Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 15, 1892, Image 3

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    Willi iLnmm riui
TI117 Tut n Ticket lii llto Field
fur tho J h no Election.
shun riiMiMTM auk not 11 it
A CumTiitlon ('liiiniitirlril Itv Nuiiiir
OHM llerlliiiitloii The
Tlrkit Niiiiilnntetl.
Til K lll.W'K HATH' TII'KKT.
For Nunulur, liuo. A, Illinium.
For rciiti'iitiitlvi'H, II, M. lovla,
V. H. Slitirunl mill (ieo. J. Ciirrliis.
For county roiiimlmtltiner, L. I'uviib
F.ir sbi-rlll", V. C. (iBiioii.
For clerk, Imtmt Arkcriiinn.
Fur treasurer, K I. Kelly.
Fur rwnrilur, John ItiHley
For m liool miwrlniniicli!nl, 1. F. Muy.
For HMncHmir, Waller KithIihiii,
For surveyor, J. J. I.elni.
For loroner, Pr. W. F. (-mil.
1'oh' bull s coiiiforliilily lillix
WtplnemUy nllit for Hie rulebratluii
o( tlin biitbilitv of Jitll'iirHoii (lint bail
lieell HilviTliwil tO Im) IlI'M tlllTH. Al-
though tbe il "riitH liutl arrmiKixl th
allmr mnl tbe speakers ! vorllrw-it were
seemid crop ili'iiiimuU tbe nwlieiiro i
leiitvil In consist of mote republicans
tliiin ileiniM'iutii. lliere me several
Imlii'n ru'"l. 'J'lio BUm wore two
yountf iiK'ii from 1'urtlaml, Jolm liur
rott, oily i-ililor of lliu KvenuiK Tele
gram ml (iioitfti tiornimi, nepbew ol
ili'iiiixTHliit tbe prrMiilimtlftl poKsilnlity.
The M.k an liour or titritiitlil
ilumixrutlr. cuiiili!iirNHlii ml tben
('. D. I.atoiirelte took tli nwlniin inl
iim.lt ft brief mliln'M, more on ptililiral
Ikhiuw llimi In eubyy o' Tbomaa Jeller-
Many of the ilcleK'et to tlie ili-mo-cralic
county convention atlemtecl the
celebration ami were in mi iiiiireion
ftliln iuoihI wlieii t'linimmii 1. F. May
calM Hib convention to onler at 10
fiVltiL-k Tlninilv inornlnu. Ilu mmlo ft
neat ililr ftitvlHinu btuiiioiw-like
action ftiul announced the next tiling to
be tliu election of ft U!iiiKirry necrelary
Koine on miKumted thftt it would lie
lietter flml to elect ft tcitiurary cbalr
man mill Jnii'H Thorn wit named, lie
betiutl the hum lift of diH'linntioiin on
Die Kninnd that liu wait not milnclently
-iintiiiU'd hut tlie crowd Hlumted for
him ti it down and drowned Ida pro
testation in iinMr. So Thorno had to
take the chair and ho inudo an appro
priate UpCOlll.
K W. t'milleld wan nniniv.l lor tem
porary mxretary, declined hill wan forced
to nerve, ami J W. llraper waa chown
SMiixUnl leiiiporury act-ietary over Ida
protest Three nomination ami three
earnest declinations did not aeem to pre
sage very exuberant ciilbusiiisiti hut the
work went on undauntedly.
A committee of live on credentials wan
appointed aa follow: lavid Wright, I.
F. May, Henry (iana, Folk (iribble and
William Wyimin. The coniniittee re
tired in the then of the stage and made
nut iti lint while the convention contin
ued it H work. Mix work consisted of the
apM'iniment ol a committee of live on
pcriimiii'iit orgu Dilution and order of
Iniaineaa coiihiatiiitt of J . liraHr,
John Futile, W. II fhriplie, II. J.
lliirdiiiu and I.N. linker. Then there
waa a dillerence of opinion bm to how the
coniniittee on platform should ho made
up W. II. YaiiKhaii cotitendinit that
each precinct rdiould lie reprewnlcd, and
o hern that audi u committee would he
too unw iclilly (or work . The latter car
ried the day and the roniniilten wiiBcom
poaed ofthe followiiiKineuihera: W. II.
