Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 20, 1892, Image 1

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    ( Yi
L '2(1. no. ao.
OKKCON CITY, OUlXiON, Fill DAY, MAY 20, 1802.
r, it van,
u' "'.'Til. ' and Niilnirhati property "
."lb... - J """"" .M T. Md
im' n hitHdti.g w-wlh i.( mMffie.
. A. HMU'Ji
lilv.rmlerony ,,,, m,
J . ., 'rf """"'H'llly lny l.iiilii
b.-l..r.lli. M m) .,,. ', ttrt..r lw
bin. k, mer l.lvrimur n,t,,
Oaauos rent, . ' .' . 'inpi,,,!!,
Will prantle In nil , rmirlt nflri MaJtl
Omi-n.nifim Main ! fclMh lrwi,Mi
Court buitM "
"J L rtlKTKh,
AttAt-r or raof-twrv ri'mtimtn,
Utile (wo 4iir ali.iv foaluSte, (iteaoU city
T A. Srl,
4. . rikia.
tunc i Utttt ni.v.
Oregon ' Itjf
1 II. I'YK,
nr Mri-tnu City bank,
oaiooK i nr. . oimuoai
1 1 KtiltiiK 1". tiMOWNF.t.l,
LAW Y I'll,
(mm). m cmr, . ostium.
Will ,rarlle In 411 Hi" entim nl ill. Mala,. M
n ttril do"! m t'atirtold A Huntley drug
j, a um . t. r. lomxi.
Atl (' liefm I' l.ti. (Iflle a .r"H"latty
little lootat H and l I' It Uutl tide
OliF.iio.N CITY.-
W,T MfftNtV, J. W. l,A-tB
Oregon Oily,
Twelt veara experlrtte a rLler t lr
H l-aiol urtli v hf rec.liimen'H u. IH mir ai.ee
laliy of Nil kilol. nl Im.llie.a Itrtiiftt 111 laml nl
ft.-e and Hi e.mrt.. and tnvutvl.ig Hit pfweito
lu Ilia general Unt oflu
t'otntr Kl(hl mil Main ainvu, Uqi City
Q P A I C LAToriiKrrE.
rurnlah Ah-lrri Title, l4n Mxtirf, Fnr
I'lma Mra . anil trannai't Ofnml
Law Rulna.
W iu. PAi-rti I im All cm am or Tilt Btjr
Km) F)n il Inanran. !
Offlvs mi Mala HUMt. I. Hlxili and mvnrtli,
nwaiia UITV. nK.
lIVHimliln IlitaintuiH l'miwrty nmt Sub
lirlinil Homo in Oroxoil City.
Farm Property In trwta to mlt on eaay ttrma.
('orrrNH.nilonr tmmtiitty artawrml. Offtre,
'MX ilnor to laiiDclil iliiiitlny'i urtii) itora.
PUttlng. Drainage aiH riume work pminptly
- - - ORKUON.
tkanbact a onu. i'Kihu noaiNiaa,
I.nniu mmle. Illll rllarnunteil. Make eo
leelloua. Hiiya ami Bell uraaiiKO mi all point
1n Ihe I'ulleil Slitea, Kur.'iw auil Hiiiik Kouk.
Hepiwlta reiwl' eil anhjeet to check Intnreat t
uaiiitl mtea nlloweil on time deniuli. Hank
iipen Iroui u a. N. U 4 r. u, Sntunlay evening
(linn Ui 7 p, a,
I) 0. LATOttllKTTK, I'rcanlent.
K K lio.NAi.liHON, Cnahlor
Oldest Bankins Honse ii lt Clt7.
Paid up Capital, V,000.
OXO, A. HA Kill NU.
- a. u CAijrnan
CIIAtll.ia H. CAUflKLU.
A general banking hualnaa trnnaneled.
Jli'Vnalta recflve.il nlijeet to nlieek.
Approved Mill ami noma dlieoiinteil.
County ami city warrnnli bought.
Iiana mmle on nvatlulilo ni'ourlty.
KkcIihuk bought and aiild. ,,
Colleiiilona mailn promptly. ' . ' ' '
Iirnlla mil.l avullnole in any part nl tlio world.
Telegraphic exchange aold on Portland, Hail
Frnmilacn, Clilnag.i and New York.
Iiitereat imld on time depoait.
gub Aeeut ol Til K LONHON ClIKQUE DANK.
