Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1892)
Oregon City nritcrprisc'l JULIUS LOGUS DEAD. KinPAY.JUNKM. IMU'J. VTli fuy to build up Orei-on Vttj I to iclte Oregon ( ity phi jronr patron. Receipt, note and order books at th KnTKHI-KI Ulllll. tlx When you .want Ice cream by quart, pint or dl.h no to ftaWr'i, Wlnduw km) duor wtwik for sal by J. June A Hon, rer of J'omTi hardware Ur, it Full stock of lubricating olli, bl ami tb oliapt at Seventh (root d'tig tor. Tnwpl notices on cloth, large site, nventy'ttv cent per dowin by r il at Urn Etsi ofllc. Oim tli Bvnth atrtmt bakery a trial. Put bread, rks and pie delivered trm to any wrt of Ilia city. Portland price guaranteed at the new DitUUiory atom of Miu Ulllan Wilkin on No. 1 Commercial bank bloc k. Full Una of trimmed and untrlimued bat, all lata styles at Mlw Lillian Wil kinson's o. 1 Commercial Hank Nock. . Tlie nit meeting of tlie county taach err' awooittlnn vlll be bald at tha Un ion aolitKil liouae, Psinesctis, Saturday of ntlt week. You ran gut Jury fashion sheet at lluotiay'a book Slor for the Mkina. It ooutalna all of IHitterlrk's new atylne for that month. 0. E, Margrave, builder, near tha loot of Fall View italra, will aav you money on building a home ami guar antee satisfaction. t Pon't pay labulooa prints for millinery food when you ran gt all the laUt style, lilmmlnge and ahapra at Uia ' I'ark riace Store at S' tha ueual prlre. The attention of live pollc la Invited to tiia fact that the lotmircira who fre quent th east end of the auapenaloii briilg constitute an able bodied nai aanc Uiat eliould be abated . Tba etale timelier' aaaodatlon will bold a session In I'ortland June 28 to July 1, Inclusive. HtiporlnUinrient Thomson haa atldreased a circular letter to Ilia U-acher of llil county urging tbotn to attend the elate mtwting. We have 70 bmtteada that we will oil at f I to l.Sn;40 woven wire mat treaeee fur tlM; &0 wool ruattrasae for II.' Qther goods tuq numerous to men tion hi abundant qnanlile at equally , m prlrva. Mellow A Uuach, oppuoite To nieal the demand of the trade C. A . aab baa put in the flneat rk i.f mualcal gnoda ever brought to Oregon City, violins, guitar, accordions, harmonica etc.," all of the very txvt make and wbirb will be aold at I'ortland price. Full atuck of atrlnga. Order by mall promptly filled, Remember the plum, at Nash's jewelry atom, oppoaite Cbarman Brna .Work. C. i. and W.'A. Hnnlley returned Monday fiotn their wheeling tour up the valley. They went from here to Salem and then tip to Independence. They cam bark via Monmouth and McMinn villa spending Sunday in the Utter town. Tliey crossed back to tlie eaat aid of the river at Hay 'a lauding and came down tnrongh Aurora. The roada were fine and they had an enjoyable trip. The council had a abort meeting last Monday night at which It ordered pub lished an ortlinance forbidding the gathering of garbage between thehoura of 7 a. m. and 9 p. in., and another one levying a city tax of five mills on each dollar of valuation. The committee on health and police waa Instructed to have aurvey made with a view to the estab lishing of a sewerege system on the bill. The Willamette I'ulp A Taper com pany ia bringing timber from the lower Columbia to convert into pulp. Heveral rafta of log have been brought no lately. Hitherto the co'tonwood up the Wil lamette and ita branchea haa been the chief aource of aupply for paper. Home white fir and a lot of hemlock from the lower Columbia thia week ie to be need in an experimental way. If the hem lock will make good pulp, and there appears no good reason why it should not, moat of the Umlwr for that purpose ia likely to be brought from there. Tin Motob IMS l.irK KfllrKI) II V APOPLEXY LAM MOMIAV. A Prominent and Beapected ( Itlwn of t lackamaa A Biographi cal hkrtcli. Lini. The Kant Bide motor line ia coming right along toward Oregon City. It li in operation to Sell wood and the track will be completed to Milwaukee in a few daya. The