Van-han, II. HtrniKht, W. K. Carll, S.
It. Taylor and I'olk (irihhle. Then the
conveiilion aent all Bpectatora away and
went into aecret chiicuh, hut after nhout
twenty ininuliiB of hickering an udjourii
inent waa tukKii till 1 o'clock.
I'pon the reulwinhliiiiJ of the con
vention after noon the credeiillala com
mittee rcHrted the lollowing aa en
titled to HontM and votea:
Ahernethy Henry Nachand, Richard
tiliiHBpool, John Foraytho and J. Nohlu.
llailow. T. C. Andrua, Jacob Keek
and J. Yoder.
ltoriiis none.
Heaver Creek none.
Calieinuli John W Draper, Clarence
U. F'iolda and Charlea Toole.
Caasudea nono.
Clackamas J. E. Humphreys, 0, E.
Holconihand N. I.. Johiiaton.
Canyon Creek David Wright and
Klley (iariiitt.
Cnnhy-F. C. Mack, V. 8. Grihhlo,
JoHcph Slnill and Geo. Hoyt.
Cherryville none.
DHiiiancus John Touk, A. W. Cook,
and F. A. llohna.
Ely W. B. StnlTorJ, Henry M. Jack
son, and II. E. llowland,.
Eaule Cieek L. Mars, W. T. Linn,
P. Judd and A. W. Kane.
Goorne Frank Ahnert and Fred Knth.
Gurflold f. P. Irvin, and A. W. Kinu,
by Kd. Clements, proxy.
Hardinirs W. P. Kersham, W. F.
Hubbard and John Hutton.
Highlund-G. W. Welch.
Lower Molalla J. W. Smith, K.
Gribble, J. Gibson, A. D. Gribblo, J.
CloiiHon, and W. J. Smith.
Milwankie none.
Milk, Creek none.
Marquam Gilbert Robbins, Edward
Bireliet, Benjamin Stanton, J. E. Jack,
and 8. R. Taylor.
Needy Alex. Cample, Geo. Owing,
Waller Nohlilt, and Daniel Wylund.
New Kia John Iteuf, J. HoiikIiuii and
J. F. llrlKK".
Oawi'tfo II, Gana, W. H. Hchmldt,
V, Y, 1'raper mid Henry ChrlNtie.
Oreiion City No. l.-John Kill, (J. C.
Caaler, D, F.May, 1. Arkcriiian, J . J.
C Hike, T. F. Cowing, William Hhehan
and Wallace Cole,
(ih'gon City No. 2. Jaa. Thorne, W,
K. Carll, II. Htralglit, John WeiNiuan-
del. V. G. Caulleld, P. J. Cragill, II. J.
Hauling and Joa. Kiirlen.
I'leanaut Hill ChaN. Haker, llrauton
ltrown and W, K. Young.
hprlugwater 8am Itaney, A. M. Love
lace, and John Lnelling,
Soda Hprlng A. W. Davla mid Geo.
Kicvera Kelly and r Hievera.
Tu.ilalin F. P. Larseti, (.'. Tlioiiipaun
and (). P Sharp.
I'pper .Molalla W. II. Yaiighan, Jaa.
O. Dickey, J, J. U'alio, t). Uohbina, F,
t!. l'erry, M. 1 1 ungate and Hamuel Kn
gle. Viola T. II, Kersham and A. M.
I'liion none.
Went Oregon Clty-J. N, Haker. T.
Armntmng and Thomaa .Muiiwm.
The wuiinltteo on lairinaneiit organ
i.atiun and order of hiiaineaa preaentud
a rcMiit, W. II, Yaiighan waa mad per
manent chairman, E, G. Caulleld per
manent Hecrelary and D F. May naaiat-
ant aecretary. The platform ceiiiiniltee
waa not, ready to n'vorto, piiraiiing the
order of buaineaa reported by the com
mittee, the nomination of delegate to
the atate convention waa proceeded
with and the flrat ballot reunited in the
election of the following: W. II.
