Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 20, 1892, Image 8

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    IV B ft Hi
It occnrr! to tne the next morning I
that, considering the nature of the work ;
that was cut out for me, it might be pru-!
dent to depart from my usual custom by
taring the diamonds at home tn Chris- '
tina's charge, as he had herself sng- j
crated, and I took the earliest opportu
nity of mentioning this proposal to Kato.
To my mrprise she at ontu expressed a
decided dissent from the arrangemeut,
and indeed seemed so much perturbed
by it that 1 at once relinquished the
idea. But I begged her to tell me the
reason of her objection.
"Sot now," she said hastily; "I hear
papa coming, wait till after breakfast
and then you shall know."
We were standing at the gate of the
courtyard, breathing the fresh moruing
air. She left me and returned to the
bouse, whence Mr Birchmore almost
immediately issued and saluted me with
more than his usual cordiality. I won
dered what his behavior would have
been had he known of the transactions
of the past night or of what was in store
for us during the day. Be began to talk
bout Kohlsteia, and related several
anecdotes of the bandits by whom it was
said formerly to have been iuuabited.
'l have been up there more than
once," he remarked, "and the traces of
their occupation are still visible. 1 re
member one feature that particularly
impressed me tk narrow cleft or chasm
of considerable depth, into which the
old fellows are said to have thrown their j
prisoners when ther became refractor. I
"Would the fall kill them?" j
"1 should say not: the bottom seemed I
full of chopped brushwood and other
,uch rubbish. But no human being ,
could have got out unaided, and proba-
bly . day or two . lonely sojourn there
would bring the mast reso ute uialcon- ,
fate to f.dl in there nowadays, and have j
one's skeleton fished ont ag:un the fol- J
lowing year perhaps, and a sensational !
itarasraph in the newspapers. ou
yonng folks must pick your steps care
fully today."
"Forewarned is forearm edT rejoined
i,' with a short laugh. Further conver
sation Was cnt short by a summons to
breakfast On this occasion Slurk watt
ed at table, and 1 observed him with
more than usual attention and tolera
tion, as one with whom I was soon to
try desperate conclusions. Be was cer
tainly a villainous looking character;
but he appeared to be. for reasons best
known to himself, in excellent spirits
this morning a circumstance which
tirred up an unwilling kind of compas
sion within me. reflecting what a speedy
and final end was going to be put to all
bis possibilities of enjoyment Vile
though his life bad been, it was the
onlv one he had.
Kate likewise had the semblance of
nnusual gayety. but 1 could see that it
was either feigned or the result of nerv
ous excitement. And my judgment was
justified when after breakfast she over
took me as I was on the way np stairs to
my roam to make my final preparations,
and said, in a voice unsteady with emo
tion: "Tom, dear, you asked me why you
might not leave your diamonds with
Christina. You do not know what
danger you were in last night! On my
way back to my room I heard two peo-
pleulkingu,gether and they mention
,ur "r
One said. The bolt is all right; I had
better go in and risk it; hell be certain
to be asleep by this timer And then the
other said: 'He has his revolver; leave it
to me; he believes he can trust me. To
morrow, when he goes out, I'll get him
to leave them with me for safety P and
then they both laughed My darling
this bouse is a den of thieves!"
"Were the persons you heard "Who
were they?'
"Christina' and that creature she calls
her father. Hush! There she comes.
She must not see us together," and in a
moment Kate had glided away. I went
on uo the stairs with a heavy heart 1
on UP me suiirs wuu a uc ucaiu i
would almost rather not have heard this
last revelation. My confidence in my
penetration had received a humiliating
shock. To tfiink that Christina's inno
cent face and modest, maidenly air con
cealed the heart of a thief, or, worse
.mi m a AH A ,-,,,w run a a Ynxjr fj mtr
snu, o. a uexj uuv., r.rr. '
v a i w a
Sliir had throw hlmtclf lomird m
vanity as we 1 as to my faith in nuiuan
latm How artful she had been when
Kl beTmrt ingenuous and kind!
' And theri it all at once flashed upon
tf,Cb,5-UH wXn
. were-intheplot? 'What If J
.'sHhem to be on the outlook for i me and
what If Slurk being secretly in
with, him, had contnved to get the
" Birchmores and me along with them
into this house, intending fo divide the
epoil with Herr Rudolph and thrurtratf
Many signs seemed to point to this as a
j HiYlYlUlNlJO.
