Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 20, 1892, Image 7

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Wo variii'ntly Invito your attrition ti our iiiitKiiiflotint showing of new and tylinh nolo;tioiia for the spring ami summer month. .We have made it an absolute certainty that
lutywhero. Wo iint ili ti-rininml to tiutko our rsUblirihiiioiit a rofiublo place to buy goods; to nave you sonu-thing on all purchases. Our prices are ittrictly Hock IJottom at all time.
yon an Moil that you can buy good from u at Monty Having Tricon
15 yd. Kent Cabot W, 3 in.
wido.for It (X)
17 yd. Atlantic L 1 in.
wido.for. , 10)
lioBt Londulo, .'111 In. wiilo, 11
ydn. for ft 00
First Call, 'M in. wi.l.t (an ex.
ct'lloiit muslin), 1 1 yds. for 1 00
Our lUmt I'rlntu, '.Ml yd, for. .11 00
Shirting, U'Ht quality, 'M yda
for 1 ()
Indigo Illuu, flgurtxl (color
guarantied), 1.1 yds. for, . 1 00
Jlaiidnnino Ihviti (iinghama,
Vi yd, for ft (X)
Oilod (linghamit, 10 yd, for 1 00
ChallicH, in a viiricty of jmt-
ternn, 'JO yd. f..r 1 00
Outing Flannel, 10 yd, for 1 H
We respectfully invite you to
Hats, Caps, Groceries, Etc.
Tlie l'ollllcal lllMory or a Can
didate Sketched.
Free null, li mm rul, Republican, la
drpiuilrMl, I'rohlhllluulat ud
iple' Party.
Til lh imnjr MW oimrm to tli county
liotlllat Hi roniing vln'llun I called
Uniii fur llmir ulTraita, a short l..ir.hl
lrh o( Id hi!IIi I III oftli nitiiiinr of
( th larmrra' aUlam ami Mi.lr' party
fut tlat arnator limy ) iisrful, tit nblltit
them In mull amor liitilllkfiil rhoironl
aiuli.lnl.-s. .ani't "lli.u.ry oftlio WIIIbiii
tl Valley" (oralll) rmlll til nativity
tat'iiiilim t.Kiil. ItlttllliiiK Uil "III lml
of amxlrn mitmrjt" ami oilier spurious ar
ticle luiiil.l ii iliv cretin. Tli ma.1
null tu Hi nrw F,llura.lortiglit Ihityoorif
ami amtiltltuia yaiikr in It. trorlci, ami In
III tprinK ur tiiiinurr (if ,1V) lamtrt him
tioti Hi (olilen almre uf California. Hill
li wealth of tl tiilnet, although falitilour
in rit:linM yielded only to Hi txn am
of "toll ami lianlahip" ami In day oaa not
)ruluiitr1 In tiat riiil to lilm tliafun
lnilUlilr nitintry, Hiillliautiinin ol thai
year foiiml hint In Or-tm rvnity to avail
lilmwir of tii iMiiinly ol III Rovrrnmtiil
ml iiat iion a aortion of land, which, to
iilul tans BKaln, liitli hy takliiK ai laliu
tirar (Mo, In l.inn rtiunly,
All hi fro iil initliiim, hlih, It I to h
runil, lie hronght with him from hi
native ut w-r bom aay a (rather
Iwfor a cyclone when h fotimt hiiiiM-lf tnr
roiimlil hy nrlKhlKir who had ImiUKlit
with thtiti from Mimouri, from Arkanaa
ml from Tta. tli raliKI prtMlavery prill-,
clplt ami lh Intolerant and (wracrutinf
plrtl, which, later In tlnnnf the grvat r
tielllon, itvloiil Inloa hot tMMlof wwuaion
ml mail Hcio Vlon Toiu" and "Hoap
Cmk" the nolorlou tronKhoidt ol
copperhead and traitor. Thera can lie
hut little doiiht that hi proleatationaof fidel
ity tn "lh eternal principle" would hav
o ennimmhl him to hi nalhtore a to
liav tertirrd preferment icpt for one
thin h had too much "book larnln"
ml hi Imliapoalthitt to nraK in tever
toil, rolll'li-d with tli neeeaalty that he
ahould do MiniethiiiK to train a livtlihiKKt,
rm:oiicllil him to the tank ofai liiHil teat'h
tns. A man whnhad"lHMik larnln" enough
to teaoh irhoif waa tint ton truated with
