Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME 0.1). T CO. NNTMMKKN. In Krrxit Mitm 14. lwrj. M..nmti At. I (I.N A A KAM'iNA' MIAVH IKk.HPM I'll . I.KAVK fnlltl.AKII T mi III, 7 Win HI. ' III. II lit, III. I'Jt'lUI. IJIHIIII, J M J ' I' ". M 46 III. )" l i m. Ml I" HI. n UU II III. Nu wy Wii.tlHet t'itH lv.. un lintglil l.liitii mi Ilip.u lrl, hMnr.Inf n I. M. Immi will U riir'Uml l It in I'. M HINHAV. iw a. in IK) . m. t XI l III. II Ill, ,ui it. iii, 4 ;i i in Tliim oai'l iiliiii'llo rliama wlllimil lunlra Kimuiumtrv, townmui, miH'H (.ahminii .u ti ai'R A M KH MAKHAMIUtl, . amauon iiy, I lll.MtlN, a oi a.m. I NUAV, aoA . U I v M ar.au. Ml M. m f. M. a an A M U MV, M. 10 (0 A. U, 7 in V V t mi I. M. Frattlil carrlnl mi all lil. KOCTIIKUX l-ACIKIi: UAII.W AV. Pom ii aoraii. Altmuir IMtl (may .uilou.i V 81 a m. 4 altluritU Mirc" illirtHKti) a 4!t a. in. lliitnlilllM Uii'al (Way tallnlii) 8 Al i. ni. inn in mil up. Idwiiliiirt l.i.rl tay iiatl'iiia) t nl a. m Alliniy I (w ((ii.ii.) . i (, in alllnriila fcm-.n (Uiiuiigli) 7:M . ni " TIIK XAIIJ4 ." MIU fW I'iiiii N irili, (m A M , t'. M kl.ll rl.... H..111I1. K J A. M. J..IA I. U. 11, mii'tH. (ifa-Kiiiii'liy l.i Kly.l'ariK, Mnlliiii.M 'Ulla ami Vfllliull al luci a m Muii'lny. Wwl iii.ii a. 1 iiilaji anil itmiru. al liuu. 111. AMI Mlnlli daya ilr..4..ii I'uy in KW. Vina (Mart ..!. Ilr..k 1'nl..ll Mllla all' I Millltl". lraol al U in a m. Tiiithr. 1iiur'ly ainl tiaiiinlay, anl reltirui iu tiiliimiiia lav al m i ni. HIIIUY, M L'O, IH.il ("ait HilAw'a Kahthm Tall". t'upt. J , r. Slmwr tcliirni'il (ruin Ina umliTii trip t rulnrUy mill r'rl On-fm t'i ml i.Iiichmii uarlli l wilt llmt lo Il I'ium-iI, T"na, 'Imn lo New Orlcima. lit mniii K"t iliiiaui with that city aint niuril 1111 tlironuli Mtl"aiipl nt the liiim t( llm ToihIiIk'u'O IIuhI, luviiiit tu lllakn d ill-tour u( 1 Ul lliilca uil ari-tiunt i( tlm (ivi'il..w dial ilriHl iimrii than liiiinlri n-tii. Ho viailc l Hiriuiiiii linm , Mali ituii, nint t lien will to ( lint tno.n wl.i'tn ln ai'iit a niiiiiln-r ul ! In ll.liling tl.n Hiirover BtMin. II.' wi'iit iii Maanii(iry ri'li!" a'i'l trlr.l to Ami llip Irai kalm i-(t t!im nt tli liatlli linn ly iMi'iily ninti vara ajjo lull l.u oily lnuii'l a rvl'i'l luillrt wlii.li lio limiltilit dark. Tlif ifiinrniiu'iit Imn )iir luiM"l Hie i4!tli-llrM ntt'lii. iiiiiiiiihh. tui'lvn mili'a nut from Clintiiuiooitn, Hud lainukii'K it a IkmiiiiIuI tiutinintl uik. Old h'ort Wiaxt in t'lialtiUliX'i!, (rum wlili'h t Irani, aflrr lm lial ain-ivcilml li'Hu'iit'raiia, llrcl Ihc Mi;iml gun (or tlm aitvanrti on Mnwioimry tl'lK". " Ih'Iiik ra' tu tin' grumul tu Miiitc y ('r iuipnivi'mciila, rm CliatuniHiK Cap tain Sliaw wi'iit to Ilia ul'l ImiiiA in Oliiu ami tlii'ii ri'tiiriuxl ly way of CIiuiiko Mti. I St l'aul 11 ml lm iia !n tliu ni.it m A'ciiirr all tlic 1 1 me, Oregon wouiIht liaa la'on i-iiiilmg mill luiliiiy in nnu- j iriion with Unit of tin' H'Mili-.l l'.t (Jl lrKBII Vt.il It Ol.AI K AMta C il .MV W. T. Wi'lrli, llin cunt r.ictor lio i-iC'-tixl tho I'lnnuierviiil ll.tnk I'uiik in llua city laat yi'iir.ia Huniclliini; of a inuicr.il proa li tor. Ho lina Ik'cii Inloly cnnnvnl in looking fur lir lrii k cluy witli llio viiw to 1'nl.ililliii'i; lir U-k iiimmfurtiiiiiiK (limit rimtinit