Tlw Flrsl l!i''Miif of 1!iat Rudy
ami IIn Oi'khiiI.uIIoii.
1 Hlrrrt Ititlltiay f'mnrlilnr Ovpt.
kanli'd mid Knfi1 In Sfpm4 llrml
Inir Mcrrral A mr mlnx-ii ti.
At tlio (ij'irnm mnctinj it tlia city
cii'ini'll lii Mi(iiilny tiiirht dm new
coiini lliiii'ii ik tlif ir fU. kor.Hr.lnr
Purtor rising aliacnt (in i'oiint fifulclc-
llnad U'C''
( ti U'in.
Tlie maynr etiil t hief ill h1ic
anilCounrilnien Alhrlelit, Cookn. (ireen-
nan k'.JIlf O'CiinnKll l,i.rt..r li'iin.liill
and VKI1o reaiudel to tho mil cull.
The mayor api'dme I tho fillowlni;
alainlmi) coinniltleea :
Finance rotiiniitimt II , L. Kelly, C.
0 Attirih'ht and J. W. OToriicII.
m alreotii mid pnhlic pro"rty J. (.
Porter, T, I'. HiirnUll ami II L. Kellr.
llro and witter J. 1. (Vike, W.
A. Whit and ('.(. Alhrilit.
n heallh and ilku W. A. Wlilto,
J. W. OVoniitdl mid C.N. tireemiiaii.
Couuciliimn Hunilull waa tl-ctml prrai
.lent of tho roiincil hy aivlwiimtinn,
Tlio iKi'lal coininiltee a iiilod to
eaiiiiilnn the reKirtii ol tho trciiMirrr re
IHirted that It had (oiiud ono error ol
tn.!! whlcli thetn-amirerhail corrected,
It alao found that the mutter of liienaea
liad not lieeti conducted in a huniuea
like manner and recoiiiiimled that the
proviaion ol the city charter and ordi
nance 1x atrictly oheerved In the (ature.
The report w aluned hy llie only iiiotn
her of Ihe committee thai had nut Kiie
out of olllce, J. W. (rt'ciiineil, and It
adopted by Ihe oimcit.
The chief of police rfMiiled that there
ban been forty-one ntt.'nU during the
pnel year fur Uouk d.in.k and dneard't-rlv.
three for violating the ordinal!' 0 relatiim !
lo cowa rnnnliiK at large and three foil
violation of the ordinuuce relating lo
rldlng or (Irivliighomeaoii the nherwulkt
He reported that had Un cojlcclad
hi line from in.liv.Ju ile. The bviilding
of a new city Jil waa h ctiintiiended a
,, .1 , . ,,. .
the nun now In u a un it fur priaoiiera
, , ., ,. '
lo I confined In.
The major read hi annual tiiwage
which waa a (ulluwa:
i MAVCR'a xn al MtAnr.
To Hie H iiioral'l ( onininii Oilinoil nf
ht (Ity of Oregon City-lienth-niew : The
loam ial eondiiion of the city a rn en by
'he recorder and the tivaun-r l a ful-
To ll.ilola of 111 City l.iO.rtTI (Ml
M Inbareai iiiial. 'Hoinli. . iai m
" uullainlu, Warrauia -U
Hy Wrolaranrellnl a'matx r.' fl H
" ( aili on liauil ... .. .. tu i at
leavln a balane of. ..
Wl. j
or tminlv.t Indcntaaluei ol. 0A4 in
And a doaiiiii - " 11,'J1 m
, . riK tiKr.ilTMIJCT. t
The flredapwrtiiiaikV m-cms lo hace boen
ctttnliicled aa well dwriiig the pjiat year as at
any time during the hNtury nl' Ihe city and
no doiiht aa well a aay almilnr department
lu ot li.tr cliic.
The appliance oftbe two boae conipnitlca,
atnothe book and laiblcr company, are In
good condition, Founiiiin Inwe couipany
N. 1, having feet 4-iy rulilwr hoe and
all neccunry apparatus . Cntnract hose
compiiiiy N. S having S50 leel hoie of aiiiiiB
Hinllty, alao with niveiiry apparalun,
while the honk ami ladder company'
truck and ix hid lera bave been orerbaiiled
and put in good condition during the past
year. f . f
There are alao IT hyikraiitii act up ami in
food iviinhllon at prexeot, which have been
numbered by the laat chief of this deart
aaent and which, oh ioualy, is a very uael'ul
ami cuvenlent arraiiKemeiit. The total
number of lire during tiie pu.it year were
bitt two with an ealinialed total loss of but
-jr m, which of itaeirK'ak loudest or the
efllclency of the clopurlw.-nl.