I true deduction rrom me circmustanee,
'i and even as I was rather grimly cooaid
I ering the matter, a new confirmation of
Kate's discovery awaited me. Christina
; was standing at my room door, and as I
I came up she courtosied and said;
i "l was wishing to speak a moment to
' Ilerr Uaiusborough, if he would per
! mit me."
I "What do von wantTIasked somo
! what roughly. .
I "Does the honored Derr remember
i what I said yesterday?"
j "That yon 'wished me to give you my
I diamonds for safe keeping? Yea; and I
have to answer that I am not quite so
i trustful as you seem to think I
i The scornful and severe tone m which
: 1 spoke evidently startled her; but she
' still affected uot to understand.
"It was for llerr tlamsUirough! own
sake" she began, but I Interrupted her
"Do viiu rememlier what I said yester
day? that I weut armed, well, I am I
armed today, ami whoever trim to teach
me bow to UKe care of my dtiuuouds
I inav happeu to get a bullet llistottd. to
let him Oewttrv If llerr KuUolub is
) anxioosalxmt me. yon can tell liitn that!"
"Herr Hainboniv;h will be sorry to
have spoken so saul Christina, coloring j
deeply, and with tremulous lip '
"I am sorry to-have to say it, Chris- j
i tina. But cau you tell me bow the bolt j
of this door came to be lu this coudi- !
! tionr and I pulled out the loose socket '
as 1 spoke and the screws fell to the Boor. :
"Indeed. I did not kuow thisrexclaiiued
he; but the dismay and confusion which '
were but too plainly vvuble on her fac
! belied her words, j
"You will understand, however, that i
a house whose fastenings are to much j
out of order would not be a proper place j
to keep treasures in. Well, goodby. Chris- j
tina, I am going to Kolilstein. and !
probably 1 sha'n't spend another night j
here. When you write to your brother j
in Pans you may tell him that the dia-
monds are unite safe, though Uiey may I
have been in danger." i
."Will Uerr Uaiusborough let me say j
one wordr i
"It's too late 1 have no time." re- I
turned I. with an emphasis all the more j
coldly contemptuous because of the se- j
cret inclination I felt in view of her
nn.t HHrtill.idulil lu. ! II II lUiUlt Itl . '
JUUhU BUU iltmuu v
ate and forgiving; and perhaps I was
half sorry that stie attempted uo further
self vindication, but, obeying my ges
.i;.,..,,. . i .,.vi nninftk. ,i,.,i
her eyw, dlwncMt aml no j
m ao wvxMf) mooJ ad
walked to and fro about my room like a '
surly bull in a pound. For the first
though not for the last time I heartily
cursed the dlainonils: they seemed to
raise the devil wherever 1 carried them.
In the midst of my anathemas Mr. Birch-
more knocked at the door and told me
that everything was ready down stairs
for the start
"And, by the by, Gainsborough." he
aded, with one of his point blauE, icy
glances, "I have arranged that our lug
gage shall be removed today, and if you
leave yours here I advise you to seal it
up in my presence. 1 found the lock of
my door in rather a strange condition
this morning. I have my own opinion
of what our landlord uiay be."
"Who recommeiidod you to this place.
Mr. Birchmore?" 1 demanded curtly, for
1 was getting to feel suiuethmv like oori
tempt for my intended father-iu-law
It is not easy to respect a man who
unuer wimiecr iu vi vmuiiKuouvm.
nother man 10 wake 8 "ave '
under whatever stress of cireniiurtaneea
I "It was that fellow Slnrlt. and he de
1 serves a good horsewhipping for itl" re
: plied Birchmore, thrusting bis bands
; resolutely into bis poclfets.
"I think he deserves at least that." I
rejoined, with a significant latujb. 'and
whenever you're inclined to operate on
him I'll stand by you."
Mr. Birchmore said no more, and we
went down stairs in 'silence. Kate wa
already seated in the carnage SI or
was on the box. with a large basket con
j ridVhfnL Mr. Birchmore and I took ou,
taining our provisions for the day be
! places-one of ns, at least, with a heavy
; " .
heart The landlord stood at the door
and nodded ns a surly farewell
"Where is ChristinaT 1 asked him.
