H 0 .fihn"on Oregon City Enterprise. VOL. 2(. NO. 11 OKKCiON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SKl'TEMBER 23, 1892. ESTABLISHED 18G6. CAItKY JOIINHOH, UWYlill. t'nni.r Klghl tint Main atrtfla. Orison City, ItEAlKKTATKTOmCIX AND MoNKY TO I,(1AN. 4, .am aaaaaMtlM T. r. luHIHU, I KlH'KKNIIHOl'MH COWINii, ATTOHNxYS AT LAW. All (' l.rlnm ! Ijiii,) Ottlni fnvlalty. limn rooail Han.l l 11 it l.ml utile. Imll.llhl, OKKIKIN CITY.. .... orwa. j I., roin k, ATTOKNKY AT I. AW Ti,hi ur raurtarr n-imiKNn. OrtWIwn dmira iIhito (HuliitHm, Own " lty. 1 U. T WILLIAMS, KKAL KSTATK AND INSl'UANCK. IWlmlile I ttmt ! I'rmierly and Hrib iirlmii ilutnca In Oregon L ily. Karin 1r"rrt)r III Iraila t mil mi ay riirKn.ttiiiltiirp iiniirttnly anpMMl. oflln., noil lxr lut aulMil A kuuilny t .lni .mm. iYK. C." Anui!Ni;v axiv- fol'NSi;i.Olt AT LAW nmra ur onvni Cliy Hank, in nt, naauim jyt r h smut. I'llYSlClAX A N 1 sruiiiinN, l'lugle Creek, - Oregou. ATTOKNKYS AND CtH'SSKUiUS AT LA W Mall iTKk-KT, ONKIION CITY, OHKIIOM. w H 0 L E S A L E E. IS. WILLIAMS, FANCY GROCERIES, FRUIT & VEGETABLES, RED SEAL FLOUR, PORTLAND FLOUR, HOWARD FLOUR, Hay, Oats and Mill Feed. A Solicitor Sent to Your House Every Morning if Desired. CiOODS DELIVERED MOMITLY. THE GROCER. A N D R E T A I L THP CM iVIl If f V i To,u l)r- B- i'at,iorne. ' XlllJ Ulllill iVHJi I l.i.,, vru, l!1ti1.i..1p,., r.f AlUi.lu i.r- IN TirfntjKixlh Annual i-ampiiien t. En- Sow MEE'IIMI IS WAHillMUTOX. Till I'ariilr, and Dedication r (Jraiid Army AdiJi,a by Vic I'rrnlilriit Jlorlou. RANDALL & wmm ARE STILL IN THE FIELD. fiiinliih Aitam til Till. L4WI Nuni-y. lli.a MortMCitus, ami MaAaarl livurral la HiuliB-a. II. K- CHu ATTHKNKY AT LAW. Witt livtri IN Alt i'm m of Tin rttatw tUefl Patau i lunnuir. Offlr m Malu Hitfcl. Wt Kiilb and rirwwtti. uaauim cut. oat I I at KAMIW, NOTAUY 1'1'IlUl?, KKAL K.STATK A LNM'IUNCK. oew in ih P t iiiiil.liin. 0'en Clijr. ihwfin. (1 W.CAmit'K.M l., I. I'llVMCUN AND Kl'ltliKiiK. I Ala nl Purllaad.) Oltlrw n Ir H.OI.ar, Aurora. Oion IMilkDelivereato allParts oftliB City TWICE XY. FULL MEASURE AND PROMPT SERVICE. Kit. M. M. til RMKISTKH. M. AMIKKHEN. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN, Sivaun to Kri C. H L Bcrndsler, Wakiiinutok, Sept. 19. Twenty-ix years ago tlie local organization known as the Grand Army of the Iiepnhlic waa foriiiwl with II. F.8ti)i.henin,of Illinoid, a the (imt comniainlr. Hince then yearly nninioni of the mrn who fought lo prfwrve the Union met in ri'iinion, but nuver in thil city iiiu the clone of the wr of the re llinn till today. For duya the ir'iixM coninulin have been gther in from every part of the Union unlit the atteinUnre fmrianNea anything ever U'fore wen in Washington. The decora tiona of the city are eMwrate and taMe fnl tliriiiiu'MMit, hut alontt the hixtorir rennsylvania avenue from the capitol huildiiig to 27th street, along which the Union ariinemnarelieil with eervice-worn uniforiiiH and battle-ifarred flaxit at the clone of the war, they are particularly brilliant. The public building, received XM'ial cafe in thin regard, and the While Hoiixe and treaaurv (lepartuient are con-ik-uounly beautiful and elatxirate A feature ol the day waa the inauguration and dedication of the Grand Army place, an it in called. It in a magmnVrnt t retch of green nward lying junl nouth of the White Himne groumln. On thif an arrangement of tent and Htands har la-en laid out reproducing the cloning campaign of the war, with Richmond in the center, nurrounded by grouiw of tend representing the variuua army Corpf w hich anninted to w ind up the war. OEEAI NOETHEKH'8 GiAHT. IdTutagn Which Accra. M It Dodir la Act .f