Vaughan, J W. Draer, D. F. May, U.
D. I-atourette, J. K, tirlhble, Kamuel
Taylor, Hob Channan, K. Straight, W.
E. Carll, E. D. Kelly and Mark Kob-
liillB. '
The naming of a camlidnte for county
comii.iBBioner came next and I.. David
aon of tinwego and John Liudling of
I Springwater were put In nomination
The Oawego delegate came with the de
mand that their precinct get this candi
date and they quite inaiBted
upon gelling what they demanded.
When the liallol were counted David
win wa loiiud to have Bixty votea and
i.uelling forty-one; bo tlBwegi got the
county comiiiiBBioner. (In mutioii of
Luelling, DavidNou'a nomination was
made unanimouB and the Oswego dele
gate punched bole in the air a they
Al tliii Juncture the platform coni
niittee aiiliouti''e1 ila i o. t and other
priaeedinga were interrupted to hear
read that important document which
was straightway adopted without ques
tion from unyliody. It is ft little enatic
In ita style but it made the democrats
feel good. It was an follows:
Pleile anew fealty to Hie principles ami
lieliel In the dia'triue taught by Jelteriton,
Jiti-knon, Tilil. n ami I len.l n, ks and ilrclares
fur limii'st and ciDiiomical legislation lor lo
cal self-government; for honest money;
fur civil service relorm; for lilH-ral hut inn
reckless ienslons. anil fort lie fpj'eily alxite
rnenl of nil formnuf neeilh'Hs and oppressive
liivathin. It ileclares Ilu- paramount reform
ileinaiiilril is thill of the larill laws upon the
hanis of the itinio. rill ic platform of 1SS;
ileiuanils the repeal of the Mi-Klnlcy hill
and dial esM iuiat raw innleriul lie plnicil
Uhmi the tree list and the Ian II revised.
Itciuilved, That we condemn the republi
can administration fur forteiting to the Ore
gon ami California railmail almost one-half
of CI kaiiias county, and failing loopeu
the entire inileninity hell of ten miles (or
iiuiueiliiite si'ttli-ineul.
Itesolved, That wo are In favor of the iai
ineiliate forfi liure hy congress of all rail
niud liiml grants not earned hy building the
road within the time limited and other
wise fulling to comply with the conditions
of the grants.
Resolved, That all county ofllcers shall
lie imid hy fixed and economical salary
without fee or extra expense to taxpayers
in any manner whatever.
Itesolved, That we are III favor of the un
qiiulilU'd rep.'iil of 1 1 1 o mortgage lax law
and there should he no exemption for In
dehleilness and that taxation should be
eipiltnhle to all the people.
Hesolvoil, That (he best Interests of the
people require wiser and better mad laws
and for abetter administration of existing
W. B. Stafford of Ely offered the fol
lowing resolution which was adopted :
Itesolved, That the democratic party of
this county In convention assembled is op
posed lo the cxtravaguut administration ol
the present county court and hereby call
upon the honest voters of the county to pro
test against a tax levy of twenty-live mills.
On the adoption of the luHt resolution
there waa one vigorous No by 0. P.
Sharp of Tualatin who subsequently ex
plained that he did not believe in reduc
ing the rate of taxation while the county
was in debt to support even the meagre
improvements now mado. Ilia heresy
could not be passed in silence bo Father
Vaughan beamed henignantly upon the
heretic and remarked reprovingly that
alltbough the same but the expenses
of this county should be brought down
so that so heavy a tax should not be nec
essary ; that was what they meant.
The work of nominating was resumed
and Dr. Carll of Oregon City beat Dr.
Frank of Clackamas for coroner by a
vote ol sixty-nine to twenty-nine. He
admitted that the nomination had come
lo him unsought and agreed that if
called upon to sit on a corpse lie would
indict the whole republican party on
general principles.
