Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 24, 1892, Image 2

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Church Cmmt(tlng nl Milwuke
Yoatif ProplcN SKlotj OrgitiiiirU
A Merry l'lriilo.
MiLWAimt. Jun . The Kvtnuelii'tl
church u holding it rtmp niraling this
in Sohumtn't grow. Th I'nlon Sun
tlty school will luret th r ntxt Sunday tl
i p. ni. Knullsh fervira will follow.
Miss Kit (iriwr, of Portland, is visiting
thie Misx-s Bonnttt, as is also Mrs. Wnkea
ltv of Ontrtli.
An Mtrey horse as told to the highest
bidder in front of 'Squire I-akins's oflic
Monday p. ni. He had bven ket sereral
week and was told rVr hi board, no one
claiming him. He broujrhl $1S.
The wile of Rev. Mr. Weber is lying Yry
low with typhoid fcrer.
The Young Peoile'a Society of Christian
Endeave net Holiday CTening in the Kui
copal duirch. The first part of the evening
era spent in quoting promises from the bi-
tie and tinging. Rev. A. B. Snyder, Will
Roake, Q. H. Bestow, Miss Wilkinson and
O. B. A. Freytag were down from Oregon
City and aided ue in organising for which
era are ewry grateful. The society adjourned
to aeeet ftaaday. ion 27, at 4 ' clock p. m.
A enenier crowd than the one that left oar
village last FMay morning for a day at the
hatchery fa seldom teen. It consisted ot
the following peewit: Mrs. R. Scott. Misset
Ann and Km Scott, Dora and Hattie
Uonnett, Ami Wilson, Margaret Wilson,
Olive Levelling, Elgin Multan, Lulu True
bhwd, Eva 800U. Mis Crater of Portland,
Veaara. Robert and James Wilson, J. C.
llungerford, V. P. Conklin ot Portland, B.
C-ampbeU. 0ar Wissinger and Samuel
U'ttaon. The 6 ret part of the day was spent
in playing ganuw, followed by a bountiful
Auuck prepared bv Uie young ledite, to
which all did amJe justice. Mist Elgira
Vullan had her camera with her and pho
tographed the crowd. The hatchery was
itited, the beautiful stream admired, and
then all turned to finish the lunch when lo!
it was all gone. Who took it t
The Carat Neighborhood.
Casus, Jane 20. Wiley May will toon
iiave his. house completed, and it will be a
cosy home.
Mr. A. O. Hayward it convalescent and
wat able to take a buggy ride to-day to the
post office.,
Mia Jeunie Rowen, who is successfully
teaching in the Baker school district, is on
the tick list tUu week, Dr. Paine of Oregon
City in attendance.
Uortoo K. Graham, Caras's young pho
itographer, is getting to be quite an adept in
(taking photos. We taw several specimens
ot hit handiwork which were hard to beat.
" At the saw null has not been running fur
several day H appears at if the village wat
Joseph Eaton was up from Oregon City
-visiting friend.
Harrison and Beid are all the go. If jom
-want to see a Harrison hat call at the post
The See. J. M. Batchelder, of Osbom,
Kansas, delegate to the Presbyterian gene
ral assembly which lately met in Portland,
preached in the Graham M. E. church Sab
bath evening a week. He was an old friend
of R. M. Cooper aud family with whom he
visited while here.
Some few farmers have commenced mak
ing hay, taking advantage of the good
A. 0. Hayward has lately been papering
and painting his house which makes quite
an improvement snd gives it a snug and
homelike look.
Mi.is Uattie Hunter, accompanied In
some friends, made a flying visit home to
jee her paienta one day last week.
Notes from Central Point.
Centum. Poist, June 1!). E. Cahill pot
to runnii.g his saw mill in earnest last weok.
New Kra ha organized a base ball nine
again this year and will play at Canby next
Saturday afternoon.
E. M. Waldron is going up to Brownsville
this week to work on a farm during the sum
mer. J. M. Fin ley has purchased a reaper
and mower combined and Is going to do his
own harvesting when he wants it done.
Everybody around here voted te shut up
the hogs and ail are glad to know that the
biggest nuisance we ever had will soon be
Millard Hyatt's term of school at this
I!a. e will tie out in alvmt two weeks. He
is tciC.'iing a very sati.-1'.ictory term.
Hay harvest is the first tiling on the pro
gram here while the good weather lats.
