v -Ho J htwn wp 21 02 0 City REGON IHNTER RISE. VOL. 20. NO. 37. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1802. ESTABLISHED 18C0. yy CAKKY JUIIMSON, I.AWYKR. Corner Klhl ent Main Mtmtts, Orvgna i'Mt, OrasuM. KKAI. K8TATK T0HKU. AND MtlNKYTOI .OAN, I. twx'kkNuamwN. 1. 1. uiwiso, M'H'K ENHHOI'UH A COWINO, ATTiiKKtYl At LAW. AIIWUMakctm I', t. l-aiid Olflna relj ORIna ruuuie Kami 1ft, U S laml uIIiihi bullaina, OS(N CtTT,- Or.m J L roHTKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW imni.iT. nri-numi rvmnnHUB. OHIO twa il'mm abrrvt poaWinlM, Dr"B !lty Q 0 T WIMJAMH. KKAI. KSTATK AND lNSt'lUNlK. Deairahlo Business Property and Sub urban Homes In Oregon City. Fr Property la Itar-ta In cult on y terme. 4'nrrrmlett pmnipily aniWrMi Office, Beat dour tu CauSaUs A lliiutley'e drus otora. Q II. IY. ATTOKNKY AND COtJNSKLOR AT LAW Offles or Oregon City Rank, umaun i it, . ! Q P.. D C UfOttHkTTfc, A'lTOKSK Y8 AND COCNSKIORM AT LAW MAIM SrRKRT, oasuo c'lTr, ORKION. Fuml.h Abrtrarte ol Tl, l-oaa Money. Pura- eluas MHtiM, ana It.uiu'l Uauarsl i, anq uau Sutlaeaa. Law n. a. rM, ATrOKNEY AT LAW. Wiu Fka'TKi III Au. I in at or TM Stats fta Ketale and Inturanr. OStesaa Mala tttrtxtl. bt RUlb ud Sersnth. aadtm i'lrv. or 1p M. RAWUM, Ja NOTAUY 11111.10. UK. VI. KSTATK A INhl'KANCE. tiffins to 0.o post olte-a Hiil).iti. Uri clly. t)n.ia. , t (1 WrtWICK, M D.. I. PIIYMHAS AND Kt'lt.K"N. it,l ol Portland. OlAes WMH Pr. M. flirty, Aurora. Oreffin KKAI. ESTATE A 1NSIKAXCK AiiKNT. NOT A It Y ITHI.IC A COLLKCTOK. Al'KOItA, (IHKlrOX. Mmmv Loaiitil on A pprm-d seeartty. MIOH. f, KYAN, UKAl. KSTATK AMI IMSt'RANt'E. rkata ( llv. rami and Suburban l.rotw tin m all kliiil. U'Udil and a.,lat aad kti.l uw l err vacrH'Ua Itir iHrririffiiia. aaM. .tiVantlM.lt :ifarfipr c.iunur warraau and arvri' laira paia suvudad to oaw un aialra In huildlin avrtk ol ptdrc s AM. A. SMITH, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Wilt prank In an of lhf Stale itr F.Wral Cnnrta. AIm. alind rarfullv t auT bualnr. Iwlora ttw V. Unit Ultiss slid luiarli' U iiannwaiia. ilffloo Hminia S aud a, bannau iniics.a.r4.iviraiirs Hotoi. , OKKODN CITY. UliKUUX. G flAVlIrt, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, Ossunal ClTV, ( Will avraffl! In sit ths emirla itl !) atsta. Oltlc. rurim Malu and Kighlh smu, opvusttr oourt suuas ! B MAHVK, 8UKVKYOR AND aVIL KNUINKEK. Plattln. Drains and Flura work proniptlj SXMUtod. CANBY, - - - OR1WON. rpitg 0OMMKIU1AX BANK, OF OKKUON CITV. 'aplCal, ..... HOO.OOd TkANaACTsi oinssal tASKiNo ivsisaas. Lflans mada. Dllla dltpnllntod. Makea CO Iscllnna. Uuva and aeHaaai'liaiiK. on alliiolnta In tha Uiiltvd atalsa, Kamia ami tlons Vmig. lii'puilta rai'l' i'd aiibjna to ohvi lc lnrit at uatial ratri allowed iiu tl mo dciioalta. Itank iicii Iroin a. a. to i r. a. tlaturuay evenluga from 6 to 7 r, M. II. C, LATOUKKTTK, President. v K liON A1.DH0N, Caahlur JJANK OF OHKUON CITY, Oldest Banking Honse (e tne Cltr. Paid up Capital, Idd.OOO. rssamsNT, . vies rnsamsNT, CA.IIISS. MAMAUSS. ' THOR. CHAHMAN. OKI). A. HAKIM NO. s. a CAiirisi.n CHARLta H. CAUriSU). A (onprsl bunking bnalnaaa tranaacted. Pspoalla rm.lvflffaut)Jpei to check. Approved bills and notea dlasouuted. County and olty warrants bought. Loan, made on avallablo aeourlty. ' Kxoliause hniisht sud aold. , , Oollmitlonr made promptly. U praltaiold Avallaolf In sny part of tlis world. Telegraphic sioliangsa sold on Portland, Sao Franclaoo, (.hluaaaaud Nssr York.,, : Intereat paid on time dopoalta. Sub Areola ol Til If. LONDON CHE0UK BANK. 0. E. A. FREYTAG, - THE Best and Cheapest Grocer. Fancy and Staple Groceries in Great Variety. Vegetables, Fruit and Feed. Flftoonth and Main, ORECON CITY. AT COST. We are now selling our entire stock of Men's and Boys' boots Now is the time to buy if you want the best at the lowest pos sible price. Men's and Boys' boots from 1.95 up LEWTHWHTE'S SHOD STORE ORECON CITY, ORECON. SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes, Notlons.Confectlonery, Cigars. Full Stock Of Machine Oil. Best and Chtapsti. J'iiicwluoUou of jYrfuiiH'rv. ami Toilet Soaps. Aihl Lead- in? Trands of Cigars. ! i kiiiiom ici:ri i.i.i 111.1.1:0 ' Sliiv-pUy'ii Itlivk, ...... SfTfiilli Strict IlftlLoi! On Iinjirovt'd Farms of Ion than l'U at Tt f. not CO. T. Williams. TV. II. lt K.iiiAiaT. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Oregon City, Oregon. Full SjK"k ef Guns Ammunition. n'kiraon all kiiitla of sum)) niaclilnes pmmptly mute. lHtpHcats keys to anv I'H-k uiaiitifactiir.il. Hhop'ou Mnln Mn-el. - unit to Noblilt'a hutliles. TULL'S HOTEL-RESTAURANT pARLOW, OREGON. Best iV IakIUo. and Meals in the Tesrn. 11 t Meal at All Hours. OH) AIM AXI CX)NKKCTlu.KKY. do; You. have household rtwipts A3 woll as prescriptions to. fill? Charnian A Co. guar- anltxj afcoraov at their proser i p t i o n counter. YOU- Can fiml at Char man it Co.'s the best . . ' selection of l'erfum ; ery and toilet articles in Oregon City. SAVE Making further inquiries by goinj? to Chnrnmn &. . t'o where you will find all the leading makes of patent medicine. MONEY i ' Carl be saved hv buying ' ' yotuf: paints, oils, glans, etc., of Charuian & Co. 1 ' Speoial, rates on large orders. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Ffd and Sale yuble ORECON CITY. LOCATED PElWtrN TH WiPOT bKIUt.K Ahti i Double mid Single Rip, and sail tll liornn (tlwnys on hnnd at the ; lowf st pricem. A cttrroll connecU'd : with the barn for Iihwo stock. Information reeanling any kind of 'slix'k promptly attended to by ponton or letter. Horses Bought and Sold. II MM Die beat 5c & 10c eiirar, The Best 8oda Watr, The Best French Mixed candy, Tbe IW Plain Mixed candy, Tbe Beat Stationery, Etc, FOR THE LEAST MONEY. AT THE POSTOFFICE. FREE SODA WATER With every 25 cent purchase. BRANCH OmCE, TBOY STEAM LAUNDRY. NOTICK. Notice is hrraliy given that tl followlnx warrants will he cancelled bv onlcr of the county court if not prraente.1 for pavnient before sixty days from the first day oi J uly, l(e: i. - Hanoi Iaauo, No. Name. Am't July 10, 1SN4 1 E. M. Harlman 4 Ml ? " m J. K. Smith 1 CO " " Il A. Nlrholaa t l " 'tutu T. B. Odenal 1 l AniitT, " vt Q. W. Wsllliif 00 Bept. S, 87B g 7 lieo. , " fsia. j 110 " " . .sl R. BtrtcMtn i " t4 W. A Crtsetl J 00 " " Wii Ann. Veijln . .. t ( " " 7i John usirney..' s w Jan. J, 1KH5 fiia tow " . " S!Sl .. (10 Keb.d, " TO! Wm. Harlow .... VIM H78 J. K. Perdew 14 ' " 107 ' M W March 91, " fjo-i T. H. M. Baker. ... It) " ia . " .... a mi Avril. '," V&H John lllrkmsu. .. . 25 00 " 7. ", l.tifj , J. K. Smith ....... 1 00 " , " l'.MS Henry Aniaplgor... tm May 7, " li!Kl , Jaiuea Mo:ully..,, too " 7, ' mi Jaa. K. McConnell 1 40 " IW, " 1SWIU T. 11. M. Hakur U l " . " I.IKS ' J. K. Smith 10! June a. " 14H1 J. ('. Illckmnn ROOO! H. If. Johnsok, Conuty Clerk. School deportment cards one cent each, good for term, at Urn Entkhi'riss oilice. .... . . . Justice blsnk.s, real istate, blnnkvand; all other blajiks at the Entkmpkihic of fice, rortland prioes. " ' ' CAMPBELL ItESIGNS Uunlnewt Keep lllni Out of (tie Campaign. IXI'ORTAXT HEVTH IX (JtSERAL. The President's Family tm a Vacation Callrorwls Klver Cosventiew Jialloosl High wars. Wahiiinutom, July 6. Hon. W. J. dunplrcll, ctialrnmo ol the reiublUrD coiiiiiiiltw), r in uonfurttnue Uly with Ilia preciilcnt, Kccrelariea Huhk anl Klkim, Cumiuiiunr Curtor and x ftmiator SHxjnr, nrly (our tionni. At Ilia coticluaion of the conference Camp boll uuite the following atatetnent, iny liiK lie lu.l nothinx further to Bay re garding the (ueHlion at iatue. The UiUMin'tit is a follufti: "When eleclril chairman of the repub lican national committee, it ai with the distinct undervunding that my bus Inem engagements thrn pending might render It liniionmhle for me to n-t in that catwcity. The contingency wa fully undfPiVxxl by the committee and others directly inlervattd. Kince the adjourn ment of the committee I have