Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 13, 1892, Image 2

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f iUilty TuVo s to B Hull mill Wallops
.itariow iniuruiemenia oi ine
town Other notes.
C.vsby May 11 Lvt Saturday even
inf wan tho first meeting of tbe (bxxl
Teniplara in tbi quarter. .Miss Maude
Katon wan initiated and tbe following
oflk-ers iti!talled: 11. C. Oilntore wobief
templer, Miss AdJie I-oe vice templer,
Misa l.oriiula Ciilinor superinU'iulont of
juvenile tempters, Millard Lee aeorvtary,
Frank Weed chaplain, Miss Mamie
Eaton financial aeeretary. Pavid Cox
treasurer, Samuel Cox marshal, Wm
iJutperlet guaid, Milo Lee aentinal,
Koseoe Mack paat chief tempter.
The Canby bae ball players Iiave
oiyaiiiied a club of about twentv-fonr
member. When they saw theannomue
mo nt that the town oi mrlow had or
ganized a team they sent them a dial
lenitn. The challenge was accepted and
our captain, George Knight with eiht
others went there Sutulay and played
the Barlow National. Our battery was
Adam Knight and Clarence Zeek and
they did such good work that Barlow
only made eleven score w hile Canby 's
white star players made forty-nine.
Will Pimick wan umpire and managed
the game to perfection. Berlow was de
feated but not conquered, so next Sun
day they play at Canby with nine of the
club that did not play at Barlow.
Uen. James B. Weaver ol Iowa and
Judge McGinn of IVrtland lectured to
an attentive audience in Knight's hall
lift Friday evening.
0. P. Pix has exchanged his engine
for a larger one, as the old one failed to
j;ive sulficietit power.
Moiley Mack and Miss Sadie Pope
were married last Wednesday in Oregon
City and Mr. Mack is getting lumber
and prepsiring to build a house on his
place south of town. The main building I
will be lox:t with a wing of Itix'JJ.
iieo. Hoyt is also building a dwelling
ou bis place lHxlM with an L 14x10.
Weslyn Riifgs bus his house completed
and has moved in.
Chas. Schuiitt and family have moved
from town to his mill on Milk creek.
Our bailier, Mr. Gather , has returned
wi;h his family from South Bend and
has rented Wm. Knight's old store for a
Mr. Fisher of Ely has moved to town
and will this summer do the logging for
Dix'a mill.
Mr. Roger's new hotel is rapidly near
ing completion and next Wednesday
night he will give a grand ball. The
best oi music will be obtained and a
good supper served in one of the halls.
Edward Shull has arrived from Walla
Walla and will spend the summer with
his brother. MillaboLee.
stating h had never been routined to his j
Ix-d on account of sickness to exceed three '
days, and that he felt nearly as igonuia as
alien be tirt settled in CI, -kamas county
twenty years since. Mrs. MoArtbur then
presented Mrs. Foster many useful and val
uable presents in behalf of the W, 0. T. lr.
and the grange. Mrs. Foster replied in a
few appropriate words, Congratulations
were in order and Messrs. 0. l Williams,
Johnson, Howard, Pr. (toucher, P. MeAr
tltiir, K. N, Fivster, Mrs. Kandall, Mrs. Mary
S. Howard, Mrs. Kastmau and many others
testified to the high esteem in which the old
couple were held by the community. Seated
at th well tilled table were the bride and
uroom, their three children and their land
.ies, grand children and great grand chil
dren, to the number of thirty-two the en
tire family except one grand daughter
and her husband who reside east of the
mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Fivster were the
recipients of a number of gold wins and
many other presents of considerable intrin
sic value. The dinner was good, the music
superb, and at 4 p. m. the company after
shaking hands with their old friends took
their leave. rm.
The News of Oswego and Vteinltj-Prueser
Building live New Houtea.
Oswego, Mat 9 Mr. and Mrs. Barber,
of Wilsonville, are holding revival meet
ings at the Congregational, church.
Good success is reported.
G. W. I'rosser has started threeof ids
new houses. He contemplates the
erection of two more.
James Layman held the prize number
at the dance at Prosser's hall Friday
night. Miss Anuie Burns the fortunate
ladyjeceired j handsome gold pin.
I Geo. Mayner was in town Sunday. .
Charles Miller jhas taken care of 1 lie
white mice again. J
' Davidson, of the Portland house"haa
taken the charge ofthe;American house
in Mr. Johnson's place. i
The infant 'child of MrTst7Earl,i8
very low with'epinalemiigitia. rv3?J
"The excursion"itoMulthomah Falls
Saturday was enjoyed hugely byj those
who participated in it in spite of the in
clement weather. About ninety went
from this place. i
Th Mountain View Neighborhood.
