.Oregon City Enterprise. MESKKVK ,VV LAWREXCK, PIUI.ISIIKRS AND ritOI'KlKTOK. OiFICIAL PAPER CP CITY AND COUNTY- Hl'IISOHIt'TKlN KJVTKM. On ear. sixmomliv Tiiiw iii.'Hihs, ..-. SuNirripttons payaMi in vlvanoi A-)vniinii rates given on application. V 00 Kjti-nsl ( tli r OttW In OrvsB City, Or. a 9.vou.l claws mailer. AliKXTS FOK THIS KSYKKHtlSK. Oswiro, Caaby, Caetamaa, Mllwftllklf. I'nlon latlla, -Alms. Nt'adnw Brook. New Kra. Wilaouvill. Park IMac. Harlow. - - oiniiMiiu, 8'.inl. ftftiiinu, Cani. H.iUIH. Uaniuam. EuRUie Aurora, OrHll, - Kaal Orwk, fviiiiivsiiie, Pamascus, t-andy, iSlllUHI, t';irriiisill Oimyville, Marmot, i aliown a ctiMom ofllivr vaaaliii a rich man returning front abroad Willi (II his ftif cign nil wariii( apparvl fit" of duty, while poor niaa li pouml upon fir liav iitR a laiti sliiit on which duty hud not hwti (mid. Tims is "otasa distinction of XlcKinlcyisui" vry Andy Illustrate!, To irsous who only understand ty mean of pii-ttirra this is powerful argu ment, no doubt, lint inaimich us tin- Mc kinley law, an extract trvim which is )ulv lislial on the jam pagr- with the "claw tliMiuclion picture," particularly provides that lh exemption of "wearing apparel and other ieromil eftocts" "shall i.ot he held to include articles not actually In use" . it i clearly impoviblc that the rich man , shall escape pay inn duty more than the i oor man ir the law In- enforced. And those who have had invasion to crovs the interna tional boundary know how strictly the law is enforced. The iiirist remarkahle part of the thing is the palpabl atteiupl todacch theunwary. l'lie statements relative to class distinction AN OI'tN 1JCTTKK. l). W. Prewser litw Km,: hi tfary A w iwniser ; w utterly unsupported hy any statement v j. iniumiier of tact or argument. It ta not an errone- ous conclusion luerelv, but a bold, braien K S Hrantlialt Chas Hotmail W. S. New berry Henry Mlley Hamilton A Washburn - Mrs. li. A Sheppanl . T M. 1'roai J. Q i;ir. C. T Howard Chairman Hrownrll KeaHml to ih ('halktif fnr a Joint Dvtwt. Sept. l!t,-To M vaiox J on ii son, President I'eople'a I'arty flub, Clackamas, Or.;-My IVar Sir Vour favor addressed nMli-litr-man of the republican county central com mittee of thlsconnly, In which you challenge in and others todebat th follow Inn ues tion: " Kesolvml.Tbat the exception dame on the greenback, the national hanking sys tem, the contraction o( currency, the credit strengthening ai't,rcfiin.lltig,.lemonctirtitloii of silver, ami resumption were seven llnan cial conspiracies rntlii-rthan the 'seven ureal pillars of our llmiucial credit,' as stated by John Sherman," is this day receded, liij reply t will state that t tveoivrd several! communications prior to this on and have I replievl to thrill all Unit on account of busi ness interests which I could not neglect no I date earlier than IMoher I'.'lh could be Ihouiiht of. I have stated this explicitly to all of my t'hickamas friends who hate conversed with me on the subject. I there fore view with suspicion vour reouesl for a unnii.ipitci lie. The' only conclusion an' J ''i"'""''-'1' " "' SeptcniWr intellik-ciit man ran draw from this circum stance is that the democrats are in a wo fully debilitated condition. R V Cooper N. t. Moody K. Xt. ilamnaii B Jeniiiuss ! - - - F. l-tcv - - LJ Perdu H. W illern John Welsh ; partmentS.iXV.UHl J.I. r.EIloir ' irtiiv uiai is a grievous oueiise. could th That's a horrible chary which the Courier brings against Postmaster Oeneral Waunamakei- a regular nightmare. It says that he purloined from the postal de- franked envelopes and , S.uXi.iXO franked iiews,..r JO and not later than September when I hate reHfatlly stated that our i-ominitte could not arrange any dales earlier than October 11 I do not assume to sx'ak for the republi can party of this county, but personally I do not believe the ipu'slions you suggest are the leading issues ol this campaign. I be lieve they