Coogreai. Iibimi the moot prominent minister in the Koulh, preatdied againnt the third narty. He iald: "The old jiolillcal parties are bad enough. They muat either mend or end. liut the new partlei and the:r agraian and coinmuniatic principle and spirit, and their niliilintic threatening and methods are incontrovertibly worse. I bate uenioiiHin and I hate the gates of hell, and especially the despotism of moneyed monooly. I believe it to be a robbery of the people, which a junt (iod will punish with unquenchable Ore, hut I bate worse and dread more the in llilul madneas that would tear down the fair fabric of our government and make a dissolution of our bounteous birtbland for the sake of punishing monopoly. A Jsdga Charge. Bribery. Chic ago, Kept. 17. The alleged offer of 50,000 to Chief of Police McClaughery by representatives of a race track for a xjlitical campaign fund, if the rival track at Uarfield park be suppressed, had a counter bribery sensation today with (iarlield as the alleged briber. Justice Charles Woodman, in open court, de clared that M. C. McDonald, one of the heavy stockholders in the Garfield track, had called at bis home, asking Lira to dismiss the cases against the people ar rested in tha police raid oftiartield park. McDonald, according to the justice, spoke of using his influence in certain political contingences to have Woodman reap pointed and, on departing; handed to the justice a roll of currency containing 1300. Wo dinan handed over the $300 t Police Inspector Lewis. Justice Woodmn then announced his decision, imposing fines varying from $100 to $o. McDonald emphatically denies Wood man's statements. THE WORLD'S NEWS The Cholera Seem to be Slowly advancing. DOST LIKE AMERICA'S LAWS, Hatch of Foreign New Affair Europe and In Hoalk America. la PBAtnaa in Watche?, (Jloc, pilVeiWe,. JeWelPij. Repairing a Specialty. Malu Nlif-t, Oregoa 1t Orraron. -y a at'HHT, UKAL KHTATK A INSUKAXCE AtiKNT. NOTAHT PUIiLIC A CX)LLJX.'TK. AUKOKA, (IKKIION. Mfitmr loaned na AiiprovrJ tkwuiltf. T Hon r, yan, KKAL SSTATR AND INHt'KAKV'C rimlo(iv,i,arm aintmihurtiaa priiit (or lal. 'rtyaprtii,riiiiiity aarraiiu .na auriirl' llio ol all klnita buiiuhi anil nM Taio. pant anit bualii.aa ol vpry d.-vrliitliia aueiiAoil lo lor nwalli.iiui . urAev up .lain In Imllilliii north ol poMfllcn. (1 E II AY Mi, T. ATTUKSKY AT LAW, Oacaoai'iTT, Ontuoa. Will prMaim In all I tin ronrta ol h mm. OfJIen. rrn MaUi .nil KI)Hh Mreota, iiMaiii court aoiiao PoiilAawL OWalua. A. P. AllaTMM. Tltllaailial DtPAffTMIWTtl BusifiM. thorthand, Typwrmn. nmanthlo, In It. Op H 0m yr; movilon, m Inrai brfflnnittffi, 8twkm Atnttttttt At any Uut. CUiuf a trm. THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry the Largest Stock of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. In Oregon City. uxii. c aaowsaxt. . . nmmu. iKOWNKIX A UKFHHKK ATTOKNEl'8 AT LAW, Oksoo City, ..... Oaauon. S)i-cial io of IKir8 and Wiuilows made to onler. Turning of all kinds Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts FurniHhol on application. Builders, give tin a fall, and if our work in not of the bMt, and our nrioea as low a tlw loweL Price List sent on apiihcatioru Factory, Cor. Main and 11th Sts.. Oregon City. w asiiisuton, Sept. 19. Propahly the ople of northern Idaho, and even a larxe section of Washington, are not aware that by an vt of congress the tireat Northern railroad ia enabled to se lert along the line of its road, either on surveyed oi unsurveyed lands, 65,000 acres, to which it will receive immed ale title so soon a! ita selections are made. This act was passed for the relief uf certain settlers in North Dakota, to whose lands the company laid