1 CJuiiitoa tons ente VOL 20. NO. ') OKKOON CITY, OKECJON, FJUDAY, MAY 13, 1802. ESTABLISHED 18CG- Oregon City RPRISE fMii. f, hvan, KKAL fcaTAlK AMI INHCKANI K, Chore rttv. Turin ami Hutiii-Vn prnjfty lor Vliy arrlpt, comity Attains ati1 aei'iirb tlc nf IHI kill, Is li.Minlil nr. i,n "I "1hl slot anaineaa nl ovory ilinrilpttun tiiled to nr nurt-triMeuia. tifliee up Hairs lu milMlaganrth o po.tnrtti-e. VAM, A. HMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will (itwllo la atit r the Htesa it Federal Cimrtii. Alan attwsiA ee-inhtlly to an, hii.iti,, lied, rath I'. N I '! ullii'n tail Interior j. 1'ittintil. titti. Ate,,,,, K tint it. I hamuli Hock, over 1.lvrmor a lluil OtthiKiM H'Y. OJtKOON, j k luvm, ' ATTt'UMCY AT LAW, OaiPtloK "ITV. . OHIOO Will prwctle In all lb rmirn of Hi tiatc. times, roriist Hal slut sUglith ttreota, at""!'" eourt hniis ATTOltNET AT LAW nuiiir MirwTt rcasuaaa'P, Omn tan (tonn alinv fmitntVre, Oivin t'll. T. a. wnaina A- m. HRKiuni i Pimm -A ruaxKH ATTOltVLYH AT LAW, tittle iii Jiur lllai'k, Org City (1 11, DTK, -e attorn ky A.M OU KSKIOIl AT LAW OWoe. iitor (irrrm City tlauk, iiatmi city, awrtiirti l tOltliKC UIUIW Kl.l, I.AWYLK, Optuua IWY, Oaaaatw. Will praetuwtlti alWhe courts ! the . l flee, axil duar'tu t aullolil lliinlkfi Ortnj slnr. a. aH ntvaa ipaii . t. r. iiini IMK'KUIII'Ottt'll OtIWIMI. AmitaltVa AT LAW, llliiWlim IV land Orilr a tmli; iifhiv ro.m I4inl l It a law nie building, -tiuituoK irv.- W.T araMV, J. , IK4C). I'HKKY A lK.M'KK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oregon oty, Oruami Twelve rra easM'tlenre at restasrr ttl lla t'. A l.afnt ..(lire wars rwommewda im lnonrrc lull, i4 all a tnila at iMielnMa bet. th land f fl uirl la rMiH. ant lnvultjg tt trwUK la lliaavvvral laixl i.llit "yr CAUKT iOIINHiiN. I.AWYKR. '4'ornar Kfejal aul Main lrr(s Oracoa Cttjr, nrKuti, KKAI. ITATC TOHKI.I, AM) Mo NICY TO I.OA. Q II A t C I ATol'KKn K, ATTORN KYS -AND C()UNKKI.C)I!rt AT UW MAIN STHKMT. HKKdON CITY, ORK4IOM. Furiilnh AlnlrM ol Title, lnnn Nimy, Fura clima MurtttaNi, ami IratitaiH (ivnrral Iaw liinlnM, K. rum, ATTORN F.Y AT LAW. Wll.t I'MI-Tlra IK i.t.1. l iM T nr Till Xkf KmI Iblatii and liuiiinnrt. Omrc on Mtln Hitvrt Wl. HUih ami Hcvpnth. naaauf i iTr. na. 1 0. T. W.IIJiIAJIa, UKAL KSTATE AND INSURANCE. 3(mirfthl lliminrwi l'niMrly nml urlmn iloinin in OnKnn Cily. Farm Praiwrly lu Irai-talo lull on cany trrmi. CiiMTiminliMiii JmiiiJljr annwernil. Ofnoa, ntxt lir lu Caiifliilfl at iliill)r'l ilritx IIuh. yr 8 MAHYK, KURVKYOR ASP CIVIL KNXilNl'.KR, rimilm, Uraliiaiia aud Pluaae work jirnnivlJj' CANIir. - - - - OHKIMIN. T' MIK 0MMKJ'IAI, BANli, OF OKRQOM CITT. Capital, .... 1100,0(10 TaANMAlTi A (UKaKAA, BANKING nUMNMia. Ijkiii miU. Illlln dUrniiiiUul. Mitkdi in laollniii. Hiivk and Atllii axt'liHitav u,i all imlulM lu Uh Dulli'd aiati'ii, Kur.iw ami Hiiiik Kiuik. liloalta rei'tl' ivl utitHit cnvi'k Intoriot at iimial rnloa allnweil mi tlmi) di'iilt. Hnuk nix'ii from A. M. U)4 r. M. Hatunlaf aveuliiK' from It to 7 r, h, 1) 0. LATUUltETTK, lTi'MiKnt. K K DONALDSON, Ciahlr ANK OF OKKUON CITY, Oldest Banking Bonse ill the City. Paid up Capital, .W,01I0. PmtMHICNT, VH'K VHKHIIlKNT, f'ANII IKK. MANMIICK. TIKH, rHABMAH. OKll. A. HAIIhlNil. K, 0 CAI'PIKI.II I IIAHI.KB H, CAliriKI.U. A Roni'raltiAnkliif liimliinaii trnimnolod. DopmlH reimlvco milijom to chuck. Approved lillln and niiliw dlHintintail. (imiiity anil oily warrantu timiuht, Lnaua mmli) m avnilnhln uuurlly. Kxohaniie l.minlil anil old. CollccUiint mndo promptly. Draltn mild avallatilvlu any Mrt of tho world. Tnlckraphlo hanK old on PortUud, Hau FrannlMin, Ohloiii.i and Now York, Intartiiit paid on time ilopmltn. Hub Arautt ol TUK UJMKJN CHKQUK BANK. A (!IIAX(JEFlJJiLIFH Tln I'ollllrul