Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 27, 1892, Image 1

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    WOMnion prS"63
VOL 2(5. NO.
fJlllliM, r, it VAN,
1'ltt.leiM'liy. Ki.rm mill Hiiltiirlittn irnitirly for
stiln . 'rlil ,i ly wurrioila and act'iid
Ml nil kllhl. I,uvli ami a,., ' , ,
and lul.llir.. ,i mi.ry (ti ' llillnli nltilelr.l n
li.r imn-riiiiiiHim.
(ullim ii i alalia In InilMlug ii. in h ol ..u.m
Will iirafili'0 In any ill Ilia Binls r Fsderal
Cntiita, Al.n altml rnmliiily In any titalina
l-fnu. llm I' M I. an. I nun.,, ami Inti'tinr lm
I'irliintiU nnirti. Insuna o mul ii, l lianiiall
ilirt'av, uwr l.lvtMllltiltt'a lintel.
UIIFiiii.N CI I V. liliKi.uN,
(millH ClTV. . OHIIU.IH
Will erai'llce In all llm nutria nf llm ante
Ofltiw. piininr Mln ami kllitli atrpina, iiitiai(p
euiirl htniaa
J' U I'lllll Kit,
in r ranrKiy rrasnumi,
UIH Iwu ilmira almve Hti,ru, (Jri'inn tMljr
T. A. sains . a, iat,tia
Ofltea la Jawtar Ulnck, nrpimi fliy
1 II. I'VK.
lim.-tt titer Oregon I'll jr I'aiik,
naxinK i'itv, naiuiiM
1 KiilHiK C IJtoW mi.i,
(IiiX I'ITV. 0"'Mi.
W ill prarllrfi In all llm Pinilla nf lha atala fit'
Urn. iipii iliMir (o CanneM A IliuttU'y'a drug
j. a aa.ii aaaak.irnii t, r. iowimi.
lIUK'Kr.NIHtol'illl Jk CoWINO.
ArroliNKVII At I.AW.
AUCa.pa lHtnrp I'd IjiiiiI Ofllrci a aprclally
I'ltlcr ns-rna II ami !", I' a land utlu'e
w, T. aeaaav.
J, t. liKAI'ia
I'llNKY Jk Hllll'lll,
Twebo yir errluir rpalatrr ol lite I'
S l.iil nnVa hrrt. rpooirittipmla ita In otit
lally il ail alli.U l l.tt.llie.a Iflniv Hit laud id
Hi', ami i lir on ti , ami in v nl 1 1 -if lha I'laetidV
lu Ilia aajiaral land uUii
Curntr Ri(ht mi.l Main irep(. nreon flti
liliAl.kSTATK T08i:i.I. AM)
money to loan.
"I 1 A H.C I.ATlil'llK.ni..
for n si: Lous at law
FurhUh Alttrari nl Tulp. Iian Mnnpy. Knre
rlnao MnrUnf ami Irauaacl lifiirral
t.aw Muainraa.
"J J K. CIKlftS,
Wiu. I'hai'tii m A i.i. rMHT or riot Statu
Ufa I jiIbI anil Inmrniier.
llffli o mi Main Hlrri'I. hil. Hlxlh ami i.vcnlli.
nan.inS I'ITV, UK.
(1 (I. T. Ml 1. 1.1 IMS,
DcHirnliln ' IlimincKH 1'roiH-rt v nii'l Siiti
iiilihn lluiiivfl in On'nii l ily.
Farm rrn'vrty In trai-Ta in anil nn t'ay trrmti.
Ciirriiinitili'itna iiminiitly aiiHUfroil. Onl'u,
luvxl tlihir In I'atitit'l'l ,1 llnmli'y'a ilriiaj ali.n.
yy II M.MtYK.
ri'illliiK. Dmlimdi' mnl Flunw work rtnivtly
- - - - UltKUON.
OF UliKdtl.N (II'I'V.
