C0PYHIClT,l9a Bf J.8.LiPPtKkotrcocApAr,r AP rUU5'eP (lYSPtciAU, livxTtxv"Kn.J The division superintendent had been better than his word, for it was only four o'clock when the train came hissing in, and in ten minutes, in long ghastly prives-ioti, Kolfes men were leading their chargers, curveting and prancing in the keen air, down the winding road to the valiev, the quartermaster's wagons following with chest and box tuid Kile and bnudies of tentage and camp eqmiwge. lit tittivn minutes more the won! went p to send down (he next troop, and the tr.itn puiiiM rorwanl four car lengths, so as to bring the next lot of hors cars ontav-ite the platform and i-hntes. while T.iorikl's h:lliilstilne sirrtls were led wouderiug frim the dimly lighted gangway; and so, by a few minutes after Bve. eveu the oflicera' chargers ami thesiuure horses of the first battalion were, all aboard, and some where across the stream, just as the major acknowledged the report. "All aboard and secure, sir," in Hazlett's soldierly tones, a sprightly chanticleer. wnose ears naa at last caught those mumeu sounus ot novr auu voice over damn htm! he shant. I wont have her ! flag, awaiting the signal to sound "as nnder the garrison bluffs, concluded it ! degradeil by any such offer, if I have to i eembly," and now the baud come time to challenge, ami woke the echoes with shrill cock-a-dixxlle-iov), whereat there cauie a low chuckle of delight from Hailett 8 men. err good, sir. Xow get aboard all your baggage as quick as you tan." . All aboard now, sir. "Then march up to quarters for coffie and breakfast the others are at theirs now and form under arms right after- warJ-" iTecious time sleep Has there betn this night no time among the men, no inclination among the women. Wives and daughters who had devoutly thanked heaven that only the first bat talion was to go were soon undeceived and found that but ten hours' respite was to be theirs. All the night long the note of preparation could be heard in barracks and in quarters. The colonel, with his adjutant and quartermaster, hardly left the office at all. Berrien bustled from barracks to his home, from tnere to stables. At two ociock. find- ing all his own campaigning kit in per 1 feet readiness, and Winifred ami hef i mother still huddling over the parloi fire, he noted the pallor in his daughter's face, the deep trouble in her pathetic yes, and, taking her in his arms, he kissed her fondly again and again. , "Go to your room now, little dangh- ter," he said huskily; "go. dear, and try to sleep, i will not leave without com- ing to say bye-bye, just as I alwaysdid." She shivered and hid her face and clung - .'s -ua, o-mimiij to oe reiieveu ano aiioweu to go, unt the no tear. Gently he unclasped her hands, quartermaster says 1 must stay until "Yes, my child, do a i bid you now; 1 gome sergeant can be found who is com want to speak with mother awhile." petent to take charge some one in the And then reluctantly she turned, but infantry battalion. That may require the one brief look into his eye was so i two or three days, sir, and 1 am fearful full of wordless sorrow that he was foi j that once the command gets away there an instant unmanned. "My little girl! , will be no obtaining orders to follow it xny little Winnie! don't look at your old ' Besides, air, there is my horse." daddy that way!" he almost sobbed, ai I "Vou belong to the Black troopr again he threw his arm around her, lead-! "Yes, sir, and 1 think that if the ma ing her to the stairs. "We won't begone ! jor would but speak to Major Kenyon long. We're all coming back, dear; and j at once hecould name a sergeant who we'll .have a lovely Christmas, and you would take my place here at the fire hall .have the jolliest kind of a party, , honse. Almost any man can do it, sir pet. Bui oe a Drave lime woman now. I i'll -.11 !. W f L i , I im.iaii iu iieuu aw uuucti ' -with quick convulsive sob and threw herself .upon his breast, again twining her soft arms about his neck, her beau tiful dark hair streaming in rippling, shimmering masses down over the creamy white wrapper, tears would have been a The burst of . blessed relief, ! but it never came. A quick, soldierly tread was heard on the plank walk with out, and then springing up the steps. Even before the rat-tat-tat at the door she had torn herself from his arms and sped like a startled fawn up the carpeted etalr ; "Iti Mr. Brewster," said Mrs. Ber- j Tien, in Jow tone, quickly. BerrieDj threw open the door. "Anything for a IH-eiexi, m, uuwe uere again, ne rant- tered angrily to himself, as he confronted the unwelcome intruder. It was Brew eter. ".Major Berrien, the colonel's compli ments, and he desires you to know that ! tne train will ,oe nere at tour Instead