about fiO.lHHI nit tliu river ft Hliort iliatiim-0 liclow tliiri r 1 1 ' . lie fimtiil tlm elav iwnl ft K'"' locn'ion for (lie kiln but tlicru Ih aoinu oLjc'imii on tlm I'ttrt of rfH'rty miner to lowing 11 lirirk kiln on tliu river front mid itU not yel licti'riiiiiind whether it will hit Inillt li. re or lit Newher. In hia reeeiit lroKiri'iai lie I'liiiie iicioV a ili'iumit of 4iiickHilver which in now In tho humlx of h clieiniHt to ih'lerinino how rich It 1. It appear to hu rich Diioujgu to ahiin (Inntly pay for workinn and If tho chein IhI'a Umta hIiow It to I hi ro tho in I mi will lie developed nt oiicd. Thin Hilda an other mineral to wluit Wiih nlreiuly known tocxlat in puyln i)tiiintiliea in ClitekiiiniiH county. An uccoiint of Mr. Welch 'h diwovoiy ol an Iron mine np peara on tlm flrat nit of thin paper. Ftockinu tub Vii,i.amkitk Uivkii liecently Mr. 0, Hleiner put ltW.) HhIi in tho alomrli at Siilem, and iminliy wa niiido of tlie I'nited StiiteM llsh coiuniiM flioner rcpirditiK Htoekinn of Iho rivor with Hiiituhlo kind of IIh'Ii. In hi replv (ho ooinmlHaloner miya: In order to givo nnailorninousKpecien un oppoilunily to iiwend the Wiltiiniette, tlm Oregon C'ily (iiIIh miirtt he overeonni, lied until tlm Mule provided for tlii tho router 4'xleut ol tho rivor iniiMt reinii'.ii wiihoul Hiiltnon mill mlitratorv troutciiii he placed nhovo tlm olmtriiction, hut Iho fill Ih now prevent tho ntlli.nlion of wlmt would iieconm n ,,'rent ri'Hource for the Btatn. SlDKWAI.Ka AND 8 l ltKK IH. fillOot 8tl- jwrinteiidinit llohnru hiiH computed Ilia amount of sidewalk Iniill in Oregon Oily during tho punt your mid linda that .'11') linear feet of ten-foot walk havo been conntructed, 2,8 feel of fix-foot, wnlk, 1557 feet of loill -fool, walk, 111! feet of 4'ement walk and 51! IS feet of oruwdiiKH. ThiH imikeH n tohil of nearly live milen of nidewiilk. HeNidcHthiH IlieThinl, Sixth, and Seventh Btreet Kteps ere built at a cnHt ol (fll.'ill. The nnionnl. of read ixs expended on tho Mireeln during the year WitB l l;!0..0. To Cki.knhatk riiK Kochtii A aiiei'lnl tueetlii(('f Iho hoard of I radii w ilt culleil ill 4 o'clock laat Kridiiy nffoniiHiii at tlm court liinie for tho purpoMii of taklnu aoinu action low.ird tliu proper eclchra lion of tho Fourth of July. Tlm anhjei t wit iliactwaod at coiiHldeiiihln length and th aeiitliiiuiit w uoaulinoii in favor of proH'r uhaorvmice of Ilia duy In Oregon City, It wna dcaired that tho iiioveuiKiit ho ulveti a populiti iieccl not merely a board of Hade enter priae mid dually a coii.iultli'o of ninu, to which rreaident Ooa waa afterwarua added, waa appointed by the chair to heu'ii uiraiiKi'iiiiuita for a cnlehratlou and to co-opiiiutii with uny almilar tuoveineiil that iulh'. iiu Blurted hy any oilier oigiiiintitliou or tin) c.lliy.uiia. A lull (Miniiill ted I hero wern lintiind J. W. O'tNinimll. C. O. T. Wlllluina, K. K, Wllliuiua, J u li iik I."Kua, J. (1, I'ilaliury, V. O. Alhiiiihl, li. A. IlardiiiK, K K. Cliarinan and K M. Hand. A Wkiihisu Asnivkmamv, Uat flat unlay wa lint oIkIiIIi annivoraiiry of the weddiiiu of Mr. and Mr. K. K. ('liar man. That eatliimlilo coiiplo hud not thought of markup tho ot'cuaioli with any apAH'hil wadul fiinction hut a muulMir uf their r'hiliv and fiienda had