"She has gone to the town to sell eggs
did the Herr want anythingt1
"1 should liked to have sent tor a
screwdriver, but probably 1 can get one
on our way back," was my answer and
with that we drove away.
In about half an hour, proceeding by
unfrequented roads, we enme In sight ot
Kohlsteia It was a vast four sided
! "f f JP7 rock- ieln w1th f4
' cleft and fissures running horizontal v
' and vertically, so that it appeared to
i - -, - -
lv been built of gigantic blocks ol
BMJne. il was wuniuciaui vidi vii-
hundred feet in sheer height, and it
stood upon a rising ground of shifting
sand, blender trees grew here and there
out of the crevices of its headlong side
and straggled nakedly along its level
. tf i;,l ..in0t tl, lrr It
-j "- f
P' art)ber 8tmn
j hold; impregnable, certainly, to any at
tack save that of the heavest modem
! Wermufltg(Jtontand walk from here.'
Umarked Mr Birchmore. -There'sonly
, am)
m the other side 1 have got a toucb
of my rliemnaticg anc Dttr(llv
thnk j M(j dQ the ehmbm
Howe that nee(Jn.t int,rfere wlttl
youn(t of cotJree .
(JtrnangiM covert loon who Kie
as 1 helped her to diwoud from tlie ear
mire, and she pnwed my hand and
smiled. I admired her courage as niiicb
as I lamented the apparent lack of It in
her father. The horse, having ieti nil
harnessed and tethered where some coot
grass grew Nvo.de a stream, we struck
otT across the sandy upland; Shirk car
rymg the lug tiasket, Mr. Ditvhiuore
walking with a rather feeble step neat
him, and Kate and I iu front It was
an even hotter day than yeeterdity avid
the tramp was a wearisome one. My
the time we arrived at the foot of the
Stem, we were unite rewdy to ret a few
minutes in the shallow of the rock, for
coolness and breath,
"No. I canH do ltr aid Mr Birch
more, wiping his forehead ami glaiielini
hopelessly np at the uarrow white foot
path that seemed to mount almost
straight upward to the distant summit
"Just leave me here, with a few sand
w telle and a bottle of hock, anil I shall
do very comfortably till yon come hack '
It was certainly very arduous work
clambering up that laddurhke path
and I doubt whether KnW dctormma
tion and mind would have held ont had
the motive which nrged us been merely
one of curiosity. But the top was gained
at last, and we threw ourselves down no
the dry grass to rest ami to he famuM
by the welcome brwe that blew there
Shirk placed the basket ia a little hoi
low where some bushea kept oQ the di
rect rays of the sun and stretched buu
elf at full length beside it
"Now let us walk about." suggested
Kate, at length, in an uudertone. uwe
must see what there is to be seen.
We had already arranged all tne steps
by which we were to proceed lu the
achievement of our purpose ami we felt
that the soouer it was emled now the
better. The surface ou which we
stood, though preserving a general level
was full of irregularities and uneven
nees; It was overgrown with low busliw
and parched grans, with perhaps halt a
dozen starved and meaner tree, jtiere
and there the naked rock jutted form
from the thin soil crumbling and
weather worn. Its surfiM- stained in
places with dry lichen The entire
table was scarcely two-thirds of an acre
in area, and a more forlorn and uncon
genial spot It would be hard to tiud even
in the uitdst of summer The cave in
which the rubbers lived was somewhere
lower down, we had paseed Its entrance
on onr way up, but it was here protw
bly, that an outlook was kept over tne
country, to spy out the approach of vie
tiius or of enemies. It struck ma that It
was hardly worth while to be a bandit
if one must put tip with such bleak and
unattractive quarters in which to carry
on the business
Kate ami I wanderetl over tills Darren
summit hand lu band. The moment
was now very near that wan to make a
great change in the world for both ol
us We felt, somehow, as if we were
taking leave of a certain part ol oui
lives then. At least t remember gaitus;
ont across the wule expanse ol suullgut
country that stretched far away oo
every side and wondering whether it
wonid look the same au hour bene
Shirk all the while lay beside bis basket
and appeared to be asleep
We came to the brow of a sort of shell
or shallow declivity descending which
we found ourselves on a lower level uv
some six or seven feet, and so much ol
the area as lay behiud us ceasvil to tie
visible. Advancing a few paces farthei
we paused abruptly on the edge ol a
dark, profound cleft, which gaed niht
at our feet It was so uarrow that one
might easily leap across it at it wiImi
part: but it was so deep that for all
that I could see, it might dmoead to Uie
very base of tjie Stein Peering down
ward earnestly, however my eyes ue
coming accustomed to Uie gloom could
dimly discern what seemed to he a not
torn at a tluptb of not more tiuin twenty
"It's an awful thing to do altei all'
1 murmured, after a long luspsctiuo.