of five." And Brewster's eyes glanced but I An instant into tnose of his snpenor, and then went wandering longingly over his shoulder. "I had already heard it, air. You have everything ready?" "I beg pardon, then, for disturbing you, major. I have just left the col onel, and he thought you might not have heard. Yes, sir, everything will be ready, though the rations are not yet cooked." "Then be ready to get your horses aboard the moment F hag finished load ing. Anything else, Mr. Brewster?" Poor fellow, there was something else- sometnmg tnat nuea nearx ana soul ana dominated every thought. Gazing ' wisuuuy up me stairs, nis sau eyes nau jection. caught one glimpse of that white, fieet-1 "Come in here, sergeant," called Ber ing form, one glimpse of the lovely rfen, arui cap jn hand the dark eyed, pallid face all framed in dark, falling . dark haired trooper, on whose lip the tresses, as, clinging to the balustrade, , mustache was aKain beKinntatt to bris- Winifred turned, unable to resist the longing to hear what he might have to say. "Nothing nothing more, I believe, sir." And, mechanically raising his hand in salute, poor Curly turned away, the door promptly closing behind him. . Berrien came back into the parlor clinching his fists, speechless indigna tion in his face. Mr. Berrien saw th nnmistakable sign, and, though in hei tiean sue ten tun ot synipattiy tut Brewster, tX knew it best to say noth ing now. "If 1 thought '.t as you said, he ,., hvirselv spoke at hist, "if 1 thought that fellow had beu trifling with Win- j nie while all tha time carrying on this j Faugh' i'. make me feel as though j I could tl'.-ole him!" And Berrien strode up and down the coiy room, i beating ore brawuy list iuto tlio palm of j i the other hand. -But. Rioharil dear, why do yon think ; there has been anvthimr serious between I him and this this woman? 1 thnk she j deliberately assumed that mamr at the ! hop tonight. 1 think sh -Alio,! him 'Carroll' solelv for WUufred's benefit and uiiue. I saw how astouished and auuoyeil he was." But Borrieu held up a warning hand, -..v . .....v- .v .- u ,nv ,t.iii(, mm he striving to sotithe her. She was aotv biti.st aloud when he put her iu the car nage. Kolfe and I both saw aud beard. Don't tell me there wasn't anything lie- tween them. Very possibly he doe want to make up to Winifred now, but ! send her and vou to Euroue to tret her ; away from him. It is no imagination. j Btss; I tell you 1 kmw Why. only tins , uioniing she sent him a new picture of j herself : and as for calling him Carroll j for our benefit, that's what she calls j him iu her letters, aud I can prove it," j "How, Dick'r" "Roife saw it saw it this very mom- j mg." j "Captain Rolfe! Why. how came he ; to see her letter to him?" "Well, it was lying open ou his desk. he could not help seeiug." "Why, Dick, 1 cannot understand Captain Rolfe's lookiug at or reading other people's letters, and" "It was an accident. I tell you." "Ab, but it was no accident his tell ing of it, Dick. Nothing on earth should have induced him to refer to it. if. as he claims, he saw it by aocideut I did not suppose Rolfe would do such a thing. Well, he couldnt help himself. I ilmi-l it nnt .f liiu. I nt Another step, another rap at the door aud, casting one glance aloft. Berrien, to his dismay, again cauu-ht sight of Winifred' pale face peering over the balustrade. The child could not, would not rest. "What's wanted?' he curtly asked as he threw open the door, "It is Sergeant Ellis, sir." said a deep voice. "I have come to beg the major to intercede for me. Mv tr.ain with the major's battalion and 1 begged ' only there is no time to be lost Major 1 rr ....... - ! ivpnvon is & Lne doctor s now. "Dr. Holden's?" "Yes, sir, and Captain Rolfe haa Just joined him there." "Have you spoken to Lieutenant Brewster? He commands your troou as you know, awav." now that the captain' "I have, sir, but it was at the office. and the quartermaster spoke up at once, so that Lieutenant Brewster could do nothing." Berrien turned back into the parlor "Bess, dear, X must run over to Holden' a moment. Will you not go up to Wini- fred? She is not lying down at all." Followed by the sergeant, Berrien entered Holden' gate and gave a whack at the open hail door as he nassed in. Kolfe voice wag rthe first thing he heard. It was tremulous with excite ment. "If Colonel Farquhar will but give me authority to search one room in this poet I will guarantee that 1 can find that nfetnm and name th tWf" H broke off short at siirht of Berrien. Holden rose, hospitably urging the major to join them in a eup of .ooflee, but Ber rien proceeded at once to business. "Major Kenyon, a sergeant of my bat talion is in charge of the fire apparatus here, but