History or Cun (lliitilc Skf l li(l, II F. HAH )m. KVFIIV TARTY. Frr SMI, llimarriit, tiniiWllriN, la. difenilciil, I'loliilillliiiiM ml IVpl' I'tti-tjr. Totim jnniir new (.inicn tliamntity wliii III at llrti -tit tit a; t-lnwtim m callixl iihiii fur llmir millraKa, a ort lil..rii.liul akntcli nf I tie iMillllia) lllaial tliu iMiiniiica ol uf Oic liuiiinn' alliimrf ami 'cn.i'i panjr dir alMlD H iinliir may Im wfij, in canhlliur Uim to make mm liib-lliip'tit 'cholocnfl naiidliliilca. I.im'"lliViryi.flliaVIIIm. rtl Viilky" l allwl) onilin lili nativity o ( unnw'tii iil. ItiatlMtiiK thnl "Hit fend vt wcinilni pKilnu-m" am! tidier (xirloiMi ar tli li-4 aiiiuilil liavo lltv rrtllt. Tli mail rnli tatlii' nrw i:iiloniJnati((lit llil yinitig ami auililllniia yiuikpflit Ita vorti-x, uml lu the airliiK or hiiiiiiih' nf IK landed Mm uhiii ili (nlilcn almiM nf Culiliirnia, iim thu wealth nf tli niiwa, alihunli fatiulaua j ill rl. ,e, vlehM ,mly ,), ,. ..,, of 'Hull anil harilahip'' ami Ink iy w atiwH proloiiKiHl In what wwinml tuhiiu that tn hmi'iulilr iinintry. Hut iheHiitoinn ttiat yoar foiunl luai In Uri gnn reudy to avail hlniM'lf of the la.uuty ol the pivemennnt a a.iiat upon a aretiott of laud, whic h, to ,iie Uok aaiu, lieilhl hy lakiiiK alilu urar Hiki, In Ijmi county. ".' m"' '""', oii", a io oe A it l.i- f...- .ii i. ,. i. i- .... , - I ipiT-ii,iirii, in- firm(ui won niui ireiui nia native alate : lairmr aaay a (eulher helnre a cyi lone hen lie l.nind hlmaft'.f aur roulnlel hy iMAft'ilnm who had Itrnu'lit 'with 1 1 if m from Miaaourl, from Arknilao ami Imiii Tcusa, Hie rnhnl pnlay prin ciple ami the intoli rniit and iierwtillng spirit, whirh, inter in time of tiieA-rvat re lielllou, ilewlul Into a hot bed of asiiteasion ami matte S ta "amik Tom" and "Sonp t'rrek" tl mitotiiiua flronrU-iMs of npH-rheads ami traitors. Tliriw can tie but little il.mlK lmt his pmin.taiuoMofn.li l itv to "the ftorutil rliu'lplew" wtuiJd lime si commemM lilni lu his liciliU.m as In hne -utvd lirefernieiit exvpt Tor one thltiK - lie had itoo ihik Ii "liook cariiiu" uml his liulio.itlo to in .ever Ml. n.u4I with the .....!.) 4hat l should tlu sunn-thing In gain a H' ;ihiMtl, rtHMIi'ikil hi in to the lo-k of M'hiafil teach ing. A iiiauwrho hud' InHik lariiiu" enough to b ach scIaoI was not to lie triMted with the "eternal psjucl les" in those days, by the Scio dciiKTuta, exiepl IliaA be might vote the OcLm, ami he waa not advanced .. ,,..,, ,,e r.,. oi pma.e, uui ne Ue ,.ken hack Into the fold ami placed tied among the more advanced le..,. ral , .,,,,',. ti,ket for the legislnture. of Mnlalla ,.nnrlnct in V U-kama. coiii.tr I There,, j,,,, MUBH Uirongt. the le-i.la-about KM. MaiIiiIIb pmlm-t waa then, as I . in .., ....... Ul . tnm, ntriM. It is now, one of the dcinocraue strong holds. In IH.KI and again In KW the drinocrnls elei trd Mr. Ktarkncnthrr to the k-giluture, siiici' which time liiscnreer bus Imshi known lo most of I lie old settlers of the nounly, any ol whoiii woulit rcoognixe Hie ili-ture her drawn if It in name were eliminated from it. lu :l.i7 the tuime party clei'loil him to llm convention w hich framiil the constitution in the stale. Knrly iulninlie becjinie a convert to the n-publu-an party (hen in tho Hush of a vigorous yuuth, the sliiulow of whose (Hiiuing success wasrn.it liefnre. Homitflcd sucu'ssfully for a aoiui iiation fur oflloe and was elit'led to the slate legtshitiinvtlils Unic hy the republi can party. Tills IcglMutiire elected the I'nited Stiilm s.ntc Colonel E. I). Milker ami Hie Hon. W. A. Starkweather won re warded for his aval in serving the new party with the .appointment as register of the I'ltilcd SinV-s luml ollice at Oregon t'ity, from which 'siMtioit he resigned when lie liad