Oregon City Enterprise. nnm.it i t n t mm nn nt invitiiA nnmrimr UlllliliL i'At Ltt Ut libAlKAiiiAi) bUUfl 1 1 r.';:..,v. ," ," Entered t the I'oul OftW III Oregon I'tly, Or., swtiJ(inu.t. t .- ".- - '" MESERYE it LAW HENCE, rrm.w.KBS.iNPi'KorKt.iroKi.. - "-- - SfllSCHII'TIHN HATKS, Om your. Six tnomhs, Three mouths, ,s,H.rii,ii.i ii.vaM.' lr. t,l a.,,.'.! 1 00 Ml AlvortiMiig rftit given oh riiu'ttou. . - . .. . .- AtiKSTS FOR THK KNVKK TKISK, Oswocv 0. W. rn-i?or runbv, - Kuitiht ru -kaniss, - N S Knit . in M.lWAltk'.O. .Hr A M 1MIKiT I ut-'ii Mills J. TrulhuiiOT Aims. - - Y.. S Kruntull Moattow Rrook. K. A.Wnslu Now Kr. V S NYwtvrry i -iimvilio. .... llfttry MiW I'.irV; rUv t, H.i?i!uu A W-ivhtuirn Ji.iv iw. .... Mrn, , SItoi'!ri (''!t!-rtu I' V. Cnss SmT '!!, J Q, ii"hurr, - .r 11. .K'vtu'p it1.!to, ' V' T Hi'wmi ir,--. KM t'.-oi.-.-r !..:ik.. M. .V lv-iv MlLJU - K. M. II 'It! 111:111 A I Ti 'TH, Y ViH'' t'.iy - - - - Piitr.to I '.y FKIIVVY, Al'KlL I, 1S:J. jylhe nay to buiM up 4rotfin City i to Orcirim City ptk'p!o our p;irrtii:it. KKi'i iu.ir an TU Ktrr. roR SENATOR, tiOKPON E. HAYES Okkmx City FOR B E 1' R K K N T A Tl V K S, JOFt P O.KKR . . Wii-onvillo. A. - LAW TON C iiM-r.uh. JltNKY JKUKI.I. . . HuliUii.L FB i'OIMY COMM110M.K, KK'HAKP SCO rr Milu-A'ikee. EU C. MAPDOCK New Km raK n.KRK. OEOKGE F. HOIir.N NYo-iy. S. M. RAM SB Y M.J ilU. FOR TKRA-H'RKR, J. 0. WETITKRELL Cinemah. F"R SI R tVitB. SIDNEY SMYTH On-tfon City FR M" I'FRINTENMTNT 'F m HOt'l-S H. S. GliiSuN CUckAiUH. FOR A!ES.R, J. C. BRADLEY Bortncs FtR IMR"SER, R. L If.H.MAN Orun City. Tho Intlitnatit-n Moetintf. It is n-'t a firatifyina state of aouirs that the pe-'ple should ftel oalle'f upon to hold a ptihlie ine'ting to indii antly prote-t acainst the tla'rant violation of tlie laws in the niiilst of us. It is also a litiie o,.l that tiie mayor, witose -ct'i:iL' ili:ty it is to en force the laws in the city, should lie selected to preside at an indignation meeting of this sort. However, it is but just to say that the meeting held at Pope's hall la.t Saturday night was called to consider wavs and means of dealing with certain overgrown j hoodlums rather than a general protest j against the city government. The lawns admitiist-.-red l:al heeu found insutlii ient to deal with a certain gan of maletactors ! whose abiding place is in this city. The question before the meeting was whether it would be wise to attempt to reinforce the present U'jfv:, ies of t l.o law and proceed within ilie law, or for a committee of citi zens to take the law into their own hands and deal out justice witbont regard to legal red ta) e. A committee was appomte 1 to take the nittcr in charge. While violence is always to ! depreca'id it must t,e conceded that these leprous yo'l'.g thug-, w!.o-e pre-etieeis a niemee to the unproui:!':'! l.-j.-ues of the city, rii !i!y deserve vigorous tn-attnet.t. A:,d they merit this on gemral principles. It has nee!) inaoe pretty char that in tlie future the j-eople wiil i."t im d or, .-g-ti c-reiunny ii the oc a-no; .