TIIK Hto nw I'KTITION. Thinr Who Want tliet'iiuiirll la ltiinil IIik Cuw It rt nI ii I hit Onlliimicr. In tinier Hint tlm puiiHe may have op. purtunliy tn cutlniHln Ihu tniutli ol Ilia pt'llliiiin ironli'il In tlin city council fur lliu rcx'iil (illlm "cuw ordi nandi" h( lla last iiii'i'tinx I ( ti Mtltlonn uru Iikiii publish. M wrllli their lull IIhUoI liliiHtiuj'ii : rim riir riiKT wmiii. 'J'n Dili Hun, City ('mindl of Oriwm City: llriilltiwim VuiiriK'lllluiiiir,iilUrtiiMl 1Vu n( Ori'Kuii I'llv, mul ri'ilclimtn nf hellrl au, do must rnriitully llllon your liiiiitirnlilo Uxly to rr'l Ortlmaiicv No. Aniinliiiniic In prrvdiil Iiurws ami ollmr utiM'k rniiti running nI lrne ur upon Hip slrwls nf nalil city dining tlm ilny limn, o far mill unlluanc ailli'H to oowa, anil your f Uiiohuru will tvir Cray, Nama. Names. I K. I., Mi. il II. J IKK'. S J. II KolloKg, 4 Jo II. i 'hill, ft J M lirrx lirr, I K, II, Kidlv. 7 l A NoM, K T. W. r'.Miia II A. YY.rVhuan III W. IUmiIhi, II K. TcliariilM, I i J Ward. II T. M. MIIIit, H II, Miller, 1,1 lli-v C. Cmili-r, HI V. Nahloii, 17 Will Ihckrlman, 11 Win. It. Willi., IH Thus, drown, V K. C. Miillrr, '.'I M. J. llr.Hlrlrk, 1M J. P. Mill, il I..C. Hrlggs, VI II. P. Mull, n., VI John V.l'llll, W C. W. Nohhll, II. II ll.irklov, .1 Jus. Miiiilorr. ' 'J-1 C, It. Nolilill, .Hi K. Mm (Mr.. !i Krwl A Mnunrr, ,1'J Arllnir lutr, ,11 W. W. Mvera. .11 M J. I'am tier. Ml P. Ntdimn. in M l. Hiniili, til Kulr lintilnnr, it! J. W. Chaw, itl hml Mitvrr, IH Tlitnl. W. Clark, 111 Jiilnm Crndor, mi II. W. iirm.ii, li? A. II. . I. It'll, i Juke Clmrlm, ill John A. Cooler, 70 J. W. Hluarl, 71 J Trtnnlinlh, T! Mr.. A. HusWi, 73 Chan, (l.l'alrmin, 74 A. f rxh-rli a, 7.1 J. A. Hluarl. 7H Itohl. Kallait't, 77 John VlKlllUa, 71 K..I. IWh, 711 Hill ( linrl.'., Wl lllraiu Hart, NI A. lam Hri.lkr, n.' TliiMxIor Mmlmi lyir, ffl I'airh k M. Milin, HI Ui ilwrl Kind, K.1 llm. Mlllini rr, il Knil I'ailtirMiii, l7 Martin Mik kt.y, KH Krurat Nnniiian, Ml AIiiiko llruot, Kl P. K Mi'lim, HI H W Mo, li.' Mr. II. I. L.CIark, X Win It. Who... i Mr. SarnhllliKliri, UI Edwin AIIxhi. .17 Mm. J. I'mlrr M Mr and Mm.W.II. Ilitvl.lxiil, XI I.. !i k.'Inu.M, 4'i I'lntrlc Cliarlrft, II i 1'. Mav. IK I.. A. Williams. Ill John M. li. l.'liKi, !si C. i Laiu'iniHe, 117 W. I.. Whim, W J.ilin llenlmr. m l r. il Wnl. r. ii Mm. J.I . Meliau, Iki John I n li v 41 Mm I:. J. in.'., ln A. II. I Covin., II .Mm. M , A N. .ill. in.- Aumt Mllloil!. 4,' nniurl M.r, lol A inru.l A. mil., o William Hriiall, nA Ivn-r HniiiuiirB, il Win. Nhrahati, liii Jo Pii ki'il, 1HH Tom liavvni, l"l Wallar f I.HIIk. 4U Clai k ri. Koi! 4; J. H. J in nil m 41 C. K. Kiik. 41 Co.., Ilnnaiiall, fl Mary Kiicr, M A 1 1 1( ' -1 Minl.'rt, M Marv Ma.ltr. 110 J. II. Moiilcon,. M Mm. It. W. Ilaniii, rrv, M Mm. I., K. Ila.ini, M Mm. I lllaiivllln, M Mr I,. Sluvrr, 67 Mr. A. Hlnvrr, M Mm. (ir.