tli "eternkl (irliirlplea" In thoae day, hy
III Rrlo ilemwraUi, except that ) mlth't
vote tin ticket, and h waa not adTanmt
beyond the rank of private, until lie wi
lled anioiiK the more advanced dtimorrata
of Mulalla preolnut in (Mnrkainaji county
almut IXM. Moliilla precinct waa then, a
It i now, one of th democratic at rung
hold. In lKM and attain tn l&Vt the demmrrnU
elM-ted Mr, Stark weather to the legislature,
luce which time hla career haa Ihhiii known
to moat of the old aettlera of the county,
any ol whom would reuognito the picture
tier drawn if hi name wure eliminated
from It. In 1K.S7 the Mint party elected
lit tu hi the convention which framed th
coiiatlttitlnn In the state. Karly in INK) he
became a convert to the republican party
then in the fluah of vigorou youth, the
ahadow of wlmaenomiuK amveaa was cunt
tielnre. Ho angled aucceaafully for a nomi
nation for ollice nud wn elm-teil to the
mate leglnliilui-o, thla time hy the republi
can partv. Tliis leglslitture eln-ted to the
tl nited Htale ecnutit Colonel 10. I), linker
ml the lion. V. A. Htarkwcnther wn re
wnrdrd for hla lenl in aervliiK the new
party with the iipmliitmcut na rcglnternf
(hi) 'United HtnU' html ollice at Oregon
t'ltv, I'm in which position he resigned wlien
lie tial grown wearv of Ita hononi and toila,
Bin! retired to the ulindea of private lil'
Iwting aa the plnce ol'hla iihode n fiinn on
the east bank of the Wllliiuietle river bet
ween tire on City and Milwaukee where
lie linn ever since resided,
Hut the toil Incident to Ilia new vocation
on the fiinn were even more distitatefttl to
him than hud been the lnhor ol Coniiucllng
the ollice of register of the United States
laud ollice, and like the. Isnieliten in the
wilderneHM, he begun to long for the lleali
pota of Egypt. This time lie baited his
hook for one ol the moneyed olticos of the
county, and made ninny Irlendly vialta to
the pioneer friends whoao Ititeh-alring al
ways hung on the outside to whom he in
timated that it waa about time "us limners"
were getting some recognition, nd that he,
for himself, would like the nomination for
sheriff. And It may be remarked that this
professional ollice seeker and demagogue at
very fresh ebullition of has leal for th
recognition of "us farmer" I so entirely
satisfied whenever he secures for himself
good paying ofllo at to create th suspicion
flood Quality, extra hmivy,
not stunned, 10 yd. for..l (X)
Canton Flannel, 8 yd, for.. . 1 00
Hood quality Denim, 8 yds. fori I 00
27 in. wido Kentucky " jeans,
0 yd, f.ir 1 (X)
Hoys Suiting, per yard
Hoy' SuitingH.all wool, jwryd
Heat Quality, jer pound,. . . . l.rK
All Shade, 5-pound bunches 1 25
thai In hl etimton at leant the one great
iiiiraM of anv imllileal imive In nint h he
liilereaU hlinwli and all that la worth eon
lemlliig for la gained. In this jrtl uliu ef
fort for recognition lie failed to meet witli
th anereu to which he had liren aorna
lonied and th pioneer alleale.1 their ap
preciation of III aer vices nt on ol their
munlier, who In several of th Indhiil wars
hh h had hariisM-d th enrly aettlera, had
riaked hit 'life In their defence, and wlien
relrll.in threatene.1 the etlstinee of tli
giKernmrtil aerve.1 Hire years In delensv
of the union, and they gave the nomina
tion to Major J. M. Itluea-Min.
