Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 15, 1892, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory.
J. W MoMrum
H. H. Johnson
V. W. H. Sanmm
W. T. Whill.K-k
8 H. Callff
John W. ,Noht
Alx. Trnimaoti
SltinfT Smyth
lr. 0. I Sullivan
u'harle MHhiike
Ctrk ot Courts,
Jtherlfr. .
BehnoJ SupriutiHlut,
h'erueUu. ttalr
Circuit ewirt eonvn rl Mnti,t-r la So-1 1v,.,l,,ne lli tin. wimrl .if tiia viv
mint au.t ihhxl ilou.Ur in April. lWMwt wun uie rtpon oi me view
eraner au.i hum .vou.tar in Aerti. i
Prh court In wanton flrt Vott.Ly In each
Cornmliwloner. court m,1! Ural We,ttifvla.y
after Arst ii.HitUy of each month.
Recorder. -Chief
of Police -
Cite A Horner,
Street Commluioner.
Hnp't. l Water Works,
Citv F-ncineer.
T. W Sullivan
I. I. Porter
J. s Pimtom
8. R. tireen
II. E t'r.w.
('. Ilotwrr
W H. HnwWl
C.aiinlm WlwinC.yh rane. J
. I'orter. Jubhw TV7rrw. I
Rom CWiuaa. J. W. u'iVumU, u1 T. f.
Council meetsflm Wedueeriar of each month
In city hll.
For the Campaign.
Do you want to hare the political news
of Clackamas county and of the state?
Ifeoswndin twenty-five cents and get
the Enterprise from now nntil June
10th. AVhen other meant of remitting
cannot be had stamps will be la's en.
Unless otherwise ordered the paper will
be promptly stopped at date of expira
Boat a ready to rent at the boat house
loot of tenth street. tf
HmmmMUlttr Pndei takers and
Embalmers, Oregon City Bank building.
Ladies' and Gents', robes at Uoln-an A
Warner's Undertaking parlors. tf
County warrant, bought at the office
of W. Caivy Johnson. Oregon City, tf
Fainnount is near the new school site.
Low rates. Discount to builders. Box
Fairmonnt is about half a dozen
blocks north of the Seventh street school
Take your babies to ?he New York
gallery and get a good picture while you
have the chance.
Attorneys Brownell and Hayes left
Thursday for Kewburg to address a big
republican meeting.
Renner at the Seventh street
ware store will sell yon anything ia his
line at Portland prices. Goods all first
class. Spring is here and so is Wilson &
Cooke with a complete line of garden
tools, also one and two Horse Culti
vators. Have you a good pair of spectacles? I
If not go to Burmeister & Andresen'g
and have your eyes fitted with their
perfect eye tester.
Central addition to Oiegon City in lots
and blocks to suit purchaser. Property
cheap, terms easy. See L. R. Jan.vev,
with W. Carey Johnson. tf
Dr. O, R. Yeargin was not suited
with California so he bag returned to
Oregon O'ty and will open an office oyer
Caufield fe Huntley's drug store.
Thos. Charman & Son handle J. A.
Folger A Son's celebrated Golden Gate :
baking powder and to each of their pa
trons are given a valuable cook book.
The ladies of St. Paul's Guild will give
an Easter entertainment at Pope's hall
on Thursday evening April 21. Ad
mission ten cents ; refreshments twenty
five cents.
Mrs.W. E. Morris, of Park Place, has
received from a missionary in Palestine,
two boxes made of olive wood filled with
stones and seeds from historic places and
of plants mentioned in the bible.
Miss Wilkinson's selections of hats
and fine millinery is equal to the best to
be bad in Portland. AH the latest styles
and at living prces. Remember the
place with Mrs. Rich, opposite the post
office, Oregon City.
Judge Moore has sold his office build
ing in St Helens, the ground on which it
stands and his abstract books to Judge
D. J. Switzer for t'3500. In this deal
four lots that Judge Switzer owned in tne
eastern part of Oregon City .were trans
ferred to Judge Moore.
Oregon has a new citizen in the per
son of Geo. C. Brownell of Oregon City,
recently of Kansas, who promises to
figure in the future prominence of re
publican councils. Those who attended
the state convention were more than
pleased with his eloquent speeches. H
is a young Kansas cyclone. Salem I
A young daughter of John Vigelius
was walking on the railing of the bridge
over the small stream on Eleventh
street last Monday noon when she lost
her balance and fell adistance of twenty
one feet, landing in the water and mud
in the midst ot lot of rocks. One foot
was slightly bruised but the child was
not otherwise injured. Her little
brother, who witnessed the fall, was
unable to go to school for two days
THE COUNTY C0URTJ'K!::::::::::::::;::::5S
I Stato vs Oanlnsr ami Huron 40 HA
Arrived at In Oswego Road
.. .
Matter Claims Paid.
Th county commissioners' court was
in session Wednesday, Tlitirmlny ar.d
Friday ot last week. The following pro-
j ctfedinr ere had :
The Pagh road was ordered opened in
! ers ami the expcns account of 24 40
ordered paid.
The same action was
taken respecting the Darnell road, the
expense being $4.70 and in the Parker
road mattwr, the expense being 43.40.
In the matter of the Cunningham
nad the report ot the viewers waa ap
proved and L. Harrington I. L. Clark
and M J. Snyder appointed to appraise
Si.tner smvth. ; damages, to meet at George Schwing'a
I pon the report of the viewers in the
Howard road matter it was ordered that
the road be not established and the ex
pense of was taxed against the
Id the matter of the J. P. Pavia road
the report of the viewers was approved
and Pan Talbert, Alfred Clark and A
Mather appointed appraisers of damages
to meet April 22. The expense account
ot $13.30 was allowed.
It was ordered that a strip ten feet
wide be vacated the length of the depot
of the Portland A Willamette Valley
railroad company in Oswego.
The report of the viewers in the
Harmony toad matter and petitions (or
damages were tiled and A. Mather, John
Talbert and J. W. Roots were appointed
to appraise damages, to meet at August
Kannes's house April 22.
The report of the viewers of the J A .
Thayer road was filed and approved and
the road ordered opened, it was also
ordered that the branch road from ttie
Thayer road to the Oregon City and Mat
toon mill road be not opened. The ex
pense bill of $09.80 was ordered paid.
Iu the matter of the petition ot G.
V. Prosser and others for a county road
from the cornei of Second and G street
n the new town of Owego to the Mult
nomah county line, in view of the action
taken in a former petition fir the same
road it was ordered that no further ex
pense to the county will be incurred in
tbismat'er until after the petitioners
lall have given a guaranty that when
the road is laid out and established thev
will build the bridge required at the
crossing of Tryon creek without ex
pense to the county.
Six hundred pounds of powder with
fuse and caps, and a scraper were granted
to the supervisor of road district No. 2l'.
The supervisor of road district No. 9
was also authorized to procure powder,
fuse and cape not to exceed in cost $t0
for use in his district. A scraper wits
also granted to district No. 36.
The petition of J. D. Chapman for the
appointment of a street comminsioner
for the portion of the town of Sellwood
lying in Clackamas county wus dis
missed because the court had no juris
diction according to the Sellwood chur
ter. A new district to be known as No. "7
was created from the part of district No.
14 lying east of the line between ranges
4 and 5 east and C. S. Porter wag ap
pointed supervisor.
The petition of Louis Hohenleitner for
a saloon license at Oswego was granted
for six months.
Supervisor Eckerson was authorized to
get i0 worth of blasting materials;
Supervisor Ross to procure 600 pounds
of powder and a scraper; John Shannon
$2-) worth of blasting materials for his
district, and district No. 34 500 pounds
of powder and fifty feet fuse
The resignation of W. W. May as
supervisor of road district No. 34 was ac
cepted and Frank Jaggar was appointed
in his place.
In the matter of the improvement of
the Oregon City and Cuttings Mill road
the profile fr 2300 feet was approved
and it was ordered that the county sur
veyor draw specifications for the pro
posed improvement and submit the
same to the county judge and if ap
proved by him the supervisor of district
No. 55 may proceed with the work in
conformity therewith.
The time for paying taxes for 1891
was extended to May 1.
In the matter of A. Newell and others
for a county road the petition was
granted and it was ordered that the
county surveyor survey and John
McMurray, James Wilson and William
Boring view the road, to meet at Albert
Crook's house April 18.
California Powder Co., powder 73 35
Alex Thomson, school exp 11 10
J. H. Revenue, pauper exp It 00
iaasune cawnnii uo., lurnner n
Mayer Ackerman, pauper sup sou
O. C. Sash Door Co., bridge sup 3 SO
8. B. CalifT, exp. tres 3 75
P. Nehren, " ' 3 75
J. C. Reasoner, pauper exp 8 27
Savage Lumber Co., lumber 115 90
E. M. Hartman, road exp 00 00
Peter Paquet, bridge exp ; 110 00
W. T. Davidson, witness grand jury... 2 20
Sidney Smyth, road exp 80 50
' " surveyor's fees lfl 50
Knapp, Burrell & Co., road exp 67 60
J.F. Bell, pauper exp 30 00
John Dresher,;pauper exp 19 30
J. l. Rltter, paupor sip, l 10
Bavan l.umher Co, lumber. (M TO
Pops Co, ppliw IT
H. 1, Nevin, supplies, ,, 1 Ki
W. W. 11. Samson, slmrlfflWa KXS SS
i n. II, jonnson, eiera tws , .. .SO v
Ott Knit Oily KsttuHratm, niiimllca Ki fto
0, N. Oiveiiiiiaii, mI exp . . IS X
W. T. WhitliH k, rvcohlnr fret Oil
t'lias. Moelinae, rvwtl I (XI
Local Pcrttenal Notes.
Mm. Kdward Gittenait visiting trieiula
in Kuten.
W. N. Richanls has just m-ovcrtnl
from a severe attack of rheumatism.
G. C. Armstrong of Viola waa among
the callers at the Kntshi'kisr office lust
P. Wagner, a prominent fruit grower
of Wilsonville, was in Oregon Citv
Thomas Wittsey, a prosperoa IUitto
ville farmer, called on the Kntkhi-risi
last Tuesday.
Miss Minnie Jaggar left Thursday for
Marmot where she will begin her fourth
term of school in that district.
Mrs. N.McGeehanof Ely left Tues-
duy morning for Crawford county, Penn.
to visit her mother who is quite ill there.
E. D. Branch, ticket agent at Omaha
for the Burlington A Missouri railroad
is vifiting his aunt, Mrs. II. B. Bestow.
L. F. Cook, proprietor of the Wan-
shaner hotel in Baker City, waa visiting
Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Mack last Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith returned
last Friday morning from California
where they have been visiting two
J. C. McMurray of Damascus was
transacting business in Oregon City
Tuesday and made a call at the Enter-
I'hiss office.
M i ron Babler of Logan left this week
for llwaco where he will be engaged in
the salmon'canning business, as usual,
during the fishing season.
Hon. F. A . Moore, republican candi
date for supreme judge, waa in Oregon
City Wednesday visiting with frietulu
and attending to some business matters.
Mrs W. II. Harris of Ely left Monday
for Bronson, Kan. to assist her father to
close his business affairs. He will re
turn and live with his daughter here.
Rev Gilroan Parker Is assisting Pastor
Hargravea of the Logan Baptist chnrch
with a season of revival work He left
Oiegon City Tuesday and will be away
ten days.
Mrs. W. T. Whitlork returned last
week from Green Basin, Marion county,
where she has been visiting her sister
Mrs. Emma Berry. W. T. Wbitlock
has a land claim in that vicinity which
the family will occupy when he retires
from the recorder's office.
Mr. and Mrs. X. B. Bruce this week
moved to Portland and took a residence
at the corner of Third and Broad street,
on the east side. Mr. Bruce w ill be
associated with F. H. Johnson, who re
cently sold out in Oregon City, in the
jewelry business ill Portland.
of the bride's father, Alexander Sim
mons, in Oregon Citv, Sunday morn
ing, April 10, 18H2, Rev. Oilman
Parker of the Baptist church officiating
Mr. Elmer B. Lankins and Miss Nora'
B. Simmons, both of Oregon City.
land. Wednesday, April 6, 1802. Rev.
J. C. R'ad officiating, Mr. Benjamin
Hendrickson and Mihs Alvina A . Run
sell both of Oregon Citv.
Returning to Oregon City the newly
married couple were received at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. anil
Mrs. William Russell, at Fifth and
Jackson streets. A wedding supper was
served there. Among those present at
the reception were Matthias F. Russell,
Arthur M. Russell, Clarence K. Russell,
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas, Mixs Ida
Pease, Miss Anna Wileliart Miss Emma
Wiletiart, Mr. Ilaynes and George Wile
hart. Mr. and Mrs. Hendricken will
reside on their farm at Monnt Pleasant.
Roll of Honor.
The following list of pupils have been
neither absent nor tardy during the
month commencing March 14, and end
ing April 8 in the Maple Lane school:
Mattie Maulz, Sarah Davies, Ida Elliott,
Ona Surfus, annie Mautz, Mio Brayton,
George Shortlidge, Jessie Elliott, Mor
ton Parks, Rupert Parks, Roy Dixon,
Byron Flilcroft, Annie Shortridge,
Charles Surface and Ivan Taylor, Louie
Davies, Martha Elliott, Isaac Shortlidge.
Moi.i.ie IIankins,
CAMP At the home of her father, Mr.
Welch, at Damascus, Tuesday, April
12, 1892, Emeline, wife of George
Camp, aged twenty-eight years.
Mr. and Mrs, Camp lived in Umatilla
county. Last winter she was attacked
by the grip which developed into quick
consumption, speedily causing her
death. She was brought to her father's
home about two woeks ago.
Vegetable Plants for 1H1I2.
R. Glasspojl will, as usual, have good
strong plants of every description, and
of the best sorts, ready to plant out at
the proper time, at the garden at Green
Point or E. E. Williams's grocery store,
Oregon City. tf
The Cannery Matter discussed Tli
.rwbjtwlan Excursion.
At tins hoard of trade. tnelliit last
... , i i.. .i i ... i
. ,,( l, ,,.;,,., iiihii. Treasurer I liar-
man with hia little rwolpt Innik watun
hand and collected more than tM of
inenilerhip ilnea on the H)t
Pnisiilcut Ciowt of the committee on
county fair reirtd the Mgrea made
aalnady stated In the Kntkhchisii, The
matter was In good condition for inK"'M
" ",,f l,rin m t4mt
Mr. Cross thought the project should lie
readily pushed to sulmtantUI results,
The advertising committee waa In
"truelod to elalHirate a plan for effective
advertising and present it to the hoard
It was also instructed to prepare a state
ment of the advantages of Oregon City
for the fourth-coming publication of Re
sources of Oregon
The matter of putting In oration the
Oregon Citv fruit and vegvtablc cannery
was brought up and disc uxscd at consid
erable length. A vear ago the plant had
been offered at 12,lsH). Now It Is of
fered for halt that sum and there is at
least $1000 worth of materials outside of
the plant pror, which Ia in first class
condition In every respect. All seemed
In favor ot having the enterprise started
and most of the necessary capital was
stated to be in sight. A resolution was
adopted giving the hearty enctmiage-
ment ot the board ot trade member to
the enlerpiise and a committee coniHt
ingofJ. A. Chase, Alden Graham, K.
K. Williams, X O. Walden and T. L.
Charman, was aoiuted to have chargv
of the matter of raising f.SOOO or 10,OiV
for purchasing and operating the can
K M. Rands, T. W. Sullivan and C.
H.Cautiuld were appointed to arrange
an excursion to this l ily for the general
Presbyterian assembly which meet iu
Portland May ID. and the hoard ad
journed. '
Probate Business.
Holden Hargravea waa appointed
guardian of Fred Hargravea, a minor;
bond filed at 500
In the matter of the estate of Harry
Miller, deceased, it appearing to the
court that the heirs are unknown and
cannot be found, the exiwnae of ad
ministration were ordered pail and the
balance est heated to the state,
In the matter of the estate of Peter
Steele, deceased, the report of the ad
ministrator on the sale of nw'4' sec.
22, t 2 south range 4 east lor 8'.'.j was
Lirra liiai. tlcas koto Dratii. !na.
the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Uatirer, wlio reside on a farm
some tour miles southesst ol t laikes
poslollice, was burned to death iMSt M' in
lay. In the evening just before dark
the child was toddling out where her
father hud lieen at work in a clearing.
She passed too near a burning log and
her drefS caught fire. There Mug no
one near to rescue her she was burned
to death in a very few ininilles within
twenty yards of the house The
mother had a son three days old and
was unable to aid the little girl and
when the father came home a few
minutes later the child was cloud. The
funeral occmred Wednesday.
Prohibitionists Nhmisatk A dozen
prohitiitiouisls met at Point's hall last
Saturday in response to a call for a mass
convention, adopted s platform, elected
W. W. Mars chairman and i. C Kin
ney secretary and nominated the follow
ing i.flicers : For senator, T. P. Soules ;
representatives J. P. Cole, J.Mctietchio
and A. Luelling ; sheriff, Win Godhould;
clerk, James Wilkinson; treasurer, C.
T. Howard; recorder, R. Gilhausen ;
school superintendent, D. W. James;
assessor, Asa Saunders; surveyor,
Samuel Cacail ; coroner II. Jones;
county commissioner, Geo. Ely.
Huntley's hook and stationery
trade has compelled an enlargement of
his accomadalions and he has put In a
lot of new shelving this week and vari
ously brightened the appearance ol his
neat store.
Boyer AOale have enlarged their meat
market on Seventh and Center streets
so it is nearly double its tunner size .
The increase of their business demand
ed more room to handle it.
The transfer ot the office of receiver of
public moneys from Burch to Paquet
was completed Wednesday and Hon.
B. F. Burch will leave for Indupendance
Miss Metta Brown received a telegram
Thursday telling her of the serious illness
of her father at Finlay, Ohio.
The ladies of St. Paul's Guild will
give an excursion to Bonneville on Sat
urday May 28.
, Fur Sale.
Cocoanut oil, barrels from 280 to 350
gallons each, by the Oregon City Manu
facturing Co. 4t
To allay pains, subdue inflammation,
heal foul sores and ulcers, the most
prompt and satisfactory results are ob
tained by using that old reliable remedy,
Dr. J. H. Mclean's Volcanic Oil Lini
ment. Blank note, receipt and order books
at the Enterprise office.
Receipt, note and order books at the
EaTEBPBiea office.
: Brcmam Fire Insurance Company,
Highest market tiricca tmiil fur ull kinds of country nvlui'', such a
I enn vino, KtitiS VANTKI.
Yellow Corn Meal, 10 pound sack,
' aaaeks
Portland I; Flmir
White Lily "
" " " er Imrrel
I'lii leToiii Ham-, j,er Ixilllti
3 l'i'ltii)!a Torn Starch ,.
All kiiitla of Jam
I'eacliea, per can ,
3 Cans Anchor ('urn ,
No. i I'rna, r fat., t.V; 'Jeans ...
No. a " "
No. 2 String Beans, wrran
Ilrren Aiple, r !
Spuds, poraack .
heal, per tniliel
I sit
. t
, I !
t '.'.1
. 4 I"'
. IS
. to
. lo
Call Riul Hce my reiltiivil jirioti list on fine suck ami flue silk over niul
underwear. You will liml tne in w hat is called tlie Main Town or ('en
ter Town (if Oswego, on the southwest corner of I.ntKI niul lhirluim Sis.,
two block from Htoumlxiut landing. I will discount this price list
kt cent, on all bills uniiiuiiting to 110 or upwards if the cash nocoin
pnnics the order.
Look at this PRICE LIST Before You Start for Porttand.
Come One, Come All, And Keep the Hall Moving,
f aflfl'lcnse cull and settle up for hist year.
G. W. Prosser.
Domestic II Imjortei Groceries,
California Fruits and Vegetables.
7th and Madison Street, Shivcly's Htiilding, Oregon City.
I carry the largest mid hest assorted stock of wall paper ever drought
to Oregon City, and will sell at Portland prices. Let me give you
figures on your work.
Shop on Seventh street, near Center.
DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop.
A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines.
Patent Medicines of all Makes. Notlona.Confectlonory, Cigars.
iMtr.M .tin io it i.i i i.i.v in. i. r.i
Shiveloy's Mock, ...... Seventh Street
209 2o & 1 TO FRONT ST.,
Doors, Windows, Mouldings,
Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores
Shop corner Fourth antl Wator
T. 1VI. GNOSIS, IVtanobSor,
Dry Gooas, Boots & Slioes, Groceries,
Holiday Goods and Gents Furnishing Goods.
lOais. " "
I Nalla, per keg
Sail, l,ierMil, All pound "ark
j Shorn, per sack
t Hran, " "
llii akfa.l Uncut
I SI. t! " side
t'tiunlrv " "
Si, I', llama, A I
I u, 1' V.. 4
f Nl
. .1 AO
. I"
. WV
. to
a v
l oal (lit, per ran, Pearl
" " " caw. ' ,
Artitn kle I'ollrw. r paper
titMii Coltif, lwl I' It, per laitltld
r. t' Sn);r , , . , .
li (I '
Our cntnloKtie is complete in
every department, sml udla
how lo grow nil Muds ot ve
KcUhlcs, how to plitnt and
trim trees, huw lo use, and
what are ihe U'st fertilizers,
how to handle lieosetc. ctr.
Free to all- Semi for It.
D.1W. Ferry & Go's Seeds
and Repairing of all kindri.
Jobbing Ordors Promptly Executed.
lMlll'lvN Till: I.OUIONT.
streets, hack of I'opo A Co's, Oregon City