At the Wulsr couunlaalon Is extending
water pipe over the hill and a there will
toon, no don tit , be hydrants Interspersed
over this ground, ami a our present fire
companies are all located on Main Btreei,
from where It necessarily lake considerable
time Id reach any rciuotu point on the tmid
hill, it becomes evident Hint the formation
of another lire company lo he located at
some point of vantage ou the hill would be
a ' most prudent move for the protection
against tire of the numerous dwellings and
oilier rapidly enhancing proerljes here lu
loottc.l, which in aiiiiji'ct to the dcitractive
ruvnges of thin fell destroyer, lire. ,
While this department Is not of much nu
merical strength, still 1 dure say, that relo.
lively speaking It I ss well organized and
iHclent n any similar force In other cities,
and I believe that the suiid department en
deavors to perform Its in any duties with u
llrmneis anil impartiality.
The matter of greatest credit to this de
partment lit the present beitiK the practical
breaking up of the gambling games which
have been continued so long In our fair
city, to its great discredit.
Ft'HI.IO I'llol'KUTY,
111 connection with this (hero is hut little
to sny, as no work of moment bus been done
except the lining uiul grading of two of our
pinks oti Seventh street, which was very
essential and was done at a cost very much
li'ftti Ihnu It imi 1. 1 U loiin ill my la1T tiiim.
the iiiiib IxlnK dud iji (Ho ivni.ita! of mir
I'lila iimli'ilul rrum Kmiwilh iKrci't diirlnK
Krmllrif tif nil alrwt. Tli Hty ln ill
iil of two lulu on Hc"fith nl rent to (lie
Hon. T. A. M.-Briil Inr fl.HH fah, In
Kill(tiii which i.oiii'lrcil very fulr
fnirt iin.li r the comliiimi.
tmtKT lMltMKT.
Inrliit Hie 'l yrr tiiMlcrtuken the
(Irat riiianrnl trel lmrtvviiiiiit in IhU
clly, vlx.: Hie tiiiMviiiiHiit of Ken-nth
Irwt frimi the tii of the blulf cU'rly to
the t lty lliinia. That the city la lnvolvel In
litKtlnn ovirrlhla. U llrnt move toward m
I'llrliiK iKtmt'H'nt liiiitxV(itii'iita(nl thcrv
hy liiaiiKuriiiinK Unit hiI vui.i enicril enil pro
Krf(vt'iini(i U h lliuat roiue II we ever
eH-t to aU'p out of I lie v ftlillinn clothe
j'r'.IIV.'WHI Wl III" J(l.'l'll.
r.ioiiito.1 lwonlttr"of liifriiK j ,lmiielitl(lo.iir., e I -
, uly ao a aome of tlico who wiitloni-d for
We '"ve
mri.lluiK lniirovrMii-nt aim
Until the tt"ri"K"WTii'lil wire
! favored It
ntaile n'iliiat the inierly Ix'IipIIiimI,
acmnlliiK to (lie charter, are among the
There wrre limny minor linprovenienle
niA.lf hy the ulrei'f aiirliilniili'i.t in re
calling itrwla, etc., mill U'ic which there
waxlnhl iluniK the rat yeura
Total of SI lineal leel rtank aidewalK 10 (eel
T.nal o( t llrwil leirt eetnent nljinulk 10 (eel
T.rtal "( Tix lineal (eet wiajik l.li-waik
lemi l.!e. T
I'.'Ul ol t.V.J lineal leet plank tlrlewalk 4 (erl
lotal o( S 31a lineal (eet eroMtiin.
The almve Im Imtre tli ahtewalk and
cnialn(ra on Kevenlb Mnt'l whiih i xivn
u H,:'.Vi lineal leel aidewulA: U leet Whle, and
lineal fii-t erofilniia.
Iteaide the aUive Hit re a es.eii(leil in
the reMiialrni'tiiin of the n from Im
to top of hhiff on 3-1, lih and 7th m reels and
the rmiatriK tlon of atepa on mli atrett in
like manner the total auin of I1.1V1,
Tin-ax "iep art'.ruhitaiikaily built and will
laat fur n'vernl year.
