f Johnson pr 8 63 Oregon City Enterprise. VOL. 20, NO. 2.k ORKliON CITY, OKEOON, FRIDAY, Al'Jlir15, 1892 ESTABLISHED 1800. miioM, r. it v a n, It K A I. KHTA'I K AMI INHI'ltAKl K. Cholee ( Itv, Funn Hint Muhiiiliitu property fur side, t'lly nrrlpt, enunly wuimiilii tun! m-kiiiI lien of ml klmU ttiiii4 It t mid mild 'l it nek m lit Mild liUvtlltmai nf DVriy dt-M'llpllOU alleildl'd lo tor lion renl.te iitu . Olttctl up fltalM til hlllldlutf north of potnnlco. (AM. A. SMITH, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will irni'l Iit III nny if llin Mnto or Federal foilitli. AImi tillrlid enrrlully lo rtliy hll.llli'M I elm,. tlii I'. H I.mii.1 olliett ami Interior lie- 1 irl mimiiin. (iitliit ItiMtin fl nlil (1, ( liaiiiimi ii.m k, os or l.lvi-intnri n lloiel. tic K.tic in fl I V. tillKtlnN. (1 f. HlYM, I. ATTORNEY AT LAW, (HlgUON IT. OKKUOM Will practice tti nil the courle of the Male, tirilee, cor uer Main and Lliihlh (timet oppoidte court Iioumi I.. I'lllliF.lt, ATTOIINKY AT I. AW Atirn4CT or raoi-asTY ri'mnaiisi). tillii'tilwo door ahove poMufflr, tirniiou City. T. A. Mi'KKIIll 1. a. Iais. f rllKII'K A lillKHMKK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Offlca In Jatgar llloi k, Ort'gnn Crttjr i ii. hvk, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW office over Oregon City Hank. OMKllun ITV. WflHlH (1 Ktilti.K f. HHOWNKI.I, I LAWYER, OmtiioR Citt. Ohkiok, Will praellca III nil thocourta of the tli. Of Ari. tin! ilmir to Ceiirield A Huntley1! drug tore. t, a. Unix mci.nii.il iih. t. r. rowing, 1 Jltol'KKNHKotllll A COWIMI. ATTDIINKYH At LAW. All f " before (' Iju.I (Wire clally. Ornce rooms Maud Id, t' ti laud ottlce building, oiiKiins nrv.' Crrfiw. w. T ll'IHIf. - j. w. iiAr. i lt.NKV A PIMI'F.II, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oregon City, .... Orefou Twelve veart experteriee as readier of the V. It. Land oihee here rvei.iiiineiid. im In our moiT' Miy of nit knot ol liilnei tirlore the Untl of fli e and tli rourtii, and litvoh I. ik the practice tu the trelieral laud olhcu yy lAHKY JollNsoN, LAWYER. Corner Kiiht ituil Mnln "trceta, Oregon City. (ireKOII. HEAL ESTATE TO SELL AM) Ml INKY TO LOAN. 1 li. A II. f I.ATol'HKl-ll., ATTORNEYS AMI CnrXSKI.llliS AT LAW MAIN hlllKI.I', (HtKlliiN 1 ITV, OKKdliN. PunilKli AtitrMi't ol Title, Unu Money, Kore eloke MortK-iKen, itml trntiMiiet tteiierHl I..IW Uuhtnem. J j K. ClttlHS, A'miKXKY AT LAW. W il l. I'll.llTM It IN Al l. f III IITK or TIIK 8TATH IteHl Kliite nml liuiuntm'r. OilU'v on MhIii Hlrri't, bet. Hlxlli nml Hcvonlli, OIIKIION (ITV, OK. O. T. WILLIAMS, 1!KAL I'.STATK AND IXSl'KANCK. Iit'Hirntilti IliiHiticiw l'roporty mid Suli tiilutii llomoH in (ii'K" Cily. Furm Property lit traet to milt on eny lennB. f orreipoiHlenre iironilMly Himwereil. (Iftlee, next door tu t'liiitleiil A lliiutley'i ilruit Rtoru. yr H MAItYK, SUKVKYOK ANI CIVIL KNUINEKII. 1'tnttliifr. IimlnnKO mid Kliime Work promptly execiitdl. BAHI.OW. - - OHKOON. rpilK COMMKIlflAI, HANK, T' OV OltKdON CITY. fltplUl, IKW.tWO TIUNHAITB A (IKNKRA1. n AN Kt NO llUHlNKWI. IiOnim mHilu. lllllfl dtreounted. Mnkpn eo leetioiiH. ltuyH mid MellK pxchRiiKe on nil polnlM In the United HtiiteH, Kuropo mid Ilonir Konir. )eoNltN reeel'ed Hilhjeet to cheek InloreKt Ht iiNiiiil rntcti allowed on time depoMttM. JIh ti k open from 0 a. u. to 4 i. H. Hntimliiy eveuliik'8 from 6 to 7 r, H. D C. LATOUKKTTK. VrcBirlent. r" K HON ALIIHON, Cimhlcr JJANK OF ORKtlON CITY, Oldest Banking House la the Ci'j. I'ald up Ciipltul, Ml,000. TMlKHIoKNT, V1CK l'HKHHIKNT, (AKIIIKH. MANAI1KR. TllOfl. ntARMAM. QKO. A. HAHIIINd. 10. 