been un able to adjuit my affaini so as to render it practicable for me to act as chairman, and t therefore, at I leaerved the right to do, have announced that I will not to act. Under the authority vested in me by the national coruniilte, I will prob ably announce the executive committee within the next few Jays, and the com mittee will met at an early date. At the meeting I will formally tender my resignation, and niy successor will then lie elected My sticresftor will be chosen by election by the executive committee as authorixed by a resolution adopted by the national committee." The nmirt nrnst prominently men - lloned tonight in connection wilb tbe chairmanship are those of Commissioner 'Carter, J. II. Manlv, Maine; Samuel Kesneod-n, Nsw Hampshire; and Mr. Hobart, New Jersey. TBE 'OFFICERS ELECTED. K.nlu Aasciamd After ths OfieiU Caarsss af tit Irturaa. Sai.s, On-irm, June 30 Yesterday I in the fesrnce oi Governor I'ennoyer Secrelary of Slate McHride uiaile tbe ulllcial canvass of the vote cast in the lliirty-one counties at the late election for the offirrr ol rein-eentatives in con Itreas, supreme judire, atttrney. tfeneriil, and district otlircrs and joint senator and ieirewnta'ive4. Tlw canvass shows the following total vote: CUN U K Ks MAN TIKST IHSTRtCT. Hermann, rep ; 18,fC Kiitdon, rthi 1,285 Kork, oiUj' 7 518 Veatch, dem 13,019 CONURKSSMAN SKCXlKl DISTRICT. Aright, prohi 1,178 Ellis, rep... lh,669 Luoe, people's 6.W0 Staler, deui 12,120 BIFRKMS MUHil. Bennet.dem 28,863 Moore, rep 31,438, Walker, ieople'a 12.229 Welch, prohi 2,7(18 ATTORNKY OKKKkAL. Clumlieilain, deiu 35,411 Webster, rep 34,881 THI STATK BOAJtD. In the different judicial districts the following were elected mouthers of the state board of eqtialisition : First Dunlap, deiu. Seiund Woodcock, rep. Third Oibaon, rep Fourth Lowuadale, rep. Fifth Wingate, rep. Sixth Hunter, dem. Seventh Luckey, rep. JOINT SKNATORS. Coos, Curry and Josephine Vaniier bnnr, people's. Crook, Klamath and I-ake Cogswell, dem. . Columbia, Tillamook and Washing tonMaxwell, rep. Oilliam.f Sherman in Wasco Stei Wer, rep. Union and Umatilla Rslev, dem. Union and Wallowa McAllister, dem. Sherman and, Wasco Smith deui. JOINT RKPRKSKNTATIVKS. Coos and Ctlrrv I'pton, peoples. Tillamook and Yamhill Lmnson, rep. Sherman and Wasco ('handler, rep. ! (iriiiitand Hiirney Kichard-on, rep. KliuiiHtli anil Luke paly, (Icni. Ths Freiidat on a Vacation. Washinoton, July 5. The president and Mrs. Harrison, Lieutenant and Mrs. 1'arker, and Mrs. Diuimick will leave Washington" 'at "3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in a special car over the Penn sylvania railroad, for Moon lake, Adiron dack mountains,. The president's inten tion is to start on his return trip to Washington - Monday 'morning. Mrs. Harrison will spend Inly In the . Adiron dacks, in hopes of regain'ng her health, . OaUfopia iiv Osivsstisat , 1 Sacbamknto, June SO. The river con vention, called for August 6th, promises to be on of the most Interesting tine the Bern strangle of 1780 between the valley farmer and lb hydraulic miner. Tli high tag of water in the Sacra mento and American rivers, which for many day threaUxi not only this city, but Ui valley farms, with inundation, hat thoroughly aroused tbe farmer. They demand that aomething be dene for the protection of their homes, and active measure will be taken, not only to suppress all hydraulicing. bat to restore, If possible, the rivers to their original condition. AXX0.MA AM) MIIIUFH. Oneof the Most Certain Agents for tint-1 Ii.g Dralii by Mow Pvlsoniug." New York Sun. Of the number of those seeking suicide by following some form of poison, proba bly there are few a ho have sought to kill themselves by means of ammonia. Nev ertheless ammonia, although it Is the active agent in most of tbe salts sold to women for their guilt decorated and per fumed scent bottles, is poisonous when taken internally in a concentrated form. To attest this