T,nnlia Tnittttl, llllla illtr-nilutinl.
Ink pa pn
ItM'tlniia. liiivn Hint apIlM oxi'hiinttt' on all imiula
In thp I'lllli'il Hhllpn, KurnpO llll'l HnnM Killlh.'.
IIpiiiaUn rtMMit-'i'tl aulijtu'l In chock IiiIitchI nt
itaiml ralca allowed nn time ilcmtHlta. Ilnuk
nitni from V A. M. tna r. M. Natunluy voiiliitn
frnm ft tn 7 I', M.
1) C. i.A'I'i H' K KT'I'H, I'rcimlpiil.
f K DONAI.imiiN, CiisIiIot
Oldest Mln Ilsnsc in tiic City.
Paid lipCiipllill.t.'iO.OliO,
V(l'K cltumlllCNT,
A Ronornl luinkliiK liulnia tninaiiPloil.
lininalta rcpclvcil aulijcci tn nhnck.
Ainnvoil lit I In ami nntca illKOniintott.
Comity anil oily warrant linuitht.
l.imliK inniln nn itviitlaMo auunrlty.
KxctiiiiiKii IioiikIiI ami aolil,
ColW'Pltnna ninitp prninptly.
Urnlla anld nvallBiito tn iiny part nf tha world.
Tid(tKrttilil(i oxidntiiKPH anld nn Portland, tiau
Franidnco, Clilcnif.i and Now York.
InloruHt piitd on tlino dniMialtN.
Bub Arauta of TUB LONDON ClllWUB BANK.
The IYokiCnm of (lie ClncliiiniiiN
Con n I y CiiiiiiiuIkii.
ki.i:vi:mii not 11 tikaiikh m.
(inr-iMnr I'fMniujrr VMUOn-icmi I'll;
on n lli'i oiiiiiiiii rlnif Tour-Tli
roll.liiil MImiIIoii.
Kiitmttit (', W. I'iiIIdii of Atlnrla ml
iluwai'd int-i lii a nt lv' hull fulli-il
hy llm ri.iiliiliHiit Immi ViMay ninlil.
TliiiiKiluy nlulil Iip niailii h nt Hi.
llttli'im mi l Kililny ii(urtiofiii lm riuiut
up fmiii J'orllnml . 1 1 1 ' w a miftirliiK
(nun n acvfrn culil mnl Hk ilh tlilli
cully lull In! kkv mi nil. 1 1 cm Unit lie Id
llm nltciiliun nl llm uuiliuiuu Iruiu llixt
lo IiihI.
Tim Williiiiit'ltn Hilver IikdiI oiirni'd
thu iiiK'linK unit inimir. Chairman
llruwin'll nf llii'tiiiiiilv I'cntiul coiiuiiitlco
ittlli'il ( iiil. S II. Culiir to llm ihair
mul lluu. II. K. 1'ionn, Henry Mi'lilruui,
J.O. WrlhiTill iiid J. N. llarrin(lun
Hi-tod an vhw iircaidi'iiln. Clniiriiinn
Culiir intriiduird Mr, l'liltun, who ut
warmly ifrurli'd. Iln itiitiiiK'ntH-d hi
ail.livaa willi a very lniHiru' and fair
Ulituifiil uf lh ridutive iiilitina uf Ihe
(litfriiit partlon, n-euiftilnjiij (lie fact
Unit tlimo wnro innny htmoat poi
whu inlfc'l'l lint k'rt( with hi view n(
llm ra:4, ami llii'ti inxittl It) ruinidiT
llm ri'iuililuaii atlituuo on llm lanll'
Hiicallon, uliiili cniiMltiiti'd (l, main
lllll Uf hi tllM'UIIH'.