claim. It w aa generally conceded that bv earning tlieir claims to the courts these lands would have been awarded to the com pany, and the settlers and innocent pur chasers would have been turned out of their homes and denuded of all rights to the lands In order to secure a relin quishment from the Great Northern, congress passed a law, which went through on the last day of the session and watTsigned an hour before adjourn ment, and this act allows the Great Northern to select 65,000 acres of land along its line in any of the states through which it runs providing no older title has attached to any of the lands. It ie allowed to go u(on either surveyed or unsurveyed lands, and the only excep tion is that it must not take land known to contain minerals. SCHWA1V, MtAI.KH IN Will praellca Iiiall1lwrnurta ol the alato. Ol Dee. mm tloor to Caulkilil A Huntley', druf .lor. T HUE COUMKItOIAL BANK, OF OIIKOOKCITY. Capital, ..... 1100,001) TRASB1CT.A flHIUL SaHKINU BUalNIHS. Loans matin. Hllli dlaeouatoil, Make, onl Icctlona. Iliiva and aiitlaexi'liAiilie on all point. In lite Ulllten Htalla, Kilnii mhI Hour- Konir. Iiepoalta reret"i'(t anlijoot ui crMiok lntoreal at liaual ralea .lloweil on time dcpnattii. Hank open Ironi 11 A. M. lo 4 r. H. nA(uHlay uvimiIiih. Irnin A to 7 r. M. U C, I.ATOtritKTTK, Pn-atdenl, K IIONA1.IWON, Cn.htnr J JANK Of OltKOON CITY, Oldest Banking Um In tie Cl!r. I'alil up Capltnl, IMt.lXW. i rRSHIIUCNT, VII K I'KKKIUKNT, CAHHIKH, MANAUKK, THUS. CMAHMAN. OKU. A, MA.IHNO. K.tt CAI'riKl.n CHARI.KS H. CAUriKtu. STOVES, TIN & HOLLOW WARE. All Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work Promptly Done. PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING TO ORDER. Kfcop on Merrnth tU, nnr lel, 4re(H VUj: ltrniH'lt at Oiwegn. A irrtiiiiral Imn kin ft bualunaa trauaaetcd. Oepoatta received aulijeot to (ihoek. Approved bills nnd nolea dlaonuuled. Countj and olty warranU bouirht. Lnaiia m vie on avalliibln aocurlly. KxChaiiKe boiiKbt and aold. (olleetlonr made promptly. Drwlta .old ivallaule III auv Dart of the. world. tolvKrapblo aiKliniiRin inldoa Portland, Bau Prannlsrn, 'thlmgoand Nsw York. Intermit palj on tune (HmmwH. Sub Areut. ( T1IK U)MIH)CKOUX BANK, M. HOSF0RD, The CANBY MERCHANT, Sellii all goods at a living price. Flour and kerosene not given away in order to catch your trade and then evon up on higher prices on other goods. None But First Class Goods. Carried. FriooB iw low as can be hud in the county. Time given to : ' responsible parties. r i LUMBER. Orders filled for rough or dressed lumber, all first class, at bod rock prices, retail or carload lots. Getting EeiJj for th. Ettcmprntiit. Wasiunoton, Sept. 16. It can safely be Baid that never before has Washing ton been so gaily decorated and shewn sucn eninuHiasm as upou the occasion of the Grand Army encampment, prepa' rations for which are practically com' pleted. All through last night, trains arriving at two stations brought visitors to the city, and no small Grand Army men was included among them. If the numbers today form a basis of estimate, the city will be thronged next week by crowd of people larger that has ew gathered in Washington before. Illair post, of St, Louis serenaded Secretary JNoble tonight. Secretary No ble and General Bussey spoke. The post Uien marched to the residence of Mrs. John A. Logan and presented her with a silver medallion bearing the bust of Frank P. Blair in relief. Vice- President Morton arrived tonight to take part in the dedicating ceremonies Monday. Peck Soiigned Last Winter. Albany, N.Y., Sept. 17. Governor Flower was nuked tonight if he had taken any action regarding the removal of l.nlur