I K Oregon City VOI, 2i. NO. 48. OKKOON CITY, ORKGON, FRIDAY, SE1TKMIJKK 30, 1802. TEN PAGES. ESTABLISHED 1866. 0 Johnson "r IAHKV JollNmiN, LAW Villi, t'liruar Kllil nut Main ilrwta, irrun City, liri'Kuii, UK A I, KHTATU TO K HI. I. AMI MiiNKY TO LOAN. I. . nmi as mi Noi'u ii. t. r. rowing, JJItocKKNIIItiil'illl A euwt.vi, AIToltNKYH AT I, AW. All . In'tiir,, t' M l.lil IMttri, a .wlalty. uniiT kniiiii Kiwi V H lalitl ullK o liull.lliif, OUIHluN ( II Y. .... (.r,...u. I.. I'ttM I f. II. AfToliNKY AT I..WV H1RUT tit .iriHT l SNI.IIKII, UltW two imt almvfl iMifctMfili't', (rtinu City. 1 U T. Wll I.UMS, i;i:ai. kstati: andinsiiiami:. li'niruliln It ti h) )( 'riinrty nri'l Sub urban Hume In Oregon I'liy. farm rrtwri' In trail, m ult oi e.y Itriin. 'nrrittitlrn't mouti.ily an.wirttt offtiN,, Drill lir to l aultalil Jk lltilillcy lni .Inte. 1 II lYK. AlTOliNKY AM' ColN'slbOU AT LAW (inVe uver (ifinuti City Hank. OHKtloR riTV, tlhlhMIN J Jit l II HMIIII, 1'IIYSICIAN AND Sl iiCKON. Futile Creek, - Oregon. 1 I" A l V I.A Itll HKl-lfc, ATTOKSF. YS A M I'tirxsKUiUM AT LAW MAIN lllnr, OKKIiON i'lTV, UKKIIOM. PiiitiLh Aluiraria l Till. Iwn Money. Knr- U llMBlnc1!. J I K. ( IIIIHU. ATTtUtNF.Y AT LAW. Will I'mmn m all t ot sta or tm Stats HmI bun and liunranr. om. on Main ir. ll. Buili and Solemn. imauoN UTt, on 17 M. KANtm. J NOTAUY 1THUI UKAL KSTATF.t ISM'KASC'K. OflW In tli l' -l oittr Hull.lliif . O'rg.iu City, tjrriii. (1 Yt. (THICK, M (., I. I'llYMCIAS AMI Hl'iUiKoN. iUtc ol I'litllaiul.) Omw wiih tr M.tllny, Aurora. Ortton h. ntKsr, HKAL F.KTATK. A IXSl'HAXTK AtiKXT. NOTAUY rUHLU" A COLLKCTOK. At'KOKA, (IHK(K)N. Noni'T UmhicI oil Alnv(d Hfcuilly. riMIOH. r. KYAN. KKAI. KHTATK AND INDl'KANcK. )rhulr ( llv. Karli am) Hubiirlian nroinrly tor al. ( llv i'rll. iniiiiiy warrauli ami x'Ciirl Hi', ot all aliifta tMiii(lil anil anld 1'an paid aim niiRin.M 01 rv.ry iit.Hiiiiiiton aiu'iiucii 10 lur niiu-ro.Ulttnti. imlcc up ilalra In lulllitlnii north ot .ili'fflriv It 1IAYK8, , ATTOKXKY AT LAW, OKIUOM CITY, (IRUION. Will praolli-o In (II lliv rnurta nt tlii tli'. Offii-i'. ciiniiir Main and KIkIiiIi lril, o'oalie court liouao inn. t RKowNti.i.. A. a. URcaxin. J JKUW.NKl.l. It IiUK.HHKH ATTORNKY8 AT LAW, Oiikuoh City Oiuiion. Will praollre In all the pourli of llm atale. 01 flou, next ilimr to Caulltld & llinillry a iltu low. r-ISilti LbMMItia-iAL hAft. , Dlf hhktttii 1.'!Ty. ttpiui, - . iiort.ow IltiiisVH 1 UHAi niNKINO iMlxfert, . IaiuViI mil. Itllla ilupoiintui). (It Am ml-Vvi-'imi". Iluya anil ai'lla oavhaliito ni all piilula In the I'nlli'O Htatoa, Knnii and Ilium Koim. licpmlta rticnl-'cd aulJ(ct In i-hw k Iniorrat al umial ralca nllowud on tlnt iltMiimlia. Hunk opmi trcim . . In i . HiiluiilKy ovmilnga tromSto7 I'. ii ( i.AToiikirtvy. Vnauipnt. K liiiNAl.imoN, Cxahlcr JA'K''blllClKJN CITY, 'fl'lfltsl Baiklni H.ase ia toe CitF. I'ald up Capital, .M),000. RRaiTlRNT, VII I fHKHtDKNT, CtNIIIKR. HANAIIKR. Tlloa. THARMAV. OltO, A. H A RHINO. ii. (I CAnriKLb ( II AKI.KN H. CAtirtMlb, A lonnralhanklni bualnnaa trananotoil. llcpoalta rtHwIveiraiibjMit to (ihcok. Approvod hllla anil notoa dlaooiiutod. Count; and city warrant. IioukIiI. I,oii mvlo on avallalilo aoourlty. Eichaniif boiiR-lit and aold. Colloottont mailo promptly. v , Drain aolit ivkI1hi.Ii' Iii any Dart ol tho world TolxKrapiilo xilianKa aolit on Portland, Ban FranolHOo, i niei(.iaiiu now iont, lnternat palJ ou time dopnalta. . tub Aout. ol THK LONDON CIIKQUK BANK, 15. IS. WILLIAMS, w FANCY GROCERIES, FRUIT & VEGETABLES, RED SEAL FLOUR, PORTLAND FLOUR, HOWARD FLOUR, Hay, Oats and Mill Feed. H 0 L E S A L E A Solicitor Sent to Morning GOODS DELIVERED H.OMITLY. THE GROCER. RANDALL & ARE STILL IN TWICE FULL MEASURE AND Mim K. U. HI KMKlHTKH. BURMEISTER Successors to Mrs. SMilV Hp.livprp.fi In ullPartQ nftlin ritv imuiiuuiiiuiuuiu iiiiiui iu ui uiu uui PKALKRM Watches, (Jloc, Repairing Main Mtrrl, Portland, Ottguu. A. P. -TV Bitabll.h.d In 1M- A lln, pratUral arbool, farorably kaown ihnnujhout lb. Parlle Nonhw..t. DlPAHTMIMTtl ualn.aa, Ihorlhand, Tp.wfltln, av.nm.n.hlp, Inillah. (In all Uu yaan no Tr.Uoni, no term Iwiilnnlnita. SluJcou ailmllled at any llm.. Caulogu. frt. THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry tho Largest Stock of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. In Oregon City. Spocial nizt'B of Poors ami Whitlows niaile to order. Turning of all kinds Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furnished on application. Builders, give us a call, and see if our work is not of tho best, and our prices as low as tho lowest. Trice List sent on application. Factory, Cor. Main and A VUr. SCHWA1V, IIBAI.KK IN STOVES, TIN & HOLLOW WARE. ALL Kinds of Tin, sheet Iron An5 6opper Work Promptly Done. PLUMBING AND GENIAL JOBBING TO ORDER. Miop n Ncvonth Mr., ttt'sir leit, Oregon City, llrnnch nt 0wen. M. HOSF0RD, The CANBY MERCHANT, Sells all goods at n living price. Flour and kerosene iwA 'given away in order to catch your trade and then even IVp on higher prices on other goods. ftono But First Class Goods Carried. Prices as low as can bo had in the county. Time given to responsible parties. . . . LUMBER. Orders filled for rough or dressed lumber, all first class, at bed rook prices, retail or carload lots. A N D R E T A I L Your House Every if Desired. THE FIELD. A. DAY. PROMPT SERVICE. MM. ANUHKSEN. & ANDRESEN, C. H L Burwlsur, IM ilverwaje, Jewell a Specialty. OrrKn . Oivgon. Aanrraoao, l'rlnflp.1. llth Sts., Oregon City. HI 1 )) srs KODBED THE HANK. Ton Thousand Dollar Stoh-n From a Iloslyu Hank. THE IIOHIIHII.H Mi IX AT MISKKIY. Surprised nml fired Ipmi Other News Mutter of Otieral Intirext. l:i.l.KNtin ii(i, WmIi., Kept. 21. Word iu rm-Pivcil Iiito from liotilyn today , tlmt Die hank of AbrHlmuiM. hiiiix-i A ! roinpmiy liua l-cri rolil fil. Five iiiRaked men rodt up to tho d'X.r Ht 2 oVlock and win-it tlicy left lln-y t'Hriitl with .hem a RHi'k of money aaid to xs $10,KK). To day nut my-day at the Hunlyn Jiiiimn and l,t)0 ai rived from Tucoma tliin morning. Tim robber auiijwd the nioney uaa iiIikimI in the hank, thoii(h It wan taken to the company's- otlliA They exeonled their plan In a manner whkh would have done credit to the Jamen Ixiya. (Vhler AU-rnethy wan writing1 when the flrt.1 rolilier enlered, and turned to wait on the iiiKMwd ctinlomer, but found hliriwlf faeinjj a revolver, fir. l.yoiia, mho had enteral jtit after the liiht liikthwayiiian, turned to go out, hut inntead dunlied Rjptiniit a pair of revolvers In the IibpkIh of a necimd rohlier. The third toiifeilerute entered, tucked up ('aiiliier Aliernethy'a revolver and knocked him down itli it. Henwe, liia head mn-ainiiiK with blood, and wan told t keep quiet if he wanted to live. The third man than walked to the aufe which wan oen, took out the coin and hilli, eliuved the monev in a canvas hat; "'"I threw it over his ihouUer. The three then went out, joining two more men who had been alationed so ai to Kiurd ; , all the appniRcherti. j J S. A. Fia.ier, the aaaiRtant canhier who , at ouuide, uruhlwd a ahotitun and made i forth, bank, when one of the rollern' . RU3jid hia pni'reHU by placir. a bullet I i in hit bin. A colored man named Con-' oley wax bot in the vg and veveral other had narrow enraie. One of the roltwrs held the rein ol five splendid horwd, and as soon at the vault wat looted, .l mounted. Then, after firing up and down the street, they put spurs to their horses and daubed away, disap pearing on the trail over the mountains north of Rolyu. Taioma, Wash., Sept. Vi. A sheriff's liosse of thirty men in pursuit of the Koslyn bank robbers came upon three of thein In a denae forest in the Teana way basin, twenty miles east of Roslyn. last night. A battle ensued and one ol the desieradoes was wounded. All three escaped in the darkness. The meeting was a surprise to the pursued and pursuers. 