CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE EXTKRIMUSR COKKKsrOXU KSTSSWrEl THR HEM. birth, of a 9 pound girl Imby Friday even. Our rainy season la near at hand and our street and roads are in poorer condition limn last ymr, If a heavy rain should come we would have mo dantreroua )iti to drive through, They should be looked af- wcck which we did not learn of soon enoiutfi for Inst week's issue, Kind, County Commissioner Hair's son hud his arm frac tured Just above tli elbow while wrestltnit. j Sevondtv, James liiley's team got seared at something hy the roadside, juined against ; the wagon tongue, breaking it out. and one Tl IMiiir f Cams IVopIo k Batch of the horses kicked Jamew on the hand, se-! 'or W too late. f Inleretlti)r Notes or i hat j verely bruising it. Thirdly, l. J. Krupfs; Jl,"s """"tell delivered a temiwanee Vlshborhood. "t leant ran aw av, breaking the axle of th wag- j 1,v,,1,v th Kvangelionl church Monday Jon, the mvkyokesud several spokes, (or-' '' The attendance was small hut a Cvkvs, Sent. At, A gentle rain is tailing ' tunately hurting no one. j lecturer was listened to hy all present, as we rite, whioh gives the cheering prom-! 1V you wonder at the t; grin on the lace i xit SiuiiivshU Nelithlmrlmuil i.-v ..,,,., jucimi i;.m. , .........,,,,., , , , r Si nsvsihi', Sept. ai.Mis, ,ute i,owen lias rvmoveo ins ramiiy ana : rvguuuiun Me mm weigru, aialosky CHNBY Is booming and so is the trado of goxis to th John Wilson farm w huh h ; has rented for the willing year. Kd, Titus of Oregon City has rented th ; Alpine farm and expects to move within lira week. Mrs, Titus lately arrived from ; their former home in Uingmont. Colorado. 1 Mrs. Kluabeth Crowley with her mother , K'tij l-initttll tuft lid Mlb.llt v.,ar fi.o : ' . ... .. .... . "f. , ! to the cool shower we had thut week. uvMiiiiviii. aurr i9tiui imH inniill and relatives in Oklahoma, Missouri. Ne braska and Iowa they haw returned to Ore gon for a permanent horn. Mrs. Crow ley is stooping tor a few days at the home of R. Milo Cooper, while Grandma 8keed is at A. O. Hay want's. IhenewM. E. preacher, Mr. Gardiner, preached at the tiraham church last Sab- tmtb momim. htil j&k fh.,m t,.i tu,, a Understandi., .boat the time of ih. .1 i hve """"" hon " 8IHli pointment he had only the members of the Sunday school for a congregation. How ever, he gave a very good discourse to the young people. Joseph Eaton has giveu his house an out side dressing of paint. K. Milo Coor and sons are busy felling and burning timber on the tarm recently purchase,! of George Cassiday. School bewail September S, with an enroll ment of twenty-live. I- D. Fletcher is the teacher. nailer Ltnmeit has put up a neat little J cabin on his land. He has slashed about f Hniiinxn, Spt. a. To th KiuToa: five acres and will clear it up during the ' iSi"c'' 01 T meiilioneil in your last winter. i is,u com-erning a school meeting, and , Mnsvsiuk, ,s,.pt, ai.-Mis. Ua Smnner I and daughter, and Miss Coral Wllliama. Cherrjvtll Items. j who have been visiting at Mr. r M, 8um-, S.'pt. 17 There has been ",'r'!'' l, H'lurnwl to their home in considerable tire in the mountains near ! Nort ItlifKt, Minnesota. Clerryilleaud at Salmon during the last j rler Itaa Just wmpleted new- week, making it a little warm and smoky j lll"'' for tt,e campers in this vicinitv; but the 4. Otitis digging a cellar on his place smoke is becoming somewhat settled owing j I'Taralory to building a new house. j -miss tiia t. nit ol this place is visiting her sister, Mrs Vivian of Portland. Mrs. Mary Keeil ia visiting IVicsds at Ka-I gle Creek. CARLTON & ROSENKR A NS a Charles Maty and family have moved Into their new dwelling and are enjoying the cool hreeies from the Sandy river which Hows near their house. Mr. Kvans is building a new house for 01- j iver Hhidler, ai.d it is said that it will be the i neatest house in Cherryville when oom- pletcd. i Daniel Tarker and Noah