Glad stone Mill company haa gotton out 2500 tioa and delivered them along the route of the road north of the Clackamas. The only reason why the bridge over the Clackamas is not now under construction is that the company ia waiting for the Oregon City council to pas the right of way ordinance for thia cityat least ttiat is the reason given by the company. Bo many changes haye been made In the ordinance since Ita introduction that tii company says it is not willing to proceed with the line to this city nnttl It finds out exactly what sort of a franchise it can get here. This matter will be decided at the regular meeting July 8, If the ordinance be not further aroendod, and tben the company will push on to this city and have Its line in operation thia aeason. The city waa allocked by news of the sudden death of Julius Logue last Mon day afternoon. The newa aproed rNpldly and bualneea waa temporarily suspended. Ilia waa the miwt familiar figure on the elreet and he always pre sented a picture of rugged health. It was hard to malice that he had died in a moment without any warning. Mr. Logua bad been down tewn ai ueual In the morning. He ate hearty dlnnsrand then took a horse and rode down to tlie (arid juat noith of the city. He returned about 3 O'clock and for a lit tle while aat on the porch reading a newa per. He tben went to the hammock under the trees at the north side of the house and lay tbnre for aome time when workmen engaged In putting down a cemtuit walk noticed that he waa breath ing heavily and went to him. Ilia bat had fallen down over bla face and when' It waa raiiMxl be opened bla eye but did. not move. The alarm waa given at once and one of tlie men liaatened for a physician It waa about three minutes from the time the alarm waa given that Ir Carll arrived but Mr. Logus waa then dead. The cause of bis death waa pronounced to be apoplexy. The end came silently and swiftly and he lay dead ip the hammock. The Mlssua Logus, who had gone to Mrs. Bestow 's a short time before were notified of .the occurence. Message were aent to relattvea In I'ortland. Undertaker llolman A Warner dressed the remains and the Knights of I'ythias provided a watch. I'ortland relatives arrived Tuesday morning and the funeral arrangement were made. The obsequies were set for Thuraday morning at 8 :30 and were under the auspice of the Knights of I'ythias, of whlih order the deceased waa an active member, .Mr. Logua waa a member of the F.piacupal church but in the absence of a clergvman of that faith ReV. 0. W, l.ura of tlie Congregational church oniciated. Achillea lodxe No. 3H, Knight of Pythias, attended in a body aa did also tlie board of trade. Alter a short service at the house the remains were conveyed to the steamer Alton and taken to Lone Fir cemetery for burial. The pall bearer were Ueo. A. Hard ing. Chris. Ilolrg, K. Mathlaa, J. E Htioadea, tieo.iC. Brownell ami Gordon "K. ilayes Jltuuness bouses t w.-re closed (luring the hour of the funeral. Julius Logua waa born In Kanwinkle, Prussia, October 20, 1M.I8. He came to America In 1M and on the 2Nth of Nov ember of that year be lamled in Orjgon City and otitained employment with the Arm of Albright A Iiri the members of which were an elder brother of de ceased and the father of C. O. Albright, the present junior memlier of the firm. In ltttil) Julius Logua purchased bis brother's interest In the meat market and ten yeaia later Charles O. Albright succeeded his father, and the linn name continued "Logua A Albright" to the present. Mr. Logus was one of the in corporators of the bank of Oregon City. By his unwearying industry and fru Ulity be accumulated a great deal of property in Clackamas, I.lnn and Multnomah counties. He owned a well stocked ranch of 080 acres near Leb anon and hold considerable valuable proerty in East Portland. The estate la estimated to be worth between 50,000 and IT.yOOO above all indebtedness. Deceased bad served aa cltv councilman several timea but