. I "V r CoPYJtldT.im Bf J-B .UPPWtrCrY Aflt Fl'mSneD PYSPtciAL. N ' " nnl(if utMT wnM THffl . ICO STINTED.) Thre hands went to tne cap vi.or iu Into thia officer turned rvcsv. W'sx ren, the a.ljuuut, csiiitf'Hurrtfiils out. "Oh, major, Oolouel Faniuhar Ivgs that you will step in moment," "You hl soniotliin: to mj Brew ster?" asked the major coldly. "Yes, ir, 11 hoi to hurry back iu tini to escort Miss lk-rrien home." No, don't trouble yourself. I'll at tend to that. You have other matters to occupy yon." And if ever fa ther' toue sinitW that dismissal was Intended, and that further atteutious were forbidden. IVrrien's did as he- ab ruptly turned, leaving Brewster stunned and silent at the eile of the lunula. Iu tea minutes lights wen dancing like will-o'-the-wisps about the galleries of the men's quarters. Quick, bound ing footsteps conld be heard, and the low, brief orders of the sergeants as they went flitting from door to door. Then half suppressed exclamations, an occa sional smothered yell of excitement or delight from some enthusiastic Paddy ever ready for a frolic or a fij;lit. Then gradually gwellinit murmur of voices, the rapid scurry of booted feet, a clat tering up and down the stairways, the slamming aud banging of barrack doors, the dragging forth of heavy chests and boxes, the clank of a dropped saber, and then people at the hoproom, strolling out on the broad veranda for fresh air or flirtation, became aware of the unusual illumination over across the parade, and listening heard the sounds of bustle and preparation. And then lights began to pop up among the windows of the second battalion, where the news had rapidly spread, and where dozens of troopers tumbled out of their blankets and into their boots forthwith and went charging en inass npon their own ser geants to know what it meant that them fellers in the first battalion had had orders to be tip and getting and none had come for us." In less time than it takes to tell it the tidings spread from porch to hall that "something was np," and other people, men and women, old officers and young, matrons and maids, quit their places in the Lancers and came stream ing forth npon the gallery. "What's the matter?" "Is it fire? 1 heard no alarm." "The trumpets haven't sound ed." "See! there's the orderly trumpeter going across the parade now, running to the office." "Why, the office U lighted too." "Where's Warren?' "What does it mean?" These and doz ens of other verbal conjectures and sug gestions flew from lip to lip. Men ex cused themselves to their fair partners, seized their caps, scurried away down the steps and sped over toward the lights at headquarters., A dozen or more snddenly disappeared in this way, and then it was found that the colonel and Berrien and Hazlett and Thorpe and Brewster, too, were all missing. And then Mrs. Thorpe's voice was heard wailing out upon the night air: "Oh, Mrs. Berrien! Mrs. Berrien! 1 know what it means. 1 saw the tele graph operator coming np the steps. It's orders orders for the field." And then indeed There was harrying to and fro And gathering tears, and tremblings of dls tree. And cheeks all pale which bat en hoar ago Blushed at the praise of their own loveliness. And the dance was forgotten, and the musicians, astonished, found the lighted hall rapidly emptying of the revelers, and women pressed, pallid and tearful, into the dressing room, gathering np their wraps with hasty hand and hurry ing forth to take the arm of husband or lover, as though claiming that right to the very last. And then in some way the word went around, "Only one battal ion goes only Berrien's," and those whose lords were attached to the other plucked np heart and spirit for a mo ment, and in the midst of it all, pale bnt tearless, Mrs. Berrien stood waiting pa tiently for Dick's return, and by her side, even paler, bnt as brave and tear less and patient, Winifred clung to her mother's arm and would take no other. Eidgeway, who had scampered over to the office among the dozen departed, came panting back np the stairway, "Is it true?" asked Mrs. Berrien. "Yes; the first battalion goes at day break. The major says he will be over in a few moments." "Mrs. Berrien, permit me to escort yon home," said Major Kenyon, hasten ing after Ridgeway np the stair. "J have just seen Berrien; be has to go to the barracks a