grown wttarv of its honors and toils, am! retired to the ahiulrs of private life so. ki ting as Hie place of his uIkkIc n farm on the east hank ofthe Willamette rivwU-t- ecu (lie on City ami Milwaukee where lie lias ever since wsliled. Hut the toils Incident to his new vocation it the form were "vcn more distiislefut to him than hud Iweu the labor nl' conducting tlves otlice of rvglHUf tif the United -Htntcs 'land otlice, and Jake tho Isniclilee in the iwthlcriiuss, lie begun to long fur the Uesli- lusts if Kgypt. This time he balled his hook for one nl the nitineyed oftlces of the county, and mail tunny friendly visit to lite pioneer friends whose hitch-string al ways hung on the outside to whom lie In timated that it waaaUiut lime "us limners" were getting some recognition, and Hint lie, for himself, would like the nomination for slwiriir. Ami it may bo rcmiirked that this pnifeesionnl ollice sin ker and demagogue at every (Yeah ebiillithiti of litis ii'nl for the mcognitlon of "in farmers" Ir so entirely stistctl whenever he secures lor hlmsell'a gotxl uiylng ollice as to creutc the suspicion that in his estimation at least the one grcnt pur-me of any polillcnl move In which he iulcri'ts hlmsell uml till Hint is worth 0011 temling for in gullied. In this particular ef fort for recognition ho fulled to meet wild the siticcsH to which he tuul been ucctis toinetl and tho pioneers ultcstcd their np ircrlntlon of the services of one ol their mitnher, who In several of the Indian wars which hud liurussed the early settlors, luul risked his life lu their ilefoncc, ami when rcliellinti tliiviiteneil Hip oxistettco of the government served t Intro years lu tlefonsu of tho union, ami they guvo the nninlnii thin lo Major J, 8. Rinciirson. To Mr. Starkweather Hiia action itppenrs to hnve seemed huso IngratlUido. II ml ho not talked on the stump for the principles of the republican party, niter having been it democrat ? and had he not voted In the legislature for K. 1). linker lor tho V lilted glutei Semite? and had lie not supported tlm (llnnliy ot iliitnliy ol rctflau-r of iIip Vnlt.-.l Muli'n lavntt dllliiv (liU i li rk. Ownn Wuilc. illil nil 1 1 ic work) wlillo "Major Jake" aa Mujnr lilneiirmiii famlllnrly known, wta liiintliiK wonlilcka lnilluim niiunrt the aiiKoliruali of cuiiitii Origin ami MnlioT )nrliiK Hi rampiilKii willed followed lie milked In lila Irnt, illnplnyiiiK ira ai-tivlty eli iit It to liiilin Mini of lila frlumli to Mralrti olf Mnjor lliiii'unuin'a name and voU) for Joliii Myera, Hie dmiorraltc tioin inr for )4ierlir, Tin tiiajor o Imaieti tiy ltvii itc, ami till KrniiJV) man kIoui4 oiwrliU reveille. Kvlilemiy tiilnklni; that kiaiKvi' In havlnir bia roiiipetilor at the ninmitiiiii liciiti'ii at lia olU conlil tw aia-daa a club to eomta'l tli umiilliiif liV tl, p.rty f B,iy fKvr lie mlitlit a-.k lie wa not at all tnixlMt In hit denianiln. lie wiaaiil like to tw aivrliitcdiirveynr ftenenil fiOinii Iml of r.Bjw he would not he luireaaonnlile in ln ilciniitiila. II that were oatoflbe H)HilliIHx-t In Hie illatrlliution of thv reward HinonK the faithful he could Iw ft iv ulrii ty K'vinK t'iui two MirveyliiK con rtacta in the John Puy country near Ixine lliK'k. Oth'rwlKtlie lmleieudeiit conven tion w aa to he held at aiu.li a time and lUr for the iurjHi-eof iiontinntiiifT otfta-vni. Hucli waa the nevurt tlireata which accom panUM hla ileiiminl for the nurvrj iiiK con- lr.,,1. Tl... ,-u...r ........,.l It.l. ' ,...,,.. mini auw ainiMi of itn at corrtiion In the renihllraii rt.v and cume out aa the in i1i einltit caniiiilnta fur utiite la-nntor. He draw oil' enough repuliliran votea to U-at linn. I'eter ratiel. the repuldicuu nomi nee fur Male avualor, anil guve the election lu t'ie