Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 18, 1892, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory.
J. W MeMrum
H. H. Johnson
W. W. H. Sainton
W. T. Whltlock
Clfrk of Courtt,
AweiuMtr, -School
. 8. H, Onllrr
John w, Now
Alex. Thornton
jii.lney Snivih
Pr. 0. P.iutlivtu
)Chrle Miwhiike
Circuit court convene flrxt Mon.tty In No
vember uJ third MoiuUy lu April.
Probnte court In eslon flrat Mou.Uy In ch
CommlsKtonert court moeu Ami We.lneiUy
After first Monday ol earn month.
Rivorvler, -Chief
o( Police -Asaetsor,
"lly Attornev, -Street
Commissioner, -Bup'L
ol Water Works,
T w Sullivan
L L Porter
J. S. Puntom
S. R. Urcen
F. R Charniau
II. K. Cms.
V. Hoherf
W. II. Howell
City f.ncineer.
vny e.nitineer. - - "l ,'
Counoilmen Hiram Cochran. J. w . NoMeHJ ti.
Porter, JameJ W ilkinson. C. P. 1-atonrelte,
Rom Charman, J, W, O'Connell and T. P.
Council meets "rat Wednesday oleach inonlh
In city hall.
Sulnev Smyth.
KepnWican Primary FJtlon
Notic is hereby given, that republican
primary elections will be held in the sev
eral precincts of the city of Oregon City on
Saturday. March 19, 1892, beginning at 2
o'clock p. nt. ol said day, and continuing
until 7 o'clock p. m. of the same day, for the
purpose ot electing eight delegates in each
precinct to attend the republican county
convention to be held in Oregon City March
Palf Wct So. 1.
The Cataract engine house is hereby des
ignated as the voting place in Precinct 'o,
1, and J. G. Pilsbury, W. H. Howell and
K. D. Wilson are named as jndgei ol elec
tion i'l said precinct,
Pkicisct Ko. 2.
The Fountain engine house is hereby de
signated as the voting place in Precinct So.
S, and C. 0. Albright, Geo. Calift and C. 0.
T. Williams are named as judges ol elec
tion in said precinct.
E. M. Rasdj, Chairman.
H. E. Cboss. Sec. Republican Co. Com.
Mrs. E. S. Warren of Portland is sick
with typhoid fever.
Miss Augusta Logus gave a progressive i
euchre party Thnrsilay evening.
Rao8 Wasted. .Suitable for cleaning
machinery, at the Exterpbisb office.
C. H. Cautitld is about to erect a two
story wing on the west side of his house.
All kinds of blasting powder, caps and
fuse at Renner's Seventh St. hardware
store. 2-19 2t
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Charman have
moved into their new residence on
Seventh street.
A complete line ol men's fine shoes
latest style, Spring '92, just received at
the Oregon City Shoe House.
Furnished rooms to rent in private
bouse. Convenient to business center.
Inquire at Enterprise office.
Renner at the Seventh street hard
ware store will sell yon anything is his
line at Portland prices. Goods all first-
Spring is here and so is Wilson &
Coike with a complete line of garden
tools, also one and two Horse Culti
vators. Have you a good pair of spectacles?
If not go to Burnieister A AndreRen's
nd have your eyes fitted with their
jierfect eye tester.
Fred White has built a new sidewalk
in front of his property at Jefferson and
Tenth, an improvement much needed
in that locality.
There was a pleasant church enter
tainment at Springwater last Friday
evening. An entertaining program wa9
presented and refreshments were served.
There was a pleasant social gathering
at the home of A. T. Muir last Friday
eight. A jovial company was preseut
and the occasion was made enjoyable
for all.
White Bros, have the contract for
building a residence for Alexander
Warner at Mount Tabor. It will be a
frame structure and will cost $G000. The
ground is now being prepared for it.
Money to loan on improved farms in
amounts of $1500 or more, on two
to five years. No delay after title is
shown to be satisfactory.
