Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 29, 1892, Image 8

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    . ! . rVV--
y 41
"I vUS to marry If Us ClrcAmors."
1 saw nothing more of Rate that day.
M I came across Slnrk several times,
nd there was ft peculiar look on the fel-
I . . 1. . 1. .
low's countenance which made me re
new my longing to chastise him. 1 was
aaxkms to know whether Mr. Birch
wre had returned, bat ft 1 could not
bring m-self to make any inquiries of
this valet and did not care to let him see
me asking any one else. 1 was obliged
to remain in ignorance. However, as 1
at est nnder the trees at dusk t&l!
figure, with a lighted ciar in his month
appeared in the doorway of the hotel,
and on my saluting him he sauutered up
to my table and complied with my invi
tation to sit down
The waiter brought us coffee, and un
der its stimulus I ventured to introduce
the subject which lay nearest to my
heart to Mr Birchmore's notice. -No
doubt I put my best foot foremost, and
spoke as eloquently as was consistent
with my downright earnestness and sin
eenty Mr Uirvhmore heard me almost
in silence, only giving evidence by an
occasional word or interjection that he
was giviug me his attention. Once or
twice, too, I was aware of his having
given me one of those sharp, icy glances
for which he was remarkable. When 1
had spoken he lingered the pointed beard
on his chin meditatively and pulled his
"This is a very fair and honorable
offer that you make, Oainsborongh." he
aid at length. "1 liked you before; I
like yon better now You take it for
granted, 1 suppose, that I am pretty well
off There, you needn't say anything
1 have no doubt of yonr disinterested
ness; but these matters would have to be
mentioned, sooner or later, if the affair
went on. 1 say u. Decanse 1 may as
well tell yon at once, it wiL save us all
pain because it can't go on, it must
stop right here; and I only regret, for
both yonr sakes. that it has gone so far."
"Mr Birchmore, 1 cannot take this
for an answer. Von have given me no
reasons. If yon want continuation of
my account of myself, 1 can"
"1 want nothing of the sort on the
contrary, I feel complimented that yon
should accept us, not only without con
firmatioD. bat without question. But
yon can't marry my daughter. Gains
borough, much as 1 like yon, and much
as I dare say she does When you are
older yon will understand that men can
not always follow that coarse in the
world which appears to them most de
sirable." "However yonng or old 1 may be. Mr.
Birchmore, 1 am old enough to know my
own mind and to require good reasons
for changing it U yon have any sncb
reasons, 1 wish you'd show yonr liking
for me by telling me what they are.
TV. U - ...It. HnAAk..J
,. ,j.t . 1 i , . ,
in Pans, when yon hinted that 1 should
accompany you on your jaunt? 1 told
you then that ' the past life of a man
sometimes had a hold over bis present
constraining bis freedom whether he
would or not And can't yon imagine
that those circumstances, however co
gent they may be, or very likely, just
because they are so cogent might be
very inconvenient to talk about? To
speak plainly, Gainsborough, 1 don't see
how your loving my daughter obliges
Ine to tell yon all the secrets of my life."
"i aon t want to know yonr secrets,
sir; I wish to marry Miss Birchmore."
Mr. Birchmore laughed.
"Well, you'rs a pretty determined
wooer," said he. ."1 can't give my con
sent to the match because well, be
cause 1 cannot; but, if you won't take
no for an answer, nor profit by the warn
ing 1 hereby give yon. 111 tell yon what
1 will do: 1 will allow you yourself to
k IV !! H H IB. - ' '
,V B I. I a M 9 .t Y ..
discover and acknowledge the causes j course, that it was the humor of the in
which make your marriage with Kate ' mates to declare a state of siege. I men
imposfribla. Yon most not blame me if tion these particulars merely by the way,
the discovery gives yon pain and the j they are common to three houses out of
acknowledgment causes yon mortiflca- five in this region,
tion. 1 have given you fair warning. I The Birchmores luggage had, it ap
And I will only add, sir, that the pain j peared, already been carried over from
and mortification won't be all on your ! the hotel; but a man in rough peasant's
sida I could not give yon a stronger I m ' 7. ,: "u
pledge of my friendship and liking for
I-,i, ,J r.. t,tw Hmfont
what has hitherto been bidden from all
V ISU MiOit 111 syuu ivukiup, v -
the world. And I only demand one
condition that yon promise, when yon
have made your discovery and left us.
never to mention to any human being
what our secret was."
