Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 08, 1892, Image 2

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    TUP riTV rnilVriT Hemici, Kdt. C.rrow, Noni Rowi,
I The pupiU mnivhoi In prootMwion to
MXOKli or THE WORE OF THKjth ohurvh, with ili Owp l ily
KKtilMR MOMTHLY MKETI. I Hrmuli So. 447, C. K. of A. h Kxly
Tax Kobatf A!lwol saloon Morns' Th ,",,si wndetod V Mi l.oti
Granted Kr Ordinance ; Urir was wry fttu and gav on.1it to
1'asse.t-The Bills,
i the aivomplishod musician. Tlit siiitfinit
; of the choir was on thi invasion oxcep-
All hanJa but Councilman Porter ; lonlly itxkI. the devotion of Urn tmblic
ere preut at Vdimdv ni;ht'a tKciont proof of the ertVn-t pro
oounoil mootinj. The ordinance j d"1 on ,,,,,ir ,l,,4rt hT " gra.-efnt
granting the stretH railway franchise, for jl ' farmer' Mass.
etjbliahing a e erase aystem, levying
tiii ritv Ux and limiting the hour for
collecting garbage were (aed; and the
old "cow ordinance" was ordered pub
lished A relvate ot H- SO was allow! X. 0,
Walden on his city taxes. John K.
Trembath was grantHl a saloon Horns.
Ike Second l.iicrt Cunsulate f I lie
t' nlted Stales In Km rope.
last vk Captain Apperson received
a letter datetl May 10 from t'nited States
Consul 0, 8. K. Ituick at SonneUrg,
Ihe unal monthly report of ottieer Germany. Mr. and Mr. Buick and two
were tiled. Th committee on health t .laughter left Rosebet the for part of
and police reported piogresa in the mat- j nIim.h jied from New York on the loth
ter of preparing for a eewerage system jsnj rrived at Sonneherg, via Bremen,
onthehtll. j eleven dava later. The letter deacril
The bill of the county of 185.85 for ie piMMnt trip and says the change i
gravel n-d on Seventh street wa: glv,t ,H.iitfU to the health of the
ordered paid and th amount to be de- who)e fmjr. Of the country and his
d K-td from Peters'a contract prior. ortice Mr. Blm.k fUow :
The petition for th organiiation of a We traveled arrw a very beautiml and
fire company on the hill wa referred interesting country from tli free city of Bre-
to the tire and water committee. Kelly
made aoiur temarks in reference to the
necessity ot having an iteniiied report
from the street commissioner and the
council adjourned till Thursday night, i
Before adjournment however there !
waa a scene in which J. E. Khoades and .
men to this place inabout twelve hours, and
fouml ourselves in a very old established
town in the Ihichy of SaxeMeiningi'nlnth
territory marked on the map of Or rntanjr
asThnrii'gia or Thuringenwald. The city
hml teen overnin by rohhers many limes
and rlratird out later by tires which reduced
it in recent vear. Now it scrms to hrex-
Councilman O'Connell exchanged com-! ten.ting again. At the lal census it had
pltment. Tne councilman was decided
ly volcanic.
The People lilul. la Pat- Mic Dew
mstratians all Bay.
The morning of the Fourth brought
Targe crowds of people to Can by.
At 10 A. M. the procession was formed
v Deputy Marshals H. C. v.iilmn and
Win. Outperlet. j
The Molalla brass band headed the
li.'HX) inhabitants, the presetitailve of
whom accorded m a very cvnliat welcome.
I fomiit my consular offii' well apinte1,
in charge of a vice and deputy consul with
necessary clerical aid. etc.
The consular district is large, embracing
over one and a half million people, and
from a printed list just received from the de
partment of state I tlnd that ftmneherg is the
largest and most important consulate in
any of the Enmiean eonntries excepting
only Liverpool. Now it is propeil to di
vide it up and establish one or two amncies
! in th ,litri,-r that will .-.wit Inf. hnti.
procession followed by the liberty car, i ne snd Ubor uf ,li8 n!W , l(ll(:t
cituen on foot, in carriages ai.d on j ll0l ,0 0,i. htl( wm,t,ow I like plentvof
I business. My rapacity, however, is not so
large, and perhaps I will hae enough It'll
to ktep me busy.