there have been recently in New York several cases, the most recent being that of Herman llarow its, of which Deputy Coroner Jenkins said that death took place in a comparatively short time af'ertlie ammonia was take. In another case, that of s child, Dr. Jenkins said death sesultedin Ave miautes after swal lowing the ammonia solution. There are on record also caaes of slow poisoning from ammonia administered with intent to commit murder. Further more, the appearance of workmen in gu ano factories, where ammonia is set free by grinding guano, has been noted, and in every case there is an numistabable symptom of poisoning. This is discol oration of the skin of the lace, which aaeiiinea a blotched, dirty appearance. 1 First to lake on this apoearance is the skin ot the nose and lotehead. Autop sies of 'hoe who die from ammonia poisoning reveal a dark hue on the mu cous membrane lining the stomach and ! intestines. I As an agent for causing death by slow I thorize the coinage of standard silver . poisoning ammonia is one of tbe most dollftn! and restore its legal tender char certain and most difficult of detection, and such coins shall be legs! owing to its volauve nature. Tbisqual- j tender for all debts and dnes. public and , ity has led physicians to believe that ! private. Tbe act of Jul- 14, 1W0, en some of the mysterious deaths that have j titled 'Iw",e of treasury notes thereon, taken place in the history ol modernjinJ f"r olllcr purpose, is bereby re am! mediaeval e'ime are due to ammonia, j pealed ; provided tlit tl.e :retary of It is known now that months bave!,he treasury shall proceed to have elapsed between tlas first svniptoms ol !' J 'l 'he silver bullion in the sickness and tbe death of a purson from ammonia poisoning. On the other band death has resulted in four minutes from tbe time a large draught of ammonia baa been swallowed, It has been found in cases of grsdnal absorption of am monia in the humttn system that there is a general elimination of healthy oxida tion of the blood and a consequent low ering of the bodily strength. In the cases of itusuediate poisoning death comes with frightful' agony, as in the ease of ilarawits. Blood gushed- from his nose and month. Statistics in Englaud put ammonia thirteenth ia frequency in the list of poi sons. Alexander Winter BIyth, medical ofllcer of health in the Sr. Mary lebone dis trict, London, cites thirty cases of poison ing by ammonia swallowed for the pur pose of committing suicide, or adminis tered with the purpose of committing murder, oa absorbed uitco.scioi'si,r is rooD. Of the suicidal cases six were fa tal.1 Of cases of murder with ammonia, Dr. Blyth notes two, both of them chil dren. Ths PrekiVjitionitt Tiokat. Cincinnati, O., June 30. Ex-Governor St. John, of Kansas, at the request of the California delegation, placed before tbe convention General John Bidwell, of California. John Lloyd Thomas, on be half of the New York delegation, nomi nated W. Jennings Demorest. Logan, of Ohio, put In nomination Gideon T. Stuart. Bidwell received 590 votes out of 974, Stuart, 129, Demorest 139. The nomination of Bidwell was greeted with cheers. Cranflll, of Texas, was nominated for vice-president. Oyrai V7. Field's Condition. Nsw York, TJuly 3. Cyrus W. Field remained unconscious all Saturday night, but seemed to rally a little this morning and remained conscious for a short time. He recognired some of his relatives, who were in the room at that time. Afler that, during the day, he was conscious at times, but aeain drifted into unconsciousness. The family has given up all hopes. The attending physician says Mr. Field may die at any hour and may live a month. j British Beaton Protest. Ottawa, July 3. Premier Abbott re ceived a telegram Saturday from the British Columbia Sealers' Association, declaring ,, that the recent sesore of Canadian, .vessels by the United States was illegal and. asking him to bring the matter to the attention of tbe