Flinn ami liini- very successful week in the hop yards near fralem, John R. Welch of Sunnyaide and C. Car ter and family of Eattle Creek were visiting in Cherryville last week. Mrs. Mary Hammer, who has been ill for sotne time, is gaining now and we all hope she will be able to be up and around before j the rainy season sets in. j Mr. Ware's house is rapidly tiariug coin- ! pletion. Mrs. I, Shattu.k triends here, have returned home. Mrs. Kmily Hubbard ia lying ipiite at tier Home herv. Henry Decker is Just recovering from an attack ol the intermittent lever. Hunter and daughter from! Oie. ho have been visitum' ill Mr. Miller KesponiU. Mr. Guy er has rented the Roberts place : 501"ewhat misrepresented, it behooves me and will move thereon sHn. I s o'"' f truth and veracity to make a Rev. W". Maliorv and wife will attend the : tatement of (he plain facts. Southern M. E. conference. Mr. Mallory ln. 'il,l 'lial achool meeting wascalled expects to be appointed to same other cir- "d si!""l '' Win. Pavies, clerk of school euit and the farm is renteil to a party whose i l'i,trlct '"' Jweph Myers, chair- name we can't spell. i man, nomy " ii. n. Miller, clerk protein. We humbly N g pardon of the small lad and laie whose recent arrival on the: earthly stage o action we failed to chroni cle at an earlier hour. To the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carrick Cassiday, the former came two or three weeks ago. Little Beth Cooper wss received by her happy parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer l. Cooper, September 2. Miss Anna Jones is away from home on a visit to friends in Salem. The Revs. Milligan of Portland, and O. William Giboney of Oregon City, held re- Panuurut ha the t'haaiptoa Wheat Crop, DAaci',Sit. 20.-Mra. Alice E. Dear dot! wascalletl to Waahugal, Washiugto:i, this morning by a telegram (kiiii her moth er who i very ill having lately been afflict-' ed with a third stroke of (varalysis. Damascus prei-int can without a doubt ! boe-st of the champion wheal crop, Mr. I Vetch having threshed over USnO bushels of I No. 1. wheat from 40 acre. j Ed. Elliott is getting material together preparatory to the erection of ,a new house. ! A. M. Lovelace, a resident ;of this; state for over twenty-live years, visited , Salem for th tlrst time laMj.vcek to attend the state fair. Mr. Lovelace was much pleased with the capital city and the fair, ' but tavs he shall alwavs rrt h.m htvin.. To tie- I I.,,,..!,", i W. E. Roger, who has been in our midst I for over a year, lelt last Sunday In attend 1 the 1'ortland university to study for the ntinifttrvv Mr t!,t..i kmII lu,, .1 l.u un ' Iaies. not lieing present, i.... , . . , ', ,' ' , . M.,.tiS u;hhv uinnv warm menus uurilig G. 11. Miller was chosen secretary prt tern. 1 ,,u .,.. ,, , , , ,. . ti Wll,. h..i,, ,h .mtv ' m," """ rector and G. R. Miller the only nominee for clerk, I made a motion in ea-h case to elect Their cash systom gives them tho lead, for their prices cannot bo duplicated in the State, SEE THEIR PRICES: 5 gallons best Poarl Oil, - $0.65 Arbuckle's Coffee, per lb. - $0.20 Extra C Sugar, per 100 lbs, $4.90 Gran. 44 44 44 44 $5.65 A PROVEN FACT: All other goods sold at propor tionally low prices. A trial will convince you. The clerk, Wm. ! in Sunday school and chua'h work and his ; absence will be felt in both. Glkakik. by acclamation to expedite matters, alter waiting in vain a reasonable length of lime for the house to act. The notices culled at i o'clock p. in., not 5 o'clock p. m. or something else. After the business was done a number were discovered on the outside of the house, ligious serviivs at the Clackamas First I'res- I but for hal I'unse I know not nor care, oyterian church on Saturday and Sunday, Al,d M far a'Uournn,"t is concerned I September 17 and 18. The services and' i know "ol wll,,,nr that collective body on preaching were irreatlv enioTed bv mem. I ,,ie outsi,e das adjourneil yet nor care. her of that church as they have been with- j Jbose who participated in the school meet- out a settled pastor for some months. An effort is being made to secure a library for their Sunday school. Prof. Evans of Oswego has purchased forty acres oflaud, mostly timbered, of John K. Jones. We understand that the profes sor will spend bis summer vacations here and make improvements on his farm. Calla. ing nave adjourned, ol which 1 am very positive. 