H. V. Walteemike,
Room 5 land office building,over Liver
more's hotel.
C. A. Nash has bought F J. Johnson's
clock and jewelry store on Main street
and took possession of the the establish
ment this week. Mr. Nash is a young
man who has had long experiences with
Mrs. Burnieister and Burmeister A
Andresen and he knows his business
well. He starts out with a promise of
building up a good trade.
The American girl is not slow to grasp
a chance. Sometime ago The Ladies
Home Journal organized a free educa
tion system for girls, and the magazine
is now educating some forty odd girls at
Vassarand Wellesay colleges, and at
the Boston Conservatory of Music, all
the expenses of the girls being paid by
the Journal.
Local Personal Notes.
Oscar LaKorest of Rewolmrg is visiting
his mother iu this city.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Keineth of Port
land snt last Sunday in this city.
Mrs. Win, Palmer of Portland was
visiting Mrs. H. K. Cross last week.
The Misses France have gone to tin
coast to attend to a land claim they have
M. A. StrottoH left Wednesday night
for a trip in California for the heneKt of
his health.
W. S. Hurst, a prominent real estate
man of Aurora, was iu Oregou City
Miss Willie Caples of Columbia City
is visiting Mrs. T. A. MeBride and Miss
Anna Merrill.
Miss Birdie Shaw has returned from
Hood River where she spent most of
the winter.
Mr. ami Mrs. Wallace I.. Conant of
Portland were visiting friends in Oregon
City last Sunday.
G. W. Church left Saturday for Col
umbia City to pay off the brush hands
he has at work there.
Miss Bertha Sumner of this city began
a three-months term of school at
Sunnyside last Monday.
Miss Ina Thomas will begin teaching a
term of school in Uie Howard district
near Canby next Monday.
Frank Burch, jr., left Monday night
for Independence. The family will move
there in about two months.
Miss Lillian Fuller and Mr. Dan
Evans of Portland were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Burns last Sunday.
Dr. O. R. Yeargin, who has been
practicing with Dr. Carll for some time,
left last week for San Francisco where
he will locate.
M. Rosenbaura had sufficiently re
covered from his attack of typhoid fever
last week to be able to ro to California.
Dr. W. E. Carll accompanied him.
J. R. Nelson closed his sii-months
terra of school at Cams last week and
will commence a five-months term In the
Bear creek district next Monday.
Mrs. Xathan Tingle of Beaver, Colum
bia county, is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
II. E. Cross. Miss Daisy Cross returned
from Braver with her grundinuther
Charlotte Pratt had a party to celebrate
her sixth birthday last Wednesday after
noon. There was a large company of
her young friends present to help her
observe the occasion. A wonderful cake
was served (or the little folks.
Chief Justice and Mrs. I. X. Sullivan
of Boise City, Idaho, and Mrs. .1. A.
Rupert of Portland were in Oregon City
Monday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Burkburt. Judge and Mrs. Sullivan
have been visiting in Portland where
their sons are at school A son ot Mr.
and Mrs, Burkhart U also at school in
David CaufieM this we k opened his
new grocery on Seventh street next to the
the meat market at the corner of
Center. He has a good location for
handling a large volume of trade.
The Bchool board of district No. 4.1
have secured Miss Aggie Beattie, for
the first grade and Miss Winnie Graham
for the second grade, for the spring
term, school to begin March 21, 1892.
Miss Wilkinson is getting in her new
stock of millinery goods and has opened
up in the building with Mrs. Rich. Also
give prompt attention to dressmaking, be
ably assisted in that line of business.
Messrs. Marr A Robertson of Portland
will open a grocery store in the Shively
block on Seventh street April 1. They
are progressive young men and will
drive a successful business.
Mrs. E. R. Charman entertained the
Twilight Symphony club last Saturday
night. There were six couples outside
of the Symphonies present. There was
card play intr and dancing and music.
Refreshments were served .
An error in last week's Enterprise:
made it appear that J. II. Joyner of
Macksburg was a people's party man.
