Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 20, 1892, Image 2

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' The Town of Milwaukee The liqiiilill
cast Rallf General Sew of the
Milwai'kkk, May 17. The jMKiple'
jarty folks are working diligently for
hir cattae but the HHple teem to be
kw to identify thenmdvea with such
visionary scheme. Their ardor will be
ooleJ by the snows of J une tith.
Tuesday nitht the house of Mr. Leh
man was entered by burglars but they
failed to set ure much booty.
Milwaukee, the home of school teach
n, Is at the front strain, the Misses El tie
anil Julia Young and Mamie Rotters hav
ing passed the teachers' examination
with credit to themselves and their town.
The two last named are pupili of the pub
lie school here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Wilson have re
turned from visiting friends tn the East
after a stay of about two months. Their
friends are much pleased to welcome
them home.
The republican rally at Miller' ball
Monday evening was said to be the most
enthuxiastic meeting of the canvass. At
about 7 :30 o'clock the air from the south
came laden with sweet sounds and upon
looking for the cause we saw a band of
handsomely uniformed young musicians
uiarvhinit into our quiet village. Halt
ing in front of the hall they discoursed
choice selections to the assembling crowd
till the room was full and overflowing.
Mr. R. Scott colled the meeting o or
der and introduced Mr. Rinearson who
started the ball rolling in a pleasing
Hon. Joel P. Oeer followed with a
lengthy additas on the tariff and other
important issues.
Other candidates were introduced with
pithy speeches which were well received,
but the crowd reserved the most hearty
Applause for our champion, K. Scott. We
venture to say if the voters ot Clackamas
count; knew him as well as his neighbors
do they would give him an overwhelm-J
ing majority at the June election.
Gordon E. Hayes was sick but he
found strength to rally the boys around
the old standard. If Mr. Hayes can do
so well while sick we wonder what he
couldn't do if well.
Altnmlle of liiteresttiiar News About lYrwiu
ami Thing.
A great from the Verrhant of Tnie at as
Spblnowatkb, May 15. On Thursday
the 12th, the young men gave a social
under the auspices of Y. P. S. C. E. of
. the Presbyterian church of this place.
Some two week's previous it was an
nounced at the society's meeting that
each member was to take part, either
by singing, reciting or making a speech,
failure in which .would entail a fine of
ten cents. The evening arrived, the
room was crowded and the committee
appointed began to make up the pro
gramme. Everyone responded so heart
ily that it was nearly 11 o'clock be
fore these exercises weie concluded, after
which coffee, crackers and cheese were
served by young men wearing white
aprons, most beautifully 'embellished
with cochet work. All exercises were
good, the special feature of the evening
being a rendering of the trial scene from
Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice,"
the following being the cast of charac
ters: Antonio Mr.C. L. Gray.
Bassanio Mr. A. Lacey.
Duke Mr. 8. Q. West.
Portia , Mrs. John Hickman.
Gratiano Mr. J. Guttridge.
Bbyleck R. Hargreaves.
Salerio Jas. Marshbank.
Nerissa Clifford Stipp.
Clerk Jean Lewelien.
The play held the audience spellbound
and there was a feeling of relief when
Shvlock, foiled In his murderous at
tempt and his own life in jeopardy,
dropped his knife and steel from bis
trembling hands.
. The instrumental music of Minnie
Snyder was excellent as was the duet
of Mrs. Hickman and in short the whole
social was a great success. The pro
ceeds go towards paying for the organ.
Items from Mountain View.
Mountain View, May 18. Quite a
number of our citizens went to Portland
during the past few days to see the Uni
ted States war ships. All agree that
they were well paid for the trip.
The social hop given by Messrs. Har
ris & Hall at their new hall was an en
joyable affair. Among those present
were Mr. and Mrs Fred Ely, Mr. and
Mrs. John Gillette, Mr. and Mrs James
Currans, Misses Ina, Tillie and Nettie
Kauch, Koran Curran, Emma Fisher
and Clara Ely, and Messrs. Duane, Geo.
and Charley Ely, Bert and Ernest Har
rington, and others. The Mountain
View orchestra discoursed good music
and every one voted it a good time.