0. R. Miller, Clerk of School District No. 33. Clackamas county, Oregon. NKW EKA HAPPENINGS. Threshing Lt Oats. -Justice Fonta mended. -Personal Note. Com. New Era. Sept. 12,-Thos. Blanchard started his threshing machine again this morning and will have about one week's work threshing late sown spring grain. H. R, Selway and family of Dillon, Mon tana, have returned home after a short viiit with Mr. Dillon's brother-in-law, Mr. Newberry. Mr. Selway was well pleased with this country. The best decision on record is the one wherein Justice Fouts gave Carl Knoth twenty-three days of prison for malicious prosecution of Wm. Gatrlet. Joseph Bnggs has a new barn under con struction which will add greatly to his im provements. Peter Engle spent lastSunday with Henry Kohler at Barlow. Leonard Hines and Geo. Shear of Macks burg sent Sunday with August Bremerand family. E. D. Hutchinson'a little boy has been quite sick but at (resent is better and thought to lie out of danger. J. M. Findley who has been quite sick for the past three weeks is slow ly improving and we hope will soon be up again. Ed. Honislmh is baling hay for Henry Waldron. John Molezan is doing quite a thriving business running a butcher wagon thissuni- nier. Geo. Blanchard has returned home from somewhere on the Willamette slough w here he has been at work for the last few months. George looks just the same except the bar ber's hand disfigured his upper lip with some diamond dye. Quite a number of folks went to the state lair from here. Among them were noticed Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Randall and family and Halsey I'helpa. The boys are getting their shot guns, tin pans and cow bells in readiness. They say they think there is going to be a wedding j soon in una neignooruoou. Mike Bowman and Ernest Bradle will atari this week for San Jose, California, to be gone about two months. Central Point and Bearer Creek. Cintsl Point, Sept Id. George filanrb- jard returned home from Scappoose last Tuesday, and will go to work for Robert Brown. I George McArthnr returned home from 8a j lem last Sundav. Rev. Mr. Gardner preached at the Central Point church at three o'clock laa't Sunday. Thomas Blanchard started his threshing machine up again last Monday. He is this time threshing the late oats crop. Grant Critser of this place will soon go to work in the Imperial mills at Oregon City. It is supposed the situation was furnished by C. W. Ganong. Thomas C. Thomas has rented G. L. Wal dron's place for two years. James Matson trailed oats for a horse to parties in Spokane last week. fjjto. Stafford Items. STAFroBD. Sept. 18. Threshing machines are 'most all laid away for this season. j Thos. Turner has been hauling buckwheat ( News of t'urrinsville. Ci', Sept. 21.- Frank Selnian came near getting his house burned last week, on account o( a defective kitchen Hue. J. Connoy is to change his place of resi dence to Zena, Polk comity. L. Stipp has returned alter a few mouths stay on the Molalla. Ben Porter met with an (unfortunate ac cident last week. His horses ran away and he was thrown from th wagon, receiving a broken arm and a cut in the head. He is at G. J. Currin'a and ia doing as well as could be expected. Mrs. Mansoii and Mrs. Jngllsh are to start to Kansas in a few weeks, the former to mae Kansas her dome and the latter to visit relatives. i l u Vi.' ' HAHIUIIOUST & COMPANY, l.M Front Street. I HARDWARE I Portland, Oregoti, Peiter - Dlanioud, Northwestern Atfenl. tur ATItlKTS SAWS -Urnc i Oeeti1tit Tiilltetoolh Heater Iaiic- -Hllrer Hieel. Maw. Crescent Wedges (warrantoil.) 