Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 25, 1892, Image 2

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KoreUun a Hundred Thousand Fruit
Trws are KrafU'tf t Cnby
this Spring.
Caxy, Mar. '".-The primary pasMHl
smoothly enough, Ther was about one
hundred, people, i"viiuU seventy-one
voters. H. H. heeler, Wm. Vorpahl, W.
M. Shank and V. L. Mack w leetI
delegates to county invention.
The literary society lst Friday evening
decided that" lienor causes more distress
than wars. Its next question will I. " Re-...K.-i
ti.-t wshitiirtoii whs a itrcater steiv
ai'i.v.a, ...... .- c
..ri ii.bm statesman." with a lecture ty-
Mrs. Hubert in connection with the exor
cists of tlie evening. And on April 1st
there will be a basket festival, and the read
ing of the society par, several recitations,
dialogues and both instrumental and vocal
music by the best local talent. A good
time is anticipated aud a cordial invitation
is extended to all.
W. F. tiutperlet of this place celebrated
bis twenty-first birthday with his parents at
Central Point. The neighbors were all in
vited guests and alter a sumptuous dinner
a lively dance was engage! in with tlie t'en-
ti-ul l.ini hml for musicians.
n, lots Mild bv H. A. l ee last week ere
sold toN. H. lVmiallof Mulino instead ot
Mr. Colter. Mr. Itarnall will build a house
and a feed stable on the lots.
Mr. Godowu has just flushed digging a
well for Mr. Sims and is now digging an
other for Carleton Uosetikrans.
The new saw mill has started the planer
and by next week the saw will be running.
i. A. Cox has taken the contract to furnish
a hair million feet or logs.
Win. Knight, one of our industrious school
men, has raised enough subscription to have
a summer school of three months.
The grafting season is nearly over and the
time has been well improved. S. S. Mathew
had about ten thousand, Luelling twenty
thousand, Millard Lee and David Cox each
thirty thousand, and Chase ten thousand.
They were all seedlings, the most being
grafted to Italian and Petite prunes.
Mr. Campbell, J. Shull and M.J. I.ee talk
some of putting in titty acres this fall in a
general nursery. But they will not do any
budding this spring as the Harlow nurseries
tay they will, as this is not the time to bud.
Mr. 6ld Teel, of Echo, Umatilla county,
was the guest Monday of A. H. I.ee. He
reports about an inch of snowfall there this
C. E. Zeek is again at his home after
spending a time at Aurora.
March 25. -Mr. T. Buckman and wife
were visiting Mr. Shanks last week. They
also spent a few days in the Wilson neigh
borhood on their way to Coos Bay, their
Mr. John Faton, of Woodburn, an old ac
quaintance of II. A. I.ee, is looking around
Canby and vicinity with a view to locating-
Mrs. Hodges is moving her household
goods from the store to her new dwelling
just vacated by Mr. Evans's family.
But little Grain has jet Been Sown.-The Pri
mary Election.
Niw Eba, March 21. Farming in this lo
cality has come to a stand still on account
of recent rains and so far there has been but
little grain sown. Many fruit trees are in
blossom, however, and should the weather
continue fine and without frost we will be
sare of an abundant crop of fruit.
D. H. Telcher and family returned last
week from Silverton where they had been
for the last two months visiting relatives.
Mr. Mott has greatly improved his prem
ises by building some new picket fence.
Thomas Blanchard has constructed and
TM;ntt a. new nicket fence infrontof his
house which adds greatly to the appearance
of his front yard. bo will be tne next :
The primary election in New Era was
well attended, and iudirinK from the enthu
siasm and good feeling manifested in the
meeting the republican party is not all gone
vet. Fortv-three republicans were present.
W. S. Rider. C. H. Foter and A. Bremer
were elected delegates to attend the conven
tion in Oregon City.
Henrv Heminzton and wife, of Silverton
are visiting relatives in this locality this
week. Mr. Remington says farmers are all
through their spring sowing in nis neign-1
Wednesday of last week about one hun
dred people assembled at the Brown school
house and proceeded under the anspices of
tlie O. A. K. to raise an eighty-six-toot Hug
pole which had been previously painted and
mounted with a ball and spear. An elegant
dinner bad been prepared by the ladies of
the district which was spread on one long
table while arrangements were made for
raising the pole. After all had partaken of
the sumptuous repast they proceeded to
raise the pole. It was soon done and after
the beautiful flag had been hoisted to the
top Prof. Alex Thomson, the well known
superintendent, was introduced and made a
short ami impressive speech which was at
tentively listened to. At the close of his re
marks the usual amount of cheering was
done. And yet a part of the program wa
omitted. The literary society held in the
district had previously presente 1 the dis
trict with the flag and we but speak tliescn
timentof the entire district when we say
that we duly appreciate the precious gill
and kindly thank the donors for it. Those
of the grand army who were present wore
Prof. Alex Thomson, J. A. Wethertll, Da
vid McArthur. Peter Kugle, J. Maitocks
and fieo. Ranch. At four o'clock the crowd
dispersed feeling us though they had been
amply paid for the day's exercise.