looking up at Rate.
"Are you readyr' was all her answei
TO bk continued.)
Take Core of the Harness,
Whether a harness is in good condi
tion aftef six or eight years of hard
service, or is good tor nothing after two
years, depeuls on the care taken of it
If well oiled and cleaned after every ex
posure to storms, the harness lasts nntil
enongh is made ont of it to buy another.
It is a good plan to keep two harnesses,
one for tine weather and the other for
nse when It is wet and rough. We saw
only a few days ago a harness that Its
owner assured ns had been used for best
during eighteen years, and it was still
in good condition. In that time many
fanners would be obliged to buy two if
not three harnesses. It is possibly in
facts like this that some fanners may
find abundant reason for their complaint
that farming does not pay. American
The Many
Kemarkahle cures nf Catarrh effected liy the
me ol Ayer's Harsaparllla ant conelunlve
proofs that this loathsome and liaiiKerou
(Unease is one of the blood, needing only
till searching and powerful alterative to
thoroughly eradicate It
" I have suffered for yearn from catarrh,
which was so severe that It dentroyed my
appetite and weakened my system. None of
the remedies I took afforded me any relief,
until J used Ayer's Harsaparllla. I hffran tn
take this medicine last spring, and am now
entirely free from that (IKkimiIiii; dlwue.
My appetite has returned, and I am once
more strong and healthy." Hunan I,. W.
Cook. K) Alhany street, Boston Highlands,
Huston, Mass.
"Myson now fifteen years of ajra was
troubled for a long time with catarrh, In Its
worst form, through the effects of which Ills
blood hecasie iiolsoncri. About a year ago
lie, licgan using Ayer's Harsaparllla, has
taken seven hollies ol It, and Is now entirely
well." I). V. Kerr, lllg Hprltig, Ohio.
" I was cured ol ar long-standing cstarrh
by the useol Ayer's Hursaparllla." .luines
J. iHiugher, Company U., l.Hh Infantry, Fort
Wlngate, N. M.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
rnKi'Aiixo v
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by Druggists. fl,ilxS5. WurUi Si a bottle.
r e 4 r iV p ?' t
$ i r ff f t ,
Ut Vt'M lMit
AMi -
have lot .Vh'.Mtl feet, lOOsCiM feet, tilt fitVoraMy ItHMltitl. Tliose
lots twice the onlitmry i art' lut half tho tistuil rici' of otlier lt sim
ilarly locutotl. Wt have otit'-ticrts tivo-m re, five and teti-aoro trut U,
iuuitublo for euburlmu hotuc. convenient to town, c1hh1h, ohuKlios,
'etc., and of very iiroductivc soil. A
: which wo will cell jmrt in tuiuvll tracts to suit j.urclian ri, tind on ray
Call & See Us
at oimiu t u v
.Ho. S Htnrk Ml..
Si'ltoot. TAX Norti K.
T thr tsilisvft id srheel llUtrlrl Ni. el
CUekiinnii euittny. itft-icm:
Tlir wlei.il In ol ilm n Imi vi" iimi,il ilt"iriei fr
lh year twl I tli il. nik! biml lw Im.tl In
til uuilrriiirj i 111" nttle 111 uwui'llj
Hllhlu sixty !) 1mm ililo "I this . ut
I lit im mil ti ttturuvil ileliii.iixiit
Til"- f. Hvci.
Clerk Si liil Umitlit N.
IMted this I'Xb ily ! April, tvi l .'