Mr. I'nlt.iii'a tliiu'iiwiini of tint titriir
na iduin, randitl and lucid. One fact
Immune aland mil with r)Ptiul ik-ni-nraa
waa that the uniiii cont uf ifijoda we
buy in llm uuirki'l ia fr l!m hihor cx
iMitlt'd Uiui 1 1. 1-it) , oil lie r in tin) yriy
iltirtittti of Ihv raw uiatorittl or in I lie
tnamifui'lmv iif iho aitiitc. When
w taiiy ttoo.la of (nieiuii .nxttia-t imi we'
tv lo i.tiiit wniknieii 'n fnieixn I'ltnn- j
lrie who live In pinlur mid ictiorHiire ;
mul wlinae eiie'ijie are n'Ven ly luxrd
lo ket p lii v'lUpriunoiiU Unit mo tiiKi..
to mir iiw n free nnd i iiliuliU'm' l ciMllllry.
When w Imy iftalai.f Itome piodtieliim
we uy woiknteii in llie luidet vf ui
wIk.m .iofidy and iin!rj.fii,tfncf
litukea (he Alll'ili',in ni. the ntoat
liai i y find riili.litennl mul-r the nun.
And 1 1' I'lt'to. Ihu tuiiir iH-ralit In
krii Hie heme nia-kel, which ia the
heat niaikel In I lip wot hi, for Ihe pro
dtifta of Amerirun Utltr anl !nnuil y.
The reeiiriM'ily feature of Die present
tririlflHW exteinU Ihe maiket for Aineri-
fun waieo without nierilliinif any por
tion uf the lintne unirket. Il dot, thla
hy pennilliiiK the free adniUnlon ol all!
flea that are not ami rnnnut lie largely
proiluced in Una country to ailvantu.-e
in return for itiriviHiiiilinn roiifeoion
from the counliy priKlm inn atio!i jtrli
elea pint inu American koikIh at an ad
vantage over Ihe producta of any other
rouutry in that niaiket. lie iHke of
the iwfpiix ily aiilhorijetl with ronnlri-a
.rcKltit'in anitiH, niohiNeea, tea, ci llee
nnd hides, the hitler four of which arti
cle hud Ik'I'H on Ihe ftee lint prior to
the enactment of the McKinley law,
and plumed how thia wna in the linn
of the beat interuata of Ihe working vo
pie hy etiliirciiiu the inuike for the
producta of their labor their tielda,
ll'H'kaand faeloriea, without aiu'rilicini;
anv portion of the home market.
Mr. I'ulton'H apeeeli wasu iliKinixmnn
nle, eoiivlnciiitf ai'Kiiuit'ut. lie wna
fieiUi ntly Interrnptetl by npp'nuse.
KX-l OMillKSHMA.S llilHIt'a ai'KKl'll.
It n uiifortunnle for the peouln tlinl
Hon. ltoavvell (I. Ilui r could xpenk in
Oii'Kon City only on Wetlneiidiiy niter-
noon for ii in ii v people eon hi not leuve
their wink to hi'iir him unit it ia Ncldom
Ihut we have nil opportunity to hear no
able nn millions us he k ivo. He made
the tm iir mutter Co' plain (but no one
cmi Ul fuil In iiiiilon tniid it.
He I. till down I ho follow inn four prop
oHiliona :
1. A protective, luiill' bniltlB up in-
2. It iniikes wnitea hinlier.
3. It keeps money in the. country.
I. It I'oducoN thu cost of products.
The fli'hl three ho pussed wit bout iu-
unieiit at they uie eonceili'il by tin
tm iir refoi'iiioi'H. The foiu lli one lie pro
ceeded to iirnuo, llu allowed th.it milt
miller free, trade anld In thia I'tmnliy lit
ij- 50 ii bitrnil nnd after a tiu iU'wns levied
on the article the. price in this emiiitiy
(til nnd for Untie yours it linn been IHty
eeiila a bni'iel,' Iwenly cents of which is
for the barrel uloim lenviiiK thirty coiiIh
lor Ihe wilt, Ihe duly on which is now
thiitv-t.wo cents. (These me the prices
in Michigan where the suit, is prodiieed.)