nindo note of It and (piletly paaaed tile word alonji tlm lino In order that I limn mihl bean attack in conceit. So Kuiurduy evening Mr, and Mr. Clmrmun wuro urprlaed by a jovial party which took jaieaaion ol the bullae and CulllH'lli'd I nverylioily to have ft K'1' timo. And UvuryUaly did have fun. The allair I waa atriclty Inforiuul and enirmaintly enjoyal.le. Anioint Ihow present were .Mi. M. M Cli.iniun, Mra, M. Diller, I Mr. and Mra. T. L. Clitiirmnn, Mr, and I Mr. N O. Walden, Mi. and Mr ! Jainea Keialuw, Mr. and Mr F. K. U"liNrm.in, and Miaa-a I'dit'i and May Wiahart, .Minnie Churiiinii and Hilda and Nettle Walden t'iiirMNKii KNioiira or I'vtuia. A ii ii i fur rue) rank, Knight of I'ylhia wa ilialltuled ill thia city limt Wedneadiiy nljhl. There wore teiily aeven kn'mhu In full uniform. The uniloriiia had arrived dv betoro and Idey a ided ronniderahie pomp and t-itciuuaUni-0 lo llm iM-caal in. Tho aword nr of flneat atccl with while metal hilt and ch iMirda and I lie bultona, ehaina and ulle'r d(Hiiraliona of iho uniform arc of white nicUl, The hehnei aro wliitn and our uinunted with red phinie. Tho iualitu- j tion cer-iuonie weio conducted by Col. jj.T. lUvne of I'orlUud, the head of the ainie oritinix ilion of thi order. Amonu thae, who atvoinpinled him from Portland were Captaina Al WVrloin. j I! W. Campl.elt and II. Walkin. s Mitj.it J. P. Kennedy, I.icutcmiul 1. A. j loo,liiA, HoiHirder John lluvey and jpVivate N.H. Wiitfht, T. K. (iihlo.i. W. Waddel. C. M.ZerU), F. A. Holla ! banifli, F.. II Lane, II. Piuelor, V. A. (l adwell, A. W. Allen and II. F. WVide i il. an. I Tiik Itai'riii.icAN Canva. F'iday 'evening (tonight) lion. C. W. Fulton ', M il! addrci-a tho ptniplo on tho political ! ii-Aiic of the iUv at Pope' hall. Sir. Fulton I a x'uker of conaidurahle rep illation and ho u illive an nterlainlng' I and inatructivo apeech The Indies are l ei.pecl.illy invited to thi meetinv. In ( Iho countv campnin nieetinija will bo j lie!. I iluiiiiu tlie euiuiint week follows: .Si,lurdiiy afternoon May :'l at Molalla t'ornera, auiiie evening- ut Molalla (irutigo hall at Muliii'i, Moud.iv iivouing- May 2.1 at Neiily, Tueailny afternoon al High land, Tuesday I'voniiiit lit Viola, Wed neaday tiftermxin nt Spiiiij:water, Tliura- jday gftorniMiii nt tiiirilcld, Thurad.iy jevcniiiK ul Kittle Cn-uk, Frid iy ufter ! nmm at Sandy and Saturday afternoon j at liam.ni'na. For particular tin lo i aponkerH etc. ace tho udvciti-c I I i -t on j pane -I of thia paper and hand hill for j each precinct. An Fxciuhion rKoM Pavton, An excuralou hu been anancil by the pupil of tho Paylon publio acliool to OreRiin City on Monday May 30, Pec oration day. Tho ateamer Manr.aniUo ha been chartered for tho occnaiim mid ho will leave Paylon nt (1:40 a, in, and return (hero at 8::0p. in. giving ample limu In Oreg-un City and even tiiuo for thoo who chooxo to do ho to rundown to Portland. Oregon Oily Ih a popular oxcuiaion point and notion should be taken by Iho citizen to encoiiriij0 these vimta hy making' them pleuaunt and prolltahlo. The patron of tho Oregon ( iiy mcIiooIh can do much to inako Iho cKciiiKion from Paylon a anceotw. PuiiLtc 8ciiooi, Uradcatios. Tho publio achool commnncomont exorcixe will bo held In Shivoly' hull next Fri