Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 29, 1892, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Pubtinlied Every Krktny.
Entered at the Post 0t In Oregon City, Or.,
M svud cliws matter.
1 00
Thrw mouthy
l axon kills, -Aim,
Me-low Brook.
New Kru,
Oil HI,
Ely - -
tl. W. PniMer
Oco. K il i tkt
W S Kitnin
Uary A W Similiter
li ). Trallliiiicr
K. S hrmhH
K. A. Wright
W. S. Newtvrry
Henrv MUev
'3 A HhenSrS
T. M Cni
J ll 0e.
J. tt. Jovuer
C. T H.or.r.l
R. i',per
M. S. Mo.xl
K, M. tUrtnun
- F Oiey
Duane Kljr
The i to httlld p Orritoit
filj Is U rive Oregwa City people jor
patron re.
roa raisiDtyriAL lurroas,
J.F.CAPU& .Portland.
H B. Mtt.LKK, C.rnu Ps.
U. M. IRVIS Vuton.
I M. Pl'SSK. . Portland.
rv sera jcihi.
F. A. MOORE, St. Helens
roa iTToaNiv gknssal.
L. R
WEBSTER, Jarksoovill
roa cosaRxssKAS-rtasT msthict,
BINGE K HERMANS, ... Ruseburjt
roa ciacrrr ji twe.
T.A McBRIPK, Oregon City
ra MsratcT anoaMV, !
rot SEXAToa,
Oregon City
roa aKPRistsTvnvis,
JOFLP. GEER Pieassat Hill.
A. s. LA WTO N Canemah.
roa coi'kty coxaissioxia.
New Era
roa clerk,
RIJ1SBY Molalla. i
S. M
J. aWETHERELL Csuemsh.
rot Sl'RVEVOE,
ro si rEaisTESDEjrror schools.
H. 8. GIBSON ..Clackamas.
roa Assassoa,
J. C. BRADLEY Borings
R. L. HOLM AN Oregon City.
Two Lie Nailed.
Shortly after the nomination of Mr. Henry
Jewell for representative there were heard
reports of his having been engaged years
ago in most extraordinary transaction.
One of these reports 9ecified that fifteen or
sixteen years ago Mr. Jewell was caught in
the act of selling in Portland rolls of butter
tilled with mashed potatoes, and that he w as
arrested and fined for the fraud. One varia
tion of the rert waa that the swindle was
detected and that it cost Mr. Jewell a con
siderable sum to settle the matter out of
court. Another story was to the effect that
Mr. Jewell sold a man a stack of hay and
received pay for the same aud that when
the purchaser came to remove the hay he
found that the stack had been built over an
immense stump. There were variations of
these yams but the gist was substantially as
given here.
These rumor were so well circulated in
tow n that many people not personally ac
quainted with Mr. Jewell began to give
them some credence. Mr. Jewell wa busy
on his farm and the reports did not reach
him so of course he did not contradict them.
The charges being so freely reiterated and
in no wise contradicted led many republi
cans even to think a mistake had been made
in putting Mr. Jewell in nomination, and
the county central committee was consid
ering the matter of inducing him to with
draw from the ticket. Among republicans
there was general aversion to supporting a
man who appeared dishonest, no matter if
he was the regular republican nominee.
Letters notifying Mr. Jew ell of the state of
affairs failed to reach him on account of be
ing sent to the wrong post ollice. But he
happened to come to town last Friday
and was speedily made aware of the situa
tion. He unhesitatingly branded the re
ports as malicious falsehoods and made the
following affidavit:
Inasmuch as there has been pretty lndutrl
ously circulated, with the apparent purpose of
defeating my election as representative, one re
port that I was cauht In the act of selling but
ter in which mashed potatoes were concealed,
and another report that I had sold a stack of j
hay in which a stump took a large space, I
herebydeclare both reports wholly untrue and '
without any sort of foundation in fact. I will !
further declare that I never sold butter with po- i
tatfifi in it and of course was never arrested or
fined for such offense, or any other. People
who circulate such reports must be inspired by
.malicious motives, and I hereby denounce any
one or all persons mnklug such statements to!
be guilty of giving circulation to unqualified
falsehoods Henry Jewell
Witness signature
Geo. C. Browuell. .