"1 give that promise with pleasure.
As to my leaving you of my own free
will, that is begging your pardon im
possible and absurd."
He laughed again ana snot anoiuer ui
..Jbia startlina looks at ma
HUB UttX Vs.
ii lit -
. 'rms ti1 bfT?Kmftn
mor to wy. Com with to th fn.
h..etomvW!thor. pKntyof rvxuu
thftnatheyftwn.toboinK .m-
He rxo a, h. BnUwd upoaking and
flung ft way tlte nautu of hw cigar.
'I n ..kt " . 1 k. H. 4 1.1.
Urge, well Rlmpetl hand.
"Oood night, and tiisnks for your con
fidouce. which yon will nvr regret.
Mr. Birchtnor,
"tjui viva, vorral" mu all his answr
aahewalkeit awny. with his hands in
his coat pockets and bis singular short
lie was an enigma sure enough, and
'"7 r"m..,u """..7"
and inalienable as in Kate herself. Uis
t. , K . . i
mysterions hints and warnings were j
powerla to disturb me: 1 tmsted in the
ability of us three combined to over-
tlirow any autagouist I sat late lie -
i neath the tHe, smoking and brooding
over my pa'wion. a. inng men will, and
ever and anou glancing up at a certain
J window, behind the lamp illumined cur-
I tain .if wh,.h I h i t r.. . . . . ,iiT.n.u,
tain of which I had reasou to tuppoes '
my darling was. Was she thinking of
ine now? veu as I asked myself this !
and gazed upward a shadow foil upon ;
the curtain; it was pushed aside, and the 1
window was swung Unk on its hinges.
With throb of the heart I sprang to
my Teet aud wafted a kiss from my
fintrr tips toward the face that peeped
out npon mo. Stay! was it Kate's f;-o,
after all? The arms auft shoulders now
.,.! ,1... 1 1
Ji ,.i.J;n 1 i.,..if.. ......!
sou 1 nau uie pleasure ui uenoiuing me
sinister visage of Mr. blnrk lit up by
1 it. ci.k. 1 : . .... .. -
tut. uiiiik ilk ui u? m
sulphurous gleam as he leisurely lit his
pipe and stared down at mo.
r r
i and sta
gute nacht Uorr Gain-
r 1 , 1
r v
"Uerr Gatntborough has his diamond
with htm."
We made a late start the next morn
ing and did not reach the farmhouse be
fore four o'clock. 1 had little oppor
tunity of speaking to Rate on the way-,
in fact, the presence of blurk. who sat
on the box of the vehicle and once in
while threw a glance at us over his
shoulder, irritated me to such a degree
that more tender sentiments were tem
porarily pushed into the background.
Kate herself, though she attempted to
appear cheerful, betrayed signs of in
ward anxiety and nervousness, while
Mr. Birchmore conversed with a volu
bility and discursiveness greater than I
bad ever remarked in him before.
The farmhouse stood quite alone on
on unfrequented by-road, in a little angle
of the hills. It was not exactly a pictur
esque building, with its foor walla cov
ered with rough plaster and pierced
with dozens of small windows, and its
, ... , , .7
enormous red tiled roof, with those
quaint, narrow apertures, like half open
ed eyes, disclosing a single pane of glass,
which do duty as dormers. It stood flush
with the road, as German houses are
fond of doing; but behind was a large
Inclosed farmyard, roughly paved with
round stones and well walled in. The
front door, though rather pretentiously
! painted and ornamented with some re
ligious versicle or other written npon
the lintel, was not used as a means of
entrance or exit
It was, as 1 afterward discovered, not
only locked and bolted, bnt actually
screwed np on the inside, and the only
way of getting into the house was by a
side door opening into the courtyard.
