Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 20, 1892, Image 3

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
HtllAY. MA V so. Ihii'J,
V Tli nay l Imllil up Uremia
t'ltr la In give Orotiii City n jor
On (riur . . . (J m
Hit mmtiHa, i
Hum inoinlia, fts
Hh'h.1 f lll'i" pa yx t.lo Is tilvsuns
A'lvin!llr rain (Ivan mi illi(tiiA,
Callliy, .
tl. W. f raT
l if" V Hi in
W H llnltyan
(Jury A MIiiiit
U I. Trullllliin
K N llrall.li.il
- I'liaa lliilltlafl
W H NlTr)(
llfnvy Mlln)
Hamilton A a.lilitirn
. Mr. A liiii.arl
. . T. M.l'nns
I ( (lane.
J II. Jiyur
C. 1 lliar.l
t ('iMi)Hir
K M Minly
V, M. llalliiiau
I Ji'lllilhia
. V lili..y
- IiiiHttv Kly
I'llloll Mil
tliailnw rtroii.
Nw Km,
I'alk flam,
suit-nt. .
I tilltvlll.
Kiy -
There wi a parly fur ihe m folka at
the home nf" Mr. and Mrs, V. F. Clark
at Clackamas last Monday to celebrate
Ilia (ninth birthday of their lilt lo Juk'h
tor. In tlin evitnlnif a rempany ul tha
olrVr tnlka gullmrivl Untie and Ilia rotor
taliitiimit aa nf a lllwery turn. riotus
ipra ttnro rxail and tlwrti wa ki'iiitm!
ilHruuliin (if lilnrary topic to pan the
vnlii(j very utcassntry.
Tlii) (air ami festlv,! at Ilia HaplUl
church has. Nun nttmt to Thursday
ami Krliluv evening, June !lrd ami 4th.
F.vurybody cuius atttf cut aomcthinK nice
la take liiiinti. Tiling uf every dcrip.
ti (or lain to accommodate all kk'cI
beok from live tvnt lo fifty cent, Ad
mission (tee,
The IVilli! l'oatal company liaa re
iih.vwI Ita linn (ram Main alrwt ami
pal them aloiiK th 'railway trai k. In
stead ol mnnlnit 1lia nutnerou wlrr
Into I lie tnleiirapti office a raMe li put
iln. Main alreet la considerably tin
proved In aparar.re ly lliia clisnic
Kour Ixtiiilnrnt ieopla Injin Kelm,
Washington, roki an eneurslun In
dreg-iin CitV laat Katiinluy with the
strsninr I.urlitie, They limtiKht a br
liaml villi tlii-m anil liatl a k''"! tirrf
horn iiklii( ovvr tlielown an I ailmlrinn
be lalla.
The giiniinl la iM'inif prtpare) (- a
i- arliotl tiouae at Clai-kamaa whirh
will r-iwt f-tiKHI ami have (our roonta.
The luratltin la on the hiijli Hilnt ol land
kn KilttewwMl jnat nnrlh ol the CoiifTe
Irotloiul i'liliri-li.
Henry lliniuteler, alio waa ahot at
Tark I'laini laat -k hv Martin !.) l-,
la goltlnu along roinfortahly umlr the
rare of lr. Yearirain anl there la now
eoarculy a ilmihl fhat lie will rei-over.
.. J. lVultio, iKwtmaati-r at Ilia nr
poalnllli-e nt (It villi", l)iil three litlW
southward ol Needy, haa (orwahli-d Ina
bond lo Waahingtiin ami the olTli-e m III
txxin be in workinv onler.
"The Wealern rVout" to 1 given at
Ptiivelv'a theater neat Wedneaday night
oinia to lie aigenuina treat. Ita
'preparation hn Ikvii llinronh and it aa
inllie popular vein,
iltorney (ieo, 0. Ilrownell luia the
'iMwteat anile ol office roouia In the city
over t'anneld A llmillny'a drug aUire.
Cmvrge ltinearaon la reailiug law with
Mr. Ilrownnll.
Iula Hogera 0ane4 hia new bnteliin
Caiaby laat WediieMtay night will) a ball
thai waa well atlemM and proel an
.otij.ayalile afTnir. A iMjiinliliil aupier
Hend the KxTKHi-aiaa to your neighbor
ndoVt hlin learn who the republican
candidate! are, and the newi o( tli
rampain. lfi cental all that It will1
Mmbeaon S. Carrioo have opened
neat andiallractlve Ice reeani parlors in
the Hliwely blovk on the Madiaon alnt'
olite. They sturt out wilh a good tradu.