! 1. 17
tei tltiir n Villi e.
N.ill.-f li hrrrhr (Iren thai Ilia iihilvnlminl
duly plHtlultnl. lilllfli'l unit i rtlur pvi'ivili.rs
I ol tlm e.lxlr "I Jehu A. '.inter, it.vsa.t,liave
! ttlrtt llh the rlerk ot tli runny emirt "I
i t.'Ui'loiuisn emtiity. Ori'smi, tliil linil i-eituit
i ueh exreiitiirs. ami lli lil !"H i I
I Tuiwliy. June Ith. Iwi the lur lii nrlm
j iil.Jrelloua lu Mid Si eiiillil Slid fur III tllil
uiut el ftnltl rul0.
Ily onlel u! Il"ii J. W. Mel.lrinu. )u.l nt
nl.l i-iimiiy oiiutl ul CI irkin I'liuiiiy, ('resell
A.rlli;, laW. ' It. ttil.l.ns..
IUnrv '-.
To the tsxpnTfri ol Pills Vlrw schoul JlstrlM
No hr. nl t Ineksmns eoiiiily, Oie -n
The eh.il t n( the l..v iiinrt itlsirlet
fur trie yeir l1' N now line. ti. nm-l he pld
in H. uiiili.rslned st Ills nmo In Ksll's View
! within Uty dv Iri'tn the dnie ol this nutlce,
ir the same win ie reiiirneu ss upnn-ii i-m.
J. I'oHKHrs.
( Ir-rk RehiKil tHirli t .So t.
luted this 37th dsy ol April, lvi. ( 'ill; r. s
Lsud Office st Oregon City. dreg
April I. I V
Nrtlee Is hereby riven tht the following
nsmed settler has riled notice ol his Inieuilou
to make Snsl proof In support ol hi claim. rd
Hint ld uroof will be nude l lore Die Hi gisier
nd Keeetverof the I'. M. I.nnd ottlee st Uregou
(ily. Oregon, on June H. IfJi, via:
Henry Velkas,
Homestead entry Ni. tfM, ler the w ol sec
:2, t A s. r t.
Its names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon slid cultivation
ol said land, vl: ieor llniisate. Aliwrt
Pasold. F Pasold and J. Vsughu.all ol Molalls
V. O , lUcksinsi county. Href mi.
ZUA JU J. T. Ai'i-sksoN. Ileglster.
J.ASO Orrics T Ossuos Citv. Oswnn.i
April 9, lJ.
Notice Is herehv given that the following
named settler has riled notice of his Intention
to make final pno! In support of his claim, and
thatsnld proof will be made before th Itenlster
and Receiver ol the I'nlted Hiales land oillce at
Oregon City. Oregon, on June 7, 1WJ, vis: James
F. Nelson, homestead entry s"'J7 for Hie lots l
and It of sectiou 2S, town 4 south, range 'i east
He names tne following witnesses to prove
his cnnlllitinua residence upon and cultivation
nl said land, vis: Hllas Wright, Keuhcu
Wright, William White and J H. Jackson, all
of Molalls post oillce, Clackamas ci ty, Ore
gon. J. '' ArrssaoH, Register
Und Office st Oregon City. Oregon,!
May Hi, Wi (
Notice Is hereby given that trie Mhiwlug
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support ol his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the reirlster
and receiver of the I'nlted Ktstes land oillce st
Oregon City, Oregon, on Julys, is'.i?, vis: Wil
liam K. Hmlth, Pre. II. 8. No Nets, lor the N. U of
H. W. VA H K. ''. nl H. W. i't and lot 1 of Hee. , T.
7 H., K. 1 K. He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous resilience upon and
cultivation of said land, vis: J. H. Dudley,
John Caster, .1. II. Cannon and W, ,1. Plank, all
of Hllverton P. 0., Marlon county. Oregon.
6:20 :I7J J. T. Acpkhson, Keglsler.
otlee la hereby given, tl at I, the underslgnd,
have filed my final report lu the malterol tne
estate ol John I). Charters, deceiised. la the
county court ol Clackamas county, Oregon, and
the court has appointed July filh, at the
hour ol 10 a. m. as a day and time lor hearing
of said report and lor the settlement ol said
estate. Parties having objections may present
them at that time Mawmhkt A. Chahtkhs,
Ailm'i of the estate of John li. Charters, dee d.