ileiiiorrntio nominee, hiuiaelf bt-liiK h it an fur In the rear aa to ilealrny all hoiea ! r , -, il, M,rl, ih. i.i,. lueiiiallly of the i i i.l j m-n, l 1 1 1 inrty. Then follow ml a dreary time w ith him. The btiiixcrf.iroltiieKrew ititoterahle. lleiw-alin the leitinlature and an BiMniiiliiient hail sinned .ki ilivply BKninat Hie ilriu- as refiiMerof the land otlice, be has met! iM-ralic rty liyilenerliugilieiii in their dir- wUJa aucc wiUi the exiition alxiyei et nee.1 at llie lH-inniig of tbe n'bflliun refern lo, (when, returning to the reiuib lo ex) relnstnteiiient, ci..le, they j lhao fold, lie went stain to the legislature,) ' were in in iiunortiy ami coma i.oi rewaru any xesl be might brlw. TIk- indeienl cm party was evaneM-rnl as lie rainbow. His only lmp was lo rcfitt ami return lo the Klilii-nn mrty. Hut, too impa tient for olliie, be could i,.st await the lops of a ei'iiiKiiuilile pnitmliemnry fierioil to teat (lie erneitiii-ia of Ills kith nml renewed applicailon for apHiititiueiil to the nftli-e ttt aur evur ireiieral waaaj.uiii rt-fllMil. i Ui lil)m , ).rw1n.iil,.,,iBt. but the !.,,,,,(,.., Brly ( ,., and hltiiM-U so weak in influence tbnt the few repuliliiinis lie was cMahlrd to draw olf was not enough to lient Hie iionriuecs of that party at the polls, and he was denied the ex ullutioiusf gratilinl revenge. Again here- i ticnted and hv Hie Inllueiice of a few of Hie ' then leaders of the republicans of iherouuty r,ii ion Hie imlilio levee at Portland, which hud been deilicntel to the use of the public lor a Ire. hjii.liuK by Mr. Woahcii Collin, the original iroprietor. eiturkwcaiher voted for this Job. There was also a I'nititl Stales senator loeleitaiid one ot his Iriends relerreil to alKive by whose help tin rene gade wus again foisted upon the republican pnrty, was acandiilaie for lhat otlice. His ability to lili Hi position with credit to himself and honor to the state was unques tioned, ami to a man having a speck of grnlllude for devoted and eansr.it friend ship, or any local pride, his doty to vote for thut friend and cititen of Clackamas county would have seemed jilaiu and im icrnlhe. Did .Starkweather da this? Not at all. Hut ikrsertltig his friend to whom he owed so niiK'h, he voted steadily for a man w hom Itu had previously vilitled as corrupt. Afisiu be beenme an applicant for a federal oflloe and agniti fnilnl to get It. He deserted the parly. Toted for Cleveland lor president and fulling to secure a lucra tive ollice front that ad mjjilst ration went still further In apostney ail, become a howl ing advocate of the vagaries ofthe farmers' alliiiniH' and people's party. "There is no new thing under the sun," sit it h the prrnrltcr; snylng which many ofthe unthinking, in this age Of discovery are olten ImpeHt'd to cull in question, and, confronting the fads in this politician's checkered carter, as the panoranut of his lile pusses before one's imagination with its kaleidoscopic changes, one might well ques tion whether in tho records uf the past there is to lie found an example of such glowing inconsWency, such audden, rock less and violent changes on audi frivolous and faulty pretext, aaapiicar in the politi cal life of this man. Hut Die truth ofthe saying it fully exeitiplilled to the reader of that mittchlctts liit4orlnii, M man lay, who describes the class of iolitlciani who came to the front in Knglund over two centuries ago, and succeeding the time of the resto ration of Charles 11. A Her reciting the numerous sudden and violent iMiliticnl, religious ami social chungea which took place in llritain from the time of the long parliament and the beheading of Charles I to the restoration of Charles II, which ex tended over tho rise to the height ut power and glory of a