Oregon ;OlfY Enterprise. VOL 20. NO. OHKCJON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1802. ESTABLISHED 1800. "yr A II K V JOHNSON, I.AWVKU. Comer Klilil autl Main nnii, Orr-soa City, r urugnu. REAL K8TATK TOHKl.L AND MOHBYTOWAH. i, a. saw aaaaauuuM, t. r. cuwinu, 1M)OKRNnHOlall A COW INK, ATTOKNKVI AT LAW, All (' Itrtnm tV I Unci Ollloe mhiU' OBlcx fiMiini Hand l II laiiuufluia bullillui, OKKUON CITY,. Orf nn. ATTORNEY AT LAW aaia-r or rKurnHV tvaweMan, Oltlc Iwo diaire abav iMamltloa, Orta Ull. Q 0, T, WII.UA M. REAL ESTATE AND IS8P RANCK. Desirable lltialn Prmrty im1 Hub urUn Motiip In Oration l ily. Fare Properly In InMi to ult on ae term. rnrraMui1rtir promptly newtil. tiffleaj. Mil doui la CeuJ14 lluolla, dru avu. , II. uv. attorney and COUNKKUHl AT LAW Ofllc over Unguo Cllf Bank, onao ntr, naeuoai Q D. A D C UTOVKITI'k. ATTORNEYS AND (X)I'NHKIjOKH AT LAW maim err, uasiio citt, oaxooN.. Fuml.h AUlrtPla ot Title, tnea Money, rors eloe Murlaee'ee, ""'I Ireueeot Oeneral w Hualaeee. j i. vmm, ATTORN KY AT LAW. WlU VU'TIt IK AW. Wn or TMl 8TAT Krai but aerf Iiteanuer. Oflraon Vela "(tart, brt llllti anil SereM. oesuitK i ITT. . jp at. A HP. NOTARY ITBI.IC, REAL EfTATCA 1NHTKA.VCK. OAn I ) ilr Hull4lu(. . ' OKlu Clly.lne. (1 W ITHU K, at. I"., I. rilYHlCIAX ASl M'ltCKnN. lUuol rotaUad.) UllwwHa If. M.lllaxT, - Aotofa. raaau. yr "",T- KKAL ESTATE A INSl'llANOE AiiENT. NOTARY PITRLIO COLLECTOR. AlHOKATotttUOM. Mmaat Loaned Aijaro4 ajar. fJMIO. P. KYAX, r RVAL BtTATK AX aVNURANCK. ('bole I'ltv. Fane) ami (WVarbao prnewty tr Ml, 'lTanrll, imMf ararraiMa anal ararl tttuol all Made ImuH mI euld T-e paid and luulueee nl err dei4lt'a attended W lor noa-reeMMite OBIiie u autre la lmlldiuanrth ol poehaftoe. OAM. A. HMITII, ATTORN F.Y AT LAW, Wlllpreellratneityoi UVe eVele or r1-reJ Cmirte. Ala attend rereUiU m n huaitirm before the II. H Laud tintw ad liilrir I jxninaiiw. Mlin; Hixima aatd a, i'tuuiaiui llliirk, ur Mvrmor' Hatnl. . OKKUON CITV. OUBWN. K B AYKH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Omoon City, ' Oaaoow. VIII praftlr In all lha fmirta li all. CMflna. miriior Malu and Klulilh ! tteUa uurt uouaa f B MAUYK, SURVEYOR AND .CIVIL ENGINEER. Plattliif. ralnga and rium Work prompllr Mooted. CANBY. - - - - (ORKOOK. milB COMMKKCIAtBANK, OF ORKOON CITY, i'apltal. . - 100'009 TaNAOTiA 0NRAI, lHNlXOilHIN". Uana made. Itlllaj dlrnuntud. Makea po leclluin. Ilnya and alla oAiihaiiKa on all pulnta In th I'nlti'd Hlli., Kuropa and Him Ktmt. Jippmlta rm'il-id anhjwl to nluu'k lntornnt at nana) ratrn allowvd oil tlinu ili'lill. Hank open Irom II A. M. to 4 P. M. Haturday ovcnlniia Irinii t to 7 I, M. T f T.ATnllURTTK. I'ri'ililrnt. V IIONAI.DHON, Caahler JANK OF OHBdCM CITY, Olilcst BaiUlni House 1b toe City. raid tip Capital, IMI.OOO. MximiieNT, vica rKKaiiiRNT, CAalllKH. MAMAUia. TIIOK. CNARMAK. 0O. A. HAHIIINO. i. a CAi'riKi.D CHARMK M. CAliriBM). A dnoral bankfnr bualneaa tranaaotod. Depoatla reimlved anbjoot to oliack. Approved blllr and uotea dlaoounted. County and olty warranU bnuxlit. Jxmtia maila on available aaourlty. ftxrhanne boimht and aold. Colleotlonr made promptly. 1.1 ....ii... H.nuni.1 nf fhe world liraiia atnu .i.huiv .u j - - - ----- Tiiirauliln axoliauaea aold on Portland, Ban jfranolaoo, Chloaioand Now York. Intereat paid on lima denoalta. Sub ArauU ol TUsWlONCriKQUB BANK FOR Glim, -AIT Fufniing Ijood?, " BEST AND CHEAPEST,. GO O'CONNELL 0re(09 State formal Selool MONMOUTH, OliUGON, The Leading Normal School of the Northwest; O ftlder Jim I IF p ' ' For nalaliara addreaa J. M. Powau. A. M. V ice Freeideut i'ltiWtlf;: .0. E. A. FREYTAG, TUB- Best and Cheapest Grocer. v eaVaWAVaaVaVaVaVaaaaVaVawaayaVe Fancy and Staple Groceries in Great Variety. Vegetables, Fruit and Feed. Fifteenth and Main, OREGON CITY. . . SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes, Notlons.Confectlonery, Cigars. Full Stock of Machine Oils, Best and Cheapest. . Fino Mloctioii of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. - And Lead ' i inp Brands of Cigars. I'lti:4 KU'TIOJ CAKKI I i n 1'II.I.F.ll. eiilveley'a Block, - . - - Seventh Street lift tail On, Improved Farms of. 'not less than GO acres. C. 0. T. Williams, V. H. BUKGIIARDT. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Oregon City, Oregon. Full Stock of Guds Ammunition. Repairs on all kinds of small machines , -promptly made. Duplicate keys to any lock manufactured. Shop on . Main Street, next to O nJSohliU'sSUinlos. ' its,. 3D- TO- & GLASS. tkatnl ol ttnrenla Wen) am an gcbolleldr Praa.- J B V liutltrr. Hrrmaiy, Ki orlictu-Ilia Kc -Ilwv. Go. alvrw pMinoyer. Hon. K. B i- M-Klny. iKipeniilrudri'tnl Pulilla In.uortkw u Mun MoBrida. rcn"ary ol Clale ll". f Jaool) Votrha. !!. A. MHnw. J. C. Whl'a, . Hull. W. II. MolmM. Allrod U. y. Mia T. W Hairy , II "O ) ) laly. The aiai Knrmal l a llvaaptinol, rapidly tnnrina. and rapt. My add In, in ua IkiIiiim fcw tata apwlal tralalnr ti'arbev lla gradual are In damai..! I AM IhI plllna A rain ol mi pr rnu In atu-n- up aaa nde l.l year. An aumllnienlol Ml la anil, wied l the nnt year. Mr mrm Ix t. b twru ad.lrd hi Hie lafully.and addl- llnnal apparaiu. aupnlhxl. A dlplama Irotnlhe v biail rniulraoiia to urneh In any I'ouuit la rti Slate wlitiniii liinlirr eaaniiuailon. Kor - aial, Kurnial Adiannrd. rtualima. Mualr and Art Ivpanmrnia. Hjnvlal adrantaie lu Vocal and lii.trumrnial mnair. A year at arhnol tt tlM. Tnltli n rednred tii I" . Normal and tVOO bub. Noraial a trrm ol trn iwkt. H.n)m Normal Klnlni llallll Mprr erk Furnlakral romna II.W per week. Board and hliu at .rival, (anitilra H.Mi per week. riraiMllul and healthful lomtlon. No aalooui. Ftrat terra opena Drvlrmbi'r 'AX P. L. CAMranx, A. B., Praaldeoi i el nn The best 5c A 10c cigar, The. Best Soda Water, The Best French Mixed candy, The Best Plain Mixed candy, The Best Stationery, Etc, FOR THE LEAST MONEY. AT THE POSTOFFICE. FREE SODA WATER With every 25 pent purcluise. BRANCH OFFICE, TROY SjElMlMjniBY. LABOR TROUBLES. A ritrhed ltuttle ltd ween l'ltik-fi-toim and Iron Men. WAR 1.1 THE Cffil'R D'ALEXEN. la Kola IiUnc Iba Treable Wa l a-4 hf AttcmpU la VTark Hon I'lilon labor. HoMK&Tif Ai, I'a , July 11. Lat Wed nemiay an alU'init waa ruado to land force iA M) 1'inknrUjn atriU at tlie iron and ateel worka Intra The lex ked-out workim-n oipoad the landinK and a (titchod battle enaucd laatinK from 4 a. oi. tto 5 p. rn., (luring which time tlcvn atrikra and nine t'inkertona were killed and a greater number wounded. The rinkertoDi wore on a barge in the nwir. Three time bey hoialed the white flag and tt wai ahot away each time. Finally it waa reaerteJ and the men are taken priaonera by the work men and iiibeequetitly locked in jail in PitUburj to answer lor murder. The workmen held town ef IlorueatfaJ un der abeoluta martial law. The iberiff could lo nothing with them. The mil itia to the number of 8000 waa finally or- derrd out and then the atrikera began to ma i) ileal aonte reapect for the law. The white winga ol aw arw hoer ing over Ilomealead tonight, and not an unpleaaant indication to mar the aerrnilT of the iron revion . Tlie miliUa an to lie received with open arms by mill worker, and a apecial police, one hundred rtrong, (elected from the rank a (4 Hie atrikera, will aee Uiat no indignity i offered to the uniformed representa tive of the atate. One intemperate xtriker who qneetioned the wimlom ol re- ceiving the militia in a friendly manner was arrvated and escorted to the lockup within one hour after the re-organba-! lion of the police. To all but pessimists, the conclusion of the crisis haa pssaed, j and Ilomeetead will know hoatilitie no! mora to long aa tlie military ol tlie state i on the ground and I tier is no attempt to smuggle Pinkerton into the works. Hugh O'Donnell, who i nndinputed executive at Homestead, said: "We are really glad that troopa are coming, aud rroxe to testify our aatistartion in an unmistakable manner. Tlie militia relieve us of a reaponsihility which has borne npon oa heavily, and we gladly Five over to them the preservation ol order and prelection of the Carnegie property." "Will not the next step be tlie bringing in ol Tinkerlons and non onion men?" "The Pinkerton force coming here would be an illegal attack. If they attempt to come, tbe militia will disarm them and send there away, or, if they do not, very probably wa may. Non-union men have not got a road as easy aa yon think. That is not a ques tion for this summer, but for tbe next." ' A mas meeting waa attended by 5000 people this afternoon. A mill worker moved that any man offering an insult to the troop be taken to the river and ducked. Tlie motion prevailed by ac clamation, and a special policeman in structed to carry it out A committee waa also appointed to inform mill work er not prevent of such action taken. The plan la to get out every hand in Homestead, said Chairman Burgess (great applause and shouting ) I am authorised to say that hands have al ready volunteered thuir services. The president of each lodge ia instructed to make a proper preparations for the ceidmonies, and Burgess announced that he would ascertain exactly when the military was expected and give no tice of approach by town crier. IH VHToioiTD'AliEHES. War Iaaagaratei is tha Miaing Region Hertkera Idah. of Spokane, Wash., July 11. The Homestead tragedy is being repeated in the Cceur d'Alene districts of Northern Idaho. Four men have been killed, and many wounded. Valuable property has been destroyed by dynamite, and the end is not yet. A lockout was begun there April 1st by the mine-owners' association, and 3000 union miners were thrown out of work. Since then the mine-owners have been milking a strug gle to run their mines with non-union men and armed guards. The tension has been intense for months, and the opinion lias prevailed that only a Bpark was needed to start the flames ot riot. The spark has come at hint. The ex ample At Homestead and the decision of the United States court at Boise mak ing perpetual the injunction againBtthe Miner' union brought the lawless ele ment to tlie front. It Wegan by the blowing up last night of the concentrat ing mill of the San Francisco mine at Gem, Shoshone county. This morning at 6 o'clock the shooting began between union and non-Muion forces, the farmer assaulting the latter js.t the Gem mine, j Waxlaci, Idalto, l4l 1L A bfttth3 ocUrredJatiUe Frisco mine' and Gem I mine atjUietown ol Gem, this f moaing between 5 and 8 o'clwk, Mween union non union miner. The fight lamed for aeveritl hour. Four men wire killed and U-n wonnded. Among the killed are: lu Caraon and Harry Cumminga, onion men j the other two were guard at the mine. The wounded aa far a learned, are : John Ward of the Uem, hot through the arm s Hugh Campbell, a anion man, b't by a rifle on the bead ; J. W. Gonkroger, non-union, ahot through the hlu; Qaro Fetr, of Ta cotna, nonrunion, ahot in the tiead, will recover. The Frisco mill wa blown up during the fllit, and i a complete wreck. After the mill waa blown up the non-union men in tlie Frtaco mine hung out a flan of truce and hoatilitie mated, and about aixty men surrendered. The men are now under guard at the Miner' Union headquarter at tlie town of Gem. Eoi, Idaho, July 11. The newa of the outbreak in Oeur d'Alene mine created intenae excitement here today. The governor and the United Bute marahai have been receiving dUpatehe all day from the aeat of trouble, and have kept thoroughly posted on tlie ait' nation. Marahai I'iakbam stated it would be utterly Impossible lor him to raiae a poswa in the North to en force tiia decree of the court, and so wired the department of justice. Special Agent Cromtbwaite, of that department sent a similar report, and ha expresses the opinion that the president would be obliged to send troops, aa be dovsn 1 1 any force available here equal to tbe emergency. Tbe governor this after noon notified the militia companies here, at Weiser, Moscow and Hailey to bold themselvs ready to -march. These companiea are mere skeleton and cannot muster sufficient force to cope with any determined mob. Late this evening the goveraor decided to call on the preaiilent for asaisUnce, am ha sent a dispatfh to that efikct. H and e will start the militia by epecial train to tomorrow morning, as soon as the Union Pacific can get car here for their trana- j portation AXM0M1 11 BAklMU POWDER. Dlscassloa Before the American lbem kal Society. (Chicago Tribune. Tothx Editob or tue TaiBi-xa: I have just seen the report ia your issue of Sent. 3, of the discussion at the Washington meeting of tlie American Chemical Society, Aug. 18 relative to the use of carbonate of ammonia in bak ing powder. Tbia report is incomplete and incor rect in many particulars, and as the paper which precipitated the discussion was read hy me and was based upon my own experiments, I desire to make cer tain corrections in the interest of the truth and for tha benefit ol tlie large number of your readers to. whom the the question iaone of great moment. The paper as read before the society related that ammonia in baking powder i retained in tlie bread by reason of its affinity to the gluten. The concensus of opinion as expressed during the dis cussion was against the use of carbonate of ammonia in baking powder with the only exception of Dr. McMurtrie, who is now an employe of a. baking powder company which uses carbonate of am monia in its baking powder. Of the other parties mentioned as hav ing taken part in the discussion were Professor Dr. Barker, of the University of Pennsylvania, who is the president of tbe society and one of our highest authorities. In answer to a pleading by Professor MuMurtie that only small quantities of ammonia were used in bak ing powders, he stated: "No matter how small the quantity, I must decline cline to be dosed medically without my consent when taking my meals." , Dr. E. H. Bartley, formerly chemist of the Brooklyn Board of Health and 1'rofessor of Chemistry at the Long Is land College, likewise named, did not, I believe, take active part in the dis cussion, but is already on record as strongly opposed to the used of ammo nium carbonate in baking powders. Dr. Richardson volunteered only the question whether the flour used in the experiments was of good qualit, of which I assured him by stating that it it was the best and the flour used in my family. 1'rofesser Mallet was not present. Your article is misleading in so far as it gives the impression that ammonia disappears on baking. My actual tests agree with those made by others, show ing that ammonia remains in the bread My investigations simply assign a new cause for its retention. II. Endemann, Ph., D. New York Tribune, Sept. 17, 18!U. Notk. Dr. Kndemann, the writer of this communication, its well known in scientific circles, and was for twelve years chemist of the New Yotk Board of Health. Tlie baking powder company abovo re fer :ed to is the Koval Baking Powder Company of New ork, and the em' ployDr. William McMurtrie, who de fends that campany's use ot ammonia, is their much - advertised government authority. There ib .no such office known under our government as that of government or.ymted States govern ment chemist. . . . FREE SILVER BILL. TlieCimmltteeon Coinage Will WreHtle With It. CHAIKJUJf BLA5D YERT ACTIVE. Anti Hllver Democrats Kay they Kara They will be able t Defeat the Bill. are Wakui!oto, July 7. Tlie hones will have a respite lrom further struggle over the silver bill for a few day, a a result of an agreement reached last night. Tracy this morning permitted the bill, which ha been on the speaker' lable