-e Wll liann, III T. M Minoiiarti. Ill II. Warnur, II.H J. V. lianniiK. Hi V. II. Hay, 111 Thiia. I amplvrll, I III tiorani llrl.ls'f.. rauM Tin ..mi won. To tlm Hon. Clly Council of drtiKon City: tiaiitlrinen - Tha unilcralKiinl, cltinrna ami Ui.) pm ami rl.lmU of th anrtiml wanl. do moat Mrtteatly bill rr lfiilly K'litlon your lionoralilo tHuly to rrial onli liamu No, . An ortliiianc to irriiilixiwa, borwa ami oihf r aba k from running at largo, or iiihiii lh almxiof aaiil city, during tint ilay llinv, far a aalil onllnanoa aiillia lu cowa, ami your iiltloniira tail! war .rny. Namra. NaniM. I Jainfa Wllkliiaon, ft'i KiIkIii Knlwrta, 1 I'rtar l'a.iirl, M Mm, Howell, .1 Mm. Ja, iHilan, M K. Htorv, 4 Jaa. Hraly, M C. I. Ktory, ft John lllcaaun, .VI J. II. Wav, II H. I. Akina, ft7 J. A. Mei'calf, 7 lpnrvMi-lTiimtt..VI Win. Ntmiglil, M Joa. Mi llrniKilt, Ml J. C. Canli-a, U Hiik'Ii Mclvrmoit.oi Jiui. WllUiiMin. Jr., in innoiiora urrii, in n. A. i anipiwii, II Chaa. J. Parkrr, P.' Jaa. Miller, II N.N. Koliliiiia, 14 N. Slorv. 1.1 C. C. H'obhina, HI W. II. WiKgma, 17 H Kilpainck, la 1. W . Aklna, 1 1 W. Htover, Vtl Win. Ki.lil. : K. M. Howiill, Hiram HtraiK'it, ! C. C, lliilKia-k, '21 H. K.Hcrlplure, '.'.i Jaa. Itoake, '.II li. J. Ilnnllnu, 'J7 A. P. I'lilniw, '.'i K, K. I'nliiier, Ji It. Wll-oll, .Hi C; C. HnU-rt, .'It Will II. Walker, .'li C. P. Merrill, !IH C. KiirgiiHon, .14 J. Kiiritnann, ill .1. M. Tavlor, .'Ml M. IC. Kiinmnna, .17 J. II. Klinuiona, .IH A. Ml minima. it! Mm. A. I.. ttiHxir, M T. W. Ntvor, l4 Krml llailkr, M (Iihi. P. l ark, l Hi'o. A. HanlliiK, 117 Mm. M K. Harlow, IW M. N, Unwell, Hi 8. II. Howell, 7U II. C. Ulnun'ttii, 71 IVter Nelirtoi, 7J C. P. Wlmwt, 7:1 Martha lliii'rlh, 71 John I' 1 1 ii in 1 1 li ry i, 7.1 John I'iori'e, 7H II. CiK'hran, 77 H. (Irrgorv, 7H I, M. Park, 7n Jim. Mury, HO Joa. HiM'lincr, HI llonry Neiuvro, H'J Clma, Athi'V, K A, I,. Illanchanl, H4 Hnui Mum, Kl U. Chill... Hl ll.CntillcliI, H7 A. P. Cumin, M S. II. t'alill, mii l It, Jiuiucy, .11) KlincrM. I.niiklna, !Ni C, K. Iliivnea, 40 V, (lenliier. HI W. H. Hurtle, 41 J. C. Criiinhley, ! .1. W, Crnuililcy, 4.1 H. M.Surlua, 44 H, Itimke, 4.1 A. .1. Caaon, Hi J, T. ImIiiiInIoii, 47 II. N. I'.ilinlalon. 4.1 J. P. Numner, 4!i K. S. Callll, W) llenrv (lilhert, dl It. K.'liolHTta, iri II. Touillnnoii, IW Mm, (I Ciiimrr, m 8, (!. Howell, 111 K. C, lluekelt, Kl K. II. Whillock, H7 Mm. S. Mi-tiee, 111 W. T. Whlllock, Kl A. II. Whillock, 1KI S. Nefst;iir, H llerl (Ireenmiin. Htlcka to Ilia Petition. OiikhoN Citv, Or., Hepl. To Tint Kn-lToii:- U liavlng Iwhmi alnteil that I aake.1 to liiivo my naino takmi oil' of Hid majority petition relating to llio oowa, I herehy atiite Unit I elri'iihileil anlil petilion for Mr, ,lii (jiir, uuil urn In favor ol ullow ing ihe cowa lo run at lariie dnriiiK the iluv time, ami if neceawiry, I will lieml anntlier pelition for the aiiine cnitH. Keapectlully yonra, K. I., Hiiaw. IHurrliMl. Sl'OONCKU-IULL In Ortigon City Sopli'inlinr 18, 1SH2, liy Uov. (!. Wm. (lilionny ol tlm rri'Hliytfiriun clinrch, W. T. Spooncuruiul Minn H, C. Hull, liuth of tliiRcitv. NtlTICK KOIt I'l'lll.ICATIIIN. I Hint Dlllee at (Irugnii City, dreiton,! Hept, 10, iKiia, I Nntlea l liorehy given that llm following iiiuueil aotller haa tlleil notice of hla Intenllon to nuike llni'.l iiroof In aunpiirt nl hla claim, anil that aalil prnoi will lie mailo licforo the reglaier nil rorelvernf the llnllml Htalea lo ml office at Or g.m City, Oregon, on November 