-!,;:!! an-cfor di aling with any one or all of tois criteina! hand. r.overninei.t Aiil tu tlie Nii anogiia runnl. It ini;-t he 8'l-i,ilei that t!:ere is some sni-e in t'.iM lank of the Oregon people's parry plaliorni that deelares a'ainst. gov-ernmi-rit ai l to the Nirarugua canal uiilc-s tin; government own and onerate it. The peoi'le's party n.cn. however, do not siand aloi.eon that proj o-iiion. .Mo-t people who ha . e oh-er- ed 11cm onr-e- of the 1'acilic rail roads in tio-ir r'-la'iMn- v. oh the governimriit and tin- po'me'wiK leartily agree with it. llitl it is on!' hecan-e of the opportunity for coiiscienci !i -s m-cal- to swindle the gov ernment and the people that is presented in this partnership h i-ii e-- that makes it odi- j oils. The principle of the thing is all right I and guverninentaid would he vastly henefi- i cial if the other partners were ordinarilv I honest. The ae'iun of the Central I'lu ifii: railroad gang in inducing the government to build them a railroad and then depleting the gov- eriiitiei.t i.roiertv ;od ii-in" tho ,-ic. ern. ... , ... , merit aid as a means or pi aging the pen-1 ' ' pie is enough to n.al.e (he people wary of . any .scheme likely to uli'ord oppurtnniiy Jor a repetition of the outrage. j The rumor that li iin'.ingiou and Hi.m ford were attempting to get contiol ol the Jii'-aragua canal prnjeet i- -ir'h jcnl to keep the government from giving the enterprise, important as it is, any go', ernmeni aid. Those verv honorable thieves ha.e man aged to'amass private fortunes ol'.finCo.oi o or !f0,'ii"W,'n) apiece, but they cannot pay the 'lel,t they owe the gove; nn ent on t ie property that has brought iho.-.e ii Inmost, fortunes; to them. Tuk KxTKitpn.-SE will he sent ilir ingthe elate r am pa ign from the dale the Hin eenptioii is received till the issue of June 10, 181)2, for twenty-live cents. Postage stamps will be accepted in payment. Get all your neigh bore to subscribe. Thf Kmtllsh Seiilliiifiil, There is much mawkish and pillion sonti inotitality talked Mini written nwt tin' til legist (Vioml ly feeling of the opl of Kii hind towards " their cousins across Io w.i- ttr ' Tin l.liiu .f I'liftuml KturiU . j " glvM ,,,. ! ; , ., , ., ... ,,, II I H'l. mil;, 117 niisi ii'i in iu.10,1 I I mi, null ii , "... , , , ,, , . , ... , !' I crushed at all liButls, or t.retit Itliljlill's Ml piVUI.IC V l Olllleil. Tllllt il till ' i,,v1,i'.v a"1 constant attitude of tin- two i countries. It is shown in the status of tin i ,lt.,iril)! S(,;l ,m(,s,i(111. u s,,,m M ory possible invasion. j In the face of the shallow and elty lot joo tors of Lord Siilistmry on the Pehring sou ipicstion, however, U is giant;, mg to reno such statements as (ho following Inmi Act- tnl Stvivtarv of Stat Vh:irlon to tho Itrii ish miniMor at Vashiiij;ton. This ivintmi' mtation anuMiuttTi to an ultimatum tlitit KnIaiul to rvspvt: Tho pwsiiltMtt ilirH'ts mo to ny. inooaoluston, tlint tho motttis t( List Mr ts tlie iortsi tltls cov ortmioni Ortn nooopt In rvdvu. t'ho rotrtnts HfhT tluMtvAty of .irltttrtitiou ntnuiM lo mrv toluto. uot Sos, Ho il.H"i not tloin? tt pr trit this tliM"tssi.n titl ttavtiu nuv in tho mt'st rion.liy jlrit Miinittti'J tho ""Usulo tt.'ns hioh sitpp.Ti tho jui tiom uiJ of tins tfi'vornmom tlnttMo pp'tv