Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OP TIME O.C. T CO.'H NI'KAMKKH. In Kcrm-r Mn m H, Iwj Hleain.n Al.t'UNA A ItAMnNA: " Miilf C1ITV. LIIII I'liMTHHII 1 111, 1m in. !i. in. in. I-1,1 hi. la ii in. J 'i I' hi, i wip. m. I l in tr mi , in, l hi, li li i mi, Nn wtiy lnu,1!nii I'o.lllvcly ui hnltfhl lull tMI illillhti Irll.a, Hl'NIiA V. U ,H. Ill N ll. Ill J l III. II lulu III, ' i i. 111, 4 m i in Thno om, imtiiiii it ctmiiita wliliutil itiillrtt HTKAMMU MAN.AMI.I.D, I "ally Una ki'hi( Hiiuilay, HKwniiH'i imitMiiK ( irT-ruiiri.ANii mi ik. Ii, s Mn.lnti mill Ni-wU-ru II n. in.; OrKni ( My I" . in. I I- Iwi I'lirllninl Yninlilll ulrri'l iliH'k,'.' i, in.; trvKnuy fl'tftw. in. minimis rArmt: kaii.wav mmrii mi i. AUmiiy l-iwal (wjr RUMtiiu) V II m. A lifiiniia Kti.rc.i flhruiiHli) n 4a k. iii. HiMatmri iwajr iUtluiul II W p. lu. KII'TII mil HII. lluM'liiira H"I ( laUiilla) 51 . m Albany I IMI (Way MUllulll) a wv p. ni i lllonila KlplMH llllulilll 7 M p III 111 It MAIM. Mailt rlna aniiiff Nortli.t a i.iii n ii p Mailt tmm ilii( Kouth. in. It( t'TM. (irr,.ii I'liytn fly farm. Mulitioawl MuUlla leave at J hi. ami arrive al U lit. dally. ilirjuiv Ci in Kly. Mink Clara Mi-a.tuwltrm.il. I'nltui Mil la, Mulllm and t iilti.li, Iraxa al Id a hi. 1u.lay, 'IhiiraiUy ami Halnnlajr, auil r inrtta mi following tlava at J a p. lit KU!I.Y, K KIT KM UK It 2:1, lwc. Til K K K A lit Mil It'K'M Mkktimii. Al III" nitili.' ii. or' inn in iiiMini lln rt'iiitiiitf room irnji'i't Hi I In' liilint rlnirrli lal KriiUy lutflit 'In-au. Iilirimn waa pailii'd. i'limriiiHii lrniiiil m-lil-l hihI almit Nililri'am'a i iiiU'Ik lir 1 I''. I ' r i k' al " . I'mf, l'riittfln. Hpv. Ililli-lirmul, title olipy, S) In mill I'rtrkxr. A iiittnlr lili lll wait iuati mil Hinl a cohtriliti linn nx'r h ( u r t I . A Ki'it'liiiu Kimin amxn ulliill oiiiaiiimnl willit.iiti. ('. Ktunni'll in'iililil, Mayor Sullivan vie imwiili'Ht, (ii'it. Uilit-aiaim aoon-Ury, K K. I'iIku" Iroitmiror, llnva. I I ! I. run. I atrtil I'arknr, Mia, 1 I K U . Mm. Ilnmni'll, V. A. Iluittlry and O. 1". A. Krrvlag tuoi illivo I'tinilllillco mil Jittllt'a Mia, T. W Sullivan mi. I Kev. (iilinan I'atkiT rvailiutl ruum ruiiiinitliw, Tlii lat iiii'IiIIoiiihI t-uiuiiiltlPM met anil art iiutimr.l that It wutiM fwit llin offiT ol Ilia Hailiat ata'lxly lnr Ilia uao n( 1 1 in tiawiiiolit ol 1 1 in rliiinli lnt of rout livn Imt iii'f.liil lur cliiirrh or k mitt that It would at oiitd prixa-nl to uwn tll trad ing ruum. An ailjnuniiiiont ai taken till hp 1 1 Hatiinlay iillit whrn tho Anal trurk ol gitllii( llio nvw riilmprlM on Ita (nt will t tloii. Tim umi ol tli church boMHiietit waa only th-nijinnl to erv trimporarily, until mtmi unliable tiiai nr could b olilainptl. Vat l'oa lMfaoyMitNT. The work on the water tuwer Improvement Kuea ateadily on tliouuh there la not a ureal flourUh of trmnpeta over the mai ler. I. at month the pay roll wai $2K and thii nionfJJ it will I nearly .'i000. About aeveiitjr-flve men are employed on the drift wliiu and the hronkwaler to Ittilher. Kor Ihe break walor or rclaininif wall or dam being coiiHlriiftixl on the -edk-v of the (alia ao an to divert the entire volume of the river to the flume to be ued fur jHiwer pnrjHwei the uauul rolVer dam i built and the men work kt biinl 11 to prepare fur the ermamnt atriifture. TliU work la living proaocu-ti-tl tluring the aeaaon of low waler, the only time when it chii be done. The water la nut llkoly to get any lower thia ki'uioii thai) il now i and It I nut prob able Unit the li lit work can be completed thia vciir. The object of thi atructura I to be able to ue the entire volume of river for power when the water la low. Hiring the greater portion ot the year much more water inuat run to waaie over the fulla than tan Hiaihly be uaed for power. A Hue Itkm. The following i from Meeker' hop circular for Sept. Kith: The hop barvt'Ht of the year ol im2 i now nearly a thing of ihe next. With but few