Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 15, 1892, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
In Krrxcr Mm n u, lwrj,
Immura A I, TuN A A lUMnNA:
.' n. 7H(i. m.
'. in. m.
iWimii. i miii. 111.
1 1 l l lit Kl l III.
H Wl III. f, ,U ,
Nn way Iniiillnm.
I liltlvaly un iH'licht taken im Oman trlpa.
NulnnWy I' M. hunt will lvv 1'orllatnt
I II ID I'. M.
V Ml a. in II ini , m.
'i Ki , m. II im a. m.
"mi ( Hi, i Ml i in.
Hum until atiti)tini to liaii(. wllliout umliii
NiiKTII Kill Nil.
AlKnliy I.mmI (way alatlnu.)
I'alllitiuU Kxirt.a (ilirniKli )
Hiiaoliiuii l.orl (way alallulia)
Hrhllri( l,Ml (way I'atliin.)
Allmny I immI (way alallMiia)
l.'allliiiulN hkiraa (thrutixM
0 HI a m
4:i a. 111.
' II W i. IU.
ill a m
n ii p. hi
7 ;M p. 111
Mailt elnao kmii( Nurili, 110 A. M , Sim I. M
Malta cilia iln( H0111I1, V UU A. M.I U V. M.
allil mil THa.
Ormoiitlly In Kly.Carni, Uullim.NMalla ami
Willi. .11 lavna at lu i a 111 Mimilaya. WnI
rlnv an.l ITl.lay ami ri'limn al lu tu av. in,
un fulUiwIni il)a
iiri-Knn I lly In Klv, Wliik.i'larli Mna.lnwIlriK.k
Vlilixi Mllla nlnl Mullnii. Iravca al 10 ma III.
Tufitay. nnirilay ali-t Katililay, nlnl rtnurna
un fiitWittlliji ilaya at i :ui ji in.
rlillVVY, AI'KII. 15, 1H'2.
ivkhi:hm, a 11 i:,tiio v
M A ( imkn lmi llir mil)
rum pli'lr llnt of t trliillli'lll
liiil-iiiriita In Orricaa t'lly,
I'urtlnnil rli' 4llralrl . Illlj
l I ! nnil iir jour trntrlliiK
ti-na it nil IVrlKlit,
AS ImI'OKIANT I. AMI !Kl'lnnN. Till'
llml riiwi cdiiiu Uifurii tlm Ori'gnn
City olllrn u( it tiniU'r laud nj..l ua-
linn to I'uiiU'Nt a li nti'itil untrv linn
ju.U-i'ii ili'clilinl. ('Imrli'H HiiUmmi
lul lull iiihiIii it liiiiiiiiiti'.l entry on
ih'i lion :i(l t 1 ti, r II r. IhiIiik nut fur Irniu
Itiidul Vvil lull". Siilim'iiiuiitly SiimIi
J llillllllll'l Hllll(llt to Hill tillllHT Inn. I
iiilii'ttiiuii lor tlit H.inii' lun.l un. I iilli'.-.-.l
(linl till) tillcl in UMliotl WilM llliBiilnU.lv
11 11 ill (or nu'rii ult 111 nl hho. Tim claim
mil Ihk! 1 nut It in iiinliii'(Hniir f.'iiHI lor tlm
liiiinivi'iiiriili, limvuvKr, iiiul I1.1.I uui.i
Ilia Iiiiiiiii on tlit ! .1 1 it iii'iitly two yiurx.
Aa 11 (iirtlmr i-uiimt (or rimoultiim llu
1 l.iiiniiut'a l-lltl y it H:lrt ulliv'i'J tlmt lu
lunl not iMitiTi' l tlm linn) in okI f.uih;
tli.it Ilia ihii'iiiho una in,riy to v'.'t
lillc to tlm noirrty 1111. 1 Iriiimfi'r it lo
llruwar St Tlioniinn, tlm UriiUI VimI
l.innlii'r (in iun y . Tlm liourinK (
iMi.j.'. (ourtKcn iluyi TIik iliriHinn wnn
iiK'iiinnt tlio pnili'xliint lii'i iiiimi tlm tun
lir I it ii I art i-X.ri'Hly Hliptiltitin tlmt for
a 111 i 11 K iiiiiIit it to I in vuli. I tlirri timet
Im no I'Tvv'ouk luiini'Hti'ml I'iIiiik on it.
Tliia iloi'H not liiinn into iinhtioti tin.