few minutes." "Miss Winifred, may I have the pleas ure? Mr. Brewster is of course needed with his troop, and mine does not go," said Eidgeway, proffering his arm. The girl hesitated one moment, half clinging to her mother's side, and casting one swift, annealing dunce into her face. I "Yes, daughter, we 11 go nouie at j once," was tho low toned answer as Mrs. ' Berrien took old Kenyon's arm, and ; with bowed head moved toward the stairs, her escort eagerly, volubly ex-1 plaining to her that he felt sure the ob ject of the sudden move was merely to overawe the Indians by a display of force. "It is exactly what was done nere witn sucn success a tew years ago, Mrs. Berrien. The Cheyennes were wild for an outbreak, and Sheridan simply sailed in troops from everywhere, and when the Indians saw the great array of cavalry and infantry they caved at once. Never had to fire a shot, madam. And that's the proper way to handle this matter. That's what this means. The Bioux will be so disheartened ther won't - dare resist even U orders are given to I disarm them Uod forgive m the. lie!" he muttered under his breath. "Of rourse it's exasperating to think of the Twelfth being sent so far away at such a time, but better now, believe in, than liter, after tluvse misguided wretches J had had a chance to jump," But Mrs. Berrien hail lived, heaven , only kuows how, through many a aim ; liar experience. She had seen time and : again her husband's command hurried j forth on the trail or across the path of ; savage foe. Never yet had they returned ' unscathed, never yet without serious ; loss of officers aud men. She could only j bow her head the lower while her lips ; moved in sileut prayer. Just as they j reached the gate a tall form came spring ing after them through the darkness, aud Brewster's voice was heard: i "I hurried back to the hoproom, Miss i Winifred, ouly to fiud you gone, I had ' exjHvtitl to escort you home. Yon have i heard the news? You know our orders ' have come?" lie glared at Ridgeway, as much as to say, "Leave, man; you are one too mauy, as you ought to see." - Bnt the junior lientenaut stoutly held ' his ground, nor did Winifred withdraw her hand (mm his arm. i "I have heard; yes, it seems very snd ; den," was all she could or would say, ' aud the dark eyes) were shrouded from his longing gaze, "We'll bo otT by daybreak, I fear. I cannot hope to see you again before we have to go," he went on desperately. Won't you come in, Mr. Brewster?" called Mrs. Berrien from the steps. "You and Mr. Ridgeway can spare a moment, can you not? Oh, Dick, here yon are!" she cried, as with quick, ener getic step the major sprang across the ; road and appeared under the dim light of the garrison lamp, and back to the gate she sped to meet him and to twine her arm in his. "I'll say good night, ladies," said Ken yon. "I'll call in iu the moniing to see if I can be of any service. Now I must , trot over and help Holden to pack." And, unrestrained, he went. "Brewster, Eidgeway, I won't ask yon in now. You have much to attend to and but little time. Run in, Winifred," . said the major. "I'll be with you at the ' barracks in a few moments, gentlemen." Slowly but obediently Winifred step ped forward. "Good night, Mr. Eidgeway," she murmured, holding out her little hand. "Thank you very much." Berrien stood impatiently at the gate, as though to see her safely through. With trembling 4'ips Brewsier spoke as he sprang to her side. "Croodby. Don't fonret," was all he could murmur as he seized her hand, clinging to it one miserable moment with both his own. I "Qoodby," she said, in low, rremu i Ions tone, but withdrawing her hand, i withholding her glance. The major ! threw his arm about her and almost I thrust her through the gate. I "It is good night only, not goodby, i Mr. Brewster," said Mrs. Berrien, kind '. ly forgetting her own misery for ths j moment in the contemplation of the woe in his face. Then they hurried within doors, Winifred drooping before them, and then the door closed and Brewster and Ridgeway stood there confronting each other under the light For a mo ment neither spoke. "Have you lost your crossed sabers?" said Brewster finally, noting that the , handsome cap badge of solid gold which ! Ridgeway ordinarily wore upon the front of his forage cap was now missing. "No; I took it off to pin Miss