0 ( AI'KIKI.II CIIABI.KB H. CAUKIKL1). A Ronirllmtiklni buliii trniiRncted. jlepoHtlH reeelveil Huhjeot to dheek. Approvod lillln olid mitui dlKOountod. County n1 city wiirrnntu IioiirIU. l.oKim iimde on avmUhle nuotirlty. KxehaiiKO boiiKhtand Hold. 1 (hilloctloni rrindH promptly. Ilmlti aold avutlnule In any pnrt of the world. TulvKraphlc exchange Kolil on Portland, 8au rranoiarto, t;ruei.i ami new iorx. lnteroMt nald on tune donnaltll. Sub Aeeull of TUK LONDON CriEQUB BANK. SOME i QUESTIONS ! DO YOU DO YOU Want to learn County? The correHjioiuK'ntH DO YOU DO YOU DO YOU Want to know ENTERPRISE DO YOU Want to know delin.iuent? information. DO YOU DO YOU DO YOU DO YOU Know that tho most complete from the finest colored poster Know Hint in thin jirojrcHHivc ago tho rcuding niiin Ih llic iiroHjioroiiH limn? Tnke the KXTEIU'RISK tint kecj) jioHtt.'(l. of the local news of Clackamas KNTKUPRISK'S corpa of fifty-Hix will tell you all. Want to know tho political news, National, State ami County? The UN'TEHI'MSE contains all that it) newny in jxilitics. Want to know tho proceedings of tho county court? They aro published in full in the ENTERPRISE. when circuit court convenes? The will give the date. when your taxes become due and Look in the ENTERPRISE for the Want to know the market quotations for Oregon City? Tho ENTERPRISE gives the reports cor rected each week. Want to get the election returns in full by counties for tho State and' by precincts for Clackamas county? They will bo given in detail by he ENTERPRISE. Want tho ENTERPRISE from now until Juno 10, 1892? If so send in twenty-live cents in coin or stamps and get it, with the assurance that it will bo stopped promptly, unless otherwise ordered, at date of expiration. ENTERPRISE has ono of the job offices in the State? Any order bank and commercial work to a executed promptly at Portland prices FROM THKCANTAL Kiri'illoiiN for M'ur Vessels on (lie 1'iiriflc CoiikI. ItllPl.V TO TIIK ST.I.Ol IH ( If 11 1( ISM IIIiiIiic'h l.elteri t to lie I'lililislird An Kxeciillvf Clerk IMiiiilseii (eniral NeK. WAHinvriTuN, April 8 Tli e t'nitcd HUteit HloiuiiorH Vorkton nml AiIuiiih at Han ! riiticiKi:(j tro tilay tirdeiwl at once to I'urt TuMnmtnd. Tim V. K. Blciinicr'f ( 'liitrlcHton ami ii.illiniore, uIho at Han 1'raniriH. o, Imve lnn ordered to proceed to Aatoria, Oregon, to part:ei pittu in the Columbia river centennial eelMl.ntlinti, May I2tli. While no ordern Wert) uiveri to Dial eHect, it it under a'ood tlmt tlits lour veKel imtned will bo ctn ptnyed in put roll i nj the waters of JleritiK ea when t lie seanon oH'ih. The L'nited Htulea Hteatner Muliican, now at Port Oicliuid, will probably be lined for iini!ar duly. Tim United Htatea Hteain- er Concord, now at Malancua, baa len ! ordered to proceed lo Mempliia, Tenn., to take part in the bridge celebration on the 12lh. For an International Conference. Wahhinuto.v, April 8. In the houne today McC'reary introduced for Springer bill to authorize the holding of an in ternational monetary conference, prob ably to be held in Chicago, Augunt, 18H3. Of I' n i Ui I Htateg delegates, seven shall be chosen by the president from among citizens not holding office; seven by the president of the senate from among sen ators, and seven by the speaker of the house from among representatives. The appointments are to be divided as epually as possible between the political parties. The secretary ot state and director of the mint are to be additional delegates. The president is to authorize foreign govern ments to send representatives who shad be entitled to one vote each. World'e Fair Directory. Citii'Auo, April 8. The World's Fair directory tonight re-elected William T. Baker president, reducing his salary from $12,000 to 10000 per year. H. II, Iligginbotham was elected first vice preideut