David F. May of Oregon City was
nominated for superintendent of schools
by acclamation and be thanked the con
vention In a fillcltotil speech.
For surveyor David Wright proK.ed
that J. II, Wright, the people' prty
candidate las endorsed a he waa not
really ft ieople'a party man, Koine of
the other delegate grew Inquisitive and
asked Delegate Wright if Candidate
Wright waa a democrat. The old
gentleman said he had raised the bov a
good democrat but bad to admit that
liu wa now somewhat Imbued with
people' party doctrine The sentiment
wa hostile to endorsement and nnmina
linns were In order. G. C. Caaler posi
tively declined . J. J. Leabo did like
wise hut wa nominated ill sidle of bis
Walter KerHhttin, II. J. Harding, W.
V. Yoiiuu and Hntirv Nachand were
placed In nomination for assessor, but
on the first ballot Kersbiim got eighty-
nine of the ninety-nine vote.
For clerk J. C. Hacked, Jauie
Thorne, David Caulleld, Isaac Aiker
rnan, Kohb ('barman and Lambert
Krl were named. Four ballot were
taken beforo a nomination waa made,
and Isaac Ackerinan waa the successful
F.d. Kelly of Oregon City got the nom
ination for treasurer without any trouble
and John Kisley of Milwankie for re
corder. W. C. Ganoug wa also nomina
ted by acclamation for sheriff.
For representative there were several
put In nomination but A. M. I-ovclaee,
W. li. Stafford and (ieorge Currin got
the vole. For senator Geo. A. Hard
ing was nominated by acclamation.
The following county central commit-
tee was named and the convention ad
journed leaving the justice of the peace
and constable to the central committee
lo llx up:
AlK-rnetliy Henry Nachmid
Viol 11. Kersham
Marquam J. K- Jack
Oswego H.dans
I'pper Molalla Samuel Fugle
llarlow W. W. Jesse
Lower Molalla A. t. dribble
Needy Alex Compau
New Kra
West Oregon City.
Heaver Creek
Milk Creek
J. O. Haiighan
1. H. ltakrr
...W.8. Gribble
,.W. A. Hedges
. John Shannon
John (iarde
. ...J.S. Itisly
. J- H. Iteveuue
J. K. I'ng
Tunisian I. A. linker
Kagle Creek
I'lni kiiiiins
Sod Springs ... .
Canyon Creek
Oregon City No. 1
Oregon City No. 2.
ricauuit Hill
K. E. Unn
. (ieo, J. Currin
P. C. Huinnhrey
A. V. Iavi
Riley (iarrett
Elmer Oixon
D. F. May
..Dr. W. E. Caril
J. H. Kmbree
.. . (ieo. Welch
V. I.. Young
(Unrge Fred Kath
Miringwater . .... . . . Jno I-ewellyn
Damascus A. M. l-ovelace
l.clcr I. Int.
The following is the lint of letters remain
ing in the post ulllce at Oregon City, Oregon,
April . 1.XH2:
Authur, Eugene Onls, Mr 11
Ilailmr, Charles linbison, Mrs Mary
( iinlny, Mrs Mary Starr, Joe
Colwe'll. Dad Smith, 1)
Dick, Mr David Shannon, W
(irim. (ieo H Terpin, W P
Utile. A It Wyman, A J -2
Mackey, Mr M
If called for, please say w hen advertised.
E. M. HANDS, P. M.
(illzeus, Attention.
There will be a mass meeting ol citi
itena at Pope's ball Saturday evening
April Ditli. to take some action on the
Kiissian Famine Question. Mcctintr.
will bj called to order at 7 p. m.
Hy order of the common council.
T. W. Sullivan,
Oregon City April 13. 1S02,
Having my new shop at Canov com
pleted I am now prepared to do all
kinds of blacksmith work at the lowest
living rates, and guarantee the very beat
of workmanship. In my specialty ol
horseshoeing I will equal the best work
done in Oregon City or elsewhere. Give
me a trial and judge for yourself.
John Zkkk.
