Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 01, 1892, Image 6

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is a mmo mawek.
A Dhj of Patriotic Fun in the Parks
Big Kir VTort-lllulim-lion
of th Falls.
clly council anti citircn In crriigp will
form in nr of the column.
8. Tli lin of man-li will b up Mailt
sltwt to Seond; eountMirvhiii(t will
pMtloii Main to Klovtuuh trrt wlnr
thccolutiin will asiti couiitMirvh aitiR
up I Iris atrt to vul mt of 8nsimion
bridge, crowing britlgv rout tH-to oak
Knvon at kt, wtirth txfrviw ol
tlic ly will be held as outlined by th
general committee.
On arriring at th (trove the column will
be dimimd, By order of
J.. 1". Sn, 0(0. A. Haui!iu,
Chief of Statr. OranU Marshal.
Tn following have bwn appointed
jiid)H and will hav chary of tlie rtr
arertiv race and contents:
Log rolling much Oeo. Hroughtoii, C. K.
Cross and R. L. Siwncer.
float roe W. K. Pratt, Tom Btviwn and
Geo. Kinearson.
Hose contest John Tremhath, J. 0. file-
burr and T. K. Kvan.
Fat man's race C. 0. Albrljlit, R. IV
Wilson, F. T. Barlow.
Nxt Monday will be a groat day in
Orifon City. It will bs real Fourth
of July, not merely a holiday.
For svwral weeks preparation for a
proper celebration have, been in pro
freM. A great deal of work has been
done and done well. Portland will have
no celebration to peak of and tliou
mnda of people from that city will spend
the day in Oregon City. Boat will run
hourly between the two town from 7
a. m. to 11 p. in. The train will have
extra facilities for carrying big crowd.
The up river boats will bring host to
th Fall City to celebrate. It will be
a laiy day for Oregon City.
In the oak grove at the weet end of
the suspension bridje a considerable
part of the day' exe.risea will occur.
It is a moot attractive place. The pro
cession will pans under an immense arch
at the east end ot the brides that is now
being put in place. There will be un
rivalled advantage for witnessing the
contests on the river ami on land. The
base ball game and some of the race
will take place on the bluff on the east
sioe on account ot the superior accom
modations for them there.
The electric wire were this week
strung across the falls for the illumina-!
tion Monday night. Tin feature of the brn on 'n lroirtv.
nlhr.ti.m i .ln .ffi..iant I,, hrin i stricture is one and a half storie
James Chase Krectiug New Mr act a res
ide Park Place School House Etc.
Jame Chase is having extensive im
provements made about hi place on the
bluff. He put np a neat cottage on
Center street which will be occupied by
the Huntley'. The house cost about
$1SOO. It is otan attractive style of
architecture and conveniently arranged.
Another cottage ha been built over
by Mr. Chae and made good as new.
! It will be occupied by Mr. Salshury'a
I family.
. ,
What ti:e Teachers wha did not g
The Clackania county teachers'
association held Its regular meeting for
the mouth ot J una at Union, one tulle
east ot Pamascu last Saturday, One
teature of the meeting worthy of notice
wtu that since the oigamaation ot the
association, July IStfl, there ha never
bn gathered to welcome the teacher a
larger or more enthusiastic audience of 1
patron ot the schools and many were
the expression ot disappointment by
those assembled that the number of
teacher preaenl was so email.
The meeting waa held in the M. E.
chapel which had been beautifully deco
rated tor the occaaiou by three young
ladle of Unlou. Tke dinner wa one
feature ot the meeting that will never be
torgotion ny uioee who iiatl the pleasure where they were
of partaking. A team after tauh drove normal school.
up to the school house In the morning Mr, Wl Mr. Tlioma I'sborne of
and handtnl out Itasket after basket of London, F.ngland. were in Oregon City
the choice delicaciea that the good wile ;t Friday and lelt this week tor Mli-
could think ot; and atter all had been j waukoo, Vi., where they will vwlt
spread on the testive board in the hade f,iend Mor returning to London.
ot the flue fir grove surrounding I'nion i h , , '. , .