are simply the wild ami visionary notions of a few vrv good isropl who are tht dear In pills, other thtnirn hln rual. Hut, with . ir llr. Her sc. 1'ktaa. T5 A sV-n IVllela, not If r jWn A i. u i m iiiJ- V LViT'ejr'm th. lt, ' ' -Vni only twi they're tli amll.t, and the inuueat to tnka lint tavaiiae titer do more gocsl They eleamw and ntrulnte th hv-.r, sloiiiach and l.wel In a wav Hie luicli, old fnahtonnl lull doean't drvain of. Think of Irving to itim dit Ui cst.un with the nrdltuu r pUL if onlr gvHKt (or iietttng It, 'IIkm am mild mid geutlo but thorough and etfis-tivis no iu- no griping, thia little ollot for a laxativeHire for a ea thartiix The lst Liver Till known. Niok lli-n-lncbn, lSlluuis Ileadnche, t'onsllalion, liidigtwtlon, Hilloua Atlneks nu-l nlldeiaiiKiv menu of tbn liver, stomach and Urn via ait prevented, relieved and cured. I'ut up in aealisl vialaa srf. t vimt rxvket ivmtsly, alwnia vsnmmUviit,, fnsdi and rellnbliv They're th lieniief pill you can buy for UleVris iruiltxillferil to glva' mtisfaeUoii, or Jroiir money la returned. It'a a pl.ui of sal IweWior to" lr. llorvv a metUciuea, SEVENTH ANNUAL FAIR -OK TIIK- Mrs. V. M. Mcintvre (!i. J. Currin Mrs. M. J. Hammer Adolph Aschotf FKIH.VY, SETTKMBEK 23, 1892. Th I1NTKRPKISK rnarantm a larger bona B le elrriilation than that of the ether three papers in the county combliml. KEri'BLH'AN TICKET. wraprs. dissatisleil with th Lord for creating them Hut what and have concluded tosind the balnneeof lavtmaster g'neral want with their davs in enssing John Sberinan and the such vast numbers of them? He couldn't j great measures of the parly of Lincoln, stow them away in his wallet and he Oraut, tiartlcld, Waine, and our next presi couidn't sell them. The Courier says these dent, ltenj. Harrison, envelopes and wrappers ar "to be used by j Kvi)r tiling you have got in this world is Carter Harrison and his minions in the j the result ot the policy of the republican transmission of republican campaign lilera- ,rlv. Ami you would have more today it ture. ' So. then. Carter Harrison, the un-1 you had understood tinanciiil mailers siilll. For President, HKNJAMIX HARKISON. Kor Vice-President, WHITLAVV KE!I Kor Presidential Electors, J. I. CAI'I.KS of Multnomah H. B. M1I.I.KU ofJackson I). M. PI XXK, ofMultiioniali G. M. IKVV1X, of Union Mclughlin Monnment Fund. The following subscription list is made on the plan suggested in the Kxtehpkisk a tew weeks ago to raise JlO.Oou lor a monument to Dr. John McLougldin, the father ot Ore gon, one-half of which should be by popular subscriptions and one-half by legislative ap propriation. No one is employed to solicit uhscriptious. The object is to show a pop ular and spontaneous movement in favor of the enterprise so that when the legislature meets next January something tangible can be presented to induce that body to make the required appropriation. Thus far the subscriptions ere: Thi EBTiRPgiss, $50.00 Thomas Charman and wife, 50.00 George A. Harding and wife, 50.00 George C. Brownell, 5.00 George F. Horton, 8.00 8. M. Ramsby 5.00 ciently to have kept you from involving j yourself in Brother K. Puiattd organ llnan. j vial conspiracy. I do not helu-e that men j who have proven themselves incapable of managing their o n business atftilr-t would 1 reconstructed democrat, the worst mayor Chicago ever had, the millionaire globo ; In'ller and present editor and proprietoc of i that rank democratic organ, the Chicago j Tunes-this Carter Harrison and his nun- j ions are going to send out republican cam-. tM,etitted by a joint discussion of allies. paign literature this year. Well, well! We turn that their whole lite is I wouuiirt have MicYM it had it come from ! gUll,n that tlu-y m-ltlu-r muhTstrtiiU nor j any other source. This is attoot equal to cotttpffhenil. ; that revelation the Courier had Irvm tb ! It U .mh.