new dynasty under tho great Cromwell nml its sudden casting down un der his less able son Richard, the grant his torian describes the class of politicians which was tho product of that period. The farmers' alliance cnmlldate fur senator, who Is blessed with the gift uf gab, has also been a student of history and it would seem Hint early in life he must have selected a politician of the class so ably dcserilicd by Macaulay for his prototype, after which lie has steadily and persistently endeavored to copy; which steadiness and persistency is tho only obsorvablo indication of con sistency In hla character. Let us quote from Macaulay: One who in such an age Is determined to at 'sin civil greatness mutt re uouuee nil thoughts nf mmaiatenry, hutead of afTnetliix Imiitahlilty In the mi'tat of emllrai niiitalhin he in u at lie alwayaon Ih watch for the Indications of a eowlnf reaetlon. He muat telle the enact moiaeul lor dcMinliii a talllnf caiiae HavliiK (on all lenetha with a faction while It waa up IHirmoM he aiuat tmldeulr extricate hlmaell from It when It dinicultlea lwlo, inuat ere ritelt, eat enter en a new career of power and proaperlty lacoiupwuy wltb new associate. Hla altnatlon naturally developra In him to '.he blifheat deere a peculiar elaat of alilllllea nd a peculiar elaaa of tlcea. lie becomea quick of otiaervalha and fertll of rtaourc. He eaichea without an effort the lone of any aec.lnr party wltb which he ehnow to mluale. Hedlacerna thealrntof the tlmea wltha aana cllf which tothe Mltltadeppani mlraculoii VUbthe aaiiaclly with wblch a veterau pollfle offliwr piir.iic the faintest Indication of crime, or with which Mohawk wj trior follows a track Ihrntiiib thewooaa Hut we shall seldom tod In aeutcamui so trained hileTlly,eonlacy, any;ol the vlnuesol the noble family of truth. It has no faith In any doctrine, do teal for any cause, )a sneers alike at those those who are anxious to nroserve sod at others wboareeacer to reform. There lanothlnfla the stale which be oould uot without scruai or bluah Join In defending or In destroyUia, Fidelity to opluhos and to friends secwis to him mere dullness and wroiitthcsilednene. follllcs he reiisrds. not as a eclenne nf wblch the object Is the happiness of mankind, but ss an excllliif (am of mixed chauee and .kill, at which a dexterous and lucky player may win an estate, a coronet, perhaps a rowa,aud at which on rash move may lead to Hi iuas of furtuue and of life Ambition, which in good limes and In good nluds Is half virtue, now, disjoined from every ele vated and philanthropic sentiment, becomes sselosh cupidity scarcely less Iguokle than avartnj. Tins man has steadily through life pur sued this H)licy of iiironsintency, jirescnting j she i -(range paradox of being consiMcntly Iiicoiisnlent, alUiough since his second . anty in lmm, which w as n-wariled tv s uthcr than to enable the parly hich he I bad lately been opiiosing to beat some of the ramildates of the party with which he boil lately been associated, apparently acurated by a feeling no nobler than that of reeeiiKe inspired by In failure) to secure Ironi bis party a lucrative otlice. That Mr. htarkweuther has abilities of a peculiar kind maybe a-lmitlcil, but ac cording lo Milton, who is perhaps aa goo-l authority as we have in such matters, his most di'.tiiiguisliiug ijualities may be found in that realm of whine regal splendors that eminent authority wrote: High on a throne of royal state, which ftr Oiitsbou the wealth of Ormus and of Jod, Or where the gorgeous East with richest hand """"ers on ner sings osroanc pen ol gold nttan, exalted sat, by merit raised To that bsd emtueue. The blind oet, whose acquaintance with tthe c-!irtler of that splendid monarch seems to have 'ven intimate, thus