Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 15, 1892, Image 8

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    y nr.
havo seldom Mield, His txuly ana unit
I won) long, but hi less wer short and
bowed outwarvl Hi features werti
J harsh, forbidding and stronxly marked,
i but tliero waa an expression of power
; stamped upon them which fasoinated
j my (rase in opita of the oijliiiesa which
j would otherwise have made me glad to
' look away. It was not the power of in-
: tolled, for, although there was plenty
Utoal expedient, ami hia tiivituiff me up ; htm, seemed tmolle7t
to the, lUdeliaus waa only unlit luili-, trouper limit her ow
tlioujjli alight ly ahiverii
gat ion of the shock,
"1 am very twrryP wtia all I could I'ui-t aversion. For
aa ! longtsl with all my heart to kick tho
Kftto turned her face a little toward varlet into the hall or throw him out of
rm at the words and her eyes met mine the window. Uut prudence warned me
idcloiitf. Duly that look-she did not ' to bide my time. If I obtained the foot-speaji-lmt
1 saw. or thought I aaw, in to which 1 aspired in Mr. Hindi
enon.h in it to make our pariiturat such more's family I would settle suiniuiii ltv
oner notice a sentimental impossibility. with Mr. Shirk; meanwhile I ahonld
At whatever sacrilioe of tint laws of ; lawl eonaiilt inv liilei-eata lie i.m.lii..t!....
n will to moot It. 1 FV V.irX f .1 V. V.V 3 li'.UM WW
MC the while with WWn'Mt tlA i Ml VW.M
my own imrt I mXl. , ij U.U.Ll.VAxJJLltJtf iitLLUM .tkliUa jJ
L v A A e ik t aa - m . a F L
Iff f . T r t t IV A ? P r T ' j I r
F L A.1 .. .... ' . . L
I f " ff f "'I' " 0 J r C ' m 4 4
itnfciW r. ,Lmhmkk
Ceremony and civilued rrmrve, I deter-1 myself with ail due .piiot'ucs and do- 7 ' ' t AMnv' ' f V f f
mined that my anpiaiutance with her, ! orum. I otfcriHl Kate mv nnn to lend tj D1,fJ4 Sfl 4 S ' ' t T l'; '
so well Nvun, should not thus In-nipped her from the room, but 'wit Ii a barely 'ly V iy f " - , j1 i ' AV'
uitholmd. Iwould sinmor wiuheraj. p.'ieptible g.vstuv shed.vliue.l it, end j ; f j ,..V t ; t 4 i V i V
a Iwrtwrwu than hwo heras a man of walked awiftlv U-fore nie thMiirli 1 - V f " h ? 'v . v fi V r -s
ine world. How to execute my deter
mination was a problem to be aoived at
my leisure.
Wo sjiuutoi-ed on to the hotel, chat
ting discursively; my mind wa too
much prtHn-cupil to be thoroughly
ware what we wore talking Unit,
Arrived at our destination, 1 followinl
my trunk to my room, having arranged
to take au early dinner with my friends.
u was ueariy two lionnt In-foro we met
(l.mi'way, Sli:ik making another deep
oticisaiiee as we piisseil. The fellow had
a smooth, uniiiipcacliable way of getting
thelietter of one thai made my blood
boil. I commanded myself, not without
au elfort, and nursed my wrath to kivp
it warm.
When we reached the court the brass
baud had established Itself in the little
pagoda erected there for its accomoda
tion anil was just atrikim; un. and them.
j of saturnine kind of intelligence in the The dinner jxtssed with the atirtt enough, were a table and chairs
'countenance, it was not to Ih suppiisrti &UIU SOIt '"nltory cvuiverstition that "'aiting us beneath tlie trees. Uut
j that a follow in his position of life would i wo 'm,l """octed during our walk. Mr. j neither of us was in a humor to face
, be remarkable for brain. No; this j Birehuiore'a manner wna serious and ' crowd of peoplo, and by a tacit grH
j power was of another kind. 1 do not t1,u' told, Kate, too, was sulslued i ment we turiunl to tho left and, crossing
! know how to describe it. but I U-lieve 1 KWi not the brilliaut. lauirhimr i the little tdauk bridue which Hiuitui,..!
; aome people would get out of the Uitli-
; culty by calling it maguetic
! Whatever it waa it prvxluced very
, aisiigreble iuipnssiou on me, and 1 j
could not but wonder that Mr. Birch-1 rellontly well He waited on ua in per-
I v..v ,v.,u Ma,a vuipovu w i.Ktt queu a ! ui lilt)
I creature iuto hia employ, 1 had the ' mp t0 e"'1' though several tiuu'
j aeuse. however, on this occasion to ke'p ixwiptomy aaoresstHl by his master.
: my speculation to myself; I waa re- j There was to me something disagreoa-
tvate or the railway carnage. We were ! " narrow stream that skirted the hotel
waited upon at table by the saturnine 1 grounds, we found ourselves on the high
tiuci, wuoiu uis master cauoit Nurk
name that seemed to me to suit lilm
r . 'Km'h sent ot niM IriMii, II
f, V V il will net wn'nil liim lm.
M, liii Istiiv MiuiiiiH In ls
i mi iruns liii'l,
illntii r yimr
wi amefio
Or'KKU IMit'CKM KX't'K Til
nutd leading up the valley. Along this
wo waiKtvi tor some instance, Utl of
us silent. At length the mining of a
path prtwnted itself, which elimlied by
ligtag route to the summit of the pine
clad hill. Into this we turned, and in
few moments were out of sMit of ali.m
CUuptd tfw artlic around her throot. lved not to make a fo.il of myself again ' b'y i"iirswive in the fellow'a very tai l-! cyee amid tho thick growing hemlock.
Mr. Birchmore shtxik mv hsrnl nir.
diIly. yet 1 fancied that he betraved "uulitr I noticed that when-
igna of embarrassment or aneasinea lVT Bl" bmore had occasion toad-
r,. , , . dress tins man he did so m a peculiarly
Be med glad to meet me on my own ,V(5re lin,, viry differ
coonnuandyetto feel constrained byj.nt from lhi, J,
iy presence. Had he any reason for There was seemingly uo great affection
wishing to conceal from me the fact that J for him on his master's part, therefore,
te had daughter? It now occurred to ! certainly the valet looked iucapable
i for the first time that in her couver-1 oiier feeling toward any human
if I could help it at least not with this turnity it seemed to indicate reserved
power, tvate, l noticed, waa careful
never to apeak to him. but I saw his
glance aeveral time directed fixedly
ation with me Miss Birchmore had never
alluded to her mother. Perhaps her
mother was dead had died in her child's
Possibly, however, he wa invaluable
as servant and his nnnronitiatinir ex-
; upon her.
After dinner Mr. Birchmore produced
; cigar and said:
I "I must take drosky over to our
farmhouse. Do you young people care
to come, or would you rather stay
"I think ni stay, papa, please,
swerod Kate.
infancy Perhsns thp silent mi,, i tenor miirht cover an honmt n.l ritK. ! "And I, to see that nobody runs wav
tng her arose from some other and less ul Only, should such tarn out j 1 , " r UlKH,i '" " t'asy smile.
vowabie cause: there might be some J to 00 108 cas. would never again put
tnatrimonial disgrace or tragedy at the i f"10 either in physioguoniy or my owu
instinct of aversion. I disliked to think
of this ill favored mortal being in daily
association with my lovely Kate Birch
more for already, in my secret soul, 1
called her mine and 1 made nn mv
mind that if eeer fortune granted me !
the privilege of making her what I called !
her. 1 would see to it that monsieur the '
valet fonued a part of any one's house- j
bold rather than ours. i
Meanwhile the ferryman had poled j
and paddled us across the river, on the j
shore of which a swarm of hotel porter j
stood ready to rend us limb from limh. ,
But Mr. Uirchmore put them all aside 1
save one, to whom he pointed out my i
trunk and gave him some directions !
which 1 did not hear. j
"1 take the liberty," he then said, turn- :
ing to me, "to so far do the honors of
bottom of the father's and daughter's re
erra The idea had a certain plausibil
ity, and yet 1 found it unsatisfactory.
Tbe true explanation of the mystery
might not be worse than this, but I fan
cied it must be different it most be
ntnething more unusual and strange.
"This is an unexpected pleasure," said
1. for the sake of saying something, as
we descended the stepe down the river
embankment to the ferryboat
'The world is not so large a place as
people preteud," replied Mr. Birchmore.
"Have you been long in Dresden?"
"A week or so. I've been doing the
neighborhood and was told that Saxon
Switzerland must not be left out of the
tut. I came near going by the boat"
(Here I suddenly recollected that if Mr. I
Birchmore had gone by boat, as his
daughter said he had. his presence in !
tjchandau before us was wholly inexpli- j
cable.) "How did yon manage to get .
here so quickly?" I exclaimed; "the
steamer can't be dne for three hours
yetr !
He looked at me in apparent perplex-
itj. and Miss Birchmore. too. seemed
taken aback rather than sharing uiy own !
astonishment. There was a p,use of a
few moments: then she said, in a low,
hurried tone:
"You know, papa. I got word that from
some misunderstanding you had taken '
the steamer instead of the train."
"Ah. to be sure," he rejoined, with a
short laugh, "1 see the difficulty. You
must look upon me, I suppose, as a sort
of magician, able to transport myself
about the country on some new tele
graphic principle. Well, I'm afraid I
tan't lay claim to any such supernatural
power. 1 shall lose credit by the expla
nation, but you shall have it neverthe
less." "No. no: give us room for the exer
cise of our imagination," cried I, laugh
ing. The fact was 1 felt as if my query j between two friendly buildings, which
had been in some way unfortunate. , ened strongly inclined to lean on one
There was a certain effort in Mr. Birch- another's shoulders; crossed the rough
more's manner and a want of Bponta- j cobblestones of the little market place
neity in his laugh, and the awkwardness : 8ni1' gaining the farther side of the
seemed shared to some extent by his , bridge, found ourselves on a broad,
daughter. In my ignorance of the true : level wal which skirted the southern
lay of the land 1 was continually mak- ' ot the small valley wherein the vil-
uto miiauiig oiunuer, ana tne i oo our ngni nana was a
more I tried to make myself agreeable eriea of stuccoed villas, built against
the worse was my success. the steep side of the hill; on our left a
Mr. Birchmore, notwithstanding that i Strip of meadow, with a hrnot hrawlinn
I deprecated it, chose to make his ex- i through it; and beyond this aeain the
j straggling array of the village and the
;hill on the other sida Overhead the
; spreading branches of low trees kept
off the glare of the sun. . Had Kate and
I been there alone, methonght the charm
'Murk, get me a carriage." said Mr.
Birchmore, and uodding good by to us
he went out.
"How far is it from here this farm
house. Muss BirchmoreT 1 asked when
we were alone.
"I lielieve about two milt's.
"1 should like to know its exact situa
tion." "Why didiit you go with papa, then?"
"Can't you imagine?"
Site had been abseutly pnekering her
handkerchief into folds in her lap. Now
she looked np.
"Why do you wish to know where we
are going?"
"Because I've taken a great fancy to
to Mr. Sim k. and I can't bear to think
of losing sight of him!"
I had exiected her to langh and per
hnps blush; instead of that an expres
sion of something like terror swept over
this place as to recommend you to the : her aU(1 imu lalJ llur fi'US"r ou her
most agreeable hotel in it, the Bade- , "' ' n .. . , . , ,
haus. at the farther end of the village ! ,, 1 ,alk of hi,"r "h wh!,lred.
and about half a mile up the vallev ' emotion had so astonished me that
These hotels that front the river would 1 1 tm!U "uly ft'ir '" "i'1,1"- H,'re was
give you better fare nerhai r1 1, , "otaer mystery-or stay! could it be
unpretending accommodations, but if j
quiet and coolness are what you are i
ilie ascent was steep, and at the first
turning in tho path my beautiful com
panion paused for breath.
"Will you take my arm now, Kator 1
With a faint smile she complied.
"Just for this once," 1. heard her mur
mur, seemingly speaking to herself.
"Never again but this once 1 will."
"Now, Kate." 1 said resolutely, bend
ing forward so as to catch her eye, "let
ns have done with tuystoriea. No more
never again' and 'just this oneea,' if
you please! First, 1 want you to tell
me whether you love me." '
She drew her boath hard,
"1 can tell you uolhiug, Mr. Gains
"iou shall not call me 'Mr. Oaina-
borough. If you cau't call me Tom,'
call me uotlnng; but I will uever be 'Mr.
Uaiuahorough' to you agaiu!"
"I thought we were to have no more
never agains? she rejoined, with a
pissing sparkle of the old playfulness in
her air.
"None of your. 1 meant,"
"1 will call you 'Tom.' if yon please.
on one condition."
"What coiioiiioii?"
"That you let it be -just this once.
"Kate, do rnu l ive ui!'.'"
(To h cntiiiiiiie.!.)
after, not to mention the medicinal
spring water and a private brass baud,
the Badehaus is the thing."
The Badelmus be it, by all raeana."
This attention surprised me, not Itecause
1 misdoubted my friend's courtesy, but
because I had imagined that his courtesy
would not stand in the way of an unob
trusive attempt to withdraw himself
and his dangliter from my immediate
compauionship. et so far was this!
from being the case that he had taken
some nains to secure onr lieinir t.m-i.ttiop
for of course the li.-i.lnrmn.tnn.r l hi. ' ?1''1'"K to hear i
own quarters. I glanced at Kate, who !
had taken her father's ann and was p;ic- i
ing beside him thoughtfully, with down- ;
cast eyes. Was Bhe glad as well as I? j
We passed through a narrow alley,
:.;at him k was at the bottom of all those
strange sUns and enigmas that 1 had
been puzzling myself over from the first?
I waa prepared to believe whatever
amount of evil com en. ing tho fellow
might tie reunited. liiit what could he
have done, or have in hii s.ver to do,
that could so affect .M;..s Birchmore?
Had he held her lift- or fortune ut the
mercy of a word, she i ould hardly havo
t aa.ire.
"I'.'s nothing
herself after a i
like him much.
more io. ui.,y at my jesting
:!y I don't
V! )
vo I iin l I wasu't
s I ::o,, e J ist then."
knows it i a very different
planation. "Kate was right," said he.
"My first intention was to go by train.
Afterward 1 decided on the boat, and
left the hotel with the purpose of get
ting otir passage that way and sending
Kate word to meet me at the landing.
But the boat turned out to be so crowded
that 1 changed my mind again. It was
then so late that I hadn't time to reach
the Central railway station. My only
chance of catching the train was to
jump Into a drosky at the steamboat
of the place would have been comnlete.
"What delightful Jittle villas these
are!" I exclaimed. "Aren't they better
than any hotel even the Badehaus?"
"If you think of spendinir anv m-eat
time here I believe they don't let for
less tnan a week.
But Drobahlv ttipuo
1 i: j - . . ., . .A ii .... -
lauuiug auu unve as tne icutsclier; Bro " IU" at tms season. Higher np
never drove before for the lower sta- j the valley, two or three miles beyond
tion, which was half a mile nearer. I J the hotel, you will Bnd detached farm
got there barely in time, and Kate, it i houses, whose owners would no doubt
seems, waa waiting at the Central all the 08 gal of a lodger. If
"And of course," added Miss Birch
more eagerly, "the people at the hotel
fancied that he had gone by the boat
and sent me word. Oh, yes, I under
stand it all now don't you, Mr. Gainsborough?
'1 don t take it kindly of yonr father
von are not
oroken into a traveler's hardships,
though, youll prefer the Badehaus."
"I think I shall prefer it as long as
you are there."
"Well, I'm sorry to say that won't be
long we Bhall move tomorrow morn
ing. If I had expected you, 1 I should
have been happy to have arranged mat-
10 smp away me illusions irom me so ; ters otherwise. But the fact is, I have
pitilessly,' returned 1 in a humorous j engaged rooms at one of the farmhouses
oue; i buuuju uave uwu uiucu uappier , i spoKe or, and tomorrow they will ax-
in believing that be had flown through
the air on the Arabian king's wishing
carpet" This sally sufficed to raise the
mile of which we all seemed bo greatly
in want, and so we got into the ferry
boat in a comparatively easy frame of
The ralet to whom I have already al
luded sat on a thwart near the bows in
uch a position that I had a full view of
bim. A more onconciltatiajr object i
pect ns.
My spirits fell at this news like a
feather in a vacuum, and I dare say my
face showed it. There could be no
doubt now that Mr. Birchmore was re
solved to get rid of me. That he would
go tomorrow to some distant farmhouse
I did not question, but as to his having
intended any such thing before he saw
me alight from the train I confess I
didn't believe it It was an.unnremedi-
u ea ven
iLUini I should ti,n
"No, in. i' ,i i amu-ed your
self with t today, and tomorrow you
m vt find some one else to aintn e you.
th u s all!"
"Amused myself, Mi.ss Birclniiore?"
"Well, Mr. Uaiusboroiigh, I'm sorry
if I failed to entertain you. I'm sure 1
tried hard. But it's so Uuiicult to enter
tain an bughshmau!"
"Upon my word, I believe you've been
laughing ut me from tho beginning!
But however ridiculous I may be, Jlis
Liircnmore, l can have thoughts and
feelings that are not ridiculous"
"Oh, please please don't be angry.
And I'm sure I never thought you ridic
ulous I oh, anything but that!"
The tone, the look which accompanied
these last words made me forget caution
and self possession for a moment. "Miss
Birchmore oh, Kate! I cannot lose
sight of yon I cannot lose yon! Do you
care is it nothing to yon if we never
meet after today? Kate. I love you!"
Had the confession come too soon?
Was she offended? She shrank away
from me with a glance searching, yet
pathetically apiiealing.
"Do not forget yoursi If, sir. Yon are
an honorable English gentleman. What
have you said?"
"1 love you yes, love your
"He loves me," she repeated slowly
and caught her breath with a kind of
sob. Her eyes fixed themselves on me
with an inward look, as of intense rev
erie. "It must not be! it must not bo!
but he does love me!" Her hands fell in
iw lap; mere were tears now In h
eyes, but a smile quivered over her lips.
"Why do you say it must not be, Kate?
It is! , It shall be!"
I took her hand, which she scarcely
attempted to withdraw. I felt that 1
had won her and would hold her against
all comers.
Just then a knock came to the door;
she snatched her hand away and rose to
her feet. Mr. Shirk entered.
"The band is going n lay in the
court," he said in German. "1 have
kept chairs and a t iole fo,- the lady uud
gentleman beneath the trees."
He made a low obeisance as he spoke,
but his malignant glance never swerved
from Kate, and alio, half turning toward
On All Sides
Ajrer'j Pills r roiniiiemleil n t,r .,
. , mrr ikhiuk.i,, uvl iniwrls.
IT. 1 Imiuu ( omi, m, ut Ontra llriilup, I'a.
au): " Having lung i,i.-, Ayi.r' fill, v,u),
(fooU rrsuli. I ran runudt-ntly reriimmiMut
Uteia alum ill iitlu.r." ir. (;. . 8l-,,,.r
ol I liny. S. II., write. ; I consider Ay.T'
far ii..iriur, as a cathartic, to any 11ml
are imiUjutU by Uie pliaruia.'oiuiU."
"Alter Jiiffi rlnit tor einht yi"iri Irom itillt
ml lever, mill only nrriuimiAl liitmnN l
rest, I waj i-uriil hy Ayer'i I'iIIh nlmm. My
enie hml reilnwl treaiim-iu m till tin. ii,
toetorV irrwrlHlitiM an. I a irr. nl mimlier of
proprietary in.'ill.-lne ; hut nii.l.r llw Indn
ence of Ayer's Pills ili r!iil! ami fi ver
ecateil, my liver ami stnri.n h wi n- rniured
to hraltliy ni tlmi, nml my lurtm r f,mt limilih
n-lumril. A)i-r' Pllli ratuiot tiecxn-llrilas
a remedy fur illHor.ten camoil hy malarial
piil.m."n. I ILirrow, ; .r.leii. Tenia.
" l-'iir liea'l.u'he, Ayer'i Pill nre Urn mnt
cffiTiin.m(.,ieine."-i;. iinm-r. N V.
" When I f,.,- iif net i of a rathartlt, I
A)rr' HII.. ,111,1 fl.,,1 theri) !, ,ra
rn ertive ttmn any ether p'lH I ever twk."
Jira. il. i:. l.rutiti, Hnrivellvllle, Va.
Ayer's Pills,
Dr. J. C. AYER k CO., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all Ilni-ifum and li. ui.r. In Uinllcluia.
Wt havo lots :Ox'.'U) feet, ltHlx'.'lK) f.t, nil favorably I.K-iit.il. Tlies
lots twice tlio onlinary sun nre luit hulf tho visual jirico of other lots sim
ilarly loontoil. We have uno-aore, two-acre, live ntul ten-ivore tracts,
snitahlo for suturlni Iihiiich, ciuiveiiieut to town, schtmli. chtirches,
etc., and of very pnxluctive soil. A large, growing 'i'runo drchiinl," of
...I.: .1 mi ii . , .. , ,
wiiicii we win sou jmri in small tracts to Hint jmrclmsers, mid nit easy
Call & See Us & Get Prices
AT OlUiiOS 1 11 V OrTU'E, Oil 01
IiOBEHT L. TAFT, at lWIIaml Oflico,
dm Ptlark HI., 1'Olt I 1. 1
NilTK'K Ki'R PI'HI.K'ArtitN.
Use Oi ru a t osm.is Citv. ii.i-ih.
A pill . J. i
Ule Ii hetrl.v tltril Dial Inn f..l..ln
nanirtl Rrltlrr ha Alt-I u.Slr. uf Itia Inlrlitlun
in uitke flnal ir. i,f In ii.,.,ri .it hi rUiin. and
that id I'm, if will W nia-in l0.iti. i ha tlrvlalpr
and KiTrlvarnf lh I iille.1 Sllr Un.l ,,m - al
flrcaoll CltV Oraull. mi .lllliff 7 1"tj. via JH,m
V. hei,.. hestvtp.d Ullry A7.-7 lr Ihf lot! i
ami a ill trrltnu ja. t.iwn 4 K.llth raliKK vaal
Ha liamra tna l.illnit ln( wllne'.ei .. ,rm
hia eiiniliiiiima rrnl..iir tiMn nd riil'tvatnin
of ald Wild, vli SlUa W r K ht, Kent n
M'rlflll, William White and J H J.ek.n. all
el Mnlalla pat orhep, i la-'katnaa r, iinly. Iir
Sh- I- !' Arcaa.!, hrvuier
I'.alllhllatlid t..
C. N. BrBBnman
Drayago & Expressing
and purer ii
parts of the
I'll v.
I all
about Seeds. We will send
you Free our Seed Annual
for 1891, which tells
We Illustrate and irlua
prices In this Catalogue,
which Is handsomer than
ever. It tells
llAViii... .
Writ, for It UM).r U"J"n
D.M.FERRY4 CO., Detroit, Mloh
Parties desiring Wood Turning,
terns, Brackets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will boHuited hy Calling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
Opp. the Conre(ational Church
Oregon City Express No I.
Llffht freinht and parcels delivered to all
parts of the city.
Leave orders with Tf. T. Barlow.
Iteat ' Unliiii:a uud Mesla In the Town.
Hut Menla lit All llimri.
Niil Iinnr to the Armory,
JI. Ill l I'll III: V, Proprietor.
Full Stock t.f All KimlH of FnHh
and Siiltwiitcr FimIi. I'util
try ami fiiitnc.
Illit'ieat ( nali Price raid for I'cmlliy.
Kltial Settlement,
I harvhy (Its untie Dial I hra Hlmt In lha
CMiuiy rmiri of claeli.niaa F.iiiuty, l.r.t,in. my
aeeiniiila and a,nrhara fur BimI aauteniaiil,
a. adniliiUiralrU ol ilia aalalanl i hrl.llan W
Iry. da,na.. and Ilia ronrt ha a,ii,lnl
luelay. Mar S. Itrj. ai llitnlay for vianilna
tloll and ai'tllvmont or III Baiii.
I .M't" a W'A.ll.BV
adnilnUlratrll ol thr aalatr til I lin.llaii Va
trt, lWiH,nl
I. I. I'oarwa Ally
Ktrd Match Iv'J. 4 1
Nolli K.
Nmlra l herehy (linn that my wllf. I ydla P.
II. i "Int. ha. Willi. ml , i, itorall, .11 lell niy lw,
and lanr.l, and Ilia inlilli la lirtt hy narnr.)
at iln.t )i-rlMrliiH .1 Ir.i.llna her ,.ii in v a, ...iini,
a I will ma l,r re.,ii.i,ir i,,r l.ill. ol hrr i-uu-lra..li.
jlia N lloaiarr
Kiitlt. I'rm-k. Oirj.iii, April I, l'.rj. . 14
Nnl'li K KOK I'flil.K'ATliiN.
l aaimrrn a at tismios City. tia.i..s.
Nutlen la herrhv alvnii llial II . I.. I. ,.i..i..
till n iardlan ,.f I, ,111,. t i..lr, h. fl lo. ,,,.
Ilw "t hia Intention lo nuke final pr.H.f in .in,
I'orl ol Hi el.ilin ol tlllll I, u . i, -1 y . heir of
Andiew J M.mmIip, tteei'a.ed. and llial aalij
inil will I... made l.el.ite Ilie l(eel.ler and It
reiver "I Ilia I', S Und lulled al llrettnli I lly
I'lricm nil Aurll -l l.rj, vu HandolidlSlrlek
lin iinardlaiiotiiiiliei. M,w, ,,.r.il Andtaia
J. M.kmIi. ,tra.,M. wliii mid h,,itie.inM,l Hn.
No for ill s. W . of ,-. 11 1 a a u
He nalnea tin. f.ili,wlli( ttltiiaa In iirnvo
III d, eeaii'd elllr) nun', eoiitllnnnia r.l,i,ni'o
iihi and .'iiltivatlun of aaid land, via K u
J.'nii a stnnniireen. A Mrhoaa and
im l.lvlin..liiii,alii IliinUnd 1' 11. l laek.
ma. nullity, llrcK"!! J. T Arena, .a.
'U-l-'l llul.tr.
Fiieriil llliM'kaimllliliiK iu re.
nufc-oii ami Iluifxy Work a Spei lulty.
llorsrsliiH'hiK In a first t luaa manlier.
anhy. - . . Ori-emi
Oregon Clty.Oregon.
FuIlStock of Guns Ammunition.
Hepairson nil kinds of small niaehlnes
promptly inane. Dnplliute keys to
any lin k manufactured. Hlitii on
.Mniii Hlreet, near Hutli.
r to
On Improved Farms of
lens than GO acres.
C. 0. T. Williams,
W. II. BuitdHAUXd.
The Leading Photographer of
NiiTlt'K Kdlt I'l'III.KUTIiiN.
land tmire al iiri ..ii t lty, Orntnt,,
. , Man h 111, vi j
.Volle a heretiy itlven. Unit tlm followlni
named mtlcr haa Hied nolle of hia Im. mloii
hi mak final iiroot in annim-t f hi, rUlm and
tlml mild tirmif will h mad,, heforrth Itpulatrr
and llwrlver of th I itllad Siataa land 0IH1 al
oreit.in rity, tiri Koii, ,m My m. (a.,. V Hot,,
art Mel'aln. hotiii.ti.ad entry No. h'ari for Hi
11. .Illl '.of the aoiith ue.i I. ..I
1 aoinh. ratiK 4 .il II tiatt.va Hi foll.iwlni
wlllipaaea to irov hia nontlniioiia rnaldenea
ilnin and milllvatloti of rild land, vis: Jm
( 1 . Joalilia l.yoiK, Mlihael Holland. Jaeob
kerina all of Hirlnwntr, riaeknmaa eiinniy.
U"':"'- . J.T Al'l-RHnlN.
8i,-4;1'-'l Iti-mmer.
Kxrnilnr'w Nellie.
Nolle la heretiy itlven that Ilia dual aeemint
nllllti nnileralKlleil aa ejeeiitor of til e.lnle i,
Jolin Prankv, doeeaaad, liaa heen filed In th
eollllly ciiiirt of th alalo ill Oreijoli, eoiimy of
( laeliamaa. And III llrd day of May, latu at 10
o'el.a a, a m., hna Iweii net ,y aaid m.nrt for
III final lie.irlnu of olijeetlntia in aald aeeaiinl
and ilia .ellleiiieiit thereof. A. It. Hllli'l.av
Kasciilnrnf llielnliif John Frank. iIitmsbo'iI.
Hated ()re(oli t:ly Or., Marrh A law.
mii.i.k M11.1.KH, Atlya. InrKam iitiir. 'lfi:t;n
Kin ill Nettleinenl,
I hfreliy give tint lie that I havs Died In Die
innly nnilrl of t'lHekauiRa eiinntv. flru,,o ,w
aeeiiiintaanil vintrhera for final netlleinenl, aa
ailinliilntralnr of tlm natal nf Kllaa I). Kd-
wardii, doad, and Ih emirl haa atinilntil
M lay. Mav 1. ISIU. aa tint dm I.,. J. ..
linn 11 ud atittlumoiit of th aiini. I in led Mareli
S' . JlH KlIWARlia, AIIMH.
W. 0. JoliNmm. Ally. a ja a.ia
NO'l'lt'K FOIt I'Ulll.tCATION.
Land Oltleo al Ornn city, Orinoti,)
, , , , Marrlt ID, imiiz I
Nntll'S In hereliv a vn II, .1 il. ...... '
lliimeil ttlr ha. Hied ,.tl(, f ,la Inlentloti
to mak dual nrrwif In n, .... ,.f 1.1. .1.1.-
anil that aa d proof will t.e mad lirfore tlm
l(Klliir and Itein lver nf Hi Pulled Htalaa land
nllliw at Oreiton City, (Jninoii, nn Mny , aui
VIX: .linn. Wnril. hnmilatinid nolrtf N,. Aurut r...
tlieeaai nf north rant ipiartur ol urttlou n,
town 4 noil Hi, rntiKt! S u.i.t. Iln nainaa th fol!
lowlin wlliiaaa to nnivs hta wiiitliiuona nial
lnt! liim and eulllyallaii nf aald land, via: J
M. Harrlah. A. llHrrlnitton, K. llnrrliiKton, A. It.
Kelnwa, all of IMithlnnd imat nllle l'ln,.l,,...:
Oi.nnty,0rii(i.u. J, y, Aiikhniin.
:-l:J itenlalor.
PI1111I Setllenient.
1 hnrahy rive notice that f hava fln.l in ,i..'
couiily enurl of (.'Uekainaa eolinty, Oriiitoii mv
artniiiiiu and vouchor! for final aettlrmiiil
of the eatalo of Kreilorli k ll.iekiiiaii, to tiiiso.l
nun the eonrt ha. annnlniii m.iu i. I
day nf May, A. 1 WA. at the time for the ax
niiiiaiinu sua iHiUlunisut of ileh aeomnila. .
Cak Joumsoh, Atty. KxecuUir.