in place of Thomas B. Byran. The latter is elected commissioner-at large at a salary of ftMKH) per year. His work is to be visiting foreign countries in the interest of the fair. Solicitor (ieneral Butlerworth retires, his office living atiolisiied. Seeberger and Acker man are re-eleeted treasurer and auditor respectively; Mr. Edmunds, President Baker's former private secretary, be' cornea Chase's secretary, and Mr. Car- lisle, son of ex Congressman Carlisle, elected atlornev. A Statistical Reply. Washington, April 12 J R. Podge, statisciuii of the agricultu-al depart ment furnishes a long statistical reply to the resolutions adopted by the Ht. Louis Cotton Exchange, that the last agri- cuuu.a ucpamuem ,,.o, i ... .one- ous in its conclusions as to wneat and cotton. Dodge says the "resolutions are unworthy of the intelligence of an American commercial association, and why a band of speculators, suffering from their own rashness and mad jngde nients, should so stultify themselves as to defy ojien facts of production and dis tribution, which are published daily by the commercial press of two continents, is past comprehension." They Will Not bo Published. Washinoton, April 11. The Wash ington gossips who have been waiting patiently for the publication of the let ters of young James G Blaine, w ritten to his wife during the early months of their married life, are probably doomed to disappointment. The statement is made, on what appears to be good au thority, that these letters will never ap pear in print. The story goes that a friend of Secretary Blaine, presumably Seeretaiy Klkins, has recently visited an influential friend of Mrs. Blaine, jr., in New York, has arranged to receive the letters, or at least to secure a promise that they shall not be published. Executive Olerk Discharged. Washington, April 11. After a stormy debate in executive session the senate toduy yielding to the pressure of the committee on foreign relations and vacated tho olfice of executive clerk, filled for ten years by James R. Young. Coming West. Washington, April 9 Assistant Sec retary Crounzo, of the treasury depart ment, will leave here early next, week for San Francisco and Portland on busi ness connected with the new public buildings in tliow cities. Home Bale for Ireland. London, April 8. In the Commons to day Alexander Blaine (Parnellite) gave notice that a month hence he would move that the time to establish a par liament in Dublin to manage and control all the affairs of Ireland. MILITIA O&DEKED OUT, Baktr City Bojri Bopportrng tho Blier'.ff of Mai-1 belt Uotiiitj. HakkhCity, A pril 11 .Obeying the i ordeia of the governor, Coinpatiy F, : Third regiment, O. N. 0., left Hum city OI'IMOSOK A CA.VlDl.tS OKKICHL. ar 12:45 a. m. by train, en rotittj to Vale, j Miillieur county, to attniHt the Kberltrto HP Only Salvation for tin? ('ninitrjr protect William amIJuanBjiley.eliaruetl .e In Jolnlnif the l!eitililic It with the brutal murder of William lluui-l .Must Coni Sooner or Ltitr. beit in a row that occurred there last, Saturday over the democratic pri- mary election. The militia will Koto all ex..,,clnU.r of the Canadian pa.lia Ontano, Hixty tmleH by train, and from , niHnt who b in tilig city in an in.r. tliero to Vain, thirteen nnleu by teams, oron fjt. Hberiir Fell conntatitly re mains in the cell with the priwnera, and avem that the cow boys will have to walk over Inn dead body before they net the murderera. The preliminary exam- nation occurs tooay. n is rei-uru.