whtoli U m snl i'i'S of :Vo itsivt tub;'. i'-tti.'n sit C.i not ho nh Joi't to spoitttioM pi'n,!itt srhif ruTtou. ho o pvoM'v tho htpo :lt-a 1 iM'-t S-sli-hnrv w CI i o prMi:pi aa-J iru'iuMy mwu! to tho roitowaltf lu1 iiuhJus. t ho t'rt".i.lt'in ho ir tth ro ro! thit Itor imjt't s o; utuont oonttnuos to 4vt'it hor rijiht to !o.'l ith ihi suhjool pro-oi-oly i if nt pro is:o:i hl Loon m ulo for a sotiiotuont of tho titpulo, anl in tluU oout this i;. t titinom, us has alroiily toon pointoil out, will Ho (Minpel'tti to tioal vvith tho sut'jo't upon tlu' sittio h ils au. 1 um? ovoty mo.ui In its jv.vi-r to 'okot from .lvtni don or oi iou iii.'Mry tho proptrty a:ii juriMltottinal rights tthu It it it t !o:s; t'! 11111'. i ,u: I i !;j ' Y!..Mt Jtift i:i tiiis ;ir ; ra-hion tlu- iia'.ttity ILiton o.i.i.r .own trotn in-, poiiot.il it 1 1 t ho ha? aooe-levl to the ttatufotiv Tatr tlcinaml of this jjovonmiiMit t'ora n nt-ftai of t! o nu lus t etnii on about tlto sumr tonus as o itO'l liu-t yoar. EurtluT cioaiatuvs tiom Yut"ri:i tor l h ri i , r -t a liavo horn lori'i.l-tit-n aiol iiio ir!a;tor u ars a tuoro 1 1 ao. f ul Tuk iirst iLovemor j a part of t'aliiortiia -: stiil i i . a.r in New J.-i . Tut v'oiiLtotion ht twi f t "it 'nii i hon it was Ktuiuian M. I'rioo is My. his patiw -tato ii tlov enior 1'rioo atnl jt'rt'ott was iitit so i-U-ar aipI dirttt as it ; ioi-rht ita' e hoof, t'.owcvor. In l"lo ho ua i purser in tlio l"i,itd Elates navy and with i an epo;Uioii that oapturod Monterey, ami j in some manner he irot tt e.ereie jiuliotal ' funt'tiiois then. In he was tnale navy 1 aei.t fur the Paoilie roast and as iueh h was the virtual nen or of the country. This is when he poernor of Oregon, lli.t he tli'l not Jotii; remain on this coast. He rt'iun.ed to New Jersey uud was elrtel to congress in IVd and permr ot that state in Isol. Ho was a delegate to the peace conference in Hil. He was alwavs a democrat. It is sail! that he expended J-". om of his private funds for the government j while in California aiat has never heen re-: imhurseil. This is extremely douhtful. At 1 unv rate tl.e oM poeruor is still h ing at , j the a,-e of seveiitv-toitr veai While Oregon is in such turmoil over her me.ho.1 of levying taxes it should not he ! torgotten that other parts of our common country are also aitnttsl over the same stih- j jeci. in laci tlie siinjectoi taxation is u hone of contention evervw here. In Klovd (.,mmyi ,,,.v are j,t w (mviti an ! .. i'.ii,. .., i;,,,. v;..i, ..., ,.,.. f i , 'j-.vmo, n.no, oiMc. nut,,.-, w, j proiiiiiicrit rneii ol Tharles City were before the uraml iurv charL'ed w ith making lalse ' .,,i, ,,, ,i, ",.,. j. ,,r n,.,,., i..,r.. ! indicted. While the investigation wus in i progress one man who hud returned to the assessor f'Ji 0 went to theotlicer and volun tarily added $:'ofni t his valuation. This kind of medicine might he valuuhie else where. It is very seldom that such high class fig. in appear-- oiii-ide of the expensive mag-i.-.ine-a- the Kn rr iii'iusi: i- miming. We an-iy ran a tale by U-iU-rt C. V. Meyer, the . O 11. g Uoreh-t V. le'II! tic J! an el'- are Inik- g -o uiceJi i,f, a 1 1 ar. it's Ma:ii hi-.