Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 03, 1892, Image 3

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
mnAY. ji'nk a. iHiiu.
gWT Tlia ny to build ii i On-iron
It jr In lo five Oii'koii Cliy ikiii yonr
HUlmi'llll'TION IUTKN,
On your. i no
HI i miiiilhn, 1 Wl
IIiim mmitlit, Ml
HiiIxtIHiiiu payalila m s.lvsm-o
Ailvorilnlnt rates (Ivan on aillntlin.
I'lilon Mill,
Mi-. .low II rim k.
Now Kr.
I'arh I'lai-a,
lurtttw, 1
Mank.litirf ,
r.tilievlllt -Amura,
VI -
. U, W, rmw
llmi KiiIkIiI
W H Itimrau
Gary A Wlulntar
U J ItlllllhuT
K Brsmliall
- t'haa It hi man
W.M Nawtwrrr
- llnlirv Mtlry
lUmltliiii A Waalitium
Writ II. A HhriiiHirit
. . T M t V.m
J U tl.ra.
J. II. Jiiytier
. C. T Howard
H. M i'c.r
, N, M Mty
K, M, llinmil
II Ji'iinlliia
. . . . r ily
DuaiM kly
Tlie iliMniK'nitu ro doing jimt imt tlia
KNTKHfMiaK ultl lliy wotilu do Vwlorti
Ilia rniiulii oiwnmt, Tlit'y n trml
inii with tli x)in'i party. On niilor
ml on tiirntenltirit of trhoult tliry
Imv Wn working thin AoAfv lur mm
tlm ml iwlmbly cm umin of tlMotlirr
At t'nliy Wtiiliifulny nlglil tin" doin
ocrmtie nMaktr p bold etiotiirli to
otilf aww their (rirnilliiiw (or lit
ot,4e'i trly. "Wo have no kick
Hainat Uie -ti ' mrly" mI1 HikV.
"Welwl nil right towtd vetl." An
oiIiit more ctilinu. triktr M that
''Miough are llllla 1iffuriit from
tlia wapl'( party now we ahull ha with
you in tlia prenidentiitl 1etlun."
Itdimhliran muat nut be cii(ht with
chaff. All oilier partta are combining
to fight what thny trm the cuiumun
nrtny and the rjuhlli-ni muat at a ml
flimly Ujpther to niwt theonaet.
The attack In the Couiior aiiptilttmant
thl wwk made upon Mr. Ilorton, re
publican candidal f' county clerk, rel
ative to hi army record, hi buiiety
and hi ability (or the ullicr, 1 con
aplcuoua unly (or it fuNity and It mal
ice. Mr. Iluiton lia lived in Ihl county
oyer aevert )ra, ami during that time
ha Partus I a rwputittlon that any man
may well la proud of. Ilia eaatrrn
record glfea the lie direct to the nialicioil
letter above reforrml to. Ilia neigh
bor know him and iiiiort him br
caiiae they have reaaon lo believe In
The (act that Mr llurlon la nt rich
uian will not toll HgHinat him, aa a man la
not reiiired in America to be rich
In unlet lo bold a public trual.
Toor men haro alao a ilce In thia coun
try. Mr. Ilorton run aalely and feai
liMaly reat bla reputation with thot
who know him, and nobody will lie In
rlurnceil to vole agalnat him by the wil
ful iniarrprewntatioiHi made by a aecret
enemy who baa not the manhood to "inn
hi title name to hi letter and boldly
father the eonteuipliblu attack made
upon one ho I infinitely hi auperior
in ill the qtiatttlea llmt make up a man
and a true citiaen.
Hy pAmlering to Painaon, Whitlin-k, et.
al. in their "curvy campaigning the
Courier la rewarded with the delinquent
tax Hat thia year, aa waatpoetd. for
ehand No. 1.
By defying eve . ,riiiclplo of honor
and decency the Courier hope to defeat
Mr. Maddock and eccurolho election of
one wno will give it tlte putrotiaga of the
aherifTa office a reward (or it u prin
cipled conrne. l'urcliuttfl No. J.
Klnce SaniHon'i trugi(le for a third
term nomination proved nnavailing W
aiiHe the people would not haw It no ho
ha made luitinmctory arrniiKemente for
depiity-Hhlp In cane he ciin anint in
the do(uat of Maddock. !Imif doe the
mighty tSuiiiRon melt in tours.