-u u. Now t,,ere ; on,y tl)ia q,lfBtior, W)a,i the cowboys swear that the prisoners Canada submit, to annexation 'while the will never leave that county alive. The'Cana(lian peop,e exi()l? 0r ehaI1 militia will escort the murderers to this wait untj, ,hwe peo),e have moyed 0M city if bound over, and they will be con-; tbe UniU)d anJ then gub(nit fined in the county jail until the Sei ' to employ the formality of allowing her ttinber term of the court. I ,i.i i. ! Admiral Walker Deniei the Btory. Vai.pabaiso, April 11. Admiral Walker has sent a dispatch to the United States, denying in the strongest terms the London Times' slorythat he and Pit kin, American minister to the Argentine Kc public, and the Uruguayan minister of foreign affair had entered into a quasi secret agreement by which Uruguay or Argentine was to provide a naval depot (or the Uuited States. Smallpox in Bow York. 'sw Yohk, April 11. Eight cases of smallpox have been reported since Sat urday. OKE(iOSWKATHt'R AND CHOPS. Report or the Oregon Weather Obserrer with the Agricultural Department. WESTERN OBEOON WEATHER. Cloudy weather, rain, hail, snow in the mountains, frosts and lack of sun shine have been the weather conditions for the past week. From one and one quarter to two inches of rain have fallen during the week, making the soil even more moist than it already had been. Hail fell on the is various localities and snow fell on the moun tains on the same date. On the 7th there was no rainfall, on the other days of the week rain fell. On the mornings of the 6th and 7th liyht frost and in places heavv frosts occurred and on the elevated plateaus, thin ice was ooserved on the morning ot the 7th. CHOI'S. The weather conditions have been tin- favorable to the advancement of veteta- tion and prosecution of farm work. Spring seeding was almost en tirely susiended. The soil is very moist and on low lands is almost entirely covered with water Fall and winter i wheat are stooling well and have a good stand. The cool weather and lack of sunshine are retarding tbe develop ment of fruit buds and making them , whu.h wij, ena,)le ie rmi tQ withstand possible later frosts. The frosts of the week did no serious damage, though in sections an occasional tree was slightly damaged. Codlin moths were observed in Polk county on the "th. The present conditions are very similar to the conditions which pre vailed during the corresponding week of 18111, which were followed by more fav orable conditions in the two succeeding i weeks. EASTERN OREGON WEATHER. There was during the week a slight rise in temperature. Cloudy weather, rains, Bnow and frost prevailed during the week. The snow in the counties south of the Blue mountains has re mained on the ground. The weather was similar to that in western Oregon. CROPS. But little farming during the week. The soil is more thoroughly moistened than it has been several years. Fall and winter wheat are in a most promising condition and when the weather permit? the already large spring ucreage will be still farther increased. Reports indi- ... grain. There was some damgge done to fruit in the interior of Gilliam county by the frosts. But in the other sections no damage is reported . The severe I weather for this period of the year, has caused some loss among the young lambs. While the spring is backward, yet the grain prospects were never bet ter for an unusually large acreage and good yield. The streams are low, but this is caused by a lack of snowfall and frost in the ground, which latter condi tion, allows of the rainfall to soak into the soil instead of running off into the streams. Warren Truitt, the newly appointed United States district judge of Alaska, appeared before R. M. Hopkins, clerk of the United States court at Seattle Fri day, and took the oath of office as pre scribed by the constitution of the United States. jCAXADA MUST JOIN. iThe People li.tiiiul lo Come lo the