This committee made a report to the effect
that l would cover the Improvement.
After .loo d inr what worit was u
the job was let to Mr. Fred Peters, he being
the lowest bidder, ror ami an auui
tional tax voted for that amount.
Noil Jackson, while at work at UMew a
saw mill one day last week, was struck by
a double bladed axe which glanced from the
hands of one of the men and received a se
vere cut on the side of his head,
n i itiiHum has riven un ranching for
the present and has accepted a position as
salesman for a now medical worn.
Cole Bros. Co. have moved their logging
camp and outfit to their old quarters near
Aurora. They have tx-en logging on ana
near the prairie all winter and have got out
a largv amount of tine timber.
The grip has at last struck our prairie in
earnest. Unite a number are reported sick,
among them the family of Hon. 8. K.Marks,
V. A. Ciilham and Bon Richardson.
Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. John tloeti, on
Friday, March IStu, a girl. The infant only
lived till Saturday night. The mother is
very low. Occasional
Cam Happenings
Cam's, March l.V-Tbe funeral services of!
Mrs, Itucknor. wile of Berry llucknor, wore
hold in tlie Graham church Thursday,
March 10. The husband and several chil
dren, the youngest aKvut three oars old,
are left to mourn her loss.
On Smtinlav mornini!. March 12, occurred
the death of Mrs. lieorge Graham, a pioneer
resident of this vicinity, and best known as
"Grandma Graham." The funeral services
were held in the church Sabbath morning
,.f it o'clock, and conducted by Rev. C. W.
l.owther. The church wascomplolely filletl
hv those In attendance from far and near,
and a larv-e number stood without. So large
a procession as followed the remains to tlie
little burvii.i ground has never been wit.
nessed here since the death of Mr. Georgv
Graham a few years ago. It is the universal
feeling that our little community is deeply
liervaved in the departure of this beloved
March 21. Mr. Elder Hunter has been
suffering for a few days with a severe attack
of intiammatary rheumatism.
We understand that Mr. Henry Hunter is
making preration to leave Cams m search
of a climate better suited to his health.
Miss Agnes Thompson has been spending
a few davswith friends in this vicinity.
Several of our citizens ha e donated two
or more days work on the road through
the forest between Cams and Oregon City.
Our M. E. friends will assume control of
the Sunday school April 1, but it Is hoped
and expected that all who consider the
school a benefit will rally to its support and
success. Cai.ua.
The Hews of Clarkes.
Clarkibi, March 21 Farmers are about
through with their sowing.
O. W. Grace has returned from Missouri
witn his bride who is a handsome and ac
complished lady.
The Germans are holding protracted meet
ings. They have a large attendance and
several have joined the church.
uur annual school meeting was well at
tended. A half mill tax was voted, and a
C. Larkins elected director, succeeding I. L.
John Riniro starts for the Palouse country
this week where he will remain the coming
Tim npnnlA nt Harmonv have formed a
law and order league of about thirty mem
bers which will be a great benefit to the neigh
James Mulvev is siiending a lew months
t home, where he is welcomed back by all
who knew him, after an absence of several
O. W. Grace has closed his store on Bun-
,i aftornimnfi wliich think will be a
benefit to the community.
Our debatinir society is progressing finely
The litarary program last Saturday was as
follows: Soni! bv the Glee club, led by Kos
coe Gard; song by Mrs. G. W. Grace; recita
tion bv H. W. Gard; song by J. II. Hilton
recitation by Miss Belle Evans; song by the
Glee club; music by the Kingo brothers.
The lHilngt f the Organisation-New of the
aiiiiuu neigniniruwm.
Mt't.iNo, March 22. The showers of the
nst fuw davs have somewhat iutorriudcd
the seeding and general farm work but we
feel thankful that they are only "Oregon
mists" and balmy hroeics Instead of the
eastern hlUsards and snow drifts.
The annual school meeting passed oft qui
etly. W. H. SolUer was elected director
anil R. Schuble clerk.