Praywr meeting ' Wwlneaalay , Mny 25.
Topic, "t'aulla ol the Tongue," Paalma
,;ill:l-3, bid by Klder tt. T. Rttl, irat
1'roHhyterWn tluinh Oregon Cily.
The EHTOurman aent to iwino waver
ing voter nuy make a voteor the ro
pnbliran tiiet. Hend In the names
and help on the raiiae.
If you want loney to imiko liuprove
nionta on your umu apply to Wiltlauia A
Hurghardt for loan. Tlev are mak
ing apodal rnteaiiov.
The new United liiothem cbmroh at
llnrmnny, a abort dlatanro tvirth of
CliiekHtmia will be dodicuted next Sun
day inonnlng.
W. C. Daratia will. Attorney U. K.
llayea lo look after lilaollloe work while
Mr. Iliiycn la busy with the campaign.
nialiopli.J. Ih-ckorof Akron, Ohio,
will preach at the United Druthran
church in thiaclly Tueailay, May 81.
On gilt edge, long time loan you can
got apeclal ratea lor the next thirty daya
ol William A Hurghardt,
From Mentor Park dairy you will get
nothing but pure, freah milk, aucli ua It
raipulred lor the baby.
Ilolman A Warner, Undortakera and
Einbalmera, Oregon City Bank building.
lkIUn t on the motor line.
Mrellngn al Onxego, XllMiiiiki e, f liick
HiHiia New lira Mini I mi by.
The refiulitti'an nieetlni; at Oawcgo
laat 8iitimlny night waa great aiicceaa
mttalthalamlliig the dfftiiiicrsllc boaat
lliat the penplu of that country are dia
rriinlled at republican. The party thai
went down (r un Oregon City Included
fainll'latvi lluyea, ieer, Luwlon, Mud
dock, Jewell, llorUin, Kaiualiy, llolinau,
Hinylk and Hcotl and .linlga Muldrtim,
Aaweawir Noble, A. H, Hreaaer, Ka.,
and Will lam Tkiwiipaotl ol Needy,
The Oawego band met (hn aieaker
at the boat landing and eaoorted the
delegation to lroaei'a hall wliicli waa
well filled (Vmmllleeman J. W. 1'roe
air called the meeting to enter and in
troduced Mr. lireaHcr wbo Kiado the
addrena of Oie evening, llacuaalng lia
tliinul laaiera at conalilcrable length, He
Waa (ollowed w ith ahort, iiniltcr-o fm t,
mealy aeii'bea by Meanra. (leer, Law
ton, MaddiM'k, Jewell, Kinyili, Hcolt and
Mi'ldiiiiii. Mr: HroKei'r niaile a neat
ieet b In intriMlucliig 1. K. Ilayea who
wound up the meeting with a ringing
addreaa. Chairman Hrnwiiell waa Ukj
iiiiwmII to be preaent at thia meeting,
ICarly in the meeeing Judge Mi' Id rum
waa preaeiited with a huiUt-l aa a lukfn
ol tli kindly leehugtif Ihe people toward
tiieroiinty court. The judge made a fit
ting ri'HHie In Ida hjm- li. The In
tel eat "I the crowd waa held to the very
laat and Ihe uieeting cloned juat in time
(tr the Oregon Cily people to calHi the
midnight boat lip. The Oawcgo band
contributed not little lo the enthnai
am of the -ople.
The meeting at Miller'a ball, Milwau
kee, on Monday evening waa aaore en
thualaatic than any of lla preiU.-eaaora
The apeakera in Jthe onler named were
(ieo, Iiinaram, J, J. (ieor, Henry
Jewell, Kll C. TJaddiak, Hiiliard 8coU
and (iordon K. Ilayea, the laat named
being unwell bill still able to wind up
the meeting with enough spirit to laat
the voter through the campaign.
The Clackatuaa band lurniahed stir
ring miiaic for Ihe meeting and it waa
given Ibree arheera at theclflae. Mr,
.Minlil'H'k a eiH-ivli atrui k a popular
chord and ttree running cheers were
given for Ihe tic it rhciitf ofClatkainas
county. Meears. Ibirton, laly ai d
Witherell were pnaent but did l.ot
ieak. The bal' w aa p.ii ke l and every
ImhIv appeared lo lie in uitliv with
the repuhltcam raiiae.