Wire nuils sultl nt ifd u ken wben a duty
of fl doll lira whs leyied and now (hoy
sell at aixty-live cents. All kinds of iron
mid steel ".'hi'K euUleiy, cotton nnd
woolen uoods showed a similar reduc
tion in price under protective tarilf.
Mr, llorr abroad with the tariff ro
formoru who attributed the reduction of
cent to the, introduction and improve
ment of innchlnery, the remilt ol Yauki't,
itiKoniiily, Hut ho didn't kllowof Hoy
other way lo pet llm InKoiiiuN Yulikeel'i
piitilh-e Ii in Inifeiiiiity than to make it
possible for bin', to do o. lie certainly
could not tlo ao if the niniiiifucturinif
were kept beyond the ocj-an. The
Yiinkeu went Into Uinlhu luilla and be
came at ijiiitliueil with the iiiachiiie and
luuiilliir with the di-iiiiiuda of the bun
linos and then ho invented new lint
liiliioaand varioiia shortcuta that (educed
the eM'iiHi of loiiiiiidictlliliiK This aim
iiiiule ptmaihle by the protecllvo tiirilt
Unit prouioled the iirowth of limne
Mr. llorr allowed iiow the levying' ol
dilliea on the free trade plan, that ia
iiKiii nrlichm that are not and caiiuol
i prrxiueea in tins countrv aucli as
lea, coll'ee, etc., uNrate as a tax on
the consunieia. Hut on the protective
plan tlm urticlea that oannot lie int-
(luced, are adiniltcd free, the other are
mado U pay duty o that American
Imliiatriea may develop Their producta
then limy have the home market, the
money la kept at home and the workmen
are paid good wai(ei fortheir labor
at aoiiA ai'iiiKtii.,
JudeJ. (. Hleukney acted as chair
man of the Soda Kprlnga mcetiiiu Friday
afterniKin. Mr, Jewell waa the irl
aja-aker ami ho wanned up to his work
and nave a raltlinu itood address, treat
in,'o( both local ami nallomil politics
Mr. Ilayea also made a short api-ecli thai
waa eurneat ami to the point. There
waa (ftaxl alteinhinco ol the furuierao!
th.it liK'ality. Durlnir Ihia ineelinK a
tiieseni;er from Mr. (jeer's home ar
rived with news of eriou illnea in hi
family Mild Mr. (ieer left at once foi
AT l'1'l'KH Hoi, A I I, A.
The repuhlicmia heltl an iuU-ieHttnii
meeting at .Molalla Cornera Saturday
afternoon. Coinmitteman Charles 1 ltd
inun (eeaitletl A. S. Dresser ninth
the find atldiesa and was followed bj
Jinke Mclili iini who spoke of road im
provement ami other county matter
Henry Jewell talked of local jHiliciea and
ti. K, llnyea iiiuitf t'.ie coniiudiui:
peech which was well ri"eived
t '
C T llowaid pneided at the repnbli
ran meetiiiK In Molalla (iiaiiKe ball at
Muliii J Saturday eveninif. Mr. Drcaer'i
difi'ourae wna tion national question,
dcalii'if largely with mullnra of linaiiee
Mr. Ilayea discussed count v and state
nlT'iirs, giviinf aevial iittentiyo to the
in,ilter of repenlliiK Ilia ilidehtetlness
chiiiso in the present assessment
law, JihlifH Meldruni presented the
aiibject of mail improvement and gave
hi idena of the la-st melhiMl to tie ob
served in roiidtictln", the work.
At Needy Monday evenlnt; waa heltl
what Mr. Browucll reynrda aa one ol
the best iiiee!in(i ol the canipnun. The
si'htKd hou-e was naily decorated wiih
evergreens and buiitinu and the people
look yreat pride in having everyihinn in
the best possible order. The buildinit
w crowded mid the doorway and
windows weiv lilled with iiutiitoiu.
rannera drove their wiijiona up to the
window s anil at each one was an inter
ested audience outside. Mr. Yuder
pt esided .