Mr. Joyner is one of the most prominent
republicans in the county and he does
not go chasing rainbows.
R. L. Holruan attended the Oriental
school of embalming in Portland last
week and received a diploma upon his
completion of the course of instruction.
There were about twenty-five under
takers present during the term.
James Chase is making extensive im
provements about his residence on
Seventh street on the bluff. A new
gable and hip roof will be put on the
houso, an addition will be built on the
south side and a hexagonal tower on the
! northwest corner. Stone foundation
walls are also being built under the
! house.
A horse belonging to George Traylor,
a Beaver creek farmer, was hit on the
head by a piece of rock blasted from
James Shaw's yard where Nendel A
Sargeant were blasting last Tuesday
afternoon. The animal's cheek none
was broken and one eye badly injured
and it was supposed that it would die.
Mr. Nendel paid Mr. Traylor 126,forthe
horse which has a fair prospect for re
covering. The accident occured fully
a block from the place where the blast
ing was being done.
Transfer AgiriTgallug 25,341 Filed
Iu th Comity Kerenler'sOMee.
Otvcon Land Co to B P Watson, 1
2:!, h "3, Minthorn ad to Port
land $ 2.W
Oregon Land Ce to B P Watson,
I 22, b 7a, Minthoru ad to Port
land 150
B P Watson to T W Davenport I
22, 23, b tU, Mntliorn ad to
Portland 400
O A C R R Co to Charles Mc Gov
ern elv nwl4 and ne sw1,
21, 1 2 s, r tl e 2S0
OAC R R CotoCharlei MiGovern
nS, noi. s 21. t 2 s, rde 200
Elwood C Small and wife to F K
Albright and wife acre in
Win Jack D L C 15
M T Reeves and w ife to V E Al
bright and wilo pt Uuliert Al
len D L C,.W acres ' 1,800
M M Kllia and w ife to Chailea C
Babeock I 7, 8, b , Oregon
City 4,"0
Clara Kastham to C 11 Cautleld
el I 5 b 03, Oregon City 200
Ross Charman, guardian to C C
Long w Si n w '4 , e 30, 1 5 a, r 1 e,
01.12 acres 1,100
O I A S Co to K.liia A lleacock I
12, b 4o, O I A S Co ad to Oswego 00
Frederick Stulke and wife to Wm
T Linn et al pt Jhn B Chiles
D L C, 20 acres 100
Hiram Fellows and wife to Daniel
Fellows pt a 34, t 3 s, r 3 e. . . . 420
Hiram Fellows and wile to Kli
Fellows pt s 3, t 4 s, r 3 e, 00 a 420
R T Humphreys to Sig Sichel I 1,
2, 3, 4, b 3, West Side ad to Ore
gon City 800
S T Rundel and wife to iJ W
Standinger I 1, 2 and wSi nw1
s 2 and ne1' s 3, t f t, r 2 e,
181.38 acres 700
L C and Anna R Caples to Ulrich
Kueniie se, s li!,t4s, r3e
240 acres 1,500
Fred Rukel and wife to J W Dra
per 14,500 sq ft, Caneuiah 125
J M Uiik and wife to Geo Mayer
etal, 8 acres 325
O W Sturgis and wife to Gottleib
Kuetui, 80 acres 800
Lodeske Wheeler and wifetoJaa
Ritter e',, bw'4', s 10, t 4 s,
r 3 e, 80 acres 000
James Knots ami wife to Mrs Klii
abeth George ,'9 acre, .Iaih
field 300
Mrs Caroline Korten to 1S l'etvi
1 33, 34, h 44 Minthorn ad to
Portland 05
11 A Straight et al to Mary E
Huerlh I 3. 4, b 1, Straight's ad
to Park Place 8;H)
T J liroileiirk to J M Graham, I
1, b 157, Oregon City 400
Emma J Jones and huslmiid to A
M ither 47 acres on Milwaukee
and Kagle Creek road 8,200
E EChannnn et al to John J Hat
ton I (1, b 8. Clackamas Heights 1)5
Mary E Miller to K B Michel I 1,
2, b 4, Went Side Bd to Oregon
City (KM)
Katie S Wolfer ami husband to A
F tiansneder 3'.,34 acres. . . . 1,000
A L Sabin, trustee, lu Cora K
Smilh 1 15, Hi, h 11, Windsor 250
L F A Shaw and wife to C C Uab-
Ji'of 16, 8. b 0!l, Oregon City 1,500
Wm Babeock and wile to George
Schmitker 1 3, b 4, Barlows 75
R L Sabin, trustee, to E Parker, 1
7, 8, b 21, Windsor 2J5
Geo A Hamilton et al to Win
Farnswoith I 1, b R. Edgewood 300
Fred A Ely and wife to Frank
Welch 1 3, b 157, Oregon City 800
Total ....125,341
Probale Mutters.