Now as to the agricultural aet of this
country, I can say that everv inch of siir-
After arriving at the grove the fol
lowing exercise were held:
Reading i f the Declaration of Inde-
rwnlAfuft hi Miua Rrtli4 ICniht' nrA
, c . r, . , .i face is used and compelled to vield. The
tion bvS. A. D.Gurlec, who pronounced ... ,, ' .
, , , , ; ' , .. ; cultivation could not Iw more perlect. The
a careiut ann tnoiigntiui uiscoiirae; a
of a high order and Indicated that they have '
great talent In that dim-lion, Hut the nHUtt ,
appropriate as well as the most entertaining ,
pari td'the program was th fourth of July j
address g!.-n by on ot Viola's bright
young tatties, Mlsa tvinnia Haydeu, Al
though of th humorous order It contained
more truth than humor,
Mr. Jubti am) his children lamretl the
audience with songa and rtHiitalioua in a
very pleasing manner. The day was aul
very pleasantly and all who were there votcil
itagood time. Sratr.iToa.
Ills jwp and uiher r Hires of Die ArTKIr
(Vmmciitetl l'pnn,
OaittittN t'ltv, tK., June it. fo tm Km
TtH:J Any self-respecllng cuiisUbU would
hate oltrntt a rewartt for the recapture
of a horse tliiel he had permitted to escape
in sucli a tpiestionahle way as Sheriff Kelly
permitted Wilson to gel Iter, Vntll Kelly
explained, we susectett stnne waggish pas
senger stole the irons ulf Wilson while
Kellv and Morgan were enjoying the west
side scenery from the ear window, As
Wilson kept on his feet whila Morgan fell,
it is unite probable that Wilson was sntwr.
Th whole matter seems "Usliv." Would
not an honorable man otter one year's I
profits of hisotUce to retrieve his blunder? I
It I the common miacarriajr of Justice I
that causes lynching. If not permitted lo '
emape (rtuu jail or oltlcers, the culprit may
suicide, leign insanity, or swure a trivial
sentence by lingering legal Jugglery ; and if
unsuccessful in all these, ha can pruhahly
procure a panlon. There is not likely to be
so many assaults on women and girls where I
it Is well known that a proven attempt of
rape means the community will be blessed
with an InoMCnsive eunuch; and the con
tession of sued a heinous crime as Wilson's
nil piewnt the coroner with a cadaver.
The dignity of the law should tie upheld,
but ae should not for't that the law w as '
made for the people, not the -eople tor the i
law. We can criticise Ohio lor irintting j
a man to he lynched for taking a hatchet,
and murdering or maiming his wile an I
laughters, we can censure Sew York for a j
summary execution, but Oregon like Ohio ;
and New York, is inhibited by civilised J
people. I
Every day since the confession the news- '
paH'rs have Impressed us with the horror
Wilson had of summary punishment and
his indifference of the courts. When the
courts fail why should not the people act? j
As men become civilised are they to become !
criinring sillv milksops? Ioes civilisation
teach girls that father, brother and bus
bund no longer mean proln lors?
For a proier basis ot consideration put
yourself in his place. J. II.
iiiiio uLiioeiiieut.
Receiving New Spring and Summer Goods
ou wthh to talk a-HHit (iOOI
uro at vtur ttorvire.
Tt talk about lmlition or nnvthinj; tlso. Hut if v
1500DS rtiul LOW PKICKS, wo an
We will quote a few hard hitter:
5 gallons best Pearl Oil. - 80.85
3 pounds Arbuckle's Coffee S.65
22 pounds Nice 0 Sugar, - - $1.00
HuililoiV Hardware ami Nail at Portland juices, and all other jiimhIh in jioHiition.