MorsTAix Vikw, May b.Tlie last few
lays of tin weather have renewed work in
garden leaking.
The Kussell family hare moved some
where up the valley. M r. Kussell la ailing
more or less and thought that a change ot
locality might be heuelictal to his health.
Jos. Walton has a new barn built, tieo.
0. Kly did the work.
We think the attack made on K. C. Mad-
lock, republican candidate for sheriff, is
shameful, to say the least. 1 would say
that I am intimately acquainted with him.
lave lived within a half a mile of him for
n'veral years and have never known him to
commit a dishonest act. II will run far
ahead of his ticket in his own precinct which
is the best recommend a person can have.
Will llankins, w ho has been sick for sev
eral weeks, has returned to his school at
Markslmrg where he is teaching.
Miss Susie Henderman is still verv low.
and the chances for her recovery are ery
Mr. Holmes is having considerable altera-
lions made in his residence.
jaoo Kauch or .New hra was m town
Sunday and Monday, visiting st his son.
. J. Ranch's.
A. Mount, road supervisor, has cem.
memed work on the Mail near H. M. Ji k-
Miss Ina Ram h was visiting at Portland
for a few days last week. Omima.
Park Place News.
P.ikk Pi..u. May !). rapt. Aperson
and wife went away Sunday afternoon for
Astoria to attend the celebration ol the hun
dredth anniversary ol the discovery of the
Columbia river. Oramlpa Straight lias also
pine to be on hand wit It more of our old
Mr. Win. Kunyan preached in our church
last Sunday evening in the place af our pas
tor who is away at present.
It is said that the Gladstone saw mill
company is sawing ties for the coming mo
tor line.
Mrs. M. Kramer has just returned from
Selwood where she has lieen staying lately
with her parents.
Mr. John Straight and family are now liv
ing in their new house.
As Marion Hilleary was conyng in from
the country a few days ago his ho.-se fell
and Hilieary had bis shoulder pretty badly
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Hamilton were la
vored wilh a viit on Monday from Mr. P.
Henderson of Maine, an old friend of Mr.
At the school meeting last Saturday it was
decided that a .')7,'s school house lie built at
Park Place.
Sews of Central Point.
Cestkal Poikt, May e. Mrs. J. O. Fos
ter had a quilting last week.
Samuel Brown has bought a piece of land
at Canby, built a house and moved there.
The W. C. T. I', met at Central Point
church last Saturday instead of at their hall
in Xew.Era.
There w ill be a memorial social at Central
Point church Thursday evening, May Si;
ten cents admittance ami fifteen cents for
supper. All are cordially Invited.
Andy Roth, one of our young society
men, starts for his home in Michigan this
George Brawn and Miss Maggie MeAr
thur were united in wedlock Sunday, iluy
8, at the renidence of the bride's parents,
Rev. Mr. Colley, of Portland, officiating.
Among members of the family present were
George and Aggie MxArtlmr from Salem,
Doctors Samuel and K. C. llrown of Port
Heath ofan Aawl t'itlien-A School Kiiterlsln.
iMeiit tieneml News, j
Mak.)i .v, May 10. Farmers lmvoj
commenced swding in earnest and every
thing that can wear a collar Is pressed
into service. j
A large acreage of com will be planted I
in this part of the county tbia season, j
Kovs. Maloy and Boylea are holding
series of meetings at tho M. E, church
this week.
tiem oung of Oregon City visited his j
A.11110 miociiio i n t.
WK AltB TOO lll'SY
K. Young of this plaw, last
brother, C
Several of our Murquaniitos went to
Salem Saturday to hear den. Weaver
apeak on the eople' party move,
Mrs. A. V. Pavia accidentally slipped
and fell one day last week, dislocating
her ankle. The limb wan set ami she is
now improving as well as could be ex
pected. R. A. Scott, of Scott's mills, is en
gaged in preparing the material for the
erection oi bis new rolle' mill at Wood
burn which be expects to have in tun
ning order for the fall crop.
Died, at li 8 home near Marquaui, May
H, Patiiel Albrixht, aged t0 years. The
funeral ceremonies were conducted by
Rev, I. M Boyles on Friday, and the
remains were laid to rest in the Miller
cemetery followed by a large cou.-ourse
of friends and relatives. The deceased
leaves a wife and three sons to mourn
his demise. Mr. Albright waa highly re
spected by all who knew him, and the
tieighliois extend their heartfelt sympa
thies to the bereaved relatives.