is most anxious to go with us. He says it will be allowed if you can name one of your men a noncommis sioned officerto take his place at once. You will do me a very great favor if you will." "Certainly I can," answered Kenyon stoutly. "Is your man there? Call him in. Sergeant Griggs, of B company 11 be just the man, and 1 know hi company commander will make no ob- tie, stood silently before them. "Are you well enough to go, my man?" spoke up Holden on the instant "You look very pale, if not ill." "I am perfectly well, doctor, and I am eager to go. I suppose I'm a little cold and excited." "Then give my compliments to the quartermaster at once and say Sergeant Griggs, of the infantry, will take your duty.!' said Kenvon.auietly.- Kin muttered, "Thank yon, Mr," faced about mul hurried from the room "Whs Ihut limn iu the hull when I whs talking (tuvl you cam inr" naked Rulfo, iti his quick, decided way, "1 dou't know," answered llorrien aur prised. "I think he followed me up the teps mul wit standing Ht the door." "Why do yon ask. Rolfe?" queried iloldcu. closely studying hi five "llccrtitxo, if ho whs, the search ( spoke of would now tie useless. CHAFTKR VIL Daylight Ht last, but the sun la hidden in bank of dripping mist. Daylight, wan and chill and comfortless, and the bleary lamps null smoke ami nicker mvutthe parade, Duylight, yet with' out ona sjvirk of gladmss. Even th' binls huddle In the shelter of the autumn 1 foliage, uow so crist and brown, and not; ; , , , ; , , . .! s so mucn as a cntrp is lieatM. All around sunn oaoa 10 wie siauon wueucti one j Kreeler ol the I' a. laml ..!. al Orou the big quadranglo night lamps are atill cams It Is the conquered Indian who , i 'l, rvini, .mi i "lyr. 4;wJJ vl aglow within the shadml windows, tell-! rides in triumph to the nation' capital ) ,. n aj,, 'r',i ,. "ee 1. T 4 ingof sleepless vigil, of pallid cheeks d learns how great and gHl a thing , . K K llr. nanira tlie (..lloBiim wi and tear dimmed eyes. Only in the bar-! it is to take the warpath every othor j l;;1;;::,:,!;1:;;;!!:!:';':; racks of the men or the lively dens of the Ivvchelor sulviltenis do the windows bl.-ue, uncurtained, undismavtHl. There no silently weening wives, uo clinvinif. ' fcibbimr little ervin "l.an, ! mamma cries," yet little diiamitig for what cause, uo thought of "What will j come to these should 1 uever return?' l.in, tt tl,., ai.irit it 1... D..l.li..H 1l.... l u..t.u uu .'...w 'l.llll. A lll'ITJ ! all voices art rituritur with eagerness. j even exultation, as the. men brace on i Uieir woven cartridgo belts aud tosa over . tiivit tun., u, nuniiiiioi a lot lima Billies j and the stmpsof canteen and haversack, j and then come streaming forth upon the ; galleries mutlled to the chin la the blue 1 j cavalry overcoats. j i Out on the parade the trumnotor are gathered under the moist fold of the , ' marching in thrtimrh the m.imintf n.Ut ' and the adjutant strides forth from the' ottlce door. Merrily, briskly the stirring ', pead bursts from the U11 of the braxeu ; trumpets. Promptly the blue overcoats I leap into ranks. Shandy they face to ! the left, aud the stem voices of the set- j goauts can be hoard calling the Mils- I the "here." "here." of the men nnsnond. ; j iK i animation and hilarity sometimes j so marked as to cull forth a frown of re- bnke. The troou commanders and their subalterns have hastened to their coin - pany grouud. The major has just come forth from his dimly tighted hall and is joined by the colonel at the gate, and now, slowly, these two are pacing out to the parade. On many of the ver andas dim feminine forms, mantled in heavy shawl or cloak, have gathered In the gloom. Some can be seen flitting ghostlike through the mist, seeking I comfort and sympathy in the society of j a uear neighbor equally bereaved, j Brewster turns one lunging glance at the porch of the major' quarters, but i no one is there. ! Agaiu.quiek and spirited, as though de-1 fying the elemeuts, the trumpet peal the j adjutant's call: the band bursts into the j martial rhythm of lively quickstep, and J then the dripping, moisture laileu morn-; ing air rings with the words of command. as, in full ranks, the four troiqis come 1 swinging out upon the turf and all the j roadway around the parade fills tip with other light blue overcoats, those of troop- j f,(te.' UUml ers and footmen, who wish with all their hearts it was their turn to go that they, too, belonged to the First buttalion. In a moment the line is formed; the car bines snap into the bared left hands as arms are presented; Berrien leaves the colonel's side and takes post in front of the center, touches his cap in ac knowledgmfnt of the salute and whips out his own battle worn blade. No speech making