II. K Cross, All y for estate. Ifi J3:U-1(J
r. F. W IIITB.
Practical Architects Builders.
Will prepare plans, elevations, working de
tails, and apeclflcatlons for all kinds of build
ings. Hpeclal attention given tn modem cot
tages. Estimates furnished on application.
Call on or address WHITE ItHOH.,
Oregon City, Ogn
- A
V T V 5
. . ... . .
Ksi ti er til irvin livva, II vl ell irun Uml.
will not wtorsl luiielrvd Jllr wr rr
hou Uriio suimiik lu t"r.
Um growing "rnine Orchard," of
& Get Prices
on u r, ou
at Portland (Mice,
I'OH Ii.i .
Oregon City, Oregon,
I'lillStiKk of ('.tins fcs Ammunition.
Iti' r on all kinds ol small ins tilups
jriiinpllv made. It'iflli ate keys to
suv 1" k maiiufai liin il. rlidp oil
Miilu Mni t. near Sittli.
Great Reduction
Cabinet Photographs
OSt.Y ,
Thwaite'a ,
l? I'lrst .Mtreet, Itet. Morrison and Ysmhlll
Fiivery, Fifl ntnl Sale Htnll
Doublo and Single Itigs, and wul
die hornct always on lmntl tit the
lovtt pricw, A oornill ronnvctod
with the bam for Ioowj BtocV.
inloriiiuliun renunlitig suv kind ol
stix'k pnttnptly attended to by person ui
horsoa Bought and Sold.
3T. H.
pRicticiil Horseslioer,
Hhopon Main St., o.p Wooltn Mills.
Specie! Attention Given to Contracted or EaU reel
Ten yeara expeileuce lu eastern cities,
' A. 1ST ID
l'artlos ilesirinu Wood Turning, I'at
torns, Ilrsckuts, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will boSuituil by Callinion Mo.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
JP()if. tint Oontfrctrntlonal Clinrcli
J. 1IITTNKK, Propr.
Tho Olilekt I'lrisl 4'Iiissm Hotel In
Ortpin 'lly.
Clean rooms with eowCortulilo btuU,
Tublcs Htipplictl willi the best tho mur
kut allbrils.
1 V 4 v
1 1 i
SiintUty Sorvlcos.
Kllth T ftlStlHKU A I'H'N At. ftll'IH'll. -ItSv,
O. W, I.ei As, I'sstiir. services at II A, K. Slid
I :l r x Suiolav Schiuil alter nioiiims '''
vice Piaver luei'llug cituesdny evetung st
7 Wo.eloek Prayer ineellug ot Vouna Peujile.
S.a'leiy ol t'lirlsiisu hndesvtir every rtuilday
evvuiiig m 0 ptempl.
ri'tsf IHI'Tltr I'tll'llt'll -llsr. thlvtM
Ptusaa Pasior Mninlni Service st II huh. lay
Scli.uil ai I.' pi; Kifhllis Service " .1.1, Kegular
pinver iiieeting Wednesday eeuln. Mmi lily
t'.iyeltsut Meelluv ever) tt edhi'diiy eveullis
ii'ee.lug the fli'l Sunday lu the iiiontli. A
oorulnl iiivltailoii to all,
ST, IOIIN rl rnTllCH t'ATIIiil It!,- Itv. Ai
Itil.l.aiiHlsli, PasUiS, tin Niuebi) til4Hs nl s aui
to mii a. M K very second ami luurili Suiolay
iiermaii sermon slier the s n clock mass
At all oilier inaoscs t)uHllli sermons. Monday
school at 'M , N iisers. hieilcal
siilijceis, slid Iteusdlclloii at IWI, H.
WKI'ltui'lNr Kftrafstl I. tlllilll'll - Itsv
Ktiw ttniKKs, I'asinr Moruliii serilceat II;
K.Hi. 1st School at 1J IV kvelillK service al 7 IW.
tlimurth l eagut ineciilig Sunday eveuliia at
So Prayer Mecllus Thursila) welling l s SO,
strainers eordlally Itivlled,
riHsr I'kknky t kkian citi'itcii.- kv. o.