Cemktkry Noth'b. Sexton Slover, of
the city cemetery, announces that he
is now ready to improve and beautify
lots and ornament graves preparatory
for Pecorution Day. Flowers planted
and cared for. tf
For Salk. 12 ft.
street, Oregon City.
by 105
II. Z.
ft. on Main
George Walling has been making rad
ical improvements about his place on
Main street. A new front of folding
doors has been put in, new shelving,
painting and papering and a new ar
rangement of the fruit and tobacco store.
The club room in the rear will be next
Christ Tagli of Eagle Creek while en
gaged in road w ork in his district last
week, had one leg crushed by a heavy
log rolling upon it. The injury was so
serious that Mr. Pagh bad to be taken to
Portland for treatment."
At Miss Wilkinson's millinery parlors
opposite the postoflice you can get a hat
or bonnet trimmed to order in a style
that will please you.
A new foundation is being put under
the Cliff house and goneral repairs made
to that historic caravansary,
A Itiinmge Ose against the Umpire
Manufacturing Co. Other Case.
The Empire Manufacturing company
of Gladstone wa made defendant this
week in a stilt begun by Fred JIurgraves,
by Kolden Hargravea, hi guardian.
The complainant, who is thiitcen year
of age, was employed in running a wood
polishing machine, a portion of which
had become broken so that certain cog
wheels were left exposed and dangerous.
On the 12th of lust January hi hand
waa caught in lliu exnowil cogs and so
ciuhhed and bruised that the middle
finger of hi right hand had to lie ampu
tated at the knuckle joint and the third
linger at the first joint. For this injury
damage in the um of (.1,000 are sued
for. Mcliiide St Dresser are the at
torney. A. W. htowell ha commenced an
action against William and Mrs C. M.
I Phillips on another one of the Durand
note given September 12, 1H(K) for 1000
with U-n jicreent interest. Two hundred
lifty dollars is also asked a attorney's
! fee. J. li. Thompson has the case. A
writ ol attachment waa taken and
served on dcfeudarita.
(i. IC. Hayes, attorney for defendant
in the case of Collin & McFarland vs
J. II. Jackson, entered a demurrer alleg
ing that the complain does not state
fact sufficient to constitute a cause of
action. Similar demurrer were filed in
the case of Stowell vs Phillips and the
equity case of Kibbler et al vs Minnie
and (ieorge ('line.
Other suits begun are George Burchard
vs H Oglesby et al, foreclosure of
mechanics lien, and Charles Burnell VS
N. B. Haivey.
The Mrn Who Will Determine Facta
the Spring Term of Court.
Following are the names drawn for
service as jurors at the spring terra of
circuit court to begin April 18, with the
statement of their occupation and their
residence liy precincts:
Weaver Creek . .Chris Fisher fanner
Canby A. J. Garrison farmer
Canity John Cole miller
Cam-mall Max Telfoni laborer
Chii'kaniM .. .C. F. Clark farmer
Damascus Charles l'ilster "
Damascus J. R. Morton "
Hanlings J. C. Kircbcni "
Highland Joseph Fellow "
Needy A. W. Lawrence "
Newly J. E. Mitts "
Newly William Roop "
New Era Joseph Rief "
Oregon City... Josephus Thonipkins '
' ... Ernest Matthies "
" ....C. C. Babcock.sr "
" ... W. H. Smith "
" . Geo. Unylan "
" . . Geo. C. Kly merchant
' . . Jtihn O. Porter laborer
" F. M. Sumner "
. C. T. Hickman "
Oswego Robert H.Wilson ... "
' K. F. W bitten farmer
j. j. nuiiock "
" M. K. Shipley "
Pleasant Hill Matt, linker "
Sievers T. S. Peake "
Soda Springs. .Scott Carter "
Tualatin J. I.. Kruse "
Uper Molalla Charles Thomas "
Summary of the Deeds Filed in
County Keriirdcr'g Ofliee.