CI'Ackaama county want iin nppro
prliitlon of ri(HK) from the Htuto for the
Clackamiia river road and $l!itH) for the
8od Hpringa road. Theee aro peculiarly
republican nieaanr( and they will come
up In the next legllAtiire. The tx'ople
should aeiid republican to tho IcgiHln
ture to attend to these matter. Vote
for Iluyes for senator and Goer Jewell
and Lawton for ropreaentntive.
Wilmam Hoott pay moro taxes limn
any other indiviiluul in Cluckamna
county, llo hna an lutnreat in the pros
perity of tho county and in ailminiHtor
lug its inTiilrs ccoiminicnlly. lie la tho
republican cundidate for county (joni
minHioiier and will be elected, fiive
him jk big vote, lie is a tanner and a
coiiiputont biiriltieKs man
Tub (iurinans will not bo fooled by
the democratic party hue and cry that
Maddock Ih thoir enemy. On the front
page of this papor Is abundant testimony
ol tho high regard In which Germans
hold Mm. Maddock has no roiiNon un
der the sun for oppotiing tho Uei iiiaim.
Juixir Mookk Is another man In. op
position to whom an unmanly (klit has
been mado. Bee that hi name is not
scratched on your ticket.
A I Di l i Ml ItilXN.
1 line For Making Afhinrut Kxlciul-
ed The Hewerage Mutter I n
der ('oiialileratloii,
Itandall and White weio Ihe abaentcea
from Wednesday mglit' council nieel
lug. In the matter ol the application of
the Oregon Cily Manufacturing company
to buy the old city pump the recorder
was Instructed to notify the company
that the city did not desire to sell the
pump. The monthly report of the re
corder howed that four ce of disor
derly conduct bad been before him In
each of which a tine of (5 wa imposed.
Three went to Jail and one paid bin fine.
The following hill were ordered paid:
Mr. tVollard H; Willamette Fall Kleo
tiic Co. l:m 20; l'ortlaiid Flour MID
(io.l 75;Cha. IloldafH; l'oACo.5j
i. V, Maker I -J I ; John Kelly t'H); Cbri
lloberg S0 j J , 8. I'urdom H0; Kntkh
rataa !( Oft; I. I, Portur :i2 60.
The finance committee made a report
recomuiundlng that the contract (or do
ing the legal advertlaing for the cily be
warded the Kntkuahikk and the re
iKirt wa unanlinoiialy adopted, t 'it v
AwM-aaor Hhode retsirU'd that he had
been unable to complete Ihe assessment
and the time lor the completion of the
work wa extended to June 10.
Kelly, O'Connell and Cooke dicud
the matter of having noma regular proce
dure with regard to the auditing of bill.
Albright presented ft resolution, which
wi pMd, requiring that all bill
against Ihe city be approved by the
par'y authorising them and filed with
the recorder not later than the Saturday
preceding the regular monthly meeting
ol the council.
It was agreed that the council would
it a Isiard of equalisation between
June 13 and 20 and a notice to that ef
fect wa onlered published.
There wa an Infuimal discussion of
the sewerage matier, and slight diner-
ence of opinion developed to the tiest
method of getting rid of the surface
water by surface drain or by the
sewer. However, ii.st ruction were
given Ihe committee on health and
police to have a sewerage ordinsnce pre
pared for consideration al the next meet'
ing. An adjournment was taken to
fiaturday June B.
The Officers of the Cruiser Charleston
feme to Oregon City.
Ijt Tuesday evening tho Naval Re
serve aaaoclation of Portland gave an ex
cursion to Oregon City for the ol!lver of
the cruiser Charleston. The magnificent
steamer Harvest Queen wa engaued
for the trip. The boat wfta crowded
with guests, there being f nil v 1)00 ladies
and gentlemen ahoaid. The excursion
was entirely a private on 3. only invited
guest and mpmben of the naval reserve
and their Irlcmla being present. The
naval officer were: IJeutnnent Hlonery,
I'r. MeCormlck, Knsign Hassett, Assist
ant Eniiincur Jones, Assistant Engineer
lllue, Knsign Mayer, Knsign Wilev,
Dr. Henry Hill, Lieutenant Jaynea, Cap
tain Lusher and Lieutenant iHmn.