'1 he tret iierinteiideiit he collected up
to dale for mnd taetlie auiounl ol$l,l.M..Vt,
and eipeuded of imme on ilrwl work
; ' ' leaUuK a haUoc on band
-'lit, with a i!elliiiuent lUt of tinea un
paid .mounting to 1101.12, moat of which i
While the aliv alio- that a great
ainoant of aidi wnlk aiid Mrvet (-ro'ninir-hate
liei-n ini.l du1ug the paal year, yet
lli.-r am many place wilhoul walk and
! auine pla.i where old w-alka ahmild he re-
i newwi. Ol the latter the most noliicnhle in
j 0,1 Mul" "(reel where a lurwe rlion of the
lk" "re verv ''ili''n-
., .. I1'?'.. ,., ,
Wliile Ihe qiienilou of the health of our
,. , .,' ,. . , ,
'cltiieiu and the comimmity at laise I on
, llw ,, i,,,,.,,, mili.h mn ,
bmnght up, yet heretofore It baa m-elved
! liitte or no attention w hatever.
j Thi ahoiild not comiinie a Ihe aniiary
cnnilition of our city at the present time
'(with but lew and li.a.le.jimle aewers, Mime
! of which are frequently choking, huniieg and
vomiting forth their unliearnhle stench,
even In the principal business streets,) i in
a wretched condition. Then attain the
putrefying and overflowing cesspool In the
prliwi.l rt of our city with no outlet i a
Hiusre of great danger and menace, both lu
health and life.
There i aleo another source of annoyance
in connection with this sa. itary question
which the health committee should look
. .
csrelwlly after. It Is the gathering of swill
or garbage through thi .city in unseason
able hours, generally from 8 or 9 o'clock
a. m. until 2 or 3 o clock t), m. This 'prnlicc
hoiild be atopd and regulated so that the
same should he done before 8 o'clock
a. m. While heretofore it has been con
sidered by some of the councilnien who
were appointed to serve ua the health com
milieeas not a very important position,!
uert that the committee u health ami po
lice is one of if not the until important one
luthla council and city, and if an active inter
est I taken In prosecuting all the duties
which rightfully belong to that ctmimitlee
tile Incaviiheiits thereof will do a nobler and
mora imporlaut work for their constituents
and Ihe community at large than those ot
any other committee.
In conclusion 1 trust that during the en
suing vear a harmony will exist in the
council irf this honorable body and Hint Ihe
member will at all time keep in view that
all legislation should be for the best inter
ests ol tlieoiiiniunily, i. e., to do justice to
all ami the greatest good to the greatest
The ordinance granting franchise for
Iho F.a-t Side railway company to build
and oH'ralea railway on .Miiiu Rt"eet by
horse, cable or electric power was taken
up and the council wont into committee
of tho whole with Handall in the chair
Jo consider it. The committee went
through the ordinuuce carefully section
by section, City Attorney Cross acting
as secretary, and several important
amendments were made.
When the ordinance came before the
council again it provided for a franchise
for mimic or double truck on Main street
from Third north to the city limits, Ihe
company to keep the street m good con
dition between the rails and between
tracks. The term of the franchise was
changed back lo fifty years instead
of tll'tv years as amended by
by the old council and a license of $100
per annum after the first ten years, pay
able January 1 of each year, wag Imposed
instead of the 10 for each motor car. It
was made compulsory that the company
run cars each way as often as once each
hour from fi a. m . lo 10 p. in. and that
the fare within the city should not ex
ceed five cents. Provision was also
made for building a hydraulic canal un
der the road in case tlio canitl down
Main street should ever bo constructed.
The company must file its acceptance of
the terms of the ordinance within sixty
days after its passage and twelve months '
are allowed for the completion of the I
road. The amendments were adopted!
and the ordinance ordorod published.
Kellv, Porter and Cooke wore ap
pointor a committee to co-operate with
tho board of trado committee to arrunwe
for a celebration of the Fourth of July
and the council adjourned. I
Forty lliiTK Killed at Kosl;n
ami Mim' nt Ituttp.