As the courtyard itself was provided
with a heavy gate, yon will see that the
farmhouse, close to the road though it
was, was by no means so easy of ingress
or egress as it appeared supposing, of
"T -"""'y" mmscaavn.
mastor of the h"ns0. now came out to
take charge of my trunk. 1 was, or
fancied myself (as you may nave
noticed), a quick judge of faces, and
this peasant's face failod to commend
itself to me. It was at once heavy and
gloomy, while a scar at one corner of
his mouth caused that feature to twist
itself into a perfunctory grimace, gro
tesquely at variance with his normal ex
pression. In person he was much above
the common size, and to judge by the
1 ease with which be slung his heavy
r n. i
" y OS32 Amirigcrqcr-t.
trail, over his Klioiildtvr. Im iniit nv
heen . .iimiiit ..-. August .l..r s.,.ri,
himself. wh.. lra,m .tutti., .i,i..
over the market ulace in hivaden.
"Uuten itiorreii, Herr Ktidolphp mud ,
sl.rfc huiliu., ti.w .,., rt.i,i in.!
two seemed to he on mum tort of terns
of omirodealiip, hitviiiK perhaps struck
tin an , oiiuitAn. .liiHi.tf th it.,
nojtotintums ror KHlmuK. 1 imntt my
thoy Im.kint to me to l not ill nmtchmt
We Mliiriitml ami wttrvt t
with nu Iv conrt.wy ly H.rr Rudolph
KHto.coiif.wsituitofth.Kftdttche. wimt
ouo to tur ttHuu, wnotn1 nli tiij not
! tgtun mwtgoi Slnrk diHionrtl into
the kitclicn tvtfion with ttm ItuullorU;
Uitvhmoro pronotittv wnt out for a
-J i. aai
lf ,m,Himrily on my own
' u a,vill(H t0 mUe , vir7tn, J
b wrii ,
ilyKMHHlmy w? th, .Wk.om
. di lhlt k ' ,. .,. .
' - - '
now accurately descrilm the amuigo
tueut of rooms in that fnritihouse. There
were at leant threo mimrito itassages,
not running at right angles to on an
other, but seeming to wander about Ir
regularly, now and then turning awk
ward comers, descending or ascending
short (lights of stc or eddying into
little col de ssio, with perhaps only a
closet door at the end of it. The oonse-
qnenc was it was nearly impossible to
,. .n,! 'i ' i,
might be a long distance from one to
j 1 Ull)l actttallv bosenaratl
1 V .i,Ji.iTl., . f . ".n H-w
th-.'r R1, ,lU f,i,v ,.,. , v
t K, n ,-., , ii;.., .1.4 n
lieve that all
! miHl'aUHj K)U Ule 1U(,
our party, including Shirk, were acooiu-
On opetiiug the door of my room 1
found some one already there. This per
son was a comely young woman, the
fanner's daughter evidently, busy In the
benevoleut occupation of putting things
' h u.m,.,lvr hJ ,,, , .
put uvou
water in the ewer, she had straightened
out the slips of dnigget on Uie rough
board Boor, she had placed some flowers
in the window, and she was now en-
! gag'il in tucking a clean sheet on the
1 said she was comely; on second
look she was better than that She was
I.. . .... . . .
imuikvijr pruu, wiiii uie uiuoceuc,
1.1 1 .....;... w.... f ...... 1 1
t . ,
' nut furls.