The entertainment given at the Muddy
creek school house last Saturday night
under the etHcient management of the
teacher. Miss Thompson, was a decided
success. The house was profit soly decora
ted with tliweis and evergreens and was
tilled to its limit. '!'. exeicis -s, cons, st
ing of music, sinvches, dialogues, etc.,
commenced at A o'clock and continued
through four hours, when a free lunch
was served to all present and w as highly
appreciated. The instrumental music
wa furnished bv I'rof. Yodor, S. E. Biit
diet and Bobbins biotheis. The dia
logues, speeches, etc., were by the pupils,
all of whim did well. The proceeds '
amounted to about $15 which will be
used in the purchase of a 'x II for the
school house. 1V. tjt ixoTK.
Receiving New Spring and Summer Goods
To talk about war
in Chili or anvwhoro olso. lUit if you wish to talk ahout CiOOD
HOODS aiul LOW THICKS, wo aro at vour norvice.
Wo will quote a few hard hittors:
5 gallons best Poarl Oil, - 0.85
3 pounds Arbucklo's Coffee, $.65
22 pounds Nice 0 Sugar, - - .$1.00
Builders' Hardware and Nail at Portland juices, and all other good in protHirtion.
Our stock of Uoots and Shoert will suit the most fastidious. There is no hotter line of Hats
and Caps in Clackamas County. We are receiving a complete line of IKY (KH)IS and
MILL1NKUY direct from the Kast, which we will sell at Trices that will surprise you.
(live us a call and he convinced.
Carlton & Rosenkrans' New Cash Store,
Lefulera in Low Price for Claokattin County. CJOdXtoy XX"
1M Front Mreet. HARDWARE I'm tlaml, Oregon.
Nnrthwxiivrn Ariiti fnf
- iK-aier m
wilv.r sivelt H
Htijie. Crescent M
A pony lielonging to Claude Edwards j land, and Mrs. .Sarah Ilodkey of Arlington,
jumped a fence and,broke its leg last Fri- j We wish the young couple much happiness
day. I in their new home at New Era on the Wil-
The town is supplied with good spring i Iarae"- Vm.
water now instead of the lake water for i
merly used. Baby Bunting.
Marmot Notes.
M.i knot, May .V It is b ared the frosts of
this week h.ive injured ihe prune crop here.
Sickness is prevalent among us. It has
caused much iiicuuveiiiei.ee tut is not of a
dangerous character.
Mr. Helms and lamily, if Sandy, moved
out on the 1st instant and took possession of
the l!od- phite whii h they have rented, Mr.
Ih'lms ki.ows somethiiiK of the beauty (?)!
of the " hacklKine" ruad. j
Mr. Ilollmaii is not discounted alsuit j
iiial'H S. At It nil he is l lunlini! l-n acres
of tiiriu us usual Hut we un'. r.lan 1 he is
(.Mini: to raise hoits this year.
Mr. Alfred KrynoMs, of Kust Portland,
has been visiting his Marmot Iriends durinc
the past two wn-ks He has keen success
fully occupied in tishimr.
Mr. Itaty went up this week and closed
the toll nte.
Some of the youiitf H'Ople enjoved a
pleasant time at the sclexd bouse lu.t Fri
day eveninn.
A Uar killed one of Mr. Shi-lton's lions
last week and ate part of it. Not Mm; mo
lested he returneil the following night and
finished his undisputed feast.
A ponytheloiiKing to Miss M:irie Aschnff
startetl tor her Hunch lirns koines few days
sko, but was overtaken at the toll (.'lite and
returned to her nuner. Vsso.
N(il of Mill Town.
Mill. Tows, May . Davis A Ambler's
mill is still on the (to. Some of the hoy
have lotsi.f fun ridinx their white mule.
Mr. HacketiKer lelt Miiinlay for his home
at Himnvside.
A. Imel leaves Tuesday for up the river
to work.
The little (lauhter of Mr. and Mrs. K. K.
Sbute has been quite ill from teething lull
is a little better.
John Davis of Harmony whs fisitlnK
friends here Sunday.
Eddie Lyons, of Portland, was visiting his
pareids here Sunday.
Crescent Wedges (warranted.) 11 ifc S Proof Ch.un.-t. Arcade Files,
t I-oggers and Wood Choppers SH'cialties.
Oregon City Agent, - - .
A Golden Wedding.