exception" the crop are all in warelioiieeantl a good many In the bale. Wo can now fairly estimate the crop at tthoiil one-half of that of hint year, or in round nuiiilierii twenty thoiiaund bale. Oregon will proiluco tbl year about eevenleen tlioinmml bale. There be been about eighty IIiouhiuuI bule grown on the I'acillc alopo. New York linn pro duced thi year one hundred ami fifteen Oioumind balea aiibatiintlully the aaino ipmnliy a hiBtyeiir, but of heller qual ity.' Kngland Is entiniated to have pro duced two hundred and twentv-llve thoiiHiind "oltl duty" being only a little more than lant year, The Herman cum ia reported good. A yet there In no market. (Irower aro expecting high price, some exacting to receive at leant forty cent per pound before Chriwt ma, Hkiimann at Kaoi.k ClIKKK. Sftt tirday afternoon of next week at 1 :'i0 o'clock CongrenHiimn Ulnger Hermann will moot the people of the eastern part of Clackamas county at Kaglo Creek. Chairman Brownoll will accompany the congrosaman from this city and will alao make a short address. The mooting will bs held In the open air if the weather will permit so as to got the multitude within the range of the speaker's voice. If the weather ahould he unproplllou Ilia pee"he will lie delivered In Wll bnrn's bull, Mr. I lertuann's activiilfi have brought him Into coutai't with every aide of governmental aflalr and he la ipinlllled to ibaciiai politic In an Intelligent manner and hi atuleineut are entitled to welgnt, Mr. Ilerinaiin'a pmaonrtl popularity will limine a big crowd tolirarliini apek on thin uccaHlun. A brim buml will furiilnh liiuii', Al a liilnr ilitle CoiiKroaniniiii llcnuHiin will iiuike an atblii'H In (begun Cily. FoH Col.l Miil' IUr.HilHiliil.ndetit liilianii hua appulnli'd the fulluwiug lout lift lo ariauge for a joi.it celebrn linn ni Cnlninniia iay at Oregon City ; I'luf I'liiigle uf the Oiegnn Ciiy Mchoo ('. I'.. I'eUMI llf Culll'IIMlll hill. Mil, ti, II. Iiilliu of Went Hide a. hool, Ml Mullie llitiiklnaof Mount I'lt-aMiul achool, Mr. Joiinie I'leree of Tall View, Kailn-r llilli'lirillitl of HI. John' Ht'huol, Mia Kmuile i'urti-r uf Oregon (,'lly i Imki and J, W. (iry uf I'm k l'hice, Thnae aie nnpicali'd to in. 'ft al the aiiieriiitemlent'a i.tll. n In the cuiirt houae next Hatiinlay afleriuNin to arrange a program and de termine the detaila of the celebration, which will occur Kri.lny, Octulier 21. All M'hool In thi vicinity are conlially In vited to lake pari in the preparation and in the exert iaea of the day. To it lUatiHAVK Kkihkv Company. T!ie llargrave Keeney draumlic com pany waaal 8bively' tlieab-r 11 week Thurailay, Krltlay and Hiilurday evening. The company came lo Oregon City with out liutire, putting in date fixed fur The Pallaa wlirre the theater burned h-aving their dale varanl The firat night " Forget Me Nut" pluyetl, l-ritlay night " Ni w M.igdulen " anil a'unlay night "The Whitu Muve," The alien luiite wa aliiu by reaaou of the luck of atlvcrliaiiig. The entire vtieiiglh of the cuiiipNiiy u Itxlued in the alur, A.U llmgratea Kecncy. wlm Nlalnttl niiich tn In ii I and iiia.b1 a thti'ltleilly giaul -.i'uriini tt on the atiige. Ilcr Kilppurt Weuk. The Hatiinlay niittiiit'e a.lvfriiw.l ua nut given owing to lack of patmn- Uil. An Oin Mam IIi mt. While Iteiijjioin i'orter, wliti live on the CUckama nix mile almve Curriiiaville, was on hi way to the pout otlite on Tueatlay, Hept, l:l. Ill team became friglitened ami ran away, tlinming him out againnt the end of a lug an. I culling a gnli three lucliea long over the right eye clear to the nkiill ami breaking hi right arm jut alsive the wril W. W. II. Watlt aw the liormia running pat hi bonne. He went up the road and found Mr. I'or ter, who la nearly eighty-four years ol age, lying in an miconaciooa condition. He was taken to Mr. Wade's limine and Dr. C. 11. hmliU ol F.aglo Creek was sunt for who aewed up the wound of the head and teduced the fracture and made (he old