Oregon City Enterprise. FHIDAY, HKI'TKMItKK 111," Mi!i. l,oml I'r-nwuiil Noli-. Junta II. II. ('Iikm ol Hmiily m in OrtKui t'Hy wm'k . Minn JiwmiIiIm ('lurk of HjMikMmt In VixlllliK Mid llultm W.riiur. J. W. HtrniiKii of l'tiliimn wuh vlntllng hl iniillmr In thin city Monilwy. Mr. '.), Allirlxlil mill clillilron re turnril Iriiin tint count tttnt Hutunluy, Minn VihIk Willlmiii tiwM Iwkii iHiul lug wmk with Irltmcli In I'ijiiUihI. IMlliir K. V. Illitckfonl ol tli Clnt.ki nl Clilnl In Otrgun City MimUy, A . Ihitioli ul Hrlni(wiktr t i-ullur t tlin KxtkiiCNii'i olllin IhkI TuimUy, Mr, nn.lMm. W. V, Skllf ol I'mtlkml wrrt. vMtlliK t V, O. T. VIIIriii' liut ' l'l"V"l TUB COUNTY COURT ( OVI IMCi FOIt Itl'll.lM.XU TIIK II. J'F.K ( l,A KAMAS HltllKJK. VuiIimim IVIIIIon A)iliitnii'ulK mill ltciart Tht Monthly (Jrlut of III II Allowed. At tlin rn(iilr Kopt.MiilKT in notion ol tin comity poinininiioiiiir, court lmit w.'ck tlm follow lug rot''lliitii worn loot: In the nmttur of Him llluunt loud lh rKrt of Hm vli'wnrn w lllwl, miiimi mcoiint ol 14 miillul, cIdIiiii for (UiiiKii ilinmiliMiil, tlm r'K)tt iirov(l anil nmil onlcrod him'i, TIib rt'Mirt of Hidmiy Hniytli --c t i n k Hip llltftilaml tohiI liiiinovcmciit whm HiiniUy. Jomili Pillory of t'lm'kniiiita wan iiionii tlm vinltor In Owipui City Tliiiilv, Mm' I tin mul Hcrtlm .Mourn of I'ortlitiiil will tut urn Irom tluir Kutn.n trli next wk. J II. Iti'voiiiitt of Hcvi'iiuti mhii in town litt Siitiitilnv mul 11 1 11 'Ik a Ii'huiiI call III) till) I'lSTKNI'HIMK. Jim. T, Mynmol tlm mw Mwtolllro of IjMcy In Srlii)iwiitir iTrcinrt tvna In town Tiii'ly ami WpiIiii-ihIhv. T. M. t'owiliK, jr., Im tiiktiii cliHrgti ol tlm brunch ollUfi of tlm Wmlcrn I'liion at llml mul Morriwui nlrin'tii, IVtluliil, William Ihililicr nrrlvci lionin Irom Cook'n llllrt, Aliiuku, Itint c-k wlli'tp III' mi'iit tlif h'moii in the khIiiioii cuiuiihii titmiiiitKii, MA St rut ton ' f,i ml ly will imivo to I'ort Iniid tin' Utter puit of I tic month ml ix'i iii'V a ri'iih'nc on Tenth ami Kant Stni k. Mm I', II. Pyo wunl to Kurmt drove Mumluy In nH'ii'l few iluva wltli Mm Walker, who in tl.ti widow of the noted Oregon 'ionrer. ( ertalii roiinty wurrunta drawn by thtt clerk hilt never rMntd lor pay liient, thotiKh duly advertliwd, Were ordered caiiitded. Warrant rumaiiiini tiliralled (or morn than iwveii yeura wnre alao ordered destroyed. Tlm tlinii for rinilitliiK the prexenl owner hooka waa 'ektended to Novem lr II, M'm I'.iina Law n in e waa granted a acliolarahip In the atnlu agricultural rolltKi at I'orvallia. The pflitiun of T. I.. Clmriiiaii foi nullity road waa ((ranted and County Surveyor Smith waa appointed to survey and C. C Williama, W, II I'artlow and J. I.. SwaHiiril aiKiinled lo view the name to meet at the I'luce of hcKliinintf It) a. in. Sept. 1 7. The application of K. T. Mnaon ol road dixtrlct No. H'i for hlnntiiiK materiala waa Kranted to tlm extent o ( 11 1 . Tlm application of Caniicr Wviniiianilel for the rvliirn of f 10 W pi'l on proMrty wild at aherill'a aale waa uninted. M. T I ici'inun of road dintrict No. "0 waa aillhoiiited to pria-urx hiinlx-r and apikcn lor rcpHiriim liriilue in lua diatrict. The contract for hoihliiiK a hride ai rtwa Hie Clai kamaa river on tlm eite The family of I'r. ( oii'tney haa ar- j ol tlm prcwut ui wr Clackauiaa lridpt rived friMii Lehanonand they will occupy the rottaitt' at tlm corner of Adam and Seventh atrerla, Mina Metla llrown la rieelod to n turn from the Kat m-it Friday. Sim will teach in tlm I'ortlaiid achoola dur ilili the ciiuilnn year. II inn Krma Lawrence left Tileaday fur Corvallia where nlm will IIimhIi her comae ill the aifricolluinl colleen thia year Her aiiiler, Mix .'lainy, accoiiipanlvl tier to viait IriciiiU in that city a lew wee'aa. waa awarded to the I'acltlc liriilue rmn pany for ;1hoX) for the l.'K) feet span and 1'lu feclof approai hea. Whatever leniith approiu hea inori' than the 210 feel ia to lie paid for at the late ol r-1. '.') per lineal fool. It waa onlcied that the treamrer -t apait and keep aaa arcrale fund tlm money collected on the levy made on the MeMtieiit of om-twenlieth of mill on the dollar lor the relief of indi yent aoldiera and mariner. The ix'tiiioit o S, l. Conlmunet al for .Mi Ana iiairucame up in-ni "!