bad never held any other political office though he always took a lively Interest lu politics. In 1870 Mr. Lyus married Miss An ton ia Bhweiker who preceded him to the grave a little more than two years, name ly, April 6, 1800. Three children are left, Misses Augusta and Sophia, and William, a lad about twelve years of age. line brother, Charles, ar.d two sis ters, Mrs. A, Burghardt and Mrs. J., Wentse live in Kast Portland and an other brother, Frank, and sister, Mrs. William Shiley, are in Germany. Mr. liOitns was one of the moat pop ular men in Clackamas county and lie was universally iietil In liigu esteem. Tliouuh born German he was proud of American citisenstitp ang waa aa HllOT WITH A LOAtlKO CTHli. When Henry Hlinmeler was shot by Martin Boylea at Park Place May 1 It was supposed that the charge In the gun was buck shot and bird abut. Heveral fine hot struck Hlinmeler in (he head, one of them destroying hi right eye. A larger missile, aupioeod to be a buckshot, en tered hla body about four inches below his right nipple. Hie Doctors could not find where It bed entered the abdominal cavity and It waa supposed the ball bad dropied out. On the opposite aide, bow ever, a little below and a little back of the loft nipple there waa a bunch which bore the Indication! of a fractured rib and it waa so treated.' Iliuimeler im proved and was able to move about, even coming up to town. But the difficulty in bla leftside continued to trouble him and had to be drained daily. Last Mon day he drained the wound an J probed It with bis jack knife when be discov ered a piece of bias. Dr. Carll was passing the house that day and 4i was called In to look into the matter when be found a loaded cartridge lying juat under tlie skin.. It was a 44-00 rifle cart ridge loaded. The patient was brought to town and the cartridge removed and be is getting along finely now. The loaded cartridge must hay been put in the shot nun on ton of the ordi' nary charge and it waa not exploded by the discharge. It passed entirely through Hiinmeler'i body pieicing the dla pnragm, wnicu is considered to M I fatal wound, and juat missing the stom ach, lower end of tlie omiphagua, hetrt and aorta. If it bad hit any one of these it would have been almost a Ulnlv fatal. JIckhaii roams FouaTU, The Fourth of July committee last Wednesday lected the sits for the bsse ball game on the west side of the river. A part of the program will have to be carried out on the east side on account of the better ground for the races. The ssw log race haa been changed to a hx rolling con test in the river. The arrangement sre being perfected for a big celebration and an immense crowd will be in attend' ance. There will be accommodations for nearly 20,000 people. There will be no celebration like it in the state. O'Connkix A Gum's 8als. Tb second semi-annual aale of O'Connell A Glass I now In progress, Tbeir apc- laities are 115 suit and 60 cent hat. The firm has a large stock wi.k h it is endeavoring to reduce before the dull summer season and it is putting every thing down to the lowest limit. This Is tlie greatest suit and list sale ever made in Orrgen City. You can get real bar gains if you want anything in that line. - " -.",.- . ... Sotlce te-Brldfe Builder. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the otlk-e of the county clerk of Clacksmae county up to Thursday July 7 at 1 o'clock p. m. for the construction of a bridue across IVep creek on the Bradley and Kichy road. Plans and specifications to be fur nished bv bidder. All bids must be sccompsnied by a deposit of five er cent of their amount. The county re serves the right to reject any or all bids. 11. II. Johnson, County clerk..' his active a patriot as any native Yankee. Ilia homespun geniality, his ruinred honesty and hla liberality gave him much influence among the people. He was a man of strong convictions but waa always disposed to be fair and rea sonable. He waa progressive in busi ness and active in