Berrien's wrap about her throat." A moment more Brewster Btood as i though he would ask another question, i then abruptly turned and plunged into the darkness. i Meantime Major Kenyon had trudged tip the row toward Holden's quarters. Already the lights were beginning to gleam from the various houses around the big quadrangle of the parade, where a dozen of the cavalry officers were now busily engaged in preparation for the sudden move. Over at the hospital, too, the lamps were being lighted in the steward's room and the dispensary. Holden's hall door stood wide open. The hall itself was dark, but a lamp was alight in the sitting room, and that door, too, was wide open. A tall form passed across the illumined space as Kenyon drew near. He stopped for a moment at the gate, listening to the sound of buBtle, the whistling and singing of the men at the barracks. "Hardship, hun ger, privation, suffering ahead of them, even if they don't have hard fighting," he muttered to himself. "In thirty-six hours they'll be freezing, poor devils, for not a man in the battalion has a win ter kit; and just hear them langh and sing, as thongh the world had no joy like soldiering! God guard them and these poor wives and sweethearts here. Why isn't it my lot to go instead of Ber rien's? Who the devil would shed a teal for me?" He shook himself together and tramped heavily into the gate and np the steps. "Doc!" he called at the doorway. "Oh, Doer No answer. The house was silent. "Oh, Holden! Where are you?" Still no reply. "Odd, said Kenyon; "1 thought I saw him in here. Who conld that have been?" With the confidence of army intimacy he tramped through the sitting room on the left of the hall, then into the dining room beyond. No one there. Then across the hall again and into Holden's own sleeping room at the rear ot tti house, ins kerosene lamp whs burning on the drowsing tabliv The led had been occupied, Kvtdeutly Holden had turned lii early, only to be routed out by the orders of the colonel. The Boor creaked somewhere overhead. Then he was sure he heard a quick, f.mtUII on the stair. "Oh, Doe' Here I am, It's Kenyon," he cried. Hut no answer came. Once more re turning to the hall, ami thence to the sitting room, he found them empty as before. The parlor door on the west side was dosed. Slowly he strolled out on the front piasta, just iu time to catch sight of a tall form in the dark circular cape striding up to the gate. Surely that was Holden. Then he heard a hail: "Hello, Rolfts That your "Yes. You go with u, do your "1 do. Won't you corns in?" "Not just now; I've got to go to my quarters a moment. 1 11 lie iu by and by. We'll have to make a night of It." "All right. Kathlocu will get us some coffee after a while. Bring in some of the others with you." Then the doctor came hounding up the steps. "Hello, Kenyon. Yon here? Well, yon were right after all, weren't you? I've just bteu over to the hospital to see to the fiehl chests," "Weren't you iu here just uow?" asked Kenyon. i "1? No! Not for ten minutes." "Well, some one was here up stairs and down, both. I called twice and got no answer, but 1 saw a man and heard 1 the step. Thought it was you." "Rolfe, perhaps. He was in the road , just beyond our gate as I came Wk, bnt 1 1 thought he had just come from his com-' pany quarters." "If it had been Rolfe he would have answered, I should think," said Ken- yon. "Beside, the figure anil the foot step were those of a much lightei man." I "Qutvr!" said Holden, his thoughts in-1 stantly reverting to the event of the week before. "Did you see him?" 1 "I saw a figure pass aenwa the light streaming from the sitting room door. Then I heard the step up stairs while 1 stood in your riaiiu, and then very quick, ; light steps ou the stairs some one com ing dowu like a streak, uow that I think of it." "How long ago?" ! "Not more than a minute before you got here." I "By Jove, I'm going to look into this!" ; said Holden quickly. "Of course you've ' heard of the excitement we had here. ! Bring that caudle, will you? I'll take the lamp." L'p the stairs they went up j to the landing where Nita Outline had ' her mysterious fright and fall. Th dir of the room she occupied was open, j All was darkness within. Holden, fol-1 lowed by Kenyon, entered, and they set j their lights upon a table. The side win- j dow was shut and barred, the