To Mr. fttarkweatber llilj action appear
lo have aeemed lae tiigrnti.ude. Had he
mil talked on th slump for th principle
of th republican part v. alter having been
a deinwrat? and liad he mil voted in the
legislator for K. I. Itaker lor th 1'nltrd
Htatea aeiiatef ami ha.i he mil aupimrted
th dlgntiv of register of th United
States Unit nlllce (his clerk. fwen Wade,
did all the work) while "Major Jak"
a Major Uliiearwin waa familiarly known,
aa hunting worthless Indiana amongst th
saKehroali of eastern Oregon and Idaho?
Ihiring the campaign which followed lie
sulked In hi tent, displaying no aclivlty
eicepl It waa In Indues, some of his friemla
to arrati h off Major Kinearson name and
vote for John Mvera, the ih-niucralic num.
me for aherilT. Th major waa lo-alen by
eleven voles, and this grrett T) man gloate.1
over hia revenge. Evidently thinking (hat
hiamifs in having hi cotnpelllor at the
convention beaten al the polls could b
ii ed as a club locoini! the graining by
th parly of any favor he might ask he waa
not al ail modest In hla demands, lie
would Ilk to lie appointed surveyor general
for Oregon but of course he would not lie
nnrrasoimhle in hi demands, II that were
out of the iNwaiblhtie in th distribution of
lb rawaril amung lb faithful he could b
placated by giving him two surveying con
tracts In tlie John I'av country near l-on
ItiK-k. Oiherwise the Independent conven
tion was lo h held at such a tune ami
plac forth purKi of nomiuatliigotttcers.
such waa th covert threats which accom
panle.1 Iia demand for the surveying con
tract. Th surveyor general waa un
moved by till appeal. Starkweather at
once saw signs of great corruption in the
republican partv ami rame nut as the In
dependent candidal for slate senator. He
drew off enough republican vote to beat
Hon. I'tter l'.pit, the republican nomi
ne for alate senator, and gave tlie election
to the democratic nominee, himself being
left mo far In the rear as to destrov all bniHsa
01 Ills ever gelling omoe inrougn in instru
mentality or tli Independent parly.
Then (iillowe.! drear time with him.
The hunger for ollice grew Intolerable. He
had tinned too deeply against the deni
ocratlc party hy deserting them In their dlr
eat need at the' Iiegiiiulng of the rebellion
lo eiiect reinstatement. Besides, they
were In the minority and could r.ot reward
any seal he might bestow. The Indeiiend
ent party was evanescent a the rainliow.
His only hope was lo repent ami return
to lb republican party. Hut, loo impa
tient for nlllce, he could not await the
lapse of a reasonable probationary period
to test the earnestness of his faith and
renewed application for appointment to tlie
nlllce of surveyor general waa again refused.
II then became a prohibitionist, but the
republican party had grown so strong and
himself ao weak In Influence that the few
preuhllcaut he waa enabled to draw off waa
not enough to best the nominees of that
party at the polls, and he was denied theex
dilation of gratllled revenge. Again he re
pented ami by the Intlttence of a few of the
then lenders uf the republicans of the county
he was taken back into the fold and placed
on the republican ticket for the legislature.
There was a Job passed through the. legisla
ture in the giving away to railroad cormv
rntlon the public levee at Portland, which
had been dedicated lo the use of the public
for a free landing by Mr. Htenhen Collin,
the original proprietor. Htitrkweatlier
voted for this job. There was also a United
Slates senator to elect and one of his friends
referred to above by whoso help this rene
gndc was again foisted upon the republican
party, was a candidal tor that ollice. His
ability to fill the position with credit to
lilmaelf ami honor to the state was ninnies
tinned, ami to man having a speck ol'
gratitude for devoted nud earnest friend
ship, or any local pride, his duty to vote
for that friend ami citisen of t'lnckiiinas
county would have seemed plain and im
perative. Did Slark weal her do thisT Not
at nil. Hut deserting his friend to whom
he. owed so much, he voted steadily for a
niiin whom he had previously vililled as
corrupt. Again he became an applicant
for a federal ollice and again failed to get It.