. .. " " I Key. Or. Lew IVUw former v ol
the Church of the Messiah, Baltimore,
will occupy the pulpit of St. I'aul'a
Kpiscopal t-hurch Sunday mornings
hereafter. He intended to Jo to Kug-
land but on vis'tiiig the Pacific coast he
was so well soiled with Jlie country that
he concluded to remain here a season.
There was in attendance on the teach
er association in Portland this week
Local Personal Note.
Mr V, C. Johnson i visiting re
lative in Taconia,
V. 8, tiaylosd ot New Kia was In
Oregon City Tuesday.
Mrs. W. It. Warren of Poitlan.l
visited Mm, CO. T. Williams Tiiemlay.
C. C. llooea and John T. Myers of
Lacy wore In Oregon City Monday.
Misa Nelu IVuny of Portland visited
Mis Mamie Cliarman last Sunday and
Mr. Frank Galena and dauiihler,
Mis Bessie, ot Portland were visiting
in Oregon City last Monday.
Rey. Oilman Parker la attending the
state Baptist convention at Astort tills
seek. He delivered the opening
Misse Ana Baird and Gertrude Flu ley
returned last Thursday fnmi Monmouth
attending the state
Do You Want a Stove?
To inako room fr tthtr.jrxvt
Renner at the 7th St. 1 lardware Store
Is soiling Stoves at cunt. If you do not U'liovo it call
in and price thoin. All of tho loutlinu makes.
M-hool house, one and all join! in an
exclamation of "What an abundance!"
The cordial invitation of all the providers
to "fall in" waa responded to with
alacrity by all of the teacher. Not one
left the table without having liungei
lutly appeased a indeed it would have
been impossible to have done, for invi
tations to have some more, were being
constantly pomed in from all sides, and
. vviinmiutj fniuictl 111 iruiu all Slues, aim
Mr. Chase ha also built a fine stone I jt maybe truthfully said that all did I fu ,'t,'"K Oregon City: Mi
a gn?a crowd of people to Oregon City. nd -;,J- u1 on u,e -
wen ouiti uiai .nr. . nase s lainuy ra liv
ing in it while extensive change are
The display will be magnitievnt and
novel. The vari-colored liuht on the
' roaring cataract, the search lishts, b,,in n,l,B in hi ''nce.
colored fire and fire works will make a ' Th el'nge being made in Mr.
cene of indescribable splendor. Twentv ! Chase' home include the building of a
thousand people can have an unob- i three story addition UixW feet on the
st.ui UHl view of this spectacle.
The program for the day
below :
Procession forms at 9 ;W A. M.
Procession marches to the park on the west
side of the river
Exhibition drill by Co. F 10:00 A. M.
Exercises at park 10:30 A.M.
Catching greased pig 1:00 P. M.
Climbing greased pole 1:15 P. M.
(tack race 1:15 P. M.
Fat man' race 1:30 P.M.
SxirTrace. at bridge 1:45 P. M.
Log rolling contest 1:45 P.M.
south side and the building of a three
story tower on the northwest corner. A
mansard roof will lie put on the whole
house. The entire interior is being re-
justice to the dinner which had been so
liln'rally provided.
This was the last meeting over which
Superintendent Thomson will preside.
Since the organisation came into ex
istence Prof. Thomson has done all that
human power could do to make it a suc
cess and the result of hi werk is appar
ent in many a school where teacher
just beginning the good work have been
Grace and Ana Baird, May Kelly,
Ma.U'O Hill, Fannie Potter, Fuulce
Inaldou, Tacy Wilkinson Minnie J
gariMexsrs. II. 8. Strange, P. M Wed
ded and J. W, Gray and Niiperlu-tendent-elect
Gilison of Kagle Creek.