south win- j dows as firmly closed. Everything j looked neat and undisturbed, but cold aud deserted. No sigu of an iutrndei j for a moment to the eyes of either man. I Then of a sudden Holden made a spring j for the toilet table, seized a small silvei frame and stood glaring at it. "By Jove! look here!" "What's the matter?" asked Kenyon. "Don't you see?" was the answer, at the doctor held the face of the frame ' toward him, empty and gaping. "Nita ' Guthrie's photograph was in this frame and on that table just before the hop ' began when I was np here, and where is it now?" CHATTER VL It um IlrcwHttr. Pallid and wan the flrHt faint Rleam of the coming day wiu mealing slowly into the eaHtern nkics. Far away down the broad valley the mist was creeping from the slow moving, silent st.rnuui. Peace and slumher and solitude hovered ovet the wide acres where the tasseled corn had waved in the Hummer breeze and the bearded rye and bristling wheat had ripened and bleached under the fervid touch of the euimner sun. In the barn yards and sheds the cattle still crouched, drowsing and huddling f()r warmth. In the orchards and among the maples and beeches the bluebirds and jays and be lated robins still perched among th8 autumn leaves, their heads tucked away under sheltering wings. Under dew laden hedgerows the mother bird nestled her little brown brood, and Bob Whitu still dozed away the dark hour that pre cedes the dawn. All over the placid, populous valley without the reservation lines tho wings of night were spread. All through the streets of the thriving county town only the trend of the watch man waked the echoes, only the glim mer of his lamp was seen. The wuning moon, a dim,. mist liedraggled crescent, had peeped up over the shadowy forest down the eauward valley and climbed slowly toward a slulleiing bank of cloud and there seemed to halt and hide, Puffing and panting, a long, long train had wound under the wooded bluffs and was hissing at the station platform at the foot of the curvinic road that led to the broad idattatt of ths fvrt. And now lights were dancing and Ktcamlng every where along the traliu men Iu cavalry overcoats and topltoots were busily, rapidly, silently leading horse after horse up the wooden rmiiii, or chute, and Into the dark depths of the rattle car. Many a trooper stopped a moment aiTcr lastuug ma halter strap to the rail and murmured a few caressing, reas suring words to his wondering charger, patting him on neck or shoulder and striving to explain to him how it hap pened Hint he was stirred out from his warm stable at this unscvml) hour and marched into a prison ieii on wheel be hind those black, hissing mounter up ahead. Silence ami order and discipline prevailed. Only when some excitable, nervous steed lwtlked and refused to dinib the chute was there unusual sound. Then the sharp track of the stable sergeant's whip and a teru "Hup, there!" brought tho brute to his sense, and he plunged along up the wooden ramp, his Iron shod hoof thundering ou the boards, hi trooper' arms nearly wreiu'hed from their socket. TO H IMNTlNt'KI),) lntllf Stt tlit from siua. Dr. H.'il.Htin.l hiu found that soaking seed bonus for an hour Iu a solution of three ounce of carbonate of copper and one quart of ammonia to lour and a half gallons of water, was iu a mewiure a pro tivtiou agaiust anthracjiose. Among plauts from wed that had received the roificr a '.iking only three were at all af fected aud these only slightly. Those without copper treatment were fully four time a bad a the treated oihbh, and til chance are theiltlTeremv would Increase Instead of diminish. Unlike spraying the soaking is a simple matter done mire for all, and at the eipeune of ouly a few cents for an acre of Wau. A veterinary surgeon tell In The Western Agricultnriat that silage I not a fit fivxl for horse, though excellent for ether stock. For Women Who auffi'r fmm inTvi.ua anu ih) ileal iirtill lly griMl help la (numl lu uklng Ayrr'a S-ir-ai'.irlll. It pnalin'e III ritil eltrel ul a auimiUiti. llh. ml Hi liijurloin rr.i. Uoii thai futlnvM Hi lit nl annuitant. Th re mit n( taking Oil mntti'iii I. ivntutirtil liKTi'a. nl (treiidtli an. I vlgnr, both ul oilinl snrf Noljr. " 1 Mini Ajr'Sanairllla lul what I h.y nifili',1 lor Ioiik time. I Iwvr Irlnl illlti'M'iil mrillclnr or tonun, hut ruvrr fnunil our until 1 iul Dili. M) tniuhlr ha hern a low tat ot llie Miami, raulug taint turn " Lens d'Onroir. 