1? vfc S l'roof Chains. Arcade Files. Untie. Crt'seoiit Meol Loggers and Wood Choppers jH'cialties, Oregon City Agent, WILSON A COOK The Salmon Country, S-iLMoR Sept. 19. Rain has at last ap peared to put out the fires which have been raging in the mountains around us, burn ing valuable limber, and spoiling fall stock range. Campers have departed for this season. 1 ney win irom now on, tie contiuea to a few lone hunters and fishermen. A band of horses passed through here destined for the Portland market a few days ago. A band also passed by going back to Eautern Oregon, having found no sale. Mr. J. fj. Jennings has Just completed a cottage on some land recently purchased in this vicinity. Pkouress. Highland News. Hiohlasd, Sept. L School at Highland to Portland. i commenced September 12, with Miss Ten- The Oswego and Aurora mail route has j nie Bayfield principal and her sister assist had its regular change in mail carriers. ant' ueo. which occurs about every three months Henry Baker has been digging a well for Henry Melcher. When he got down about thirty feet the air got so foul he had to abandon it. The smoke has. blown away to some ei tent, making it seem aa if it were worth while to shine up and move about. Joseph Miller and Man Francis made Staf ford a visit last Sunday afternoon. Miss Ollie Gage started for Monmouth last Monday where she will attend school the coming winter. Her mother accompan ied her. We Uns. North and family have taken nn their abiding place in Highland and rented the Horner place owned by J. I). Myers. CoHRKseoKUKKT. Wanted, second hand grain sacka. E. E. Williams the grocer. tf NEEDY GLEANINGS. Hop Crop a little Light Three Accidents Other News Pickings. Needy, Sept. 19. Hop picking and dry ing is about over in this neighborhood, Messrs. Stcwe and Thompson finishing up last Saturday. The crop was a little lighter in yield than common. A number of the citizens of this place and vicinity are going to Barlow to the re publican rally next Friday. A good soaking rain would be greatly ap preciated by the farmers generally. Fruit drying is the orderof the day among those fortunate enough to possess an orch ard. Quite a number of accident occurred last El wood Notes. Elwood, Sept. The farmers are through with their threshing. The United Brethren held their quarterly meeting at this place last Saturday and Sunday. There was a good attendance on Sunday. The hop pickers have all returned from picking, and are now awaiting an opportu nity to invest their money. Lahan Scott was quite ill and went to Portland to the hospital for treatment a few days ago. Miss Myrtle Taylor has gone to Garfield where she began a term of school Sept. 5. Mrs. Sylvanus has moved her children to Springwater for the present so that they may have the benefit of the school. Mr. Kernes is replacing his house with a neat frame building occupying tne same place the old one did. MILWALKEE IS BOOMING. The melancholy days have come treading upon the heels of the melon colic days. An aged man by the name ol Carter, ! living in (Jhehalem valley, the father of the boyn who captured Wilson, the Mil waukee murderer, went into the woods west of his home last week and in rambling around got into one of the quagmires so numerous in that section and for three days remained there slowly sinking. He was found Friday by a man who had chanced to pass that way and rescued. When discovered, his head was all that remained above the surface. Kecechless and almost dead he wag taken home, and now, by careful treatment, he may recover. According to a calculation published In Justice, a London paper, the entire popula tion of the world could stand on a Held ten miles square. STATE SEWS. Cars are in demand in the grain twit between Pendleton and Spokane. Ac cording to the Oiegon Blade, the Union Pacific is