The Hon Market,
Cablegrams to Mr. CshoMis (nun
three ditTorvnl grower in Kngland iUi.nl
Farm, Dairy and Mill Machinery.
Engines and Boilers,
. ... ' f
I . .
benetitted by the experience ot oldoiUrt Friday all ac reed in the lolloaing
heads. All members ot the association
regret the loss ot Superintendent Thorn
Statement ot the condition of the hoi:
built and remodeled, first story will be on a presdimr oll'u-er but hone to still5 "r "V wok only middling; vir.e is
finished in patnral hard woois Thia I retain him as an active worker, knowing ' 'kward, weather has Imvii unkindly,
improvement will cost about IVOO and that his fertile brain will alaav have i l(XK' 0'"' I1'1'' 1,11,1
Base ball at ball grounds.
2:00 P. M. !
Bicycle race 4:00 P.M.
Foot race. 0 yards 4:.10 P. M.
Hose contest 5:00 P. M.
Fire works and illumination of the
fails 8:30 P. M.
Grand bail at armory
ornriBS or thi dat.
J. W. O'Connell President
O. A. Harding Grand Marshal
Rev. Koland Grant Orator
it will not be completed till about the
first of November.
M. E. Willoughby'a cottago near the
foot of the Falls View stair is completed
and it ia an attractive addition to the
homes of that locality. It cost about
II. M. Foote ha taken the contract of
constructing tha new school house at
Park Place. The foundation ia already
completed and cost about $800. The
contract price for the superstructure ia
I3J00. The main part of the school
house will be 34x40, two stories hitth,
with a T 16x34 . The building will have
four school room and it will be the
finest school house in the county. It
will not be ready lor use before the first
of October.
Mrs. L. H. Wells. . . .
Rey. G. V. Giboney
Chaplain ;
Card oM hanks.
We take this mean of thanking our
GESEBALoBDsas roRTHxrot RTB or jilt . 1 mny friend who so kindly aided us
The undersigned having Deen chosen during the long illness and inbsequent
grand marshal upon the occasion of the death of our husband and father, W.
celebration of our ooe-bundred-and six
teenth Natal Day, issues the following or
der for the parade upon that day:
1. Head qnarters will be established on
Main street comer of Fifth.
1 The following gentlemen baying ac
cepted positions as aides to the grand mar
shal will retort mounted at 8:45 A. M. to
chief of staff:
CapL J as. P. Rhaw chief of staff, J. M.
Lawrence, H. E.Cross, T. Ryan, C. T.
Hickman, T. Sullivan, K. E. Williams, C.
0. T. Williams, John Hill. Fred Charman,
1. Ackemian, Dr. J. W. Noma.
3. The column will form on west side of
Main street, right resting on Fifth street
at 9 o clock a. m.and move promptly at 9:30
o'clock a. m.
4. Leaders of bands taking part in the
parade will rejort to chief of stall who will
assign them positions in column.
5. Company F, 0. '. G. will take post
on right of column; K. of P. on right of
National Guard followed by Mead Post Ko.3
G. A. R. and Sons of Veterans in the order
named. Firemen with bose cart will form
on right of Sons of Veterans, county court.
H. Fancher.
Mas. Sabah J.
Faxcheb and Family
Card or Thanks.
Milwaukee, Ob., June 28. We desire
to return sincere thank to those who
so kindly assisted in finding the body
of our daughter and also to the public
at large for it sympathy in our affliction.
Mb. and Mrs. N. Walsh.
something new, interesting and instruc
tive tor the teacher. On or 'Em.
some people are spraying. From present
apwsranceo we will not grow more than
halt to two-thirds of a cron.
Card or 1 hanks. j Krom , Jt.all.r in iMluion tlie foow.