The Rev. Mr.'Beattie and wife have
been visiting the family of R. T. Beattie.
A brother of Mr. J. R. Duval has
been visjtiag hor this wfek. Geo. Bauch
of Canby, nncle of W. J. Bauch. was
seen on our streets hut Saturday.
John Malian, of Canby, oaid oar burg
a flying visit this week. He reports pol
itics In his precinct all one aided the re
publican aide. Ohio a.
Cmhs, May tit. Partners are taking ad
vantage of every nil of sunshiny weather to
hustle potatoes into the Knmml, Oregon
never betrays the faith of the tillers of her
soil. It crop priMcta are not always so
nattering- early in the season as in some
j iin rim??, iiiv viuii'iiiv ts m -rn'rnuy sans-
During the past winter and spring Mr.
J. JC. Graham has taken out one hitmlml
Rood siiet stumps. He lias not mail use
joffriant powder or any patent appliance,
simply depending on bra u and muscle.
Mrs, Uxkhsnl, with her little son, and
Miss Jennie Kowen, from Osborne, Kansas,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Miles
Kowen last week. Mrs. Uc.kwool has gone
on to visit friends near Sandy. Miss Jennie
will remain In Carus until fall. She com
mences a term of school In tha rUitknor
district to-dny, but will board wiih bar par
ents, so shall stilt enjoy her presence In
our social cm Us,
Mr. Elmer Cooper is absent from home
at work in the interest of the alliance.
Mr. Titus of Colorado, has been spending
some days in Cams with his friend. Mr. Jo
seph Eaton. He is delighted with Oregon
and intends to send Tor his family and lo
cale here if practicable.
If the state of the roads will permit, Mr.
Henry tlorushuh expects to bring out a
new organ bum Portland this week. We
welcome all such innovations. The Satur
day evening musical helu at different homes
is becoming an established fact and a very
enjoyable affair.
Walter Emmet has purchased fifty acres
of timber land on easy terms of A. O. Hay
ward. He has begun to slash and as soon
as the land is surveyed will build a small
Will Jones is making a Hue showing on
his recent purchase, A giant bit of ground
around his cabin has been well cleared and
cultivated, and a neat new rail fence en
clows the premises. It looks as if a live,
energetic young man had possesion.
Lee Andrews lately returned from his
Nebraska trip. He came w ithoul a wife al
though he "left lots of pretty girls there."
t'war May and Eugene llaywanl show
their mischievous faces aytong us aain.
"There's no place like home," they think.
When one is looking toward the "sunset
ol life' sentiment is not soeasily awakened;
j but who know s? perha some ' echo from
! the past" may give birth to the poem desired
hy our kind admirer.
Utile I. wis Jaggar, while in the timber
with his father Saturday afternoon, thrust
bare feel into a pile of ashes let! w here some
hasel brush had burned in the early part of
the day. The ashes were not so innocent
as they looked, and the little fellow received
some severe and painful bums. Cilu.
A Xtilalla View of Samson.
Moi.ai.la, May IT. -There will le political
saking at the school house Friday night,
tbe JOth.
C. W. Herman, Esq., who had the mis
fortune to receive the blade of a double bit
ted aie in his arm by getting too near
his brother w hile slashing brush, is recov
ering. Several years ago this same person
had a close shave with a doutde bitted grub
hoe, resulting in a cranium ga-ih.
There are two more candidates before the
people Chas. H. B. Thomas for justice of
tbe peace, and F. C. Scott for constable, for
the district of Molalla, Marqtiani and Soda
Springs precincts.
Wedonot know whether your strong man
Samson is possessed of a " snook" or not,
but merely suggest that it is barely possible
that some of Oregon City recent earth
quakes may be attributed to the sudden
shrugging of one of those shoulders. Look
a little out lest the courthouse be dumped
into tbe river and the bluff tumbled down
upon the city. Surely you do not seem to
apprehend much danger of being crushed
out of existence; yet Samson's reply is to
come, we re told.