aentleman a com for la hie a poaaible. Ci.i'Tsaor Tomato. William Hart of (.ireeu l'oinl conies to the front (his year with a tomato Swlalty. Nearly every year be baa something in hi gar den that i unapproachable, Tkis aea aon ho planted some seeds of the Salter Karly tomato and from one of the hushes that grew therefrom lie cut a stem Ira than four inches in length that contained eighteen fine tomatoes, about half of which were nicely riHnd when he btought them to the Kntkhi'Uisx cilice this week. Mr. Hart think Green l'oinl the bona locality for root cro and garden suss and ti.o succcaaot hi effort seems to warrant that couclunion. l'uoouxns on tux Skwkii The sewer contrscl is being punbtil fast as poiwlble, the light rains thia week demonstrating the advisability of getting the job done More the wet season commence. Last Saturday seven Japancacdiggernwere ad ded to the crew but the foreman soon grew disatisfletl with them and discharged them this week. Ho says they are nearjv useless in this work. Considerable blunt ing has to be dune In the bottom of tho trenches. Along Main street from Fourth to Fifth the dark blue soil ex cavated plainly shows w here a quagmire formerly existed. The newers do drain age duty soon as they are laid. Stoi.x tiik Hoksk ami Hi'ooy. l.ant Monday afternoon F, J lhixtcr and James Van Zandt, (the hitter colored) uf Canby got a home and buggy at W. II. Cooke's livery stable In thia city for the ostensible purpose of driving to Clackamas station, promising to return that night. They did not return, how ever, and Tuesday Mr. Cooke reported the eimo to Sheritr Oanong who immedi ately took steps to overtake the thieves. The officer are on their track but at the time of writing, Wednesday niuht, have not captured the culprits'. Notick. The 'Multnomah district "range will meet in Molulla grange hull No, 40, the llrst Saturday in October, lffl2, at 10:!Wa. m. All 4th degree members of subordinate granges in the counties of Multnomah and Clackamas aro cordially invited. J. Casto, Master. Uoats ron Tim Exposition. Here after on Saturday nights during the continuance of the Portland exiwition the Oregon City bout will miss its 6:00 o'clock trip up from Portland, and will leave at 11:30 Instead. Pukk Milk. Johnson & Warnack will deliver pure, fresh milk to all parts of the city both morning and evening. Goodpasture, pure water and healthy cows. A KM KMC AND AMKOMA. II rkalile f' uiiira.t 'I'tMiiti" F.fTect ut Two I'lilhinia en the ( omplexliiii. The slow abaorjition of many loiis changes ill soind more or less modified form the comphtxion, Imt atmnle and snimnnla show their effect alMiiit as ipilckly a any. The popular belief that arsenic clems the complexion ha led many illy women to kill theuiMtlve with II lu small, continued dunes. It priHiiiccH a waxy, ivory-bko ap iMMira inn uf the nkin timing acertain atiige of Ihe poiaoiiing, but il terrible af ter effect have lieiome too well known to make It of common nan a a cosmetic. The ellm ls of ammonia upon the com plexluu aro ill red I v the oiMit lo that of araeiilc The llml symptom of am monia poiaoiiing which piear among those who work in ammonia factories is a diitfoloratioii of the skin of the none and forehead. Tills gradually extend over the fuee until the complexion ha a sluined, blotched, anil unn.gblly apar ance. Willi people wholal.e aiiiilionia into their nynlcni in smaller dones, as with their water or footl, these ntriking symtoui tlo not apiear so soon. The only ellW't of the i)iun that is visible for a time is a geneial unw holesomeiiess ami sallowneas of the complexion. Many people are nlowly absorbing am monia (Miinou without knowing it. The une of ammonia in the manuUctiirea has greatly lucreaneil of late, ami II I mi tuetionably used as an adult 'rant in certain food preparation. Ollicial anal yms have plainly show n il une even in such cheap art ii Ice of every day con sumption as baking iMiwdera, The con tinued