Commissioner Pock. The gov ernor replied he was not as yet entirely conversant with the facts in the case, that he bad had Peck's resignation in bis bands since last winter, but had never considered it. If feck bad com mitted a misdemeanor in destroying the public documents, it saved him (the gov ernor) the necessity of accepting the res , Polltioi fto th. Pulpit. Atlanta, G., Sept. 18. The political fight irj Georgia has grown sp warm that tha preachers 'have begun' discussing the parties and the issues from tlieir pul- Losnon, Hept. 28. The Qucenslown authorities announce that until all dan ger of cholera infection has ceased a doc tor will board all American liners arriv ing at Queenstown from porta in tha United States, and if any ticknesa ia found on the steamer the vessel must be placed in quarantine before any of the passengeni are allowed to disem bark; otherwise, the steamer most pro ceed direct to Liverpool, only commun icating with Queenxtown for the purpose of procuring the aervices of a pilot. lo Cooler, ia Mexiu. City or Mexico, Sept. 10. The tru'h of the rumor that cholera ha appeared in Vera Cruz, Kan Louis Potosi, Mor clava, ljueretaro, Candelaria and this city is officially denied. Trial Free. Gajskssii.lk, Tea-., Seit. 18. Not withstanding the reports that the chol era had reached here, there are no caiws in the city nor have there been any. Fir. ia the Hitj Yard. Brooklyn', N.-Y. pt. 17. An ex tensive tiie in the navy vrd early this morning destroyed to00,000 worth ol property. It broke out in the three story wooden extension of the machine shops in which was stored the machinery of tiie new cruiser Cincinnati. It Was The "Tuaei" .a the Bilver Queitioa. j totally destroyed. The flames extended London, Sept. IS. Aa regards the : 10 t,,e lwu-tur-y brick machine shops and silver quenlion, the Times says this caused much dam.4j.-e. All efforts to save the maclnneiy were iutiie. in efficient police service in tbe yard is said to responsible lor the spiead of tha flames before ili-cuvery. morning: "Our correspondent says that America is not ready for a change. The demo crats have one theory and the republi cans another. On one point, however, there ia no doubt. Tbe silver legislation now operating in the United Slates can not continue unmodified. We do not deny that international bimettalititn might be unprofitable to the United States if Great Britain were foolish enough to be a party to it. The United Stales could sell their silver and restore the ratio. They would have good reason to be pleased, but the day for this baa not yet come." 3 ill Gomel Oat. Nbw Youk, Sept., 19 There waa i great outpouring of democrats in Brook lyn tonigni. ine Academy ol music could hardly accomodate tbe crowd that tried to get in. The principal speaker of the night was Senator Hill, who was gree ed with tremendous appause. The interest toward the close of the address was great, tbe speaker not having once meniioneu tne na-ne ol Cleveland, in each instance referring to tbe ex-presi' dent as "he". When, after one grand phrase of deepest meaning, he closed with the words "Cleveland and Steven son, the audience rose en masse and chee ed him to the echo. Walked Aorui th. Conttneit Umatilla, Sept. 18. Hubert Somers, a gray -w hiskered old man, walked into town this afternoon, leading a pack -laden horse. He said he was tnaking the trip from Xew York state to the Pacific on foot to gratify the ambition of his life. He left Glen Falls, a small town on the Hudson. April 9, 1S!0, and has walked all the way across the continent, leading a pet horse. He is a very entertaining talker, and describes many thrilling in cidents of his trip. He