(irorye H nearMin, A. H. Preeeer
Judge Meldriim, (i. K. Ilayea, Henry
Jewell, Kli C. Madiha k and C. F. Clark
addressed the meeting at Clackainaa
Tui-eday evening. The dviiiocraut held a
meting there In the afternoon attended
hy lour diimocrata and seven republic ana
The an'ftkera, Meaars. Slupia ami lx)Vw
lace, went to Milwaukee whre they
were billed to hold a meeting in the
evening but H waa noticed thai they re
turned and entered the rvpohlican nie-t-
Ing at Clack amn when it had been
started hatf aii hour. The infwicnce waa
that the Milwaukee diinocralic meeting
waa a nice, qwiet failure.
Mr. Clark apeared only after lining
repeatedly called for and be mado
terse and -sensible little spowh. The
Clackamas braaa band male the atmos
phere quiver with patriotic ntoiody and
was given a hearty vole of tl.anii.
At New ra the republicans and dcin
ocrats bad lW) same date, Wednesday
afternoon, tlieugh the repuhlicana bad
priority of recognition through having
posted notice of their meeting on the
ground. The meeting was called to or
der at the fpiritusllit camp meeting
grounds by a patriarchal .republican, J
G. Foster, and the request ol tlae demo
crats lore dlviaion ol time was granted,
aa it was a iileaeant day and there waa
plenty of time for a joint diacassion.
Henry Jewell led off for the republi
cans and waa (ollowed by A. M. Love
lace for the democrats, l.awton, repub
lican, and Stafford, democrat, tlie bur
den of their eeche8 pertaining to local
matter", ; C. If . Dye, republican, fc'tupp
democrats, Dresner, republican, Vangban
Aemocrat and Hayes republican . These
latter ieec!iea branched out and treated
of national issues pretty largely. The
repuhlicttns bad it he beat of it through
out the debate . The meeting lusted till
Hlxjut fi o'clock
The democrats wanted to hold a jofint
meeting with the republicans at Cunby
Wedeeaduy afternoon. Itut the republi
cans had gone to all the expense of ad
vertising the meeting and piocuring a
hull and getting a band nnd they had
speakera wbo would conmimo the whole
time so they declined to divide with the
demiHiraU. Coiiinntlwiimn Mack called
the meeting to order and S. A, I). Guiley
presided over tho meeting.
The speakera were Hayes, Dresaer,
Ilrownell, Dye, Citier, Jludilock, Jewell
and Hinearson. Ilrownell filled the
large audience bo lull of enthusiasm
that it would hardly permit him to end
hi speech. Kineaison's burlesque was
a fitting wind up of the meeting. The
democrats triod to get a bearing alter
the republican had concluded but
could get no listener!.
The Oregon City band furnished the
muslu for (lie occasion and they did It
well, tt waa the liveliest meeting ol the
estiva. The hall was liiiiiiiuid with
evergreen and bunting and presented
a handsome appearance. The band w aa
given a vote ol thank and three chcera
lor tint ticket were given thu! fairly rahwd
the roof,
Nummary uf III" Deed filed In the
Ceniily Iterorder'i Office.
The real iMtiite tiannfeis involving
more tbuu II each file I in the recorder'
ofllce laat week wi ra aa follows :
Anna Howell and liiiHbaa.f to J
T Lynch I 2, b 11, first ad to
Cn'emah. 1"0
Charhi Duncan to V N lliighea
pt lino Will D L C 2H acre. . . 10,(K)I)
TN Hughe to Fred Filcocki pt
(ieo Will I) L (', lS lWacrea 7,700
Itobcrt DeSbaxer and wife to (ieo
It Dedinan tract U Cluckama
Same to (jeo li leilnian and 1 U
Davldaon tracts A, Jt, C, F, (,
I, I' and 1 trait J and tart
tracts N, K ClackiimaaKlveraiilo 11,300
Hams to Jacob l'owell tract M
Clackamas JUveraide 1,023
Kauie toMnry K Paddock tract II
In Clackamua Iftverside l,2.r0
(ieo It Dednian and wife lo I 0
Davidson tracts D ami E, Clack
ainaa Hiveraide 2,'M
Harah Hickey lo John A Kiclicy
4' sill'. 1 2 a, r 3 e, BO acres 1..VI0
F M HuiiKier and wile lo Peter
Puck pt Xoah IJiiiilicrt D L C.