Henry Mettetal, administrator of the
estate of Leopold Dick, upon application
being made to the court, was authorized
to sell at private sale the personal prop
erty of the estate and ordered to apply'
the proceeds as by law directed.
Letters testamentary having been is
sued to S. Htielat, executor of the es
tate of Sarah Williams, Henry Smith,
Nelson Brewer and P. Gibson were ap
pointed to act as appraisers of the estate.
Notice to creditors was ordered pub
lished. Taken l'p
Came into my enclosure at the United
States Fish hatchery, on or about Nov.
30, 1801. a mare colt suptiosed to be
about three years old, no marks except
bay with star in forehead. Owner will
please call, prove property, pay expenses
and take the animal away.
John A. Bvek,
Clackamas, Or.
Liinhurger, swiss and full cream, E.
E. Williams the Grocer.
Lost A small purKc, containing two
rings, One bearing the initials "W to F
1878." A liberal reward is ofl'ered by
leaving the same at the ('lift' house .
W. F. Cohnku,.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a
number of years, and it has always
given me satisfaction. It is an excel
lent dressing, prevents the hair from
turning gray, insures its vigorous growth
and keeps the scalp white and clean."
Mary A. Jackson, Salem, Mass.
To make the hair grow a natural color,
prevent baldness, and keep the scalp
healthy, Hall's Hair Renewer was in
vented, and has proved itself successful.
V Committee Aiiiinlnted to OrgmiUt'
the Kiitorprlie Report f
the First Cuiiiialttce.
At the regular monthly niwting of the
hoard ol trade last Monday hight a small
amount of routine huslnesa was tiaiixac-
ted. Bills amounting to 1134 were
ordered paid. Letters from Senators
Dolph and Mitchell and Representative
Hermann acknowledging the receipt of
the Willamette Improvement retvin
meiidatioiia were read. E. M. Hands
reported that the Portland chamler of
commerce had endorsed Oiegon City's
recommendations in lespect to the river
improvement. The special committee
appointed to examine into and report
on the feasibility ol organising a county
fair made the following report:
Okkion City, Ohkiion :
We, votir committee, heretofore at
poinleti to examine into the practicabil
ity and advisability ol attempting to es
tablish a county ' fair in Clackamas
county beg leave to report as lullowi:
That we have carefully examined into
the matter and canvassed the subject
(rotii all available 8tandHinta and sub
mit the following as our conclusions:
First, It is desirable to have a county
fair in this county, run in a tirst-elass
business way. Any argument that we
might make to show the UnWlcial re
sults that would How (mm such an or
gamxalion would be superfluous and un
necessary. All public spirited citiiens
ol Clackamas county have for many
vcars advocated a county fair, but no
one has so far been willing to undertake
the large amount ol work nevsary in
canvassing the county lor tuhscriplion
to the capital stock and lu doing the
preliminary work incident thereto. A
mir properly conducted would bcnctlt in
a practical tiselnl way every fanner anil
property owner in tl e county. It would
lead to' letter and more economical
methods iu farming. The spirit of emu
lation, the honest st life for premiums,
the desire to excel would certainly he
fruitful of good results. Generally
speaking our county has a poor grade ol
horses and cattle. Our sheep and swine
to say the very least could lie wonder
fully'heneMtted. In horticulture we ate
not doing anything to xak ol, and Ibis
in the best fruit county in the state. We
honestly N-heve there are possibilities in
1 1 o fruit industry in Clackamas county
hevond the most sanguine expectation
of any one. A great gathering
of the fanners and their families and
a commingling together and interchange
ot ideas is a imitict of no small moment.