8, imi, via: Ira Coo pur, lloinealeail entry No IWK, for th H, E. W of Hen.4,'1' H8.,R.5B. He namiu ihe following wltneaaea ti erovo hla onnllinwiii reahlence upon ami cultivation of aiinl land, via: Wm. 1'. Itnlierta ami 8. K New of Baiuly noat ollloe, Oragun. Jamea W. Dnnglaaa anil Cliarlea Caa aily, ol Ragle Creek noat olllea. V.m-W 'U J . T. AerinaoN, Reglator. Ilomii Without Mothtir. Tlm riHim'a In tllaonlnr, Tlm rat 'a on tlm taliie, Tlm llownr-ataiiil npact, anil the inlaclilnf to my i Ami Joliiiny ia arrvainltiK A liiml aa lin'a aliln, For iiotlilnn K'xx rlktlil wlieii iniiinma'a way. What a acniiB of l i hi'i mi fi irt anil con 'union Iioiiih wunlil In. 1( iniiiiiinii I i . I nut nitiini, If yoiirwKn ia alnwly liti'iiklng ilown, from a ililnalion of iloineatlc carnaaml foinaln iliaunlma, imikn It your iirai niiaiiiona m rcaliiro her lieultli. Ilr. Piercn'a l avuriln I'roacilptlon la wi'lomt a M-ir aa riiini'.ly fur lenlilii ami ih'l.ill- luteil woinoii, ami ia tlm only liciim for tlm cluaa uf inulailica known ua fc main iliaeaaoa wlil. li la aohl uniler a posi tive gimranii'D frnin tlin nmniiliictiirera that It will giv antiafaclion, or the inoncv will Ihi rilnmlei. It la a poHillve corn for tlin iiiohI iioiiiplicalinl vawia of woinli Iroiililoa. Our ( undid Ad'H', It i iHtliloin tlmt wo H)Mttr In Oitf mil uf 'liiliml mlviiHtr ur lunnly t ltvBi linn, litit ttirn uro turn hIioii w (hI huHhIIih! In CHtliutf ihe HtttntiM uf our iiuiiv (ilmcrihrrii to mi urticltt of tniM tiiont, V (wl iiiHlitinl in nuyiinf thut Minim' HviuiEimI KtMiiwiv cotttuiiiN utom Ht'ttml turrit tlmn miy inn.lli ioo it tiMH tvnr Im oii our kmm fori nut ta lV"t On I rial IniltUi will iimlte you n 0iithumMtic ttm wiiur. Kor hy Mil drutft(iitlN. HCMMnNH. lu ttifClrtMitl Cuur. of thpHtto nf OrtHtmi, for Ut Ciiiiuty of llti'liinw. . Thtimm M Mill.-r. UlnliiT. ) v. Mry K Harli.w. Wnriiri J Hult In Kuulty. I'lll.li.iry. Hoiirlriu M Kelly I ml J a I'lllnl.iiry. ilffdiitn To HrnrlMU M Kelly of tlt f1fn.Utili ami toll MrHMi unknown rUltntni ur having mu hilwrtttt hi the rti(i rty tliM?rlbcil lu thv otiiii iiUItu hftu In lh intiiin f th Hml9 of Orrfi nt, you mrm htufihy rvuiiirtu) lo )irr and autttfr Ui coitr tlllil fllvil MiAliit hi III thr lnivpritllllrt ault within ltn Uiiyi front tlir imi nf ihv ntrvlci- of tlita iittiiiioiia iiiou you, if ftervt"! within llm nmiify . ur, If rvrl In mv other ruiinly ol this Ute, Hipu w li li t rt I w nly iiya frum lh ttmxm of llir vrviie of Utl tiuiiuutia Umhi yon Au! If yM full mi to Kiivwitr, for m thrreof llie tinin wilt imko Judgment tfiiit ym iml nii')y to th nxtrt fur the rrltof ilrliiAtnliH lu kahl com lUlnt whli-li m a tun fur Urn imrtl'.iitiiluc mixiltlt twu titlea Uierrto, )lutlff tn tlffentf iii ia. ut cerilti rtl ttaitf liute in dnkunnia ru'iniy, uieo( lUcgmi, to wit I II K. S ol the uiit'uii rlhn No. In wrihtiti Ji, "1, hik V in .uwiiahtli JtMUlllt. rmugp I rit uf llm Wll UintMt nirrlitlHii, al'l half ttelht (he wife mrtiii of the (loiiftltoii Uti'l riallii uf the Ule hmiinel Miller nu-1 tfe, ft lu nrr.ta off thr M W ntfiirr nf the Ut Hmitucl W. Mliwu nun a liiittlluii WimI cUltn. himwii on the mn ainl iat aiut HfVfjaitt