The LiiKllab llWiirhcd (Her Ihe Mew
Anierlinu Her I lry Ijiw Mewl Ar
bMntlnrn Other wn,
ltuei.yn, Wli., Mny 17. LbhI Tue
ilny lorriflc exi'liwion o-curre.1 in the
NuitUern I'ftciflc'i C"l mine. There
...I..-I lira lllll III IHO Ifllllli Hll.l
j every one niwt hnvei tieen ineUntune)-
were forty-threw men in the filinft and
lmi i t . . . .i
oiialy killed, )udin from the appear -
... ,, it . t
ance of the holiea, all of which have
. . , , ., . , ,
hpen recovered. Moet of the tuinera had
i ..;it- . i .-. . i-.- i
lunula- in d.-atilute condition hy reaeun
, ., i , i.i... i
of work being furriifhei hut two daya
week during the paet year.
Bin MUen Killed.
I'.itik, Mont., May n.-It" ie now
known Hint nine miner were killed hy
the cave-in at the Anaconda, mine Dear
Unite, Mont. Fourteen were entombed
and it wan at 11 rut thought that all were
killed, hut five have ao far been taken
out alive, and it i powtively known
that all (he remainder are dead.
EafUad Sock Worked Dp Orer thi Tranifer
ofvlIma Buamikipi.
IjOKiwix, May 15. No oilier event in
many montha haa caiieed r-m li auiuxe
ineiit and diagtiat in the Itriliah mind aa
th transfer of the ocean rucer of ll
lnman line to the American flag The
iverifn Kngliehman regards Ilriiisli
upreiuary on the sea as so thoroughly
.-i.l:-i..l :. .i : :t.i..
r.-.,. n,.e ...irn .
to under-.anuw hy any venae! could '
nii'iny, -onier inr cirT'iiiiisiaiicvn, in
transfer it allegiance and accept the
flag of another power. This i the patri
otic view for the hiiMiieas world in Great
Hrita'.n. The lnman incident has an
"l- t even d irkar, aa it is more prac
tical. Merchants and others we in Ihe
transfer the cloud no biggei than a
n.an' hand (hat foreshadows the loeg of
England's commercial supremacy, the
building up of American commerce at
the expense of (he British. The corn-
men ial growth of Ihe United Sluice was
alieadv regarded with a jealousy even
before this incident. Now there ie al
most a Punic. The government will
have to lake some steps to prevent, or
j discourage other steamship lines from
' follow it,g the lnman company, but the
' government appears to be in confusion
aa lo a but step to take.
Cr 4'Alea atiac.
Wali.ack, Idaho, May 10 The tron
ble between tne miners and mine own
er of the Cii'tir d'Alene mining country
haa finally been brought to a head by
the importation of 600 miners from the
Lake Superior region. Doth sides have
been serving injunctions on each other
and deputy sheriffs, deputy . United
States marshals and detective forces are
numerous about the mines. Quite
number of lha. imported miners have
joined the miners union and refused to
Waj.lac.ii, May 19. The mining situ
ation in Cccnr d'Alene lemaini practi
cally anclmnged No men were brought
to Warner lust night, and the miners
sav none are on the road for that point.
Twelye more of the imported men at
Union mine deserted todav, and say
that all the others will desert as soon as
possible, Frank Gatiahl, of Spokane,
counsel for the miners, is here and is
preparing a eonnter action to the injunc
tion proceeding of the mine owners.
Th Moattary Ooafewiot.
Washington, May 17. President
Harrison has received from Italy and
Austria acceptances of the invitation to
participate in the international monetary
conference. The acceptance of Italy is
especially pleasing to the administration,
as. on account of its position as the head
of the Latin Union, it will influence the
remaining nations to join the conference.
It is positively known that invitations
were fordwardod to all the Euroean
powers except Turkey, and some talk
lias been caused by the fact that the
invitations wore sent by mail instead of
by cuble as was intended. Keplies from
the remaining nations will probably be
received shortly. It is the belief of
those best acquainted with the progress
ot the negotiations that the international
monetary conference will convene
about the 1st of July.
Will Act a Arbitrator!.
Washington, May 17. Justice Har
lan, of tho United States supreme court,
and Senator Morgan, of Alaska," who
were selected by the president as ar
bitrators on the part of the United
States in tho Bering ' sea controversy,
have; each ' accepted the appointment
ami auree to serve.
Justice lilnnkR, real estate blanks, and
all other blanks at the Entkri-kise of
fice. Portland prices. ' 1 ' " '"
Til E'iu.linll'io Matter Bruit-I t lull Ceort
l,y goatbern PuiEc Suit.