10 acre : 1,000
Same to Charle J end Lottie
Kandall 16 acre near Scott
neck 1.W0
John W Draer and wife to Klta
M Kanibo I 4. b 10, Caiieinab 76
John P Dryden to Mra A C Hill
r' 04 34, t 2 a. r B e, W) a Kl
Amelia larling and husband to
.Arthur Cliff pt Wm Holmes D
L C 1.200
J W (nilbee JikhI wife ;to Pliillip
Strark ne' tw'.a as.ll i, r2e 1,S0
Joaeph Miller to Frank and Kate
Krauepti2o, t la, r2e, 27 a 1,75ft
K N Woraham to John Sbindler
't.aw'ti 5. e' nw'4', I 8,
and w,1, nt-1,, 8, 14 a, r2e,
exiiy't 9 acres 3,Kt
L W liiversand wile to 11 U Plait
e1, ',' and I 4, a 3, t 4 a, r 6e,
and se4'. a 25, t 4 a, r 5 e,
100 a5 acres l,5tK
O A C U H Co to L T Darin I 10,
a 13, t 3 a, r 3 f U0
J It (illlmore to M (1 Hacklcy S
I A, b 3, Pleasant Place 300
Jamra T lloughain and wife to
Charles Klohe t, nw "
1 4 a, 1 1 e, SO aen-s '850
Geo li Young lo Jennie C Pierce
and husband I 7, 8, b 2, Falls
View ad to Oregon Cily 510
T L Cliamiaii, trustee, to K E
Quick 1 1, 2, b 8, South Oiegon
Cily 570
W S Kellogg and wife to Lewis
liogeral l, blO.Canby 200
rreviiKiely reported sine Jan. 1, 4;t,',lTl
Total.. HW,oto
The Favored Claaaea.
Teachers, Minister, Farmora, Me
chanics, Merchants, as well as their
wives, daughters and sons, who would
like to devote at least a part of their
t'ltie and attention to a work that would
bring litem in a lot of ready money ttu
rinii ihesiext lew month, would do well
to look ii(i the advertisement of li. K.
Johnson A Co., Kichmond, Vs., in
another column, aa it may be the means
of oeniiig up to nianv new lite and
larger possibilities. These gentlemen
have been extensively and successfully
engaged in business for many year, and
they 'know what thev are talking about
when they tell you they can ahow you
how to better your financial condition.
Vegetable Plants Tor 1892.
K. Glsssj will, aa usual, hive good
strong plants of every description, and
of the best sorts, ready to plant out at
the proer time, at the garden at Ureen
Point or K. E. Williams'a grocery store,
Oregon City. . tf
Money to Loan.
William & Bvrghardt offer special rates
for thirty days on gilt edge, long time
For Kent.
Nice, new, clean, plastered house in
Cunenuih, live rooms, pureBpring water.
Inquire of H. K. Cross.
For Male Cheap.
A honse and two lots on Sixth sheet,
opposite Shivley's hall. Knquire oi Mra.
L. K, Phillips, Oregon City, or W. A.
Phillips, ClackainaH.
Ir. J. II. Mcl,ean' JStrent-thening
Cordial nnd lilood l'untver, bv its vital
izing properties, will brighten pale
cheeks, and transform a pale, haggard,
dispirited woman into one of spurkling
Health, anil tieautv.
For the next few month you can get
upholstering at greatly reduced rates at
llolinan A Warner's. Call and you will
learn why we ars doinir the work (or so
little money
Don't irritate your lunira with a stub
born cough when a pleasant and effect
ive remedy may be tound in l)r, J, H.
McLean a far Wine Lung Balm.
Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and
all other blanks at the Entkhphiss of
fice. Portland prices.
Do you believe If SIGNST
llolli Ara lularaalxl In a I'liange In
Market Mxthtxla.
Tln-re Is nothing more apparent to an
olsvrvlng man who tin looked into the
fruit growing busincM of this Ojiuit and
the mode of packing, shipping and ell
ing than the business 1 not properly ad
justed. Immense loane to both grower
and consumer are entailed by existing
Thotisamls of bins of fruit are wasted
annually that consumer would be very
glad to get. The grower could make a
profit and the carrier get bi share and
still (will the fruit at reasonable price.
The only remedy for thi ruinous state
of things is by local, state and Coast or
ganization. Through such organization,
conducted on busineoa principle, can
IfTower and consumer lie brought nearer
together In an equitable way. The
grower does not ask exhorbiUnt price
for hi product nor doe the consumer
want fruit and vegetable at less than
the cost of production. The consumer
wants a g'Nxl, fair article at a reasonable
price and not a fancy article at a great
price. The profit to the grower is in a
steady, regular market for the bnlk of
his production. A price that will pay
him and that be is qnite sure he will
get if he take hi produce to market,
lie cannot afford to ahip hia crop to
glutted market.