The grange had a very pleasant session
at its last meeting, and many visitors were
present among w hom was Prof. J. D. l et
cher of the agricultural college at Corvullis.
He nave a vorv intervstinit lecture in the aft.
ernooii on the methods o( conducting the
school and the course ol study adopted, no
is a live granger and has the subject well in
band. Mr. I.ee of Portland was also pres
ent and made a lew appropriate remarks.
A sumptuous dinner was served In honor
ot the sixty-llrst wedding anniversary of
Grandpa and Grandma 1'itrnall. The ladies
of the grange all brought abundantly ol line
cakes, pies, puddings, chicken ami every
thing mat was gvnhl to oat, until the table
fairlv groaned under its load ol good things.
The visiting ladies, Mrs, Smith, Mrs. Wal
lace, Mrs. llobbs and Mrs Jones each
brought a delicious cake, and Grandma
Wright baked a tine loaf of salt-rising
bread in an oldfashioned Dutch oven such
as our grandmothers used on the plains
an ay back in the t" and Vs. The grange
presented the atfvd couple a tine photograph
Molalla grange is steadily Increasing in
numbers and ititlueuoc and has a very in
lorestlinr historv. being one of the few
granges that held on to Its charter during
the depression that the patronsof husbandry
ha J to pass through a few years ago.
I wish at this time to correct an error that
Is often Implied with regard to the location
of the above named grange hall. Thegranse
was organised and the hall built long before
Mulino post office was established, and de
rived Its name from the Molalla river. The
hall is situated nearly half a mile south of
the post office of Mulino and Howard's
mill, while the town of Molalla ami sur
rounding prairie are live or six miles south
of this point. This Information may be of
benefit to many who mav wish to attend
the Farmers' Institute to be held here the
SthandWh ol April. We lin the farm-
era and friends of education and agriculture
will all le present to aid in making tins a
success. Bring your baskets well tillel ami
nrenare to have a good lime. The grangers
are doing all thev can to make it a success.
The following committee of arrangements
has been appointed: N. II. I'aruall, J. I'.
Logan, L Hint, Mary 8. Howard and Kate
C. T. Howard has bought the bankrupt
wheat at Cuioii mills and is hauling it this
A leap year party was held at the resi
dence of Mr. M. Pendleton last Saturday
evening. A gcxl time was ropnrtml.
Mike Pendleton has rented his hop yard
to the Wells brothers. Mr. Paine has rented
his to Chinaman Charley. S irr.
it iv ami i w jvi.' i
Receivinq New Spring and Summer Goods
..... ... .11. f'IMMI
To talk about war in Chili or anywlioro olso. Hut it you wish to uv.k u.h.v
COOPS ami U nuur.S, wo aio ai your nomi-v.
Wo will quoto a few hartl liitiov:
5 gallons best Pearl Oil,
3 pounds Arbucklo's Coffee,
22 pounds Nice C Sugar, -
rmiUloiV Hardware ami Nails at Portlaiul . and a other go. h1 . n , . ,
Our stock of Hoots ami Shoes will suit tho most asfithous. hro .s no Wth-r N I
uid Caiw in Clackamas Countv. We are receiving a complete line of M (.OOP and
'JiilXlNKKY 'lireet from the Kast. which wo will sell at Prices that will surprise you.
dive us a call ami ho convinced.
Carlton & Rosenkrans' New Cash Store,
Leaders in Low Prioott for Clitokiuim County.
Notes from Man.Uftm
iircb 8. Prof. Baker has
he,i enL:iL'l til teach the Maniuain school
He comes well recommended and we look
forward to a verv successful term.
Last Monday evening the home of Mr.
and Mrs. lieorge liirtcliet was the source ol
much pleasure especially to tlie young peo
rj m it hjh the hirthchiv anniversary of
their son. Edward liirtcliet, ana a Iriencl
.Miss Anna Thompson. The invited guests
numbered forty-five. The amusements con
sisted "f parlo.' games and music. At 11 :3'1
a grand supper was served to which ull did
nmrilM iii.tice. After supper (.'aines were
"i j
renewed ami continued until an early hour.
Mian Anna Thompson commenced uer
eighth term of school in the Labour district
near Maniuam the 8th instant.
Miss Belle Killings, who has been at silver
ton under the doctor's care for some time, is
now at home much improved in health.
Mabcii 22. Miss liertha Knight of Can
by is visiting relatives here.