des- icnisss one 01 mem: On the other tide uprose rUllal In irt n.M .mmiIiiI anA human a. j A fairer persou lost aot heaven; be seera'd Fordigulty composed and high exploit. Hut all was false and hollow, though his tongue Dropped manna, and could make the worst appear The better rer.son to perplex and dash Matures! eouuselt; for hit thought were low, To vice industrious, hut to nobler deeds Timorous and slothful: yet be pleased the ear lint novr that the narrative ia finished, ami Hie hero ofthe tale stands before the Imagination, drawing near to the close of a long life, a large part of which has been snt in a leverish and Irtiilless struggle for ollice, with the large influence he possessed In his younger days vanishes because of his vacillating course, the classic langaageof that eminent American state.inian, Andrew Johnson, as he aioke from the steps of the white house to an excited mob of dento cretsand rebel sympattiircrs, "I waste no ammunition on dead ducks," comes to mind nod the render no doubt is implied to ask "Is the subject worth the candle?" Letter l.lsjg. The following is the list of letters remain ing in t he ost otlice at Oregon City, Oregon, May 1,1, 12: Folc Andrew Patterson, Nick Jni-tiiHi, Willurd Tuscany, Jus Jones, Mrs M G Thomas, Mrs Rosa Kunil, Gottlieb Thomas, V B l'araoll, I. R-S Za Zelle, Chas M K culled for, please say when advertised. K. M. RANDS, P.M. I'OXCKKSSIOXAL ABSENTKEISM. Boston Record: If the "no work, no pay" rule is adopted In congress it will be a severe blow to the Ilennlngs race-track and various other places of amusement that ex ist just outside the citv'a limits. N'cw York World; If congressmen are to be kept within call of the svrgeant at-arms it may tie necessary to set up a pool-room in the rapitol where they may "play the races" without going to the distant tracks. Sent Home. Chicaoo, May 9. All but three of the Sioux Indian chiefs captured dining last year' troubles were seut home from Fort Sheridan today. Tho three who re mained are Kicking Bear, Short Bull, and Bring-th-White. Minuter Smith Ksiigns. Washington, May 9. Hon. Charles Etnoiv Smith, United States minister to Russia, formally tendered his resigna tion to the president today in order to resume journalistic duties in Phila delphia. CA Start for Portland, Nbw Yohk, May 11. The train with delegates to the Presbyterian conven tion at Portland, Or., and their friends and families, containing a little over 100 passengers, left here this afternoon. AFTEK THE 80UTHEH PACIFIC. Ths Trtffio Anooistioi of California Makes Eeport. Has: r'aAXCtaco, Muv 7. At a meseting of the executive committee of the tradic association a long resjrt waa sub mitted by Traffic Manager Lee-da, which waa adopted. The rcpjrt states that it ia advisable at thia lime to submit an out line, of the olicy lor the associ ation pursue. The foundation ol the burden which bear ao heavily upon the! whole coast, the n-iort stales, ia lhe exoeaaive local tar ills imposed by the Koutliern Pacific company. Other car rlem on tins coast are completely domi nated, and all avenuea oi commerce in the atate are aa completely blocked aa possible. Ixical rates thronirlu ut the atate are not only unreasonably high; they arc outrageous, and apjiarently not maintained alone for revenue coming di rectly from 1hat aource, but for the further ptirjvoae of carrying out a well-defined policy, which ia directly antagon istic to the beat interest ol the whole atate, and with particular force against the city ol Han Francisco. Waakttha Will Keep lu 8priii; Watar. Waukesha, Wia , May 8. Waukesha ia patrolled by armed men tonight, and every loyal citizen ia sleeping with a weapon within arm's reach, prepared lo sally forth at a moment's notice