There u no possible wayof preventing
glutt.il market except bv orirunization
among grower and uch controlled by a
arnerol management for ea-h state or
large city market. Each fruit growing
region should have ita local organiza
tion and report promptly to the Ute
and the atata to the general controlling
board of the whole Coast when neoee
aary. The telegraph and the telpbone
shimld be freely used in the shipping
aeoaom. Prompt estimatea of the prob
able amount and quality of coining
crops, where the diffjrriit locaiitiea ex
pct to market their crops and what
they calm Lata they will be need for and
ail such information should be sent to
board of general control, bo they may
be able to advise aui direct. On thi in
formation the board would be able to
name the uiluimnm price that grower
hould sell at. In this way reasonable
price would be realized. It cannot ke
done in any other way. The haphaa
tard way of selling fruit now ia vogue
will, if kept up, eventually rain every
Fruit and vegetable are very differ
ent from other product. They must be
sold when mature. If all growers de
cide to sell in the same market a glut i
the result This mean not only the loss
buain u now being run, in California
for insunoe, the complete lone of the .plants for sale at $2 perdozen.
JW it is too late, as they are
nerie would offer only one-half what
I the fruit waa wortk and dried fruit wa
i renr low and dulL Then all would shin
their fruit to the city to be oid for what "Hi collection oi nouse plants ior saie ai 10W prices. v e ge
lt would bring, in auch cae what table plants for sale at J. Harding's grocery store or at the
wonld it bring? Kuthing,
" wr"u
simply rdn the shipper in debt for box
ing and freight The amount aent into
the city would be so great it wonld be
! imposxible to handle it, even if the de
mand were ever so great and price low.
This very thing came very near happen
ing with all ita disastrous results last
summer. One certain locality and prob
ably other sent vast amounts of peache
to Han Francisco. Tom inark4 was com
pletely glutted and train loads were
bought in the city by local canneries at
lees than half the price the grower had
been offered for the same fruit. It was
then shipped back where it grew. No
oue got worsted ia this hat the
grower. He lost everything. The com
tniosion man and Conner got the money.
The grower got the experience.
The same thing may happen next
your or any year. Fruit growers cannot
tand that sort of thing. The only rem
edy is organization. Not a trust through
which to obtain exhorbitaat prices for
xruducts, but to get the reasonable price
that the fruit ia worth.
Notice of Application for Liquor LL-ense.
Take notice that the iimlerviKned will ap
ply to the county court of I'lucknias county
state of Oregon, on Wednesday. Ihe 8th day
of June. INitt, fur lirense to sell spirituous,
malt and vinous liquors in less quantities
than one gallon in Cascade precinct in said
county of t'lackanias tor the hthh1 of six
montl'is, and hereunto annexes his petition
whit h he will prewiit to the court at said
time. F. A. Mkiniu.
To the Honorable County Court ol the
countv of Clackamas, state A" Oregon :
We, the undersigned, being residents and
leual voters of Cascade precinct in said
county and state, hereby resiiectl'nlly peti
tion that a license may lie granted to r. A.
Meinltr to sell spirituous, malt and vinous
liipiors it. less quantities that one gallon
within Cascade precinct for the term ol six
nam. nam. '
Gottlieb Midler M 0 llonahoo
Charlv Herts Adolf Herts
.1' wili Peraliall .limit's Diinniire
Casper Junker I K Duncan
I Owens Hcnrv Von Helms
C M Hailev S 1) Coalman
J T Cix-kelreas Herman Kitlderbusch
T (1 Jonsrnd A Tie! a
H Ilidderhusch T H Andersen
Herman Brims J H Wewer
.1 t'orkelreas H T Fischer
John F.. Siet'cr F Zogir
F Siians M Zogg
Jerry Andre (iilbort Jonsrud
Atla'ni Andre M I. Ewing
II II Chase Jolin McDonald
K F Andre K W Kobb
(tillieril Kppersnn W Konneck
John Stiibbons .lost' eh Willig
I'ri Payne C S Clisse . .
K.dward Konper JolmTavelli
Thomas 1) I'livlps riioseptia Tavelli
.lud Dwinell John Ulrich
M W Unllilli Oetirte lleelie
8 D Cronk (harlv Beebe
0 l Hrook K Stone
K Revenue P Harris
K Kliget Thomas Clsrck
John Doyens Herman Frey
Victor Doven John Meyer
Herman Fischer Jose Meyer
Henry Kocb Iemiis Derger
Samuel Itacon AntoirKriger
ltndiilib Ountenbein A KaUer
Julius Wendland . R Wendland
J A Stal'anson FOoetsch . , .
