Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 23, 1892, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory.
Ct of Count.
School Supfrtnton.lciit,
J. W McMrum
Uo. f Honou
I'. W. (Unouc i
S. M Mmlv !
J O WMherrfl
J. r. HmdY '
si.Iiipv smvih
1 K
it'oratim. Ktr
T. JJnlllTan
Chief of Polio -
City Attorner.
Rlreet OommUslonei . -hnpt
ol Wir Work,
1. I. Irtr j
j'k" Khmlt '
F J. ln
W. It. Howll
siilupv Smyth.
N.(imnmn.' A VMillf . J J .Cook. J
W. O'Counetl. J. O. Portrr n.l T. t'. Ko
taSIhiU,", '",n,U!f 0'"ch mim
Ctrrult s-nirt eonvnes ttrl Momlsr la S
TWBtwr nd thint Moa.loy iu April. 1
Protwt court In wssion flrJI MomUy lu nch
Commission? fourt moeu tlrst Wltifsily
aflr rl MonJi ol ?ch omh.
The nay to btilld np re5n.
Clty Is to pire Oresrott Cltj people jonn
See the Ust pellinvt inventi
aj at Thayer i Ahlen'a orlice
c.i.w. v,c invention nt the!
One price to al1 and all soixls marked
in plain figures at the Tark l'lace store.
J. S. Courtney M. P., physician and j
mrveon. room 5 and 6, Charntati bloik. j
Is best an I !
V t U , ;
Full stock of lubricating oi
the cheapest at Seventh
. j
deportment cards one cent !
each, aood or term, at the Estkki'kisk !
lurmshed rooms ami pw 'n l'fiv' ,
family. First door hack of (J tonoell
Glass's store. I
Take vour babies to !he New York j
gallery and get a good picture while you
have the chance.
Five full blooded Wyandott roosters,
all perfect Vanties for sale by L. W.
lavi$, Oregon City.
Kev. P. B. Williams will pieach al Ihe i
United Brethren church next Sunday at
the usual hour for services.
The reading room meeting will occur
at the Baptist church next Saturday
evening. All slionld attend.
It will pay you to call early and secure j
one of those school suits at the Park
Place store. They are selling like hot
cakes. ;
Do von want to make money? Tiade
for or buy territory In the Anti-profanity j
stove pipe.
See the model at Tliaver A :
At a recent meeting ot the Ladies'
Home Missionary society of the Congre
gational church in this city the names of
three new life members with fees of $20
each was announced.
Just arrived from New York over 100
Boys and Youths suits at the Park Place
store. Just think, we can sell you a
good school suit for your boy for only
$1.25. Come and see them.
Just opened at the Park Place store
twenty cases of boots and shoes which
we are selling equally as cheap a; you
can buy at any bankrupt sale. We buy
direct from the manufacturers
Have you tried the latest? They are
delicions. We refer to the "Afternoon
Teas" and "Pullman" wafers to be had
at Marr & Robertson's 7th and Madison
They also have a full line of all the dif
ferent flavors, Ginger, Vanilla, Graham,
Oatmeal, Snowdrop etc. etc.
We have from the Oragon City Enter
prise office a copy of the premium list of
the Butte Creek (Clackamas county;
Fair Association. The pamphlet con
tains over forty pages, and is one of the
moat neatly printed volumes we have
seen for some time. St Helens MiBt.
Charles Knoth, who was sentenced to
pay $47.80 costs for the malicious prose
cution of William Gutperlet of New Era
tarried in jail six davs, thereby reducing
the bill $12, and then concluded to pay
the balance in cash, which he did and
was thereupon released from custody.
C. G. Casler last Tuesday sold his
soda fountain and confection stand on
Main street next to the Livermore hotel
to Henry E. Stevens Mr. Casler will
leave at once for Mill City, S. D. having
an interest in a Black Hills tin mine
that is looking very promising which he
wishes to look after.
Last week County Clerk Morton issued
marriage licenses to the following named
couples: Kerena C. Hall and W. T.
Bpooncer, Annie E. Burns and James
M. Cayman, Maggie Guttridgn and
Alonzo Stout and Dora J. Hunter and
John W. Jones.