Mill. lity ol tlm Siilziniin iliiiin wliicli
may vet l tricil.
(Ihkiion onii HiiiiiH ThtTit nri ovi
ili'iu i'H mi nil hitli'n tlmt tlm hoiih liir Is
imjHirtotl from (liiriniiny Itnvo tuki'ii
runt, iih it wt'ri1, in Orison ami urn rupiil
ly Incrt'timim in ntimU'r, Tlmrn in A
coimiiliTulilti nnmlii'r ol llirtn about Ori
Kon City, The iiihtiiiuiilii initkt'H mel
ody tlii'Ht moonlight ni'liU mill vmiouH
iitln'r iniiko thi'ir proHoncti knoun In
tlm ilny titnu, Tlm hii.lrt urn 111 i r.itory
mi.l tlmy urn ru.i.lly Hprou.lin Hontli
nl lint o'iMcrvntion contlrniH tlm lii'lit't
tlmt tlmy roturn to t lit) Willniiit'ltii vul
li'y in tlm NpritiK. It tlin'ii yi'iirn
ago Hint IIIH) piiim of llirtiHliott, dkylnrks,
niglitini;iili'ii, linnutH, n .1 1 tl ml 1 i-.i , bull
Iliii lii'H, I'liiillinclmn, nri'.iHnrlicn, lilm k
ntnrllin,'i, rml-liri'iiNt robins, KroHhuuks
Hiul ni ui'iK l"iil" wiirti liliiiriitml Kt
I'oi tliui.l AtiotliiT lot will) lilHirnteil
lnt yi-nr. Ho Ori'iton, wliivh wan not
iinturnlly wi'll "tipplii'il witli onK binlit,
will noun linve pKinty of fiMithnrcil boii)
bIits from the imKrtiiil stivk.
Fob a Wuiimi'h Faiii. All othtir pro
jnctii to provide a rcprtwiintiition 'or
Orison at tlm world's fiiir Imving liiilod
of ri'iirliinn a hiiI ittfiiotory rt'inilt tbo Hlnte
liorticulturiil Docility Iiuh lukcn tliu mat
tor up iind It pro)o(H tit lpHHt to have a
pron;r diHplny of Orogon fruit nt tho
(air. Sini'ii tlm withdrawn! of tho I'liiini
Imr of uommorca conimittuo from the
work of ultiimptini; to ru.nn fumlH fir u
Htiitii exhibit the commiltee of the hor
ticultural Huciety in widoniiiK tho gi'oie
of Hm eirorts o that it in likely togivo
Oregon u pretty coniprtdieiiHive repro
Htintation. C.iininittuoa have been up
pointed to have fharo of the work in
each county of the state. For t lacka
nniH counly J, A. Chime, 0. N. Harton
and N. II. Harvey have been iippointcd
anil they will proonud with the work
Catti.k (ionic to (litAHS, John Shafer
and Hobert Bnty of Jlolalla have pur
elianml thiH sprinn about -150 bend of
two-year-oldn and three-year-olds in
Clackamas counly and they are driving
them Boulbward. Tbo three-year-olds
will ha taken to tho wild tmi.ing lands
of southern Oregon to prepare them for
market In tho fall and the two-year-olds
will be drivun through Santium paHS lo
tbo hunch Krass pastures ol eastern Ore
gon. Clackamas county is getting so
well settled that the wild W aning lands
are rapidly disappearing but it can raise
cattle to stock the hills of the country
that is not tillablo beyond tbo Cascades
and the Callpooias.
Tim Contkatkd I.Ann Caakh.-TIib
thirty-mid land case that went on trial
in tlm local hind olllcn, Involving the
lillo to h ninny ti n. tx of laud In Col
umbia county have lieen jdlHposod of for
tlm present. There were eleven timber
lund cnsiw In which Dm government
sought to net iimI.Iii the title of Kdiniind
Mull, triumiiiree. Kvidenro was tukeil
ill two of the cnHim and it was agreed to
submit the other nine on the muiiiii
testimony, Tlm decision was ugninst
the government in slj nf them. Two
casea In which H. U. Foas was the
Irnnsfuren weni similuiy iKicided, There
wine two pre-emption cui sgnlnst Hull
and one luminal Foa (1'cldid In favor ol
the government on the ground nf non
compliunce with the pieemplloii luw.