0RIKIBAL8lirB0I8E. Hopri That Thflr Dtpr.ditlona Will 8om B. Ended. Boisk. Idaho, Sent. 24 -The bold loot ing Friday morning of the postoflice at Weiser, a town some sixty miles from Boise, coming on top of many other dar ing crimes committed recently in this section of the state, has inspired the federal, county and railroad officials to commence a systematic hunt for crimi nals. Within six months clever free booters, presumably the same follows who have robbed three postotlices, have held up a train and committed other bold offenses. The officials are con vinced that an organized gang of out laws is operating in Idaho, and that if they are not speedily stamped put they will take to wrecking trains and other heinous crimes. At Bellevue a few days ago, by Betting the drop upon them with Winchesters, a posse succeeded in arresting two men, armed to the teeth and loaded with burglars' tools. They had already held up the proprietor of a jewelty shop at llutley and despoiled it of a costly lot of plunder, and from their actions tho officers inferred that the rob bers had designs tipon 'the' express-car of a train on the Wood river branch of the Union Pacific system. A sensa tional story is current that he desper adoes now in southern Idaho came here with the Intention of abducting Jay Gould, who recently passed a month in the Wojd river region. Officers are endeavoring to connect Fitzgerald, Kd wArda, Smith and Morrison, just ar rested in thei Bear lake country with a large drove of stolen hornets and tbe re cent, robbing of passengers ort a Union Pacific train near WheT. important arrests are expectutf Within the next few days, 0ANDIDATK.8 tHfeOWN OUT. A Technicality TaW'y 'Work a Change In Ver mont. Nkw YMt, 'Sept. 23. Bradley B. Smalley, a member of the demociatic national .''committee and candidate for governor of Vermont, announced tonight that he bad made a discovery, which, if contested, would give to Allen, the pro liibitiofilst candidate, the office of gover- nor of Vei mont. Kmallev said that, while Allen received but 1200 voles, he was the only candidate for the position who wis eligible, if the conclusions of both Chairman Carter, of the republican, and Chairman Harrity, of the democratic national comiriitee, were correct. By advice of counsel Ixrih chairmen have written a letter, advising any persona who may have liten nominated for pres idential electors, and who ire directors of national hanks, or who hold public ollicet of trust or prollt, to withdraw tor fear they might prove to be ineligible. Smulley said : The fact is that, under this construc tion, both Fuller and invHelf weie ineli gible, for we are both directors of a na tional bank. The constitution of the state ol Vermont is very rigid on this point, and besides affecting Fuller at the election, will also debar several members of the Vermont lcttiMature from being sworn in." DISOBDERS OH T3E ISTHMUS. Coottqnrncel of the QaartBtlss agaloit Eoro p as anil Anerieag VeuU. Wakiungson, Sept. 23. Word has reached the state department that serious trouble is brewing in Colombia in conse quence of th) qtiarentine esiablixhed anainst F'.uropean and American vessels. The trouble was commenced by the ac tion of the authorities at Savanilla in firing on the I'.rHich mail steamer Atrato as a warning to keep out of that port. Bri'ish residents have resented this action, and other foreigners, eiecially merchants, are complaining bitterly at the aciion of the Panama authorities in closing all ports against Kuroan and American sliim. liusiness is said to be completely paralyzexl and general discon tent prevails at this rexolt. The Ameri can consul at Colon has advised that an American man-of-ar l sent there as a means of preventii.g trouble and to pro tect Ameiican interests should the necvsvilv arise. 