The people of Barlow and vicinity will
be entertained and instructed with re
ference to political matters next Friday
night by Chairman Brownell of the
republican county committee. There its
no use making promises for Ibis occasion.
The people know Mr. Brownell too
well to lose interest in his addresses.
SlUsSnttTof KaitUM'rfck Slbba In
Ik bilonmn by William
A Wixxlv affray ocvHritsl t Canby last
J Mommy afternoon in SustwiiKr' mIooh
Sutr, William Henderson ami nin I
1 named Wright wore playing carU when i
I pinm)ick WM ct , ,0 ,iie ,ar tl) ,,
I .1
on A customer, n u?u up reiururu
,,m ,'p !u,er ' the caiUj
ami ihrn he had r1iinhed Henderson
'claimed SnttT had not made a fair deal. !
The gamo was continued, however, '
though not very gvol-natnrv0.ly. Hen- j
deraon continually complained of Suter 1
: and the same tinallv hrke tv in a row. land attended to the patient. Mr.
j It is aaid that Suier"mado rather liht of lvhrane r,H-oguivl Fred C hariuan hut
j '.lomlorson' ai.ser and after they had no one else. Suhseo,utntly he aull'ered
U)tiit I'laving he ut hia hands on Hen- two sasms, tha last of which was the
I , . " . . .... , . .. ......v...' ... . i'i 1... .. .1 1 . .
oerwon smniiuors shmiik w imui imi
wotihln t lt!ht. lleTUH)H Uenileraon
thrust a knife into Suter'a aUlomen
aUiut throe indies to the lelt ol the ;
tawl.l 'it ttr.,111,.1 1,,,. I tt'ltlttlrvtU'
. . int..rftrl and
timl(ir.on gwitv bllt ,,,, WHS ,vn t
' his victim and plun-ed Ihe knife into
: him aain near the same sol. After
j the first cut Suter made an attempt to
s''ie a cliair as 11 to strike ma assailant
hut his strength appeared to leave him
while in the act and after the second
I stab he sank to the thxr with his en-!
trails protruding several inches fiom the
bleeding wound. :
Henderson walked twlly away, stop-
'''" "'!''t " 'ru ,tort' !lll' h'l-1
ling the dix-tor that there was a man
badlv cut at the saloon. He then
walked out of town. j
suter was covere.1 with some blankets
and allowed to remain in the saloon ,
i until Hr Carll of Oroiion ("itv arrived,
the meu having made an nnsucessful at-,
,ellu to rttUoe the inteatinea lr.
Carll and Dr. White of Canbv dressed
the wound but It was evident that there !
was acan-ely a hoix? for his recovery, j
The knife had been twisted around after clearing up ol Hie dense smoke that tiaa
entering the bowels and the intestines ; obscured the heavng so much of late,
weie badly cut Suter lingered till 2 The temtxratur aa well as the sun
o'clock Wednesday morning when lie j shine have been rather lesa than the
died. The hemorrhage from the wound ! average amount for this time of year, the
1(J the mouth continued during the i
whole time. Coroner Holman ws
informed of the death and he1
went up to Canbv and held an inquest !
Wednesday, and the jurv found that
deceased came to his death from a
wound inflicted bv ilhain Henderson, i
T)e re n,uing wre' taken to Eagle Creek, '
where the family of the deceased resides, !
Suter was an unnarried n.an 27 years (
ol age who lived with Ins mother at
Eagle Creek. His father is dead
brothers and a 8:ster also live at Eagle
SheriffUanong was notified J the cut- (
ting aff.ay and at 3 o'clock Tuesday j
morning he went up to Canby to search
lor Henderson. He tracked l.im a short
distance northeastward but then lost the
trail. Wednesday he sent out word
in the locality supposed to have been
traversed rjy me reiugee that lie would
give $22 for bis apprehension. James
Hodges of Canby was in Portland Wed
nesday and he met Henderson on Front
street near the National hotel. He im
mediately telephoned for a policeman
and two officers were sent out and they
arrested Henderson and took him to jail.