loading about 60 cars ol wheat a day for Portland. According to the Gram) Konde Chronicle, an 11-year-old boy, who ia a step-sou of W. B. Campbell, went to the field to drive out ome lingit and waa savagely attacked by one of the animals. Ilia body waa fearfully lacerated by the vicious beast. A monstrous tooth aaya the Keppner Record, is on exhibition at the Palace hotel. It was found at the artesian well j on last Saturday while excavating. The tooth in fourteen inches long anil the crown is 4x inches. It is supposes! to he the tooth of a mastodon ; at any rate it is quite ancient. Trout fishing, savs the Coos Bay News, is not what it used to be in Coos river A fisherman is consider J lucky now to fill bis basket in a day, while a very few years ago he could catch more than he could pack in the same time. Either the fish are getting scarce or they are better posted on the artificial fly. Heppner citizens are rejoicing in the success of an artesian well for city water supply. A test was with a six-inch pump with a capucity of 250,000 gallons a day. The pump was Hturted at a 72, 000 gallons a day rate, and then in creased to 144,000 gallons, and at lust to 21fl,0O0 gallons, and the well stood the test, to the surprise of many doubtful persons. This test convinced the citi zens that the woll will supply water suf ficient for Hcppner's demands, though another well may be sunk to Insure a supply equal to any emergency. Letter List. The following is the list of letters remain ing in the post office at Oregon Citv, Oregon, .September?.!, Htt: Ilarlanoe, Mrs Laura Jasper, Ontlieli Chester, Mr Fred Mooney, Mrs P F Cunnington, W R Moore, Charles J lii keiis, Sarah Slope, J K Halle, Mr I) A Thomas, Mrs W Hill, Mr John Walker, J W Jones, Miss Roseau If culled for, please say when advertised. E. M. Raniih, I', m. POPE& CO. This old and reliable firm always keep In slock full line of Heavy, Slielf an! Maiinfactnrefl Tito, file. Mi Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing Attended to Promptly. Es-. timates Furnislieil. OREGON CITY OREGON FURNITURE, 1 mm ) kXVI I JUKft 2STOTIOISTS, ETC., ETO. Second Hand Household Goods Of all kinds, Bought and Hold. BELLOMY cfc BUSCH, CHEAPEST HOUSE IN OREGON CITY. Opposite the Post Office. C. P. WINKSKT. . r, Sanmina, Receipt, note and order books at the Kntkupkihjs office. WINESET & SCIMl'TURE, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS. Largest stock of Collins and Casket kept South of Portland, Also (doth covered and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies lluriul Robes and Gents' Burial Rolies in Btoek. Also Wagon and Carriago Making, Iforso Shooing and Gon oral Blacksmithing on short notico. The Motor Line Hiinnlng Faotoriea Pushed to Keep up with Orders, Milwaukee, Sept. 21. J. (. Bonnet is finding it necessary to operate his carding mill day and night to keep up with orders. Our shoddy mill is also running full time with an increasing trade. Electric cars are now running through to Oak Grove every twenty minutes. The car shops are being pushed and will soon be ready for occupancy. Captain Ed Lakin is all smiles over the Baking uPowder: i ;50: SOOTH POWDERS FortHII DRIN CUTTING TEETH II NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feud and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED EELIEVB FEVEltlHII BEAT, PREVENT TITS, 0ONVTJL8I0KB, c. PBE8EBVK A HEALTHY STATE OP THB CON STITUTION DUUINO PEUIOD OF TEETlilNa. Used in Mill ions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Boe that the words " JOHN BTEEDMAIf, Chem. 1st, Walworth, Surrey," are engraved on the Government Stamp affiled to each packet. 4V-8old by all Leadlni Druggists. BETWKKN TUK UK POT. HUUKIK AND Double and SinIo lligs, and sad die homes always on hand at the lowont prices. A oorrall connected with the barn for loom stock. Information renardin any kind ot stock promptly attended to by person or letter, Horses Bought and Sold.