abnorpliuii of ainiounia in even minute ipiaulitiea a an adulterant in food i injurious rail merely from it ef- jfeiltin the complexion, but because it destroy the dialing uf the Htomitt'h anil Cannes dyM-pi ami kin.livd evil. l'rofeur Img u( Chicago, in authority for Ihe statement that, if to lidy million parts of waler thete is one pa't of the ammonia, the water in dangeroii. HKAI, VnTAI't liuVsltltS. Mumniary or the llectl Filed In Ihe (euutj lleciirder's Ofllre. The real estate transfers Involving more than fl each (lied in the recorder's ollice lant week weie as follows : tieorge K and Fin in a I. Inn to K A i Wilcox pt John R Childa 1 LC J 3 acre 300 1 Sunset Und Colo Ida L Donaldson J I B 7 ami 8 h 9 Sunset City 000 D C I-atourette and wife to Z 8 liard pt Fit a Fisher PLC 600 ! Annie Danauisky and husband to Morris Goldstune 10 acres 150 Ixmis IVnomsky and wife to Rachel Lugarmao 30 acres 600 Ida I. iKinaldson and husband to the Sunset Und Co 1 3 and 15 b 11 Falls View ad to Oregon City 600 Henrietta M O'ltonnell and hus band to George London se' 4 t2s, r7 e 750 Maggie O'lHinnell and husband to (ioomel-oiulonse1,' s4, 12sr7e 750 COT Williams et al to Susan Took 1 3 and 10 b 22 Falls View Milton W Smith and wife to Geo S Laoey nwi4' 24, 1 6 s, r 3 e. . '. . 800 ad to Oregon City 375 Nancy E Pierce to Keuben and Catherine (loucher w i nw s 1 1 t 4 s, r 1 e 80 acres 1,200 J W Ogilbeo and wife to Nathan W Woodruff n 10 acies of a 20 acres el wS, nwi; s 1, t 2 s, r 2 e re serving 24 ft on Fast Sido 450 Jacob Loeli to F.llsa I.osli 1 7 and 8 b 46 O I A 8 Co' first ad to Oswego 300 T F Hyan and T P Kandall to J C Paulsen and J Sleensen 1 1 and 2 b m Oregon City . . 1,200 F: F Whittin and wife to John W Ficke ptof E F Whittin's of Richard F Whittin's D L C 10 acres 600 Same tolD Magone pt of same 10 acres 600 R M Wickhain and wife to Alonto Wickl.am 1 4, b 130. Oregon Citv 1.200 Louis Lux to Anton Stein se' nel4 2c and ne'a 120 acies 1,200 Walter ltownoand wife to Allen M Sutton 1 1, 2, 8, 11 and 12, b 1 West Side ad to Oregon City 2 Henry Ottbois and wife to John P Oubois pt Moses K Folson 1) L C 57.2 acres 1,500 Williuiu U Wade and wife U John Cobery 1 3, 4, 5, t), 7, 8, 9 and 10 b S, Darnell's ad to Oregon City 2,000 .f 11 Lambert and wife to SI Mor- tensen et al 1 12, b II). Cambridge 300 John Stipp to school district No. 36, lj acres. 30 8 R Jessup and wife to J B Laber pt Oo Hrock I) L C, 220 acrts, . 5,000 lli'i inan Holman jr. ami wife to Leonard Becker, jr. pt Geo Brock, PLC, 220 acres 2,500 O I & S Co to A K Hammond I 1, 2, 15, and 16, Rosewood 16.(17 a 1,200 C W (ianong, slionll, to (1 II Per- rot aw V Demand nw1 se,t4', s 8, t 0 s, r 2 e, 80 acres 5 Same to game ISO acres 14 Same to same 81 acres 7 John K Wade and wife to John N Kapp and l'hillip Weber ne1 ne1' s 13, 1 4 s, r 1 e ; wSi nw'4 s 18 (except fi acres;) 8el4' nw'-i and lOaoil'asidene'i'nw.'-a'.s 18. t 4 a, r 2 e A II Shaver and wife to H F Kay lor et al, 1 acre $28,443 Previously reported since Jan. 1 853,083 Total $879,626 BUSINESS LOCALS. (.adies' and tients', rolais at llolman & Warner's L'ndertttklng parlors. If Holman A Warner, Undeitakers and Kmbalmer, Oregon City Hank building. II your Meliool lluoha HI die oslolllre Sliore. Sleeilinati's soothing powder for teething babies ami feverinb cliiltlien, now only fifty cents a packet. Acccot ! none but Hleedman's, tf I Wllanii A Couke carry the I'eninsuliir ami hujienor Moves. Kent in the market. Wedding stationery, the latent styles and fluent assortment ever brought to Oregon City st the F.rmti'HinK office. (Vntral a'ldition toOicgon City in lot and blocks to suit purchaser.' J'rojicrty cheap, term easy. Situ I II. Jannkv, with W. Carey Jobnnon. tf Wilaon & Cooke are agent for Cor Valh bogglea. liny jour Mi'lniol Hooks) at the lilulllre Nlare. loungen, chairs, etc., iiiholnter'l at Holman A Warner's. AH work guar anteed. Kit) air all your old lounges for little money and