Kai.r-m, Or., May 14 The aernetit
and taxation difflcultiea and diftWnce
hlcli have ariwn out of the law creat
ing the "late board of equalization, and
the work of that hoard at its firat meet
iiiK, lant I)eieriiher, are dow in A fair
way to reacla aeltlement in Ihe court.
The Hontliern I'acilic'i locomotive which
wai attached here yeatcrdajr for taxe
wan releaaed twliy, iiending die argu
ment of the injunction bt-foie Judje
Uoioe in tlic cliamticr here Tuesday.
In ila coinplaitit, the Hontliern Pacific
it ii.... t . -.i
aueuea wiai iio uoaei 01 ru'iaiiAt.1011 cr
1 , . , . , ., .
ceeled its authority in clarifying
i , . . . '
: and ruining the aKtcBsment. The cane
i wi l tie taken at once, after arifninent, to
. , ' ,
the mipreme court on appeal. The
, , ' , , , ,
opinion of the aupreme court will be of
I . '
jinlerent to every county in Oregon,
j not s few 0f (e countiea have ig-
; norei t,B work Gf the at ate board and
! evjw &xm on a.B.ient as equalized
by the county boards. Many counties
which have collected taxes on the state
board's figures have remitted to the
stale only on the county boards' figure.
The Knitter' War.
Chkyknxi:, Wyo., May 14. Another
demand has been made upon Governor
limber for the l!utler war prisoners at
Fort Husell. A Johnon county offl(r
ays he w ifl accept the delivery here at
Fort McKinney, near Buffalo, or any
where in his county. If be is yiven the
priwmeJhere he will undertake to get
ihein back 'to tfie north alone and guar
antees that none will escape and that
they will not be annulled. Governor
lUrbe will consider Ihe demand stuie
an. It is believed he will decide to
' "..v.
hold the prisoners on the ground they
j would not be safe, in John-on county.
: 1,1,,. V, . i ii - .
the forty-two men, all being charged
with the murder of Sate Champion.
Th Boaadsry Cemmlioi.
Fl Paso, Tex , May 15. Colonel Bar
tow, in charge of the United States
bonndiiry commission, wns in the city
todav. He said there is no truth in the
reports that errors were discovered in
the line of the survey. The commission
is not out to make a new smvev, but
simply lo see (he old monuments are in
portion and in s:od condition.
Tie 8aprem Court.
Waswkotos, May hi. The supreme
court will meet tomorrow after a recess
of two weeks, and, if the justices can
conclude the announcement of their
decisions be'ore the hour fixed for the
funeral of the late Senator Barbour, will
adjourn for the summer, to meet again
the second Mondav ol October.
A Deicndat of Walter 8oott.
London, May lo. The Rev. Father
William I ockhart. rector of St. Ethehl
eredas church in Ely Place, was found
dead in bis bed this morning. He was
a descendant of Sir Walter Scott, and he
was the author of a life of Rosmini and
otlter works.
Snpped Boventy Foot.
Hki.ena, Mont., May 15. A cage" on
which thiee miners were riding dropped
seventy-five feet in the Drum Lummon
mine today. Angus Melver and Wil
liam Minkle were so severely injured
that they died soon afterward, ami
James Abbott is not expected to survive.
Ctaatd by a Cloud Bunt.
Philadblphia, May 15 About 5:30
o'clock this afternoon, a cloud burst
struck this city, causing the death of
three men, who with two companions,
were in a sail boat on the Oeleware
Diplomatic Belatiom Sonmed.
Rons, May 13 Hon A. G. Porter,
the American Minister to Italy, ai rived
in this city today. The resumption of
full diplomatic relations between the
two nations is regarded with special
favor by all classes in Italy.
Grmite Work at a Standstill.
CmcAoo, Map 17. About 150 granite
cutters struck here today on an order
from Bar re, Yt., to aid the strikers in the
East. Granite work on the Newberry
library building and in the monument
yards are at a standstill.
Tho Strike Ended.
CniCAuo, May 17. The strike of the
iionworkers at the world's fair grounds
is terinir.ated, and tomorrow the men
return to work on the old terms.
A Prominent Home Baler.
Pt'BUN, May 15. Charles H. Mel Jon,
queen's counsel, one of the first home
rulers elected to parliament, died in this
uitv todav.