-,U1 hv thi nnrhl wtir!tv i?itt j celestial shore that Pan Maiming hati for-' the jrrertt Ining iue thUyeitria whether! I uken rlevelam. fur Pav Hill. We umler-1 the itnlustries of thin laiul shall he thn n I staml the Courier nill next weekpivea fore- ;K to the mtm.etit.nn (f the inanufaotiv ! I oast ot the next ileituH-mtic cahiiu t in whirh , ries if Kin-huu! ntwl nth.-r KitviLMi tmi.U ..r NOT1 K or FINAL HKITI.KMKNT. Nitloe I herehy ln, tlmt the Htitl'-rvly iiimI, lttiltUtrtor of lnt(c iW Jtm( Wt, tlf ookMst. tmn Illft hi fltml .U'CMiiut wuvix ml inlnlttrAittr with the vlvrk ot I do emiiy etmrt ttf ('InrkntMam rtMitity, utmc ol tri on mttl ihKl MoiuIny. lht Tlh Uv ol Novtmttr. Imi Iiuk hwn m'jvnttiifst hr the Hon J W, Millrnm, jtnU uf ut court, Uxt the hfrln of ol)m lltiitit t iieh tthstl nt'eotntt hiiI )u tdomi'iit ihirMf In tlieitmrt riHtm ot tt rotinty eourt for CUekant eouuty. ilut of on'uon John imtNoi, AtlmfiilKtrator of tlit ommt l J,.li , tie eetmett . H. Hutat. All y ht mlm r U a-lO : NOTU'K lr FINAL MKTn.KMKN r It, the ( otiiiiv Court of t'UekAtuiii I'ouittv, tiui of Oregon, In the niAtter tf the ute off S4murt ) Onklry, tlrM'iiei Nmioe In im() u n, tlmt tlte un.terlntOH, tmliiUtrt'iir with the will aum-vM if iHj.tn Ut. hit fllml hla ftiiat niviiiii an u,'h athnln- lotrator, aiut Ihr Jmttjr , f .H,) cmrt hiu fli- MMntliir. the Tlh Uv of Novt itilr. NVi. at 10 o clin k , in a the (Mitnty eoun riHim lu On ttott I'lty. In t'lat-kamai eomilr. tirrtiit, a th dm ao.l ilaet u hear ot)r.'tioit to all filial ammtit ami lor the v(Uvmtnt of ihe .m Hki hrv W hioht. Atlmtuiatralor with the will amivril of tht taieof SMinuel ). Daklcy. ilo(,i'amt. -.1-10 ;i BUTTE CREEK ASSOCIATION TO UK IIKI.H AT THKllt CKUlWDS Near MARQUAM FAB -ON- Thursday, Fridays Saturday, OCTOHICU oth, 7th mul Htli. i8t,j. PREMIUM LIST LARGICN Ami inoro lilaTitl tliitn t-vi r Ix-foro tiU'on il. liiilarirfiilRiiililiiiiTs aiiil Amiilfi Slnanfi KOIi ALU EXHIBITORS. I DO Ymi liavo liousclinlil ivct'ijits as wt'll as ivsi'riitiinis t lill? t 'hunnan ti t o. uuar- aiittr accuracy iitj tlicir prcscri ptioii cDiintcr. STOCK AND FARM PRODUCTS Will Ih Kivi-n every ftilvantuo for a rM-r ilisjiluv. THE -.- LADIIS'-r DEFARTAIKNT Will ho un.. ,if (h,. h-atlitijj nttrai'tioiiH, ami un iliilit in Mfti'il worthy of llin ili'jutrtiiii iit. j the gliost of Iiop'tiea ill le swn-tarv of I the tn-aMiry anil the mum my ut Rmuesi.i II. i secreiary of state. Of the Canbj Harder. OKKiios City has not Asiatic chulera, but the plague is on Amt-ricaii iwil ami it ap--eare to be making headway slowly but surely. The Pai-itir coast can hardly ex-ect to esiaTe a visitation if the scourge becomea at all general on this continent. The only preventive is cleanliness ami right living. It will be too late to apply preventives when the disease gets in the miitst of us. Some rigorous work in cleaning up the city should be begun under oomjietent supervision at once. No possible harm can result from It, and it may prove our salvation. It cannot be done in an hour or a day or a week. The matter of providing for this would fall upon the council committee on health and police and it caunot act too soon. Thi PortlandOregonian eaksof "Sbive ly's variety theater at Oregon City." It might profit the Oregonlan to know that the latest attraction but one at " Shively'a va riety theater" came direct from the Mar quam grand opera house. Oregon City pat ronizes the legitimate drama and it has no "varletys" which abound so numerously In Portland. Thi political current is setting so strongly toward republican success this fall that it is hard to work up enthusiasm in the cam paign. The democrats are disheartened with the hopelessness of their cause and the republicans can find no foemen worthy of their steel. Now that the people of the county have voted to shut up the hogs the porcine quad- j rupeds should beshut np. Thosedestructive and exasperating beasts should be brought I under the restraint provided by