the I lilte Htnlea t-lniin Nu :u in I . H , H I K of tho W lUNiuotte norituti I hla aiiminnn la titillhp(1 Vy nter of th IImii. biva It. itirna. jtulne nf tfai rlrrnit roiirt 4( the at( of treuu fur the r iunt) of MMlliumtah H Mi ki.at. AUuruey (m llnii(T. lUtwl l4rMemtrr 'il. I-A 9 2-lt S In ihv ClrtMili Cotiri of the nate tiroreou for CUfkamaa oniuity liMiUa lUilel I'UlntlfTi Va JnhD Ia(lf l,.rfrnialll ToJuhii iHialflt. MUl oefeioUnt: In the nam of llm atnt uf Oretfntt you ar hereby re4itirei1 to atHr aii'1 aittwer the rum taint Dletl ai(lnat you In Ihv abovo viitttleil nit within leu U) a from th dale (if the aervlr uf thla tumtuuiia upon you. If avrvt-il within Uit itun(y,or. If aervel lu any other comity of thlaaute, then within twenty ilayt from the oate 01 tne aervice of iaia iiitninoiia uimo you. Ami If you fall ao lo aiiawer, f wain thereof. ine planum win anpiy 10 me Poiin tor uie re lief deinanlnl la the pomolaint Ui, wit ; for Ihe (tlaaoltiiluii of the InhhIi of mMrlmntiy bow ex lit Hi f tfeiween tlaliiMfT aiut iereu1ati( Thla aumniutia ia puhllahe! by order nf the llitnorahla lu)al H. Htisirua Jutlt ( the Vt rulii'ourl nf lue alale of t)reiu U: Multnomah county. H. lli ii.T, Attorney lor I'laintlff. tateil Aepiember'il, i.'-U ft hOTH'K fVH Pt BLH AT10N. laud Office al Oregon ( lly. OreifunJ e. i(t iwi. Notice U hereby Rtveu that the following ttamiM aettler haa AIihI notice of hla tnleniloti to make final nriMif In auijmrt uf nm rlalni.mol that aahl proof will he ma. lieftire the HtKtatr anil HfHNttver of the 1'. H Ijin.l nfhi-e at Orogou ( lly. Ortgou, eti November t, IWi. vU; iMivwl It. UMitiey, Humeatea.l enir NaA'aVl. for the il R.f off N. W, t,atnlN,K '-of H W. UofHc aU'.aiJ.K'JK. Me liatne the followliiK wllueiHtt to pnive hlaOon tltiUutia rtltlenre uMn anil rulllvatlon ol aalil taint, via: Jerry iau, i N. l-arklna, John 1-ar-kltii atul Irvtu 1 t larke, all of l larkua poat of' fli'e. (Mai kaiuaa vonuty, Oreon, 9 iH-IO.iH J. T. AriKHn. Keclator. FINAL HKTTtKMKNT. I henby ttlve nottre that I have AM In the county rnurl ol (')arkamaa coun(yttireon, my arrounia and votionem tor nnai aemptneiti aa ailuiliiialratrii ol the oltt of Andrew IHI aliaic, tin r , ami the court haa apMdutel MuiuImy. Noveinher 7th lferiaathe day for ex amination and at'iileuietit of the aamo. Datevl Hrpl, 1U. lJ Anmk Kind, Admh W.C.JohuMin Any. vja.i2i NOTIt'K FOR lntI.ICATION. Uud OHU-e at OruKott Ctty.OreRou.f Hipt 1U. IW2 i Notice ( hereby alren that the foUowltiff named aettler haa flUd notice of hla iiileniton to make final proof in upportnl hla claim, ai;d that aald triMf will Im mmle tx'fttre Ihe Kiki'ct and Receiver ol (he t'. M, laiid office al Oregon, l ily. Oregon, on Novemhcr 4. m via: John Meyer, Homestead entry for the W. S N. K ';, N. S l N. W, , ol Hw. Xl T. 