here. -Right forward, four rightr rings the order, ami then. arms at right shoulder, hand and trum peters leading, Berrien's men, with quick, elastic step, with swing and life and jauntiness in every stride, march square away across the parade, heading for the road in front of Farqnhar's quar ters, ine trumpets strike np their mer ry, lively peal. With one simultaneous crash the carbines are brought to the carry, and Berrien lowers hi saber in salute to the gray haired colonel, whose eyes fill and who bare for the moment his handsome head as he notes the spir ited bearing of the men. And now the head of column has reached the road and turns to the left, and now the trumpets cease and the full band bursts into martial song and all along the row women aro wnvmg hand- kerchiefs Wet with tears, eve. I though I many are sobbing as t!tough their hearts would break, and little children are perched on the gallery railings, shouting in shrill treble their g'snlby to pupa, whs turn one brief glance, Mtrliaps the Very last on earth, imd a big lump rises in many a hnsky throat and stern eyes are dimmed with unwonted tears, and God alone knows the secret thoughts that go surging through the soldier brain, the never ceasing whisper of that tillsmall voice. "What what will be 0m ttletf tat ff Tun tanr CtxlMoiw Can hear, God aloii can know the humility, tii piteon pleading In tha muttered rayer that lloala to him on high, "Oh, guard and protect them, and if It b thy will lu thy good tlma restore tlio father to his helples little one," Ah, It la one thing to go forth to tight for an Imperiled country, for an in tuited flag, to "lake life and fortune n mTIo t.,;;:.. zzz the nriid. and to M that ono b Uing for them, for their honor, jieace and futttre prosperity. Hut It la a thing far different to b torn from loving anna and the smiles and sunshine in the little facea, the prat tling and kisses, of laby lipe, to face year after year aavagt f, knowing '"'" w'" hat, defeatiHl, eVy death ran b the coldier'a fortune; that, victoriotia, 'be out v rewanl will b tiermiHsiou to ,.,,, 4 , . .- , year. It is all well enoimh for the young oflicera, the young tnHrs, to laugh and '-, cluvr. It is the IiusIhuuI and father among the seniors, the old campaigner in the rank and tile-men who have boon through manv and many a bhaalv light . - ' , within some twenty yearn of national IWIHll and iimsivritv--men who have 1 , , , , . , seen uoiteiis, miuiirtms in uieir cnertani'il I comrades slainrlttered in battle with the : Siouxit is they who see the other aide ! of the picture, and ask: "To what pur- fcv, a ..... ..,,. TO tut l.ri.M'm.J , Alirtiirtal. Mrs, Closetlit We are lnv(l to Mr and Mra. Itaugle silver wwlding j What hall we give them? ! Mr. I'losetist I'll make "em a speech , Speech is silver, von know.-tlood News tlio oest plan ot supplying charcoal to the poultry U to burn com, not Muck but niivly browned; give them all that they will eat op clean, 1 " On All Sides Ayor'j I'llfs are eninuienileil . the tn-al n-g. UUlor ot the liver, stnnutrb, will howi'la, l'r. Ihoiiua I onni'ra, ut I I'lilin llrlde, I'., .i); - Having long uwl Ayer Tllla mm giant rraulK I can conlWi'iitiy iwuniniriul thrill atHtvcuUotlmra." ir Siwiuvr, ut I nily. . tl.. writes : "I cotwtilrr Ayer'a 1 ilia fur su-rior. as a I'allmrtlf. to any tluu are tmuutaU bj the ptuuinacoia-l." "After snderlng for (itcht yeara from rhlllt nil fever, with only tH-i-aaion.il IntervaU of rvat, I nas rnreil by Ayer'a I'tlla alone. My rase hail reataieil treaiment lth the iuii.il ilia-mra' in-terlitloiii anil great manlier of iroirietary nieilletnea, hut ntKler tlie Inttii enee of Aer I'llla the rhllla ami lever feuril. nty liver ami atntmirli ere realnreil to healthy aetloti. ami my tunner K'-xl healtli retiirneil. Ayer'a t'llta ranmit In-i-lrelleil .n a remnty for Urwnlrn e inaeil hy nuklnrial laniis." f. I,. lUirrnw, tionlon. Tena. ' For heailarhe. Ayer'a tltti are the mal fffeetive meillelne "-tl. Riah e, llnmer. N V. " U ltra I leel the need of a i-atlmrttr, t tike Ayer'a I'illa, ami flint them tn he more fffecuve Ulan any other pIMa I ever IihA."