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2i!d
day of April, W)2. C. 0. T. Williams,
Notary Public for Oregon.
This sworn statement of Mr. Jewell ought
to settle the matter as regards these scan
dalous untruths. The original copy is in
the hands of the Kstekcrise and if Mr.
Jewell has aworti falaely it will be very eaay
to establish lite fkot and to nmk Mm sutler
for it. In the ataence ot any uoh proof no
man with any tvptrxl for honor will
tiuue to give cuiivnoy to such scurrilous
lie. Some (rood people have hereloftu b
hevfd sml rep;tcd the ehaote Iwaiis
they seemed practically to be ailmilteil.
There is no longer haais for their belief and
every effort should he tnaleto repair Uie In
jury that hat been done an honorable man.
Thef is hardly a question that Ibeevil re
port were started by persons who would
like to we Mr. Jewell beaten at the poll.
This sneaking, woltlsh method of pulling a
man down is repulsive to every instinct of
the true American citiien, no matter what
Hlitical party he may be allied with. The
people have a sense of fairness in such mat
ters and they will sit down hard on this
scurvy trick to smirch the character of an
upright cilinen in order to compass his po
litical defeat. The republican t-arty, how
ever, has shown a clear disposition to purify
its own ranks w hen there is apparent need
for it.
Issues uf the Campaign.
There are four issues in this campaign
"' I'""'"1 'U' '"
i which evcrv voter feels a personal interest.
These are county rils, the matter of taxa
tion, the protective taritl and the silver
question. Of course there are many other j
matters involve,! in the campaign but w hen j
thee main ones are well understood the ;
others will take care of themselves.
The contest this year must he one of pnn-
clples rather than of personalities. A candi
date of ordinary integrity mav be fairly con
sidered to represent the principles of the
party that put him in nomination and a
vote lor the candidate means a rote for the
policy of the party he represents. This Is
not true ol all elections. Hut this year is a
presidential year, ami state, congressional,
county and district ottlcers allign front top
to bottom in accordance with their respect
ive party doctrines. This should be re
membered bv the voter on election day.
til lilf. m. , ii inc. a,iiiiiiiiti a.j.'ii
rountv affairs the KaTiaraiRi hs;hcrei.hr
j presented some significant facts by way of; lo, these many years,
comparison lietween n'publican and demo-1 The value lo the country along the route
; cralic methods, and it will have more tosay j can hanlly l estimated. If the boat is pat
I on the subject. Kverybo.lv who is posted as j ronUed to such an extent that she will stay
I to the facts knows that the present reimbli- on th run it w ill Increase the value of all
t.a ,lniinistratioii is doing more than was
iont Mltn tUisi county in the way
ciumty road iniproveinei ts while every
,.,,., .".,) to .h- uvea mt the low.
est notch. It was but a verv few year ago !
It was but a very few year ago
when a county tax exceeding thirty itiiili I merchant to sell at a rale that will give
was levitsl under a democratic county judge j the fanner a chance to live as well as
whose extravagancies are not all paid for j themselves. Two chances to go lo Port
vcL The rate of taxation is lower this year I land in one day and get there In a reason-
I than it was even two years ago. I hie time is sonietlilug that the most sail-
But the tux matter will never be sutisfac- j gnine of us had not hoped for. An oppor
I torily tsljusted until the present state laws j tunlty to go to Portland in three utul a half
! on the subject are radically changed. The I hours is a thing we never existed to ee,
j eotle are not suiTering from high taxation j and we must all realiie that only by liberal
! so much as they are gulled by the injustice patronage will we see il tor any great length
: of the present laws which enable so many i of time.
wealthy persons to escai paying anything
The legislative officers chosen this year will
have this matter to deal with ami there
publican nominees in Clackamas county are
well known to be in touch with the people
on this subject.