day, May li", boginiiliig at 8 p. in. Kaaaya will be road by tho griidiiuling cliiHH, Tho iiddreK will Ihj delivered by Prof. Kigler and niimio will bo fur niahod by Mr. Churuiiin, Mrs. WillinniH and the Misses Ilalrd and CIihko. Tho Symphony club and an orehoxtra nro' ii(ho expected to assist in tho music. All friendb of education aru invited to attend. Ciiincii Piititi'ATioN, On Sunday, May '"2, tho First Kvatigvlicul church, (near tho Shivoly block) of this city will bo dedicated by Uishop Tlmnias How man of Chicago. The I'.ishop will preiieh iiHfollowH: At 10;;!0 a. in, and ;1 p. m. In (Icrman and nt 7 t-t5 p. in. in tlie Kniilish lankna(i Kveryliody Is cor dially invited h nttend, ' I, okt .-On Kundiiv May K a Rnld ulovo Initloiier witli turquoise. Heltiuii. Finder will bo rewarded by reluniiuj,' to thin ollk'O. I.ookino CP Imi'h ivkmkut Coiniell inert Alhriflit, I'ooko, (jrooniiian ami O'Connell iMiiiatllnliid theirnielvei an iiifoiiinil coiiiinllhn laal Monday ulid liHikud over llm method of iinprovliix alrenla obaerved In 1'orllaiid with the view to bolriK lihle to diil lntlllK"tly with tho imiUer Iii ihla city. The nimi lier of Icltiox contriiclRiind tho matoriiila uaed and their coat wa looked into, tho Portland city oflicial boiim very an eoiiiimaliillnu and aliordlnn 4-very fncilily for (folllnu Information. When atreet Improvement matter come un in tho OrnKon City council and they will bo brought up very aonn th member will know how to hafidlo them for the Kieilleat advantiiK1 to the city. Foi'MTH ok Ji'l.Y CoMlrTi!l A mont iiiliof tho yeuorat Foiirlll of July Com mlltee wa held at the council chainlxir Tll'-aday aflornoon. J. W. OTonnidl wa clioann chiilrnmn and K. M. Hand aecretary. Tho fullowiiiK aulj-commit-tee were apH)lnted: On finance, .f. I.u, II. L. Kelly, J. (I. Toner; on K-aker. II. K. Cro, C. 0. T. Wd Ham, .1 0 I'ilUburyi on rioundnd liocoratloii, 0. O. Albi iuht, K. F. ('liar, mini, J, J. Cooke; on mualc, K. M. Itm.d. K. K. WHlim, (I. A. Hard-, Iiik; on entertainment, II. L, Kelly, II. K. Crow, K. M. Hand. Fan Ki'iiooi. F.xi'i'Hamx. TheOreurnn City TranaHiriatim company volunta rily oflnrod free excundon to ft'l the putilla of the public admo! and Kt. John'a Calholic achool lo yiait the war aliipa liiililmoro anl Charleilon at Iort Imid thia week. The olfcr wna acApt'd and Wttdm-adav the pupil of Mia Hrown' and Mia I'orter'a nio made the trip in charge of their teacher and Thursday thoae of Mia Kelly' and Mia (iluaMpool'a rKjm went down. The r maining pupil of Imth who')! will lake the excursion on Friday and Saturday. It wa a handaonie thing for the Trans portation company to do and the twopie appreclale the graceful ct. Ilcautirnl Spliur ait Home. One mile and a nuarter from town, goal board walk paat the land. Aero tracts to auit purchaaer, term eay, the lineal aubiirbaii troerty ollerod fur ale. yet on the market New uroiawl motor linn from Portland. IIi-h and aiifhlly. H.-o I,. Ii, J.ivSEV with W. C'arev Johnaon If 7J to f .'..!) A MONTH can lm made working for n. lVraona preferred who ran lnrni-h a horse and give their w hole limn to tho bothies. Spre mouienla niiiy lie prolilahly employed also. AIo a few vacaneiea in towna an.! citica. It. K lolinaon A Co., ".nib and Main St. Richmond, V. BUSINESS LOCALS. Hunt ready to rent at the boat house foot of tenth atreet, tf Clock at Biirmeistor A Androgen's. F.veryone warranted. . Ladiea' and (louts', roliea at Iloliran & Warner I'ndertaking parjor. tf County warrant bought at tho ofllce of V. Car.)