- Mn. It. C. llrutili, Hnrwellvllle, Va. Ayer's Pills, rarrtaiti r Or. J. C. AYER It CO., low.ll, Wait. 8old by all Ilrugfialaauif llealera ,u ktvUlcllMM. Hl'MMi'NS. In theCErenlt (nirT ft' the State of Oregon, for the Comity ot Claekamaa, at. Thomas M. Miller, plattitltr.) va. M irv r.. Harlow, Margaret J VSnlt In Kttllty. f tllalmry. Henrietta M Kelly an. I It, Plllabiirv, tletrml la. I To Henrietta M. Kelly of r aid ftwrenilantfl amt tnall tteraona nnkiiowu rlalmtng or having an Inlereat In the pruatrty iteacribeii In the com plaint herein : lathe name nf the State of Oregon, ymt are hereby required to appear ami anawer the eoni' platnl filed agalnat yon tnlhr altoveentlllrit anlt wtinin lett tiayi frotn the tlale nf the aervleeof i thla allium.. ha upon yon, If aerveil wlllitn lllla j roiinty : or. If aerveil in any other eon nty ol thla atatti, then within twenty tlaya from the ilate of I th aervlee of thla aiiinmona nion yon Anil It 1 yon fall mo to anawer, or wiilit thereof Iheplaln- will take Judgment ngatnat yon anil apply to the court tor the relief tti-tnamle.1 In aattl rami' nUint which ta a ami for the partitioning among the paittea thereto, plaintiff ami itefentl anta, of certain real eatnte annate In (Mackamak I coiiinv, Mie tn iiregiui. 10 wu. i ne r.. 'j 01 uie I donation claim No. in aei-tiona tl. 1. 'Jti ami 27 iu.ownahiti 'I aonth, range I eaat of the tt'll lainettemeriiliaii. anlt! eaat half being the wlfu'k . portion of ttie donation land claim of the late It...-. ..I Ul!l. ..A U..I.. -I.. a ..a lid, ..rt the. 8. W. comer of the late Hatnttel W. rttiall non'a donation land claim, known on the inapa and plata and anrveyatit the. t'lilU'd Stalea aa claim No. 70 lu T. i., K. 1 K of the Willamette meridian Thla ntnmnna ta ajtibllahed by older nf the Hon. I.oyai H. gtearna, judge of lha clrmtlt court of the atate ot Oregon for the cottnty nf Multnomah, dated September '1, l.alt, H. llcai.AT. :-tl;5 Attorney for plaintiff. HfMMONH. Ill the Circuit Court nf the ataiA of Oregon for ClackamHa ciinnly Ixiulaa pazlel. fliitntHii va. iohn Iiaslol, dcfcntfnnii Tn John flaelel, anld defendant: lnthenama ot the. atatn of Oregon you arn hereby reitircd to appear Htid nnawer the com plaint ffld agHlnal ynu tn thti ahoveentltled nit within ten daya from the date of iheacrvice ul thla aiiminriiia tipnn you, if acrverl within thfa county; or, If M'rvctl In any other county of title slate, then within twenty daya from the date of the aervlee of thla aumuiona upon you. And if you full an tn anawer, for want thereof, the plaltitllf will apply to the court for the re lief demanded In thu complaint In, wit: for the diaaolutlori of the lunula of matrimony now ex- iKttng utwu tintiutitt unit (jcicmiant Thla aummona la publli.he(l hy order of the Honnrable 1iyal It. nlcarnH ludgc of the cir cuit Court of tfteatiitc of Oregon fo." Multnomah county, (fstetl Seplcmber'il, Ihii-j, H. llllRI.AT, t:ii 11.5 Attorney for f lalntlff. NOTICE KOlt fl'IIMCATION. l.iid Olllce at Oregon City. Oregon,) Hept lb, I Nglc fa hereby given that the following naini'd aettler haa file.l notice of hla intention to make flintl proof In aupwirt of nla claim, mill that aald jirool will lie niHtlc before the tteglater and ftecctver of the II. H. J.utiil Olllce at Oregon City, Oregon, an Novembers, IWi, vl?.: oitviii it. trfioney, Ifomeatend entry No. (Iraki, for the H. K. '4 of N. W. Kami N. E. Uof H. W. Wnf H(.!W,T.4 H..K.ii H. He miniea ttie foliowtng wltneaaea to prove hlKCnn- land, viz: Jerrv Urns. C. N, Urklna. John I.ar- kin and Irvln I.. Clarke, nil of' Clitrkca mint of fice. Claekamaa county, Oregon, 8:23-10; J. T. Ari'KHsmr, Register. FINAL SKTTLKMKNT. I hereby give notice that I have filed In the county court of Claekamaa onunly, Oregon, my account and voucher for final aettlctnent a admluiRtratrlx of the otate of Andrew Dob hag, deceaed, and the court haa appointed Monday, November 7th 1MM-2, a the day for ex amination and actllcmciu of tlio same. Dated Hept, It), lxKt Annib Kino, Artm'x W, C. Johnson Atty. -2S,lU-21 noticr or uuakhun'm ai.k, Nolle U hereby given lhl the v.ndcrlitnii, guardian u Hie pcraiiit ami eatat of Robert eVt.iiee, miller, will, muter and by virtue order mt the comity entirt tl Marion county, Oregon, made and cili'iinl nl record en llm Silt tlav el September, A l, lUJ, aell l public amnion at III vaai itmir lit the county court ho He tu the eliy el Oregon City, tti Clackautaw county, lu the Hate l Oregon, on (tmuidav the IMti day ( October, A. I, ImiJ. at It n'cl.a'k A M ill unlit itny, iu the highcal bidder, lor lulled state gold com. to ne paid hi (it time o aaie, Mattes 4Tnm&. l,', I,,, nn,nin. oi in,, o iiiaillflio illi'ilil' lau hi'lii nan .if Hi., ,li,.n..i, .il.li.i ,il Ilolwn It rli'iine ami wile, eoiitalnlhii e aiie. of laiut. morv or Iraa, alniaie In i Taokatnaa eonnly.aiaUMit oioBou, i;. n, IIovsion, lliiarvllau et llm iran anil eatale ol Knlwrt SiiHitoe. a minor. Hali.l lllla Svialir It, IWSJ, (II Ift III It . . . NtiTUK rolt I't'lil.U'AI'IKN. I.ANU llrro'l HT Ohhiiok CiTV. (taanoN.i Ana ae, IwrJ. I Nollre I hert'liv nl vvii thai urn lolliix hiat naiui'tt ai'ltltir Un (tliitl lloUre ul It t an ItitelilUiii 1 1 make niml i.n ot i ti.M.ri i.t lo. ouiiii .au.l ihatat.ul iir.Mil will tw ma.te Ih-loimlie H,iKiur , ner.nt t nrriii.viii.. or.'