The taritf and the money question both
present intricate problems for stmleiits ol
the dismal science of political economy.
But he who runs may read that the greatest
prosperity this country has ever enjoyed has
been under protective tariff aud honest i
money, while ita greatest depressions have
been under revenue tariff and experimental
money schemes. These are not merely co
incidences. Tothe thinking mind they are
weightv arguments. Honest money and
protective tariff constitute the gist of the re
publican doctrine while the democrats take
the opposite ground, or anything to get
The Sheriff Campaign Tactics.
A good deal of misinformation Is emanat
ing from the sheriff's office these days.
Most of this effervescence pertains to the
regular republican nominee for sheriff, Mr.
Eli C. Maddock. Every means seems to be
sought to misrepresent ami villify him In a
manner designed to make it somewhat dif
ficult to fix its source and responsibility.
It is stated that Mr. Maddock is not a tax
payer or that be pays only $1 of tax; that
there is something crooked in his returns to
the assessor; that he is a bad man gene
rally, etc. There are dark hints and innuen
does calculated to terrify a confiding voter
and drive him from Mr. Maddock' stand
ard in hot haste. Official records are pre
tended to be quoted to accomplish this re
sult. No means is too low, no artifice too
dishonorable to be used against Mr. Mad
dock in these foul and snakish ellorts to in
jure him.
Sheriff Samson must be held responsible
for this disgraceful bushwhacking. Not that
all the falsehoods and insinuation and
noisy mouthingsthat characterize this guer
rilla attack come direct from Mr. Samson
personally, but it apiwars to lie all counte
nanced by him. ' Much of the venomous
rot is emitted by a noisome creature whose
utterances would pass unheeded indeed,
unheard by respectable persons if he were
not thrust before the taxpayer by occupy
ing a temporary clerkship in the sheriffs
office. Putting a beer-soaked gutter-wal-lowerin
a position of apparent respecta
bility gives his frothy emissions a signifi
cance they would not otherwise have. So
Sheriff Samson must be held responsible for
the whole utluck.
Of course if Mr. Samson chooses to oppose
(lie election of Mr. Mitdduck it is his ina
lienable American right to do so. Whether
his reasons for such action are good and
sufficient is none of the people's business,
lint it is the people's business, regardless
of party, when a public servant uics his
ollice to undermine the political or social
churacter of anv other citizen or official in
an inKb'ious, sneaking and contemptible at- j 'ts predeceHHor. It doBerves to HUceeed .
tack like that beini? waged against Mr. Mad- j K(!V(.ral tiow "."Kufoin have im
dock from the sheriff ollice. .)ort(,( ft (jf
It is not a little odd that the Ipse dixit of
a few men should outweigh and nullify a
statute. While it is well that the nomina
tions for ofllce should ne made in as public
a manner as possible there Is no question
on that ptjint it is difficult to see how an
election can be held in Oregon City entirely
ouhdde the slut law, II eoutplisnew with
any portion ol that act ran lw compelled
why in not rotnpliatif with the whole (ex
copt where it conflicts with the city charter)
equally compulsory T Rr example. If on
man declarm th law inapplicable, bwaus
I It may not mil lit eonvenienoe to make
nominations or prepare ballot or have
booth as required hy il, may not another
with equal propriety declare II inapplicable
because it may not tuit him to have his vote
challenged and to hare to swear It In ao
rordlng to the form prescribed In the lawT
tt is a very easy thing to say the law don't
apply. In other elite their charter may
hesnthVienlly explicit toenablethem to hold
an election without going to the state law
for authority as to the manner of conduct
ing iu Hut assuredly such Is not the case
in Oregon t'lty.
Ki.ksvk wool U worth Iroiu eight to six
teen cents a pound in Oregon tins pring,
with a tarill of thirteen cents a pound on
importations front foreign countries. How
would the wool irrowera like to have the
! democratic hill for free wind become a la
! Just now?