- Johnon, Oregon City, tf School deportment card one cent each, good for term, at tho KsrKHi'KisK u til co. Don't pay lahulon priiv for millinery good when you can get all the latest styles, ti limning and h1iiih at the Park Place Store at sa the unual price. Central addition toOiegon City in lot and blocks to auit purchaser. Property cheap, term easy. See L. It. Jannky, with V. Carey Johnson. tf Newgo.nl Including all tho mimmer Htaples and novelties nrb daily arriving at Iho Park Place store. lyoungea, chair, elc, niiholstore'' at llohn.iu e; Warner' All work guar anteed, lii'l air nil your old lounge for little money and Ihey will be good a new. Whisker that aro prematurely gray or gray should be colored to pitn ent the look of age, and Huckinghiim's Pyo ex cels all oilier in coloring brow n or black. Chickens, tin key egwa and butter wanted at tho Park Place store at the highest niaiket price. Farmers can al ways Hnd a ready market lor their pro duce by calling hero, and can get in re turn better value for their money than elsewhere. If you want a neat, stylish pair of shoe for Sunday or every dav wear don't pay fancy price for them but como and seo what wo have on bund at tho Park Placo store. Children's shoes, strong, durable, and made to stand tho wear and tear, a specialty, Piseaso lies in ambush for tho weak, a feeble constitution is ill adapted to en counter a malarious atmosphere or sud den changes of temperature, and the least robust aro usually Iho easiest vic tims; Pr.J. II. McLean's Strengthen ing Cordial and Plood Puritler will give tone ami vitality and strength to your entire boo v. Hamilton & Washburn have just re ceived faom the Fast several cases of gent's, Indies' mid children's shoes. They are determined not to ho outsold in this lino of goods and consequently have marked them at prices that defy competition. Just call around and let us show you what we have got. Attention Ti mnsiiTs. 1(200 cash will buy a span of mules, harness and a nearly new wagon. In ipiiro of l.ydm l.ivosay, near Jones's mill,. Orojron City. if Plunk mite, receipt and order hocks at Iho FS'i'khiki-!; uilUv'., Forlo cents you can got the F.xtku riiisn until June 10th. DO YOU Afk why Ciitifield A Huut ley'a Kture ix the l Ht taw fur you to BUY Drugs or have your pre KcriptioiiH filled? IleoauhO wo ahvaya have, aipl ulwaynwill Vi:v), only PURE And reliable chciniculH, even though they may eont ub a trillo inor-i. Currying an we do, a com jilek' linn of " DRUGS, Toilet article, perfumeries, miapH, etc., you may de jiendupon obtaining junt what you want, and at the morit reasonahle prices. Caufield & Huntley, Fraicriplioa PLirmiciiti. AGENCY FOR SPALDING'S We carry a complete lino of Halls and P.uts, the Maple in Gloves and j .Musks, and sell tlcm at Chicago prices. Orders from country clubs solicit ed. On complete club out fit we can nave you money. Oregon City Book Store, (Next door to P.O.) OREGON CITY. P. S. league balls sent post paid on receipt of price. ISAAC