the law. They should never have been permitted at large. CALAMITY HOWLERS. CO 'WAY. The affair at Canby this week in which one man was cut to death by another in a aaloon brawl affords opportunity for much moralizing. Some will say that it is no more than should have been expected from establishing a liquor saloon there. The other extreme will argue that this murder is bo worse than others that occur in other places and other circumstances and that the saloon is no element in the case. Still another view is that it is no loss to society to be rid of the characters who lounge about saloons and seek entertainment in murder ous quarrels, and that the removal of the one by the knife or bullet and the other by the arm of the law is, after all, rather a good than a bad thing. But this is the view of the cynic and cannot be entertained by those who love their fellow men and who study to solve the problem how to make men happier. In this instance, in the middle of a fine afternoon, lour able-bodied men were dawdling about the bar room. Cards were introduced, liquor w as drunk of course, a quarrel ensued, one man plunged a knife into the bowels of another, related the assault and Hed, and bis victim died within thirty-six hours. There you have it: bar room, cards, liquor, bummers, murder. It is such occurrences as this that argue against the saloon as an institution. It col lects elements that it is dangerous to bring into contact with each other. Powder and tire are harmless enough when apart but if j some chamber had an attraction for both 1 that shoald bring them into contact the ex- plosion and resulting damage would lie ; chargeable to the chamber rather than to j the elements themselves. This phaseof the character of the saloon is especially marked in a small country town; and especially if j They hava coffee to drink and would you the establishment be conducted by an art-j thiDk? iul, unscrupulous, worthless character. They have meat three times a dayl Of course the murderer was a thoroughly i They're getting ahead-they've plenty of bread, disreputable, craven, depraved wretch. His i record shows him to be destitute of moral aense. The man who met him on equal footing in. the saloon is said to have been a j yonng man of ordinarily good qualities w hether this country shall protect its Indus tries, its wage earners and its people. In other words whether we shall be a frv trade people or a protected people. I will discuss this question w ith any re resentative that your rty may suggest in Shively hall in Oregon City any evening between October 12 and election day that I may not tie billed to S-ak elsewhere. Hotiing that you will Hud it agreeable to call on me the next time you are in the city, I am your friend, Ciio, C. BaowaiLL, Cli n Republican County Com! TUK OKEIiON rmxs. Tune Bonnie Blue Flag. When Grover tries the White House door And finds Ben Harrison there. He will feel so sore he will yearn for gore, And maybe he'll learn to swear. But the people smile and cheer the while No better man they need Than the soldier statesman, Harrison, And the brilliant W hltelaw Keld. CHoars. TheD go 'way and stay! Calamity howlers, yo 'way! We elected Ben and we'll do it again Now what have you got to say? Mechanics here where "things Isdear" They all have very good pay ; when sober but quarrelsome when in liquor. The row is said to have been caused by the murderer and not to have been incited by the conduct of the victim. But all the es lential elements of crime were present and they developed rapidly in that Incubator. It is a tale that is often told. But it is a fact of great significance that no temperance ! November soon will follow June A trifle of pie and cake, And they go and buy a chicken to fry Whenever they tire ef steak. CHOBt'S In Britain they strive to keep alive, And all feel humble and meek; They think It's a treat If they get some meat About two days In the week