Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 29, 1892, Image 7

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Tin: m: iihik tiiiiiim: asks
i:vi:it.i roimii (jrixriM,
!' Deiiiiirriilli' I'urly U '( rrliilii lo
Min" irsi vi'ini iinHiiiiuiiiiiit
Tlm I'litim U now tiiml tl,ut ilm )m.
crallo party, If it will only ilu ttila or
tlmt tliliiK, liiw a certainty of mivcnw.
Tua only truuliln U Hint tlnwo advlaora
or rilii'U I'ummt airre alnni! tliotlilnif
liiH'MUMiry U uiitkn Niiwa rnrtuln. Tlia
Now York Turn iiy If tli nilvi-r Ull
U ilml'l tllnrn 1 "Mitliilif NOW III I,'M
tlmt can iiijvgiit tariff rufuriu friuu io
cumliiK thu limna ami Mr. Clovuliunl tlm
oaiidltlatw, mill umlur tliiwu ctiviim
lUium vkttiry U almoat aUoluU.ly
lira. Miit Urn Now York llnrulil dtt
dra, HTlmr U no on In New York
wlioiu II will I entirely anfu t U to,
New York Main, cut uj lulu polliinal fao
tiiiiM a It in, uiukc auch an niiwrimviit
4larirmii in tlia ntr.-nio, On 1 1 1 uthur
haml, mau frum tlm wmt, with Hill to
look ftr thn tntiTiwt of tlm vlra mwl
dmiry, would umko victory nit to cer
tain." TlmM twu JoiirnuU Uiih coimiiler
tariff rnform tlx lio wmuu-y and only la
no, lnt on holda Mr. ClvvnUinl tmmn
tiaj. aud tln ulhor holda tli noiutumUon
of aotneboily via nwntlal. Than come
tho rrwa mlvrr men of tlm wnt ml
oath. ilw-tnHiitf tlmt party can win
with atnailiitocartaiuly if it umkoaiil
vr tha on imu and uomlnalui candi
date i.IinIkihI ui tlmt K.Ury, lint cau win
in no oilier wy.
Prwiirtioiia mi contradictory hava
tendency to crwUj tlm linnrvwinn tlmt
tH'ura la not curtain under any condi
tioim. It al nv ha)vua that nwii en
nmurtxl of a llit-ory ar with murvclutu
cIkatiiom, if not with u1hmm uf hiifli
innKiiifyinu iw-r. nil iu advnnlatffa
An Ki-JuiIk Think. II,. imtr II m
l.u.l Ilia Mental IlKlKnr.
Politician ro tnlkinn In a vury curl
ttua way KlHint Hmiiitor Hill, mid J haard
nn x JiuIku of una of our lili'ir c.mrt
thtii niorniiiK Hint In hit opinion
I Illl wwi un Im-HjKinHiblo man. 1S until
tlmt liln ttctiou of lulo hud miKgiuM
tlm Klvliitf wny of hU iiifiitiil fwultiin,
mi umt in unili ly U)ii:iir tho prewl
ilnntlnl iiiiiuliiiition Imd cminml liionlul
Imrrntloiui, which in tlm can of Imut
iiimim imiti or a profiuwionul nmu would
CttiiiMi him to bo ruguriliHl iu lit u)ijuut
fur mi ftityluiu.
Thli tort of Ulk la .ki.n of conrw
limliir nniia lirnnth, but thtiro u no
doubt tlmt tb opinion in growing that
Hill it at lomit thrunluiHl with iiumUil !
trouhlm. JIu la no more tlm nmo b
wan a fuw ytfura auu. whim ronKir.
than the liunnta of an anyluin Juat eoiu
iiiitUHluiidnrtlmfinit Uija of par.i
la aa (Miiuparad with hia coiidltlon whim
In Hirfwt lu-ttlth.
Kii hanl Oikor la ury arioul con-
wrn,Hl vl.r what Im " IIIU . Hoyal Baking PowJcr tier lb. . . .45
1mh from lm cli.Brhnuld condition '
w hich clmrin t4rtxi d him wlmu he wna
Kovnnmr, and I multiniUuid that within
twmily four luiura rirMtitiitivni of
Taiiimauy lmV Imwii in coimulution
with tha l.wlcra of Ilia ntl Hill revolt
It would not bt at all urpriidriir if ba
forotlm Juno convention tlm Hill fol
low lug in thia Nbila went all to pixa.
and tha umt frlmida bo haa would not
bo anmi.d if Im revealed viilcnowi of
hia total incapui-ity for tuiocnlivo or
lfllativ carw-r. Cor. rhila.bdphia
If you aro BuiU-d wo solicit your patronage for tho
Mako your money go a long way by buying your
goolH at tlio
Park Place Store,
20 lb nugar , 1.00
Arbuckola cotfm 2 for 45
Calluw'a fatrlull W libit rawl.
In a fuw well clinmn and tiatriotii:
wonli Hmmtor Khclby M. CuIUuji, of
Ulinol, haa withdrawn hia nanm from
I coiin.li riiiioii iu a poMiiblo Ki'jiulilii-aii
I irnd.ntiiil t-audidala. Hi-nntor Cullom
; haa bw'n un opi-n mid avowod candl-
data, Hi UU) aupiHirkMl hiaoandidacv
and Uni-tlta. but fail to a. Iu daui'tra ! w,lb tr"ttl nniuitjr. Ilu giva aa hU
and oliiw-tiona. The ailv..r nivn ara ! "' '"" wlthdrawiiiK tlm Himplu fat-t
ton Idlud to tlm certain hm of vote ,lmt ""' I""!'1" awm to favor tho ra
nt tha 1-a.t. Uut tlm tariff mfornu-ra am ! "inU," of lrii.fiit Harriaou,
atoim blind to tha cwuin loaaof Uwno-1 wl,u lmluuitratioii biia Ui n able,
cratio vou at tha woat and toutli. Tha c,,'n' euuraRiMma and putriotic." Mr.
r.inocratic party cannot win without ! M"m uii.loubUKlly riht Iu tha eatb
Naw York, ai cordiiiir to una at of ' ' riwldcnt Iliirrimnri adminia-
fiKallon- Ix-mI IVarl oil 1.(10
20 barn Royal Kavon oap. . . , . .90
Millinery goods in groat variety in all the latest styles.
20 yk lientGlouccHU'r Print. ..1.00
11 ylH. IxHt Im8(JttIo MuHlin-.l.OO
Pine Zephyr Gingham 8 yda . . . 1 .(X)
Apron Gingham 12 yds 1.00
Calico Bhirtinga 20 yd 1.00
Ex. heavy " (unHtarchcd) 10" 1.00
Ladies blai'k cotton hone war
ranted 15c. or 2 for 25c
10 oz. copper riveted overalls. . .00
propliota Tlm olln-r aet, with mjiml
truth, ahiiwn that tho party cannot win
without Indiuna and a aulid aouth.
It haa Ikh-oiiid pjulu to many Diauo
eraliu lcadire that tho Allianca will cot
thmr (rty all to pircva in aoumaoiithrrn
and wittro ntat if It dufnaU tha frea
HitnaK bill and noniina(a Mr. Clvvo-
tmtliin by thu mtpla. Tlm aanm hih
ri-Krd for tho priwiib-nt it evidmit in
othrr Uti In which lhre are candl
data for Dm uoininuUou, it U no nUo
tton upon tlm priwident tlmt inch uioro
nirtita ara rife.
It U curtain that wIiopvit in nainod at
Mlnimapolia will lan ahlKand patriotic
land. Already aoiim of Urn Uwt inforuiad : 'publican, thorouKhly ill touch with
UpinocruU in OmirKia declare tlmt tho 1 Iw'Pnulican principle and pMtrrwia, and
Allianca will iwwp that aUte, dfit- I lllttt w111 "e,' tlmitalwart and an
init uioat of tha prtwnt la-iuoiraUc rvp- tbuaiaatlo l'lrt of the whola ltpubli
Tonittivi.aud probably tirakcr tYiup cnn l'y--Now York I'rwia.
amoiirf them, and giving tho tlix-tor&l :
VoUa to a third party candidal. Bind- j aai.rlr.n. A.lmlr. a.ir Hpt
lar pmlution. aro tumla aa to other "U" " Dttlu" I'
outhcru Hat. by uu-n who havo Urn n,,,n )- l"aa of Hilla antica, "U
beat opiwtunity lo know Urn aitualion "'""'K'1 f,,r pnni.lt-i.t." "It ia high
thcro. If only one of tbrttaliould tl,"-' ,J 't..rn of the abolition
ba loat New York would not aava tlm tiu'"' olhur d" ' "lllttt "'
Domocratio ticket, and auvnral will bo W" aed to call huimtor Hill
uuIoh iiiflueut4al UfinocraU ara mia- j hrvw JKiliticau. 1 hava atwn two goo
Uken. Tby ahow alao Umt tha Alii- rntio" nf "wm conm and go. but 1
ance tickeU In Waat Vinriuia. Vb-irhiia. l"'vor nBW ou blind to the raal
.North Caruhua, Tuuraa and In ludi
aJa and Uia win torn ataU would draw
off IViuocratlo votoo aliuiwt eioluHivcly,
nil glva tlm Rcpuplicaua an aiUavrdi
uary opportunity.
On tha oUiit hand, tbo oaatarn tariff
roforturra ara batter informed than
otlwr Douiocrata in ngard to the conao
qneuooa of ailver agitation at tlm aaat.
They ara Udliug tha truth when Uwy
ay that nuilher IUkhIo laland, Connec
ticut, New Uauipahhra nor Mamcho
otU could poasibly bo carried by tha
Deuiocratto party if UinU-d w ith tha ail
ver herwy. They maka It clear alao
that tha atata of New York could not be
brought to vow for any candidate be
ttered to lean toward free coinage.
Now tha legitimate conclnaion from all
thia information and thiwe nredirtiona
ia that the Democrata cannot win in any
The tariff rnfoniHm calcnlata npnn
throwing tha election Into the houaa.
True, they rvaaou, Allianca tirketa may
carry aoum annthcrn atatca and thna
pruvi-nl any election of prmident by tlm
pooplo. but thu clioicu would then hava
to be made by tha prwwnt IXtmocratio
houaa, which would eloct tha Demo
cratic candidate. Would ftf Did the
Democratic caiicua nominate Mr. ("lere
land'a candidate for apvaiierf Did tho
majority of Democrata in tlm houeevoto
aa Mr. ClvTeland deairad on tlm ailror
billf What would happen if tha Demo
crata from ailvor itataa ahould vote for
tlia Allianca candidate for preaidimt
And what would happen if the Alliauco
ticketa In half a dozou alatoa onlimirily
Domocratic ahould give tlm electoral
votoa of thoao etba to tlm Ilepuhlican
caudidnto? New York Tribune.
character of the American people. He
haa not yet learned tlmt they never re
apect man who dia not rttct him
aelf, and will follow uo one who ia
afraid to load." Tlm two couuianta
from inch widely separated aourcea
ahow the iinprmaion tlmt Hill's doapurata
demogoiry haa wade. If Mr. Hill doea
not himaelf underntand it he will lie
made to abtmt May 81. New Y'ork
Timca (In.1.).
Boots and Shoes
Opp. rotlofllca Illuck, Or-,ou City.
Two of Demoeraey'e "ratrloU,"
Prtwidont Wins cnlla attention to tha
fact that an adinirulilo rtwiprocity tnuty
between tho United SUtoe uiul Mexico
waa one negotintod, but our contfreiis
defeated it, and it ia proper to add tlmt
tho men who did moat to effect that un
fortmmto result wero Itogor (J. Mills
and William R. Morrison. (iliilo-Dein-ocrut
I'ritU from Sir II abort.
The export uf huum to tlm inland of
Cuba have increased threefold ninee tho
reciprocity treaty went into effect, and
tho bumnctis ia growing at a very rapid
.rate. Thin is a kind of "huinlmg" tlmt
pleuaes the American pcoplo not a litUo.
Chicago Herald (Iud. Dam.).
Ull rrlnclpat Strength.
Now that Urover Clovelnnd In a Ml
fledged Sigma Chi, what can it profit
Mr. Hill any longer to exclaim, "1 am a
Democrat!" There ia aoinetliing about
being a Sigma CM which ought to ap
peal irresistibly to the niaaara, New
York Advertiser.
Whr Mill l.ortlrHi HLior;.
Candiibita Hill comnilta himself
fully on "pant Hlitiee," the lata Ed
ward A. Freeman's deflniUon of history.
The old Norao mythology located the
well of the !ast under an ash tree. Mr.
Iliil seems to locate It under tha Demo
cratic jiurty of fonnerdnys, aud to draw
from it in apparent lack of inspiration
from tho present Democratic party and
IU lasuea an abundance of water which
ome people ara fastidiona enongh to
Uiink brackish. Washington Star
rrlletU rollllclana.
After diwcribing In detail the utter
failure of all tho peripatetic preaidoiitial
candidatea in tha past history of the
Tnited States, the Chicago Herald
(Dem.) aaya: "If in the days of atatea
nien and sbttesiiianship such oooraea
could not obtain, what prospect can
there lie for them now? Rather ahould
the aspiring minds go and inquire of
tha Hebrew prophet: 'Soektwt thou
grt things for thyself? Seek them
not.' "-New York Tribune.
Royal Raking Towder, 1 lb.. .$ 45
li lb. Dry Gran. Sugar ,
Full pound Climat Tobacco.
25c. Extract lemon for
Tubular Lanterns
10 dozen 50c. jack knives $ 25
7 f pools 0. N. T. thread 25
Child's lace shoes.G to 8 to close 50
Salt Salmon, pound, 05
50 : Notions, as usual, one-half price.
Tloles Cannot Treveut It.
I Iowa Republicans bave dropped local
laauoa for tha presidential year, and that
means an old fashioned Republican ma
jority, New York Proas.
Moal WeliMiuia "lnjurjr."
Just how "protective tariff haa in
jured tlm wool business," aa the free
trade guorrlllua claim, was illustrated
by Mr. Dingley'a statistics in dotto,
which showed that American manufac
ture of woolen goods increased from
ItfOT.OOO.OOO in I two to tM.OOO.OOO in
1HIK). It seems that American industries
might stand a good deal of that sort of
"injury." New York Recorder.
Good Nuhjnot for a Cartoon.
There have been many comical things
in urover luveiauu s career, uut cer
tainly none more so than the late formal
and seemingly anxious inquiry of a
friend aa to whether he is really a can
didate for the presidential nomination.
aud Grovor's formal, complicated juid
involved reply tlmt lie really is. Colum
bus (0.) State Journal.
Tlm Kir.t of Ilia Kind.
Hill is not tho first nmu caught in tho
act of stealing who has complained of
being "abused" when the story of his
crime was truthfully told. But be is
tlm first of the kind who ever aspired to
the presidency. Now York Commercial
Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Brownsville
Best Goods and Lowest Prices.
HAMILTON & ALLEN, Clackamas, Oregon.
And consequently the clothes they wear
must be to stand the Rough and Hard
usage that only a
The seams must be staunch and true,
double stayed so that a Tug of War
wouldn't rip 'em. We have just that
kind as a matter of conscience, as a jmat
ter of pride and because we ' think they
ought to be so. We are just as particu
lar about their Fit and Finish as we are
in our Finest Garments for Men.
The One Price Clothiers and Hatters.
Clactoas HeiMs Green Houses.
Jos. Collins, the Florist of Clackamas Heights Green
Houses, has cot a lot of good, fine, strong, healthy, rose
plants for sale at $2 per dozen. Now is your chance to buy
before it is too late, as they are gelling off fast. Come and
see for yourself. You will never have the opportunity to
buy such large rose plants at that price again. Also a gen
eral collection of house plants for sale at low prices. Vege
table plants for sale at J. Harding's grocery store or at the
Green Houses.
Early Cabbage, per hundred, $ 50
harly Cauliflower, per hundred, 1 00
Early Tomatoes, per hundred, 75
Cut flowers a specialty all seasons of the year.
J S. ULUiNS, ilorist, 1'ark Place,
Carpets, Matting, Mats, Rugs, Reed and Rattan Goods, Up
holstered Rockers, Etc., of all kinds
Special Kates on Upholstering this month.
All work guaranteed better than when done in wholesale
houses, and we sell them cheaper than others can who buy
from wholesale dealers.
Undertakers' Goods.
Always a complete line, and can be turned out at the short
est notice.
Oregon City Hank Building.
The building now occupied by the Oregon
City Iron Works, together with the Engine,
Boiler and line Shafting. This is a good
chance for a small manufacturing plant.
Apply at oflice of
J. R0AKE & CO.
Best and Cheapest Grocer.
Fancy and Staple Groceries in Great Variety.
Vegetables, Fruit and Feed.
Tha rarennlal Camlltlnta.
It ia about timo for another letter
from Mr. Cleveland on tho awfnlness of
the ofjloa of tho presidency which oom
pola a fellow to take it if it cornea hia
way, Brooklyn Btaodard-Unioa.
onmm from the countuy solicited.
L-o':(,J THE
Portland Jeweler.
Fifteenth and Main, ORECON CITY.
C. P. W1NE8ET.
Largest stock of Coffins and Caskets kept South of Portland. Also cloth covered
and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. . Ladies Burial Robes and
dents' Burial Robes in stock.
Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen
eral Blacksmithing on short notice.
IVffrs. C5-. W, HICH,
Decorative Needle Work Suppleis.
Mail Orders Given Careful and Prompt Attention
Instructions Given in Embroidery.
Commercial Bank Block, opp. Post Office. OREGON CITY, OR.