to the defence of the city. These preparation are all dne to an attempt made last night to lay a pipe line from the Hygera springs to the c'ty limits to connect with a pipe-line lo Chicago. At midnight Saturday a Chicago, Milwaukee it St. Paul ttain brought 300 laborers and a quantity of pipe into town. The piping of water from the Hvgera Spring was forhidilon hy the city some time ago, but the promoters thought the work could be done before the courts could in'ei fere. The citizens had received an intimation of the profiled invasion by telegraph rotn Chic u; i and wlijn the train pulled i ito the station, a crowd ol 2000 armed men was prepared to receive the invaders. Ths Columbia CeatsBDisl. Abtobia Ob. May 11. The ex ercises ol centennial day paused off in splendid style, every detail ot the elaborate programme being carried out to a letter, without accident or unneaeary delay. Tiie weathei has been delight- fill somewhat cloudy, with a stiff sea breeze blowing all day. The demons! ra- I ion in the harbor during the forenoon I waa very imsing. The street parade, witnessed by no less than 10,000 persons, and the illuminations of the harbor at night were brilliant beyond description. Fort Townsead Celebrates. Pout Townsund, May 7. The city was handsomely decorated today in honor of its centennial celebration. Over 2000 visitois were in the city and were roy ally entertained. Tne day opened with a big procession ol over 1000 men line, after which a big clam-bake waa in dulged in, A naval parade by the men-of-war and revenue cutters in the har bor, with a march past ol the troops from the fort, to the music ol the Seattle military band followed. A ball will be given tonight in the opera house. Tut Tlooded Marsh. Pkoria, 111., May 7. Rescuing par ties were out in the rescuing tlooded marsh district all night, and found six of the twenty families. They have not been over the entire district. The dam age will be very great. The destruction U complete, and there is a scene ol the veriest desolation. Later reports indi cate that all the inhabitants have been rescued alive, though much stock per ished. Water is constantly rising, and the damage is appalling. The Sanger at Ban Franolioo. San Fbancisco, May 8. The United States steamer Ranger, which has been completely refitted at Mare Island, arrived in the stream yesterday after noon. She will take on coal and will start on Wednesday lor Port Townsend to report to Captain Evans ol the York town. The Eanger will possibly go to Bering Sea and then to Yokohama to relieve the Palos, on the Asiatic squad ron. Fata Returning, Fakir, Maiy 7. Baron Fava sailed today lor New Y'ork from Havre Dur ing his stay he has expressed great sat isfaction at being able to resume diplo matic functions in the United States, and great dulight that the difference betweeu the two countries have been adjusted amicably and in a manner so honorable to both nations. Stanford's Resignation, San Francisco May 8. The Exam iner this morning prints a story, appar ently well-authenticated, that Senator Stanford will resign early next year should a ' republican legislature be elected this fall in California, lie told novel al intimate Iriends ol his determi nation to do this before he went Eust. TiieNiher ('ticHtion Attain I!e In? Agitated. THE FLEET FOR UERHU SEA Rumor of Senator Kauford's Proponed1 Rrslguatlon Other Import ant News. Wasiiikotov, May 5. In the bouse to day Holman attacked the river and har bor bill m being extravagent. It not only appropriated more than $21 ,000,000 but authorized contracts which would nuke the government liable for $2fj,000, more. Whiting, of Michigan, thought tlie proposition to secure a twenty-one j loot channel from iJtiluth to Buffalo pre mature and ill advised. Rreckinridge, of Kentncky, attacked the bill. Lock wood favoied a deep water way channel as did Catt-lungs, of MisHiasippi Gen eral debate being concluded, the bill was considered under the five-minute rule, without disponing ol it, the com mittee rose, and the honse adjourned. Washington, May 7. In the house to day, I'.l.imliard, (La.,) offered additional section providing that when bids under the river and harbor bill are not deemed advantageous to the government the materials may be put in repairs and the work done otherwise than by contract. O'Neill, (Mo.) vigorously assailed the proposed proposition, contending that the effect would lie to start in motion a. vast political machine, having control of the expenditure of millions of money. He was interrnoteJ with cries ol "vote," but indignantly refused to tie shouted down. The amendment was finally agreed to, 123 to 45. The committee then roue and reported the bill to the the house A motion to tahle the bill was rejected, and the yeas and nays were ordered. The amendments were agreed to in gross with the exception ol the last section, upon w hich O'Neil demanded a aeperate vote. The section was agreed to, yeas 121, navs 97. Stone, (Ky.) moveJ to reconsider the vote. Blanchard moved to table the motion, pending which O'Neil moved an adjournment, which waa rejected. . Bynuiu, (Ind.) moved a recess till 8 o'clock, supplementing it with a motion that when the bouse adjourned it would be to meet Tuesday next After motion lor an adjournment till Wednt-sdav, which waa lost, the house adjourned on llyn urn's motion. Washington, Mav 8. The American fleet assigned to the dutv of patrolling Bering sea, now at Port Townsend, will start north in a few davs. The revenue ! vessels Rush and Corwin have been added to the fleet, and will be under the general directions of Commander R. S. Evans, of the Yorktowu, who is in cons mand ol the expedition. The other ves sels constitutingthe fleet are the Ranger, the Adams and the Moiiican. The rev enue cutter Bear will also report to Commander Evans lor duty later in the season. THE 8ILVB QUE3TI0H. Signatures Being Obtained to Bring the Sub jeot Befort Congreti Again. Washington, May 7. The silver ques tion question threatens to come up again as a subject ol present legislative inter est. The silver men are not disposed to accept their defeat, and are again cir culating petitions urging the rules com mittee to bring out an order to fix a time for s vote on the free-coinage bill. Fifteen or more signatures have been ob tained ol those refused to sign several weeks ago. Ninty-nine names alto gether have been secured. Exclus ive of members ot the rules com mittee, 103 constitutes a majority of the democrats in the house, so four names remain to be obtained. Pierce says he does net know what will be the result ol this effort, and that he may tail to se cure the requisite number of signatures, but intends to keep at work until he becomes convinced he cannot Bucceed. The anti-silver men ate not giving them selves much concern over the matter, and say tbey do not believe the requisite number of names can be secured, that the house looks upon :.he silver question as settled (or this session and is not in a temper for a renewal ol the fight over the Bla-id bill. The Baltimore and Charleston, Washington, May H The cruisers Baltimore and Charleston, now at As toria, Oregon, to participate in the Co lumbia river centennial? celebration, are also ordered subsequently to visit the principal ports of Puget sound. Modus Vivendi Ratified. London, May 7. The ratification of the Bering sea arbitration agraement and modus vivendi convention was ex changed between Great Britain and the Uuited States today. I ). red