Wednesday afternoon Sheriff Ganor.g
bronght the prisoner to Oregon City and
lodged him in jail. Thursday morning
Henderson appeared before Justice
Fonts, waived examination and was held
to appear before the grand jury on the
charge of murder, without bonds.
Henderson is a well known tough.
His home was formerly in eastern Ore
gon. He had to get out of that country
to escape being punished for some mis
deed and he went to Olympia, Wash.
From there he went to Chehalis. He
was frequently getting into trouble.
About two years ago he came to Clacka
mas county, achieving a little distinction
as a rider of bucking horses. A little
more than a year ago he got into a fight
with a man named Purdom, in which he
gouged out one of the eyes of his antago
nist with the neck of a broken beer bot
tle, for which offense he spent three
months in jail, but was finally released
for want of prosecution. He and the
man he murdered had been cutting wood
together near Canby and tbey had been
living together a short time, Suter, it is
said, practically supporting the vaga
bond who did him to death
Dki-inhufnt Taxks. City Collector
Rhodes gives notice that after Saturday,
October 1, the city taxes remaining un
paid will be delinquent and costs will
then be added to the taxes. His office
hours are from 10 A. M. to 6:15 P. M.,
room 3, Charman block.
Will exchange territory in the Anti
profanity stove pipe for tow n property or
farms. A rustler can make $.'i00 to $500
per month. See model at Thayer &
For choice family groceries, vegetables
feed etc., go to the Park Place store
where the best article is sold for less
money than eleswhere.
The finest line of cigars in Oregon
City Seventh street drug store.
Hiram Cmhroiir SuftVr Thrf Sliorlm
In a Critical ( tunllllmi.
Hiram Cvnliraiio, who was ohhhI on
thi rarivnlpr work (or tli drift wliiir at
ntriut to tlm "twain," waa
atrickcn with ymralvaia wliilo at work
framing timHr on tli bank of the rivr
at CatKMiiah lust WtHlnoatlay aliortlv
aftr noon.
Mr. Corlirane had itn hi Uinrii ami
whr hoginniiiK work whon alricken.
tie w nor llio bank of the river ami
but for the. timely aiwinlanoe ol on of
,(, 0(,er workmen he would Imve fallen
. ... , , . , ..
i.-iwnwti iihu ueri waier. Ilv
was caught ami carrieil to A neiithhoring
house w here ivtitorativea weie amtlio.1
and word waa aent to hla aon-iit-law,
F. K. Charman and for a din-tor, lr.
Carll haened to h iianaing Canemah
on hia return from Canby and he atopped
winrn, mk ini uuuie nt-
ntamiti)! totally unconscious,
Thursday he manifeated ainaof con-
sclousnesa but he aim lies tn a
a-rll ii-ut iNMI.lirtitll Hi A.tt-ll,trl V f'j)
veara-mukes the outcome mor uncer-
u,n than it otherwise would h. The
disease is prono'inml cenhral paraljsia.
Kepert of the (iiujlllon In Wetteru
Oreifoo for the Week
The monotony of those lone, wann.iliy
dtiitv and smoky days has at last leu
broken bv the few timely showers of the
latter part of the week just closed. In
this section the rains hae been pretty
general thouiih liw'ht. except in a few oi
the southern counties where over half an
inch (ell. In portions of southern Ore-
to., fruit, vegetable and itratx-a have
lawn benefited to some extent by these
showers while pastures everywhere have
In-en greatly improved. Another, and
no less importent effect of this privipata
tion, has N-cii the extintfiiishing of
the disasteroua forest tires that have
been raging for so long, and a general
deficiency in the latter ix-ing due mostly
to a densely smoky atmosphere.
Hop picking is now well nigh over and
reports point to a light crop. Fruit and
tender vegatation have also received
tl,..ir full l i tarn fif Kn)flt frttm tits tirM.
,-ipitalion of the past week. Gardens
are doing la-lter now than at any time
since last July. Fall ploughing has
been made possible by the rains.
M. Cal. Howell vs. S. H. Green;
suit to enforce the navment of a nromi-
,ory note for $H5 roill'eII1lH Mav 1,18!1
d(e one jay ,(u.r date ,, K Cross at
torney .