Hev. Iloyles preached Sunday at. 11
o'clock and Itev. I.ee of Hubbard in the
Prof. Broker is giving good satisfaction
as teacher at Maptiam school.
The real estate firm at this place is
now doing an extensive business. J. K.
Jack bought two acres and P. J. Ridings,
len acres of town property; also Charles
W. Labour two acres.
Mrs. Clara Foster of The Dalles Is visiting
relatives and Iricnds here.
Mr. Dan Albright i quite sick.
tie iter Diamond,-
1M Front Street. I HARDWARE iv..tUnd,on.go.
NiirthMrtt Aselita Utr
-!eiler Unee-
Mllvsr Mleeli Saws
Kojo. troscent cuoi
w.,.i..u Arnrmntwl.'. II & S l'roof Cluitis. Aroado Files
prosit n "vBi" v "
Loggers and Wood Clioppors iecialties.
Oregon City Agent, - - - ' "
Clarkamai NutM.
Ci.ai'Kahas, March 23. Johu Fries and
family have moved to Albiua.
The A. O. L". W. I0.I1M will give a drama
at Cray's hall Monday evening, March 2S.
Nineteen of our boys have contributed
li.Weach and formed a base ball club.
Mr. Orav has sold a comer of the Albright
lot to Riebholl A Toon who expect to erect
a three-story business building thereon.
A Southern Pacific detective was Here
looking up some of the boys who lately
threw a stone through a sleeping car win
School commenced last Monday. Mr. Hay-
Kood and Miss Emma Htorts as the teachers.
The people's party club meets rrulay
evenings over the butcher shop and have
rf.,l i 11 in nn finance anil other tonics. All
are Invited.
II. L. Gray has taken a contract for sup
plying railroad wood.
A dunce held ill Chaiiman s new house
was pronounced a very enjoyable affair.
Wallace I.ivetny is here on a visit.
Work And et anil prices ressonable. Office
uver Csuneiii ,1 inmtiey ituk ou,
Uregna Uiir, Oregon.
MANl'f At'Tl'HKH llf Al.b KINI'H OK
ING LUMIUCK, 1H.MK.nmu. murr AM Lain.
, Special Bills Cut to Order
A.2TJD .
Improvements Decided on at the School Meet
ing. Other Neighborhood Notes.
Marks I'kuiukT March 2').-At the an
nual school meeting of district No. 38 J. K.
Gribble was elected director to serve for
three years and Jacob Rueck clerk to serve
for one year. A committee was appointed
to ascertain the probable cost of some need
ed improvement to the achool property.
Mackshurir Notes.
Mai.kshcko,. March 21. -Wesley Itiggs has
sold out to Mr. Eckert of Nebraska and is
building ill Canby to which place he expects
to move the lirst of May.
T. Bull' has Holdout to Adam Junior of
Nebraska. Mr. Huff expects to move to
eastern Oregon in about, three weeks.
Mrs. 0. L. Barber bus been sulleriiig from
an attack of the grip.
Hchool begins the 4th of April with Mr.
Hankins of Oregon City as teacher.
There were two dances last Haturday
night, one at F, Brush's and one at A. II,
Reynolds's. A good time was had at both.
Central Point Items.
ClNTK.tL I'oi.nt, March 20. A Hag pole
was raised at Brown's school houee on
Wednesday, March Hi. School Superin
tendent Alex Thomson and Mr. Wetherel
were present from Oregon City. Mr.
Thomson delivered a speech on protection
of the Hag. Dinner was spread by the la
dies of Central J'oint, and a good one it was,
The republican primary of New Era pre
uinct was held at Brown s school house on
the Utth. The delegaleselcclcd to attend the
county convention are C. II. Foster, W. S.
Killer anil August Bremer.
Letter writing without a signature has be
come iiiite a fashion in our midst.
C. II. Foster went to the top of our new
Hair nole one dav this week for the purpose
of straightening the speur head which be
came bent in raising the pole, but could do
nothing alter be got up there.
Nearly everybody have got their oats to
nut in vet in our neinhbcrhood. The rainy
weather has put a damper on fanning for a
.... -1 11,1 .1... 1 ,1 1,1,11..
Willie. Y in at mill wii no,:u uiu uiiiitji
of January is looking nice.
Notes from Jliiiinlaln View.
Mountain Vikw, March PI. Miss Mollie
1 1 1111 kins commenced 11 term of school in the
Maple I.nne district last Monday.
John Bakei is having lumber hauled to
build a honso on the properly which he
bought of Mr. I.ankins. John is the right
kind and will succeed.