Onacaim sgiiiust Hull wua continued on
riicoiniiieuilution of the shcisI agent
who ns prim. " tiling the cusu for the
goveriiiiieut. Five preemption cases
weie continued till July and two con
tinued 011 stipulation The remaining
government cases agiiinst Hull itml Fuss,
some eight in number, were continued
for service upon the entrvmen.
A ItKi't hi.ii'AK IUi.i.y.-TIio republi
cans of Claeknmiia county will have a
grand rally al Shlvely'a thculer on next
Wednesday evening April 211 This will
be the 'list IrniiortHlit Killlir.il meeting
ol the rnmpiiign. There wilt be an
nbiindmice of good uiin-lc and Hon.
I'ortlnml will be present slid make
Htilun M.illury hii.I Hon. S. F. Cnples of
Sprei hes, Theio will also bo addresses
by the Is-st local speukers. Hblvely's
tbenter 011 Seventh street is the largest
hull In the city nnd every proviiou for
coiiifo.tubly itci oiiiiiioilntii'g a vast
throng Is being made. Kverylssly is
invited to ntlend the meeting. A special
invitation is exteinled to the Indie who
will find it entertaining and instriu tive
if it is a political meeling.
Hi'kciai. Cotxcii. Mkktixii There
was a Biccinl ineet.ng of the city council
Inst Tuesdny night tiom which Noble,
I'orler nn. I Hnmlall were ill writ . It
having lieen found necessary foi the city
election next month to be conducted on
the A nit rul 1 11 ri pl.in a ommittee coti
siting ofCoiiueilinen (VConnell. Wilkin
son and Ijitourettu was apiHiiuled to
proiilo the reipiisitn f.ietlilies for voting
accor.ling to luw. J. II Kellogg was
nppoiuled pound uiatcr on n-com-menilulion
of the chief of police. A
coiniiiunii nl'on from the ltili.i'i relief
committee of the I'nite.l Stale ankiug
ni.l fur the starving ItiiHiimi was rend
nnd the mayor was uutliori.-'d to cull a
iiiiihs meeling Snliirday night to con
sider the 111. itter.
A I'loNKKa I v 1 Nil . rn. J. C. (ieer.
who lives with her daughter, Mrs O.
II. Cone Heir Itutteville, is lying very
low nnd on account of her great age and
general feeble condition there is scarcely
a possibility of her recovery. About
four weeks ago while going lo close a
door her loot caught in the enrpet and
she fell against the door and wall bo
heavily that fier hip was broken She
is eighty years old She came across
the plains Irom Illinois in IH.'iL' and four
years Inter married J, C. (ieer, n veteran
of the war of 1H12. He died in 1SK1.
They raised a large family of children
who are all identified with the best in
terests of tbo state.
Tun Sai.km I(klkaski) The steamer
Silem, which ran on the rocks on the
city front January A and was so damaged
that she had to be lieai bed on a sunken
wharf at the brick Homing mill to pre
vent her sinking, was released last
Tuesday afternoon. 1'. Hutch of I'ort
land had tho contract lor getting the
host nllout Several unsuccessful
attempts were made while tho water was
low hut the recent rise warranted
another attempt and the Modoc Dually
pulled the Salem into the river. Thurs
day the boat went to Portland and
she will soon bo at work on tho river
Nkw Docks Hcii.t. Joel 1'. Geer has
been engaged for about ten days in driv
ing piles for docks at various points on
tborivei. For himself near Ilultevillo
and Jacob .Mi ley near Wilsonvillo he
built wood docks and for John Kruse
and Riley Shetirer steamboat docks. At
Graham's ferry be drove piles for J. 8.
Vaugban and ho did work at the Itutte
ville ferry. Monday be brought tho pile
driver down river and drove piles (or an
extension of liroughton's saw mill wharf
next day and then he took the machine
to Portland.
Company F Imi-kovino. Co. F, 0. N.
(i., Ib picking up a good deal of now
strength. Last Monday night live now
members joined the company W. A.
Huntley, C. U. Huntley, O.K. Year
gin. V. II. Wiggins and Mnir.
Captain Gaming and Second Lieutenant
Kelly passed a creditable examination
in Portland last week. Under tbo new
ollicers there is a revival of interest in
the oiganization. F'very onconrago
ment Bhotild bo given the boys to bring
the company to a high standard of proll
ciency. Guano Excursion To Portland Tues
day ovening April 10, by aleamer Altona.