5047. Louisa Iaziel vs. John Oaiiel ;
suit to dissolve the marriage contract
entered into in Michigan in July 1H7U,
neaertation being alleged. S. Huelat at-
5048. Thomas M. Miller vs Mary E.
Barlow, Margaret I. Pilshury, Henretta
M. Kelly and I. G. Pilshury; Suit for
the partition of the Samuel Miller . L
C. and another tiact of 5.1)5 acres in
which plaintiff claims to have an estate
of inheritence to the extent of an un
divided two-fiiths part. S. Huelat at
torney. Mrs. Marv Miller of Powells Valley,
entered complaint against Henry Parrot
chargingdisorderly conduct before ladies.
Geo. C. Brownell defended the case.
The charge was dismissed and costs
amounting to $42 .05 taxed against com
plaining witness, as it was a conclusive
case of malicious prosecution. The
Millers do not stand well in that com
munity. Last Monday Justice Fouls heard the
case of Henry Smathers vs August
Hubert in which the crop of oats or
seven acres of land was in dispute
Smathers had rented the furm of Milo
Card who subsequently sold it to Hubert.
Smathers claimed the cron of oats which
he had planted and the purchaser of the
farm also claimed it Geo. C. Brownell
appeared for the plaintiff anil I). C.
Latourette for defendent. A jurv was
called for and the verdict was for the
For Sale.
Poaf office stationery and ci.ar store,
Oregon City. Best location in city.
Reason for selling, owner leaving city.
Investigation solicited. (. W, Rich.
If you want furniture go to Bellomy A
Busch opposite poHt office. You can get
bedroom suits for $8.70. Call and cx
amine our goods before buying else
where, tl
Just how an alterative medicine
cleanses the system is an open question ;
but that Acer's Sarsapanlla does pro
duce a radical change, in the blood is
well attested on all sides. It is every
where considered the best remedy for
blood disorders.
The Oregon City Oddfellows were
actively in for the entertainment of the
sovereign grand lodge of the order in
Portland this week.
Furniture for Sai.. Enquire at
the residence of M. A. Stratton.
Boys' GlothingI
Boys' School Suits, Ages 4 to 13 Years,
$1.75, $2.00. 2.50 Per Suit.
Boys' School Suits, ages 4 to 13 years, extra quality,
83.00, $3.50, $4.00 per suit.
Boys' All Wool School Suits, ages 4 to 14 years,
$4.00, $4.50, $5.00 per suit.
Our standard Boys' extra heavy all wool suits, 4 to
14 yrs., $5 a suit, equal to ony $7.50 in tho city.
50dozenBoys ScholHats of various styles andprices.
B o s' O I o t Ii. i ii
Than all of the so-called clothing houses in
this City, and
Ami now wohavt" miule tliis oIUt to vmir lvs ut ivthu tiun offmin ton to Iwontv-livo
lm't fail to call on us as wo will save you money on all linos of clothing ami hats.
The One Price Clothen and Hatters,
The Most Complete
and only first
Quality consider
ed, our prices are
always the lowest.
Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City.
TIMOTHY that is
CLOVER that will
ORCHARD CRASS that makes best pasture for high
AL8YKE CLOVER that makes best bay and will not
ALFALFA that ripens 3 and 4 crops every season
RED TOP for low lands
BLUE CRASS for pasture
If your merchant docs not keep
Jl?e Oreor; Qty-Eptrprise
With any other county paper in the Northwest or
elsewhere. If it does not contain more news and in
better shape than any of the others don't take it. If
it does send in a subscription. You never pay too
much for a good newspaper. A poor paper is dear at
any price.
liiixirtrrs anil iloulcr in
Elice Family Groceries
Selected Teas.l'ure Coffees & Spices
Butter & Cheese from best dairies
Fruit and Vegetables in Season.
By the pound, bag,
tori or car load
CROW-We mean what we say. We warrant what we say to be true.
our tested seeds, send to us direct, tell us his name and we will see
that you get your seed cheap.
Business Conducted
On Business Principles.
One Price to All.
Positively no con
necticn with any
advertising scheme
tramp out
Send for Catalogue of Seeds, Trees, Fertil
izers, etc. English or German.