('has. Mochnke has brought histrnclion
engine in from Ins farm and will run his
pump factory wilh it.
Harris & Hall, our genial butchers, are
having an awning built in front of their
shop. John (jillelte is the builder.
The Misses Ina and Tillie. Hunch have
mint! to I'ortlnnd on a viilt.
I'rof. W. II. Uobyns und I'rof. I loch of
Alhina paid our burg a Hying visit Inst Hun
day. Clarence Zeek, of Cauhy, was seen on our
streets one day this week. Omkoa.
(County news contluued on 7th p8(te.)
Parties ileal ring Wood Turninu,
terns, Brackets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will bo Suited by Culling on Mo.
Doors. Windows and Blinds
gjCTOi. the Cungrogutiotuil Cliutcl
Mouey to Loau !
On Improved Farms of
less than GO acres.
C. O. T. WlM.IAMB,
W. II. I'uiKinAKDT.
The Best Place in the City
Next Door to Mvernmre's Hotel.
tiii: nnST m.ii:n.
Mill onl YttrJ on tho River, Foot of Main Struct,
yr H. lll'KST,
MoneT Ixisiied on ApproviMl Security.
I J.
rrw.n ukal kstatk
OIBee In the l'"t Ollb'e IIiiIMIiir,
UM'tfnn City. Oreitun.
DUAirult IrtMAN,
Thirty Yenrn KxpcrU-nra on Pnoiflc CnMt,
tn., L-l,... a )... UmlliiltH 1T-
rrrnnn'H I Hill", l'-n- nmmn. '' ' ' 1
NMM'I(VM WorltlHK Uniwllllft. IlflllIHl MMM!l-
ni'Ht ntin "I Hll KIII'M ruiMin nun imn...
MuililliiK'M, iti-coinpiiiiU"! hy n-HtiMu lhuiili i
of l'nrt, .
Hurvcynrn mnl Knirlnonrtt Fli-t'l tmti i'l
1. ...1 ..... III .J UnlHi.'liili.li I'llll-
lil'lll ruilllBngtMin, 1 iiiii""i " -
tti with Rpcurnry mit iMmtriciin, to auy riilo (r
m.i 111 I'rnvTiiiK.
i.ni.... 1.. it...i..twti. U,.uh .! Diinr PuctnrV. nillilr-
site CininniKiitliiiml Church, Mulu Htrut, .r-
Great Reduction
Cabinet Photographs
1117 Flrat Nlrri't, Ili't. Morrliuin ami Yamlilll
rOUTI.AND, OKi:tit)N
Blacksmithing and Ro
pairing. Wagon. Uw Work and Horse sttoelm.
Do Not
All work HrHt-i'liiHH utnl jiroinitly
.Shoti at Klyvillo.
The Leading Photographer of
Ook1h you tlo not noed Kinijily 1m
catiKO tlii'y Bititni cheap. That sort
of economy in tho worttt kind of ex
tra vaganco.
A Coffin
Will Ins of Hi-rviiw, Homo tiny, hut
vou would he nilly to huy 0110 junt
for that riiiiHon. So in all I1110H ot
hiiHinoHH, even our own, our ikIviuo
i don't liny nnythinir
Hut wo havo to oat, nnd WE havo
tho hottom prioew. Call and ho
convincod. 5 (lain. Coal Oil, Too.;
alno Flour and Food at way down
V. T. Spooncer & Co.,
No. 3, Coin. Hunk Itlixrk, Oivkimi City.
Hchool (li!iurtniLMit I'.unlH ono cent
each, Kood lor term, at tlie Entkiu'kihic
Olllce. '
hivory, Food nnd SaleStalilo
Douhlo and Singlo RifjH, nntl ftad
dlo horHcH always on hand at tlie
lowest priorH. A corrall eonnoetod
with the ham for Iooko Block.
Information rrniinliiiir any kind of
Htnrk promptly iilU'inlnil to by poiHon or
horsos Dought and Sold.
IP. H.
LTiUitiCiil Jlorstshoer,
Hliopini Mulu Ht... iiii Wiinlon Mill.
Speclel Attention Glrcn lo Contracted or Bad reel
Ttm yinu'H uximli'ii'0 In uiiHtcni ultlos.
.1. 11ITTNKII, I'rnpr.
Tho IIi-mI I'li'Mt Iiimm llnK l In
Ori'cmi ( II) ,
CUmn rooiim will) comfoitulilo boilR.
Tuhli'8 Htippliud with the hunt tho nmr
kut alfordii.