Hi) deserted the pnrly. voted lor Cleveland
fnr president ami falling to secure a lucra
tive ollice from that administration went
still further in nxstcy and become a howl,
ing advocnte of the vagaries of the farmers'
alliance and neonle's party.
"There Is no new tiling under the sun,"
snllh the preacher; a saying which many
ol the unthinking, In this age of discovery
are often Impelled to call in question, and,
confronting the facts in this politician's
checkered career, aa the panorama of his
life passes before one's Imagination with its
kaleidoscopic changes, one might well ques
tion whether in the records of the past
there 1 to be found an example of such
(lowing Inconsistency, inch sudden, reek
ess ana violent changes on inch frivolous
and faulty pretexts, as appear in the politi
cal life of this man. But the truth of the
Tin. 2 paHr for Be
Needle, 2 paper for Be
Knitting Cotton, 4 ball for. . . . 2"c
Ladie' Linen Collar Bo
darter Elantic, nr yard, ...... Be
Ladle' Hlack Cotton JIoe .... 10c
Ladies' Heamle I loan. 15o
Children' and MiHe(' Brown
Mixed IIoo, 3 pair for. . . .2Bc
Children's & MiWJtlack How
warranted fat color, 2 pair. .25c
Men' Seamless 8x-ks, 0 pairs, ,50c
Ladie KiblK-d Under Vet,
high neck and long sleeves. .25c
Jersey Utile Glove 15c
inspect our stock
stvlng li hilly exemplified lo the reader of
that maU'lilcut historian, Macaulay, who
deacritw th clas of politicians who came
lo the front In England over tuo centuries
ago, ami auoreeding the time of the resto
ration of Charles II. Alter reciUiig the
numerous sudden and violent political,
religious ami social changes which took
plai-e in itrilain from the lime of the long
parliament ami the beheading of Charles 1
hi the restoration of Charles II. which ex
tended over the rise lo th height of niwr
ml glory of a new d viiasly under the great
Cromwell ami its sudden casting down un
der hi less able son Kit-hard, Uie great his
torian detcritie the class of politicians
which waa the product of that period.
The fanners' 81118111- candidate for senator,
w ho is blessed with the gill of Kab. has also
I liern a student of hialorv and it would see in
that early In life he must have selected a
politician of ibe class to ably deriled by
Macaulay for his prototyp. after which he
has steadily ami ie raiaietilly endeavored
lo ropy; which steadiness and mitencv
is the only observable Indication ol con
sistency In bis character. M us quote
from Macaulay:
tiiiewhu In such an oc la determined tnsl
tatu elvil reatness must renounce all thmiihta
ol ei.iifisieuey, lustra, I ol stTpctiiis Imutaliilitr
In the ssidst of endless mutation ha most Iw
always on th waleh for th Indications of a
coming reetln. II must telle th taet
mmrlit 1m tlesenlui falling eaut llavln
n ail wmgths with a faction while It was up
permost h must ainldeiils itrtet himaelf
Iromtlwhen It difficulties begin, must perse
ruts It. must enter a nw career of power
and ernaiierliT Inennipauy with nw associates.
Ills situation naturally drvdope In klm to
tn Bif nesi uesree s peculiar class ol atillltlea
nd peculiar elasa of vices. It becomes
quirk nf observation and ferttl of roiirc.
II catches without an effort lb ton of auy
tn or party won wnirn n eniiosv u miugl
II discerns the stuns of th time with sai
elty which loth multitude appears miraculous
with th saiaclty with which veteran police
ufltcer pursues In faintest Indication of erlma.
or with which a Mohawk warrior follows a track
ittmuih lh woods Hat w shall seldom Snd
In statesman ao tralusd Integrity, conataacy,
any'iif the virtues ol the nnhle lainlly of truth, lis
hat no latih In any docirtu, no seal for any
cause, s s s ie ,artn aHka ,t thoa
thiaw whoaraanilom to proaerveand at other
who era esier to reform. Therattuolhlngln th
tut wnien n coui.i not witnaut crupl or
hlnsh loin In itofendlnt or In deairnvln.
