Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 01, 1892, Image 2

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Busr Cunbj I'mplc (VlehriitioB or
thf Fourth Iniirirmoiil in IV
Cs at, Juno 2!.-Preparations are bring
made to hold e!lrntion here which will
N the first rxrr ttM in Canby. Thr MoUI
I hand has been ongngpd for th invasion,
mill together with mulch ponr of Nil, th
nuvs and other srHirts Oiore will he plenty
of amusement for oh) mid young.
Sirawberrie are iboitl mne but raher
riea and wild blackberries are coming in to
till th vacancy.
Th annual camp meeting roimutnc
July 1 lasting until (he tlth.
Weldon Shank, David Cox anil Millard
Ie. delcirates tot lie grand lodge of Hood
Templars returned from the grand session
last Thursday. They aay the member-hip
Li now about HX, an increase over last
year's report of about 4N.
James Hodger is tearing out the artition
in the back part ol his store building, mak
ing the room alxut Fifteen feet longer and
is tilling op his shelves with a first class
line of goods for tin summer trade.
E. Dodge, oT Michigan, has rented the old
A. T. Pi mill building or Albert Mart and
has put hi a shingle mill catting 30 M a day.
Mr. Hutcheraon, the livery stahle man,
has purrhv-d a three seated hack anil will
carry passengers to Soda Springs this sum
mer. R. Bremer has purchased a lot of S.
Mathew and is building a cottage thereon.
Mark Oodown lias purvliased a lot of II.
A. Lee, and is building himself a neat little
Mr. Dick of Harrisbnrg, Pennsylvania,
lias purchased ten acres ot the riiilander
l.ee estate for f J50,
Miss Bessie Wells is just closing a success
ful term of school in district No. IS, and
next Friday there will a grand picnic in the
grove near the school house in honor of the
occasion, everybody cordially invited to
The lVaiocrslir Kutiflratlon at Seedy Sews
of the Tow a.
Barlow June 27. Sam iel P. I'titman,
the freethought orator, will speak in Har
low ballon the eveuingof July ft.
The democratic rally at Needy last Sat
urday passed ofT with some enthusiasm.
The nail wascrowded to its utmost raacitv
but fully as many republicans occupied the
seats as democrats. L'ncle Billy Yauglian
held the crowd for some lime on the tarill
question. The enthusiasm grew upon him
as he proceeded until he was obliged to
shuck Ilia coat. Others followed and to
gether with the music furnished by the
Molalla brass band the evening passed an ay
with aume considerable spiritof enthusiasm.
Several land sales were recorded this week
in Barlow A Co s., ottice.
Camp meeting at Cauby will commence
July 1st and continue for two weeks. A
larg attendance is looked for.
Hon. D. W. Smith and wife of Port
Townsend, Wash., are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Jessie. They will remain a
few weeks.
Miss M. E. Barlow came up from Port
land Sunday to visit her parents- She will
leave Friday for a trip th cough California
with M'. and Mrs. Tyler Woodward.
Mr. James Thornton, of Oshkosh. Wis., a
shingle machine manufacturer, was seen
in town a tew days last week looking over
our water power.
From Wilhoit Springs.
Wu hoit. June 24. Farmers are com
mencing haying. Hay is about an average
crop this year. I
Campers are beginning to roll in to the
springs. Mr. McLaren is making consider-1
able improvements, building a large barn, j
a new store, and doing some fencing.
The Southern Methodists closed a week
campmeethig at Teazle Creek last Sunday,
and while there were but few conversions
the people in the vicinity enjoyed a rare
treat in hearing a number of sermons by
Rev. Mr. Wilson from San Francisco. It is
not olten one hears bible texts handled in as
masterly a manner, not only fioiuabible
standpoint but from a scientific standpoint
as well, as Mr. Wilson handles his subjects.