: ... " . ,. . ,. . . ,
! ' "- ' S.W York.
YaatLY it is prophesied that Samson shall
not slay Kit w ith the Jawbone of as.
; The Merchants Should Mak an Effort to Gel
the Trail s Mail Pomltil.
I'losvkt Ilit.u, Or., April ?X To th
KniToa. 1 see hy your aper, and by the
boat bills, that the Mantanillo will begin
to run regular trip between Mission jnd
ing and Oregon t'lty, connecting with the
Altoua and Kamona. This w ill lie a great
boon to the people on the river along the
route on which she will run. I hoe the
larmvrs will give her a liberal patronage,
and do all in their Hwer to encourage her
owners so they will be able to keep heron
the mule. It Is something that the resi
dents along the river have been wishing for
the land near the river, as quick transporta
tion will give us a chance to raise and mar
ket a different rlass of produce. It will also
give us a chance to get our goods at the
cheapest rates,
alio will compel country
I hope that Oregon t'ity too will reap a lien
elit from the new route. I would like to sug
gest to her merchant that now is a time to
secure a trade that they have not had here
tofore and to get that trade they will have lo
show the euple that they can furnish them
what they w ant as cheap as the same article
can be had hi Portland. 1 haveeveryconll-
dene that they can do It, and I suggest that
they advertise freely where th travelers by
the new route will he sure lo si It. With
the increased facilities for traveling that
will give the people seven hours in your
city I think Oregon City can secure a great
share of the trade if her business men will
get in and rustle to get it. I suppose there
will be a little kicking that the boat will not
stop at every man' landing, but they have
made a very liberal lot of landings, being
thirty in twenty seven miles; and the farm
er along the river should remember that
they can't stop at all the landings and make
iuick time any more than the car ran stop
at every farm and "get there" on time. I
think all the travelers will Mam see this and
will nut complain, but will patronize the
boats all they can with their hires and light
freight, Joel P. Heck.
Minneapolis Tribune: When Mr. David
Bennett Hill arises In a national democratic
convention and places Mr. Grover Cleveland
in nomination for the presidency there will
be a great bustling for ascension rolies, for
verily the end will be nigh.
New York Tribune: Ex-Secretary Whit
ney knows just the proier time for a ilark
horse to take a trip to Euroie if any Amer
ican statesman does.
The following is the list of letters remain
ing in the post office at Oregon City, Oregon,
April 2), M:
Andrews, AllieO llenerice, Mrs Murga
flowers, M h ret
Ie I.ashmtitt, Mrs Kent, Mr John
Elizabeth Mitchell, Mr Frank
Dodson, Z C Schwab, Miss Anna
Estes, W Sims, Miss Lucy
Gould, Mr Mrs Taylor, Joslah
W U , Walker, Mr (leorgo
Goodell, George
If called for, please say when advertised.
E. M. HANDS, P. M.
Xewspuper Soles.
The St. Helens Mint, published by
John Bengle, Iihh discarded patents, utid
now ia all homo print. It hIiowh com
mendable enterprise in this improve
ment and the people of Columbia county
ought to appreciate their neway paper.
K. h. Thorp, formerly publisher of Ibe
; Kant Portland Vindicator, has M-simim!
control of that paper and seems deter
mined to make n huccchh. of the busi
jness. The paper Htm led out lust week
i with number one of Second seiics.
j The Tribune, the Hiiccetwir of the Sil-
; verto A ppenl in a bright and newsy local
i paper enterely beyond cotiiiiarinoii with
purpoHe of making an infitHion for Hie
destruction of hop lice. The wood looks
like scraggy stmnpH of vine maple arid
will be cut up into Bliavinga which are
soaked in water, mixed with wlmlo oil
soap, and then sprayed over the vines.
The carload cost f 1000 and freight.
A Heavy Wind Storm -An Old Pioneer
Head Ijiud Sale Personal
mid Other Notes.