1st Vernon at. Bmtnn. Ma. "I hav been a virion for th nail to yesr n( Renrral mrakiiras with lurn ul Uniting. IUi trlnl varum rfinr.lle. but itli little rvlti'f till I uiril Aynr'i Sarvaca rilla. Home six nionlli tine I ts'iian In u thl remedy, sml am greally Iwtii'lUtHl." - Mis K. K. Wlill. .Sonwrvlll. Ma.. "Thl Is to iwrllly that I hav lxrn using Ayrr'i Sanaarllla fur sum llm, anil II has dnn we a world n( giKal. It has ruriHl my heailarhe. clrareil my bliast. ami hrliwl hhi In rvvry way, anil I am determined to u II It to long a I nwil moh s ninllrlne." Mrs. Tan, m First iireet, Lowell, Man. Ayer'sSarsaparilla Dr. J. C. AYER It CO., Lowlt, Mm. Bold by Dnicflau. Worth fb.N.ttt. NOTICK TO MiIl);K Hfll.l'KKS ! Nolle la horrhy ilu, that aealH hi. I will , h rrrlv,l hy rltra.iniA ronniy al the ofur ; of th county rii-rk nl ral-1 i-ounty iiptuinio- ! Is-r 11. Wi, al ..nr u rlork p in , lor tin' mnatrui'- 1 tlnn nl a bri'la ami tri lli-ai-roaa loa-li rrrrk ' nn lli Hytaml loail. Oil liri.lt ami Ireatl to Ih' almiil 2l li-i-t loutf ; Ihr iimIii apali to lie about 41) lit InliK . almtll l.li li'vl ..I III Irratltlltf In Ihi j mi the ii'it hank ami in rrat on ih Mum bank. Said brliln ami trnalle In l bulll nu a lcml nf aliout em lit ti i-l from Ihr . . ol li ft bnuk MlaflTHtn. plana anil kni'lrli'.itl..na In It fur nliheil by hbtiler. A ili'poHllof ftv pr rnt, of ainotiniof nhl rnulrril. 1 hi rouuty ruaervva the right to rejert any ami all bl.la. Id Uo. K. IIokton. I'ounty Clerk. FOR- ' ABp'LDTELY POKE DRUGS lit! TO Q A. HARDING. N IN K HUT COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine Perfumeries and Toilet Articles. AUo a full Ntmk nf FIITTS- OILS, KTC. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Oregon City, Oregon. Full Stock of Guns Arainuiiitio'n. Kopsinton all kinds of ainnil niarliilles proniptly mailu. HupliiuUi koya to Buy lii k riiunufnrtiiriil. Hhopon Main. Hlrent, next to Nohlitt'a Htiilili'S. DR. L. WHITE, Over ('siiflelrl'i lni Hlnre, Ofllc Unya frnm th lat In l.Mli nl each mouth. Artificial ti'i'th on rilbhor, flrat clnaa, 115. Unltl nillnva from $'2 nn. All work KuarHiuct.il. F. F. WHITE. W.A.WII1TK WHITE BROTHERS, Practical Architects $ Builders. Will prepare plana, elevation, working dft talla, anr) apeclflcatlnna forallklnria nf build liiiri. Biieclal attention ifiveii to moilarn cot tanea. Eatlmatea fiirnlhhe.l nn application. Call on or adlrei WHITE BKOH., Oregon City, 0(0 NOTII'K OF tntAKMAN H SAI.K. Nolle It hrhy given Mini III inulerlgnd, guardlau nt iim permit! mi,! iKl nl Kt'rl Hculu'e. a minor, w ill. under ainl liv vlrlltu til mii order l Hi county euiirl t Marlmi eniiniy, ! tin'mm, mail ami i icict ( record nil Hi IMh nay ul Heplriltticr, A l 1SIU. tell ! mlll ni'llnii l tliv mm ,IHir ul ihiMKiiiiily emirl hoi In l!i rii ,i omim i'iIjt, m rlai kaiiiM emnny, III IIhi tal ul tlriiiu, en Salunlay the IMS day ul Oolnlwr. A. II, twj. al II n i'lm'li A. M, nl aalil ilay. In Hi lillip, liiiMur, fur l ulnM Slalea mil. I ixiiu. In I ,,l at , nnp ,!,,, Hi fnlloMrlnn ,ttaorlt-l ralititiiiyaml irniie l.v Minimim In aalil inlli.ir, In ll III mnilh lull nl llii' iiiiIIi ral iiiiallct nl aeellou tlirw IS), III T , M I K. nt Hi lllaiiii.ii,. mutiit Ian. Iiinm hart nl llm itunatlim lainl elalmnl llnlmtl II Sl ime an. I nlk ih.ulaliiliiiiMlai.il' nl Ul.,! Ilium nr Inaa. illttat Iu I Uraamaa I...IHUI lal...il Hi, ,.u i'u lluVNtnN, Unanllali nl III ivrann an.t alal nl lliilwrl he.iui'. mln.ir, 1'alitt l)ilSi'iimlKT, l.v-J, II WHO H NOI'U'K KUK H'lU.ICATUiN. I so llrm ar OMiiiin Citt. (lamMN.i , . Am 'jo, iw ( Nnlli la nrrvliv lyn llial III Inllnvtlna: nam.., I arlllrr liaa Sir,! unlli- nl hla IliUniliini In iiiad final itmnf In atiiimrl n( lita flalm. ami llialaalil linmf will li ma.l iM'Inr III llllalr an. I Iti t.tiUor nl Hi V S. laml i.fnn al Hli..u i'tly, Orrfc-nn, nn lli'liil U, lauj via, l harlna N Klmailiia, Pr. II Nn fur ttie a K I, .! a JS, T 4 K IK II tiamya III fullnwttii wlntiaaa In nrnv hla I'niitliiiiutu ra!,trnt upon ainl mil llvalli.il nl aalil laml. ill Tutor llalirlal, I' Wat lii'Y ul Cnrrltiartll. Ilt.'ti, ami John Small ml lvt. llali'll nl I'oilUinl. lH,.uii S X ,HI J V AtTHMoN. Keglalrr. NuTli'K OK AITiUNTUKNT lr XXKCt'TOH N'itloiMi t.rrrlr tflvtiii Ihm (h tntittriltttiml hi Itii'ii i Ihp hntiitrlitf ( outtiy Totirt vH i'Ui'.tu ( iituity, Utt till n iltiH pijtt.