George Swope closed one of the most suc
cessful terms of school last Tuesday we have
ever had, and in the evening ave an enter
tainment by the pupils which was a decided
success and ei'ioved bv everyone present,
Mr. Thomson, cur school superintendent j
was present and recited " Darius Green and
his Hying machine" in his inimitable man-;
tier, bringing down the house and closing
the evening! with buch a good hearty laugh j
as to shake the cobwebs all out of one's 1
hroat and lungs. The directors have of
fered Mr. Swope the m-hnol tor the winter
term at an increase of wages which is
good evidence of the high esteem in which
they hold him as a teacher. Axon.
Another Viewjof the Needy Celebration
borhooi Notet.
Masks Pkairie, June 28. Haying is
' full blast and the weather is just right for
Thomas Marks returned from the Klam
ath lake country last; Tuesday and rerts
crop prospects as not very flattering in that
Mr. and Mrs. Rosenstein, of Portland,
are visiting with the family of J. F. May.
Mrs. Koscnstein is a sister of Mr. May.
Frank May has just started up his new
mower. He says it 'a the boss. It cuts off
the grass jnat on top of the ground.
Quite a large amount of improvements
are being made on the prairie, among which
may be mentioned the large hop house of
Dr. M. Giesy, the new dwelling of J. H.
(Sutherland, and hop house of 0. Ko
cher. The hop industry on our prairie is
developing very fast, several large new yards
having been eet out this year. The hop
lice can be found in a number of yards but
they do not seem to be so nuraeroua a. last
year at this lime. But o one can tell at
yet what damage they will h likely to do,
A number of onrfun-lovtng prairia folks
took in the o-called democratic rally, or
ratification meeting at the Needy aeliool
house last Saturday evening. The Molalla
bind was engaged to try to draw a crowd.
Win, Yauglian as chid orator and the big
gun of the alitor The black-whiskered ed
itor from Oregon t'lty was n't in it a little
bit, lie sialyl tlmt he could n't stak for
ten dollars, which lad was a stale joke to
those who have read his sheet for the past
six months. This allair was siipoaed to
have been gotten up to ratify the election of
the democratic candidate ot this county but
strange to say not one of their names was
mei'tioiied by the silver-tongued orators.
Some one limit a large bonfire out in the
yard wi.ich proved t 1 the greatest attrac
tion, for it was not long until the sM'akrra
were talking to empty bench. It was in
deed a wry interesting meeting.
A few of our ieple attended the Sumlay
school picnic held last Saturday at tlra
ha.u's hall and report having had a good
No man has ever been nominated three
times and elected twice loth presidency
and never will he. (H-casiomsU
Big Cherry Crop-rtenle at Klllott mdrU
Nutes of toner) Interest.
M vaiU AM, June 2$. Tho weather at th
present writing, to say the least, tsextreiuely
The cherry crop is simply immense, and
the small Ivy groans In agony as he climbs
th (ce.
tlrandma West is quite ill, hut hopes are
entertained tliat she will soon recover.
Stewart A Knight, the Molalla mill men,
have established a lumber yard at Manpiam.
Mis laiv av cl"sl A successful term of
school in the Heaver t'nek district Friday.
Schod Smeri ien ei t Thomson visited
Munpiam Thu'sility.
Mrs. 1. H. Jol. i. son. of Astoria, i"visiting
friends at this i Ime II is week.
Hay harvest is n lull blast. The erupts
onlv an a enure.
lavid and It- l rl West, ol Weslport, vis
ited il.eir h vuli n -other this week.
Quite a number of Mruainiles attended
the picnic at K liott I'mirie last Saturday.
Tliey report h.ivi g had a good time as it
was the first p i- if the season.
Henry llioiup-n. for lerly ol this place
out i' en..iis''i i . i'oriland as an electri
cian, is visiii g the old home and friends
this week.
K. 11. Sv.lt has several teams engaged in
nanling lumber (or Ins new mill at Wood
burn. ! !' camp n.ovii g m der the auspices of
Hi l-'f-e MethiKtists at S nek's mills closed
last Smtlay nielli T he it uliarity of their
meetings drew a large crowd.
Our citizens will celebrate the glorious
Fourth at Siiverrton where it is eipected the
eagle will scream as it never screamed lie
lore, ani t .e , atri otic cttiiens will be per
mitted to plmk lis gaudy plumage and re
joice in freedom. Hi.L'I Jay.