Highland Notes.
Highland, May 17. Plenty of rain,
plenty of mnd in Highland.
E. H. Cooper, of Mulino, aspirant for
county clerk's office on the people's party
ticket, addressed the people at Highland
on the political issues of the day last
Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Miller
furnished the audience with a few rous
ing patriotic songs. The people's party
club will meet again next Saturday even
ing, the 21st, at 8 o'clock.
Now is the time to kill and destroy
chipmunks, gray squirrels, gophers, etc.
Let us all unite in the good work', brother
farmers, and rid ourselves of the pests
which destroy more dollar worth of
grain than it takes cents to destroy them.
Our neighbor, Mr. Ward, has left High
land and will reside in Oregon City in
tiie future.
The daughters of Mi. William Davies
are home on a short visit.
S. H. Scribner is hauling lumber and
material for the purpose of building a
new barn this summer.
THK SKWS or rit(H) Posts,
Over 1.100 fur the I uforiiinsts In On Week.
Sasastw Is Fading Mightily,
Fmou I'osii, Mav I.V The weather Is so
wet and rainy that the fanners are making
poor headway In getting in their crops but
they hope go.l weather will come alter
awhile. It Is so wet here the Iroga hate
hardly room to sit on dry land to croak
their spring songs.
The people's party spoke In our school
house Wednesday night and had a goixl
crowd to talk to but 1 think they made lit
tle Impression on the minds of the people.
The song sung by Mr. Inskip was more en
joyed than all the sulking and rweived loud
applause, tine of Ihein, Or. While, SHke
at Wilsonvlll last night lo nearly auempty
house and could not raise enough collec
tion lo pay for the rent ol' the hall.
The democratic candidates will give a
grand blow out here tomorrow night.
A basket social was given by the young
ladies of r'rg I'oud last evening In the
grange hall lor the benetil of Mrs, John
i inns wuose nusoami receiuiy uieii leaving
her with four small children lo take care of.
The for arl of the evening was taken up
by a few declamations and select reading,
songs and instrumental music, alter which
John Q. Gage auctioned oil t'i baskets and
the one bidding toe highest look it. Thirty
baskets were sold and the receipts were
ftiYtsi, James Lumerpaid the highest price,
Jt.'-fi, without a grumble or a grunt.
Krai.k Krusa started out with asulwvri
tiou for Mrs. Dames whose house was
burned a short tlmeago and raised (or her
-18 in a short lime, ami raised for M rs.
Platta the same way In half a day ffU In
hard cash. Where is there another part of
the country In which tbe people would do
this? We have no saloons around here
and consequently we can help lbs poor In
stead. Alice IViwiilug front Jlulleville made
John Kruae and family a short visit I oil ay.
Next Saturday evening the Wahtrop
children will gi a musical exhibition In
our school house and a good time Is looked
Tuahitln secular moon meets next Sun
day and a good program wexicleil. The
paper will be by Mr. Sandy.
John Kruse Is recovering from a spell of
the grip which has laid him up lor two
tih, what s the matter with Samson? I
thought he was one of the chosen ones and
always did things right and honest; but it
seems be has his foot in il this time and can't
get it very well onl. I think he hurts no
one but himself and Ell will get to the trout
just the same when lh voles are counted
in June. Hurrah for Ell I
I see the republicans have skipped Wil
snnville ami Tualatin in their rounds. What
does it meanj? Will it be tilled with a
special at some luture time?
Ox or tn Do vs.
Receiving New Spring and Summer Gcods
To talk alxnit war
in Oli il i or anywhere else. Hut if you wish to talk ah.ut GOOD
(500DS ami LOW HUCKS, wo are at vour service.
Wo will quote a few html hitters:
5 gallons best Pearl Oil, - $0.55
3 pounds Arbuckle's Coffee, &G5
22 pounds Nice 0 Sugar, - - $1.00
HuiMcrs' Hardware ami Nails at I'ortland nrices. ami all other uimkIs in nroiiortion.
