per bushel U) FI.Ol'R, Oregon City Mills, Portland brand... 3 CB Country brand 3 li5 FEED. Shorts, per ton 17 00 Bran 14 00 Clover hay, baled 10 00 Timothy hay, baled 12 00 PROI1UCK. Potatoes, per 100 lbs 75 Onions, " 1 00 Apples, green, per box 5000 Apples, dried, per lb Butter, per lb 25 Eggs, per doz 20 Honey, per lb 10 Prunes, dried Plums, " MEATS. Beef, live, per lb ... '1 Beef, dressed 05 Mutton, Jive, per head 2 002 50 Pork, live per lb 08 Pork, dressed, per lb 05 Veal, live, per lb S'4 Veal, dressed, per lb 66 Hams, per lb 12 Bacon m A COMMERCIAL PEST. THE SHIP FREE TRADE MUST BI RIGIDLY QUARANTINED, I he Hull u rapl.l Ud OroM , CUvvland u rilot t.i it ,, If she Shoul.t 01 tej reoteotls U land I November. Quarantine mean lirwtectiou ajralnal the seeds ot disease and delli brought to our ahoroa from foreign Iwul. And w asrw all agreed that it ia a god thing. Protection means quarantine against the seeds of death to American Indus trie brought to our shores ou the ship Free Trade, sailing nnder th English flag, with J. Bull as captain and Urover Cleveland as pilot. It ia aa Important to the Industrial and commercial health of the nation that the ship Free Trade should W halted at Protection Island and prevented from lauding her passenger and cargo aa 11 ia to its physical health that the Moravia should lie held down the harltor and prevented from scattering the cholera germs anion ; our rxopl. The free trade bacillus is known to lm deadly to the prosperity of every conn try where it obtains a foothold. The Colxlen club is Its place of original in cubation, and aa a dent rover of Ameri can manufactures its ravage, if it ever gains an entrance to this country, will lie terrible. In IStfl. under what was known as th Walker tariff, the llritih commercial cholera broke out "in our midst," and from that date on for a long pen,Hl the mortality among our leading industries was grout. The usual symptoms of this dreaded scourge of American business were rap idly developed. The pulse of trade grew steadily feebler, paralysis of the nerve centers of business followed and iu IS'iT the whole industrial aud commercial system, sun lmrgcd with the British free trade bacilli, collapsed with a financial crash that will always remain among the darkest memories of our history. Again w are threatened with a siiul !r visitation of this fearful plague. The Democratic party is full of the Colv denite germs, and fnuikly avows its purjHwe to abolish the M, Kmley quaran tine station mid ullow the Liriti-tii "free trade" ship, with the s:itnn old com mercial cholera on In vii nl. to pass Pro tect ion island unmolested. If this ship that has initial to its mast head the legend, "Death to American industries," ia uot halted by the imivera tive voice of the people at the pulls next November, there is a sorry time ahead for them. The "pestilence that walkelh by night" ia not uiore deudly to hnuuui life than a "tariff for revenue only" will be to both capital and latvor. The British press may well watch with eager and hopeful interest th Democratic effort to break down the protective system, which bus for thirty years served as a most effective, quaran tine against theinvasiou of British cheap goods, made by British cheap labor, working for British cheap wages. It means renewed vitality and vigor fo British industries if this country shall elect Orover Cleveland, with a mandate to let down the tariff bars and let in the flood of foreign panperconijietition npon American factories aud workshops ami the working people employed therein. The American workingmen, however, can hold the free trade plague at tvay if they choose. The quarantine station will not be abandoned if they say that it shall not be. Protection island ia in their hands. They can halt the British ship, with its pestilential doctrine that a protective tariff is unconstitutional, if they determine to do it. Self preserva tion is nature's first law, and of course they will maintain the quarantine that defends their wages, their homes and their families. New York Recorder. Ware. In Woolen Factories. According to the British board of trade, a government body, the average wages paid in British woolen factories are about f'.'U'J a year. The average yearly earnings in New York state, according to returns made to Labor Commissioner Peck by manufacturers in reply to circulars (the method adopted also by the British board of trade) were t-520.03 in IM91. New York Press. t Use Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. IF YOU WISH TO AVOID THE TWIN DRUGS, ALUM AND AMMONIA Dr. H. Endemann, for twelve years chemist of the New York Board of Health, in his paper read before the American Chemical Society at Washington, in October, 1891, states that an ammonia baking powder acts on the gluten of the flour, altering its chemical properties, and cites numerous high authorities to prove its injurious effect on the stomach and kidneys. Liebig the great chemist, says: "The use of alum in bread is very injurious, and it is very apt to disorder the stomach and occasion acidity and dyspepsia." The following powders are known to contain either ammonia or alum or both: Jtoyal, Chicago Yeast, Calumet, Bon Boh, Taylor's One Spoon, Unrivaled, Fores City, Snow Ball, Pearl. CRN BY If A PT TAW fa PAQEWfl A NQ o, Their cash systom gives thorn tho load, for their prices cannot bo duplicated in tho Stato, SEE THEIR PRICES: 5 gallons best Pearl Oil, - $0.65 Arbucklo's Coffee, per lb. - $0.20 Extra C Sugar, per 100 lbs, $4.90 Gran. 14 4 $5.65 A PROVEN FACT: All other goods sold at propor tionally low prices, A trial will convince you. a J IlAHKillOUST & COMPANY, 1M Front Street. HARDWARE Portland, Oregon. Nnrthwnitrii Ar(tl fur Iiier Plsitniud, Uiicm (hf,i,ui- Tuiilot.Kvtli . tatter Uiic HlU.r Sievl. Saw. WA. 1 ft JHt Crescent Wedges (warranto!.) P it S l'roof Ch.tins. Arcade Files. Hope. Crescent Med Loggers and Wood Cltopners Specialties. Oregon City Agent, WILSON A COOK STATE SEWS. A fruit grower at Zona, Polk county cleared seventy-four dollars this season on (our Hoyal Ann cherry trees. According to the survev of the South ern Pacilic extension from IVrwnon to Sodaville, which has lveen made, the ex tension will misa Sodaville ll utiles kosebnrg'a recently organised ladies' band is making life burdensome to the deniiens of that place while they are industriously engaged in learning bow to extract music from brass horns. Two loads ol wool from Kastern Ore gon passed through Ix'banon Sunday. If the tlregon Pacific was only completed to that part ol the country, bow easy it would le to ship the wool by rail. Tbero will lie a decreased yield of ap ples this season al out Yaiiitia bay, but what they lack in quantity will be made up in the quality. E. J. Wilbur reports a loss of over 3(10,000 feet of seasoned ami dressed lum ber in tho recent (Ire at Mdlcham. His loss was considerably greater than that be sustained in the great fire in 1-u Grande in 1H85. A gang ol Imrse thieves are operating in the vicinity ol Pes Chutes. They have stolen ami run off quite a number ol good horses recently. Wanted, second hand grain sacks. E. E. Williams the grocer. t( Receipt, note and order books at the Entkki'Iiihk ollico. Is booming and P0PE& CO. This old and reliable linn always keep In slock a lull line ol SllBlf Harflware, Plumbing, Gas Pitting & Jobbing Attended to Promptly, lis tinmtes PnrnislieJl. OREGON CITY FURNITURE, II mm J M V 3STOTI02STS, ETC, ETC. Second Hand Household Goods Of all kinds, Ilought and Sold. EE1.X.01VIY cfc BUSCH, CHEAPEST HOUSE IN ORECON CITY. Opposite tho Post Office. C. V. WINKMKT. AVINESUT & SCKIPTlfltE, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALIY1ERS. Largest stock of Collins and Casket kept Houth ol Portland. Also doth covered and Metallic Cackels furnished to order. Ladies liurial Hohes anil dents' Burial Kobes in stoek. Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen eral Jilaeksmithing on short notice. ran sallLJV'ak 13k SOPTHING1 POWDERS ftrCHIIORfN CUTTING TEtTH HELIKVB FEVEIUHII HEAT. f IIKVKNT FITS, CONVUlalONg, fee. pnramnvE a heai.tiiy state op the con- BTITUTION DURING PEltlOO Ot TEETUINO. Sm that th words " J0HR STEEDMAIt, Cham 1st, Walworth, Surrey," are engrarmt on tha OoTummont Stamp affixed to sach packet. JVSold bj all Leading Druggists. tJT so is tho trado of ami Tiuward, etc OREGON I JLIUI B r, HCUIITl'llR, NOBLETT'S STABLES. .Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED WT.TWKKN TIIJC BRIDGE AND DKI'OT. Double and Single Rips, and sad dle horned always on hand at the lowest prices. A oorrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind ol stock promptly attended to by person or lettor. Horses Bought and Sold. 111