UiTr fllir h;lir BIB00thej comlvu.tly
over her snuill head and wound up in
: funny little pug behiud, possessed a faint
gohieu luster; her eyes were of as pure
aud serene a blue as auy I ever looked
. upon, her smooth cheeks, slightly
, btvwuvd by much sunshine which had
rest itl on them, were tinged with heallh
! ful IjIihiiu; her mouth might hare been
! siunller. but the full lips were well
eliaed aud there were white, even teeth
i behind theiu. Her figure, like that of
most Saxon peasant girls of her age, was
, robust and vigorous; she wore a simple
i Usiice and skirt, aud her feet and lt1J1,
1 were bare. Altogether. 1 thought her
very agreeable ainwinuon.
1 "Good morning, honored Herr Gain.
I boro.urh." she said irraveiv iu German
as 1 entered.
"Good morning, pretty maiden," re
turned I. gallantly. ' Yon seem to know
my name, though I don't know yours
what is it"'
I "I am called Christina Christina Itu
I dolph. It is some time since I have
i known Herr Gainsborough's name." she
"Keallyl how comes that?" I asked, by
no Ulcaus displeased
"The houored Herr has been kind to
a relation of mine a very near rela
tion." replied Christina, with the same
"Havel? I'm glad to hear it! Was
she as pretty as thou?" inquired 1, ven
turing npon the familiar form of ad
dress. She blushed and answered:
"It was uot a woman it was my
"Oh, thy brother! Aud where did I
meet thy brother?"
"In Paris, Herr Gainsborough."
"In Paris! Rudolph! What, art thon
the sister of Uuiunch Rudolph, who
lives in the Latin Quarter and is con
sidered the cleverest jeweler in the city?"
"Yes, honored Uerr," returned Chris
tina, smiling for the first time and
showing her pretty teeth and a dimple
on either cheek. "My brother Heinrich
cut and arranged the diamonds in the
pamre of the honored Herr' mother."
'So he did, Christina, and he did it
better than any one except bitn could
have done it And so thou art really his
sister! How did he tell thee of nie?"
"He wrote to me while you were still
in Paris and described the pretty stones,
and told bow Herr Gainsborough used
to come and sit with him and see him
work and talk a great deal with him."
"Yes. he was well worth talking with.
And 1 remember uow that he said he
was born in this ueiglitxirtuxid, and that
he had a sister and a father living here.
It was stupid of me uot to have thought
of that when I heard your name. Well,
Christina, I'm afraid 1 wasn't of much
tue to him after all. I tried to get him
customers but 1 knew very few people
in Paris, and the only person 1 did suc
ceed In introducing to him By the way,
it was this gentleman who is with me
"Herr Birchmore; yes, my brother
spoke also of him," said Christina, her
gravity returning. "But he did not
speak of the young lady or of the serv
ant." "No, I believe they weren't with tiitn
at the time. 1 only met them myself
since 1 came to ijciianduu
"The young lady is Herr Biruhmoro's
"His wife? Dear h'-avens, no! His
daughter, of course, Christina."
Christina said nothing, being occupied
In neatly smoothing out the pillow mid
laying the wadded counterpane over the
"Will Herr Gainsliorougli stay with
as longT she asked after 11 pause.
"As long as Herr Birchmore does, 1
suiiDose." said 1 carelessly.
- ! "Ami Herr Hlrehinore ilmtititerr
I .uluoined 1'hrl.Htitia with ft twtiilthi
t 'i'Wf demure tt wld hardly
bo lira whether h meant it ir tint
"Hum Hit a elever us my urollior
i 1 'i,,tiui- 1 wlorijut ft little,
I t,0 how,v"r 1 ,,"r0 , "u u tn,B 1
hv not known them long, ltitlmt
(n'i'iu m-w n ginn, www w vuu niiw. hit 111
i tru voting tvtnr.
I lutve liiitrd it Nitd thiit ti'svolliikt
niiikiw ixMpIo m'cniuiiiliHl with" he
1"""ih1 b11,1 llow" "ittfUtfully
t ! M ll0r ,v'ro fwt " "fl,Hl
her blue eyes straight to mine and ftuked,
"Uitrr (latUMlkiiMUtfli hiu tils (liiiimiti,U
with litmr I
'Uiiiloubtedlji They are tiuvor away
from me."