H. Wuldron is having lumber sawed for a
The Waldruii telegraph line is prores-ing
slowly on account nf the non-arrival al the
instrument sent, for.
There are indications of a large crop of
grapes this season.
The W. .0, T. TJ. will give a strawberry
social at their hall in New Era next Thurs
day evening, June 28. Uno.
Sandy Will Celebrate.
Baubt, June 20. In justice to that por
tion of the community who have Instituted
another picnic for the Fourth at Cedar
creek bridge, and only one-third of a mile
from Mining's park, it should be said that
.neither envy nor partisanship cut any figure
in the movement. The story that it was
gotlen up by alliance influence is not true.
It is simply a matter of taste. An oration
and dancing floor will be enjoyed at either
Mr. Meinig has added a kitchen to his
large building. ' VfoovtM,
Cherryvllle Items.
C'iikkhvviu.e. June 18. There wat a day
o rejoicing oil Wednesday, June 15, at the
jKjst otlice in the family of Mr. Hammer.
It is a girl.
There was difficulty and delay in opening
the Ikirlow road this summer. It is refresh
ing to see the travel as' brisk as ever.
Frank McGugan and his companion to
day caught a gross or more of mountain
trout in Boulder creek. Lakb.
An Intrrmtlng Hatch of Occurrences of a U
H. Vikw, June IT.- Mr. More has jut
fiiiihd hit new barn.
Grandma Parrot! is living wild her broth
er, Kob. Hristow, since the death of her
Mrs, lVny Bell of New berg is visiting her
daughter, Mrs, U B. Brown.
Children's day al tne Congregational
Church was celebrated tn grand style. A
large audience wat entertained for a few
hours by speaking and singing.
The now circuit rider of the United Breth
ren denomination delivered his tlrst sermon
at the Pleasant Hill school house Sunday to
a very small number owing to Ita bring
chidren't day and the apointmeiitt at the
same hour.
Mrs. Unit Jolly of Portland was visiting
her sister, Mrs. C. Toote, this week.
Mist Alle Downing, of the ' White Gate,"
and Mr. Hand, ol the Pleasant Hill schools,
with all their pupils, went fishing Sunday
and had a fine time.
Wm. Young it preparing lo erect a
new bop house of the eight cornered style.
He thinks it will bean improvement over
the old square hop houses to much in us.
Frank Seely it about to finish breaking a
JS-cre Held which he haa done with three
horses, It being well grubbed.
The steamer Mantanillo it quit an ac
commodation to this part ol the country.
W hoeih will continue to make her
daily trips.
Mrs. Nelson McConnell and on of her
younger boys are eery daiigeraualy ill.
Johnny Button it having well dug.
' John Boston received two eery hard par
alytic stroke th first or this week and hat
been quite sick ever since.
Jane 19. Mis Flora Bell ofKewberia
visiting her aunt, Mrs Boyoe.
Mrs. Eranki Brown it again very tick
and is in the doctor's care at Kewberg. She
is saluted with nropsy and heart disease.
Grant Lyooutaylor it married and Intends
bringing his bride and living with his father
in our midst. ' '
Our school teacher's nam it Barney in
stead of Barlow at wat in your but issue.
Mr. and Mrs. (.'has. Baker have gone to
camp al the ew a,ra camp meeting, also
quite a uuniber of our spiritualists have
S. Hilman is building a hop house.
The Ladies' Missionary society met al
Mrs. More s this week for the purpose of
helping the old gentleman Loney.
Capt. Waud, of the steamer Manaanillo,
has been ashore several timet to locate a
picnic ground for the purpose of running
excursions to this place this summer.
The latest arrival it a son at John But
ton s. d. a.
la the Btaftnd Cewitry.
STtreoan, Jan 30. There ha been
good deal of rain, making it bad for clover
hay which la now ready to be eat, hut grain,
gardens, etc, are doing finely under the
cloudy skies.
The Larson boys are clearing and grubbing
large field for th braakuif plow. Tbay
are rustlers and no mistakt.
Henry Melcher haa hit large new barn op
and carpenter dismissed. He is also tailaV
ing a bouse.
The young people met at Mr. Barnes's
new house and enjoyed a pleasant evening,
waking the echoes, and the neighbors, with
their happy voices as they returned to their
respective homes.
The German church celebrated children's
day with appropriate songs and speeches,
and a plentiful distribution of candies, cakea,
A number from here attended the Spirit
ualist canipmeeting at New Era on Sunday.