-., ... .....,, .,,,1 r ,v land lo viait frlenda in thia city few daya thia week. Sim w ill leave, the lt i of tlm Week lor Monmouth where ahe will attend tlm normal m-IiooI thia year, Mia. I 1. C I.atoiirettw, who htn been vinltliiK her aon, !.('. I.atoiiietlc, in thia city, h'lt Tueadav (or I'liillnnil mi I waa Joined there tlm next day by C. V. I. atoiir-'tte and they left for a vinit in MiclUKn to la guiie aeverul weeka. AmoiiK the Clackauiaa county people In wttendam e on the state fair at Salem this week are 1'reHident Ap'raon, who haa trciieral uarviHion of tlm whole coiwvrn, and K. C. Maddia k of New !, II. C Stevena, K. M. Itiinda and J. S. l'urdnni of this city who have to do with the tiandliiiK of ticket. J i. INIdbury'i family will move to I'ortlaiid In a few day to remain duriiiK the school year. They will return to their home in this city next summer. In rortland 'ho Inmily will occupy limine at the corner of Yamhill and new Thirteenth. Mr. Pilabury will remain In this city, An item in taut week's K.ktkki'KIhk atated that the Crow n Taper companv hail law or IMK) tona of straw whicli it Surveyor Smlli apiinied to survey and Herman liruim, Heuty, Mi tiiiijoii and Chiiat Fischer appiinted to view the name, lo meet at the Cher')' villv Ht ollice September 'M. The H iiiiiiii ol F. M. Samson et al for a brid( acrons Itix k envk waa Kranted ami the clerk waa authnrixed to adver tise fur hi'la to he opened (li toher II Tlm rort ol J. W 1 lour on on the Scott mill briiWe was laid over. The roiKiit of W. II Suiilh, Ukt visor of road dintrict No. IK, an the re pairiiiK of the Holcotnb crock bridge was approve ! and the rxtcnin aivount of ll.VWit urtloreil paid The same action waa taken on his retort ihi the Canon creek bridtfe and linker's Ferry road with an exiense account of $150. The petition of Suervisor II. Scott of road dintrict No. 1 for renurvey o! a part ol tlm Milwaukee mid Foster road waa urnntitl. County Surveyor Smith waa appointed to survey and Jacob Kia ley. Cicero Kinearnon and M. Outlleld to review said road, to meet ut Milwaukee Septemlior 24. It was ordered that Peter I.arapn, supervisoi of roud dintrict No. 28, bo would store In warehouses up the river authori.cd to procure material and have until wanted here. The ointnission of j built a bridge on the Orcuon City anil the word "nut" made It rend that the Dayton road, iisinit the labor of the die straw "would lie brought to the mill lo 1 tnct as fur as practicable rot as it did lust year." That Is pre-j The petition of J. S, ViiiiKhan et al for cInoIv what will not be done. a county road was Kranted and Conntv (Surveyor Hinyth wan npjadntod to sur vey and Iliairy Knyder, Isaac dowser ml Ma Hculpln to view aald road to meet ut the point of beijlnniiiic (Sept. W at 10 o'clock a. 111. The aherlirwas ordered to pay over to the clerk of school dltlrlcUi No. 3, Al and (12 the amount collected by him 011 the diilliupieiit tax list of said dintrict, Ins the cost of collnctltm the samil. The time for the (herHI" to report on the de liiuineiit tax list of district No. (iT, W ml 74 wsa extended till the October term, The following bill were allowed and warrant ordered drawn for ti.eir pay ment: J. ltunke A Co. court houM xp . . . . M 2'i H. II. Calltl ft Hlata vs. J. F. Kthrlilgs, Insane 21 no " Holly (lllilner M ( " C.KlewartauilC. II Knight 74 it " II. Iloyer 27 30 " II.KelloKK '' " I. UMahleu 87 00 ' T.H. Melcalf 42 ftt lnl. linn Molalla brldo 4 00 Uix A I'.llloll mail expense 20 00 UnterAHinltli" " 7 2 James Lsiillaw A ('o. rnal exK'iike . 