(ii f con It ir of llm rti( iN Aar.t AH rrntt Imvlim rUltnt hkaIimI !. vtln.rs.rtt ituiifto! In rt'tMtt lltrm in uv truj vrlv scriiVil m itir nltlro o( M Yl I na lit trti.n rtlv, Ort'Ki'U, williltt i imuillt tuu U lUlti of till thti MhNKY I Uin.K, fcvivin.ir t ttiv Kttnln nt Aii.trma tl Trte, Atumi ItKh. sij ri 9 M K I'Mi'NB, Auornry hit KiUiv. AI'MiNlsMtAH'li !l NOUt'K, III lt. CoutitV i'tuirt of III HI nt? ( im-tfot. tvt tho I ii hi j of I'UokniH 111 Ihf insith f ot IUp p-UtP tif Joint Mdlwoi-tt, tto I frt Sour? t-herrlxr tl vfti (hl Iho utlrrl((ti(v, hm. liy ofivr nl thtt utmvr rMtU.p ruirl. AtMMlnirl NiliiiiiiUtmior ( llm nuit ( i(rrti'i All itrot,B hotilltig rUlint ilinl lltr filalu nf Ml )r-.i't rp tWrrlty ltnlliirl In rrt'lit (hit ant fflrttMl llit.hir MAtlt, Mllli Ihr intrr votti'hfr. . iht Hulirtcttr nl n. Ya Hiifh iirt''t, 1'iirlUinl. MiiiliKHniiii tS'uiny, t'frtv'.Hi ()( mrr tittra HuilKlt A, f.-nlntMl, urvii.'iii wittitii at immtltt (rum Hit) Mv tifriif Itnl.-I SrlitituiWr 7, Ivr I JUS Hru...i. : AitinuiUlriior of the rilr n( hit Scilfil. i ilt't'puw.l 9 lit J Al'MlMNI HATiMl H SoIli K j N"llt-i U lifffl-y Ktvrlt llitl iti Hii..rlt(ii.'i i l.lmiiiittnr itiili lUr will mir-l ( tho I i( Wrujr liiirnw, hit fli' hi the ! t'rth'f nl l lip l oilltty ilrf k itl l U'ifttuti t'niiMlv i lu fluil iiMini, t'H-h ilittihiiik.tir with ; thi wilt mii. it-l ( mh ftuuv Aitit Ihnt luiMHlnv thv 4th tUjf t-( Orlnt.fr, Ml lhr , limir ( 11 (. ri.h-k A M l Mtt lv l ittf t'l'ttuty i'.mVi r-tii i tn-ftt i-M.ititi ly tttv i 1 Mtimv t'otiri ! r!'kiiiMi l oimty c. thl llin ; mill iUi-t Inr ttir turliiK ttinl at-ttlriurul nl t. fi'uiinl, Ainl all tfrHnn hs.ttiist til.)H(liti , thturlii rf horfl') u Uftfl lititffM-itt llm mi mo i al Hl.t Itntf HA Ml Kl. KAMM'r.S, AtlttithUUlr Willi lit Wilt A iuip p I tt lltr KsUliinf Mry ll'iriia. ilft cittif! i'ai.-.l (His Mil Uy nl Auit, lri ft , j NolU'K roll IM'lllli ATlf'S. Uli'l um iit Omtun I lly Orrtfun.i Antt. lrj Nittrit 1 hfffl'jr (Ivi-n ihut iho Ci'llnwUin ; nmnl urttlcr hta n! 1 liollrc nf M lhi.'litt-!i 1 t twmiv rtiml rM( In sstipitrt ul lil rUittt. ; th iiii irHi wlt v mtflr iiff urn 'lir lirutnr ! "iti Uei-ffvrr i.f ihr V S liiit ni-p nl ori'tfuu ' I Uy.OlTl.'lt, nil OrlnLrr .t. s vu j.Mh itrofii, llntnittiift1 ititlry N.i PMu, nr Hit tl W ' nf Hie M 1 5 14.. K 4 f, lie nmnm thr fnllnwlu wlttifia u prnvc hla tniilitinnti rt-ltlun-f upon tj. rnlliVRttxii nf m;c Uu.l. vl .V HI lain hmlih. lirtircw riinniimliin, Mmnrh Ttirknr .(!( Jnat j.lt H HnatUi niel, all of Mirlnwatrr I o.nrrtjmi. J. T. An . I J1M..W Krylatttr. NiilU K run ITHI U Allu.N. laml tiriii al urnson i ity. ori-..n.l Am ai. imj-j i Nolle la hrby ilvnn llial Hi follnwlii) liaiilvil 1tlir liaa fllril notlrrnl htallllclltlnll to inak filial proof In aupporl of hla rlaiin, ami thai aalil proof will In- tna.lr brf-irt lb. KntUlfr ami KwiTr nf th tr ri land ollli, al Crejoii I'lty. Ornoll, on Ik-tubrr H. latrl. vll: I'harlr K'labtM'r. Homi'M'! entry Nn. iri, lor Ih N W nf Ho- 'i. T 4 H . k B K. II ttamn Ih fnlliiwltti wlttll'"ai' lo rrove hi eolilliitlotia rnalilrftf'C upon ami etiltlvatloti of aai. laml ui.fr He .lail K H , VII ClM Uabrl.l anil I' Walnry.of Ciirrlnavlll. orrgon. and John Hinall and ! vl.l Hatch, nf Purtlalid. (irou. a 6-11 Ml J. T Ari-naaoN, Ki-KUtf' NDTICK nK PI III.ICATION UnJ iifllcc al Orrifnn i nv, nrrgon.) Aitar. JO. I'J. I Notice la hrh slvfln that th tnllnwlni named anltler liaa ntit notice nf hla luiciillon In make final proof In atipiiortuf hla claim, anil that aat.l tiriaif will li tiiaile ticforethe Hcitlatnr ami Kecclvflr nf tha V. H laml nfftcj at (lrtnn City, Oregon, on (ii i.il.er V l'JJ. via: lieujaiiiln Wail. Ilomcaleail entry Nn. nins, fur th S 'V nt H W. I, of Hec N, T . . K IK II namea til fol lowing wltneaaea tl l.rov hla Cotilltliloua r1 ilnnce lltioti alii rilttleattoll of aalil Inml vU: tallica Karly, Jame Mll"tea1. Jatne Mcholaon ami Haiiiuel rnlcmali, allot Willi. ill f II, Ore gon, a ib-V 1, T. ArraaaoN, Iteglater. NOTICK TO CHaMTOIM. F.atalc nf Mary Ijirk, tlcceaaeil. Nntlij la hcreliy Klvrn by Ih timlcralgncl, excciitur nf the above ua meil entate. to the orcl llora ami all peraoua having claim attain! aabl leceaacil, lo preaenl th earn with