"In going about this place the Herr
should le cautious. Home of these hills
and valley are very lonely. There are
Hta not far from here where no one
goes for sometiuies many mouths."
"Well, I'll lie very careful t'hrtstin
chen," 1 rejoined hiughing, and in truth
not a little amused at the cure my friends
took of ma. "But thon must retuemlier
that no ono in Ueruiaiiy, except Herr
lilivluuore and his daughter and thyaolf.
knows that any such diamond as these
are in existenc much loss that they are
in my inieketl"
Christina raised her finger to her 11 1.
as if to caution me to speak lower.
"There is at hat one other who knows
tlis mau lurkr she said.
"Well, perhaps he may," 1 replied,
somewhat struck by her olwervation;
"and as I sc thou hatt taken ft dislike
' ' couider him au atrocious brute. Uut.
i hrute though he Is, there's no harm iu
uf ta u1'' '-v''t
i Herr Uirchmore, I believe, and would
of course tie dismissed at once if there
were anything serious against him."
"Naturally!" was all Clin Una's an
swer; she made no pretense of arguing :
the point with me. "Adieu, honored
lit MV Bttlll HI UK! w"ir. uu,, mm hit 1
band npon the latch, she punned, turned i
around and added, rathtr conftistHlly,
I "Will Herr Gainsborough go on any ei
I ,i,:,. ,j,k, -i..nil. ..l.vir
Why, I hardly think so, Christina. "
"But tomomiw, perhapsT she pirsist
ed, lifting her blue eyes to mine agaiu.
"t'ttrhaps," I admitted with a smile.
"Then if he can trust me would
the Herr mind leaving the dlamouds
with tue until he comes back again?"
"Nay. Christinchfu, 1 cannot give
them up. even to thee, aud although I
tnist thee as much as thy brother or my !
i self. Uut thou mightst lone thiun, mid. I
' if they are to be lost at ail, I would !
1 rather the responsibility should lie mine j
' Besides," I continued, showing my re- i
J volver, "1 go always Willi tint Uut I :
j thank thee all the same, Christ im-hcn
1 anil I would like todOMimethtng. to" i
I tstepto-d toward her. the fact is, I 1
: suppose I meant to kiss her lint her
' expression changed lu a tuuiiuer not eu- :
j cournging to such an advance, she ;
1.. .,. . 1 1. ..1. 1 1 . ... 11. 1
i ,ulT wlu Kra,u "'" 1 1","'',, !
"l WM y-"f thou wouldst j
1'ke to the diamonds. It would give,
1 mo J71'"' ' ,,iw,,rw to ",,ow t0 tUo0-'
- oiai.y i.mnss. nouom, ,lr; 1 wouiu
- fatl,ur1 , Aua- 1w,,th, r"r"l,kl ur;
I ." hMr ''ttle maid opeu.nl
the door and disappeared, leaving me
feeling rather foolish.
"The pretty peasant has pride of her
own," 1 said to myself as I opened my :
trunk aud got out my writing material, j
"She's actually utTciidcd because 1 '
wouldu't constitute her guardian of
thirty thousand pounds' worth of dia-'
mond. Good gracious! why that father
of bent, if I know anything of foee.
1 would cnt all our throats for a many
! erfMchfln. Hut what an minilstjiKiittU
scamp my friend Blurk must be to have
aroused the suspicions of sncb an inno
cent, unsophisticated little creature
as Christuichen! By Jove, though,
anybody might be suspicions of
leer and a slouch like his! What if
there should be anything in it? Just
suppose such a thing for moment h?