The steamer stopped near the foot of
Tenth street on It arrival at Oregon
City about 9 o'clock and took on the
reception committee of the local board
of trade with a few invited guests. She
then steamed up to the full landing at
the island where a few went ashore.
A grand illumination of the falls had
been prepared by the board o( trade and
the Willamette Fall Electric company.
The company had a 4,000 candle power
search light on its dynamo station and
turned it on the steamer when she was
at the rapids. The manipulation of that
powerdil light and the burning of large
quantities of yellow, green and red fire
made the cataract a miigiiillccut sjiecta-
clo. The entertainment was unique and
decidedly pleasing. The excursionists
were unstinted in their praise o( Ihe
whole affair.
The steamer landed the Oregon City
people and left (or Portland at ab6ut 10
o'clock. Dancing wa indulged in on
the way buck, the Marine band contrib
uting the music for the occasion.
Oai'T. J. 0. Wktiikkkm, will ho our next
county treasurer. Tlicro Is no doubt on
that point. And it is a source of grntlllcn
tlon to everybody who knows him, be they
republican, democrat, people's party or
prohibitionist, that the kindly, capable and
honest old veteran will have charge of the
county moneys during the coming two
yciirs. (ihe him a rousing vote. Ho Is no
politician. The bloom of his life was spent
lu the tranche defending his country's life.
A. 8. I.awton, ol'Oancnittli, is a reliable,
steadfast, intelligent, honest and capable
mini who may bo trusted to servo tho best
Interests of his constituents and the state at
largo in the legislature, lie is an old sol
dier, a quiet and Industrious cltlsen, a man
of charming personality, and he will reflect
honor on Clackamas county. IHiu'tacmtch
A, S. Luwton.
Wit want Joel P. doer In the legislature,
lie knows what Clackamas needs and is able
to present our cause In a manner that will
command respect.
Make clear and distinct tho message
that shall go from Oregon to the Minne
apolis convention next Tuesday.
Fire Voting l.ndlis Finish the Public
Heliool Course.
The Oregon City public school closed
for the year last Friday. A class of live
young ladle com pintail the full course
and were preswiUxl with their diploma.
Those graduate were Mi Zetta
Kilmiston, Hattle Wllloughby, Josephine
Newton, Mll la Wilkinson nd Ann
The graduation exercise were in
Khively' theater which wa crowded to
It til moat capacity. On the stage were
seated beside the graduating class,
Messrs, Hand, Kelly, and titration of
the school board, Prof . Itlgler of Port-
laud and Prof. HI range. lie v. Gilman
Parker of the Haptlat church offered
prayer and the orchestra tendeted
aelrctlon after which Ml FMmlston
read liar eaeay on "Pompeii," Her
paper wa an intereittng sketch of that
famous spot so old in story.
Mis I lorn Chase sang song that wa
received with much favor. Then Miss
Wllloughby gave her essay on "Idleness
the Kust of the Mind." Her aubject
gave her opiortuiilty (or profitable
moralizing but it wa handled well and
escaped being dry and prosy. Mini
Newton followed with a par on "The
Power of Habit" discussing Ihe value ol
good habit and the vlciousnes of evil
one. Alter the orchestra had plaved a
wait Mia Wilkinson presented her
essay on "The Realms of the Imagina
tion," It being neatly drawn sketch
pointing the use of healthy imagina
tion in many of the practical affair we
have to deal w ith. The final essay was
on "Circles" by Mia IMun, who dis
played considerable ingenuity in the
handling of bur subject.
Prof. Frank Klgler of Portland gave
the address to the graduating claaa. It
wa strong, polished and interesting.
HI advice was sensible and practical
and not merely theoretical.
Mr. K. E. Cbarman rnng a solo in her
usual charming manner and wa obliged
to respond to ft rapturous encore. Prof.
Strange atoke of the course of study in
(he public school and said that the di
ploma Issued to this class showed that
ten year of work bad been done in the
Oregon City school. President Rands
presented the diploma to the graduates
accompanying the act wuh few re
marks. The reading of the essay waa (or the
most part distinct. When they were ll
concluded ihe class waa ft row of beam
ing faces over a hank of flower that had
been provided In abundance by their
admiring friends.