'i H., H. ft K. lie namt'a the following wltneaaca to prove hla con ttiiinma rcaldenre upon ami ctiltlvatlnn of an id land, via: John Hemlcr, H, t Coleman, Kudotf Oaiitcnhtdti, and t.otttob , all of Haudy poat oflice. Oregon J. T. Aitkhhun, K:W-iO :n KeglNtor. a rw (Iosoh t.r Moore's Revealed Remedy. Will briico you tip, jnit tlie lilixim in your chock mill tho Bpurklo in your pyo. Strictly iion-iilc.oholic, its cll'oct upon pomotiH mi tloriiiK from liiiuor lialiit iH woiulorful. Wm, Itoaniu, ol Portland, Oro wrltea: . "Mmiro'i Kovsiilo.1 Konunly cured mo ol (lrinikiinnoHa and mailo a new man of mo. All who are oiiraod with tUo llipior habit alioulil tako It." A. B, Caao, ol Monterey, Cal., aayai "It entirely deatroyed my taate for aplrltuou llipuira." Try It once. Bold hyall dnnrgUti, or Stewart Holmea Urug Co.,8eattlo. Wash, BIGM0T6AGE SALE BOOTS All Tho OREGON CITY SHOE STORE Having beencompelled to give a mortgage on its stock, I will sell every BOOT AND SHOE IN THE STORE REGARDLESS OF COST, Until Every Creditor is Fully Paid. REMEMBER THAT THIS IS A F-OROE-D And you can liavo anything in the store for almost a song. A CHANCE IN OREGON CITY SHOE STORE.Next Door to Bank J. P. SHAW, Mortgagee. FURNITURE. We carry the most complete stock and best grade of Fiiriiitnre, WiMOw Sliaies, Carpets, LOUNGES, ETC., in the city, WILL NOT BE "Call and get prieos before buying elsewhere. ,)Jan(l you will find we )0and will not be undersold. JBL$ UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING. We carry a complete line of Caskets, Cases, Robes, Etc. j-lolman & Warner, 0UK(i0N CITY HANK BUILDING. J. JONES & SON, PKALER1N Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. l'HICI'.N TIIK I.OM ICNT. )"SliOi comer Fourth and Water streets, biu-k of Tope A Co's, Oregon City Rupt ure, Asthma and Piles. DR'S SHIMP& HOUSER, Specialists in the troatmont of all forms of Chronic, Catarrhal, Nervous and Female Diseases. Twenty (20) Years' Experience in Medicine, Surgery and Klnnt.rimt.V. All nnrnlilA nnuua frlinrnnfaAfl DtliAa QJQ Pnmmai.tial Street, Salem, Oregon. gMT'Correspondence solicited. OF SHOES. S-K A LIFETIME. which we sell at prices that UNDERSOLD. mean what we say. HamiltoB & Washton ofParkPlace Are knocking the bottom out of high prices more effectually than CorU'tt knocked out Sullivan in the last great fight. To Ut convinced call in and inspect our immenHo line of BOYS' AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING Just arrived From New 3f ork. SUITS FH03I $1.25 UP, WORTH $2.50. Dont forget that we carry the Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes in Clackamas County, bought direct from the manufacturers. Our line of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS Is complete, and our prices fewer than ever before. ANDERSON WALKER, Painter and jfoie Deeorator PAPER-HANGING AND KALSOMINING. I carry tho largent and best aswrted stock of wall nper evr brought to Oregon City, and will sell at figures on your work. .Shop on Seventh street, near Center. WOOD TUIiXIXti A.nsrr . SCROLL SAWING BOXES OF ANY SIZES MiNUFACTUEED Parties ileoirinit Wood Turning, Pat tern, Brackets, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will he Suited by Calling on Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. a-. U. BESTOW, CV0p. the Congregational Church Hamilton & Washburn PARK PLACE, OREGON;. He the Ajency (or Judson Powder. Giant Powder, CAPS, FUSE. ETC. For Oregon City and Vicinity. We will sell all of the above at Portland prices, plus Jc. per lb. for freight. It will pay