It's impossible, to be sure; but the im
possible does sometimes bapn How
on earth did Birchmore ever happen to
have such ft fellow about him? 1 tell
you I've always had notion that he
may be at the bottom of all this mystery
that Birchmore and Kate are so much
exercised by. Now. what if he but
"There's one thing I'm resolved to do,
however," 1 continued to myself, as 1
settled down with the paper, pens and
ink at the table In the window. "I'll
buttonhole Birchmore this very after
noon, and get out of him everything he
knows about bis precious valet It can
do no harm to have the matter cleared
up. Ths thing is absurd, of course, still
the situation out here Is rather lonely.
and with two such lovely neighbors as
Papa Rudolph and Blurk par nobile
fratrum it may be well to be on the
safe side. Yes, that shall be cleared np
to be continued.)
Next Door to th Armory,
J. IH:.WIIIIti:i, Proprietor.
Full Stock of All Kinds of FreHh
and Saltwater Finh. Poul
try and Gamn.
Illnhest CiiHh Price I'alil for I'miltry.
4Jen-ral lll-liNHilf hlng sail re.
pari UK.
Wagon nnl Hiiggy Work a Npeclnlly.
' HorKehoelng In a first clans rummer.
Canliy. ... Oregon.
Oregon 'ity, Oregon,
Concrete and Artificial Stone.
Sidewalks, Hteps and Curbing, Base
ment floors, Monuments, Etc.
All work guaranteed. Estimates fur
nished free.
Address care Charmnn & Co,
' ,VW r'e-Vf r Y V V fV tf 1 Vt I t Av.' .
i . if f
I i V "t ' . , .
We huvc lots fiOx'-'ikl feel, lOOx'.'U) fed, nil favoraMy hH-t-tl. TIicho
lots twice the ordiiuiry size nrti but half the usual price of other lots sini
ilnrly liK'tiUtl. 't have oiie-ncre, two-ncru, live niol leti-noro tracts,
' miluM,, fr nulmrbuu homes, convenient to town, xcIun.Ih, churched,
I etc., tiiul of very productive soil. A
which wo will sell part in hihhII
1 tcrtiis.
Call & See Us
tl i; ( I I V
. S ftlurk HI.,
For The Toilet
No hotu-r "'l"il"M ran ! b;itt limn
Ayr i ll.ur Viur. All wIhi iir It -k it!
Il UH-rlta Iu tin' lilKlioit irrim mni plain it,
ilri-miiiK, for U'jrtmtl anviliing rls "t
tl kind. It tnitiirt lu I lis h.or Imtiitiful
Mlkrn luniis awl s lino Interim.-, itnvpuu
1'uHlnr,, itml miurrs rjf half lu IU ng.
lual rol.it km! Irituta.
'tot B )! I iu trniiMt-d with
ilHesw o( the srslp, wlil.-li ransrd Uie Imir
lu tx-coum bar-ill and dry anil to full out In
is'ti largs (piantliir a to Oimttrn nm.
plrle IwMiifM. Arr'i lUlr Vlnr twins
Mroncly rrronimoiHlitl In m, I ts-xan to
apply this pmparallnn, and hvture Uis flrtl
buttl wa uwd ths hair rassil lallinf mil
sail Ui Malp h iinrrnt In Its lurmor
bralUijr mmllUott." Kmncitm Aceveiiu,
Hilan, Mi ilro.
" I have lueil Ajtit'i Tlalr Vlif ami ha
riwlrfd nvnra wtMril.m from It than tmra
any uthrr hair ilmulng I er Ulnl."
V. K Wouater, WrMnvrr, Ml
"I us Ajrrr'n Hair Vigor conitanlly, ami
(Ind It rnllriil,"-T. C O'Hrltn, Kurt
Kigh, M011U11.
Aycr's Hair Vigor
rttRrAftttt) r
Dr. J. C. AYER ft CO., Lowcfl, Mut
0o44 by Iru.tM.vM. tVfumtra.
The Eartb
With s Ho, BOW PERRY'S KEDSsod
nalvira will So th mt
SMla Urgvly diniM tht aart-lwan
olui ihibnt-PBRRV'ft.
A book full at lafermatio about Cwdtm htm
aad waai 10 raiat int fraa to all wb ak
fcr liVh Atk to-day.
co.. j' Mica
Candies, Nuts, Notions. Etc.
Fine Tobaccos and Cigars.
Complete line nt Holiday Goods at 1'orl
i land prices.
Practical drchitecls Builders
Will prepare plana, elnvMlnti, worklnn clct
Ull, and Hc-HI n 1 1 n for nil klml. ul Inuld
Inics . Ht.pi'ImI attn'itlim kIvii to niodnrn ad
tnKa. KfltlmntcR ftirulabed on npillni,(lnn
Callon oradilreaa Will i R IlKim ,
Orexon City, Ogn
Oregon City, Oregon.
Full Stock of Guns Ammunition.
llcpalrsnn all kinda of aninll iiiscliliim
promptly tiimle. Duplicate keys to
any lock tiiiuiiifsctiireil. Hhop on
Main Htrcet, near bixtti.
v r
M'l 'L
1 v: 1
knoll sun ul iniii Uw. II ol ou prune lnl.
will iii't H'vvml luiielrsil .illr r ynr
"tlmu Uro enoiistt l twsr.
ltirtfe, growing "I'rtiiiwOn-lmril," tif
tracts to suit urchiiKcr, aiul on easy
& Get Prices
at IVirtlaml Ollice,
I'Oll l l. tM),
j In Iti mittf of the pftUtw if Atnlrew lMhii(
1 I licfrln Ktvr liollrr ttml tMrtthl (natl iinlcr
, if lit In tit.Ml'lr I'-mity ri-tiri J ( U-kNiim
t o'lt.ty un if.'i) I will, on Htnttft; in JIM ity
' i'f 3k i . 4 i, I I q I llttr rHM tVMr t...r lu Uf"
; f-'H ( !v ttrtHf"ti, vV 111 jMlhttt MMCMmH tt ttl
; hiKhctit (il ttlrr frir i.h in liiu!. Iltr t H'lnf
ili.crtfx ! IfmM i( It tit ttutr III t'Ui'kmii
: riKihlt . 1 in i'ti. It 1 utittuniM'ttif nt tlir hsilf
' tttttv I'r'wei'U triain mitt v tn I' l . K.
K ilir fiUii-f tt nirThlift.il, Ami ruiiiiliig
ttirnr- t ii!h luiiv.lv itmitrr rl !- v umI;
, lltrlit v liirtli .1 rMl IhtMM'O WPI ' Itxll,
, Ihi'lH n. illt 40 ftH( ihrtim ia ii rl liltii
, m i'1 I 1 1 iih tf r ttl ttdlnt W.", k'fTa. mf(
!iif t'. H) iUl'Jrft t" lirttriiftltitli n( l4
i i'"tiri. Assu kiNu, Alititi(rtrU.
! l.i,rl AfU .V
j V. i'lKlY JMM."J, ATTuHKlYk
Tn it. lxinvt" tf prltiMtt ilttlrlr! No. J, of
t'i i'kiiii rnitniy, ortf-iti:
Thn wh . tn .if the Imvh numwl 1tatrlri fnr
(tip jfir Ni It uow linn. ni nml t pi! U
Ihf tiU'Jrr nnl at t'fllr iu firrttmi Clljr
with 1 11 iim 1y from tlt of ttilt hotlctt, ur
itt aii will Im ruturutH) o itllniuul
I'm.. V. HT4X,
f'trrk Krh.Mil HUtrlt t Nn fit
thit fHh tUy of Ai.rll, Invt ift-Xf V47
NoTIt'E MK I'flll.IfATtON.
Indoltlra at Orii t'llv. ntr(n,
April II. m
Nolle Ii liarahr alvrti that Hi fnllriKlnf
namcl acttiur lia rtU.l initireol lila ininiiilou
lo uiikri final tirimt In .nptHirt nf hi elalin. at d
thai aald irMif will lia mmla Urtom tlia Haialrr
and K'li'ol llir II. S. Land offlr al OrsuU
I iijf. Ori'"0. on Jnni II, Iwi, via,
llrury Yalkaa,
ItnmMtrad rnlry No. S9W, tor th i o( K
H nainria tha fullnwitif wlinva, tn pmv.
hla Ctintliiitims rr.tdvnca ufMin amt cultivation
of aMl'l lnlld, vll: t,rnra tttllltfata, Altirrt
I'aanlil, r I'aanld and J. Vaushn. all of Mulslla
P. t) , t larkamaa county, orr-guu.
J O I Al J. T. Arraamm. Hrslntcr.
NOTIt'K roil I'l'lll.ICATlON.
i.tso Orni I at OuiiioK City, Oaaons,,
April S, m. I
Notlr. la hnli ln that th lolluwlns
named antler Im. IIIinI notlc of hla tuiffintloii
to rnnkri rioal prt'of tti .upport of hla claim, and
tlintanid win wlllba made helorrih Hcl.h,r
and Hi wlvar of ilia t'lilii-d Htaiva land otll" at
(irraon City. Orrvnn, on Juna 7. n, via- Jamca
K, Ni-laon, lioma.iaad entry 7'27 lor the Iota 4
and H of avcilnn aa. tow n 4 aouth, rauaaSaaal .
Ho nam,a tn follnwtutt wltitttattca lo pmv
hla eonilnuoua reatdenca upon and eulMvalloa
of aald laud, vll: Htlaa Wrtahl, Kffiilrpn
Wrlln, William While and 1 H. Jackaoti, all
of Mnlall pott nfllra. C'lakamaa comity, Or
on. J. i ArraHaoN, ttrilatcr.
final Sellletnent.
t harrliy lv notlca that I have Almtlnthv
oouuty eourt of Clackiimaa nouuly, Crcaon, my
accoonta aud vouchcra for final aalUctuant,
aaadmlniatratrlK of ttm cutatmf tlhrl.tlan Waa--Icy,
dcoeaacd, and th court liaa afiiMilntriil
Tucaday. May a, 1WJ, a the day lor ciamlna
ttou aud acltlemuut ur the aama.
l,oiit WAOt.r,
AdmlnlalratrK ol the ealat ol Chriallan VVai-
lcy, dccraiied.
I,. I. PoHTaa, Ally.
Iintud Maroh 11, lam. 4-1:4-29
Notice la horahy nlven that my wife, I.ydla D.
HoiHi'ti, ha wlthuiit provocallou la-It my lied
and hoard, and the public la hereby warned
aaliiMt harbor I uk or Irn.tluK tier on my account,
aa I will not be rcftpoiulhlc for hllli of her con
Iracilna. ,Ioiin n IIowlrtt
K.ikU' Crenk, OreKmi, April I, 1 Ml'J (-1:M!
Hxeriilor'M Notlec
Notice la hereby mven that the final aennunt
of the unileralined an executor of the oatate of ,
John Pruiike, .loireaaeil, luia been Hied In tha
county eourt of the atiito of Orevoii, county of
IMnckaiuaa. And the Urd day of May, IWl, at 111
o'clock, a m., haa been aet by aald court for
the flunl lienrliiK of object lone to aald aceninit
and the aettlrmcnt thereof. A. It. Kiiii'I.kv,
Kxecutor of theeatnta of John Krankc, deceased.
Hated OrcRnn illy. Or., March 7A mx
Mll.l.tK Mll.l.KB, Atlyn. fur Kxecutor. B 'Jn:4:22
Final Nclllciiiont.
I hereby lvo notice thai I have filed In th
ennuly court of t'lackamaa cnunty. Oreiron.my
aei'ouuta anil vouchera for final aulllemiiit
of tie, eatnte of Kredcrlck lloekman, decenacd,
aud the court haa appointed Monday, the lui
day of May, A. ll IM, a. the time for the a
amliiatlon and letlleinent of aiu h accouule,
4-H:4- Many HorkMaK,
W, CAa JoaaaoH, AHy, Kxecutor.