Starmnt Items.
MiBaor, June 25. Cherries are scarce
nd bints plentilul. , Those wishing a taste
of cherries must eat tlieni green.
Lumber is being hauled for I. Shelton's
new house.
Charley Kylersold his quarter section to
Mr. Helms for J. 0
Mr. Ascliotf has sold his flock ef goats.
Superintendent Thomson honored our
school with his presence last week.
It is said that Diainon Hoffman enlisted
lor three years as a soldier on the Charles
ton. Miss Lilly Larkin came from Portland last
Monday and is now visiting her sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. McGugin went to Portland
Fred Sievers, jr., still employs a crutch to
ussist him in his wanderings. His sprained
ankle is slowly gaining strength.
The Cltlfside school closed Thursday with
literary exercises. Many visitors were pres
ent. The teacher, Miss Addie Herrick, is
going to San Francisco next week on an ex
tended visit. We wish her a pleasant time.
Ytno spent a dcligh'ful evening lust
Wednesday in Wm. Pickens's tine straw
berry patch. .Strawberry growing bids fair
to become an important industry here. The
season is later and the Portland market
could be supplied with berries from these
foothills long after the strawberry season of
the valley has ended. Mr. Pickens took a
load to Portland and proved they could be
carried in good order. Vkno,
Butteville News Items.
Bittivillk, June 27. The excursion
from here to Aurora yesterday was a suc-
cess. The people that went had a good
time. The Aurora band is the boss band to
play for an excursion, at lea-d the people
s.wmcd to think so.
W. R. Hcheurer has his new house near-
ing completion.
It will he a credit to the
t iwn. J. S, Vaugjnin also has a nice house
nearly ready to move into.
S. A. Ilogun who put up a saw mill near j
I here in the spring, is overrun with orders, I
and the wagons stand ready to haul the
lumber as fast as it comes from the saw.
0. H. Cone had the misfortune to lose a
fine colt lately by a man running into it
with a wagon. The man seemed to be
drunk as he wanted the whole road, and
though Mr. Cone gave him all the road he
could he still managed to hit the colt.
The fanners are utilizing this fine weather
to get in their clover.
Miss Alice Downing school in district
No. !2 (Kramieii's) will close next Friday.
Clackamas Notes.
Clackamas, June 2-1. The C'iackamas
club accepted the challenge of the Oregon
City champions of the diamond and played
Sunday, June 2'ith, on the grounds at Ore
gon City. At the commencement the visit
ing club fared poorly; their pitcher threw
wild and the city boys were jubilant and pre
dicted an easy victory over the " hayseeds,"
as they called the visitors. The country
boys rallied, however, their pitcher pitched
and the visitors won by A score of 10 to 14.
Manager Kelly was pleasant, some of his
men were pretty frigid. The Clackamas
boys want their city friends to come and
play them again and promise every atten
tion. There ii great interest In the apprachlng
Fourth of July celebration Reports Indi
cate a good crowd from Kaglw Crwk, Da
mascus, l) wham, Pleasant Valley, Milwau
kee and Park Place. The spuria promise to
I excellent and a good tint la antlciivatcd.
There ia to be a ball at night. The grounds
are at th junction of th Oregon City and
Clackamas roads, with good water and
plenty of shade.
Them ere four alliance members Initiated
Saturday evening at Clackamas and live at
Iaina.vus. Tkkn .
Rail Case uf n.iMii!"r -Utneral News of HikxI
Hivp View, June 3it'--ll. 11, Kymaii
came near losing his lit last Wednesday
from squirrel poison. He had a few snmll
scratches on th hark of hbi hand and
cpened a can ot the wheat for th purpose
of poisoning som squirrels, when th
strychnine dust oil th wheat got In the
cratches and soon lie was in awry bad con
dition and but for the timely arrival ot a
physician his recovery w as doubtful.
John Boston is still very low. He. suf
fered a sttok of ralysis and (bough lie Is
now able to talk he is not likely to he ahl
to walk again. Mrs. I Brow u It also quit
(rant I.yncolntaylorand wile have moved
with his futher and his unci to hit new
lions. '
Sherwood it to celebrate th coming
Fourth in good style and all are Invited.