Mr. Urowncll made the speech of the
eveninif, oeoupyiiiif more limn two
houra.and it was rapturously applauded.
The other speakers were K C. Maildock,
S.J. Onlrshy, J. II. Wolfer, Captain
Wetherell, (ieo, Ii. Ilorton, S. J.
Iliinlcsty nnd O. It. Hyhmtl. It wits a
rousing niootinu from start to llnish.
Those w ho would vote the republican
ticket stialpbt were nsketl to stand and
102 w ere counted. Needy precinct is all
Tbnisdav afleinoon of lust week the
republican!) hehl n public meutinif at Mur
imim to eousitler the political issues.
Committeeman t abet culled the meet
iiiK to oi'dcrand iulrotbiced J. T. (leer who
spoke brielly of the iiivds of the
count v and state nnd out lined bis
Ideas of cbiini;cH to moot the condition
of the 'people. Ho also discussed
national llnnncos. Henry Jewell
talked of local mutter chiefly,
oonsideiini; roiuls and tnxoa. F.li C.
Matltloek took occasion to refer to some
niattoia personal to himself and be
made n very favorable impression. 0.
K.. Haves made a good speech on the
irenoml political isoties of the campiiiiin,
tomiilnu county ami state affairs and
dwelling at some lennth on tho tariff
quest ion. On motion of Mr. Hayes a
vote of tbmikH was uiven to the lbittel
Creek Krunge for tho use ot its hall for
the republican meeting. Notwitlistand
ini! tho fact that it was in the middle
of a One day ami farm work was press
ing thoro were seventy-five people at the
speaking and hearty interest was mmii
IUki.ow, May 2,1). The domocratio
apeakers were escorted from last even
(Coiitinuud ou third pago.)
The ISanki ofllip Mlsslssljipl am!
Missouri I'ndcr Wafer.
I.IVi:S AM) ritlll'LKTV lKST 1101 I II
Know rail. In Mlitm-Hola, inna, WNrnn.
"In mnl lllliinls Ciiprcce.
ib iib'd hi in m.
Chk'aoo, May 21. Advices to Jibe
associated prcs from many points went
show a dreadful mule of affair in the
lloodi'd districts. St. Louis, in addition
lo a pronvllvii coal famine, Is threat
ened a tmlk famine, water on the Illi
nois side having-cut off dairymen from
the clly. Deserted dwelling In the
Hooded districts, are systematically
robbed of their contents, Including furni
ture. Stealing ia said to have amounted
toovertb'0,000. Al Sioux city, among
other thing. I he stin k vards. w illianM
mala in ihem, corn ciiha, and all the n'en c""'e in "i,-'l't ,l C,I Foulweather.
buildings, were csrried sway hy the ! T,,e mt'n were 'lie f,vw ' "ie ship ht
H.sl. At (Turksvillc, Arkansas, flie Clmrlesi, which blew up on Tuewlay
Hood in Ihe Aikansna river led to the I ,norni"K ,,K"U 100 ""' north "nd we"1
drowning ol live people. At San Joe., j of tl'1' l'lace' The captain, second mate,
Mo Ihe river has risen nearly two feet ' "8 "ailor ually injured. Tlie
and i now at ihe highest point At Pt. Charles lelt Nanaimo, B. C. last Fri
Marysville, Kacsa. the river, which i nijrninK wil1' acargoof twenty-eight
had been falling, ia aguin riiw), and the hu,"lr,1 t,,n ' ca' tor Pan Francisco,
city is cut off from railroad coinmuniia- j 0,1 Tll,,"',a.v niorning two of the men
lion. At Texurkana. the Ked river llMt'J l,'o forward lmtcb and went be
Hoo.1 has weakened all railr.ad briduea ' ,,,w for ""'ettiing, taking a light with
o that no train are run over them.i""""- freely ho.1 they reached tlie
md no mail since Saturday. At IVrry
viile, Mo., men employed on the Hois
biiiii) levee have returned and report
water breaking over, and all ahuitf
the boitoms w ill las Hooded. At Minne-!
ipoliaa few more inches of water
nt the log loose, causing great loss.