We esn have It o right here, "you know" The change is easily made Just pull Protection's banner down And up with the fraud, Free Trade. CHORUS. man ever perished in a bar room brawL Democratic Misrepresentation. The democrats are sending out a penodi cal entitled " American Industries," which pnrporta to show "the adverse effect of tariff laws on special classes of wage earn ers." In thegecond numberof that bloom ing iheet is a picture called " Class distinc tion of McKinleyiam illustrated," in which And give the people a chance To make this note as they cast their vote Grover, you'll have to dance. We tried you once, you proved a dunce, And, though we don't wish to he rude, The place for you, and Stevenson too, Is " Innocuous desuetude." CHOECS. Thee go 'way-and stay! Calamity howlers, go 'way! We elected Ben, and we'll do it again, No matter what you say, PH1SIVIL1.1 has cows. Prtneville News: Monday morning we were called to examine the limbs of some growing shade trees which bad been dislo cated by a town cow during Sunday night. It seems to us that Prineville is In need of a cow ordinance that will keep these measly critters at home, at least during the night. When a man seta out trees be doesn't do it to raise fodder. That's what he uses corn stalks for. And he doesn't want to sit up nights and herd cattle, either. No more does he feel like disfiguring a vanl lence with a lot of barb wire. It is all right In the daytime when a man is on hand to give the raiding bovine Hail Columbia Happy Ijind with a shotgun loaded with dried beans and rock salt, but keep the cows at home and give folks an opportunity to dream ol the ''Old Home in Missouri" while the mid r.'ght lays its darkness on the hind. If the cows get into the habit of feeding on orna mental trees and picnic groves, some family is likely to be seized with a great consterna tion some iiiurning when they go down cel lar and find a Lombanly poplar growing out of the milk pan or see the butter nour ishiugthe roots of a box elder. PF.MNOYIK Till liKMAOOdt l. Eugene Htate Journal: Governor Peiin- I oyer has taken ail the cream from the milk J of Oregon democracy during the last six j years. Having exhausted all the cream, and left nothing but blue milk, he is now I making mouths at the people who elected I him and speeches for Weaver. This causes a wail to come up from many denitx rats all (over Oregon: " We nursed a vir in our bosom and now the ungrateful reptile turns and stings us!" When the republicans, who have gone into the people's party In hopes of getting rid of "bosses ami "rings" find out that the new party is to be run and used by this prince of demagogues; to hoist him into ollice, they ought to leave at once and come back to the republican party which has never yet in thirty venrs been af flicted with a demagogue half as blatent anil irrepressible as I'ennoyer. THK McLOI tilIMN MO.STMKNT. Halem (Statesman: In order to raise money for a monument to the lute Dr. Mclaugh lin, the Oregon City Knterpri.se has opened a subscription list wherein will be published all contributions to the fund. Its object is to see what can be done first at home before going abroad in the state to solicit money for the purpose. The old and famous pio neer and benefactor of so many of the early immigrants to Oregon should not be left without some fitting memorial tablet. Astoria Astorian: Old timers in Astoria will agree with these sentiments expressed by the Calhlamet Gazette: "The effort of the Oregon City linterprise to raise a fund lor the erection ot a monument over the grave of Dr. McUnighlin, whose remains are interred at Oregon City, is a good one. In this movement the whole state of Wash ington should contribute, as the doctor was a pioneer more particularly of Washington than Oregon. He came to Astoria In 18.'4 and subsequently moyed to Vancouver, where he had charge of the Hudson Bay Coiripany'B interest for