supporting any meas ure he endorsed. Ilia death is a dis tinct loss to the community. BSOM'TIONS. The following resolutions of respect to the memory of Julius Loirns, weie passed by Achilles Lodge No. 38 K. of P. : Whshkas, The Supreme Kuler, hi his in finite wisdom, has removed from our order a well beloved member in the norson ol Julius liOgua, therefore, b it Resolved. That in the death or Brother Julius Iogus we have lost a well tried, brave and worthy knight, who, by hti con nUtfliit lire and knightly conduct, has won a Warm place in our lodge and hearts. Kesolved. That this lodge hereby extends to the family of our late lamented brother itssympathy in the bourot their never and sudden affliction, Ketolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be spread niton the records of this lodge, that a oopy lie sent to the family of the late deceased, and that the charter ami door of the lodg be dred in mourning for thirty days. . Isaac Ackshmam, Chancellor Commander J. E. Rhoadct, K. of K. and 8, - . v Nt rayed.' From our pasture on or about May 1st a buckskin colored mare, black mane and tail, heavy with foal ; also one year ling colt, color black with white stripe in face. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of same to os. Loots A Alskioht. June 22nd, 1802 if A Home for Hale. House and one lot on Fourteeth be tween Main and Washington streets, will be sold at a bargain for t-ash. Apply to John Pierce on premises. Farm Land Wanted.' Will trade Oregon City and Portland property with some cash for farm land in Clackamas ceunty. Address Wil lard Tucker, care Entkkprisi. tf li you are all run down nave no strength, no energy, and feel verv tired an me tune take l)r. J. li. McLean's Sarsaparilla. It will impart strength anu vitality to your system. For your Ice cream soils go to Coster's. . Fourteen thousand pounds of straw berries were shipped from Walla Walla Monday through the express companies, Wool is crowding Into The Dalles warehouses in large quantities, and sev eral wagons were unloaded Monday from Grant county. Sales are slow, and prices are very low. Some 70,000 sheep bave been brought In Morrow county this year by driver from Colorado and California. Sam Palmer alone has bought 40,000. The price ranged from $2.25 for yearlings to $3, for 3-year-olds. Several Oregon companies have staked out claims on Klamath river, all the way from the mouth of Humbug to Cottonwood, and are busily engaged in building head and wingdams. The pros pects are certainly very favorable for ex cellent reward for the labor and capital expended. Literary ml lislral. , For the Literary and Musical Enter tainment given under the auspices ot Branch No. (H7, Catholic Knight of America, at Pope's ball next Monday evening, the following Is the fMOOSAM. 1. Willamette Hilrer Hand, t. Chorus "Slugs Msrry 8oiif"-J. H. Blunts. i. t'lsno duet MImss Lou and Mai tie Draper. 4. Vocal solo The old Musician and the Harp" Miss Louis pstpiet. 5. Itecltatlon "Tlmmy Butler and the Owl '-Mr. P.J.Craitln. 8. Vocal sole" A Uaf from the Bpry" -Miss Mattie Irar. T. HeclUtlon-Mr. Edw. J. McKIUrlck. I Piano and violin-" Th Merry Wive , of W(udsor"-(Kiiwlal)-Mias Lou ' Drsr and Dr. Bnill Hcbubert. . Vocal solo-"Oood Night Thou my Chtld"-rr. Abt. 10. Zltber sole MIm Minnie Kuerten. 11. Zither solo- LarRlintto II Trovatore ' VrdlMr. Adolph Frederick. 11. " Discovery of Amsrlca. as related by an Italian.'"-Mr. 0. E. Pusey. 1$. Vocal solo "Am Mser" (Oerman Fr. HchubrtDr. Kn.ll Schubert. 