Pahiow, Or., April !W Tlttt reptile
licatt central committeeman, J, I. IVuler
has been busily engngeil tint nk week
arranging (or a big republican rally on
the night of May It. it bids (air to be
i a aucceaa In every particular. The
Aurora brasa hand consisting of thirty
piece has been engaged and all arrange
ment made (or prominent Kpeaker and
the candidate to be present llwlng
lo the large crwil exKcled arrange
incuts have been made (or this Harlow
hall which has a seating capacity o( (lye
Itiiiiilrcd ami it ia execliHl that every
Inch will be taken tip. The hall will h
nicely decorated with evergrHna, bunt
ing ami flower. Everybody iacurdiully
IUavy Winu SroHK. On laat Sunday
heavy wind storm swept through this
place doing great damage to timber and
blowing out glax (rout. The w ind to
gether with a heavy rain commenced
at 8:45 a. in, and increased ita force
until 3 p. in. and then cahned down.
The heavy plato glasa front in V . V,
Jesse alore waa twept out carrying
piece of glasa a block distant. The
lumber on the hill near Oakley Ilelgltta
was carried down and badly damaged.
An Out I'tONKKH lKAt) I'liclo Win.
Miller, an old pioneer o( Or.-guii, aged
eighty yeat died at hi home
near Needy, Monday morning at 4
o'clock. The old gentlemen crossed
the plaint in company with Pr. Keii,
the (oumlor of Aurota, iu IS.'.' aud aliarad
the trial of pioiu-ci- day. lie ha Iwen
hard w orking ami honest man, having
raised a largo family with credit. Old
age la the cause of death. Service
were held at hi homo Tuesday lust at 2
o'clock and the remains interred In the
i Zimmerman cemetery near Nelv
I.asii Sale. Several salea of land
were recorded the ast week amounting
to some $."tiHH) all to actual settler.
Social Pakty . Zeek'e hall waa well
tilled last Kriday with merry maker
tripping the light fantastic. Then were
over forty nniiila'ra aold, with an eiptal
nuinlier of ladies present The Tull or
chestra rendered the music and gene
ral gixnl time was bad by all.
Hkoni-ho Tw istino. The S'liiaru i'l
front of Kiiney tk lUmshy' livery via
ble wa crowded with uptH-tntui to wit
nesa the breaking of a few wild hunch
gras horsea. C. Itamshy having been
cowlwv in eastern Oregon for aeveral
yeara mounted one ami the animal
nucgeii lor a atraigtit twenty minutes,
but without aiiccvn. Hi rider stuck lo
him. The horse wa conquered.
The. Miller of Oregon City came up
Tuesday and spent the day.
Max IUinsby the republican candidale
for recorder, spent a couple of day in
town this we"k.
Kd Hope lull for Hepner, Oregon,
Monday to be gone couple of months.
Mis Bessie, Shcppard will organizes
Sunday school commencing Sunday May
H. Matthews of Can by was in town
Tuesday arranging for churcii matters.
(jiuaranteej Cure.
We authorise our advertised to sell Dr.
King's New Ihseovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, upon thin condition
If you are alllicted with a Cough, Cold
or any I. nng, Throat or Chest trouble,
and will use this remedy ss directed,
giving it a fair trial, and experience no
no benefit, you may return the bottle
and have your money refunded. We
could not make this oiler did we not know
that Dr. King's New Discovery could bo
relied on. It never disappoints. Trial
bottle free at O. A. Harding's drugstore.
Large siie 00c. and $1.00.
For Nnle.
A goal farm near Cams known as tho
Farrblace; contains 154,'j acres, 111 of
good tillage land, 2.r inclosed ami seeded
pasture, well watered. Fine orchard,
and garden of small fruits. New barn,
root house and well.
Price reasonable, one-third cash
balance on long time. Apply to owner,
A. O. IUywahd.
Ileautlftil S il bur urn Home.