W tiisossv. Palor, Serilcesat It a. st ami
7 nil r m K.l.l.nili School at In n. Voiiiig
triple s Solely of t'hrlstlau hudcavor Incela
evvry Sunday evening at M Wednesday
vvenlni prayer meellog at 7 Seats line,
rVANll'El lt'Al.t'Ht'itl'H-IIKHMAN - Afi,
Ksasr, Pastor. PicacIihik sen ices ei cry allcf
tone Sunday at 11 A. M and ll I' M
I, mil .el.. .l rvery Sumlsy al III A M f lohil
llarrlsbeiger, snpt ) ttcckl) Prayer Nelliig'
every W eduesdsy evening
I'MI'ICII Pltl-111 1( r-'S t'lll'Kt'lt lte It.
Mil l sa. pastor. Services rh.l sn.l third suiidar
In ea. ll iu. oilh at ilrcsoii I l) , at II in 7 p ill,
second Nun. lay at Mountain II, ion al II . in :
lotirth Sunday at Harmon)' sch.Hil liuuse at 11
ui pra' r iiu-elliut lireS'Ui I liy, Weiliiesday
eieslng Monday school. Ilia. III.
H ..: )-J -
Society Dii'oetory.
MUKuOS fit V llilAlll' lilf TIlAliK.
Meets at I'uillt IIoIis.miii Second Monday lit
eaeti in.nilh. 'Ultus welii.wie
'. fc. IHi.N Al lilN. MAIIVKVII t ItHSS.
sccictaiy Prrslilent.
Meets ai Kllllhls Hall.Cant.y on Mist ami
Hilrd Prl lay ol crli ttiouili. Ult.irs eclcumo.
M ). litest", lice, Wis KiioHt. Pros
UI'l.rNUUAH Inl'ilK, NU 1, A f A A M,
Holds lls r'i!a eoinniuntisliiitis tut Hr
ml mini Maiurda)s el eaek bi.uiiIi al 7 m M
Hmihlcu liiiislaiiiln are In lied lu attend.
J 1' At'l'Mtsi'N, M.
T. r KVA.S.xei-lelary
OUKUON t.olitiK. Nm A, I. n O. t
Meeii every Thursday even at 7 ; o'clock
r m In the odd r'.'ll,.' lull, Msin sirveL
Members ul Ihe lirdcr are lli'ilrd lu allrlld,
Uv order ulW A Midiei"ii. N 0
lli,.s. IDS li, Secrelary.
"KAILS ..M AMl'MKM, No. , I. O t Y.
Meeis Srt and third Tnetdaysot each in. mill,
slw.1,1 lvll"t hall. Memlicrs and vlilllng
ta:rlnri hs, cordlsli) lUVlleillo allcltd
4. K jA.sav. J W nt .ll.
Serlli. t'lllel l alllsrch.
" " o till' l.nt'lil!. NO M. I. O O. r
Meels at Odd Kellu s hall, llssrcau. every
Ssiur.lay eiemug 1 1stline l.rcili rni made
elrome . W PIKimmKH, N O.
J r KltV. tMi.
tig (illl.iiii.N
Mrels (Irst Monday ot cirh month, al K ol
P lull, uregou I Ily. Vlsiilag eunusdee made
OILMAN' PtltKI:lt. Commander.
tiKN. I HOOK rust. No. W li A. H , lieparl
meiil ill iin ..s
Meets 111 sch.tol hoic at Nety oh Aral rlat
urdsy In esch tumuli at i 'i-.a'k P in All
e.unra.1c mi4e aalc-ieie O. II Imi.mi.
W I Hor..g . AdJI. t nmiiiailder
TF.MPLK No I olllii'iN CirV I'Aritt.tK
CIUI. i tlti l.K
Meets seeiitid Slid Imirlh Tiindsy evenings
al 7 JO at kulshis l'ulo had
I I's is ursi le
f ptisTka sccrclary
anoi;ks hokkk iniMiK n. . suns or
Meels every Siindsv al ' o'cha k p m. st
Treiilwlli s Halt I asp tissssmss. Pres.
Ai tuar sun I.ISU. Sce'y
TI AI.HIN UhAN'tiK, NO. 111. I' ol II.