This is your opportunity to hear the
grand concert of the United States Ma
rino band, of Washington I). C, at tho
Armory, or attend one of tbo great plays
that will be given on that evening at tbo
Portland theatres. Boat will leave Ore
gon City dock at 6 :30 and return at the
cloBe of the concert. Bound trip tickets
50 cents. Tickets for the concert $1.
Tickets can be had at Uuntloy'e book
store, or of J. W. Uanong.
Brief Mate Jfcns.
Kheepsliearlng hasalready commenced
In portion of Grant county, and more
than one fbs kmaster is mourning In
coiUMiipience, through losses sustained
during the recent cold snap.
I) , J . Cooper of The Dalles, has a very
Interesting letter from Hon. Ilinger
llermuiin, vrittcn on the day when lie
had his light in the coinin'ttee for the
canal and locks at the cascades, in
which he says ships may resell The
Dalles wharves from the sea direct with
in twenty-four months.
A carload of cuttle was shipped
from Corvallls to Portland the other
duy, Thuy were all nulcli cows and
were purchuseil for shipment lo Japan
on a steamer that was lo leave Poitland
that night. There were thirty head in
all taken to the Oiient, twinuy of which
were purchased in llen'on county at an
average of '.V) per head. The duty and
freight on these thirty cows will Is
about $U)tX), making eui'ii bovine cost
uli. 111 1 IIIH landed In J.tpuu, and they
ate nothing but common American
milch cows, either.
James Collue, who keei a grocery
tore near the desit al Snohomish, ac
cepted a raised $10 bill Thursday in mak
ing change, and did not discover its
character until about to make a deiosit
in Hut l iist National bank. The figure
two in each instance had been covered
by the flguifs 10, that had evidently
lieen taken from tobacco or cigar-box
stumps and pusled over the original.
The bop aeienge in western Washing
ton i considerably increased litis year,
Mii.twitliHtuii.liiig the hesvy losses in
curred lust year 011 account of the rav
ages of the hop louse The habits nf
this pests are now understissl by grow era,
who will be iMitter able to coe with
them tlos year. The vines are looking
healthy and growing well, although the
weather lias been unusually cold for
this season of the year.
Lost A small purse, containing two
rings, oniK bearing the initials "W lo F
1S7H " A liberal reward is offered by
leaving the same at the Cliff house.
Fok Sai.k Ciikai' Dressed side-walking,
six feet. Apply to W. Y.. MoltKIs,
Park Place.
(io lo Wilson A Cooke's for the Oliver
Clucks at Iltirniciter A
Kci vune warranted.
I liunges, chairs, etc., ui'hoMcre'l at
llolmnn A Warner's All woik guar
anteed. lic air all your old lounges for
little money and they will be good as
At tlie Park Place store you will find
a line assortment of gents' and hoys' felt
wool and straw liuls Latent styles.
Just in from tbo Lat.
Whiskers that ure prematurely gray
or gray should be colored to prevent the
look of age, and Buckingham's Dvo ex
cels all others in coloring brown or black.
Don't foiget that Hamilton A Wash
burn of Park Place can furnish yon with
.loom, windows, paints, oils, nails and
hinges of every description and all kinds
of hardware essential to house building
at way down figures. Send in your list
and let us ipiote you before building.
Wilson A Cooke w ish to inform their
many friends that they curry in stin k a
complete line of Oliver Chilled and Steel
Plows ol all different sizes (also Kxtras)
Harrows, Cultivators and Shovel Plows
of all kinds which tliev will sell at
Portland prices. Kxmniuo our Block
and get our prices.
There are novelties each season in
wearing apparel and there are likewise
novelties each season in the furniture
line. The very latest designs in various
lines of furniture are being received
daily by the well-known house of
llellomy A Busch This firm carries
tho largest stock of furniture of any
housinn the city. They handle home
made and easterii goods. It should be
tho duty of every one desiring lo pur
chase any thing in the furniture lino to
pay this house a visit before making
selections. They can show the largest
and most complete stock to select from
and sell a superior quality of goods at
very low prices. tf
Tax Tavkhs ok School District No.
Kl: Notice is hereby given that the
board of directors of school district No.
(ij will sit as a board of equalization to
examine and correct the assessment
roll of the district on Monday and Tues
day, Aprit 18ih and l!Hh, 18D2, at 7:30
p. m. at tho city council chambers in
Oregon City, Oregon,
By Order of Board of Directors
Tuos. F. Kyan,
Dated this 4th day of April, 18!2.
Take 11 I p
Came into my enclosure at the United
States Fish hatchery, on or about Nov.