Our stoek of Hoots and Shoes will unit the most fastidious. There is no letter line of Hats
and Cans in Clackamas Count v. We are receiving a complete line of PHY t!OOlS and
MIMJNKUY direct from the East, which we will sell at Prices that will
(live us a call and U convinced.
surprise you.
Carlton & Rosenkrans' New Cash Store,
I.o:ili'rs in I.ow Price for Ciitckatiia Count v.
1M Front Street. HARDWARE Portland. Oretttm,
Nirlli.irn Aientt lr
-iieelrtenl Tmitsinitth
'Poller tsnea
sever tisel.
"4 j'-.
1 Mf.t..-".S v.. t VW- ' -
;-urii.(i,'.v.i..'u,i' to , j t
" V j vfir. .!-. ;.-iv. ,iZS
' ""1 IV Ji w i fl rw li Zii t 1J l iA' i it. MM kilrt in fc" -
" J Crescent Wedges (warranted.) H A S Pnxf Ch.in. Arcade Files.
Loggers and Wood Choppers .Specialties.
Oregou City Agent, ......
Ivojk. Civscent Meel
choir composed of young people sang
labor expended on the soil is inimen. The
implements are very ride and primitive.
aeveral ratciotic songs; the band en-; xi,e milch cows, in" chance of women, do
livened the occasion by playing national
aira, while a swing, ice cream stand, etc.
attranted the Attention of thft rrowd aftnr
the literarj exercises had been con- Mutn of ",0 l'to I reached
except py a stairway, anu m sticn cases me
all or nearly all the lirld work and teamii g
on the highways. One or two cos make a
team, according to the wealth of the peoon.
Sandy's Celebration.
Paspt, Jt'lT . Sandy'i calrlirallon was
the grande-d and most sturessful ever held
at this place.
The oration delivered hrre by Mr. fieurge
women carry up tht manure on their backs
and bringdown the product ia the same way
from the terraces.
The cow or cows, horse or hores. a the
case may be. are attached to the wagon on
one side of a long pole or tongue by small
round rope traces, in all cases four to live
President of the day. Win. Knight,
dismissed the assembled crowd till 2
o'clock p. m. j
Everybody repaired to basket or
hotels to satisfy their hunger during the
interval f
In the afternoon sack races, ball play- fee' u lung. The cow has a strip of wood
iog, loot racing etc., entertained the ; a"" nJ half i,,ehes 'd a. ross
people till evening when the display o(!''"fa bo the yes. with a small hole
' , ,., ... .. i in each end, to which the traces are attached,
fireworks, which was very creditable, ... .. ,
Thecowa are reniarkablv gentle; liorns all
afforded ainuse.ne.nt for all. The daytlope back and dowlli ,lllTe them
closed with a grand ball in Knight's ball, j Wllk ul) s(airWas through trout stores and
rooms in main streets to their stables in the
rear. Horses, ot which there are not many,
are good and well kept, have oen bridle,
Dutch collar and hanies, and rope traces,
held op by a small back strap, always four
or five feet too long, and generally otdv one
horse to a w agon. The pole extends about
three feet in front of the horse; the brake is
The Close of the Scholastle year. First j on the front wheels. This plan is common
Communion at the Church. j alike to pleasure and freight wagons. Hursts
j are not driven beyond a five mile per hour
The closing exerci.-es of St, John's ' gait. I would like to have an American
School were held June 30th. During ! carriage with shaflj and harness complete.
the past year, which proved a very sue-1 The roads are so tine everywhere that one
Higlwi; CiiiiuiIo.
WAsmxaros), July 6 Senator Man
derson today introduced a bill lo create
C. Hrowneli, was a master pie.-e oreh,nence ) nl'nal highway eimiinMon, to con
Havoretl aith the threads and fabrics of ; ' ' senators, five representatives,
truth and tacts, which was loudly ap- ; 'he seeretarie of war, agrirtilture, and
plauded j interior, postniastor general, attorney
The Currinsville hand aftorded excellent i geneial, and an auviate meinher from
music and matleeverylxxty happy. ' each state and territory The coinmia-
The I'tM-kelreace string band furnished , , i.,,.,,,, n,i. ,
room music and everyhoilv ,..,. : .. , .
port to Congress.