was glad to see Oregon, and the noble Columbia river, the first glimpse of which he received here. A Pr-Hutori Sao.. Phoj.mx, A. T., Sept. 19 In digging a sewer on Madison street, workmen have broken into a burial place of pro-historic race, and the find will settle many questions heretofore dis puted by scientists. The fact that they cremated their dead is proved by the finding of several urns containing the ashes of the bodies, together with the teeth and pieces of skulls. Aia..n.nu for Campaiga Parpous. St Locis, Mo., Sept 17 Theodore Roosevelt, United States civil service commissioner, after an examination of several employes of the postoffice. lias decided to lay before the commission in Washington charges preferred againet the late postmaster, Charles E. Krnst, and assitant Postmaster Brown, ot agree ing postoftice employes (or campaign pur poses. Waited th. Fair Opened Baadtyt. Chicago, Sept. 18. The trades and labor assembly today, by a vote of 119 to 40, declined tbe invitation of the world's fair directors to participate in tbe parade during the dedication exercises next month, on the ground that the working men could not indorse the fair so long as the gates were closed Sundays. Declared Unconstitutional. Newcastle, Ind., Sept. 19. Judge Bundy, of the Henry county circuit couit today decided that the gerrymanders by the Indiana legislature of 1886 and 1891 were unconstitutional. He instructs the election of officers to post all election notices under the law of 1879. 01yd. Shipbuilding Depressed. Glasgow, Sept. 19. There is a great depression in the shipbuilding trade on the Clyde. Only one-third of the yards are occupied, and there is a total ab sence of new orders. Fifteen thousand ' islands men are idle and tin out of those still at work are on short time. Many workmen are going to Beltast or to shipbuilding or manufacturing towns in the north of Kngland. 8 ays th. Crisis Has Passed. Loon Lake, Sept. 18. The president received a telegram tonight from the secretary of the treasury, saying the cholera crisis had practically passed, and there appears to be no longer any dan ger of the spread of the disease. Will Not Qie Up the Sea. London. Sept. I!) The Duke ot York will join the royalyscht, the Osborne, on his return from the continent. He re fuses to give up navel life, although he has been urged to do so. Godmother to the Princess. Purlin, Sept. 19. It is reported that the emperor has asked his mother to re quest that Queen Victoria came to Ber lin to act as godmother at tbe christen ing of the baby princess. Aa Important Labor Movement. Kansas City, Sept. 17 The conven tion of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen has passed a resolution favoring a federation of all railway onions. 8trtcken With Paralysis. San Fbanci8Co, Sept 17. David Mc- Kinley, consul general for Hawaiian and brother of Governor Mo Kinley, of Ohio, was stricken with paralysis at his office today. Honored With Another Term. Gettysbi'hg, Sept. 17. The old offi cers were re-elected at the annual meet ing of the Battle-field Alemorial Association. A Heavy Sentence, San Francisco, Sept. 17. Judge Murphy this morning sentenced Sidney M. Bell to sixty years in the state prison for highway robbery. As a general rule, it is best not lo cor rect costiveness by the use of saline or drastic medicines. When a purgative is needed, the most prompt, etleclive, and beneficial is Ayer s Pills. Their tend ency is to restore, and not weaken, the normal action ol the bowels. When the hair begins to fall out or turn gray, the scalp needs doctoring, and we know of na better specific than Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer,