Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 29, 1892, Image 2

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The Canby Now The Farmers'
an.e KhIimI A IViHYiml
Storm Other Horn.
A II i-
Casoy, April K Canny farmer's alliance
No. ji? has passed into history. U as
(ri!:niiot last June and at one time it
hoted of some forty members. last Sat
urday night was the lime of regular meet
iiiji at Evan' Hall but tlTer only seven
orrifht tnenilwrs ('resent ami they aj:reel
anioni: themselves to niar up accounts
a nit disband ami acted atwrdiiiKly.
TUe ind storm of last Sunday was the
severest known here sine ISSu, Fence
were blown down, trees prostrated and
eevrral buildings injured. The telephone
line was also broken in several places. A
iatch of shiu;l waa Mown from tbe
residence of A. It. Ie a house that waa
built and occupied by Ben Ilalliday in IsfTS.
The wind did considerable damage to fruit.
the aj'i'le and prune trees just being in toll
blown. Frosts and hail had previously
hurt the peach crop some but there will still
b a large crop.
G. W. Whipple's team ran away last Fri
day evening. He waa driving and three
men were ruling with him, all Mug under
the influence of liquor. The team ran
several blocks, tipped over the wagon and
threw the occupants out, quite seriously
injuring Teter Woertier.
Major Caldwell, the prohibitionist, ad
dressed a public meeting at the XI. K.
church last Sunday night. After the speech
a collection of !2 was taken up.
The Bail Weathcr-A Rrsldeiiee Barrifd-The
T "Billiee."
FaiKi Fos, April i5. This spring U a
stunner to the oldest settlers ol the country,
and by the looks of the weather we will get
nothini; sown now before the first of May,
and t!i. i! is getting it in rather late, liut
one tine thing is, Oregon never has a failure
ail together, so we may hojie for something
yet it it is late in the season. Yesterday 1
think was the worst day of the season by
all odds for wind and rain.
Mrs. A. M. Barnes's house, of Frog Pond,
burned yesterday alwut 11 A. M. with all
its contents while they were away at one of
the neighbors. The tire is supposed to have
come from the chimney through some de
fect and by force of the hard wind blow ing
at the time. Preparations were made by
John Kruse and others today to have a new
house built in a short time for the widow.
The lumber will be ready to haul in a couple
of days. A subscription was started today
which in a short time had 7.o0. More will
be subsorihod tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kruse start tomorrow
for Freeport to make a few days visit at
their son's and to see the country in general
for .the first time.
M r. A. Coles, our Frog Pond teacher, had
a spelling school last Friday night which
was well attended, but I think the matter
ol order w as one of the main things and
should be attended to at the next one.
Tualatin secular union meets next Sun
day. The new officers will take their seats
and a tine time is eiicted.
Tualatin grange meets Saturday and a
good attendance is looked for.
I should think some of those old political
cranks would let upon the two " Billies" as
they are called. The people showed thein
they were not wanted at the convention of
they would have been chosen again. But
as it is I think they have had their turn and
ought to be satisfied without grumbling or
keeping a set of grumblers in their offices as
they are doing. They both are making
themselves ridiculous by countenancing
such proceedings in their offices. I think
it is high time the " Billies" are laid in the
shade and give a new set a show, and "get
there Eli'' by all means. 0. K.
Park Place Items.
Pahk Place, April 26. Last Sunday was
the stormiest day of the season at this place.
Mr. Elliott is slowly improving and is able
to be up and around the house.
The young people's endeavor society is a
success in this vicinity. The attendance is
increasing and more interest is manifested
than heretofore.
Born to the wife of W. Yetiske, April 7, a
Mrs. P. M. Remington, of Arlington, Gil
liam county, was the guest last week of her
si6tcr,Mrs. L. D. Leonard.
There seems to be some doubt about the
legality of the fish law in regard to fishing
at the Gladstone sawmill dam in tbe minds
of some of the fishermen as they 0enly vi
olate that law. If the law is legal why not
enforce it?
There is a reward of 12.7 offered for the
detection of illegal fishing at that dam. J
News Notes from Logan.
Lolas, April 23. Rev. Oilman Parker, of
the Oregon City Baptist church, has closed
protracted meetings at the Logan church.
The attendance was good.
Kev. Mr. Johnston, of Damascus, has
moved into this neighborhood. He pur
chased a piece of land from Mr. L. Hutnis
ton on w hich he intends to build a residence.
Miss Matilda Keed has just closed a suc
cessful term of subscription school at this
place. The directors have hired her for two
months more.
Mailt llatton had his barn raised on
Wednesday last. The dimensions are
64x'i0 and 2') feet in height. It is a very sub
stantial frame. There were about fifty men
Mrs. Hess intends to build a large barn in
the near future.
' Htafiord .Notes
STArrowi, April 2-1. The frog Pond un
ion wilt meet the first Sunday in May and
we want to see a bouse full. Oscar Larson
and Miss Beda Sharp will edit the paper.
Easter Sunday waa duly celebrated at the
German church.
Twenty-five gentlemen and twelve ladies
attended the dance at Frog Pond Saturday
evening and very enjoyable time was had
till one o'clock. W Us.
'The t Taxpayer Mentioned-False Report
from til Sheriff's OINre-Other Hole.
Nkw Km, April '. A heavy wind storm
prevailed here ystcnlay which reminded
one ot some of the young cyclones of Kan
sas. Some fencing was blown down and
the telephone line was down between her
and Canby In tevera! places,
S. A. Hurley visited our peoplala.it
week in the eaiacity ol deputy assessor, and
as the fl Ot taxpayer lives her ho concluded
not to burden the next sheriff with the re
sponsibility of collecting that amount. He
just paid the same to the assessor. Our folks
up here will make a demand of the republi
can central committee to make an investi
gation, and publish the result of the same,
of the false statements that are going out of
the sheriffs otlice every day concerning the
candidate for that office on the republican
ticket in regard to the $1.00 tax.
Frost lias greatly damaged the early blos
soms up this wav and the entire Urst crop
of strawberries is ruined.
J. P. Uigan, or Molalla, will move his
family to Sew Era In the near future. This
time we gain w hat Molalla, will los. All
we want is more ol the same kind to come
in our midst
Barney Frederick has just raised the frame
of the largest barn in New Era precinct.
The dimensions are 40t. It is ab the
only hank barn in the precinct.
-The democrats ar rather Indignant tip
here because they were not allowed a clerk
of the election board. And some of their
leaders say they are going to present a peti
tion to the county court asking that they b
represented with one clerk.
Joseph Hriggs, of this precinct, was nom
inated last Saturday fur justice of the peace
on the democratic ticket, and Mike Harris
for constable.
The next county clerk of this county,
Geo. F. Horton, is very busily engaged put
ting on the finishing touch of plastering
George Brown's new house. We expect he
will put the finishing touch on the rest of it
on the 6th day of next June.
Mr. Gailard has rented the store building
vacated by Mr. W. W.Jesse in this plate,
and will soon put in a stink of general mer
chandise. This, along with our completed
roller flour mill, will lie a great advantage
to many in our community and e predict
tor toth decided success.
The golden wed.ling of Mr. and Mrs. J.
ii. Foster will he duly observed by their
many friends in and about this locality next
Saturday at grange hall in New Era. The
exercises will commence at luo'elock A. M.
All relatives and friends are requested to be
present and take part in the exercise. Par
ties near by are requested to bring their bas
kets well tilled. Those at distance are not
expected to bring anything.
Aurora Improvements.
AfRoa.i, April 1S. Our town is beginning
to show some signs of improvement and we
trust the good signs will be kept up.
William Mily has let the contract for the
construction of a modern dwelling house on
his lots in town.
I'rban Wall intends soon to erect a new
dwelling on his place near here.
As soon as our school closes, whirl will
be in about three weeks, work will be com
menced on the large addition to lie erected
and connected to our school building. This
will give us two targe rooms and hereafter
Aurora will have a graded school with two
J. D. Hurst A Son are putting up a small
cottage near their mills to rent.
John Bitter is erecting a small house in
town into which he intends to move when
Aurora is in need of a bank and offers su
perior inducements for an institution of
that kind.
Dr. G. W. Cnsick. formerly of Portland,
bas located here. His olhce is at Dr. M.
Giesy's drug store.
Children's day will be observed by our
Sunday school. A splendid program of ex
ercises is being prepared and a rich treat is
in store fur the public on June 12th next.
From the Mink Neighborhood
Mink, April 21. II. O. Inskcep, Mr.
Moran and ethers spoke to a crowded
house last week in the interest of the peo
ple's party.
A number of the voters of school district
No. HO are circulating a petition to divide
the district.
By all means let us have a county fair.
I for one think Oregon City is the place for
tbe same.
Home of the farmers tiere are going to try
and raise peanuts this year. If successful
it w ill be a paying pastime.
Martin A Hun's saw mill is again shut
down as they have all their lumber sheds
full of first class lumber and are waiting
for good roads so tbey can begin hauling to
Fruit trees are in full bloom. The late
frost has not hurt them. The prosiects are
good tor a big crop.
Grey squirrels and chipmunks were
poisoned by the hundreds during the few
pleasant days we had. It would be a good
thing if every farmer would use a few
boxes of poison on his farm in the spring.
Milwaukee Happenings.
MILWAUKEE, April 2li. Tbe wind storm
Sunday played havoc about Milwaukee vi
cinity, blowing down trees, fences, etc.
Mr. Frank Wilson's barn was moved by
the wind so as to lean ten inches. The
campers at the stone quarry had a wet ex
perience, their tents being blown to piece
No damage to fruit has been reported. It
surprised our oldest citizens.
Win. Skeltoti of Brownsville visited J. (i.
Jionnctt !c;t week.
U. K. U'Kan met with a slight accident
while cultivating. The horse being a little
frisky started to run away dragging Mr.
U'Kan over the field. Jlr. E'ltan sulTcrcd
a sprained ankle.
Hquire T. M. Lakin comes out and an
nounces himself as an independent candi
date for justice of the peace of Milwaukee
district. He hag circulated a petition
which has been numerously signed.
Tbe other night thieves entered our
butcher shop carrying off about $2 worth of
choice nieat. After supplying themselves
there they entered the hotel and carried
away bread and other eatables; the whole
amounting to about It
Influences Men Need to Stimulate them to IJve
of Higher Moral Tone.
Caki s, April St. It la the business of a
news correspondent to collect ami report all
such facts and happenings as are likely to
prove of interest to the patrons of the paper
on which he is engaged. We consider that
he also has the right to criticise any action
or pnvovdings which atlW t the material or
moral interests ot the community. It was
with this understanding ol duty and privi
lege that Calla penned the liam In her last
munlcatlon, which had the fortune to (realty
ollend the parties to whom It tvfVrred, Calla
isn't afraid of any titan or a donen, and
when Mr. McOont and bis crew waited upon
her at her residence, last Tuesday evening,
and requested an explanation of the language
used In that item, It was frankly and cheer
fully given. The cause that led to the pen
ning of that Hem was the alleged perpetra
tion of one or two practical Jokea; the facts
having been given your scribe bv reliable
parties. It was Intended as a criticism and
reproof for whoever deserved it.
We cordially agree with Mr. McCord in
saying that his men con II no their " perform
ances," wise or otherwise, to their own
premises, and the persons and profiles of
our residents are not in any sensv molested.
He also claims that he has at present as
quiet and well ordered a crew aa Is common
among mill owners, and we willlnglv giu
him the benefit of the assertion. I'erliaps
it Is too much to expect that a company of
men without the restraiut of home, or the
presence of the gentler sex, should maintain
as high a standard of morals aa those sub
ject to such restraint. Granting the same to
be true, III assertion is equally so that the
presence in any community of any com
pany of men, log campers or sawm!!) men,
would be better appreciated if their morals
were ol a higher tone.
Tom Jones bas gone up to Castle Km k to
look for work.
Potato planting progresses slowly on ac
count of the rainy weather.
We hope that the subject of system of
motor hues radiating from Oregon City to
the inlying country, wilt be well considered
by the board ol trade and citietis generally.
.Notes (runt Mark's Prwlrle.
Mimes PatiHts, April 21. The weather
is too cold and stormy yet to suit our farm
ers and spring work is considerably behind
hand Inconsequence thereof.
F. II. Hilton and Kllis Toogood took in
Clackamas and the fish hatchery last week.
Hon. S. F. Mark visited Oregou City last
Friday on business.
P. A. Gilliam paid Portland a flying visit
Saturday last.
Kev. Jos. Waldmp spoke at Needy last
Monday night to a crowded house. A few
from our prairie went to hear, but were not
very favorably impressed with his doctrine.
J. F. May and wife spent a few days visit
ing friends in Portland last week.
Our protracted meeting doted last Thurs
day night The meetings were well attended
and very Inturesting. They we reconducted
by Kev. C. !.. Ixiwthvr, of Canl-y, ahd net
by " Rev. Aighur Winches," n, r,vrted.
Mr. Winches is a teacher but not a preacher.
A large party of eastern eople arrived
last week from Kentucky. They came to
bask In the sunshine and live on the big red
apples of our glorious country, and we wel
come them. Our prairie Is large ami good
farming laud can yet be found at reasona
ble prices.
Jas. A. Howard and Archie Howard ar
rived with their newly made brides last
Monday morning via the Southern Pacific
railroad from Kentucky. The hoys went
East a few months ago and while there se
lected their life partners, completely Ignor
lug our Oregon girls. Occasional.
A Pleasant Wedding Anniversary.
Viola, April 23. When Harding grange
met on the Itlth Instant it hapieurd to be
on the forty-first anniversary of the wed
ding ol Mr. and Mrs. L. A. I.acy. The mem
bers of the grange had been secretly In
formed of the fact and came well prepared
to celebrate the occasion. The baskets were
well filled and the members were prepared
with music, songs, select readings and reci
tations. Better than all w as the feeling of
friendship and brotherly love that greeted
the aged brother and sister.
It was a complete surprise hi them both.
When Mrs. La7 entered the hall she found
the lecturer's stand decorated with flowers
and a basket filled with oranges, lemons,
apples and choice candies. Tbe doors of
the grange were 0eiied to visitors and all
were invited to partake of the good things
that had been prepared for this notable oc
casion. After dinner, the crowd, which
numbered about 100, listened attentively to
a well rendered program consisting of vocal
and instrumental music, recitations and
The visitors after shaking hands with
the old couple ami congratulating them on
their many happy years of wedded life, and
extending their best wishes for the future,
retired, and the grange proceeded to com
plete the regular order of business.
The grange decided to celebrate children's
davtlie first Saturday in May. All are in
vited to come. D. A. M 1 i.i ek, Secretary,
Pleasant Hill Items.
Pi.sasant Hill, April 22. John Crook
has sold his interest in flic hop yard to his
brother-in-law, Mr. Spencer, and has gone
Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Brown are the hap
py parents of a son,
Born, to the wife of Wm. Boston, a son.
Mr. J. M. Wood Is remodeling his resi
dent which will very much improve lis ap
pearance. Preparations are being made to celebrate
the 30th of May ut our cemetery.
Central Point Hews Items.
Ckntkal Point, April 24 Hubert Brown
has broken some ten or twelve acres of new
ground this spring.
Bain still keeps the fanners from doing
any work, but lets the politicians have a
good show.
J. 0. Foster, who received an injury from
falling down a flight of stairs In Staver &
Walker's implement house in Portland, Is
slowly recovering.
Wm, Bauman has just finished break
eight acres of wild land.
Receiving New Spring and Summer Goods
To talk alout war in Chili or anywhere else Hut if you wish to talk almtt 0001)
HOODS ami LOW l'lUCKS, wo are at your service.
Wo will quoto a few hard hitters:
5 gallons best Pearl Oil, - $0.85
3 pounds Arbucklo's Coffeo, $.65
22 pounds Nice C Sugar, - - $1.00
Hniltiors' Hardware ami Nails at - Portland iric, and all other goods in proportion.
Our stock of 1WU and Shoes will suit the most fastidious. There is no lwttt-r hue of Hats
and Caps in Clackamas Count v. We are receiving a complete line of 1KY (JOODS and
M1I.UNKKY direct from the rlast, which we will sell at Prices that will surprise you.
(live us a call and bo convinced.
Carlton & Rosenkrans' New Cash Store,
I.oiiKr in Low Pricon for Clackamas County.
tat I'ri.nt Strrvt. HARDWARE rortlnl,(wm.