All felt well pleased with the exercises
throughout the day, and went away
feeling that there still exists a strong
attachment in the hearts of our people
for the old flag.
good ball
K. K. Meinig A Sons can well feel pmiid
that they have achieved a great victory
over the opposition celebration inaugurated
! by the peoples party of this place. It was
I a very tame atlair. In order for them to
see a crowd they bad to come to Mr.
j Meinig a park.
All far Mid near were made In hear the
' booming anvils which told we aere cele
brating here. I. P. W.
Students at the formal 8ehtol.
N EEbY, Or., July 3. To th KniTna I
notice in the last week a EsfTKurKMit the
names of students who attended at
Monmouth xhli h does not include all who
attended from Clackamas county. I here
with send the names of others who were
there during the past school year: T. A.
C'ampan, John Owings, KevisOraham, Vin
nie (irahani, John Stanton, Wlllaril Stan
ton and John YodiT.
Om Who Was Tiik.
cesstul one, the attendance averaged
upwards of 80 pupils.
The following girls and boys were
warded premiums by the principal ot
the school, Rev. Father Hillebrand :
Gold medals for conduct awarded to
Missea Mabel Metcalf and Mary Wad
dock. Silver medals for polite deport
ment awarded to Misses Rosa Miller,
Loita Quinn and Emiline Schneider.
Gold medals awarded for diligence to
masters 'William McGee and Harry
Draper. Silver medals for excellency
warded ti Misses Mattie Draper, Lulu
McGee, Elfrida Meyer, Ella Gleason,
Annie Witz and Willie Metcalf. Hon
orable mention, Misses Maria Pratt, Ma
ty Metcalf and Mary Waddock.
Silver medal for conduct awarded to
Clara Charais. Silver medals for polite
deportment awarded to Sibyl Lippltt,
CUra Miller, Clara Waddock, and
Gusta Meyer. Silver medal for dili
gence awarded to Daisy McAnulty.
Silver medals for excellency awarded to
Annie Gleason, Maggie Hanifin, Maggie
Henrici, Kmma Mossbrugger and Eddy
After the presentation of medals the
Rev. A. Hillebrand addressed the pupils
in a few well-chosen words, reminding
them to put in practice the many good
lessons of virtue and piety instilled into
their hearts during the year. After an
appropriate adieu to pastor and teachers
the pupil departed.
The following Sunday, July 3d, the
first communion of the children took
place. The following thirteen ap
proached the altar for the first time:
Maulers William McGee, Harry Draper,
Adam Herman and Theodore Huerth ;
Misses Annie Witz, Lotta Quinn, Ella
Gleason, Lizzie Herman, Maggie
of our family horses would take tour jier
sons anywhere at the rate of ten miles r
hour, and that would paralyze the (people
! here.
This country is very beautiful, and with
so many old castles, and various remains of
ancient grandeur is very interesting.
I have just had a visit from two San Fran
cisco ladies, and a letter of yesterday's date
from our mutual friend James B. Mont
gomery at the Hotel de Uellevue, Kruxelles,
informing me that he bad just arrived from
New York and would proceed to Paris to
day; in a fortnight will come to Berlin on
his way to drink the waters of Carlsbad.
It does one good to meet an American so
far from home.
I am going tonight to shoot, or try to shoot,
the most famous game bird in Germany,
known as the mountain cock. It nvighs
from twelve to titeen pounds and is eery
beautiful. I have the invitation from the
Duke of Meiningen, and will be escorted by
a retinue of his officers. I hope my knowl
ede of woodcraft will enable me to maintain
their high opinion of American hunters.
Later on I exct to visit the Hart, moun
tains and get a dash at a wild boar.
Miss Rosamond Shaw entertained a
company of her friends at a delightful
lawn party last Friday evening at her
home on Sixth and Washington streets.