-torv in la-t iiionth'- ii t o wa- in no respect 1-ettei erve'i to the Knti:iii i:i.sk read than the on its. Todav I'C hegin a copVl'iL'iited rv enllTie 1 " Mi's, tiuili-oorotigh's 1 'iatnoiids,' iiy l!ie well ki.oivn hiteriiteur, J'llian llaw fiiorti, whose i,a:i,e j a sullicient guaialee ot it- merit. Tiik pa'h of an alderman is not always trewri '.i :tn rose-. In Cliic.igo the' ri cently i.de ted nine of the genu.-, hut the indicted -penmen to. -it in City con ! night -tl dan- -ct ' portant i muM no ohh'iil.ed hail and they um il. iiy the wav, tin i ire; :il will meet ne.vt Wednesday i lust regular meeting before the ; it the I,. ;c il:g of II eertilill illl- -e against the opy. A icirnT te oi.of j.hce at this tm.'i'ting. j MAI'.sll KCIIOlv when twilight on the rushes hilln. hen thre els the innon through night's, d irk IihIK When dims the fir horizon line '"w worms phosphorescent shine. Then comes in deepest basso full, hike beliowliiir of roving bull. ! " Ah rr oooiii, Ah-rr-ooomp, fhueaa rrooiupl" O'erhead the gtnetjy uighthawk tl i 1st And In the woods in kileiice sits ,, ,. .,, , ,, , ,, , , 'J tie wiiip j.oor wiii, while round the hiki; afl ie ,hims tlie ,,,,, ht,.ulei A,j .( u,,.r,. ,,,,,,, mve ,), eail neverherutirig over nil. " Ah-rr-oooi;:),, A n-rr-oonni i, lliia-iiii rroomp!" 'the tinklingco'.i' t,c. in tie: "riu-.li No more are heuol, mel hi tho lush Ai d coinse s ;il::p '.on-, he holi fro:.'- e, h i ic- echoes h,r then giiuuod cry Aero-s the lily pads iilj'l Cfine, As -ome old nine's hejo -e lefrnim " Ah-rr-ooio-i p, Ah rr oeomp, Jnm aii-rrooiup!'' And I ;i j i ;itiiom.' the s;t::nn. reeds, V- hen oi;;ht tins tolil her : turr beds, 'me ;i fr or one. shuoU slh.-nl there, V. hili. thou ,i on lie.- ihirti'.iiing air 'I hose iiiiniehjiiioiH mo'iriifiil m,n-s, Sent lljovard troiil b Uraclliall t hroiiis, " A li-rr ooolop, Ali-rr-ooomp, Jiua-uiirrooiiip!" Kruest McOalley In JudKe. AXKNT TIIK OtiNVKNTloN. On hat IWn Through tlm Mill lllvw i Siiiin lleruli. Aitvlr. Wiuioir, March "iYj'Po run KiuTnic I writ lo oiler my sympathy to thoi'iindi- dales defeated u. the ,.. an county con - ' vention. No wonder some o( them feel llki kicking tluMuwlvo!! niul cvory on tNo tor tlio uoinm of tho oonvoutiou, Attor out hat w llrm hohl on tho public (oat for ,. i t....i . ...... i ... i. ... i it u.tui, ivii mini mtimi to Inivo it so ,,,vr,Monlonsl.v i.h,l,v. i " AT hAmon " v" ,M;"-T'U " 1 l,ivs tonml that tlio lo.or ol April, ISlU, tlio toivnof HurliiM was put sn, k.'.lth.'lianlorilistoanhiiu. Hut il' "l""i tlio nnukot. Tho linprovouumlH you inaiiaco llu'so politio.il halx's oan'tully, j (or tlio past your Inoliiilo tin' i'lal'llsli un.l tnt thoiu kiixlly, thoy will survivp the nionl of a ponloHU-o, Wi lU 1'iirifii .i wi'aniii)! periml. Hut he siiro ami not re- t'o's oxpross oitioo, it voting prooinet, a sort to the hottle, hut lee.t them on patent ,,(.nH, .liatiiet, a ehnrvlt, two lioteln, a prepare I hahy io,l, ami tl they Kol h liouhli-MMue rt'lmlnlIer a i;oiM spankinn iv j easiounlly, ami liuy will et ((row up to he HOihI tvpuhlli uns. An, I now n wonl of ml Uv to the ilisap imuiteil ian,li.laie- themselies. loti't allow the hilterness of ilipappointnient to enter your soul. lo as ih.l onr humhie si-rvant on a like, oeea-ion. lio out upon a Mump taitn, sprinkle hayseed tn your hatr, and instead of .Nttiing down and repininj; oer jour hard U t tind in luud ork a solace lor vtnir wo -, a ii -od appctiie and a clear con M'ience. Lake tim es in a phi!' 'sophical maitiier " I ho stapes ate simr anyway." And reiuemU-r tin- world ui!ii;oou justtl.e same, (he duties ot thovaiious ollhes will he pt i tor 1 1 1 od jut as wi ll it if nit per loi iiic-l thftu. and the interests of the ilear puh'io will ho looked after. In -hort, reL;n yonrM'tt to tht' ttun itatle ;ud say. ' 'Not my will t"it Diiue W done.' oh people f t'la ka ma county." V.. .Kivv.H. rKKsiPPMiM. talk. Frank Le-'m s. I'lir nomination of such , loon as e 1'n -ideitt t'ieveland hy the democratic party and President Harri ".m h tie npi.hluan party would mean a a hotter and lusher moral tone tit oltties ; a:nl there woind he reaMtu tt hohevo that wiihin the next (ittt-en or twenty Year the ,u --tiuus of s;!rr and lanll would he set tlvtl once for a!l in accordance with the w i-iies of the H'tpte. New York Herald: New York state is now hopelessly divided !etwoen the followers ,.!' Senatitr II ill und those ot M r. l'le rivi.l. if either is chueu tor lir-t plat e, New York hy that taet takes its plate anions the douhtt'ul st.ttes. Yn k-hur IP-raid : 1 lie things w l.ich make flovolarid weak, make Kill strttti. Kansas I'ity Star: Cleveland wdl he nom inated. M 'uiphis ApjHat-A-a!a;iehe: Senator Hiil thinks that t!ie revent election! in New York state tnerelv show that there is a fam- ! ily row in the denitn'ratic party. A family row is uMially the worst kind ot a row. Troy Times: The country will never elect Mil h A man as Hill Is known to be. A Tammany district did indeed eloet Tweed tn tht? state senate after his crimes l'l en exposed, tint the democratic party of the nation recoiled in .lisyust from the performance, and Tweed, smitten with fear a"d sh.iiue. ilid not dare show himself at j Alhany. The principle dillerence U'tween j Hill ami Tweed if indeed there is any-is ; a tacK in the tormer ot that sense ot slinme , K "'B ",r";, r '"a. sense o. mimi. " !,w u l""luVl M" j "' ' I his N'ortlniest .News Elites. .Monday morning Andrew Hacker, (a- ,"""irly Known an tony, waa louml , "lead ill a salism ut Walla Walla, wlieru lie wan employed as bartender, from ex- ! cessive drinking and heart failure. ! Corvalliti Times: vetopmcntH may lie Some early expected in i li the Oregon 1'acilic muddle, coming to a bead, for Something is the tension is tigliletiitu;. The bund is getting, ready to play, and by tho way they are tuning their hums we believe it will be a funeral dirge, W. I-'. Courtney, the we'd know n cat-tle-b'tyer, was badly hurt at Yakima, a few days ago while unloading stock. II.