Me, t tal Mslurday ol each liooilh at their
hall In Wltsoiitltle. It II. Ilrs.v.
Miss Msi.a siitsc Mee'y Master.
WAKNF.lt OhAN'IK. No til. V ol II.
Meet fnurtti Mninrdsy ol each month at their
hall til New Lie. J.fasi i, M.ler
K i: Madil'N-k. 'e')'
"itt'TrK CHKKK i.ltANilK, No s.', p. ol ll
Mei'ts al their hall III Msr..iMlil see-uid Mat
nr.lsy In esnii m mih at lu a. m. Visiting
nu.tiilM.rs always ai Itolnw.
J, ). Ill K, j. ll n ill l r.
Secretary Mssier.
MtiI.AI.l t CHANiiK, No. 4i. P of II.
Meets at their hall at tt rlshl'a ttrldse on th
sceeml Haturday ol each laoitth at ll) s. m
rellow uicmiiars msue weici.tiie,
llsi ess W sioiit, Master.
N II Hash iiu, Mee.
Meels every Thursday evening at Knight's
hall. Catihy. Visions hmlhcrs msde Kcli ome.
Vt . (If, SIIASR, It . M.
W B OaiBiu.s, Keeorder.
Meets rtrst and third Monday In each month,
at Miralsht'e Hall Vlsltlui hreihern welcome.
II. H. unison, 1. li. Jons..
Kce. M, W.
Meets every second and fourth Friday eveu-
roleacb month Id Odd Fellows' hulldlus.
soluuruiiii brethren eordlally Invited to at
tend, v. r. iiAijf.ow, u. w.
ACHILLKS I.iiIKIK, N't), us, K or P.
Meeia every Friday uiih( st the K. ol V, ball.
Vlsltlui KnihU invited
Isaac Ai kssmahi, C, C.
J. K Hiionss, K. ol it. end a.
Meets every Tuesday evcnluir st their ball
comer Main and Teuth Streets, tirexou City.
Matt, ji sTis,Herj'y, T. W . Hi'U.ivan, free
NKW Kit A W. C T. U.
Meets (Irst Haturilay 111 each mouth at their
hall lu New Km, Friends ot the cause are In
vited Pi he present. Mns. Caiisv Johnson,
Mss. F.asTMAN, President.
CANIIY I.OII0K, NO laH, I O. 0. T.
Meetsevery Mnlurdsy cvciiIiik at Knlulifs hall
Canhy Vlsltlui inemliers always made wel
come. Wtl iioN HUANK, W.O.T.
0. J. Cox. Hen.
Mrs. M. M. Charman, President
Mra. F. I.. Coohriina, - Trctsurer.
Mrs. J. II. Ilardius, - Hecretary.
Meets on first nud third Frldnya of each
mouth III K. ol P. Hall. Mcmhers of corps
from shroad, oordlally welcomed.
Meets flrnt Friday of tnch monlh nt
Foiiulitln enirlne hoiiHu, Chan, Athky, Pres.
C II. Pii.i.ow, Hec'y. Ciias Hits kk, F'rut
Iteitulnr meetltur, second Wednesday 111 flitch
month at eitKlne house, east side Main street,
helweuu Meventh and Kluhth.
1 Ai KKIiMAN.Ncn'y. l.ANi'K Oahunkii, Pres.
Kit. Nkwton, ForeuiHti.
Meets second Tuesday of each month at Cat
sraet F.uitliie house, W 11. Howki.i., Pres.
(I. II. liiMTiiw, Hec'y, J. W. O'CuNNKM,, F'ru.
F.. D lluVer Camp, No. is, meets every first
and third Thursday evenliur of mieh month
C. II. llliltMANN,Jr..l'iiit.
WaIIIi ll. I.AWTON, Ut l.luilt.
, ; . . K HlII'KI.KS,'! Lieut
Armory, Third ami Main, ItoKUlar drill iilnht,
Monday. Iteitulnr tuutluusN nuiutluK, lrt
Monday of eauli luoiith. , a
J. W, (latioiiB, . ' Captain
F, H. Kelley, . - First, Lleuieniint
L .L. I'lckous, - - Beooml Lluiituiiuiit