L. R, Hiv! has a new picket fence
around his yanl.
J. Vaughan I just putting the finishing
touches on his new house ami will soon he
ready to nioe In.
The Wilsonville and Aurora baa ball
nines plav just for fun today and will plsy
for something hotter soon. 1). B.
Mllwanke Items.
Milwackik, June 2S. flary A Wissinger
are stocking up with fir works this week.
anticititig a glorious Fourth,
The tiermau Methodist camp meeting
closed Sunday evening with a farewell serv
ice after two weeks ol succevsful work. Four
converts w ereobttineil. A very large crowd
was in attendance every day and evening
during the time.
The motor !ine is very close.' They are
now grading ad erecting jmles through J.
H. Ijimbert's place.
Miss Anna Young has returned home
after teaching a term of school atClarkes,
The Young People's Christian Kndeavor
Society met Monday evening. A large num
ber of our young tolka were present and
took part in reading from the bible and sing
ing. All that can are requested to be in at
tendance next Wednesday evening. The
meeting to be held in the Episcopal church.
Business of importance will be transacted,
M. M. HliH-h, of Portland, was in town
last week.
The Oregon City board of trade at a
special meeting June Zt, adopted the
following resolutions of respect to Julius
Logua :
Whereas, The reaper Death ha again en
tered onr midst and removed from our
membership Julius Logus, therefore
Resolved, That by this sudden visitation
this board and the business community
lose a trusted, honored and useful member
who ever labored zealously to promote the
interests ot both. He was thoroughly iden
tified with us in spirit, and could always be
relied upon to aid with a liberal hand any
worthy object. Cool, careful, conservative
yet cautious, his business judgment was
safe, his influence potent, and his efforts
well directed. He therefore tilled an im
portant place in the composition of this
community, and his decease in the prime
of life and in the midst af his uselulness
leaves a vacant spot which will not soon Is?
Resulved, That we hereby tender the Im
mediate lamily and relaihea our heartfelt
. Resolved, That these resolutions he spread
upon the records of this board, and a copy
engrossed and duly signed hy our president
and secretary and sent to the family uf de
ceased. There are 04, SOU sheep in Gilliam
county, all free from scab. Two smalt
bands had been slightly atlecte 1 by scab,
which, by the way, was imported into
the county, but they have been thor
oughly dipped and ar3 now cured,
A movement is on foot looking to the
establishment of a college at Junction
City, which will be under the manage
ment of the synod of the Cumberland
I'rcHhyterian church. Iiev. Mr. iliair,
of KiiL'one, expressed himself greatly :
pleased with the location and Krnunils j
which have oeen tendered lor the es
tablishment ol a college, i tin site, re
ferred to is on the east, hide, on ground
formerly belonging to the Muck e-itate.
Articles of incorporation have been
Hied at The Dalles by tba Columbia
River Glass Works; location of works
at Grand Dulles, Wash., and the prin
cipal office at The Dalles, Or Capital
stock, $250,000, divided into 2500 shures.
The incorporators are F. I". Vandeiiburg,
Charles W. Harter, G. K. Burtiside and
O. D. Taylor. From ap trances The
Dalles Times-Mountaineer judges this to
be a scheme to boom and induce the
sale of some more lots among ihr sand
dunes and rock piles of Rockland,
Wash., alia.1 North Dalles, alias Grand
Dalles .
Used ia Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard,
U & liO
Receiving New Spring and Summer Goods
To talk about politics or anything t'lso, Hut if you wish to talk ahout (1001)
(J001f ami I,0V .'KICKS, wo art at vour scrvico.
We will quote a few hart! hitters:
5 gallons best Pearl Oil, - S0.85
3 pounds Arbuckle'g Coffee, S.65
22 pounds Nice C Sugar, - - $1.00
lUiiUlers' llanhvare ami NaiU at Portland prices, ami all other goods in jroMrtioi).