- fell among the animals in (1,,. chute and was trampled upon, sustaining an ujy wound in the heal and many bruises. He is yet alive, but bis coii d'tioii is considered serious. vunilay afternoon a young man nained conimeiiced to niako tho guivel Ily. Herman Mack, living six miles north of They are at work on tlie county road in. rth Nye, rmatilhi county, met with a severe of t lakley H.'ights and soon we will ex accident while jumping, lie slipped poet to have a road lit to travel ut all and (ell on u pii ket, the hIi.u )i end seasons of the year. piercing the thigh to tin-depth of Illicit Si uool. OrKNi.n. Oil M lay our inches. Monday evening blood poison- school opened wilh Miss llessie Sliep- ingset in and Or. Wells was siiiuinoned trull) Pendleton. He dressed the wound and when he hdt the patient was feeling comfortable. Tuesday, at n point two ami one-hall miles from Vinson, Umatilla county, a i woniaii who was driving to town : cart was held up by a masked man. in a The roblier seized her horse ami a-ked her to the present time, tliero has been some hand over her purse. Although she had ."ii)l) acres seeded down on tho prairie, but ifllin her possession, she bravely re-1 Answkii Fito.M tuk 1 Ii.i.hoatks. Nuiii fused, and the highwayman allowed her ' emus ipiestion was asked our delegates to proceed without accomplishing Iiih ' (ri their return homo us to why they purpose. At. last accounts ho bad not Biippoited Marye in convention for slate heen apprehended. , senator. Tll() answer was emphatically John M. Morgan and wife lived in . given that our delegation did not. snp Ilenlou county about twelve years and port him. Neither iliil they place him raised a family. They were ijuitu well in noiniiiiilion or second the nomination known and highly respected, hut mar-: bunco hu got no support from tho I'ur- tied life was a failure in this case, ami a divorce was applied for and gruilel. I This Was several years ago, and Mrs. ! Morgan was allowed .ps'tilli'or llmsiip- port of herself and family. Sinn; then ' it bus been learned that Mr. Mory.ui U very wealthy, and in the settlement wilh his wife, induced her, by fraudulent repie-cup, (ions, to sign a deed convey ing j her iiileiijrit in the community properly, valued at :;0!,('I0. .Mis. Moigan i-now ' a ro-iih of Colfax, Wash., ami her j former liege lonl lives in Sio:luo. She wl inllu. l,iH Hinniner, lo is jii-,l beguii nn aclion lo sol a u'dn Hie ,Mri), i lemli ieks, niolher of A. llen J di ciee ol (lie coiii tand ask thai, she be drick s, tho .Sontlietn I'ucilic ugeiit liere, jifiven her rightful hIiuio of his pos- ' cunio down fioui (iervtlis Itml spent Ii I Hossiutis, ftw (,,yH wi tl, her sou. INHWS PROM BARLOW tiik (iKonni or i iik tow n m it- I INU TIIK Villi! ! ; SiH'lttl l.fiMil III lliti Young Toii- Tlu Kemm'ints llolil M Moetiutr Other NotoH f Interest. ,v ,i . . ; tf,,m,mt imrfluitilim muro, ...nteelion- my (ttoto, a mitliimiy hii4 ilivMHttiukititt chop, A I'lrtoksiuilli ntht I'alonol tio, 1 1 wo WHtvhotino;, rt tutlihor nliop, M luk, a teal Ohtuti1 otlioo, A lioo shep, a pholn- lirupli gsllory, a lnoty stiiMo, u town hall, eliih rooms, a tioaril of tvj,lo. w illi n nienil'i'isliinof tlintv two. ami a nurseiv. Tlieio are tweiitv-niiii' iluolling lioiises ill tho town, U telograpli olllco Hill I'e estaldislied Hometiino ill April, The population of Huilow is about ISO. Ilorj cilions hi o wide awako i.ion and women nliiuo