1 1 is request has been promptly complied with. Admiral Walker was telegraphed to lust ninht to dispatch lhe cruiser Concord to Colon immediately, and be replied this morn ing that the department's orders had been complied with. . Tbr aa4 a aalf Cratirin. San Dik(io, Cal , Sept. 1'6 Seventv five IHcgnenoe (Indians) in charge of Chief Lachappa and General Cenon, and fifty-four Luisauos, under Chief Jose I'acliito and General Pedro Pablo, ar- lived in this ci'y today, to lake part in the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the discovery of San Diego bay, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ol this week. They were escorted to a stockade prepared for them near the center of the city, where they have been busy arranging their curp all day. A company ol United States troops is guarding the stockade to prevent a scattering of the aborigines. General McCook and staff have already arrived. The caravel to be used in the opening exercises to illustrate the landing of Cahrillo is about ready for hoisting sail . She will be manned by a crew dressed in Portuguese and Spanish costumes, in imitation of those ol 350 years ago. Governor Torres, of Lower California, accompanied by his staff and the Guy mas band, arrived on the steamer Carlos Pacheco this evening from Knsenada, and Governor Markham's staff ot officers came on the steamer Santa Rosa from San Francisco. When the latter were turning the corner to drive up to the Florence hotel, the carriage passed over a post, which struck the rear axle, tearing it, together with the springs, from the body of the barouche. The party was turned unceremoniously out, but no injuries were sustained by any ol the visitor S. Hu Ho Begard for John Bill. Vancouver, B.C., Sept. 25. Captain Copp, master of the sealing schooner Vancouver Belle, which was seized by the Russians has arrived. The Vancou ver Belle was captured bv the Russian man-of-war Zabiawa, tWenty-ttfO miles off Copper island July lSlh. She had nearly 700 skins aboard. All guns, skins and ammunition were confiscated as well as the schooner which was worth, equipped, about $40,000, and the best of the British sealing fleet. When she left Siberia the schooners Willie Mago wan ami Ariel of Victoria, and the American schooner C. H. White, of San Francisco, were under seizure. Change of Ownership, Walla Walla, Sept. 23. C. B. Wright, of Philadelphia, owner of the O. and W. T. railroad in this city, purposes making a transfer of the road to the Washington and Columbia Bail road company organized recently by W. D. Tyler, Levi Ankeney, and L. L. Mc Arthur. The transfer will be made some time in the present week. A Paralytio Stroke. Philadelphia, Sept. 24 Justice La mar, of the United States supreme court, had a stroke of paralysis Wednesday, but is rapidly recovering. CHOLERA IX HAND New York (.'It j and Harbor Said to be Free f It. ri.AUlE ABtTISM 15 IIAHBIRO. Trouble Canned by the (Juartntiue at lite I nth mas of i'anama alnlug In France. Qt'ABW'TiNK, Sept. 29 ''Cholera is over and at present the ort of New York is free from the disease." This was the cheerful reiiori of Ur. Jenkins this after noon. For the first time since the Mora via arrived, Aug. 30, there are no coMet of cholera in quarantine. The Arizona and Anchoria were released this after noon. The Saale, from Bremen, ar rived this evening with 32s cabin passen gers. She has no sickness