The Young People' Society ol the ( chlegram ws received :
First Baptist church desire to express Sinre ro lt. tllPre fiaaa not been
puhlicaly their appreciation of the ! muc, altetation in our market llrew
courteous and gentlemanly treatment by Vsonlyhuv iust what they want. If
the crew of the steamer Manxanillo in ,0li ,ere pressed for sale less monev
their recent excursion and especially to; wou, mv lo Xotbi,
Captain O. S. Waud lor hi litwality . doing n 0j The report Imm the
anu interest mat tnaiie our picnic a am.- - pnttions are generally favwable.
j Vine is well up the poles ; do flies or lice
worth speaking ol.
cess and a pleasure.
Ma tti it Obey, - Daisy Lawbeni-e,
Secretary President.
LONDON -TIIOM A-4. In Oregon City,
June 2t, IH'.fJ, by Justice Fonts, Mr
M E. 1-ondon and Mr. Charlotte
Thomas, loth ol CUckama county.
July 4th 1S1I2.
Call on T. W. Fonts neur the Railroad
! depot for the liesl line of fire crackers,
i homhs, balloons, roman randies, sky
Hay for Sale.
About six ton of first elan clover
hay for sale? in the cock on the field, j
Apply to Mks. Maby Hillkb,
It Pabk Plack.
Farm Land Wanted.
Will trade Oregon City and Portland
property with some cash for farm land
in Clackamas ceunty. Address Wil
iard Tucker, care Enterpbihe. tf
For your Ice cream soda go to Casler'.
Marriage License
During the month of June the follow
ing marriage licensee were granted I y
county clerk Johnson :
Mary E. Roberts and F. M. Baker;
Josephine M. Stri:end A. B. gtrowtiriilge; I
Adeline Meier and A. B. SVidduw;
r n , , r: ... ; , i , it. ,,.. . i
nwi n.vi lull smi, j i iiitiirj
Ruth N. Grider and H. W. Green;
Martha wnklsanl and David I . null: i
Edith M. Ulasspoul and J. Newton (Irahaai; i rocket, fl.igs etc to 1st toaud in Oregon
Aggie Beattie and Christian pYhuhel; City at reasonable prices. 3t
Charlotte Thomas and M. E. tondon.
Excuse me, George, but when I saw
yon a year ago, your face was covered
with pimples; it seems lobe all right
now." 'Yes, sir; that' because I
stuck to Ayer's Harsaparilla, the great
est blood medicine in the world. 1 waa
never so well In my life as I am now."
Kidney and bladder trouble produce
a feeling of utter despondency. A genial
stimulant and tonic, and an unfailing
remedy for all such trouble, may lie
found in Dr. J. II. McLean' Liver and
Kidney Balm.
The blood must be pure if the body
would be In perfect condition. Dr. J
If. McLean's Strengthening Cordial anil
Blood Purifier makes pure blood, and
impart the rich bloom of heultli and
vigor to the whole body.
Blank nolo, receipt and order book
at the Enterprise ollice.
.Notice to llrlditf Builders.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bid will be received at the ollice of the
county clerk of ClackiAiias county up to
Thursday July 7 at 1 o'clock p. m. for
the construction ot a bridge across Ileep
creek on the Bradley and Richy road.
Plan and specifications to he lur
nished hv bidder. All bids must be
accompanied by a deposit of five per
cent of their amount. The county re
serve the right to reject any or all bids.
II. II. Johnson,
County clerk.
In old times it seems to he thought
that a medicine miiKt he mtust-ating to
be effective. Now, all this is changed.
Ayer'a Harsaparilla, one of the most
powerful alteratives, is agreeable to
most palates, the flavor being by no
mean medicinal.
Trespass notices on cloth, large size,
seventy five cent per dozen by r ail at
the Enterprise office.
Casler has the finest cream ever made
in the city.
OjKMiaml Top Itoggiis, Carriages, Carts,
Harness, Whips, Hale Ties, llarh
wire,Hiii(linirTwine and Machine
Specialties and Supplies
of all kinds to
New Market Block, Portland, Oregon.