Xew Ema, May 8. Weddings and rumors
of weddings are and always have been com
mon talk, and create but little excitement
or comment in a quiet little burg the size of
New Era. But when a golden wedding oc
curs it creates a stir and commotion. Such
an occurence took place in the grange hall
in New Era Saturday, April 30. Warner
grange and the New Era W. C. T. U. some
time since learned that J. G. Foster and
Philura Foster his wife were approaching
their fiftieth wedding anniversary and con
cluded to gie the old eoaple a pleasant sur
prise, Mr. and Mrs. Foster both being mem
bers of Warner grange, the former being a
charter member ,"and Mrs. Foster a charter
member of the W. C. T. U. After ItiTlta
tions had been sent out to friends in the
neighborhood Mr. and Mrs. Foster were re
quested to meet their numerous friends in
the grange hall on Saturday at W a. m. J tie
hall was packed with relatives and friends.
After music Dr. Casto delivered a short ad
dress reviewing probable events in fifty
years of married life of this remarkable
couple, after which Master Williams on be
half of Warner grange made a few happy
remarks and presented Mr. Foster with a
splendid gold-headed cane appropriately in
scribed, to which Mr. Foster responded in
a very feeling manner, giving something of
a retrospect of seventy-two years of his life,
The buchess of Maple banc.
Mpi.e I.ask. May 10. Mr. Franklin and
family from Nebraska, who bought 100 acres
of land of J. A. Thayer, has moved into
Mr. Watkins's house till hecun build.
John Durling is getting his houte ready
for occupation.
Mr. and Mrs. Richards are happy, Two
of their daughters from St. Joseph, Mis
souri, have come to spend the summer with
Mrs. Epworth anddaugbter, of Portland,
have been visiting Mrs. Bishop for the past
J. Hove leaves with his family this week
Thursday lor Missouri where they expect to
make their hoiue.Uy the way, their daugh
ter, Miss Jennie, has become a Duchess
the Duchess of Maple Lane! Now doesn't
that sound aristocratic? She was married to
Frank Duke last Sunday. 0. I. Skk.
Bessie H. H-dlon, HurlinL'toi. Vt. bad
a diHeuHH of the scalp, causing her hair
to become verv hr-b and to full so
freely that, she sca-cflv dared to comb
it. Ayer's Hair Vigor gave her a
healthy sralp, removed the dandruff,
mid made the h.iir thick and glossy.
J-ree bridge and sidewalk to Sunset
City liny a home and save rent.
From Mollala.
Molam.a, May 2. Tbejoldialoon build
ing has been moved toJQ'regon City avenue,
and the Phillip Oglejhouse wasbroughtup
to the weather side, forming the U. The new
building in the present location will be oc
cupied by Mrs. Moody and Mrs. Ben. Jlar
less as a dress-making shop,
Our postmaster, Mr. M.N. Moody, seems
to be getting'pn well with the management
of hisoffice. He' has been in the regular
service about a month now.
Mr. Ingrain has moved his family to
Kverr person who U opposed to Pre Trwts
Slavery and favors Amarlcan Industrial Inde
pendence, secured through the poller of fro
tectlon, should road the documents puMlahed
br the American Protective Tariff Leaaue. As
a patriotic cltlien It U your duty to place tliuie
documents In the hands of nur friends. They
are Interesting and instructive, and embrace
dlscniiloni of all phases of the Tariff question.
The League publishes over AO different doou.
menu, oomprlslng nearly jo pages of plainly
printed, curofully edited and reliable Informa
tion. Among the authors of these documents
are, Hon. James O. lllalne; Wm. McKlnler Jr..
Governor of Ohio i Hsnatoi M.( ull,iiu, of Illi
nois I Senator Joseph N. llolph. of Oregon .
&- ldo.of Nol,ra.ki Senator
Frye.of Maine; Senator Casey, of North Dakota!
Senator Justin 8. Morrll, of Vermont! Henalor
SS1"" YJ- .W'.'l' '""'"s Island i lh n.
Thomas It. Dudley of NewJurncvi lion.W'bi rt
P. I'orter, of Waanlngtniu I'rof. J, It DonVe.
of the Agricultural Department at Wasblnu.
loni Commodore W. 11. T. Hughes ill",, if
Jlart.hon.,of Wew York t Congresaman ILmiv
io,Il'. "iiJ,",n.- " K' J"n!"i ""vl" " ltice.or
lloiton. Kx-CougrnMinan Perklna. of kMiiHai
Dr. B. P. Miller. of New York? Ilo W.p?r
(f Mam.) Hon. C. L. Ki wards, of 'j'eias! Ju wi
Wm. Lawrence of Ohio. Hon'. I). IJ uVrrll Zl
This complete set of documents win be tent
to any address, post paid, for Fifty (60) Cents
Address, Wilbur F. Wakeman, Oec-y, Mo, V
West Twenty-Thlrd Street, Mw Tors.