FiiUllty lu opinions and lo frlsnda seems lo
mm msre ouuness ana wronsheauleilness.
folllloa he retards, not aaa aclene ol which
th object Is lb happiness nf mankind, kill
ss an sicliln earn of mixed ehmuea aud
skill, st which diterout sud lucky player
majr win sa vsiaie, a coronet, prnapa a
trown, and at which on rash move mar lead
to th lost nf fortune and of III Ambition,
which In food times sin) la good minds Is
half virtue, now, disjoined from (very el-
Twivu IBS pniiamuropio eenumut, Dooms
a aelAsh cupidity scarcely lets If uobl tban
Tula man ha steadily through life pur
sued lids policy of inconsistency, presenting
die ntrange paradox of being consistently
Inconsistent, although since hi second
BMstaay in l.KHI .which waa rewarded by
seat in the legislature end an appointment
as register of the land orllce, be ha met
with no success with tlie exception above
referred to. (when, returning to the repub
lican fold, lie went again to the legislature,)
other than to enable the party which he
had lately been opposing to beat some of
the candidate of the parly with which he
hail lately been associated, apparently
actuated hy a feeling no nobler than that of
revenge inspired by In failure to secure
Iroiii bis imrtv a lucrative otrlce.
That Mr, Starkweather has abilities of
peculiar kind may be admitted, but ac
cording to Milton, who is perhaps as good
authority as we have in such matters, his
most distinguishing qualities may be found
ill that realm of whose regal splendors that
eminent authority wrote:
High on throne of royal Hate, which far
Outshone th wealth of Ormut and of tint,
Or where th gorgenu Kail with richest hand
Hhnwors mi her king barbaric pearl and gold,
8atan, exalted tat, by merit raised
To that bad emtueuce.
The blind poet, whose acquaintance with
the courtiers of that snlcndid monarch
seems to have been Intimate, thus des
cribes one of them:
On the other side upmte ,
Belial, In act mare graceful and humane:
A fairer persou but not heaven; he seetn'd
For dtittilty composed and hlth emlolt.
Hut all was falaeand hollow , thntith his tongue
Dropped manna, and could make the worst
The lienor renson to perplex and dash
Matures! counsels: for hit thmiiihta wore low,
To vice Industrious, but to nobler dcedt
Timorous and slothful: yet he pleased the ear
Hut now that the narrative is finished.
and the hero of the tale Simula before the
imaKiniition, driiwiiiK near to the close of a
lotiK life, a Inrtte part nf which has been spent
In a leverish ami Iruitless struggle for ollice,
with the Inrire influence lie possessed in his
younircr tlavs vanishes because of his
vacillatinK course, the classic, lanuae of
vuni cuiiuuui American statesman, A ml row
Johnson, as he spoke from the steps of the
white house to nil excited mob of demo
crats and rebel sympathisers, ''I waste no
ammunition on dead ducks," conies to
mind and the reader no doubt is initielled
to ask "Is the subject worth the candle?"
Horse posters on cloth, large sixe with
cut ot any of the leading breeds of
horses at the Entkrpbisi ollice.
Receipt, note and order books at the
ENTHeTwsf office.
Double Fold Caahmcre, 6
yd", for tl 00
.'Id inche wide Heaaidu Huit
jng, per yard 25c
27 inche wide Mohair Suit
ing, 8 yd, for I 00
30 inche wide Black and
Whit Serge, per yard 1.5c
Patteena, assorted colors and
black, 6 yd, for 1 00
White or colored marbled oil
cloth, peryard 20c
Unbleached Table Linen, 54
in. wide, per yard, 25c
Scrim, for curtain, 14 yd for. II 00
Ladies' Untritnmed straw hat. 25c
Children' Bailor hat 25c
Hoys' straw hat 10c
Boys' dre straw hata 25c
Men's straw bat I5c
Men' dres straw hat 50c
and prices in Dry Goods.. Clothing, Boots, Shoes,
Farm, Dairy and Mill Machinery.