entcrpiiso uud enoruy uio the; etivyof iieighl ots 1'iiilow in ill the ' center of the gulden oi Oii'uon. ami liold ' its key to its own pvat ness. liailow; alicidv ships more tons of natural pro duels of the soil than any other town of its sio in the lato I'l.M H II It'll' I'l l II. T'llO (ll'llloclMtic cluh was called to order Hy l'li'Milchl IVlk Oiilddo on the '.'olh.. nt tho hull of rin' Kohlcr House, Tliero was a k-hhIIv crowd present, tilling tlio hall to its utmost capacity. Several speeclie.s were made hy prominent iletnocruls and a gcueial I'litliusiaui wras iii.tuit'cstcd. l'loiuinetit anioiii; the speakers In the cltili w.is I' to lo Win. Vaiiglin, who spoke in n very clear and impiesMive milliner. After the luisinoss oftliecluli was transacted nil invitation was ex tended to Mis. Murv K. llol'Oit of New -f,e,,,"iBR00MS. LAMPS, LANTERNS. tjnestion and the I ii'iso i ' Whatcoinli, Wash., on the Moiietaty of Hard Timeil She is tlie nutlior ol the new h.mk, "A Scientitic llximsme u( the llrrors in our financial System," and to say the least she met with a hearty reception. 1'OliriKIII Axmvkiisaky. On tlio '.'Mil. of March wal tlie lortietli wedding miniv ....... ..r i. .....i xi i'... i... low. In the evening they returne.l from oicgout'ity whero a dinner had turn given them Oi.it ilay, ami exiiected no (urtlier dcuioiini iiition in tlio matter but ..... ut alioiit II o'cliH-k a stung Hand struck up under the w indow rendering lieuuti-1 tut music w incli wax a happy surprise. Tlie elegant und upa 'iouH parlors were thrown open and every Mom in the liotiseWHsa Ida.e of light. A iieneial . ,,anj Bmkin , wj, ci.l.gratillationH lol- The progtiitn ctiMsted of a choice selcc- tiou of wal iiuiiiIht ami wound up ith a dance TIiobh ptesent were:. Mr. ami .Mm lien. A. Slieppard, Mr. j ami .trs. . M. I nil, .Mr. und Mrs. W . W. JesseM insert Jesniu l'arrott, llessie ! Slieppard, t iussie Urow n, Mulde li.unsby Viva Toll, liussie Haucroft, .Messrs l riiuk I Jessc, Juy lireen, J. Ileim, Will Tilll Fred Jesse, Win, ScojiiiH, Cass l ull and Carrie Hainsliv. I.K.M' Vk vii I'ahtv. The young lu lies of Aurora gave a leap year party n ! Pioneer hall on tlio night of tho mill,. The hall was well filled and the ladies did the honor to tin' 'iueon'H taste. It Was conducted in a very thoioiigh man ner, nothing being oiiiiticd to make the occasion a happy one Tho lady lloor iliiuiai;ei lo-n' rr-peeiiinv veil gi -II nil , and courteous to their fin-tnls. I iKA v i : 1.1 Mi Irvin, our loin out Homo title TIIK llo.lli. I supervisor, -Mr Win. lias warned n III'MI and they have pard as teacher, and the lirst ilay'siittend ancii numbered IIS, Tim directors have decided to have a three months school now ami another three nionlhs I, iter. I'Aiimi.uh Iirsv. The season having been earlier than tisiiul this year has enabled the fanners to get in a larger acreage of grain than common, t'p to low delegation. ' I'KliS'lNAI.S. Mrs. S. McDonald of Shoiilwater liny was vii-iling fiiends a lew days hist week. Hon. l'olk ( iribhle of ( iribblo prairie and lion. Win. Vaughn of Molalla was in town Saturday ami registmcd ut Tlie K'ohlor. Mr. lien. A. Slieppard caiuo up I'ri-j day and spent Sunday wilh bis family Mi. Win. I'.ailer retiiincd hoine from ai,:,,,v college. 