30, 181H. a mare colt supposed to be
about three yon t s old, no marks except
bay with star in forehead. Owner will
pleaso call, prove property, pay expenses
and take tbo animal away.
John A. Bykk,
Clackamas, Or.
Attention Teamsters.
$200 cash will buy a span of mules,
harness and a nearly new wagon. In
quire of Lydia Livesay, near Jones's
mill, Oregon City. tf
School deportment cards one cent
each, good for term, at the Entkhphibe
Who read thin will not be
interested in tho leuBt as
to which is tho host mixed
paint to lino tho coming
Will lie glad to St now that
John W. MaHury it Hon
are now manufacturing a
liquid paint which is guar
anteed to be otrictly pure
Linseed Oil, White Lead
and Zinc; for years their
colors in oil have been the
standard, as every painter
knows, and the mixed
paint now prepared by this
celebrated house has a
greatvr sale than all other
brands combined.
Wo arc tho nolo agents
for this section, and have a
full line of Manury'e paint
in stock.
Our Mr. Louifl, who is
thoroughly conversant
with everything relative to
house decorations, will,
perhaps, be able to give
you some practical hints
in regard to painting.
Let us talk with you.
Cauiield & Huntley,
Preicrlptioa DruggiiU.
Will buv 24 (sheets of
good pajior and 24 en
velopes to match, put
up in a neat box. This
is a bargain and won't
last long. You usually
pay 25 cents
Of equal quality. If
you are a lover of fancy
stationery, we have it
at all prices up to toe. a
box, which buys those
suberb goods of Mo
Clurg's, properly called
"Matchless." Speaking
Don't forget the latest
"Perfumed Stationery."
It looks sweet, smells
sweet, IS sweet.
Huntley's Book Store,
Next door to the Poetottice.
Manufacturer of au.l itealer in
ROUgh and Dressed Lum
ber and Boxes.
Prices the Lowest, Coods
the Best.
Four Miles East of Hubbard.
Barlow, - Oregon.
Tables supplied with the best the market
affords. Meals 25 cents.
Livery, Sale and Feed Stable.
Horses fed and cared for by the day or
month at reasonable rates.
tildtatai QUARTER
kcr couuly, Ore- ft
(ron, near whRt Ur 11
is now Baker City, PCNTMPV
a man who has since LCJl 1 Ufll
become identiried with the resources and n ( ft
development of that country. This man AVlU
is no other than Mr. John Stewart, one of the
wealthiest and most influential citiiens In the
county. In a recent letter he says : ' 1 had been
suffering: from pains In my back and general kid
ney complaint for some time, and had used many
remedies without any but temporary relief. The
pains in my back had become so severe that I was
prevented from attending to my work and could
not move about without the use of a cane. Hear
in. throuirh a friend, of the wonderful cures ef
fected by Oregon Kidney Tea, I was induced to try
a box, and from that very first dose I found instant
relief, and before using half the contents 01 me
box the pains in my back entirety disappeared.
I have every faith in the virtues of the Oregon
Kidney Tea. aud can conscientiously recommend
it to my friends. 1 would not be without it for
Oregon Kidney Tea cures backache, Incontl.
nence of urine, brick dust sediment, burning or
painful sensation while urinating, and all affec
tions or the kidney or urinary organs 01 ennersc
Mow Park Dairy,
Delivered to all
At his new store, corner of
Family Groceries
All Goods Fresh, Pure and Full Weight.
Orders taken at your house, and free delivery to all parts of the city.
DAVID MAY in charge of sales department.
a. 11 . BCIIKAM.
Manufacturers and Dealers In
The only complete line in Oregon City, embracing everything the
trade demands.
Honest work and reasonable prices is our aim.
Seeds, Trees, Fertilizers, Poultry
and Bee Supplies,
Spraying Materials, Etc., Etc.
No. 171 Second Street, PORTLAND, OREGON.
Boyer & Gale, Props.,
Wholesale and Retail Healers in
Fresh Beef, Mutton, Tork, Ham, Bacon and Lard.
All Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work
Promptly Done.
Shop n evoulh
This old and reliable firm always keep in stock a full line of
luff, SMi nl mm
larirae, Tinware, etc.
Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly. Es
timates Furnished.
Furniture, Bedding, Stoves, Tinware,
Second Hand Household Goods
Of all kinds, Bought and Sold.
Opposite the Post Office.
parts of the City.
the Grocer,
Seventh nnd Jackson Streets.
St., near Ofpot.