"The flowers that bloom in the spring"
are not more vigorous than are those
persons who purify their brood with
Ayer'aSarsaparilla." The fabled Elixer
Vita. could scarcely impart greater
vivacity to the countenance than this
wonderful medicine, , .
Bolton is the only riverside property
on the market. ' ' ' "
I)n('liiiieut Work Troves IN
Kxreriliug HIcIiupm.
It Is Located on the Last Ituuk of the
n illumette a Short DUbince
Helow Oregon City.
The discovery of a vein of heiuati'e
iron ore on the Staub place on the eat
bank of the river al-out two and a half
mile below Oregon City was mentioned
in the Extcki-isk two weeks ago. There
was then every indication of a rich find
but it was deemed beet to await more
conclusive developeinenU before treat
ing the mine as a certainty.
Tho discovery was made br W. T.
Welch who waa looking for brick clay.
His son William II. Welch lollowed up
the iron lead, got a ten-years lease of
the proerty and proceeded to develop
the find. The outcropping was dis
covered in the bank of the river alsiut
eighteen feet below the surface of the
ground. Ihe strata dipped back from
the river at an angle of about forty-five
degrees. A tunnel was driven in forty
feet on the vein and several tons of ore
lakeu out when the high water Monday
flooded the mine and compelled the ces
sation of work in the tunnel. Now ar
rangements are being made for sinking
a shaft to inttrsect the ore vein a short
distance back from the river bank.
This will do away with the danger of
Hooding from the river.
The large number of samples of ore
from the new mine have been assayed
by the chemist at the Oswego iron
works and the average is filty-six per
cent of uieull.c iron. The Oswego
mi-es do not exceed an average ot
thirty-three per cent iron. But next
week a large quantity will be taken to
to the Oswego furnace and the results of
practical reduction will be observed.
There is no question, however, that the
ore is very high giade,
William H. Welch has leased the
tract of 120 acres on which the new
mine is located for len years and is to
pay eight cents a ton for the ore re
moved. So he is possessed of a valua
ble propcty.
An offer of (10.009 has been made by
Portland panics for th new mine, or,
rather, for Welch's lease. He thinks it
worth more money, however. The
negotiations are still on and it is likely
that an agreement will be reached in a
few days that will result in the working
of the mine on a large scale. It is so
I convenient to the river that the trans
portation for ore could not be better. It
il even more convenient to the Oswego
smelier than the Oswego company's own
Qearjpi the Democratic Ticket.
. Washington, May 15. The corres
pondent of the New York World sends
the following tonight: A strong move
meut is on foot looking to the nomina
tion of Representative Geary, of Cal
isornia, for vice-president on tne demo
cratic ticket. The far west has no
presidential candid.de, and the object of
putting G.eary foreward is the Lope that
he will be able to carry the twenty
electoral votes of California, Nevada,
Oregon and Washington for the whole
ticket. The Cleveland men here, who
think (he plan feasible, say with the
Geary contribution to the strength of
the ticket the renomination of the ex
president would be sufficient without
regard to New York's electoral vote.
A Sad Bailwar Wreck.
Clkves, O., May 15. In the midst of
a terrific storm of wind and rain, two
Big Four trains crashed into each other
at Cleves this morning with an awful
effect. Both engines were battered into
a shapeless mass and rolled off the track.
The cara behind were smashed into
kindling, and the track for 100 feet was
torn up; telegraph poles were broken,
and it was two or three hours before
notice of the wreck was sent out, and a
special train sent to the scene from
Cincinnati. People from the village and
surrounding country gathered and did
all they could to rescue the wounded,
many of whom were taken away. Ten
persons were killed.
Death of Benator Barbour.
Washinuton, May 14. Senator Bar
bour of Virginia, died suddenly quite
unexpectedly at his. residence this morn
ing at 6:31 o'clock. The senator
awakened shortly before and aroused
Captain Shepherd, who was his guest,
stating he was sorely oppressed as with
croup, and asked htm to send for phys
ician. Returning to his room, Senator
Barbour lay down and died within ten
minutes.. The piiysician pronounced the
cause heart failure.'.
A College Presideat Dead.
Wheaton, 111., May 15. Jonathan
BlanchariT, "president ' emeritus of
Wheaton college, ' died very suddenly
at his home hero today. ,.-