1'iidav. ami will remain Garden L. L. MAY'S D. M. FERRY'S E. J. BOWEN'S GEO. STARRETT S In papers or quantity. Early Rose Potatoes and Onion Sets E. E. WILLIAMS, THE GROCER, Having deeiileil to p into ENTIRE Crockery,Glassvvare,Earthenware .'. BASKETS, ASF COST UNTIL CLOSED OUT. The sto.'k includes some "VA" 1 M III' l-..ll, I M'i'orateil ail.l 1 lUlll iul'le- ware, Market ha.-kets, Laitheii Crocks, Jars, Ktf. j Coine early and secure lirst ehoiee. i ..ri.1'1.11,1, I l.tt., G. W. pi'osl- l'.t Hlh-, Mils). K. l. Ill It.MKISI t.U. BURMEISTER Successors In Mrs. i.ruiH" is Watched Clock;?, j&lVeiWe, Jewelry. Ropalrlng t Spoclnlty. Mil I il Nlreel, 4r-Kil I'Hj, ri-Kii. 1'' ir the next lew months you can get upholstering at greully reduced rates at llolinun ,V Warner's. Call and you will learn why wuui-i doing tho work for so little money If e,,,i .nil'..,.!,,., I.. ik or in- j UH.( lined eves, or granulated e i ell Is. v oil ran be ipiickly cureil by u-ing Mr. .1. II. McLean's Strengthening live Salve. 'Si rents a box . MANY PEOPLE W'liu reinl this wi illteresti'll in tlio to wliieli is t 111' lie iilillt In llso lilt not ho oast its I mixi'il I'oiiiing; Slllllllll'f. OTHER PEOPLE Will 1st ulwl lo kiKiw Unit .liilm W. Mnsnry A' Hun nro now lii.'iiiiifurlitiitip; n liitii'l i:iinl, winch is gtmr iiiiti oil to lie strict ly pun Linsonl Oil, W liiti! I.i'iul ttiul Zinc; lor yours (heir Cdllll'S in oil Inivc I II tlio Htunil.inl, iih fvi'fy piiiiitrr knows, niul tin mixi'il iiiint now ifi'iiii'oil liy this colelinifeil lumm.! bun a UroatiT Hiilt! Limn all otlmr liiniiils ciiiuliiiiitil. Wo life tilt! Hull) (li'tll H fnl' t llis Hei'l iull, Mini In'IVn tl full liiu of MuHiiry's pitint in hlnck. ( Mil' Mr. Louis, tvlm is l.liiiroiiglily con VI r su n t wilhovoi'ylliin rnltil ivo In Inillisi! ili'coi'.lt inns, will, M-lli:lJiS, 111! tllili! In j.;ivt' ynil sniiio irui:lii:ii.l hints in ri'Hitrd tn iminlino. Jii'L us tulk with you. Cauticld & Huntley, Prusorlptlon Druggliitfii Seeds. (iliASS SKKDS Timothy Hi-il Clover Whit Clover Mammoth Clover Law it 1 IniHM Uluo (Iran Orchard (lias l Ve ( ll llHM lluiipirian (irasn Cermau Millet other husiness, I shall oiler my STOCK OF- ehoiee hamains in llANCIXtt 1. I . ., . ... ,i RICH, 4ltl t t'I'li, Mtl ;T. MM. ANtdthSKS. & ANDRESEN, C. 11. L Barmclster. A' : ine Stationery Lnlesl Periodicals ST.WDAKI) HOOKS Stiiiiiii Hooks Sell joi Supplies Mil Supplies Gold Tens PATTERNS AT HUNTLEY'S Hook Si oio Orciion City or. K.K. WIIITIC. W.a, WIIITK WHITE BROTHERS, J'riiciiui,, Jrvhitccls Hwildcrs. Will prepiire phiiix. eleviillons, working rlo htllli, iiml speelllenllomi for nil klmlK ol hmhl llll'S Hlieehil lllleollotl bIvcii lo iiio.lern cot-tiiii-H, t'.siliiMiieN furnished on iippllciiiloit Cull on or iiihlreKii WHITi: lllinH,, (lreoii City, (Ign NliWYORKGAIlHRY. I'hotographs Ilelivered I'loniplly in tho l-'inesf Stylo of Art. l;i nc Crayon Win k a Sjn-cially. , Old l'iclures Copied to Any Size, faction ( luaiaiiteeil. .Satis- Oaltory Monr Pout Olflou, OBUQOH CITY, OE.