Our stook of Hoot ami Shoes will suit the most fastidious. There I n letter line of Hats
ami Cans in Chukamas Countv. We are receiving a complete li.it' of PKY GOODS and
MIIXINK11Y direct from the East, which we will sell at 1'rices that will surprise you.
(5ive us a call and Ik) convinced.
Carlton & Rosenkrans' New Cash Store,
Isadora In Low Prift-n for Clttokantaa County. Otl.jTl.toy 9 0X
Needy Intelligence.
Niedt, May 10. Politically in our part
or the county the majority of tickets used
will be republican. George F. Horton will
a strong vote here and we predict all
over the county, which he certainly deserves,
as he is a man respected by all his neigh
bors and is without a blemish on his char
ade. Our democratic neighbor have prom
ised him their support and he will run
ahead of his ticket here.
Kli Maddock will also poll a heavy vote
here and the tew soreheads who are endeav
oring to pull Mr. Maddock down should be
ware of digging graves for others lest they
fall into them themselves.
Our school district clerk has completed
his assessment roll for this district, No, 40.
The total valuation as placed by the clerk
is $70,155; indebtedness, $13,408; exemption,
$7118. The total number of acres of land in
tbe district ia 1520, of which amount there
are 880 acres In cultivation. There are in
the district 89 horses, 143 cattle, 127 sheep
and goats and 98 awine.
Braver Creek Mewslel.
IWavss C uttit. May K H, H. Gregory,
0. C. Inland, W. 1.. Uider, John and A. T.
llowland and Kd Hughes furuird a party
that started last Friday fur the Chtcaainaa
river falls to Hh for lmou. ,
Thn-e young ladles of this plsce ra In
your city: lietta Uider is working fur Mrs.
William Kussell, Mary Kider fur Miss I
Wilkesun, and Isabel McArthur ia re
ceiving instruction in painting.
Mrs. K. Kastiuan is having some new land
brought under cullivjttiitn.
David Penman has timbers out for a now
bam 30i' feet. Win. McDonald Is also
building a barn, and B. K. Itilleter has a
niilkhouse completed and Is ruiistructing a
new house 011 land owned by him iu this lo
cality. Robert Mathewson has built a poultry
Mr. Cah ill has a number of new hands
employed in his saw mill. Mr. liriep, for
merly proprietor of the Oriental hotel in
your city, is sawyer.
Will some one tell us how to rid gardene
of tbe voracious Ilea beetle? Hive tried
different remedies without success.
To my knowledge no man of New Kra
precinct has ever held county or legisla
tive office and the present attack upon K. C.
Maddock seems to be prompted because be
it a man of that precinct. As 1 have long
been acquainted with Mr. Maddock I will
state that the attack la unwarranted as he ia
a man of unquestionable honesty and will
fill the office of sheriff creditably. I have
no personal aims in bia election but we are
sure he will be the next man to occupy the
sheril s office. NsTtva.
1SI Front StrwtT I HARDWARE I Portland, Orenoti.
Morttiwwttertt Acrttta (of
ATKI1VS &yiW23
-Lance . Uivl.lciu TuilMikiih liesler Lanco-
-ailvsr Diesis
C4W Jfll',V AAT
Crescent W edges (warranted.) IKfc S Proof Chain. Arcade Files. ohk Crescent Neo
Loggers ami Wtxal Choppers SjH'cialties.
Oregon City Agent, ......
la tbe Mink Country.
Mirk, May 15. A number of farmers are
hauling oats to Oregon City.
K. W. llornshiih's kitchen got on fire last
week by some sparks fulling on the moss 011
the roof. It was seen in time to prevent a
big lire.
Married, at the residence of the bride's
father on May 11, Miss Oustie Moclmkeand
Samuel Jones.
K. W. Hornshuli bought a Diirand organ
last week. His daughter Kmiiia is taking
music lessons at Oregon City with Mrs. A.
Miss Williams closed her school fornne
week so she can attend the Presbyterian
assembly at Portland.