Nnrthwfturti Annus IW
tVxter imouJ."--Uut' OivMiuil TM,lrloli - lvtvt Uno- -ftltw Hl0U
Crescent Wedges (warranted.) IKt S Proof Chains. Arcade Files. Hope. Crescent Mh
Loggers and Wood Choppers Sjecialties.
Oregon City Agent, WILSON A COOK
Varliburf Sutra.
I M u iu ii.i, April I't.-Mi-s Nora Pally
I s('iit a fi w d.iys last wwk with frUmd ami
' relative in Silertim.
Arthur Ndwn came home fmin Wash
ington a few days ami to stay a hrt time,
lie rxct Ui return lu Wasbiii(ttu wlii'n
he has a job In a li'itdui! ramp.
The (twiila! far ul KifVrt Keymilda Is vis
ible In thin baallty. lt hail the niUlurtune
10 get his h'g broken muni' time aip and ha.
to employ cnitchr. to a-wist him in walkini;.
Mil Ora Nt'lu la imik-'K1'' to Uwh tin
whnol nrar Newly which lirina April i'th.
Two gentlemen from Nebranka are in thl.
part of the country art-king a location.
Clarence Wilson came very near getting
hi., neck broken on the evening ol April IS
at the i-liiwi of the alliance. Ho started
home and his saddle turned and Irightein.'d
the horse and threw Clarence. The horse
was considerably stove up.
Charley Hhlief started for Colfa, Wash
ington, the anil. Win. Johann started for
llartlett Hprlng., California, the same day.
And still It rains. We have seen several
piece of wheat that are drowned out, and
we expect there Is more. If the rain con
tinues it will injure fruit also. Bi aiasi aa.
Notes from Highland,
HluMUkSO, April l'J.-O. It. Miller has
had hia notorial cnuitni-ulon renewed and is
again prared to serve the people in the
capacity of notary public.
The people's party have organlxrd a club
at tbe Knights of l-almr hall at Highland
consisting of twelve members with a fair
prosiect for more.
I notice that the agitators for good roads
are somewhat silent at present. IM the
good work go on. My plan would be and
I believe it to be a very good one better
than the balance to let the property be as
sessed equally and according to value, and
the road tax paid In ca.ih; then let our con
victs at Balein be put thereon during the
dry season, when work is prolitable. II
such a course Is pursued throughout the
state we'll have better roads in a short time.
fl. R. Miller met with a very painful acci
dent last Saturday. While cuttingdown a
tree a largffchip Hew and struck Mm in the
eyeiiijurlng it very badly.
Mr. II. I.ee has len making a number of
improvement, lla has built an addition to
Ids house and also built a new barn which
adds greatly to the appeurance of his place.
Clackamas I'orsonals.
Clackamas, April Si. C. Kiinyon of Hell
wood has been visiting his brother, W. H.
Mr. Holmes and Mr. Kohlnson have re
turned from Skaiunkawa.
Miss. N. Stella Ames will lecture In the
church tomorrow evening.
Clackamas has two bate bull clubs.
Mr. Conway bus gone to Hkiimokawa lo
C. A. Linn Is on the sick list.
Mr. Kiirnle Kckcrl ami sinter. Miss dmcc,
leave for their home in Dakota this week.
News of Mountain Home.
Molni.uk J1om, April Z'l. .Mr. Uclbert
Iloylan wus niudc happy by being prasented
with a little daughter on KuNlur morning.
Mrs. ilyru Henderson is very sick with
the grip. Ir. I'owell or Oregon City has
been attending her. Mr.s Schubert Is also
helpless with rheumatism, being coidiued
to her bed most of the time.
Mine Bertha Hoylan, who has been visit
ing relatives in thisjvlcinlty, hits returned to
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. fiylvanus have just returned
from a trip to Portland. Baumtrr. ,
In tho latest styles and designs, soino l-caiitiful patterns at a
price nevct hefore oH'ered in Oregon City.
Extra largo lino of Men's and 1 Joys', clothing, of tho host
grade of goods in tho market.
In any size, shape and stylo from one dollar up to tho best
Embracing a well selected lino of Ties, Negligee shirts
Hosiery and Underwear.
Qharman g 5on
Lead in quality of goods handled.
Special Bills
Mill and Yard on the Rivor, Foot of Main Stroot,
Canby, Or,
Cut to Order