Notice of A ppllrul Inn for l.bnor 1,1 ense.
To ALL Wlltlg IT Sit I' im:
Take notice that the undi rietied will an-
ply fc th county court of Clack mas county j
state of t'reuon, on Wednesday, Ihe sih day j
of June, Isir.i, for a license to sell spirituous, i
mult and vinous honors in less unantitu s
llian one giillott In Cascade privlnet in iitd
county of t int kaniiis, lor the period of U
ii'ouihs, atul tiereunto annexes his iieluion
uhiih be will present to the court nt snld
time. F. A. MniMu.
To the Honorable County Court ol the
coiitilv id Clm kamns, state ol I in gun :
We. the undersigned, leiug residents and
h-L'l voters of ( ascode prrcim-t in suld
ixiuntvand state, hi-rehv resiHM tliillv ili-
tloll I ml u llfeiiw. tioiv Iim irr,nlHl t.'t V '
Meiuig to sell spiriluons, malt ami vinous
lipiors ii, less ipiantities thnt one gallon
w ithin Cuscude precinct for tho term ol six
in. till, h Midler M C lloonlosi
Charly Hen. Adoir .-rta
Joseph IVrshntl .1 nines Diinmlre
Casper Junker I It Duncan
T ' mens llcnrv Vou Helms
C M Huitev S I) ('oiilmnn
J T Cockelrcas Herman Kldderbuscb
T S Jonsrud A Tietz
II Kidderhuscb T II Andersen
lieriiinti liruns J II Wewer
J Cockelreas II T Fischer
John K. Hiefer F Zogg
F Straus M Zogg
Jerry Andre tlills-rt Jonsrud
Adnm Amlre M I, Kinn
II II Chase John McDonald
K F Andre V. W llolih
ttilbepl Kierin W Konneck
Jolni S (iihUms Josei h Willig
I'ri Pavne ' ' C.M Chase
F.dwanl Knpiier Jtliu Taelli
Thomas I) Phelps toosepisi Tavelll
Ju l llwlnell , John I Irich
M W Gntllth r (l,v,rKe Heels!
.H 1 Cmnk Charly lleehe
( ' I' Brooks E Stoiie
K Koveuue I' Harris
K Kligct Thomas Clnrck
John Doyens Herman Frey
VicUir Driven John Meyer
Herman Fischer Jose Meyer
Henry Koch Dentils Derger
Samuel Huron Anton Knger
Itudolpli (isntenbein A Knlzer
Julius Weiidliind It Wendlaiid
J A Htafunson F (ioetscb
J II Iteveniie 'i'lioums I'liclun
Theodor Fischer
Below is given the Oregon City Market
Heport. corrected .May 12 from limitations
furnished the K.ntkui'Iiisk by lucal mer
chants: flRAIN.
Wheat, vallcv, per bushel "(I
Oats, !cr bushel ;w
Oregon City Mills, Portland brand, .. 4 7!i
Country bruntl 4 (Jfl
Shorts, per ton 21 On
llran Is 00
Clover hay, baled 12 00
Timothy hay, baled 13 00
Potatoes, per 100 lbs 40
Onions, " 2 2
Apples, green, per box 7.WIM
Apples, dried, per lb 6(rfd
ltutter, per lb 20
Eggs, per box ., 1(1
Honey, per lb 17 IS
Prunes, dried' 0(7
Plums, " OS
Iteef, live, peril) 0,')
Heef, dressed 00
Mutton, live, per bead 3 00M1 00
Pork, live por lb Oil
Pork, dressed, per lb 07
Veal, live, per lb 04
Veal, dressed, per lb 0
Hams, per lb W12
Bacon 10
In tho latest stylos and tlt'signu, somo beautiful patti-riis at a
price nevei beforo olli-n-d in Oregon City.
Extra largo lino of Men's ami Hoya', clothing, of tho best
grade of goods in tho market.
In any size, shape ami stylo from one dollar up to tlio best
Embracing a well selected lino of Ties, Negligee shirts
Hosiery ami Underwear.
Chapman 5 Son
Lead in quality of goods handled.
- - -Special Bills Cut to Order S?.-
Mill and Yard on tho Itivnr, Foot of Main Stroot.