Cinrinnatti reports a rainfall of nearly
two inches, in the Ohio valley. A lor -
nado pasK-d over the southwestern part
d Hamilton county yesterday aflernoon
plow ing a furrow of destruction nearly
llinte miles long A numler of dwell-
lug bouses and barns were destioved
and several person injured.
St lytfis, May 22.-A trip by Ihe As -
minted Press reporter from this city to
Cain n.-vea'e-J desolute scenes. The
riv-r is fifteen to twenty miles wide, and
(seating away homes, drowning sf.-k
.md submerging farms. It is estimated
that Jen thousand people are homeless
in Ibis stretch of coumry alone, and 6.H),
wo acies of giowing grain destroyed
utterly. A potato famine is in prospect.
The great American bottom, comprising
most of Madison and St. Clair conn'ies,
one of the gi cutest potato districts in the
Mississippi valley, is entirely inundated
ami will not vlehl aaintln nolitto. The
. ii. , i ! , .
eiihlag crop is also ruined. News
pa era anil uie iioartis oi i ratio are srl-
citing subscriptions lor flood sufferers.
jiouiieid, Am. me river nanks are ;
caving in. One rave carried down five
persons to death. In all twenty-live or i
thirtv persons have been drowned here
Texarksna.Ark To add to the flood's
damiign, a cyclone passed south of this
citv, causing devastation and desolation.
The wind was accompanied by exces
sively heavy thunder and great quanti
ties of sand, though no dry sand is with
in a hundred mileaof lice.
Sioux City. The Rig Sioux river has
been rising sinre last night, but is still
within its bunks. No danger is appre
hended. Otltiinwa, la The Pes Moines river
rose rapidly again during the night, and
is now seven inches higher than at any
previous tune. The reported heavy rise
above creates uneasiness here. Albia
reports a material rise, and l'ddyville is
badly under water.
Atcliioti, Kan. The Missouri river
rose this morning und washed out the
southwest end of the big bridge and part
of Uie riprap put in by the government.
IVs Moines, The liver is falling, the
sun shining, and the worst is over.
Sioux City. At a joint meeting of the
relief anil flood sufferer's committees
this morning it whs agreed to say to the
benevolent, people ot the country that
the losses fur exceed the first estimate,
mul aid will bo gititefully accepted.
Contributions should be Rent to Morris
Pierce, mayor, or J. C, French, treasurer
relief committee.
New York, Iowa Wisconsin tad other North,
ern Stattii Visited.
Sitnoku, la., May 20. It stopped
snowing about noon, but continues cold,
ami it is expected to freeze tonight.
The (list passenger train from the East
since the washout arrrived this utter
noon . Washouts west are still impassa
ble. Nuw Yoiik, May 21 Snow to the
depth of two to five inches has talleti in
pts of thia state, and most of Now
England, the temperature going in some
places as low as 2ii dogioes. Fruit and
vegetables are seriously damaged.
Dead wood, S. D. A terrible snow
storm ruged bore yesterday ,,snow falling
to the depth of six inches.
Cedar Rapids. There waa a heavy
frost thia moriiinif. The irroiind waa
alightly fiown in places. Fruit ia not
lar eriotiiih along lo l Injured.
.Mii.wai kkk, May 1!). There waa
Minding snow norm 'n tho aouth'-rn,
conlral and nortliwctern part of Wis
consin thia aflernoon and eveiiinif. The
atorin approacbetl almost the character
of a bli.zard at I'ortiige, Coltmibia
county, and heavy tti.ow fell ut D:irand,
l'epin and New itit hrnond and in St.
Cr-ix county.