aboard. The captain reports that Mrs. G. Arne mann, who was accompanied by her daughter, is mining. After a thorough search the conclusion was arrived at that she must have thrown herself over board, especially as .she had given her jewelry to another laity io keep for her. She was 90 years of age and a resident of New York. The ;aui-e is a mystery. The Ked Star liner Pennland, with 210 cabin passengers, arrived this morning. All are well. A Guion liner, w ith 408 cabin passengers, also ar lived; all well. The Servia a released this morning. End of lhe Flagia. Hambiro. Sept. 25. The revival of hope and courage l as been appar ent everywhere today. Promenades, churches, theaters and cafes have been filled with such crowds as have not been seen before si are the plague began. The services of thankgiving and prayer for funhar relief were attended by half the resictablv diei-scd persona Jeft in the city. After seats and standing room were tilled, throngs gathered at the entrances and joined tlie singing and responses. On the promenades the atmosphere of mourning was gone and the playgrounds for the first lime in four weeks, were alive with children and their nurses. The theaters have been open a week, but not until this evening have they done a paying business. Thirty strangers registered in the hotels today. Next Sunday hotelkeepers say the number will be treble The clear ness and coolness of the weather has favored the further abatement of the disease. The total number of cholera cases up to to date has been 19,997. Of these, 9700 have been fatal. The official figures, however, concede only 7396 deaths. Gaining Ground in Franca. Paris, Sept. 5. In this city and sub urbs yeeteiday there were forty-five fresh cases and seventeen deaths. Two deaths were repo-ted yesteiday on a steamer twenty-two miles fnui Calais. In Havre there were seven Iresh cams and four deaths. O'Donnoll Beld Without Bail. PiTTfBl'RQ, Pa., Sept. 24. Hugh O'Donnell was relused bail this morning by Judge Porter, and will be compelled to remain in jail until his trial O'Don nell fully expected to be released on bail, and was astounded and dejected at the decision to hold him without bail. In his opinion Judge Potter held that the evidence was too direct . "All this testimony," said he, "is likely to be contradicted, explained or impeached on trial, but in this, 88 in all pieliminary hearings, we must accept the testi mony as tiue. It indicates that the killing in question was done in a riot, by a body of men who had a common un derstanding or agreement that they would resist all who opposed them, even to the extent of taking life, that the defendant was a party to this combina tion, and on the ground during the riot and gave rioters encouragement. Premier of Canada Resigns. Qtkbec, Sept. 23. Sir John Abbott's resignation as premier of Canada, and his recommendation of Sir John Thomp son, minister of justice, as his successor, have been placed in possession of the latter for transmission to Lord Stanley when Sir John Thompson and his col leagues deem expedient. Meanwhile, Thompson is premier in all but the title. Cleveland's better. New York, Sept. 2(1. Grover Cleve- land's letter accepting the nomination as the democratic candidate for president of the United States was made public this afternoon. It is addressed to the committee of notification, of which the Hon. W. L. Wilson is chairman. lira. Harrison'l Condition. Washington. Sept. 25. Dr. Gardner reports that Mrs. Harrison slept several hours, today, and is comfortable and resting quietly tonight. Death of Chief Justice Sitchle, Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 25. Sir William Johnston Ritchie, chief justice of the supreme court of Canada, died this morn- ing, aged 79 years. I t