contractors and all parties who have blasting to do to figure with us, as we can save you money. e will deliver the above in rea sonable amounts and reasonable distances free. ENtabllNh-d 163. Drayage & Expressing Freight and parce J delivered to all parts ol the citv Beautiful Fruit Farm ! Fortv acres, level as a floor, all cleared, well fenced into five fields, good house 2Gx'26 feet, splendid well of good water and force pump, good barn and out houses, several hundred fruit trees prunes, apple, cherries, etc., small fruit in abund ance, several sheep, hogs, cows, two young horses. Everything in first class condition. For particulars, apply to owner, Milton Stingby, near Currinsville, or see L. R. Janney, with W. Carey Johnson, Oregon City, Oregon. For ohnii'A familv creceriea. eo to Hamilton & Washburn, they alwaya keep the best of evedytniug. C. 1 taiii, Yt A pamphlet of tnfonnatlon and ab-lljr l lXstnotof the lawa,stiowtnK Uow to. V Obtain Pateina, Cavealt, Trade V VJSk MarU, CopTnuhu, amt tyM. M V. MUNN CQ.dy J Brondwaf. f Portland prices. Lt me give -you TULL'S HOTEL-RESTAURANT BARLOW, OREGON. Best 25c 1-o.linpi and Mrsla in the Twn Ho .Meals at All Hours. CIGARS AXD COXFKeTIOXERY. The Doctors are Comings TtwdiMinguUhKl and eminent ipeeiillita,. Dr. Geo. W. Williams Formerly Queen's hnspstil. London, ud aHi. toots will giu wait OREGON CITY, Sunday and Monday,, September 25 and 26, AT THt. CLIFF HOUSE, And caa be consulted FREE OF CIEEAJELQ-E. Thete ttlaMrious physieUns en nam your disease without sukine question. Go and consult tbem this day: id 1U cost you.uothing nd may save you years, at luiterin and per haps year lite. 81,000 IX GOLD Given, for nv case they tate and cannot cure. AND ANOTHER 11.00 FOR ASY CASE YOU" EVEit HEARD OF THAT THEY I NUER TOOK AKU FAILED TO KEUEVE. Young, MidJI. Aged, Old Mer erthe excesses of matured life, should ooasult tutouers, who hav no quU lu the Voiteil Swteu, as thev c Bad will tst"pe to you uer- fault k,mllK ..11 ...1 .. 1 .i Broken-Down Constitution rein itiated and mianly vigor restored by their ltW Hll.l a'..iilArrii ni..hn.U nt .u . r ... .. .. ....... .... U.V.1....M ui .m.ojrai i i iniiirious drujts used. W ore out busiuees meu, can ler advice, especially U you are sufferiue irom Nervous Debility or failing power, of any disease of the eve. ear, head, throat, lungs, sumach, skin, kidneys or bladder. Blood Diseases Cured la short time with vegetable remedies. Catarrh and Consumption Positively cured by their new Oerinan method Ladies Who Suffer from nervous prostration, sleeplessness, des pondency, indisestiou, constiiwllon lassitude, pains iu the back or sides, ana deseases pecu liar lo their sex, can consult these physiciaua iu the utmost confidence. REMEMBER THE DATES, September 2$ and 26. Dr. Williams' Medical and Surgical lustitute. Out-of-Town Patients Treated with unfailing success through corres pondence. Mediciues sent safely and free from observation to any part of the country. Write for system blank to All out, and a letter IuUj explaining your disease. living advice eto will be returned Ires. Address all letters plainly to GEO W. WILLIAMS. 406 Geary St, Sau Francisco, Cal-