MiNNKAFuua, My, 10 Snoar lfl'an
falling hi'iH tonight, arid is general
throughout thia state and pari of Iowa.
There ia an unverilied reror to the
effect that the dam at St. Cloud ha
broken, and that the logs are on their
way dow n.
XfL03I03 AT 32A.
A Vei! Lett From ITiiuoii of Coal Ou-Ttt
Crew Oct to Short.
Nkwi okt, Or., May Las! night at
0:30 three boats, containing nineteen
coal w hen gua exploded and literally tore
the deck and aftt r cabin into splinters.
The boats were uninjured, and all of the
1 crew got into them w hen the ship was
'ou,ul 10 be on flre "n(l ""'k'nif from the
j in tlm stern. The ciew rigged a sail
, ttml ra tl,B ,,olll together. The St.
'lrl'' wiil.d from Lath, Maine, and
' V3 only eight or nineyearaold Had
thv ""'D c"'"e in "n ,lour la,Hf e,lli,e
i ,,r,'w 1,,lve M no ,ie
couU h"'' wn ' irn-t them
j 'hcre t0 l,,n!' "t' knowing, they
0U,J P1"'''''' llv'e 'e J-bed on the
1 BUi AglrTs,lkedlf.
j i1SclNXATIi Muv -jo -The Knquirer
j lis niorninK prints a dispatch from its
j Washington co. respondent. In view of
j the warm o i , r-!',iioT! be'vtn Blaine
1 4n)i J(Jir, K M,.rA.an ,lf, disjiab b mar
j considered quite signiflcant It reads
ag folio.. .
The cwvfn'.ton lo lie hel l In Minneapo
lis, June 7 next, will nominate James G.
Wain" for the olHee of president of the Uni
ted Slates. The situation has reached a
crMs. Ulaine has sken to this extent:
" I will do nothing to prevent my nomina
tion. I have mailemv last denial:" ami I
can sav likewise that, it nominated, lilaine
,. , ... ,,. .' ..
oration to the parly welfare, he is in the
I hands of the delegates. He will neither seek
the nomination nor run away from it. If
called upon to load he will throw the
magic of his name and fame to the foremost
Awfnl Destruction In Manritinj.
London, May 20 Baron de Vorms,
parliamentary secretary of the colonial
office, read a telegram in the house of
commons this afternoon, confirming the
terrible disaster at Mauritius. It is said
one-third of the capital city, Port Louis,
was destroyed. Among the buildings
wiecked were a royal college and twenty
four churches. Many sugar niiKs in the
country were demolished and much
valuable machinery badly dauiuged. In
Port Louis alone (WO persons were killed,
and in ti e country districts as far as
heard from 300 met a like fate. It is be
lieved the complete death roll will be
over 1200. The fatalities are mostly
among Africans, Hindoos, Chinese and
Malays. .
The Facic Coast Sofcnatj.
Washington, May 22. The war de
partment officials have announced with
considerable pride tho canipletion at
Oen. Fingers, the recently established
brass foundry at the Watertown arsenal,
of the top casting for the eight-inch,
breech-loading steel r:tle for the Pacific
coast defenses. It is a bronze casting
and weighs a little mote than the com
bined weight of seven of our Napoleon
guns made during the late war. It is
very difficult casting, of irregular shape,
and is said to be the largest casting of
its kind ever ailempted in any army
Sow Orlmni Street Car Strike.
New Ohi.kans, May 22. In cotise
ouence of the failure of nil efforts nt ar
bitration a general strike was ordered
on the street car lines of tho city this
morning. At noon, owing to the etforo
of the officials, cars were running on
several lines at irregular interval, and
under police protection.
Pursuit of Mexican Bandits,
Washington, May 19. General Scho
field received a telegram from General
Stanley this morning saying that a small
band of Mexican revolutionists had
crossed the Rio Grande into Texas in
the vicinity of Fort Ringgold, and he
had sent troops in pursuit of thum.
Report of the Committee of In.
y estimation.