Mr. Gage has the foundation of his barn
J. Q.Gage thinks be will complete his
twe years i-ourte at the Portland business
college in about two months.
Mrs. Nelson, an experienced dress-maker,
has located in Staltord in the vicinity of the
liaby saw mill.
The little (Quaker school ma'am has three
more weeks of school. She is a very pleas
ant young lady and will be missed when her
term of school is out. Wti.'tta.
Bedland Notes,
Ridlakd, January 20. The new Presby
terian church is nearing completion under
the construction of Wm. Burkey, and M.
Moehnke will soon begin the ersclian of a
new school house. The new school house
and church will be quite an improvement
in our little burg.
J. 8. Williams was so unfortunate last
week as to have a fine large black mare stol
en from his pasture. No trace of the thief
ha- yet been found.
K. Conner is making preparations to
build a line residence.
Mrs. N. Garland, who has been visiting
her mother, Mrs. J. Williams, has returned
to her home in Seattle.
Mi!S Hannah Gaskell, of Portland, is the
gue-tof her sister, Mrs. li. Hart.
Mrs. It. Edwards, of Washington, is visit
ing friends and relatives in this place. '
Mr. Johnson is erecting a building to be
used for a general store and post office.
Ton Thumb.
Newt of Bearer Creek.
Beaver Cheek, June 20. Last Thursday
evening Mr. Curtis, state superintendent of
Congregational Sunday schools, organized
a Sunday school at the Leland school house
which was christened the " Leland Congre
gational." Mrs. E. . Eastman was unan
imously chosen superintendent.
Kev. Mr. Jones has promised to favor us
with a sermon at least once a month during
the summer.
Mrs. Fred Albright is huilding a frame
house and J. M. Robertson a barn.
Haying will soon be the "word and the
crop will be an exceptionally heavy one.
A part of the people here will celebrate
the anniversary of the tuition's birth with a
picnic in a grove near the school bouse.
There will be literary exercises and possibly
a ball game. Native.
From Currinsville.
Ci'HKivaviLLE, June 20, There was a very
enjoyable picnic last Saturday in a grove
near the school house In district No. 12, pre
sided over by Miss Emma Taylor, The
program for the day consisted of. niu-
sic by the Currinsville brass baud, tht
inarching of the children through th grove,
SHkiug and songs by the teacher and pu
pils, all of which was very nice and was en
joyed by old and young. A game of base
hall took up the nlWrnoou, and a dunce
had at Mr. (tiitllcld's in the evening.
Leva. Stipp is teaching a succvhIiI school
at t'uirinsville school hou.
I.loyd litilfhian made his lamily Hying
visit the past week.
The fomlllloa of Pan Crops sail Fruits- Per
ttiaal and other Notes of the Section,
Emm Poms June -Th weather U
nice and cool hut il Is a poor time to make
hay. The clover hay crop around here it
extremely heavy this year aud needs cutting
badly. Fall wheat doe not look very
promising as it la dying out In spots and
will not moke as heavy a crop as usual. Too
niwch wel weather haa been th cause of It.
Apple and liters are nearly a failure this
season. I think it will be th shortest crop
we have had for years. Cherries are getting
ripe but are not very plentiful.
Mrs. Barnes has her new house nearly
completed. She had a house warming Sat
urday night in tli sliap of a dance; had a
nic crowd and good time.
II. A. Krus hat been to Salem th past
week attending the commencement tier
else at th university. He reports th ex
ercise something grand and better than
vtr before.
Twenty-one persons went from her lo
th spiritual camp meeting Sunday on th
steamer Mantanillo. It wateatimated there
re 1000 people present ou th ground at
the meeting.
John M. Turner starts for Pendleton to
day where he intends engaging in business,
Mr. wi.d Mrs. John klruse are camped at
the New Era campground and getting re
vival of spirit.
The tiroes boys are baling straw here for
the Willamette Pulp and Paper Mill com
pany out of old stacks that have stood out
all winter.
Mint Peters it giving hit new barn coat
of paint which improve its rook very
sharp Bros, will soon begiu the work ot
building a two story addition to their bout.
A. Cole I school closes Friday.
Tualatin grange meets next Saturday.
Tualatin secular union meet the 3rd of
July and a good time is expected.
Tht Newt of Park Plae.