Gaines were played, refreshments were
served, there was mtisiu and dancing.
The lawn was well lighted with Chinee
lanterns. It was informal enough to he
most enjoyable.
The Fourth at Viola,
Vioi.a, July (). The citizens of Viola and
vicinity congregated at the grove near Mr.
Stone s residence and bad one of the pleas
antest Fourth of July celebrations ever
held here.
The Declaration of Independence was
read by R. Herriu, after which Judge Ma
guire of Portland delivered an oration. The
Waldrop children of Portland were with us
and entertained the audience with songs, re
citations, reading, etc. Their exercises were
Novel Features of Hammer liowns.
Waists distinctly different from the skirt
are much worn, but a newer plan is to In
troduce a full front of another color and
material. Thus a biege crepon with taint
bayadere lines of blue has the entire front
of the waist of pale blue foulard, giving the
effect of a blue bodice in front, while the
back Is of crepon, The silk front fastens on
the side, and is prettily handed with ribbons
that hold the fullness; the back is quite
plain at the top, with only four small
pleats at the waist to meet the lowest rib
bon brought back from the front. The
blue foulard forms two large pull's at top of
the sleeves, and the close lower part is of
creion. Harier's llazar.
Blank note, receipt and order books
at the Kntkki'Kixk office .
Bi( ladiaa Turn-warn.
Chxvxnni Aokncy, S. D.. July 6.
The big Catholic Indian pow-wow has
closed. High mass and confirmation
scenes were very Impressive. It was
a'so an interesting sight when over 2,000
warriors, who hut eighteen mouths ago
were arrayed in war dim, ant around
a big wigwam and listened to talks by
their head men atxiut the tienellts of
Itaator Bhsrmsi Borprlifd.
Boston, July 3. Senator Sherman, of
Ohio, arrived today on the steamer Dor
chester. Seal.ing of the passage of the
silver bill by the senate ha said he was
surprised at the votes of Cameron, o(
Pennsylvania, and Hill, of New York.
Both states, he said, are dead against
free silver, and it seems to him a dan
gerous vote for those who represent
For Sale Cheap.
A honse and two lota on Sixth street,
opptafite Shivley's hall. Enquire ol Mrs.
Ij. E, Phillips, Oregon City, or V, A.
Phillips, Clackamas.
The new county officers took their of
fices last Monday. Sheriff Ganong'i
deputy ia K. C. Hacked, Clerk Morton
has U.S. Strange and Recorder Ramsby
Charles Burns. Commissioner Scott is
silting with the court this week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. I'.. Wllliamsof Albany
spent the fourth fn Oregon City.
Hot Griddle Cakes.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder possesses a peculiar
merit not approached by that of any other baking powder.
It produces the hot buckwheat, Indian or wheat cakes, hot
biscuit, doughnuts, waffles or muffins. Any of these tasteful
things may be eaten when hot with impunity by persons of
the most delicate digestive organs. Dr. Price's Cream Bak
ing Powder leavens without firmentation or decomposition. '
In its preparation none but the purest of cream of tartar, so
da, etc, is used, and in such exact equivalents as to always
guarantee a perfectly neutral result, thereby giving the natu
ral and sweet flavor peculiar to buckwheat and other flour
that may be used, the natural flavor so much desired and ap
predated by all. The oldest patrons of Dr. Prices powder tell
the story, that they can never get the same results from any
other leavening agent, that their griddle cakes, biscuits, etc.
are never so light and never taste so sweet or to good as
when raised with Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder.
In the latest stylos ami donignn, some beautiful pattern at a
prico novei before ofleretl in Oregon City.
Extra largo lino of Men'g ami Hoys', clothing, of the best
grade of goods in the market.
In any size, shape ami stylo from one dollar up to the best
FNWQ Goods
Embracing a well selected line of Ties, Negligt-e shirts
Hosiery and Underwear.
Chapman $ Son
Lead in quality of goods handled.
Special Bills Cut to Order
Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Sttwt.