(so. K. Ileum Is good man to elect
county clerk to continue the present eftl
i lent sditilijiMration of lliut olllce, lie is
skilled accountant, has hail a varied experi
ence In public and private business and will
osmtle lliesfVuir of Ihe office lu a prompt
ami satisfactory manner. Elect George F.
Jlorton county clerk.
Clack am a county people should take
special pride in rolling up a big vote to
Hon. T. A. McBride forjudge of this
district. He is one of us snd a man In
whom Ihe people have the fullest confi
dence. Votk the republican ticket sti night.
Thia is a presidential year ami every vote
counts tor principle. 8tu Jy the ticket at
the head of the editorial page of thia pa
Nxw Kka, Or.. May IW, 1M2. To whom
it may cokckhn : -I have noticed an article
in the Oregon City Courier of May 27, isui,
which implicates my name and that of K .
C. Maddock, the republican candidate for
sheriff, and In Justice to myself and Mr.
Maddock I desire to state that the article re-J
(erred to Is entirely w ithout foundation or
truth so far as would reflect tiion the repu
tation and integrity of Mr. Maddock.
I am a democrat and am well and person
ally acquainted with the entire transaction
that took place in regard to the sale of Mrs.
llaechlor's lariu, She consulted uie before
she sold it. Then, when Mr. Maddock did
all he coirld for her, and more than anv one
else would have done, she became dissatis
fied and now seeks to deceive the minds of
the people of this county In order to defeat
his election as sheriff.
She evidently desires to turn the German
voters away from Mr. Maddock and thereby
secure his defeat. Now I want to say that I
am" a Uernian myself and that a good many
of my neighbors are Germans, and that we
do not intend to be deceived by any person
of a degraded mind who would stoop low
enough to try to deceive tho voters of this
county be they Germans or of any other na
tionality. We in this country are all Amer
icans, ami when wc have a good mall on
the ticket I (hink it is our duty, irrespective
of party, to elect him, and as I am lu favor
of fair play 1 think If is my duty to slate the
plain facia to the people. John Ricir.
Signed in presence of J, F. Unions.
5 A pamphlet of Information and at.if
ltraol of the law,liowlnu llo- lo"
v Olrtaln Patouta, Cavaalt, Tnule i V
V ..AxAUrta, Ol'vrluliu, unt fnt. , .
Vttl Hroiidwuy. .J- (
ft ttopljr on Ilnhalf of Jndic Wetmtof
to Kdllor Kalawr.
roirriJiwD, May HO. (To Tim EiToa.l
-It snnriis atranga that the petty aplus and
malavnhinc of ona man, ft man who Is not
rea posted and ha Utile Influence at hums,
mn ppn nd o widely throughout tba atate
fnlac and trwail chargi against tlia char
acter ami ahilitln of a candidalo for public
olllce, Jwlga L, K. Webotor I sura to be
elected attin-ney-genoral on June fl, but no
doubt many who have rend the paragraphs
tlsnit him that have been published in vari
ous democratic papers during Mil cam
paign will not imdnrilaiid, nor ears to In
iiuirs, fur tho facta, and will ftaaum thai
lunra is eoiue ground for the Insinuationa
agulnat hlin.
JihIki! WetiaUtr I o well known In his
own Judicial district that he need no v In
dication titer. He has twir bwn elected
lii the circuit court aa a republican, In a
district wlM-r rvpublii-Mia are sadly In th
minority. He waa not etuawn becauas las
was republican, but bscaua at home,
where hie nHiahtior know him ptwn
ally, ha waa believed by tha panpUi, Irra-S(i-tiva
of party, to have ttmaa qualities
(Maential lo a goes) JimI honaaty, fair-m-aa,
riimmon senaa and aklll (atiatlaw.