One mile and a ouartor fiom town,
good board walk past the Intnl. Acre
tracts to suit purchaser, term easy, the
finest suburban property ollered for sale,
yet on the market New uroiHjsed
motor lino from 1'ortland. High und
sightly. Hoe h. It, Jannky Willi W,
Carey Johnson tf
l'n rm Tor Sale
Heaver Creek, Oregon, 80 acres, road
on two sides, about "(lucres in cultiva
tion, good water, a variety of fruit trees.
The whole or liulf for sale to suit pur
chasers. By .1. W. M.iy, owners, or I,.
It. Jannky with W. Carey Johnson , tf
Vegetable I'liinls lor 1H1PJ.
It. OltiHflpojl will, us usual, have good
strong plants of every description, and
of the best sorts, ready to plant out at
the proper time, at the gulden at Green
Point or K. K. Williams's grocery store,
Oregon City. tf
Justice blanks, real estute blanks, and
all other blanks at tho Kntkiii'iiihis of
fice. Portland prices.
F.irm, Dairy and Mill Machinery,
Engines and lloilers,
. Dk
i;. n . .. .,.: .-
mn (yw ,1
V - , , ,J ' . ',Vf V. '
Openind Top J Juries, Carriages, Carls,
Harness, Whips, Hale Ties, Ilarb
wire,Hin(liiiTwiiie and Machine
Specialties and Supplies
of all kinds to
New Market Block, Portland, Oregon.
Oregon City Sash and Door Co.
furry the I, urgent Stock of
Sash, Dears, Winds, 3Ionldins, Elc.
In Oregon t'ity.
j tywittl wizen of Poord and Windows
I Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts
) Furnilird on applicaiiott. IttiildtTH, give us a call, and hco if our work
j is not of the bout, and our prices as low ns tlm lowest. Price List sent
on ni)lK'iitmn.
Factory, Cor. Main and
Mlts. E. M. Ht'ltMRISTEK.
Successor, to Mrs. C. H. L Buritlster,
Watched, dloc, Silverware, JeWelrg.
Ropalrlng a Specialty,
.tlnln Ntrrel, Oreg-ou 4'lty, Oregon
For Hale.
Cocoanut oil, barrels from 2S0to3)
gallons each, by tliu Oregon City Manu
facturing Co. 4t
For the net few months you can get
tiiiliolatcring at greatly reduced rates at
Ilolman h Warner's, ('all and you will
learn why we ars doing the work for so
little money.
Hamilton & Washburn
llnvc the Agoucy for
Judson Powder, Giant Powder,
cai'm, mmie. btc.
For Oregon City and
We will sell all of the above at
Portland prices, plus Jc. per lit. for
It will pity contractors and all
purlieu who havo blasting to do to
figure with uh, us wo can save you
We will deliver the above in rea
sonable amounts and reasonable
distances free.
:llllllfthcl IMI.1.
Drayage & Expressing
Freight and parce'j dolivered to all
parts of the city.
C. N. WfllM
Wttilo to onler.
Turning of all kind
11th Sts., Oregon City.
Beautiful Fruit Farm !
Forty at'ros, level as a lloor, nil
cleared, well fenced into five fields,
good house UfSx'JO feet, splendid
well of goal water and force pump,
good barn and out houses, nevenil
hundred fruit trees prunes, apple,
cherries, etc., small fruit in abund
ance, several sheep, hogs, cows, two
young horses. Everything in firnt
clasH condition. For particular,
apply to owner, Milton Niingby,
near Currinsvillo, or see L, ft.
Jannoy, with W. Carey Johnson,
Oregon City, Oregon.
riiotoKrnphs Delivered Promptly in tho
Finest Stylo of Art.
Fine Crayon Work a Specialty.
Old Pictures Copied lo Any Size,
faction (itiaraiitecd.
OallnryNiuir Post OfBoe, 0R1IQ0N CITY, 0B.
Comer of Front and Morrison,
For general repairing ho utands
without a lieer. For lii'st-clitHH, re
liable goods his Btoro is socond to
none. Try him I