.ni, ami John Small ; aii'l I'nvlil Hatch ot I'ouUn.l. I trraon I a '- SO J I' Ai-i-aaiiM. Umlater. KWK or' .vl'I'OINTMKS t of KNKi't nui, Nmii i, -te) simii thai the un.li tiwmM ; !',!"' '"'"' :"T!'li ,V""!,,y !,'TV . i lie kamaa i ouniv. ort'itfoii iiil aiMHiinit'il r v Wiu.ir ot tun caiaie ol ..iraa II ,;. i Alt iwr.mia nnn riaiinaaiainai I'nlaU' arn )i r rt f,t to 'ri'"i'llt lliciti lii mi iooii . ,.riv vnnrli-.l ai tin ottirn ol II K i r,.a in : ": city. ,, aitliia ! ini'iuha ttm i Kwilior" o'l 'iho'i'iiaie of An.'ii.'aa it.'iro'ie. ! i''""'i I It. K Caiiaa. Attoritpy lor Kataie. AltMiNlslit lott s NiM lt'K, tn tlie tininty rourt of the itate of Oregon for the. futility of I'laofcamaa. In the matter of theeaiate of iolin HetlwiMil, tie i'eaai-t Notlee la heret.v itlven thai Ihe tlti.terlirneit haa, Iiy onler of Hie atuo e entllleil eourt. been alolnle,t aUmlnt-tratur ol the eatateof aatil ; ileeeaae.l .all era,ilia tloblttia etalnia ataloM Ihp eatate ol aal.t ,ln-eaai-,l are herrl.i nnllrt,-.t lo ,rea,.nl th Miua verlfleil llloter oath, with : the irt'H-r v.iiti-hera. to the itml,rla!ieit at no i j Kaat f(halreet. I'ortlaml, lilui,im-ili eotiuty. ! ; Oreai'tl. i.,t ,.:tiee aifilrea Mallotl A. fiirllalnl, ' tirt'it.'ii' uitlttn ai niotitlia from the itatp , i hereof j 1 iate. Sei(enltwr 7, t''J. t J It. N oil ..o i AilmltiUlrator of the ealale ol J. tin aellmaul. I ileeeaae.l l ! j J .SHUCK Kott I't HI h 'AlloN. ! ! I all. I tim. e at OrevoiH lly i)reon j ! Ans l l"'.' I ; ! Ntli-n ta hereby atven thai the lollimltig. tiame.1 aettlrr tla SU.I liotteeof hla litietitti.it I t-i make filial lriaf In aupiw-rt ut hta eiauii. ali.t i Itial aaol .nif will be tna.le tmifore the IteirMer j ; ami lieeetier ot l lie I', s lati.t ,.it:,-e at Oregon ' , t'llv. t'tegon. on tietolier .1. iwj vli 5 j Joeilt Itreett, llomeatea.l entry So n.'ail. lor the X W '.of Sie SM. K K lie nainea the l,.Ui.ln I tt ttneaaea In rirove hla foutllnii.ua re.t.lelu e j ; tl.on an-t eillfiiatt.in ot aalil lali.t. kll llitant I Smith, lieorite Cliliiitmrliant. tlranell linker' ami Joaei'h It. liuailarmel. atl ol aprlliau aler 1 : I' li .titi-aoli J I Al l an., a I " -. Keglaler. .sum k nut frm ii'aiio.v , laiol ofhie at firegoti City or-a.n. I ' Ana .'). fts l ' Notlee la hereby atvrti thai the fnllow Ing ' ' llame.t aettter haa rtU-.t mlt'-e of Ilia ItOentlittl to . mke rttial irial In aiiitort ot hta eUun. atnt lliat aaltl .riif will lie tnaile liel-ite the llirtater i ' am! ;reitver of the I" S latol .irth-e al tireguu j I I'll) , llrenon, on t et.. ber tl, laiei via. j , Chalea Koabt'er II. imialrait entry .So Witt, tor the N. W I, of See ..!. T I , II I K He namea the folloialiig wittteaaea lo rrove hla rotittniioiia reatilem-e ; npoti atnt rnltlvatlon of aat.t latol ttmler See j r.'l K , via feter tiabrlrl ami t'. ttatney. of . CitrrlnavlUe. oreyon, amt John Small ami la j vbt liateh, ot I'orlinml, Oretolt i a m 1. T Arrcaanx, Keglaier j ; MirirK run I'riti.it Aiiii.N laml ortlcu at UrrgonCitv, Oregon. I Atlg JH. law. I Nolle la hereliv given thai the following , nanie-1 aettler haa rltetl m.llee ol hla Inteiillnu lo niake final proof In atipport of hla etalm. ami j . thai aalil rtaf will be tnaite ttetore the Iteglalel ' ! amt tleeelver of the I'. H laml tilttea at Oregon i ; I'll). Oregon, on lietitlar v lairi, vu henjamltt Watte lloniexeatl entry No. i.ix, for the M of a W , , .. eee a, I ft s , ll i R lie namea Ilia lo , lowing wltneaaea I I prove hla r.uit I II I real- letii-e ii miii ami rtilih ailon ot aabl laml vu j Jamea r'arly. Jamea Mllalea I, lamea Nli'holaon I ami sanoiel t-.ilemaii, all of wilholt f ti , tire gull. S.JB-HJU J. 1. APiaaaoS, Keglater. j ; : , , NOTI CK Tt) CKKDITOti. .'tate of Mary I jirk, iteroaaetl. Notice Ik hereby given by the nn'teraigiieil, pxecntornf itir above nametl eaiate.to the "rvl- Itora ami all peraoua havttig elaltna agalnal aabl ilereaaril, lo tireaent the aametallh tlieproter liiiicnera willllll aia moiiina irtnii iiie tiatn Ol Ihla notice to the nnderalgnett at (heof11tiot H Uncial on Main aircet, Oregon City, t'lackataaa county, atate of Oregon. At.KiN Jt'nirit. Kxeciitorof the laat will ami tealainctlt nf raid .Mary l.ark, deceaaed. Ilaleit thla l.lllt day of Sept MrJ U HMO H N(JTt:K Jftill I'CIII.ICATUiN. Land tifllce at Oregon city. Oregon, Aug ), li.o. I Notice la hereby given that the following named aetiler haa filed notice of her Intention to make nual proof In aupportof her claim, and that aunt prool will l made tioforc Hie reglater and receiver ol the U. S. tnttd ottlec at Oregon City, Oregon, ou ortolan 14. law, via; Itermlna Armtl. widow nf Hudolph T Armll, dcceaaeil, homo atend No. tlU, for the N. K. ol See. Ai, T. 4 ., It. tt K Hhe namea the follow Ing wllliraaea tu prove hla and her noutluuoua realdwnce ttimu and cultivation of aald laml under Hec. 