Ha waa born In Sew York city 3S
yeara ago, and lajtbof hi parent died, I
belleva, Ix'dire lie wa 3 year of age. Aa
a lull orphan boy, he made bla own way
In tba wurld. Ho educated blmaelf, Uugtil
acliisit, niarriisl, became ft lawyer anil
boring all then year ha baa hern loved
and nis tel, until one Kaiaar, an editor
ufa wi-ekly pusr puhliahed at Aahlaud,
sunietlrne ago piiblilnsl an article In his
ni'.ui-r. aim. Ing the grand jury of the
county, charging uflli-lula wltil corruption
and ridiruting tha ailmiulatration of crim
inal proaopution and lampooning Ui
court in languaga rather gvneral, but not
li-aa harmful for not making ax-cillc
rlinme agalnat any body or of anything,
JikIkd WeliaU-r, eonceivlng tbat tiia uaeful;
ni-aa of Uie judicial ayalcm muat have Its
foundation In the rraiwrt of the pantile fur
tlia Courta, and tliat bla public duty re
quired that aurh chargea atiould nut be
pasaed unnotU-ed, cltml Kir to appear
before Uie court and ahow eauae why ha
aliould not be punished for contempt of
court. KniwT abnilted Uie publkalion
and wa II mil .'iU and aentenrad to lb
counly jail for 19 day, but be waa
allowed stay of exaruUon by
Junge Webaver, so that he could take tlia
mutter to the supreme court. On Uie ap-l-at
Ilia decision wa reveraed upon two
froiinda - tlrat, tbat tliere waa a technical
defect in tha method of procedure; and
aeeond. that alUiouii Uie article pubiiahed
try Uie defeiulant would have bean RToued
for pumaliment a a contempt at common
taw. a proper construction of Uie Oregon
unite would require Uiat there he ennie
alluamn therein to a raae pending In court
lo I- iHiniabablu aa aurh; and Uiat aa thia
article waa In relawin to toe administra
tion of juatire senerally, and Dot to some
tcciurraae. it was not within Uie itatute.
II court, Uirnugh Uie chk?f jualice. "vi i-dii-aicd''
Mr. Kaiaer in Uio following Ian
funge I
For n hat punioaeor with what Intent tLr
aiiiifttlmtt tiiiliiila the aaid m i!1r. u-.la.
it ar to create an ldl, silly aentHtlon. I an
Fiiliflna. Hla dolnf au pribilly rrl ilust
friun a freak or seleen. He arrtalnly eoittd
not have axiieeted to vain aay advauta.it
froraaneha prof iialon of estravaf auey, nor
have aiipiioaed tnat a bnrf-yut4 prraoa.
even, would lv any cralana to bla rota-
uit neeoiint of tha alfalra of Jarkaou oonitt
rrferr d lo in his production. Whyaaymaa
otiier tttati aa addla-braloed lunatle iliouM
nrltil aurh nuaurd. rlitfcululia atuff in a n.wr
fwiM-r iatllfrlruit to Imayina. Tla tndiilgnrt
lu aurh ahilly.ahaliy t mauaam of Mwr
paira ItKlicitta a ntauia oci thair part to
abuar. vilify, and Insult oifiriala arlectcd to
ailmiiiUter thanffnirsnf irovartimaut, how
vr devoted mid faithful to th public In
trreata tho oftli-lnk may ba. Sorb a eoura
only tentla to liirita anarchy, th muat dau-a-i-l-otia
nuil (trended nmy with which a r-liulilli-nn
irovrriiinriit haa to aontend. It ia
well kuown to thia court aud to tit com
munity Nreiiernlly, that no aurh condition In
th Judicial matters of "Southern Orea-on" as
th aptieilulit cnileaMirrd to rci.rraritt x
lta, nnd that no such abuse oa he depicted
in-all there, but, upon th coutrary, that
uslii-e la as well ami fattiifully aumluUtcrcd
ii that ioealitv aa In any other oart of the
state Vt tlia apiicllnnt, th editor of th
iicwspaHr, whose dt-sir should not only ha
to hav upright audconitiit ofBntals lu th
administration of the local aSatra ol bla sco
tiou, a her he consistently can tuke pridu in
tiavin them so reirardcd hy tha eomtnnntty
ami tlia world at larir. maaca usa of his uo
aition to traduce and degrade them. In-ati-iul
of attendiii to his biialnaaa of Imparl
ilia useful Information. Instead of assistiu-lliimihtiiia-
up th coinmiinity and Ita insti
tutions, he acta the part af aa Iconoclast.
The pour pursued by such pareoua is a
pusltiv daniax and Injury to aoetaty. It Is
a poor requital for th faithful sen Iocs of
th learned judic who preside lu th first
judicial district, and whom tha popl
thereof selected to determine tha law In
their matters of difference, to aubjact him to
a wholesale chnrire of dereliction of duty,
cumin from whatever source H may.