Pass Placs, Jun 21. Henry Himmeter,
th young man shot by Michael Boy Wis on
the Clackamas river, had a it loaded rifle
cartridge taken out of bit left aid by Dr.
Carl) J uu ). The cartridge went through
hit arm ami into hit right aid four Inches
below th nipple and waa taken oat about
four Incite back of left nipple. Htiunieler,
however, It blind in on eye, caused by a
fine shot in it.
The brick foundation of th nw tchool
house U laid. The carpenters will toon be
gin work on the new buililing to b com
pleted on September li.
Mitt Jon, of Oswego, it giving Instruc
tions to a class of twenty five pupils in fo
cal music , Qi'l.
ajjaars tTi rii-"1
A Pure Cream
Tartar Powder
LnxfA oi lira
Dr. Price gives larger and fuller cans than tin
of any other Baking Powder manufacturer.
Above cut represents the comparative size of one pound cax
''Dr. Price's," Royal" and "Taylor's One Spoon." Tfisse cans vf
set side by side, then photographed down in exact proportions
admit the plate in this space. Ask your grocer to set a one poi
can of any other brand alongside 1 lb. Dr. Price's Claim Bak
Powder, and observe the difference, a illustrated above.
Adulterated powdcr.3 may usually bo detected by the'r heav
bulk, as shown by the small cans, and these scantily filled, ot
containing a circular to help fill out the cans. It is a singular i
that many of the ammonia and alum baking powders are adverti'
as "Absolutely Pure," All official examinations prove that it vo
be safe to reject all powders labeled absolutely pure.
The economy in using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder d
not consist alone in the fact that much larger and fuller cans t
given, but Dr. Price's is a stronger, purer and more wholesome b
ing powder than any other
farther, hence more economical
What woman would use sin ammonia or alum baking powder
she knew it ? Such powders not only undermine the health, )
ammonia gives to the complexion a sallow and blotched appearand
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is reported by
authorities as free from ammonia, alum, lime, or any otl
adulterant. The purity of this ideal powder has 'never be
Refuse all substitutes. They conceal either ammonia or alui
Receiving New Spring and Summer Goods
To talk about polities or anything pise. Hut if you wish to talk alxmt GOOD
HOODS ami LOW TRICKS,' wo aro at your service.
We will quote a few hard hitter:
5 gallons best Pearl Oil, - $0.85
3 pounds Arbucklo's Coffee, 865
22 pounds Nice 0 Sugar, - - $1.00
Huilders' Hardware and Nails at Portland prices, and all other goods in projiortioii.
Our stock of Boots and Shoes will suit the most fastidious. Thoro is no better line of Hats
and Cap in Clackamas County. We aro receiving a complete lino of DRY GOODS and
MILLINERY dirwt from the East, which we will sell at Trices that will surprise you.
Give us a call and be convinced.
Carlton & Rosenkrans' New Cash Store,
Leaden in Low Price for CWkaruns County.
161 Kront Street. HARD WARlJ j Portland, Oregon,
Northwester Ageata tor
ATiunrs SAWS
Deilsr DUpoad, -Uaee cVcld.nl Tultletooth Pester Une atlrt Itlwls taw
Crescent Wedges (warranted.)
Oregon City Agent,
NawSwrg Graphic: A couple ol
Indian panswd through town last Friday
evening with th body of th young
Indian who wat drowned at ttie lallt at
Oregon CHy th week betor. H wm
a yonng man who horn wai at Grand
Rood and who ha bee attending th
Indian school at Cbemawa.
s.o. Ti' a
M.u fcoNonv j'
k Mil
Coutsins Ammooia. Coatsias Alum sud Amnn
known. Does better work, and gi
in every way.
B A S Proof Chains. Arcade
Loggers and Wood Chopjwrs Specialties.
In tht latest styles and di'sign, soino ln'iuitiful pattern at a
price novel before ollered in Oregon City.
Extra largo line of Men's and Hoys', clothing, of the best
grade of good in tho market.
In any size, shape and style from one dollar up to the best
Embracing a well selected lino of Titm, Negligee ' shirt
Hosiery and Underwear. ,
Chapman $ 5on
Lead in quality of goods handled.
TTT-r-r-Special Bills Cut to Order
- Mill and Yard on'the River, Foot of Main Street,
Cantoy, Or.
,,..,,. - -J,
File. Roj. Crescent atcel