United States. CincAoo. Anril 12. F. L. Thebaldan. view aaya: "Canada's annexation to the L'niled States i inevitable. The word Canada does not alone mean that cer tain part of the North American conti nent; it means in addition, a certain part of the North American' people. Every effort h is been maile to conceal the truth regarding the alarming char acter and size of the exodus to tbe United Slates from Canada and lower Quebec especially. The moat violent abuse has been heaped upon those who have dared to point out the danger of this state of affai.n. Priests have been telling the government the troth, and a few newspapers have hinted at it. Tbe mildest term of reproach for these honest people is that they are unpatri otic. The priests have fought hard to stem the tide of immigration; failing utterly, they have appealed to the gov ernment. Their action, while perhaps not disinterested, has been truly patri otic. We cannot much longer ignore the facts they hare presented, nor dis pute the evidence. We may sneer at the annexation of Canada, but all the while the Canadian people by whole trainloads are, as individuals, annexing themselves to the United States." BRITISH MARI8EH3 C0M7.SO. They Art Bent Dreot from England for Duty la the Paoifio. Montreal, April 11. The Canadian Pacific authorities have received a cable gram to the effect ihat 250 sailors and marines, destined for tbe Pacific squad ron, would sail on the steamer Cartha- ginian from Liverpool tor Halifax, and from there will take a Canadian Pacific special train, winch will leave at once for the Pacific coast. It is believed the present detachment is being sent over to reinforce the crews already doing duty in Pacific waters. Folitica on the Bound. Tacoxa, Wash., April 12. The repub lican county convention today instructed its delegation to tbe state convention to secure the election of Nelson Bennett as delegate and J. T. Redman alternate to the national convention. Bennett favors free silver, and Blaine is his accredited first choice. Redman favors Blaine, Harrison or Alger in the order named. The movement for Tacoma to have two delegates to the national convention was downed, Fierce county securing the favors on the state ticket, and jierhaps governor. Senator Allen's friends had no strenth in the covention. Victorious HorsethieTes. Helena, Mont.. April 8. A dispatch from Dillon announced that a battle oo cured two days ago between a band of horsethieves and a company of cattle men on the Montana side of the Wind river country. The cattlemen becoming exasperated by the depredations of horsethieves began an organized search for the robbers and found a large body entrenched in winter quarters. They attacked and were repulsed, losing eight killed and many wounded. The robbers also lost heavillv. Big Fire at Linkvillle. I inkville. Or. April 8. The Grand Central block caught fire this morning about 3 o'clock and was burned to the ground. The block, which with all its belonged to Judge G.W. Smith, r , , contained the Large Red House general store, the Grand Central Hotel, a barber shop and a saloon. The loss is about f25,000twell covered by insurance. But for the activity of the' citizens the court house, situated opposite, would have gone down. Hethorington Acquitted. Washington, April 9. News was re ceived at the navy department this morning that Lieut. G.H. Hetherington, United States navy, has been acquitted on the charge of murdering Mr. Robin son, an Englishman, at Yokohama, about two months ago, A Hoted Lawyer Bead. Waterford, N. Y., April 11 John K. Porter, senior counsel for the people in the trial of Garfield'sassassin.Guiteau, and for the defense in the Beecher trial, died this morning.