the proper voucher within l niontua (ruin ibe tUle nf thl n.illr lo the uinleralKUcit'lt theutni'iiof H lluelat mi Main atrnnl, trcgon City, t'luckatnaa county, alate of Oregon. Ai.hin Ji hit. Kxi'ctltnrnf tbelaat wilt anil tcHtalllcut of tali! Mary Lark, ilecnaaiil. IialnS thl lllth ily nf Hop!., IhW. (It lfi-lll 4 NOTICK FOK I'l'IIMCATION. Laml Odlce at Oregon city, Oregon, I Aug. fll. W2. Vntlc la hereby given that the fnlluwlng 'nanufl aclller haa flleil nutlcn of her Inlellliuit tninnke final iirouf In aupport oflher claim, ami that aalil proof will be made before llie reKlater ami receiver of ttie II. ri. html office at Oregon City, Oregon, nn Oct.. Iter 14, IS'.rj, via: lliirniina Armlt, wlilow nf Itmtulph T Armlt, ileeeaaerl, hnma ateail Nn. Mi, for the N. F.. V, nf Sen. ill, T. 4 H., K.fiK Hhe uamea Ih follnwlng wltucaaea tn prove hla am) her r.uiitlnuou reahlunc upon ami cultivation of aalil lam! uiuler Hcc; Wl, K. H., via: i'eter Oabtlal anil C. Watiicy, of Currllm vtlle, Oregon, ami Jnhn Small ami Imvlil Hatch of I'nrtlaiul, Oregon J. T. ArraoN, H'jHi; IteglBler. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Cornnr of Kroiit ami Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON, IH STILL ON KAIITII. For noncral roairiiiR ho Htandri without a tiner. For lirHt-clitHH, ro liablo gooim hiB Htore iH hocoikI to none. Trv him I On Improved Farms of not leas than GO acres. C. 0. T. WiLUAMS, W. II. BuilGHJallDT. Mil to Loan Sunday Sorvlcos. KtllrirooNllHKiUTlONAI. (.'NTHr ll.Kv O W l.lH'AD, I'K-lnr HltrVlt'OI Nt tl A Mi Hint 7 Ml r M, Mm, ilny Hrtii. ftir timr iiioir ,r it'w, I'lavor mc0tliiK ttlu1ay itviMinif l 7 min,ttmk. rmynr inoi-llin n( YnuiiR IVoplf.l HmMviy n t'hrtMlitit KutlMvur vvory Humla VVttlllllK HI A M ifPIH,.t, riuHi' turn,' rnmm kkv on ma I'ahkm l'amr Moriiiut Hrvlit nl tl HuinUy Holtim, m li ft, Kvpulim Norvlntt n tto, Hi'ntilar itrnynr moling VN vtliinaiUy ovfiilmr. Mmiihly ('uvitimitt MiMtthm pvry Vr.nri1y ttvniiliiH (.rtH'r.lln thtt flra HumUy hi I lit. inuuUt. A Ottriilnl litvlintlHit In nil, HT loll N I t'Mt'ltril, t' ATIKH H' - Hny. A. Uiii nn ha Hn, l'i:ur on N.unUy iimaant n ami Id Ml n, M Kvury antMHul mitt fnitrlli Mutntay Ovrmnu aprtunu nlittr thn $ n'vUwk itman Al all nlhtr nmiira KttalUli afriuntta, Hnnlaf Ht'lim.l m ) hi r H ra, annl.npUt1) kiitijootn, nml llviilliiluii nt 7 0 r- at. MKI'llitlMHT Ki'tHrorAl i nri(rii -Hnf Kuw. OiitnNn, raainr, Wnrnlin aurvlfn at II; Miuulay HrltiMtlni t'Mft; Kvniitiitf anrvlt nl T ail, Ki'Witrlt. t4anu iiiitftiiif iiinay fvnhln nt II V I'raypr Utiotltitf 1lmra.ay moiling nil HO, irntigttra tfonllnlly Invltvtl, riKHT ('KKMHYTKKUN rill HCM - Knv. 0. W OiHitNRV. I'nainr, Horvlrra nl II A. M nihl 7 JW f M. Hal.lmih HrhiMit nt Ul 4 at. Yuniig 'mpli a MtMttly nf l hrlailait Kmlfaimr ninrii tvrry Him.Uy nvoitttig nl 1 .10 W etticat,ar vrnlng irnyvr miltitg nl 7 Mi, Mt-ala (re, rvANosi ii-Ai-rnrKCM -ouhman - aim. rtiihaf, I'aalnr. I'rvnrhiug tf r v It na pviry nlltr itaiit Hitintayal tlA M an, I 7 ;J M Malilmth ai'l ,m rv.iry HniuUy nt 10 A M Inlui lUrrl.l.rrtf, r, Htipi 1 Wffal I'rnyrr Mrrllug 9xvry W MliHt.Uy tvntiig I NIIKO HliKVIIHKN t'lll'ltl'll lUv IV H W11 i.i4, iiaatur Horvtrpaflmi aiul Ihlrtl Hun Uy iitnritliiica ntfl llm iimnMing MaiurUy tiUlil hi pat h tumuli at Orrtnii 1 liy, nt it a m. ninl 7 p m , anl ih flrat Hint. lay nttortttHiu ot itarli litntith al fall. Yin. Soi'ioty Diiwttiry. iKKmuN t II V ItllAlifl OF 1 It AI'K. Meel at rmul HuilKoii Hei'oli.l Muiulav In arll itiutillt Vlllor Hrlt'.ime . K Ihi.NAI OsiiN. UAtlN KY F I '111 SM, Heoielary. Ftol'lenl. I'ANHV IIOMili OF I .tiK. ViMMtK ml k'l.ll.l. 11.11 .... M. tbli.l Fit. la) ol i . Ii in.. I. lli l.ll..t, wi liouie. H J lltnni,. n, See K an. lit. I'rea. Ml I I NtiM AII lutiiih, NO I. A F A A M. Il.'l.ta It re. liar l'Oliiiiiiiiil,'all..iia ,.n tl an. ihli.l Naliir.tai of rarli inumli at 7 .al e tl. Ilrethrell In gnu,) tlatollli are I u I He. I to alien. I, J T AI'CMt'iN. M. T. F II V AN, Uecielaiy. llHFllllN l.tlhiiF, So. J, l.li. tl, r Mi'cti every I htir1y ev en ..a al :W o'elm-g r III llie ll,l. feu,,,.- II, 11. Ualll aire!. Mrinl.er ..I llie oi.ti.r are lnlle. Iu alleli.l ll) (ll.ler of A W i.l Id . li. N O llo. a, li)ali, Hei-relary. FAt l. r .Nr.lMI'Vlt NI. N... I, I II ll f " j Mi-el ltrt ami Ihlril I'm-.,!) of earh ia..iilh, ali". .i. hall MrinLrr an I uni,( paltUr. It, rurillall) tlotlr.llo alien, 1 I i. It JklilKII. ) II 1'i.tittKt t.. St'rlb. t bli'l I'atrlarcll. 