they will lie good as new. llajy your Ma-hand Hooka at the I'ontnlHro Hit. re. Itlank nole, receipt and order books al the F.NTKMi'KinK ollice. Call ami examine our slock of plows ami harrows; alno stoves and hardware at Wilson A Cooke's. Bellumy A Hunch, the lioune furnish ers will sell ash bedroom suits 20x24 lievclcd glunn for $16. Ah Cheval suits for I8. lteilntcadH and chairs sold at the lowest price from August 15th to SeptemlHT l.'jth. Now is the time to buy your furniture. tf Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and all other blanks at the L.vtxhi'HIhk ol lice. Portland prices. Wilson A CtMike carry a eomolete nttn k of Oliver Plows, Steel Kinir, Brad lev, Moline, Freedman and Scotch Har rows which can be brought at Portland prices. Beautiful tiliurbuu Hume. One mile and a ouarter fiotn town, good board walk past the land. Acre tracts to suit purchaser, term easy, the finest suburban proerty offered for sale, I yet on the market New protioeed I motor line from Portland. High and sightly. See L. R, Ja.xnky with VV. Carev Johnson tf PURE DRUGS. Are you as particu lar in the choice of your drugs as you are in the choice of your doctor? Do you real ize that you must trust your druggist as implicitly as your phy sician? that cheap, impure or inert drugs can be used without your knowledge? that skill and accuracy is as necessary in one as the other. We pride ourselves on the puri ty and quality of our drugs; on tho neatness and accuracy of our prescription work,and on always having in stock, regardless of expense, the latest productions in fine drugs and chemicals. Caufield & Huntley, Freioriptioo Pharmacist!. SCHOOL BOQKS FOR FALL TERM THE Will soon be needed. Wo bought our School Rooks and Rehool Sup plies last spring and they came by clipper from New York. 5y buying so early we got a special discount; freight by clipper is about one-third of It. R. rates; together they make a saving on a bill of school supplies, and it GOES INTO YOUR POCKET WHEN you buy your books at the OREGON CITY BOOK STORE, (NextdoortoP.O.) W. A HUNTLEY, Prop. P. S. Prices are uniform. The smallest boy can buy as cheaply as the largest man. THOS. GHARMAN & SON -AT PIONEER STORE Have juKt receive'l the largest invoice, direct from New York, ever brought to Oregon City, of ?Ioa!s! loals! loals! LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S, All of the latest cut and of a ujerior class of goods. -MEN'S, YOUTH' AND BOYS'- rtlnfhinctT WAWAAAJts Direct from Chicago, and ever brought to Mackintoshes and Rubber Goods Of all kinds, and the Celebrated Duck brand of Umbrellas. pine Groceries, All fresh and of superior quality. One Price to All-No Baits-And That the Lowest MRS G Vf. RICH, Headquarter for DECORATIVE NEEDLE WORK SUPPLIES. NEW DESIGNS IN Mail Orders Given Prompt and Careful Attention. IistmctloiisGlTeiliEiWilerT. Commercial Bank Block, Oregon City. GO TO Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine work and Casting. ALL REPAIRS To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to. OUR PRICES Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City. J. ROAKE, Prop. CITY VIEW MARKET, HENRY BOYER, Proprietor, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon and Lard. THE BEST OF MEAT KEPT AND SATISFACTION GIVEN, SHOP ON 8EVENTH STREET, AT HEAD OF 8TAIR8. MOODY & VAUGHAN, MO L ALL A, OREGON. Leaders in Low Prices. Their stock is complete in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Etc, Country Produce Handled. Postofflce THE - (llnrhinrtT nua' JL y m. m. jl -W the most complete line Oregon City. STAMPING PATTEM Cooke's Stables, W. H.COOKE, Manager, Successor to C. n . T & L. Co. Corner Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. The LEADING LIVERY STABLE of the City. Bigs of any description furnished on short notice. All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi ness promptly attended to. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms.