Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 29, 1892, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
In Krracr Hin'K 14, wi,
Nlvamars Al.TONA A HAMONA'
Laava itHituun oi-tir. iay roariaaii
m, "7 sua, m,
mi ui, mi . m.
11 ui, I 'j mi m.
t i. m. imp. m.
1 1 6 i m II ui p. hi,
no . m, ( uo p m.
No wa landlnc a
1 1'n.lllvvly mi Irvldht laktn nil tliaaa lrlia.
8iiirtny'i CM. Inxi will !' piinlniid
t Il ia I'. M,
mi.ni. h mi in
11 mp iii, II in,
",uu n in, 4 si in.
Time card anli)rrt l" rhitma without instr.
iasiiiTV.waau, mii,h usnisn aocr.
rsa a mi.i.11.
isen rirr.
tn in a
4 IV
10 00 A. M.
Kiropl nil Sauti'lagr
an a. M.
t no a V
a Jil A. M
I an V, M
ioit AHTtmu
kt iimk-
(Ihitm loot u( Allr Mrl, I'nrtUud )
Imvh FnrtUitil dally, ai'( WmIiim'v, )i n.
Imih Aalurla daily. iifl Wediioarj nop in.
mmm smsa.
Albany lineal (war atatlnaa) I II a. m.
a'alllortila r.iiira abriMich) ' it 4 a m.
tluawbuti Ik'I ( aiallim.) Jum.
xh'th sot n.
H...lmt aw tony lailoiia) si m
AllMiiy loca! (y .ml. mi. i ii . in
alilornla Kinraua (ihrouili) Hli. in
Mailt ulna lllill North. A H.KM P M
Mail.elnaa aolm Houitt, I iU A M l.a P. M.
ii, i unii
Otr..ii( lly In Kly.Coiit, Mulinn.M,.lalU and
Wllln.ll lva at I" V a in. Miillilaya, Wed
tnmUra an.) Krhlaya ami retains al luiua in,
ota liillimllii ilaya
t)irn I'My In Ktr. Mlnk.fUrk.MiwInaHrnnk
I'm. mi Mill, m 'I kltillno. Imora al loiaia m
TuruUy, Tliur..y ami Saturday, and irluin.
on Mlmatiii dae al I 36 p m.
rtUIAY, A 11(1 1. 211.
TiikCi.ai KASnal'iaii llvrt iikhv Siiit
Hubbard ul the government llnli hatchery
up llm Clackamas mm In town Monday.
Hit mlil liu liml r Ivml Instructions
(mm Washington to g.ilhor a quantity
ul Hid egg of tl.it alcul head salmon and
Willi tin-in buck l'.asl tn I mi treated.
H.hiii as tint water will permit llm weir
III I xi uttt at llm hatchitry ami lliu work
of taking salmon run will Imikiiii, though
halchoiy tun in it be prosecuted at this
hatching iHtfore September. Mr. Mule
hard says tliu Uw regarding Hie catch
ing d( (minion mi llm 'liirkaiiin.il I con
stantly violated and llm violation rn
milt liiiiiluiiHly to Ilia work of llm
luiti lii'iy, lli tliliika llm fli-li coiniiila
iiiiiiiin ilo llul lvu aullli li'iit Hlli'iiliun
lo llm iimllur of liitvliiti 1 1 in uU
(rvi'il. I'nlfHii llm inix.r prolm'tlnn
aliull Ijm nir.inlinl fur llm work of tin)
liuli'liniy it I mil miliki'ly lliul Ilia tfov
prniiii'iii will irrnw lu iimin Hit) Inalltu
tinn,4iul liml will Imvs but nin Mali
Imli l'iMV on llm l'lii'lllrriiaBt, tli oil" on
St, Cluiiil river In ('alii'urniit
KakIkkm Omkiiok Voi, ('iiiiiicilnmn
John U. I'orlvr rlnrni'il l.iit Kuti'lny
friilii trip lo enalfili Oii-koii for llm
woulrn inilU Iut, He wrnt Inrna
llopiiiirr iul limn rvtumtxl inukitu hut
fxw piiri'hiMM Khm'p alii-nrlmf In lnl
thU yiiir. The wi-nllmr ban 'm-hi im un
fviihli I lint viry lillln ihinriiiK baa
l-n lon vi't. Tim aliwimmn urn in
i linnl toliolil Ihi'ir wmil for li'ulx'r prirm
limn tin" market will warmnt, too Moat
of them el'i't to (let foorttwn to aiiliLii
retilaa imhiihI whlln tlieuiarkel will tiv
only Immii eiKht lo (ourlen renla fur tint
eaalern On-ifnti flip. Thli" ! iriie
limn hat pieV4ilel fur three or lour J enr
VVealern Orenun wool la of belter quali
ty ami cli-aimi, ami it Will briiif hi-l-ler
pure. .Mr. I'orler will make an-
other puirhaaiiiK trip lo eaalern lnuijn
wberu the tlix'ka ahall have been ahurn.
Tfua Wind tokh. Tim wop1 wind
aliirm Hint hna vimleil llii" hx-nlity for
year prevaihol lal Suinlny. It wool. I
not have been remarkahlo in a coun
try auhject to piiiu anJ fall calea but
it wa very uniiaiul byre
( ij(iia were w rm keil and a (i-w
liml their hul l" on old rmifa. On Fifth
CliicknniHa fouiily Km itittkjr Hilionla.
Tim aiu'oud anniiiil convmitlon of the
CUi kamna eoimty Huiiday whool aBix'i
atioil will bo held In llm I'reabytenan
iliureh In this 'lty nl Monday and
TueadayMay 2 and 3. Th IoIIowIhk
proKram willlMtobaurved :
uohimt kvaaipo.
7;:il)-J'rBlaa iwrvU, led by lUv. dlluian
;(-Aildreai! "Tim Hunduy B bool- ll
Value lollm Family, the CUnnliand
llm Blala"-K. W. Allen, prealileiit
of Hrrxoti Hlala Holiday Heiiool A-
Tl r.l'AV M..HNIH".
H.WI- Devotional aerviiB, le.1 by I!ev. Kilw.
ll:i- ttNirta ami elrellon of oltlrera.
U:;!I Thelieedmif and work done III Clark-
amaa eouiityUev. i. II. liar-
It.l-riiiuday HiIiimiI Admlnlalrwllon
Mra. M. b. Drlwia.
II :3U lln In Inlereal Clilldren III Mllilli
-Mra. K. II. Wilkliiaon.
Tt'kaiitT Amano".
2 -.nil-- MrinorliiiiK Serlplure. Ila lnirlaiio
and lios it tuny I rVcnred-Mr. C.
I.. Perry.
2;, Win, mayTrai'h in Hie 8imdayMrlnal
.Mra. b, M. l.iveriuora.
S in-Hum Clirialian Wurkeia may Iwonme j
K.llirieiil in llm l'ol Ihe llilile-Mr.
Harvey K. On. j
3::K -Huw In (live the "Hineere SlIIKol me
Word" lo,lhe l.lltle iM.tm-Mra. 0.
4:U-'fh Hunilay H. I100I and llm Yimmir
Pruple'i Hmli-ly of i;hritiaii Kn-ileavor-Mr.
M. I.. W hite.
Tvaiiuvtr kvaaixo.
7:KI-Prale Hi-rvlre Praie fur a full and
I (n- MaltatiiMi led by I'-av. (i. V.
M:t-Addrea -Tim Henina of Hmnlay
fehool W ork-IU v. I". H.Cnrila, Ho-pi-rlntenilent
of CiuiK"'K itional Hun
day rklniol and Puhlita'lii.n Horiety.
Ank why CauhVlil &, Hunt
Uy'n toro in the bout place
for you t
Drugs or have your pre
Hcriptiong filled?
IWcauae we alwayii have,
and always will keep, only
And reliable chemicaln,
even thougn tney may
cwt ur a trifle inor .
Carrying a we do, a com
plete line of
Menton Pail Dairy,
Delivered to all parts of the City.
Toilet artieleB.perfuinerien,
unapt!, etc., you tnay de
lend ujion obtaining juet
what you want, and at
the niOHt reasonable prices.
Caufield & Huntley,
Fraacrlptloi Pkarnaelau.
i timi:itM. a ivi i:.tih.
llaon A 1'iM.Ue half the only
-lele lluav af 4 arlriallurnl
lMleiiienla In Ikrrgan fit).
rlUad prlera at nptlralril . Iluy
t I hem ami anie j aur Iruvelliiu
e Hnea atuil frr llil .
IUl't'lll.lt'AS t"ll'AIO!4 Co MK ITT Kit.
Ill aivordiiurii with Ihe limlruiliiilia (o
the republican county central cnmuiitW'c
laat week Chairman Itrownell apiHiinteil
the follow inn mnml era to art with him
Iho ewulive i-ommittctt fur Ihe cam
li;n: Thotnaa F. Hyan of Oregon City,
John Krinw of Wilwmvillu, Frank Jaif
ltr of llinhland and Jamea Uoota ol
i'lackamai. The plan of the riimpainn
n diacuaaed at aotnn lenitlh in the
committee and the prevailinit enlimeiit
waa In favur of the reptttilicnna n
it alone that la, preparing their own
ctioduli) of meeting" ami having their
own aeaknra preaent to iliitcuiut the ia
auea luatead of piintttinu the joint de
bate plan heretofore. In rogue. If the
candldatea of any other party wanted to
to meet the rciiihllenni In joint dftmto
it waa agreed that they should be
ccommoilated. Hut the main enerxioa
of thncampal!n ihouhl tie UKin the In
deiendent haaia. Tlie luipoaalliility of
aatiafactorily pmaeiitinK an aruumeut in
the abort time allowed a apeaker where
n evening la dividixl Into aeveral aec
tiona with a Irattmenta of a apeech for
t-aeli waa the chief thinn that inlluenced
tint determination to go It alone In the
rKci.iNKk to Hun Dunham Wright,
the people' partv nomlntw ior itipreme
jmlgo, baa filed hla ileclltiatlon with the
mtcrotary of state, aaya the Salem SUUoa
ninn. Ho la t candidate on the aame
ticket for Joint aoiiator In an eastern
Oregon district, and will make the nice
for thia olllce, ami hence withdrawa
from the auprenm juditshi) contest,
lie waa chairman of the atnle convention
In Oregon City. M. V. Kork, of 8ulcm,
whom the opliN pnrly haa cho"tm to
run for congress In lh district, has not
M vet been regularly nomlnalod. The
party hat failed to file his nomlnntion
and as the time for the filing of conven
tion orasHumbly noniinutiona bus psHsed,
hi only chaneo for gottlug on the
ticket iindnr the Australian ballot law is
to be nominated within tho next fort
night by individual electors of the
jHMiple'a party who have not participated
In 1 1 in nomination of the enndidntu ot
any other parly. It will riviulie the
nijtnaturu of WO of 'them and thut
ntimher will be hind to seciiro in so
short n time
Ihon Woiiks Imi'Iiovkmunts, The Os
wego iron works are turning out from
forty -live to sixty tons u duy ol the best
pig Iron under the nnumiieincnt of
KuperinteiiiU'iil Kvuns. A new brick
lining wns recently put i" !' furnace
and now ft lot of new kilns for milking
charcoal mo doing built. There are al
ready forty-eight of those largo circular
klhm twenty-eight feet in diameter and
sixteen font high. Kach one will hold
fifty cords of wood. Twenty-eight or
thirty more of the kilns are being con
structed. Five have already been huilt
this Bpring. W. II. Welch, who moved
from this city to OBwego some tlino ago,
has charge of the work on the kilns.
street west of Main two i-iittonwcjod Ireei
were proeirntml, Ihe tip of the one at
Unto A .Vlbrniht'a comer tombing
Trembath'a saloon and the one on the
uppoiiiie side of 1 1 m street ju-l urnr.ing
the rornei of Winesett A Scripture' simp.
Apple and Irull tree liml mine of their
blossom tint not eimii!h to make the crop
short. The driving rain that accom
panied the w ind nude outdoor life, din
ngrve.ihlc fur Ihe ibiy.
Tiik Nkw I'acKkt Link. The steamer
MiuiMiillln, Caetuin Wand, of the tii
river pm kcl line, started out lust Mon
day morning on her first trip on the new
route outlined in I nut week's Rstkh
i'kihk. She brought down river eight
passenger on her It rut trip and Tuesday
morning be carried twenty pawnuers,
besides considerable tight freight both
day. This lino Is just what tho tip-
river people have long ben wanting
and they will give It all their patronage.
Oiegnn City should do it p.irt toward
making Ihe enterprise a full success.
Newberg people are alsmt to build a
sidewalk from the town to the wharf so
a to make It more convenient to pa
tronise the new line.
Democratic ('niitrntiilutlni.
Kli 0. Maddork, the republican
nominee for tne ahrievelty, lat week
received the following tetter from a
rising young attorney of Seattle whose
former home was in this county. It is an
example of the ontaiieiis assurance
A few frail . B111Mlri iilA cine to him from every
shingle j,llwrlori
I am Informed ty niy ieiple, ami alao
io m m mm ?
Jennings, tlie Grocer,
At bis new store, corner of Seventh and Jatlson Streets.
Family Groceries
All Goods Fresh, Pure and Full Weight.
by theOn.i'iS Ctrl KsTsaeaisa tliat you
have received the iHiiuinsliiiii for aheritl in
my Inline county. I m-ied Ui news
with much pleasure and take opportunity
to elenil lo you my hearty congnitulalioin
and hot thut the result of therlectioii may
ilKiiuinalrnte tlist Ih loiile of Clackamas
county have eien-iacd wisdom in pbielnga!
nn iK'lenl i-ce oiliifr at ihe bead of their
county allnlrs. I must confens that you
arc on llie wrong tirksl to entirely suit my
views but you are aware, of course, that
iHilitlcnl parties will nmk error once in
a while, and Kl a K'""' man on their ticket.
Hoping you will aai ure the election, as I
douht not lul you will, I am,
Yours most truly,
Coawix 8. SlI.tNK.
tio to Wilson A Cooke'a for the Oliver
Plow .
Iiuats ready to rent at the boat house
foot of tenth street. tf
Will bnv 24 sheet of
cood imiier and 24 en
velopcs to niateh, put
up in a neat box. This
in a bargain and won't
last long. You usually
pay 25 cents
Of emial quality. If
you are a lover of funev
stationery, we have it
at all prices up to 75c. a
Imix, which buys those
suberb goods of Mc
Clurg's, properly called
"Matchless." Speaking
Don't forget the latest
"Perfumed Stationery."
It looks sweet, gmells
sweet, IS sweet.
Huntley's Book Store,
Knst door to the PoatoBtc.
Orders taken at your house, and free delivery to all parts of the city.
DAVID MAY in charge of sales department.
1. A. MOORE.
Manufacturer sn4 Dealers In
The only complete line in Oregon City, embracing everything the
trade demands.
Honest work and reasonable prices is our aim.
Clocks at Unrmeister
Kveryune warranted.
JesTti'ics and CossTABi.ka. The can
didates tor jinitiee of the peace and con
stable nominated at the county repub
lican convention have not sent in to the
county clerk their acceptance of the
nomination as required by the new
Australian ballot law. ThiB should bo
attended to at once. The republican
convention did Its full duty in making
the nominations for each district and tho
nominees should attend to their part
of the matter and file their acceptance
with the county clerk. May 5th ia the
very latest acceptance can be filed un
tlio law next Thursday.
Thkatmknt roa Hoe I.ick Tho fol
lowing I taken from Meeker's hop cir
cular: We have tested the different
formulas for destroying hop tieo and find
that the most effective combination
i that used by the F.nglish hop growers,
via: quassia chips and woale oil soap,
100 gallons of water; steep the quassia
chip in a lew gallon of cold water about
an hour; then boil live minutes nml add
tho soup. It will take, for thorough
work, forty five to sixty-five iunds of
wlmle oil soap and fifty to seventy-five
pounds of qiiiiHtda chips to the acre.
A llot sK Hi'HNKt), The homo of Mis.
A. M. thirties, a widow who lives about
one mile from the grange hall at W ilson
vil'e, caught Ittn while she was absent
at a neighbor's last Sunday morning
about 11 o'clock and burned to tho
ground. The Hie was discovered by the
neiuhhnra when Iho whole interior was
abhi.u and it was iniionmble to save tho
bonce or liny portion of its contents,
Tho liMsis between ?00 and WO. Tho
lieoiiln of Hint locality will help Mrs.
liarncs to rebuild.
Ckmktkky Noticic Sexton Shiver, of
tho city cemetery, announces that he
in now ready to improve and beautify
lots and oinament graves preparatory
for Decoration Day. Flowers planted
and cured fiu tf
Foh Sai.b. 112 ft. by 105 ft. on Main
street, Oregon City. II. Z. Hukkiiaht.
Ladies' and Uvula', robes at Holrran A
Warner's Undertaking parlora. tf
County warrant bought at the office
of W. Carey Johnson. Oregon City, tf
School deportment card one cent
each, good for term, at the Entkki'hisk
Central addition toOtegon City in lots
and bliK-k to uit purchaser. Property
cheap, term easy. See L. K. Jasxky,
with W. Carey Johnson. tf
lounges, chairs, etc., upholstered at
Dolman A Warner . All work guar
anteed. Repair all your old lounge for
little money and they will be good a
Whiskers that are prematurely gray
or gray should be colored to prevent the
look of age, and Buckingham's Dve ex
cel all others in coloring brown or black.
After suffering horribly for years from
scrofula in its worst form, a young son
of Mr. K. I.. King, 700 Franklin st.,
Richmond, Va , waa recently cured by
the use of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. No
other medicine can approach this prep
aration as a cleanser of the blood.
Wilson A Cooke wish to inform their
many friends that they carry in stock a
complete line of Oliver Chilled and Steel
I'lows of all different sizes (also Extras)
Harrows, Cultivators and Shovel Flows
of all kinds which lliov will sell at
Portland prices. Kxamine our stock
and get our prices.
Manufacturer ol nit dealer In
Rough and Dressed Lum
ber and Boxes.
Prices the Lowest, Coods
the Best.
Four Miles East of Hubbard.
Portland Seed Company
Seeds, Trees, Fertilizers, Poultry
and Bee Supplies,
Spraying Materials, Etc., Etc.
No. 171 Second Street, PORTLAND, OREGON.
Boyer & Gale, Props.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon and Lard.
Barlow, - Oregon.
Tables supplied with the best the market
affo-ds. Meals 25 cents.
Livery, Sale and Feed Stable,
Horses fed and cared for by the day or
month at reasonable rates.
There are novelties each season in
wearing apparel and there are likewise
novelties each season in ttie furniture
line The very latest desiins in various
linna of furniture are beimr receiveil
daily hy the well-known house of
Hellomv & Hunch This llrm
.i . i . . .....i. f : .
ine Minosi- siorn in iiininuir ui u, j
house ill the city, lliey namun none : "".,... ihii Stewart, one of the
a- n
ued".ta" QUARTER
ker county, Ore- f rj ft
j (on, near what Ji it
i ia now Bilker Cily, PCMTl TDV
pumns i . mnn ha hns aiuce lLi I 1 U It I
of anv become identified with the resources una nrn
This mnn ,
All Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work
Promptly Done.
Shop on Mfrrntli tit., near I-pot.
This old and reliable firm always keep in stock a full line of
BEaif, M al Mffliitwfl
Harflware, Tin are, elc.
Horse posters on cloth, law size with
cut of any of tho leading" brofeda of
homes at the Entkuchisk oiltce.
made and eastern irooda. It
tho duty of every one desiring to pur
cl.asc niiy thing iii the furniture line to
pay this house it vinit before making
selections. They can show tho largest
and most complete stock to select from
and sell a superior quality of goods at
very low prices, tf
Attention Teamsters.
$.'(10 cash will buy a span of mules,
harness and a nearly now wmion. In
quire of Lydia Livesay, near Jones's
mill, Oregon City. tf
lUank note, receipt and order books
at tho Kntkri'kirs olllce.
For 25 cents you can
fhisk until June 10th.
homo ' development of that country,
should be ..,,, ,i .,,. influential citisena lathe
county. In a recent letter he says : I had been
suttcriHR from pains In my back nud Eeneral kid
nev complaint for some time, and had used many
r,'...ii. .ii hunt nuv but temporary relief. The
pains in mv back hait become so severe t hat I waa
prevented from attending to my work and could
not move about without the use of a cane, llear
iiift, throufth friend, of the woudcrtel cures ef
fected by Ort-Ron Kidney Tea, I was Induced to try
a box, and from that very first dose I found instant
relief, and before usinsr half the contents of the
box the pains In my back entirely disappeared.
I have every faith in the virtues of the Orefron
Kidney Tea, and can conscientiously recommend
it to my friends. I would not be without it for
anvtlftig." ... i .1
Oregon Kldnev Tea cures backache, Ineontt.
nenee of urine, brick dust sediment, burning or
painful sensation while urinating, siid all affec
tions of the kidney or urinary orgaus of either sex.
Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly. Es
timates Furnished.
get the Enter-
Furniture, Bedding, Stoves, Tinware,
Second Hand Household Goods
Of all kinds, Bought and Sold.
Opposite the Post Office.