all week, to be referred to the committee on coinage w ithout opposition. A call ha been issued by Chairman Bland for a meeting of the coinage committee to morrow morning, to consider the senate free coinage bill. Alt voting membefs of the committee are in Washington, ex cent McKeighan, of Nebraska, who is expected this evening or tomorrow rooming. Bland doe not believe it will be neceasary to have sitting uf the com mittee during tlie session of the hoose, but to be prepared for such contingency aa be has introduced a resolution now before tbe rule committee giving the committee such authority. Anti-silver democrat profess an amazing degree of confidence in their ability to defeat the bill, but under the surface there is plainly apparent a deep-seated fear of some adverse action of the committee on rules, and they dread cloture above all things. They hope to prevent the bill Irom coming to a vole, but ittsHt that if it doe they can defeat it and reap credit for it. The committee ou rule thi morning met and decided to report a rule making tomorrow uspen-sionday.- This rule wa adopted later by the hooe. Washington, July 9. In tlie house today the silver bill was reported and placed on the calendar. The probabili ties are that it will be taken up next week. .The naval appropriation bill came up, but was sent back to the con ference; the postuhlce appropriat'on bill passed. The house adjourned, leaving the legislative appropriation bill un finished. Tha Dreidtd Cholera. St. Fetkkshi bo. July, 9. One hun dred houses, several churches and law courts were burned this morning in I Jarnoff, Poland. Between June 28 and July 2 there were 565 deaths from cholera in Turkeystan. Some cases are reported at Acre, Syria. The situa tion in Astrakhan is serious. Tie work men revolted and five uf them and two doctors were killed in conflicts with th police and 530 wounded . The deatla rate along the Volga continues high, and doctor are scarce. The military are sending tents for the accommoda tion of patients, " Fifteen deaths oecured in Enseli, Persia, on the Caspian sea. Twelve casea are reported in Samaria. It is reported that despite all precaution cholera has reached Moscow, where the total absence of sewers, renders the sit uation most dangerous. Tha Hosdaraa SeTolatioa. Crrv or Mexico, July 9. Advices re ceived here today announce the capture of President Leiva, of Honduras, hy the revolutionary forces and their complete triumph. All accounts received as to the .causes of tlie revolution attribute it to the laisser faire policy of Leiva, which resulted in the concentration of power in the hands of the unpopular Bogran, and tlie exactions of Munosa as collector of the port of Ceiba, a position in which he succeeded Nuil, the leader of the insurgents. Wti an Explanation. London, July 7. The Press Associa tion says that Lord Salisbury has in structed the British Charge d' Affaires at Washington to ask the United States government for an explanation in regard to the recent seizure in Port Etchee Harbor, A'ftska, of the British steamer Coquitlam by the United States revenue cruiser Cor win. The incident, the Press Association adds, will not delay the Bering sea arbitration. Lower Hirer Kate War Astoria. Or., July 9. A Columbia river steamboat war is impending. The agreement between the Union Pacific and the owners of tlie Telephone is dis solved. The Union Pacific will run the Thompson and Potter as day and night boats after Monday. Referred to the Court of Claima. Washington, July 9. The senate to day passed the bill referring to the court of claims the claim of Jessie Benton Freemont for certain lands and imptove ments at Point, Arenas Sun Jose and San Francisco. Th Fesiion Appropriation. Washington, July 9. The total amount of the pension appropriation bill, as agreed upon in conference, is $146,737,350, or lUlSW greater Uiaa , tbe amount voted by the, bpuae.