209 3xe a 1 70 FRONT ST.,
Our catalogue 1 complete In
every deartmeiit, and U'lla
how to grow all kinds of ve
getables, bow to plant and
trim trees, how to use, ami
what are the U-st lertilirera,
how to handle Ives etc. etc,
Free t" all- Send fur it.
DJ. Ferry & Go's Seeds
Manularlureri ol and 'teslon In ll r y 1 nl
Roth rough niul dressed for luwii and division fence, nlso
Hartman St el Picket Fence,
And Wire Panel Farm Fence, also Kxjiandetl Metal Fence.
Call and see Samples and get Prices.
Shop over Rt'Htow' Sush A Iloor factory, Oregon City, Or.
We Have Not all Our Goods Yet, But What we Have we will Sell Cheap.
Hankerchiefa, lc; Ladies' hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 5c; 2 spools thread Coats' or Clark's, oc; ladies' fast black hose 5c; Ladies' fast black hose (regular 2"ic.) l.ric; Ladies' silk handkerchiefs, plain, 2.1c, worth TiOc;
Ladies' silk black and white embroidered handkerchiefs, 45c; Pins, lc. a paper, g W Here is a bargain for you All Silk Itibbon from one-half inch to 2 inches wide, 5c. a yard Ladies' fino quality knitted Under
wear, 15c, worth 25c. anywhere; fine French satteen black, 25c, worth 40c; bleached rnuslin, 5c. a yard; unbleached muslin, 4c. a yard; half-bleached sheeting 2 yards wide, 20c. a yard; dress frinhairiH, 7c, sells for 10c.
in the city; 15;inch black velveteen, 25c. a yard, worth 45c; half-bleached table linen, 25c. a yard; fringed linen table cloths, 2$ yards wide, 05c; fringed linen table cloths, !l5o, worth $1.50; scrim, figured, 10e. a. yard;
linen towels, small size, 8c. each or 15c. a pair; towels, larger size, better, 15c. each or 25c. a pair; towels of still a better quality, 25c. each or 45c. a pair; men's linen collars, 10c, worth 20c. anywhere; cull's, 15e, worth'
2.5c neckties, 1.5c, worth 25c; Windsor ties, men's and boys', 20c; men's silk handkherchiefs, plain white, 45c; men's silk handkerchiefs, plain black, 45c men's silk handkerchiefs, hemstitched, white and black, (!5c;
men's good quality fancy handkerchiefs, black and white, 95c; men's working shirts, 25c; men's working shirts, better, 45c. worth 75c; men's working shirts, fi5c. worth $1; men's underwear, fine merino, full size, ,15c!
men's underwear, 2.5c. worth 45c; fancy beads, 5c. astring; large size cook books, 45c; buttons, lc. a dozen; ladies' fancy brass pins, 10c; bibs, 5c. a piece; fino combs, 5c; largo combs, 10c, good and heavy; safety pins!
3c. "a paper; purses, 5c; 24 sheets of writing paper, 5c; 25 envelopes, 5c; men's hose, heavy, 5c. a pair; men's fancy hose, 10c. a pair; men's handkerchiefs, 5c; suspenders, 10c. a pair; suspenders, 20c, good quality,
suspenders, 25c, silk finish; suspenders, 45c, silk; men's good working pants, G5c; good working pants, mixed, 85c; a good worsted pants, $1.25; an all mixed pants, $1.1)5; overalls, 45e. a pair; overalls, better quality,
6.5c- a few boys' knee pants, your choice, 25c", a big bargain; ladies' bracelets, roll plated, 35c. each or 60c. a pair; men's collar button, roll plated, 10c; men's white shirts, laundered, 95c; men's night shirts, good
quality, 50c. and 75c; toilet soap, 3 pieces for 10c; boys' waists, 25c; ladies' merino shirts with sleeves, 35c. worth 50c; bed spreads, $1.10 regular price $1.50; garter elastic, black and white, 3c. per yard, or 2 yds. for 5o.
Commercial Bank Block,
Oregon City, Oregon.