Now, it'mav liethat Judge" Webster was
wrong in his 'judgment, but Uiat ia no ex
cuse lor the abuse and calumny now
lieaiied mn him bv the democratic cress.
Aa the supreme court said In Ita opinion in
uie esse:
If tlia publisher of such eontamptlbl
articles are left alon to breathe thir own
fetid exhalations, It will be tha most suita
ble punishment which own be Inflicted upon
And it may be that it would have been
better to have no left Mr. Kaiaer iiuitcari of
attempting to bring him to a real i iti.ni of
Ilia offensive conduct by juilicuil pro.
At the time a numlx-r of newspaper
throughout the atata criticized .hiibre
Webster, on the ground that newspapers
should be exempt from punUhiiiiut foi
tacit abuse, and oxtracta from theac m w
piieni anil iUantities of other matter have
been electrotyped by Kaist-r and sent to
all the newspHpera, with the hope tbat it
would be published. These piiniginpba
which are going tba rounds of the demo
cratic paper do not cost them a cent for
comHaitiou; Kaiser furnishes them every
thing. He has tllbtl a whole issue of his
paper with ahuae of Webster, and it ia aaid
that be had 7000 copies atruck off for free
distribution. He is running a literary
buronii for campaign pin-ponc-a on his ow n
account, and all to vent his apleen against
Judge Webster. He published in his news
paper a garbled and twisted copy of the
opinion of the supreme court in Uie case,
carefully leaving out all portions thereof
Hint reflect upon bis own conduct, Incltid
imr, of course, tho paragraphs 1 have
quoted above.
It seems to me tbat people who know
these facta will not ba influenced much by
such newspaper article. Moat of us do
not like to tie used as tool to accomplish
the petty schemes of such men as Kaiser.
1 noticed early in the campaign a num
ber of anonymous letters from friends of
Mr. rhnmborlnin urging people to vote for
liiiii braitiHt! the ollieeilint he was given by
the appointment of the governor expires
sooner than he supposed it would when he
accented it. This con be no reason for any
repuolicun to vote for him. I fail
to see where ho is entitled to
sympathy. This is a political
olltw) and tho republican are
entitled to (111 it. No more nhle or
ci n M'lentiotiM person could bo selected for
it lliun Judge Webster, and while Mr.
("'.nmbo-lnin is also a man above lrnroaeh.
he certainty cannot expect republicans to
volu ii r ui t ii unless they are mislead bv
Mich vde s nit' as Uaist-r 'S disseminating,
and this, from my knowledge of Mr. Chain-
nernin, t mil eonlidcnt he does not wish.
Persona 1 abuse and misrcpresentatii'li o'
the character and attaimnents of his on-
ponent would not please Mr. t'hamberlain.
and i! secies thitt even In a political cm-,
pi 'rn such a hiab-ininded, noble and up
nc il citizen as Judiro Webster aliould tun
lv subjected lo it,
if Can't H TnutMl.
Thedamocrit have man forrepreerit-
tlv whom the ople of Clackamas county
will take peculiar deligbt in not voting for.
He I A. M. lxivelme of itarnascii.
Mr, lAivslat Igne'l th petlon to the
Irgislalure praying for attaching all that
part of Clacksmss county north of the
Clackamas river to Multnomah county.
Tliere were lifty-si other signatures on the
petition. In but two weeks' time a remon
strance with more than WOO names was got
ten up and sent to the legislator. Ho Mr.
Lovelace i with a ho)wIess minority. The
lieople of Clackamas comity will never trust
him to represent them In the legislature,
The original petition having the nam of
A. H. lovelac In hi own handwriting is
in possession of the EsTKarais. There is
no possible doubt aliout the matter. He
sinned tha petition to annex to Multnomah
county all of Clsckimas lying north of the
Clackamas river territory containing sev
en or eight bridges and other improvements
for which Clsciiamaa county is now in debt
Tuft name of Max Ramshy, or "Little
Mac" as h is familiarly known, appear on
Uie official ballot a "8. M. Kamsby." Be
careful not to scratch that name.
Oacofth best evideuces of Ell Mad
dock' fitness for office i the unrelenting
warfare waged against bim by all the plug-
Caslcr lia tbe finest cream ever made
iu tbe city.
Southern Pacific Route
Express Train leave Portland Daily.
8u.b i
I North.