11. Itecltatlon Maud Muller" (Whtt- tlerf-Mrs. P. J. Crain. li. Chorus-" ftllll I.Iks s 8an"-Oel. . Svhla'ger) Introduction by th Pre- Ident. lecture Subject, "Human Society as Viewed by History and Keaaou" Most Kev. W. H. Uro. D. D. Chorus 'Wanderer's .MglitjSong" murnan.) IA' WliUmelle Sllrer Btnit. ' .' Nearly all wooien bave good hair, though many are gray, and few are bald. Hall' Hair Reoewer restore the natural color, and thickens the growth of the hair. IS. tt NEW TODAY. DO You have household ' receipts aa well ' as preHcriptions to fill? t Charmandt Co. guar antee accuracy "" at ; their prescr i p t i o n counter.' YOU Can find at Char man & Co.'s the best Belection of Perfura- ery and toilet articles in Oregon City; . . . SAVE ' . Making further inquiries .. ,.' "r.f'n8 harms n A C: . CTo" where you will find all the leading makes of ' i i patent medicines. . MONEY Can be saved bv buying your paima, on 8, glass, etc., of Charman & Co. Special rates on large orders. FOR- N0T1CB. In oompltanoewlth aa election held lit Clack amas oouuty, Oreinn, on June . 1HW, at which a majority of the votes east were strains! per mitting tie running at large ot swine lu said county, notice li hereby given that at the explr etioa ol sixty (60) dayslram tb date of this notice it will be unlawful lor awluetorua at large ta any part of said county. n. n. duHsstiH, iTOumr viera. Dated this 28d day ol June, MM. II ILL ID rbe beat 6c A 10c cigar, The Best Soda Water, The Best French Mixed candy, . The Best Plain Mixed candy, The Best Stationery, Etc, FOR THE LEAST MOJiEY. AT THE POSTOFFICE. FREE SODA WATER With every 25 cent purchase. BRANCH OFFICE, TROY STEAM LAUNDRY. NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS. 8wled bids will be received until July 7, IsM, st I o'clock p. m for the Improvement of the Oregon City aud Cutting ! mill road, as fol lows: 1st. For improvement of whole length of rosd profiled. 2d. For lencth of road 10 be mmnleted nr conimcratiou ol SJUMU, beginning at initial point and worktufHwav from Ore iron Citv. lid. For length of road to bs oumpleted fcr consideration of 111X10, beglnuing st terminal pniiu ana waning towsrai oreion City. Profile and soecldoalioni on die In clerk's of flee. Ouarautee denoilt & hat cent, of hlil re quired The county reserves the right to re ject any ana au oius. n. n. JOHNsoN.clerK. jg H, RANDS, NOTARY PUBLIC, REAL ESTATE INSURANCE. Office In the Post Office Building, Oregon City, Oregon, Q. W. CUSlCK, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. (Late of Portland.) Office with Dr. M. Gieay, Aurora. Oregon. "y 8. HURST, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENT. NOTARY PUBLIC A COLLECTOR. auroraTorkoon. Monet Loaned on Approved Beeurity. GO TO THE Postoffiee Stope, AT- OREGOIV OIT OR Best assortment, lowest prices, and all new, fresh goods. GOTO Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine work and Casting. ', . ., "" ALL REPAIRS ; 7 To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har vesters, Mowers, Etc.; promptly attended to. OUR PRICES ...'. . - . -. ..... i r Are equal to the lowest to be had. in Portland. -' 1 Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City, ' J. ROABPropC yoir CAN FOOL SOME PEOPLE With inferior goods, BUT Wo don't wish to fool any one.- WE tell first class goods at .lower prices than any in ' t Oregon City, therefore, HAVE THE GRD? rBC-i,. ... ".-- ':..'. f . v , k . -. , ON THE TRADE As people who buy of us once buy twice, and are convinced that we are reliable and do not put off 6hoddy. wear for new. Holman & Warner, UNDERTAKING & EMBALMING. MRS G W. RICH. Headquarter for DECORATIVE NEEDLE V0RK STJIFIPILilES. SEW DESIGNS IK STAMPING PATTEBKS. Mail Orders Given Prompt and Careful Attention. . InstrnctloBS Glrea La EBiroiaerr. Commercial Bank Block, Oregon City. MARK & ROBERTSON, DEALERS IN Domestic Ana Iffljortei Groceries, FINE TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES, 1 ' California Fruits and Vegetables. 7th and Madison Streets, Shively's Building, Oregon City. o. r. W1NK8KT. a. r. scbiptcki. WINESET & SCRIPTURE, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS. Largest stock of Coffins end Caskets kept Sooth ol Portland. Also cloth C0Tr4 and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies Burial Robes and Gents' Burial Robes in stock. Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen eral Blacksmithing on short notice.