The total value of real estate transfers
tiled in the county recorder's odice thus
far this vear is $&!5,011. The transfers
filed for the last week were as follows:
John W Evans and wife to
Amanda E Evans undivided
one-eleventh interest in William
Evans DL C f 2M
J 11 Lambert and wile to Max
Schinit 1 17, 18 b 9 Cambridge. . 550
Charles Frick and wife to W J
Thompson efj sw and s.SJ
iiwi4' a 12, t 2 s, r i e 100 acres. . 2,000
Charles Guyer to Herman Anth
ony 1 7, 8 b ti New Era 60
LeoCoad to Septimus Coad interest
in estate of William Coad dee. . . 100
E C Hamilton and wife to E D
Brooks undivided 6-8 nel4 1 1 b 4
Marsbfield 2,000
Annie Busch and husband to B S
Bellomy undivided interest
tract F Clackamas Fruit Land. . 1,100
B S Bellomy and wife to Mrs Annie
Busch 1 7, 8 b 107 Oregon City. . 1,100
Robert J Beattie, trustte. to Mary
A Soule undivided a 30.27
acres 1,066
Silas M Farley to R L Morris and
wifewM iiei" s 8 80 acres 400
Robert G E Weitz to John Weia
uiandol w,'a nw.l4 s 8, 1 4 s, r 2 e,
80 acres 750
John M Johnston and wife to
Wyandret W Gardner 10 acres. . 1,500
Same to George Lucke pt James
Chitwood D L C 30 acres 2,000
Total 02.826
From Meadow Park dairy you will get
nothing but pure, fresh milk, such as is
required tor the baby.
To restore gray hair natural color as in
youth, cause it to grow abundant and
strong, there is no better preparation
than Hall's Hair Renewer.
The most delicate constitution can safe
ly use Dr. J. McLean's Tar .Vine Lung
Balm. It is a Biire remedy for coughs,
loss of voice, and al) throat and lung
Mm Mis Green Houses.
Jos. Collins, the Florist of Clackamas Heights Greca
IIouhch, has got a lot of good, fine, strong, healthy, rose
plants for sale at $2 per dozen. Now is your chance to bay
before it is too late, as they are selling off fast. Come and
see for yourself. You will never have the opportunity to.
buy such large rose plants at that price again. Also a gen
eral collection of house plants for sale at low prices. Vege
table plants for sale at J. Harding's grocery store or at the
Green Houses.
Early Cabbage, per hundred, $ 5
Early Cauliflower, per hundred, 100
Early Tomatoes, per hundred, 75
Cut (lowers a specialty all seasons of the year.
JOS. COLLINS, Florist, Park Place, Oregon.
Carpets, Matting, Mats, Hugs, Reed and Rattan Goods, Up
holstered Rockers, Etc., of all kinds
Special Hates on Upholstering this month.
All work guaranteed better than when done in wholesale
houses, and we sell them cheaper than others can who buy
from wholesale dealers.
Undertakers' Goods.
Always a comjiete line, and can be turned out at the short
est notice.
O rr tron City Hank Banding.
Portland Jecnelep.
Importer of and Dealer in Diamonds, Watches,
Jewelry, Clocks and Optical Goods.
fJT'Ladies' Private Entrance Up Stairs. Orders from the Country
O. E. A.
Best and Cheapest Grocer.
Fancy and Staple Groceries in Great Variety.
Vegetables, Fruit and Feed.
Fifteenth and Main, ORECON CITY.
The building now occupied by the Oregon
City Iron Works, together with the Engine,
Boiler and Line Shafting. This is a good
chance for a small manufacturing plant.
Apply at office of
Royal Baking Powder, 1 lb. . . $ 45
17 lb. Dry Gran. Sugar 100
Full pound Climax Tobacco.. 45
25c. Extract Lemon for 15
Tubular Lanterns 50
Goods, Furnishing Goods, Brownsville Clothing,
Best Goods and Lowest Prices.
HAMILTON & ALLEN, Clackamas, Oregon.
10 dozen 50c. jack knives $ 25
7 spools 0. N. T. thread 25
Child's lace shoes,6 to 8 to close 50
Salt Salmon, pound, 05
Notions, as usual, one-half price.