'm, H H.,vlk: feter tiabtlal ami C'. Walucy. of t'urrlna vtlle, Oregon, and John Hmall ami bavld itntch of I'ortlaml, Oregon J, T. Art'KHaoN, g :'-::) Kcgiatcr. notick row. rriii.ti ATioN. Land tlltlco at Oregon City, Oregon, f Hept. Ill, iMtix I Notice la hereby given that the following named pettier haa filed notice of hla Intention to make Hur.l proof lu atipport of hia claim, and that aald proof will be made before the reglaler and rccolvcrjif the l ulled Stalea land utile at Oregon City, Oregon, on November S, iwt, vl; Ira (!ooicr, llotneateaif entry No linn, for thn H, K. t.'of Hen. 4. T 8 M , It. .1 K. lie uamiia the follnwlug wltiicaaca to prove hla contluuoua rcalilencti upon and cultivation of aald land, vlr.: Wm f. Itoberta and 8 K New of Handy poat ofllt e, Oregun, Jamea W. Ilouglatm and Clinrlea Ca aady, of KagleUrcck poal omen. V;JX-IU:M j T. AffgrtttON, Rfgllltcr, NOTICE TO IIHIIKiK III'll,tiKH, Notice la hereby given, that sealed bid will be received by ClHckatnita county at thcofllce nf the county clerk of raid county up (o Oeto ber ll, Hti, at one o'clock p. in , fur the oonatruc tlnrt of a bridge and trcatle acroaa Hock creek on the llybiud innd; auld brblgii and tieatle to be about 21,0 feci long; the main pnuto bnabntit, 40 lent long; about lull feet nf thelrealllng to bo on the left bank and the reat on tint right bank. Halt! bridge and Ircatle to be bulk on a level of about eight feet from the top of left hunk. mag-ram. plan and apeclflmitloin to be fur nlahcd by bidder. A ncpoNlf of five per cent of amount of lib! required. The county ruaervua the right to reject any and all bid. td tiKo. r, HotiToN, County Clerk, NOTICK FOR I'ttllUCATfON. Land Ottlce at Oregon City, Oregon I Notice I hereby given that the following named setllcr ha filed notice of hla Intention tu make final nroof in upportof hi claim, at d that aald proof will bo mado before tlio Kcgiatcr and Roccivernf the It. H. Land office at Oregon City, Oregon, on November 4, lnt, via: John Meyer, Homeatnad entry 7074. for the W. U of N. E V.. "'.h ,W;, H"''' T' 2 ' K. if name thA following wltnuHac to prove hi oou ttnuou roaldonce upon aud cultivation of aald land, viz: John Rentier, H. I) Coleman, Rudolf Oantenbnlii. and (iotllob , nil of Handy I",'.L!",1.0?' 0r"f"u- J.T.An-K0N, WHM Reglater, Sunday Services. FtlthT tMlNllltKtl ATION At. (' H t'Mf H. M 0. W, Lima, faalnr. Hervleet at II a, M. ami ? ml r a, Sunday rlchool alter morning er vi on flayer meeting VYedneaitay evening at T ,m u.i'l.n-k f rayer meeting ot Young fetipl, Hoolely nl ClirUllati Kmleavor every MuHilajf tvaiium at D du iriit. rntsr iiAft trti' t'iti'itrii.-Hav. uh.n t'taaan l'aior Muriiliin Km vle al II Muiutay i s, H2. ?SS ? S ! t " W. Mi'IiiuiI at I J la; K v on l iim Mvrvlee ml; lli'nlr ' ,,.,Mi i,...n..il..,. .11 enrnlal llivllallnll In all. I HV lOtlNH flll'Hl'H. t'AI'lltillO-ltav, A. ! Itn.t Ksaaan, t'aa:nr. On Hntiitay maaa al a aint te;aiA. w Kvury aeeotul attil (ourih attiolay ; liorman aerniuH almr ilia u'elmk maaa At all other maaaoa K'nitllati aorinona. ann.lay Si liool at 1 Nit P. at. Vvaiiera. aiolo.al aulijiH'ia, ami Hetif itleilun at T'W . a, I MKiHttl'lHr KI'IMiufAI. 'lllHl'll.-lli ! Ki ilinaaa, I'aaior. Mortilnt aurvleo at IU smiitav Helnuil nl vi Ifi; Kvi-nlha anrvlee ai7 ml. imortlt laaut mt'fitiia' Humtny tivinlny at d I'rayitr MiiUna ttinrailay ventng al 6 no, alranniira eurillally In v Hint. ft It HT I'HKHIVTICItUN I'llfltrtl ltV. II. W. oinoaav, I'aaior, Mnrvleva al II a. at ami 7 ,W ! u. Hahlialll H, -IihuI al In A at. Vmiiia l'vonlti a S.nilt'ty o I'lirtattnn Kltili'avor nircila every Hmijay evening al a m VVcitoea-lny j evunlnn rayir inieilni al t llu, rlnala true. I KVAMl;i ICAI rllt'ill'll -IIKKMAN - At'il. i Kttsar, t'ator I'ri'ai'lting aor v irna ini'ry altrr i tialn Hiimlayal It A M ami tm I' SI. I aaliliaiti anl.nol vvry rininlay at 10 A M i lotm lUrrniiuttfur. Sn,i i U..,-kl) I'rayer Meellua i evury Vislui'itay evening IMIKH liHKIIUitN l lll'lti'll lli-v I' ll .VYlU.IAOa liantor Sorvtipa tll-l ami lllllil sun- ilav imiriiliitfa ali.t llin iriri.1liii! aalnr'tay t ntk'hl in caiii nionili at uti-auu i iiy. at II a in . am! ? i m . aail llip flrat Suiiilay atlirmmn ut i nai'tl ttionili al r-'alU Vlrw, Socii'ty Diioctniy. iHK.iH.N I'll V lltlAIUI UK TM.Ir: Meelaat I'oitlt llotlae on Heeoml ll.. Inlay In eai'll niulitll. latl.oa Hetrome r"K . tMi.s.M.liMtiN. IIAHV KV K I'ltinm, 1 heeretary. f reat'leut. I'AMlV tlllAlill or I It Utf. Meela al Kntghla Hall, Catiby, ml Dial amt Itilr.l frlttay of eat tt imtniti laltoiaaeU-oum. S, J, li taalaoK, He,'. M m K amiit. I'tea, Ut I.I.SOM.UI l.ttt'iiK. Nil. I, A. r A M. Il.ibla