Our stock of Hoots and Shoos will suit the most fastidious. There is no better lino of Hats
and Caps in Clackamas Count v. Wo are receiving a complete lino of 1KY (JOOOS and
MILMNKKY direct fi om the Kast. which we will sell at Prices that will surprise you.
Ciivo us a call and bo convinced.
Carlton & Rosenkrans' New Cash Store,
Louder in Low Prtcff for ClaokutniiH County.
' "
Crescent Wudgos (warranted.) H A S l'roof Chains. Aroado Files, llojie. C'roHcont Mcvl
Loggers ami WoihI Choppers Specialties.
Oregon City Agent, WIIO.NACOOK
The Klslmaj at the Fall.
The following corrtaiondonre in rela
tion to the matter ol overcoming the fall
of the Willamette to that food rtslms ran
ascend the river will prove Intenwting
reading to all who 'eel any concern
about having mod fishes In the upper
AsToaiA, Or., Juna U, lr..-Dsta 8ia: I
am greatly interested in the matterof a Hall
way at the falls ol the Willamette, and at i
the last session af the legislature I drafted a
hill for an appropriation of t-'"n for the
purHise, ami Mr. Minto, of your city, In
triHiticed it in the house, where it passed
with some amend ineuln. but It failed to pa
the senate for some reason. amiUil con
tiilent that a gisul and substantial tishway
can be co'istrni teil at the falls for the ahove
amount, and if you think the eople of the
Willamette valley will urge their senators
and representativas to work for the passage
of such a bill I will, when thu water Is low
during the summer, make a careful ciauiin
ation of the fails, and furnish the legisla
ture with in v hi n s of ii li-dmay, which I
am confident will Is- permanent and will let
all the fish up that Idi in go.
Ill regard to the information you wish for
to send to Mr. McDonald I will give you us
near as I have been able Pj usccriain at
present and will add more if ' nece-sajy.
Vours truly, I'. ('. Rrv.ii.
Astokh, Or., June II, s:rj. !ek Hik:
In reply to your request I forward lo vou
the following in regard to the Willamette
Varieties of fish now found there are:
bullhead, carp (ierman ; carp- scale; chub,
crawfish, lnuiwr eel, minnow, salmon -Chinook,
occasionally found above the falls;
steelheads. same as chlnook ; scullpln fresh
water; sucker ; trout bhtck-spotted, Dolly
varden, brook, mountain. Of the ahove,
carp, suckers, chubs and minnows, are found
to lie tlio most nhimihm!. Highest temper
ature in summer Is .'.'i to it) deg. Water
plants not very iihumhtiit except in lagoon
anil sloughs, lloltont, sand and gravel.
K. C. Rkmi.
Letter I.Ui.
The following is the list of letters remain,
ing in the post olllce at Oregon City. Oregon,
July 1. Isle.';
Auibroze, MrHanto Haines, Miss Kva M
Auston, Jennie I'enrson, James
Ilrowu, A. I. Richard, Joseph
IJrompkiti.Mrs Tina
If culled for, please sny when 'advertised,
E. M. RANDH, I'. M.
Sickness comes uninvited, and strong
men and women are forced to employ
means to restore their health and
strength. The most successful of all
known remedies for weakness, the origin
of all diseases, is Dr ,1. If. McLean's
Hlrengtlienitig Cordial and iilood Puri
fier. Baking
o uuceme 11 1.
IM Front Stnwtf HARDWARE .rrtUml. Uncoil,
North (era Aftftiu for
-PUnnnnt. Une tweldaat TuttMn.ih .- - Itoiier Uiiea -OUm Snwl. Saw.
MAir-jituAfVN hi'!;' V'-.I " Vv'V-,vi
In the latest styles and designs, some hcautiftil patterns ata
price nevei before ofl'eivd in Oregon City.
Kxtra largo lino of Men's and Hoys', clothing, of the host
. grade of goods in tho market.
In any size, shape and stylo from one dollar up to tho host
Embracing a well selected lino of Ties, Negligee shirts
Hosiery and Underwear.
Lead in quality of goods handled.
Special Bills
Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Strent,
Cnnby, Or,
Cut to Order.