J H Revenue" 1 " ' Thoma Plielan
Tlieodor Fischer
Farm fur Hale
Ilea ver Creek, Oregon, 80 acres, road
on two sides, about 20 acre In cultiva
tion, good writer, a variety ol fruit trw.
The whole or half ' Ir suln to suit .pur
rhaiM'M. Hy J. W. May, owners, ur L.
It, Jan.nkt with W.Carey Johnson, tf
Hucklcn ArnLa Kalre.
The IU't Salve in the world for Cuts,
Hrulses, Sores, Ulcors, Salt Kheiirn.
Fever Sores, Tetter, Cbapiicd ilanda.
Chillilains, Corns, and all Skin Krup-
llons, and positivtly cure Piles, or n
pay required. It 1 guaranteed to givi
iierlcct satislaction, or money relunned.
Priio 25 cent tr box. For sale by O
A. Harding,
4 SuerenHful Worker.
Work cannot be ucceasfully con
tinued u n less there is an active mental
interest in it. If the mind is not clear,
bright and buoyant, then the work Ir
drudgery and the worker is a machine
An occasional dose of Monro's Hevealed
Kemedy will put the body and mind in
such harmony that the hardest lar-.ki
will swin play.
Since it is now a well established fact
that catarrh is a disease, medical men
are quite generally prescribing Ayer'i
Ssrsaparilla for that most loathsomi
"complaint, and the result, in nearly
every instance, prove the wisdom oi
their advice.
Thomas Charman A Son have lust
added a stock of wall paper and baye pul l
in a full line of Little Red School House
Iiits that are so popular with the
! peopkj.
At Miaa Wilkinson' millinery parlor
opposit tlae postoflifle yon can get a bat
or lion net trimmed to order in style
that will please yon.
The KvTiniitisit until after the elev
tion for 15 cent.
Orra;oai Vijr, Orrgou,
Concrete and Artificial Stone.
Sidewalks, Step and Curbing, Base
ment floors, Monuments, Etc.
All work guaranteed. Estimate fur
nished free.
Address care Charman & Co.
Jos. Collins, the Florist
iUffiis Hilits Green 'Houses.
llloupes, has got a lot of good, fine, strong, healthj', rose
! see for yourself. You will never have the opportunity to
j uv guf), arr,e rose pant8 at that price again. Also a gen-
. 1 , . r , . V t
Ureen Houses.
Early Cahbage, er hundred, $ 50
Early Cauliflower, per hundred, 100
Early Tomatoes, per hundred, 75
Cut flowers a specialty all seasons of the year.
JOS. COLLINS, Florist, Park Place, Oregon.
Carets, Matting, Mats, Rugs, Reed and Rattan Goods, Up
holstered Rockers, Etc., of all kinds
Special Bates on Upholstering this month.
All work guaranteed better than when done in wholesale
houses, and we (sell them cheaper than others can who buy
from wholesale dealers. '
Undertakers' Goods.
Always a complete line, and can be turned out at the short
est notice.
Ore bob City Hank Ilulldlng.
Best and Cheapest Grocer.
Fancy and Staple Groceries in Great Variety.
Vegetables, Fruit and Feed.
Fifteenth and Main, ORECON CITY.
Largest stock of Coffins and Caskete kept
and Metallic Caskets furnished to
Gents' Burial
Also Wagon and. Qarriage .Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen
eral Blacksmithing on short notice.
Cooke's Stables,
W. H.COOKE, Manager,
HiiCftMoa to U. II T A I.. Co.
Corner Fourth and Main Streets,
of the City. Higs ol any description
furnished on short notice.
Ail kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi
ness promptly attended to.
Horse Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.
Best 25c Idlings and Meal in the Tewn,
Hot Meals at All Hours.
me Pernunerles asl Toilet Artlclei
Also full stock of
Nut Iteor to lb Armory,
J. Ill .TIPIIIlKV, Proprietor.
Full Stock of All Kinds of Fresh
and Saltwater Fih. Pool
. try and Game.
Highest Cash Price Paid for Poultry.
of Clackamas Heights Green
Isow is vour chance to bav
selling off fast. Come and
South of Portland. Aleo cloth covered
order. Ladies Burial Eobes and
Robes in stock.