What's the matter with Heaver Creek pre
cinct that the republican left it onto! their
campaign meetings.
Horn, to the wifeof Kuiil Ouenther, a son.
Where two or three come together there
you will rind a politician among iheiu. Kv
ery farmer seems to know something about
politics this year which goes to show that
they are going to " have a hand In it."
I'lierryvllle News Notes.
Chhkyviu.k, May 11. On Sunday, June
5, at our school house, Klder Dennett, of
Mount Tabor Villa, will preach the funeral
sermon of Aaron Fenimore who died about
a year ago. All persona arc cordially In
vited to attend.
The few scattering young orchards up the
river give promise of fruit to their utmost
capacity. Also, those on the north side
owned by H. McOugan, O. Hotlman and
Fred Biever of Marmot.
Our new postmistress pro tern., Mrs,
Hammer, la filling the position with credit.
Jud Welch hat opened a store in the old
Willis house. He rails ll Hadgrr Camp
Our neighbor, Steven Oslmme. who, with
his family, has been at Scholi a ferry all
winter, Is at home again.
J. W. Italy will again lake charge of the
toll gale on the Harlow mad. Charles Italy
with a gang of men Is attempting to oen
tbe road bus the snow Is atxive a dosen feel
deep, though rapidly disappearing.
The ncighlxim are making garden wltk a
will. All are impatient because of having
been so long retarded by rams.
John Mclntye s six-year old boy, (llenn,
is having a siege with enteric fever.
Park Plaee Ileus.
I'awc 1'lack, May 17 Work of
all kinds ia look in; up since having a
fuw daya good weather. The lurnltura
factory, aaw mill and logging camp are
all running on full time and various im- '
proveuiunta are in progress. Hamilton
Sl Washburn have adornexl their house
and fence with a neat coat of paint
and J Wilaig has built an addition to his
A meeting held at the church last
Thursday resulted In appointing tha dil
fn runt committee for children' day.
All the Park Place people are going to
Portland to see the gunboat. Those
who have returned report the sight well
worth seeing.
Key. Trullinger, of Eagle Creek,
preached at our church laat Sunday to a
well HI led house.
A part of the Beat for our new school
building have arrived.
The following named residents of Park
Place are on tlm eick list : The children
of Mr. Ililleary, Mr. Maple, Henry
Himinoler and Grandpa Elliott.
The Hisses Kauch, of Mountain View,
and Messrs. Davis and Porter, of Silver
ton, were the guest of L. 1). Leonard
and familv this week.
Mr. T. flrown has been laid up for sev
eral week with a bunion on hi foot hut
it is some bettor now,
Below Is given the Oregon City Market
Report, corrected May fl from quotations
furnished the Khtkhi-kiic by local mer
Wheat, valley, per bushel.. $ Til
Oats, per bushel 3X
Oregon City Mills, Portland brand. . . 4 75
Country brand 4 IIS
Shorts, per ton 21 tin
llran '. IS 00
Clover hay, baled 12 On
Timothy hay, baled 13 On
Potatoes, per PiO lbs 40
Onions, " 2 2S
Apples, green, per box 7A(tf 1 1
A pplcs, dried, per lb 6t'l
Mutter, per lb 20
Kggs, per box Ill
Honey, per lb 17fj)IH
Prunes, dried bW
Plums, " 06
Beef, live, per lb.: (a
Beef, dressed Of!
Mutton, live, per head 8 0084 00
Pork, live per lb OH
Pork, dressed, per lb 07
Veal, live, per lb 04
Veal, dressed, per lb 6
Ham, per lb 10(812
Baoon 10
il STOll
In the latest styles and designs, somo beautiful patterns at a
price, novo, before odered in Oregon City.
Extra largo lino of Men's and Hoys', clothing, of the.best
grade of goods in tho market.
In any size, shape and style from one dollar up to the best
Embracing a well selected lino of Ties, Negligee shirts
Hosiery and Underwear.
Chapman 5 Son
Lead in quality of goods handled.
Special Bill Cut to Order
Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Stront.