47 10 Kuos Caliill roal eiiMi II Mo Sidney Hniylli road expense., , 74 00 K. M. Ilartinaiin rrnul rxn-uiie S 3f lilailiitoiie Ha Mill Co. mini fIiimi I f John limcim rowl ci- iiw 21 00 tleo, F. Jlorlon, clerk's fee JJIM Hlilney Smylli surveyor's toes (50 J. W. Powell, pauH-r exiKinx .. . 0 AO II. 8. (iihsou, teachers' examination 21 00 lieu. I,. Hlury, " " 21 (XI t hin, K. l'sae, " " 21 () J. Iliil.liirf, wmnl I IX) Henry llrown election exine . 4 W W. A. Huntley, stationery 40 ,'i2 ('barman A Co., aiir rxiene . (1 lo J.ll. Wstherell, scliool rundeinse 1 00 C W. (niiioiiK, slierlirs fees .. 115 A2 J. W. Noble, awessor's foes 2ii ISI Noblitt's stable 2 M I'Bt-illr llriilfie Co., tirble exmie .'12 20 (ieorK'e HmiiKhtoii, " " . In) KH (!. W. 1'roi.H-r, " " .1 tft liennsu I'sulnei.ACu " " l7 So John IjirmiM, " " 12 no 1. It. C. TliampiHin. " " Jolinllsxter, " " II 2A I'm I it 1 11K iiienioii brlile In Ul I. be Mnliliu, prinliiiK .Villi K. M. Hiimshy, the Harlow liveryman, lost two lingers of his le(t hand last week through the nervousneHa of one of Lis horses. He waa tying the lieiint in a stall to which it wan not accuntomed when the animal suddenly jumped back catching the fore and middle fingers in the knot and drawing it so tinht that the members were entirely severed just out side the middle joint and dropped to the Hour. Mr. Kamsby came to tow n and Ir. Yeargin dressed the wound. Teasel Creek cbiiri h (Southern Meth- ; wlist) will lie dedicated by Itisliop Hun- j can of South Carolina, Sunday. October 1 2. The acrvi"e will biyin Saturday the the 1st. All are cordially invited to; attend. The church waa completed alxnit three week ago except the seat- j ing which ia now being put in. It ia lo-! rated about three mile east of Molalla ' corners on the Wiltioit road. Key. W. L. Malloy ia pastor of the church. ! J. W. A. Ked house, the new London ! watchniaker, is now gutting settled in ' his new store two doors from the Com mercial bank on Main street. He ia prepared to do good woik and give satisfaction. He haa hail eight years exierience at his trade, having been with iH'nt, the eminent Ixiidon watch nd chronometer maker to the govern ment for three years before he came to this county. The best market price paid for pro duce of all kind at the Park Place store Firmer, call in to our store and we w ill treat you well. Hamilton & Washburn of the Park Place store are daily gaining more cus tom bemuse they keep one of the best assortments of goods and their prices are lower than elsewhere. For Kale. 1K) lot In West Portland Height near motor line, I have sold O-'iO lots there. Mr. and Mrs, Faust have; wen those lot there, All cleaied, price tW per lot at (1 jier month. No Interest, no taxes. See the owner at the Clin House on Wednesday and Saturday. I have also 22 lots in North Portland at tlOOO lot, terms 1 10 per month. House and lot on P street at I24.V), term 125 per ' month. U In Cloverdale at :i"& each, 50 lota back of Imngton.all cleared at 1171) a lot at $10 a month. Lot In Multnomah on easy term. House and lot in McMillen' addition at 4.VK) on easy terms. 20 acre near motor line for 10000 on easy terms, 6 or 10 acre tract near Portland. Will alao exchange laud of all description or lot. Twenty business lot In Hillaboro on Main street near bank 7M piece at 915 (r month. 