1 Ki.o l.iil iii:. Nil t. I. ii o. F M al ii. I I Fellu hall. n. .(.., etery "aliinlay rleuilif Vltlllna loolliielt m,ltf 1'uine ti M I'HimKKIt. N ii. J F lilt RV. Sriv M K AI'K Ft IS I'. N" 'I il A H.. IIM'AIUMFNI' UK OHKi.nN Meela flrat M. unlay nf earh aaulllh. at K nf V Hall tiregnii t uy. N ulling e.'iuta.let nta.l weU'niite. (ill. MAN I'AIIKKII. ( oinmaii.trr. OKN t UtiOK Fust'. N.i, li A. II , lie mem u( llregutl. Meel In ch.Mil hoiue al Neclyon flrt Hat- lir.tav It, e.-K n,.,i,lt, al X -a t. ... All Ciiluraitea maile wrli'olue Jai.'M Seoul., J. aiHiul'IK. A.IJI, I oiiilllali.ler. I'll! IKtlN l.tlliiiK Nil UV A tl I' W Meteverv Thnr.1ar eieulng al (1,1.1 Fellnwa hall, (lawrgil. Vlalllng hrelh'en alwaya . ouine J. I' l a m rm i. II araat aa. Hecnnler M W. Mol.AI.A 1.1'IUiK. Nn 114 A O I' W Meet aecoi'.l an.t Kourtli Hatur'lay In eaell ni .uili.ai A.laniahal!. Vinltlng inemlier mail eiii.ui O. W Huisa, M W. N M M.i.v. Ken. TI AUITN liltANUK, NO. III. I, of II. Meet laai Xatiintay nf each innulh al ihelr hall Iu llaoiivllle It. II. Html, Mia Hatia Mn4ae. See'y. Maater. W AKNKH IIIIANtiF.. Nn. 117. F nt II Meel fniirth Halurilar nf each mnnth, al Ihelr hall In New Cra. r. i ta iiliama. Mair Ml Mgg) Mr iwu. s y. lirTTF. CKF.Kk (iKANIIK. Nu. aj, I'. ul 7 Meet at their hall In Mariitialll, aecon'1 Hal- urilay In pach in.Hiih al lu a. in. Vlaliiug nirtuiiera alwaya welconie. I. K J It'K. J. It. WIIITF. Secretary Master. Mlll.AI.I.A OHANIIK, NO. 40, I' nf II. Meela al Ihelr hall al Wrlghl'a llrblge nu th aeceml Halltnlay nf each lantilh al ll a. m. Fellow niembra ma.t welt-iun. Itat aaN Wkkiht, Waaler. K II. IURNAI.L, He, IIAVF.t. UHMIK, NO. A O. tl. W. " Meela arciiml ami thlrit Haturilay evening at Knliibi .1 hall. Uauhy. Vlalilng brnlbera mailtr welium. W H 011.1, O I. lll.ow flecoriliiir, Maaterwurkman CLACKAMAS UllKIF, Nu. 7, A 0. V W. Meet flrat ami Ihlrtl Momlay In each innnih, at straight' Hall VUltlug breiberu welcome. II. S. OinaoN, 1. D, Jos a. llefl. M. W. KAI.IXCITYI.nlHIKorA.il tt, W. Meet vry aeerinrl ami fourth Frblay even f of each month In (1.1 Fellow' biillitlin. aojuiirulng brethren eni.llally Invtte.l tn at ten.1. F. T. HAKUlW, M. W. tiao Cai.trr, Kecnnler. At'llll.l.KH 1.HIH1K. NO. lis, K OFF. Meet every Frlilay ulgliiat the K. of I', hall. Vlalttltg Knlglita lllvlli'il l. Ai iikhi. (', c, J. K Itiionaa, K nf II. ami H HT. JIIIIN H ilHANl'll, NO. 1147, (!. K.nf A." Meet every Tueailny nvi'itlug at their hall comer Main ami Tenth Hired. Oregon cltv. Mrr. ji.aTiN.Hec'y. T. W. Hi i.i.ivan, l'ra NKW Kit A W. C T. It. Meet flrt Halunlny In each month at their hall In New Kra, Frltimlaof thecauae are lu vlleil to ho prnaeiit. Maa. CanaT J. ill NCOS, Mhk. F.AHTMAN. I'realilent. CANHY 1.0 1X1 R, NO AM. I O.a, T. Meet flrt ami third Halur.lay evening at K n lu hi 'a hall Cauby. Vlalilng iiinuihiira alwaya ma.le welcmn. II. C. Oiimiikk, W. 0. T. Mii.hbii I.tl. Deo MF.AUK JtKMFF COItl'H. Nn, IH, DKI'AKT- MKNT OK OltKOON. Mr. M, M. Cliarman, Prcalilenl Mra. F. It. Cochrane, - - Treaaurer. Mra. J. II. liar. ling, . . Hnnrntary. Meela on flrat ami thin! Frldaya nf tmcti mnnih In K. of I'. Hall. Member of enrpa (mm abroad, oonllally welcoiued. C01.I1MHIA HOOK ANI1 LAHHKH CO. Meela first Frbbiy of each mnnth Ht Fnunlnlii engine huiiie. Chas. Atiikv, I'rea, C 11. I'ii.i.ow, Hi.e'y. Cuts IIitxkii, ft'rin FOUNTAIN IKIHK CO., Nn t Itegulnr tni'Ptfiiir, Recnml Wcilucailiiy In each nn hi t li nt ui ik I mi limine, eimt sliln Mnln atriiet, between Hcvnitth ami Klirhth, I Ai.'KKiiMAN,Hcn'y, I.ani k (Iakhnkii, I'rea. Kb, Nkwtiin. Forcinnii. CATAKACT IIOHK CO. Nn. i. Mi'i't Hi-oi .rut Tueailny of each month at (at ariictKiigtiiehoiii.il, W II. IIowki.i,, I'rea. (I. II. IIrstiiw, Hec'y ,1. W. O'CoNNKi.t,, K'rn. HONS OF VKTKKANrt. K. II. linker Ciimp, Nn. Is, meet every flrat anil tnlril Thurailay evening of each Iiiuiilh .A . HKHMANN,.lr.,( apt, Wash II. I.awton, 1st Lieut. C, K, Hiiuxlsn, ill l.lllllt Y COM FA NY, FIltHT ItKOIMKNT, O. N. 0. Armory, Third ami Main, lingular drill night, Monday. Regular hualiiuaa meeting, flrat Monday nf each month. . , OKKICggg. J. W, flannnjr, . . . Captain F.4J Kellny, - . Flrat Lieutenant L. 1. Finkem, . . Heonnd l.leuteuaul.