Imperial authorities. - THE SILVER BILL It In Brought to a Tote Panse the Senate. and THE 110 II K OP Em0R XOKGiff. Speculation t tbe Treatment Silver Bill Will Xeet Is the Mount. tbe Washmito, July 1. Tonight Moi gan (Alabama senator) is the lion of ths hour among the friends of free silver. Mnt,", ? Mw n'"'"1' th(' iiA ui smosing out senaiors wno nung ( doubtfully aloof from a vote that wonM commit them on tbe silver question. He succeeded and baa overthrown more) (ban bis enemies, for he obliged tbe re luctant senate to pass a bill as radical in absolute free coinage requirements as tbe moat devoted friend of the white metal could desire. The bill now goea to ths house, and that body, which buried tbe question, as supposed, for tbe present eeision at least, will again be obliged to face lbs issue. Following is tbe vote on the stiver bil, in th senate: Yeas Allen, Bntler Cameron, Cockrell, Dubois, Faulkner, Oeorge, Harris, Hill, Jones (Xev.), Kenna, Kyle, Mills, Mitchell, Morgan, I'efTer, Ransom, Sanders, Sboup, Squire, Stewart, Teller, Tnrpie, Vest, Wolcott 29. Says Allison, Brice. Carey. Car lisle, Cullom, Davis, Dawes, Dixon. Dolph, Fenton, Gallinger. Gorman, Gray, Hale, Hawley, Mcpherson, Man-, deisun, Palmer, Perkins, Proctor, Saw yer, Stockbridge, Warren, Washburn, White 25. The silver hill roads as follows : "That the owner ot silver bullion may depot.it. , tne same at any mint of the United States, to be coined for his benefit, and it (hall be the duty of the proper officers, upon tbe tern s and conditions which are provided by low for the deposit and coinage of gold, to coin such bullion into standard dollars authorized by the act e Frbrnarv 22, I8't2, entitled 'An ai-t to treasury purchased with silver coin cer tificates." A XcjoritT Eaocli Scf re. Washington, July 4. Pierce has in troduced a resolution provMiug that on a day to b agived unon, it shall be in order to move the suspension of the rules to pass public measures which have been previously disensed, and" that a majority vote shall be sufficient. It is probable that such a rule will be reported from the committee on rules,' and if tbe majority favor it, it. will De adopted. It may b-that this proposi tion will- be adopted at the meeting of the committee on rules tomorrow, in stead of the two-thirds suspension rule for Thursday, in order to secure the pas-1 sane of the tin-plate and other bills, as well as the silver bill. Will Elect Delegates Stockton, July 2. The republicans) county committee today decided to call a primary election on July 16 to elect thirteen delegates to the State con vention., The voters of each snpervisor, district will vote for two delegates from the district and three at large;.i This plan was favored rather than an ap-. pointment of delegates by the, commit tee'. Ths Victorians Take a Bui. Victoria, B. U., July 4 It is esti mated that upward of 5000 Victorians1 crossed the Sound today to celebrate ' the. Americans';, groat . holiday. The spirit of reciprocity in celebrating was marked here by a partial cessation ot business, the : great: majority, oi stores and offices being closed, and flags were -flying everywhere. . Weaver and Fields. Omaiia, July 5. The people's party convention nominated Weaver for presi dent on the first ballot, at 1 o'clock this (Tuesday) morning. The ballot stood: Weaver 995, Kyle 275. The nomina tion was made unanimous. At 2:11 this morning, J. G. Field was nomi nated for vice-president on the first bal lot. Field is of Virginia. Sugar Bounty Paid Washington, July 1. The total sugar bounty paid during the fiscal year end ing June 30, 1892, was $7,330,046, of ; which $7,005,295 were , paid on cane sugar, $0,O7O15Ot were paid to planter v in Louisiana. ; i Weekly Bank Stttemeit, . v Nkw York. July 2. The bank state tnent shows s reserve of $1,785,450 anj a specie decrease of $950,500. . The banks , bolt! "$18,081,800 in excess, of there- , quirementsi i ' ! 1 H t ; i , i , i : ii i