10, 20 or 40 acre tract near Ileaverton at $:16 per acre, ten mile from Portland only. 100 acre near Holhrook station at (15 per acre. 80 acre near St. Helens at 0 per acre. ; 200 acres, near North Yamhill at (l per acre, 100 acre near Koaebiirg at 3 tier acre. Hull blocks of 8 lots each in Astoria for 12.r each ; 100 feet en the corner of Kighth and Main streets, Vancouver, opiKJsite Masonic building tH500, also 200 leet square on Main street, Vaneover, for t'.KKMI; r2 lots In Oljmpia at 4.'i0 each also choice business block for 24.000. Apply toowner W Keidtforeasy terms. Portland oli'u-e 411 First street 11 wwii pine and Ash. H-20 tf A Million Friends, A friend in need Is a friend indeed, and not less than one million people found jnnt such a friend in llr. King' New iMm-overv (or Connutiititlon. foinsli. land Colds. If you have never used this (treat l ough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and l.ung. Each bottle is guar anteed to do all that ia claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottle (ree at (ieo A Harding' drug store l.argo bottles 50c. and H On. llucklen's Arnl;a Suite, The llest Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, t'leers, Salt Khcum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapied Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cure Piles, or no pav required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2r cents sjr box. F'or ale by U A. Harding. (enlral Addition. Special attention is called to the beautiful, sightly and healthy location or home en reasonable term to pur chasers wishing to locate in Oregon City. Splendid water and other attrac tion In Central Addition, Fine eub- urlian pioperty in tract of five acres or more, one mile and a quar ter from town. Several small but val uable farms for sale cheap and on easy terms. Apply to L K. Jannxy V it'll W, Cary Johnson. Farm for Sale Beaver Creek, Oregon, 80 acres, road on two sides, about 20 acre in cultiva tion, good water, a varietv of fruit tree. The whole or half for sale to suit pur chasers. Iiy J. W. May, owners, or L. K. Jannky with W.Carey Johnson, tf Wanted To Exchange. Improved property in Clackamas near stores, church, schools and station, for improved farm propertv. Value fJBOO. T. and F T. Siii T. Clackamas Oregon . 9!t Wantki), girl to do light housework and attend school. Mrs. F. K. ('barman. Clocks at Iturmoister Fveryone warranted. & Andersen 'b. 4 Successful Worker. Work cannot be successfully con tinued unless there is an active mental interest in it. If the mind is not clear, bright and buoyant, then the work is drudgery and the worker is a machine' An occasional dose of Moore's Revealed Kemedv will put the body and mind in such harmony that the hardest tasks w ill seem play. Send to the F'stkbprise office for your legal blanks. A single one or a hundred furnished at Portland prices. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY & TUALATIN ACADEMY. POHEHT OHOVB. OREGON. One of On oM'Hl swl hert iilppe4 Intlltullims In His North we.t. r'nllcte nnd Amutemy CmirHN; CUaiilral Holentllc nl lAternrf. I'iim.ii tl riport'inlilfi Utr ailvaiieeil wwrk In Cliriiiuliy ami HUA'ff. Special In.lrurtlou In 0i KaIlnh lraiictii itioi In Sot mil meibisti. Tli Cornier alirr of Munis nffVra xctlnt oiiportunlllss for th tti1)r o( Vocal aoi luntrumontal Hiiale. EXPENNKfl HKANONARI.K. BOAKD 1.1 ILI A AT EKJll't KD RATKM, KmII Term lieftinn Wednendfiy, Heptemlier sttnt, iftya. kok cataixh:k, appkksm. THOMAS MoCLKLLANI), l'rlln. IT WILL PAY ANY ONE WANTING AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Farm, Dairy and Mill Machinery. Engines and Boilers, 7t ') wvy k FARM AND SPRING WAGONS, Open and Top Buggies, Carriages, Carts, Harness, Whips, Bale Ties, Barb wire,Biiuling Twine and Machine Specialties and Supplies of all kinds to CALL ON OR CORRESPOND WITH MITCHELL-LEWIS & STAYER CO. New Market Block, - - Portland, Oregon. The latest in visiting cards at the Kn tkki'kisk Okkick. Prices to suit you. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANf FACTTRER OF ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING. RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. Special Bills Cut to Orders Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street, OREGON CITY. OK. OREGON CITY FENCE WORKS, Manufacturers at and dealers in all style of COMBIlflATIOlfl WlrE AMD piCFET FENCE, Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also Hartman Steel Picket Fence, And Wire Tanel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence. Call and see Samples and get Prices. Shop over Bestow'g Sash A: Door factory, Oregon City, Or. nn Ml? ilia 9 ION p" 1 1S3BMBSSES3C& HOES! SHOES. HOE8! SHOES I SHOES ! ! SHOES ! ! ! We bought a big lot of Ladies', Men's, Boys', and Childrens shoes at 50c on the dollar and of course we will sell them and can sell them cheaper than anybody else on account of that. Don't miss it. LADIES' MISSES AND BOYS Flannel and Pique Waists and Blouses we will now close out for 2!)o, your choice, worth 50c, 65c and 75c. There are a few pair Chanille curtains left at $3.75, they are worth double. Extra quality Indies' corset, all colors, .Vic. Children's linen dresses 15c, former price 50c. Boys' felt hats from 2!e up. We have still lots of ribbon at 5c per yard. and ,08; ladies' handkerchiefs, borderd fast colors .05; ladies' hose ex tra quality, seamless .19, and our .25 leader is seamless fast black; veiling .05; tablets writing paper for ink .05; soap, Fairy Queen .05; pins .01 per paper; bicycle playing cards .15; beads .05 a string; shoe blacking .05; sleeve holders .05; patent hooks and eyes .15 yd.;garter elastic .05 per yd; ladies pocket books .05; men's socks .05 a pair; box of writing paper and envelopes .10; poker chips .35 per hundred; combs Goodyear rubber .10; an extra fine hah brush .25; boys' suspenders .10; men's large size white handkerchiefs .05; children's fine summer under wear from .20 up; cologne .05 a bottle and up; embroidery silk 12 spools for .10; men's paper collars .04 a box;, men's cuffs .01 a pair; ladies skirts .39; oil cloth .20 a yd. THE BOSTON STORE. Silk parasols, 2(1 inch, $1.4!); Black Velveteen, good Quality 35; M'o have some of tlio Musleen Dress patterns left wo will close out at .75 used to bo $1.25; An English Cashmere black, 38 inches wide, .25; Extra wide Satin Damask table linen, .05, worth .75 anywhere; A largo size all linen towel .23 worth .35 at any other house; A good size, all linen towel .1!) a pair; Tidy towels, largo size, .3!), smaller ones, .19 Linen toweling, .08 A per yd.; An Amoskeag Sateen Bed Ticking .21 per yd,; the blue striped ticking .12; Scholar's School Companion, 5c Writing Tablets for ink and pencil use, 5C. Black Sateen Henrietta finish, .15, worth .25 any plaoo. Sheet wadding, .04; Cotton batting Rood quality .07; an ex tra fine quality figured and plain cream at. 12J, has boon .15; best Ging hams .08$ nor yd; a Turkey red table cloth .69; fine linen napkins, fringed $1.00 a doz; small checked napkins .04 each; Embroidery all kinds very cheap, from .02 per yd. up; heavy men's shirting .10; skirt lining .05; Ladies' waists, tennis flannel .50 worth $1.00; girls' waists .25, boy's belts .05; boys piquo waists, .35, .3D and 45.; feather dusters .05, largo si.o .15; men's white unlaundered shirts .29, worth double the money; men's French flannel shirts .85, worth $1.50. Men's Tennis flannel shirts .45; men's working shirts, fine, heavy, fancy, dark and light colors .45 and .55; boy's .35; junipers .45; men's heavy socks .09 men's heavy working suspenders .19; a fancy suspender .25 and .50; boy's Windsor ties .05; ladies linen colors .03; we shall sell our leader .10 ladies' black hose, fast color better quality than we had before; ladies' fancy hose .05 a pair; eaxony yarn 08 a skein; corsets .39 worth .60 and more; black silk lace 6 inches wide .25; black silk mits .25, a lisle thread .19 a pair: kid gloves, black and colors .75: ladieB vests with sleeves .29; heavier .39; wash lace up to 6 inches wide .03, .05, .07