lla rennlar eiimiilMttleallotia on ttrat an.t thltil Salnntai a ,i eai hiu.nilhalj.ulr . Mrethren IttgtxMt atamttua are tnvlle'l lo atteml, S r Aff Sllaii.s. IV. M, T. K. liVAS.Meerelary. HKrutlN I .OlHiK, .So. , I. tl, II. r. Meeia every t'linra.tay even ..a al 7 iteu'el.Hk r X III the Oil.l Kellowa Hall. Main atreet. Miotibera ot the itr.terare intteil lu altetnl It) onler ol W A Mnliri.in. N ti thoa, tilan, KetireUty. I II.H .M'AMt'SKM. No t. I tl o. K Meeta (trat an.) ttllrit 1'iO'a.lai a of eaeh moiittt, at H.I I I'ell.inra hall M, nilera ami vlalO'ig ia!rlar. ha, eor-tUit till Iteil to attemt t. It Jaaaav. i W o l 'oanati., settbe. I'htvt I'airtareh. n Kilo l.tit.tiK. No M, I, H. o, f Meela at tl.l t Fetltitt'a hall. Ilaeii, every aaltiotav evening. Vlattlug Itrelltien lltailu aeb ome li I'ltilfwr l, ,S. tj J f lttaiv,See itr.AttK I'tn-r, No ii k M I'Kf AIU MKNT oK iHiKutiN Meeta Aral Moti.lay of earli month, al K of f . Hall. Oregon I tty, Vlaltlng Comrailea itiatle-aeli-onie, rill. MAN I'vliKKIt Commamlrr. UKN. i IttitiK I'okI'. No, '.v li AH. Im an- llirlit ot tltegntl Meela In aehool hmiae al Neeity ml flrat Hal nfilay tu eaeh month at J o rtoea i m. All eomta. lea matte eli-om jAioaaeian a J. KAaratiRa. AI. t oniniamter. flti IKON l.titn.K Nil us, A o ('. tt, Melaever Tlinra.tay eil'titli al Ittbl felltiwa hall, Oaarego, Vlaitlng bielhiell aiaraya ae. pome i. l I'ANrnRt.l. II Srail aa, Iteeor.ter M W. M JI.AI.A MllMIK. No 111. A 0 t. W Meeta aeaiomt atl foiirtll Halitritay tn eaeb month, al Atlanta hall. Vlaitiug tnemla-ra ma-le welrotne tt. W, KnaMINa, M la, N M. M.ioiiv. See, TI'AI.IIIN OKANilK, Nl). III. f. of II. Meela laat tfatnrilay ot each month at lhair , hall In WllatinvlUe. II. II. Ilaarv, Mtaa Hk-ia Mitaar. see'jf Uaaier. WAIINKH IIIIA.NUK, No, 117. f. of II. Meet fourth Sattinlay of earn month, at thatp I hall lu New Kra. t' '. willlatna. Maater Mlaa .Maggla llr iwn, aee'y , TrK VUVVM tlllANtiK, No W, f, nf ll. '" I Meela at their halt In Mar.iitam. aeeontl Hat. i I" "'"'" moltlli at lu a. m. Vlalllna- i taeinl.eraalwaya weleonie. I - ' . J. n. ei III I R, Heeretary Maater. Mtll.Al.l.A t.ltANKK NO. 4U, f, of II, Meeta at their hall atwrlght'a llrldge ou thee aeeeud Nalurday of each lamith at ID . Ul. fellow ntemtarra matte welcome. Hai'SgM WaiuiiT, Maater. N II. I'ahnai.l, Hee. tIAVKI, I.OIM1K, Nl). M, A O. f, W Meeta aecond aud tlilril Hatunlay evening at Knight at hall. Cauby. Vlatllug bruiher tuadar welcome. W H Datum., O I., lu mow ftocorileor. MaaUtrworkmati t l.,( KAMAH 1.OII0K, No. M, A 0. V W. Meet Ural and third Monday tn each month, at straight a Hall Vlaitlng breiherti welcome. II. S. Oiaaim, 1 p. JoNga. IteO. M. W. KAI.I.S CITY I.OIKIK OK A. ) P. W, Meet every aecond and fi.urth Friday even- f of each month lu odd Fellowa' bnlbllug. aojoiirutiig hretliren coitllally Inviied to at tend. F. T. DAHI.OW, M. W. oii C'Aurr. Kecorder. ACIIII.I.K.rt l.tlllOK, NO. US, K OF f. Meeta every Friday night at the K, of f , hall. Vlaitlng Kulgltta llivlluil la A At' At K XHM A N, ( C. J. K lliiointa, K of it. and R. HT. JllltN'H ItltANCII, NO. 1117, C. K. nf A. Meela every Tucaday evening at their hall corner Mtitu amt Tenth Hlreeta, ttrcgon t:ity. Marr. jt ariN, Htra y. T. w. Hi lliv an, iW NKW Kit A W.C T. U. Meet flrat Saturday In each mouth at lltefr hall In New Kra. Friend ol the cauao are In vited to be pr ut. Mna. Cask Joiinbun. Mil. EaalMAN. frualdeut, CANRY L01KIK, NO fl4, 1 0. 0. T. Meet flrt and third Hnturday evening at Knlglit'lhall Cauby. Vlaitlng memlicra uliniy mndo welcome. it, C. Uii.mokk, W, V. T, M ti l a mi l,gn, Dee MltAllK rlEMBr' !(mf, No. 1A. frF.FAKT-' MKNT OF Oltfcll. Mr. M. M. Cliarmatti IVcal.lcni Mr. F. L. INich ratio, - . Trnaanrer, Mra. J. H. Harding, . a SccrelHI-r, Meet ou flrat and third Friday of each month lu K. of f, Hall. Member of corps from abroad, cordially welcomed. COLUMHIA HOOK AND LAPPER CO, Mom flrat Friday of tch m,, i Foun i nln engine hotiae, CIIA. ATltgy, prr. ... :.. '':"w' H""'y' jJtu iiim,'rtri FOUNTAIN IIOHH CO., No I ' Hegnlar meeting, gecrmtl Wcilnc,bty fr, each monlh at engine houac eaat aide Main tr t between Heventh ad Klghth. I Ackkkm an, Hcrt'y. Lani OArtntn, prea- f.b. Nkwton. Foreman. CATARACT HOHK C'O. No. 2 ar't."""!'""',1 '' """'hiyof each month at Cat aract hnglite hotiae. W. II. llnwar.n p. Ji. II. llKarow, Heo'y . J, WO'Connkiii,, Vy, n HONH OF VKTKUa"n8. K. I). linker Camp, No. IH, meet etofv ftrai sua third Thnrday evening XVJ mnSdi c.A. HKRMANN,Jr.,Cnpt, VVAiti.lt, Lawtoh latLlout, '. F, IIucki.r. 'id Limit F COMPAN Y, FIRHT KKOlMKNT, O. M. (J. Armory, 'I bird aud Main. Regular drill night J. W. flannng, M) Kelley, -L. L. flckeit, urrfciH. Oaptnfu Flrat Lieutenant Hccond Lleiuunaut.