Am fin 2 Them Bcln? Ihe Reln:!ii(f f
Ihe I-arge Salaries Hereto
fore Paid.
Wahiiinoto, May 20 The report of
ihe World's fair investigation conimit
tee, submitted to the committee on ap
propriation, recommends the depart
ment of foreign aff..ir to be abolished,
and the duties discharged hy the di'tc
tor general and chiefs of bnresos, snd
says the reduction should lie made
tort tier in employes' salaries ot the ex
position company. The committee
recommends the salaries of the chiefs of
the fifteen great departments shall in
no case exceed M'XM); the salary of the
director general be cut from 115,000 to
S000. and secietary of national com
mi'nion to (3000 The reimrt says the
management should studiously avoid
extremes of either parsimony or extrav
agance. In regard to complaints of im
proper letting of contracting, etc., the
committee does not tind the charges
sustained, but regrets that more public
ity was r.ot given in some cases.
In conclusion, the committee expressed
without reserve confidence in the as
sured success of the exposition. Fifty
sic nations and colonies have accepted
the invitation lo pnrticite, and already
appropriated $3.7So,000 for that purpose.
It is exH?cted that twenty other foreign
countries will be represented. For
buildings and special exhibits of our
own states f3.1S2,500 have already been
provided. Expenditures of the exposi
tion all abound rvach the stupendous ag
gregate of thirty millions. In scope and
magnificence the exposition stands alone.
There is nothii g like it in all history; it
surpasses all kindred enterprises, and
will amply il'ns'rate the marvelous
genius of the American people.
The committee submit estimates as to
the exposition, placing the expenditure
jat H),319,08, and a toial income of
ji2S),275,4H2. It thinks the construrtion
1 department's expenn-8 couid be safely
reduced to f 1S..0,(K).
A!r Bppakj.
Petboit, May 19 General Alger was
reticent w hen approached by the associ
ated press representative today in re
gard to the conference held at his home
last evening. What was the outcome of
the conference he declined to state, but
he said all were in favor of Elaine for
president, and every means would be
used to get Ihe nomination.
Troopt on Wheell.
Chicago, May 22. General Miles said
in regard to the result of the bicyclists,
that, even with the slow time made, his
former opinion, as to the usefulness of
the bicycle in the field, is confirmed.
He said the average was over ten miles
an hour and conld not be beaten by in
fantry in similar weather,- and travel
for cavalry would be imjiossible.
To Bridge the Bosphorus.
Chicago, May 24 F. Fitzgerald of
London, the constructor of the famous
Frith of Forth bridge, is in this city and
said in an interview that be has informa
tion that a bridge will -toon be built
across the Bosphorus to Constantinople.
It will cost $20,000,000 and will revolu
tionize European-Asiatic travel.
Horthero Pacific Dividend.
Nkw York, May 21. The passing of
the dividend on the Northern Pacific
preferred stock generally meets with
approval on Wall street. From Phila
delphia, however, come whispers of
No Disturbance in Mexico,
City of Mexico, May 22. Notwith
standing the threats and rumors of riots,
there was no disturbance here today.
The street patrols have been withdrawn. .
The opposition press is still very bitter
against the government.
Mrs. Harrison's Condition.
Washington, May 22 .There was. a
perceptible improvement in Mrs. Harri
son's condition today, and the physicians
say she is more comfortable than for
several days past.
Cherries and Aprioota
Yacavii.i.e, May Kb The fust car of
cherries and apricots for the season was
leaded here today by the California
Fruit Association and the Earl Fruit
Company and Bamett Bros , Chicago.
Scuffling for Dollars.
To get tho dollars we have to scuffle
for them no mistake about that; but
there are different ways of going about
it, and if you are not satisfied with your
progress at present, then write to B. F.
Johnson A Co., Richmond, Ya., who
can give yon a good pointer or two.
Read carefully their advertisement in
another column, and write them at on:e.
"The early bird" etc.