7-aor. m.
7:14 T. M.
g:U.a .
Lv Portland Ar
Lv Oregon City Lv
Ar 8. Fraaclsco Lv
:OII r. H.
Above trains stop onlr at tbe following sta
tions north ol Roseburg- East Portland, Ore-
goa city, wooaoorn. aaiem, Albinr, Tangent
ebedds. Halaev, Uarrisburg, Junction City, Ir
ring and Eugene.
R08EBPR0 MAIL (Daily).
10 a. m. I Lv
06. a. I Lv
Portland Ar
Oregon City Lv
Roseburg Lv
i.m r. u
HOr.i.l Ar
ALBANY LOCAL (Daily, except flaoday.)
l;0ti r. 77l Lv Portland Ar
H Sik. It.
hDO a. .
0r. m. I Lv Oregon city Lv
y-OO p. si. I Ar Albany Lv
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
For aocomtnfxIstlAti of Recond-Clsss rasseogera
atuched lo Eiprees Trains.
West Hide Division.
Mall Train, Dally (Except Suudav.)
7 .80 a. h. I Lv
1? 10a I Ar
Portland Ar
Corrallls Lv
I 5r
1 12 r a
At Albany and Corvallis connect Willi trains
ol Oregon Pacific Railroad.
Kxnreat Train Daily (Exeeet Sunday)
4:40 r. at.
7:26f. .
Lv Portland Ar
Ar McMinnvllle Lr
IS 20 i. a
For tickets and fnll Information regarding
rat m. maps, etc., call on Company's agent at
Oregon Lily
Manager. Ass't O. F. and Pass. Agent.
Carpets, Matting, Mats, Rugs, Reed and Rattan Goods, Up
holstered Rockers, Etc., of all kinds
Special Kates on Upholstering, this month.
All work guaranteed better than when done in wholesale
houses, and we sell them cheaper than others can who buy
from wholesale dealers.
Undertakers' Goods.
junajs a liuuaucio line, auu
est notice.
Best and Cheapest Grocer.
Fancy and Staple Groceries in Great Variety.
Vegetables, Fruit and Feed.
Fifteenth and Main, ORECON CITY.
Largest stock of Coffins and Casketb'kept South of Portland. Aleo cloth covered
and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies Burial Kobea aud
tienta' Burial Eobea in stock.
Also"Wagon and Carriage Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen
eral Blacksmithing on short notice.
Q W.Cl'MCK, M. .,
(Late of Portland.)
Office with Pr. M, filssy, Aurora. Oregon.
"y 8. Hl'KUT,
Monar Loaned on Approved Security.
J M. RA.Nlig,
OfBr; In tha Poat Offle Hiilldln?,
Oregon City, Oregno,
Thirty Year Exrrlence on PaciSe Coast,
Australia aud Europe
Prepare Plans, Elevations, Beetlnna, Per
spectives, Work In Iirawlnn, Iieuilsand Bpecl
Biailona of all kinds ol Public and Private
Buildings, accompanied by reliable estimate
ol cost.
gurveynr and Engineers Field notes snd
Real estate Meats, Plans ol Subdivision, PUw
td with accuracy aud neatness, to any scale or
else of Drawing.
OfBr In het low's 8ah ft Door Factory, oppo
site Congregational Church, Mala street. Ore
goo Cltr, Oregon.
Candidate' Cards.
Regular Democratic Nominee.
Regular Democratic Nominee.
Practical Architects Builders.
Will t) ret re nlana. elevations, working de-
tatla,and speeiHcailons lor all kind of build-
lurs special attention given to mooern cot
tages. Estimate furnished on application.
Call oa or address
"Hill DKUO.,
Oregon City, Ogo
Barlow, - Oregon.
Table supplied with the beet the market
aflo-da. Meals 25 cents.
Notice Is hereby given that the nnderslgned
has been appointed administratrix ef the estate
ol Thomas B. Scollard, deceased. All persons
having claims against said estate are notified to
S resent the same to my attorney, A. 8. Drefser,
regon City. Oregon, within six months trora
tae first publication ol this notice.
Lull E. ticoLHED, Adra'i,
A. 8. Dreseer, Attorney for estate.
Dated the 4th day ol May, li 5 :S S
tau uu luineu. uut ai tut; buui L-
Orison City ltauk Building.