MILLER - Manufacturer of and dealer In- BRICK AND TILE OF THi BKST gl'AUTV. -Alo- Rough and Dressed Lum ber and Boxes. Prices tho Lowest, Coods tho Best. Four Miles East of Hubbard. THE KOHLER. HENRY KOHLER, Prop. Barlow, - Oregon. LEADING HOTKl. OF THS I'LACR. Tables supplied w ith the best the market aflo'd. Meals 25 cents. lUMSBY'S STABLES, BARLOW, OR. Livery, Sale and Feed Stable. Horses fed and cared for hy the day or month at reasonable rates. LEWIS ROGERS, CI IIY. OKICf.'OeS. Candies, Nuts, Notions, Etc. Fine Tobaccos and Cigars. Complete line ot Holiday Goods at Port land prices. H. A. VORPAHL. riii'ral ltlncliNmitkliig anil re. pin hiS. Wagon mid Baggy Work a Specialty. Horseshoeing In a flrst class manner. Oanhy. - - Oregon. TliKASfKKK'8 rOTH'K. I hnvo now in mv lnotils Imuls tovnllcnble to tin' .iyim'iil of nil warrants cn.liirsiHl prior to .Tut v 1, IS'.iO. Ink'iTsl will oi'iiM) from t Ho dale of this noiii"!. S. It. C.u.ii v, Tronrorol Cl.u'k.untis county. Bated Oregon City, May 8, isw, Base Ball SnuDlies Mentor Park Dairy, RANDALL '& HEMMELGARN, Props. pURE FRESH JVIILiK Delivered to all parts of the City FULL MEASURE AND MltS. E, M. BUIIMKIHTEU. BURMEISTER Saccessors to Kn piAl.RM l Watched, dlocilVBfWafB,jBWBlrj. Repairing a Mnln Ht rrrt. Seventh Street Livery Stable, WM. R. WADE, Proprietor. Feed, Sale and Livery Stable. Kigs and Paddle Horses furnished on short notice. Stock boarded by the day or w-k. Prices Reasonable. THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry the Largest Stock of 8asli, I)oors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. In Oregon City. Special sizes of Doors and Windows Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furnished on application. Builders, give us a call, and see if our work is not of the best, and our prices as low as the lowest. I'rice List sent on application. Factory, Cor. Main and 11th Sts., Oregon City. T. TWC. CR05S, ManaKQr, DEAI.KH IX Drat is, finis I AKE, PUOVISIO J JJUUIM II.tKDWAKE, PROVISIONS, llolida' G(X)ds and Gents Furnishing Goods. i(ti Aiti: ii:ai.ij GLADSTONE, STOVES, TIN & HOLLOW WARE. All Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work Promptly Done. PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING TO ORDER. Shop -Tt-utk Rupture, Asthma and Piles. DR'S SHRIMP & HOUSER, Specialists in the treatment of all forms of Chronic, Catarrhal, Nervous and Female Diseases. . , Twenty (20) Years Experience in Medicine, Surgery anil Electricity. All curable cases guaranteed. Ollice, ,2-VJ Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. f Correspondence solicited.' P0PE& CO This old and -reliable Gnu always keep in stock a full line of Heavy, Plumbins:, Gas Fit-tins & Jobbing: Attended to Promptly. Es timates Fnrnishell. OREGON CITY PKALERS IN Furniture, Bedding, Stoves, Tinware, 3STOTI01TS, ETC,, ETC. Second Hand Household Goods Of all kitiils, lionght and Snlil. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN ORECON CITY.' " . Opposite the Post Office. PROMPT SERVICE. WM. ANDKF.HEK. & ANDRESEN, C. H. L. EanncWer, Specialty. Orrca i lly, Orrcan. made to order. Tuniing of all kinds W MUUUWj UlUUUllUUj CIlOCKiKY, ULASSH'AKE, ui ARtrixn. - - OBEGOIT. Ml., n-ar l'po(. OREGON nnntn ntnnnri oiioii di mm 111 M