Engines and Boilers,
V -.',y-tjTrl.-
ft f at
r s 1 .'V; -.77 Til
Oj)en and Top Buggies, Carriages, Carts,
Harness, Whips, Bale Ties, Barb
wire,BindingTwine and Machine
Specialties and Supplies
. of all kinds to
New Market Block,
Royal Baking Powder, 1 lb.. .$ 45
17 lb. Dry Gran. Sugar 100
Full pound Climax Tobacco.. 45
25c. Extract Lemon for ..... . 15
Tubular Lanterns 50
Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Brownsville Clothing,
Best Goods and Lowest Prices.
The building now occupied by the Oregon
City Iron Works, together with the Engine,
Boiler and Line Shafting. This is a good
chance for a small manufacturing plant.
Apply at office of
Men's Suspenders, heavy. .. 25c
Men's Hummer Hhirts 50c
Men' best quality Balbriggan
Underwear,hirt & drawer 50c
Men's extra heavy Blue Denim
pat.buttons.reinforced stays 50c
Men' Cottondale Pants II 00
Children's Satinet Suits II 50
Child' Knee Pants 25c
Child' Knee Pants, satinet. . 50c
- - jr -j - -
-Kff :r S
- Portland, Oregon.
10 dozen 50o. jack knives 25
7 spools 0. N. T. thread 25
Child's lace shoes,6 to 8 to close 50
Salt Salmon, pound 05
Notions, as usual, one-half price.
Clackamas, Oregon.
no better priced shall be offered yon
We mention a few prices to give
Satinet suits, well made, an
excellent wearer... I 6 0f
Nice Union Cassimere suits. 7 50
Men's, All Wool, Navy Blue,
color guaranteed 10 00
Men's Calf Boots, 13 50
Men's Buff, M. S. Lace or
Congres 2 00
Men's Lawn Tennis, rubber
soles, high tops, . 1 00
Same quality in Oxford. . . . 75o
Ladies' Cloth & Leather 1)
Ladies' whole stock, unlined, 1 50
Misses' whole stock, unlined, 1 25
Child' whole stock, unlined. 1 0O
Misses' Button school shoe.. 1 2H
Child's Button school shoe. . . 1 00
Beautiful Fruit Farm!
Forty acres, level as a floor, all
cleared, well fenced into five fields,
good house 26x26 feet, splendid
well of good water and force pump,
good bam and out houses, several
hundred fruit trees prunes, apple,
cherries, etc., small fruit in abund
ance, several sheep, hogs, cows, two
young horses. Everything in first
class condition. For particulars,
apply to owner, Milton Stingby,
near Currinsville, or see L. R.
Janney, with V. Carey Johnson,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Photographs Delivered Promptly in the
Finest Style of Art.
Fine Crayon Work a Specialty.
Old Pictures Copied to Any Size. Satis
faction Guaranteed.
6allry Itar ?ot Oflo, 0KE80I CUT, OK.
Corner of Front and Morrison,
For general repairing he stands
without a peer. For first-class, re
liable goods his store is second to
none. . Try him I
Hamilton & Washburn
Hat th Agenc lor
Judson Powder, Giant Powder,
For Oregon City and Vicinity.
We will sell all of the above at
Portland prices, plus Jc. per lb. for
It will pay contractors and all
parties who have blasting to do to
figure with us, as we can save you
V e will deliver the above in rea
sonable amounts and reasonable
distances free.
KstabllBihcd 1H9&.
Drayage & Expressing
Freight and parce delivered to all
parts ot the city.
On Improved Farms of not
less than 60 acres.
C. 0. T. Williams,
Oregon City Express No I.
Light freight and parcels delivered to all
parti of the city.
Ut orders with T. T. Barlow.