many years. The noble character of the man, coupled with his sterling integrity, places him In thofront rank as a benefactor and patriot. YOU Can tiiid at I'hnr aitu.ii Co.'s the best selection of I'crfum eiyand toilet articles' in Oregon Citv. SAVE Making furthiT initiiriia liy (joii't! to (.'Illinium A Co w Imre you will fiml till tllU lt'lllltUg- lllilkt'H of patent mediciiu'x. MONEY Cun Im aavod by buying your iminU, oil, glud.i, etc., of tliariiiHit v Co. peeiiil rated on large OMlTH. Closing Exercises on Saturday: Hand Tottmaiiii'itt ut 1 I M., Annua! ltr.nvnrll, nf On ut City, at '. I'. M to eloso tint day'it AddreMM by Hon. tiin. 0. , Awarding of I'ri'iiiitiiua eJHTl'iwH. THE PRESS, (NEW YORK) FOR 1892. Has a Larger Daily Circulation than any other Hepublican Newspaper l-i America. DAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. The AaoREsaivE Republican Journal of the Metropolis. A NewspajuT for the Masses. Founded December 1, 1S.S7. Circulation over 100,000 copies DAILY. The Plena la the urian ol no faction ; pulls no wlri-i , has no anlmoalik'a to avenue. 'Ihe tfokt ItriiiiirltitMc r. n'r Narrow in Jlrw t'rk. THK PRKSS IS A NATIONAL NKWSI'Al'KR. Cheap new, yuli(ar cnnattnnn ami train flint do place iu the column of The I'reaa The Prros ha the hrlihtrat K.lltorlal pane In New York. It uparklea with points The Press Hiimlay MUlon l a aplcnillil twenty pane paper, ooveiliiK every current topic, of Interest. The Presa Weekly Erlltlnn cnntalna all the K't lhUiu of the Dally ami rfuaalay villtloiia. For those who cannot afforit the liallv or are prevented hy illNtariru from early receiving it, The Weekly la a splendid auUiltiila. Mani.uai.1 in contnvt-d with all parta of the county by good wauii road. Vinitont from a distant column by railroad will bo able to K''t conveyance at Ml. Aiel, Siherton and other convenient railroad poiuln. B 12 A U T IFUL-:- G ROVE Adjoining grounda with every convenience for camping with hu- fiim aim mei m ttnuiiuanoc ami at reannalilij Hotel accommodation ample fur ,i!t. priccH. TICKKTS FOR THK SKASD.V: (1KNTLEMKX, 50 CKNTS, LADIK. 25 CKNTS, Children under 15 year of ttgn frw. I rs"l f'r premium lint and full information regarding apae,. and Htand privileges to E. M. HA HTM AN', MAIUJI'AM OR J. E. MARQl'AM. v. i, , loi.iar,, Secretary. I'reHident. PRICES the LOWEST. 00 25 toUOc, 22J 10 As an Advertising Medium The Press haa no mipcrlor In New York. THE PRESS Within the reach of all. The Hi nt and Cheapest Newspaper III America. Dally and 8unday, one year, - 15 00 " li lliollllu, - . -I Mi " " ' one iii'jnth, - A.) Dally only, one year, mi " " tour months, Mm Hiimlay, one year, - 211) Weekly Press, one year, ... hj Bi nd for The Praai circular. Haniple free. Agents wanted evcrwhere. Ltoerai cwuiniisainiiM. amijichn. THE PRESS, 38 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. 17 lhs. Dry (Jran. Sugar, 41 2 lbs. Arbucklo Co.Ioo '50o. I? room 3, Ik'st Oil Cloth, ulsowhero 2. 15c Socks.... 10c Fancy Suspenders, Pound Bars Soap, per box, iwt rvitt.Ko.i.. i ...:n . w"miouo i UHIH, Kill not rip, Underwear and Over-shirts lower than elsewhen ,...:i . iinai juu-us un tjuuuiuy prices. HAMILTON & ALLEN, Cliicbimw, Owmi. 25 80 50 re. CANBY MILLARD J. MIC NURSERIES, - - Proprietor. NEW YORK GALLERY. l'liotoxntplig Ihjlivered Promptly in the I-'iiient Ktyle of Art. Fine Crayon Work a Specialty. A COMPLETE LINE OF Fruit and Oniaineiibil Trees, Similiter)', Etc., WHOLESALE -A.3STID RETAIL CANDY, . . . . . OREGON. Old PicturoB Copied to Any Size, faction Guaranteed. Batin- Oallary Star Pott Offlot, 0BEQ0H OUT, OB. SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes, Notlons.Confectlonery, Cigars. . M,. w v, iiiakiiiiis una. Deal ana cheapest. Fine selection of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. And Load ing Brands of Cigars. iKi:N4 Kiif 10. tAKi:ill.l,V I ll.M.I, SktW. Block, ..... . . .,,. . Oregon City, Or.