Scund With wise, caieful manage
ment we se no reason whv a county
fair should not Ik Iroin the start, not
only sell supiHirling, hut he made In pay
a fair rate of interest on the investment.
Uur proximity to IWiltml and all rail
road and steaiiiho.it lims would l a
jliuiautee of good attendance and finan
cial auprt. The lauds necessary lor
the grounds can now be purchased
clieacr and are sure to enliauee in
value from year to year.
Third. II the board deems it w ise to
lend Its aid to the estahlisliiii).'
of a county fair we w ould a' I vise Unit a
committee of at le.it five be apisiintcd
to organize a corporation w ith a rtpitul
stock of JO. 000 Willi shares ol fJ5 e-u-h
and with iiislrintioi.s to open stock
hooka and make a thorough canvass for
suh-criplions to the capital stork of the
corporation and do all things necessary
to he done in its organization. We li ml
that suitable land can la purchased t
from $150 to f.'iKI per acre, ami that it
would require from sixtv to eighty acres
for the ptirjKjse. J. T. Acckhson,
,1. W. Mki.dhi m,
II. K Cuoss,
Special Commitfeo
The report of the committee was
adopted and on motion the chair was
authorized to appoint a committee of
five recommended in the committee re
port, it being specified that the chair
should be one of the commit'ee. The
announcement of this committee was
made Wednesday and it includes, be
sides President Ctoss, Captain J. T.
Apperson, Judge J. W. Meldrum, C.
O. T. Williams and H. II. Johnson
A communication from S. Hardesly ad
vocating a system of railways to radiate
from the county seat instead of wagon
road was read and referred to thecommit
teeson roads and highways. A. M. Love
lace ami W. A. Huntley were received
Into membership.
in sAtr.
White Fish, Cod Fish,
dackerel, Salmon,
Halibut, Herring,
Yarmouth Bloaters.
in oi.ass.
Spiced Mussels.
Spiced Oysters,
Spiced Clams,
Clams, Lobsters,
Salmon, Shrimps, Oysters,
Sardines, Caviar,
Spiced Mackerel.
E. E. Williams, the Grocer.
Ladies who experience a senso of
weakness, and sometimes lameness of
the back should use Dr. J . II. Mcl-ean's
Strengthening Cordial and Blood Puri
fier, it will supply the much needed
strenuth and overcome all weakening ir
regularities. NEW TODAY.
Healed proposals, plans, spuclflcfitlniiK, and
strain illaxrains will do rertnlve.l by the county
ele k, Claitkamascoiinty, Orison, up to 1 o'clock
n m, April 7, lor the coiistriuitlon of a
firlilireoii Peep Creek. Profile of eromifl on file
In clerk's olllce. The rittlit reserved to reject
any or all bills. A Kimnuity deposit of 6 per
cent, require wUbe.o M.f.
Brcmam Fire Insurance Company,
Highest market trii'is imiil for nil kimls of country iiroiluce, surli it
I cn use. KtillS VaNTKD.
Yellow Com Meal, 10 pound sack,,
" " .Imicki
Cortland It Floor
White l.ily "
" " " per Imrrel
Cncle Tom Sauce, juT Uitlle . . , . . .
.1 I'ackages Corn Starch
All kind ol' Jama. ,
IVaolica, per can , . . ,
'.' t'aim Anchor Corn
No. I IVaa, per can, I.V; 2rau
No. i " " '
No. '.' Slrlnit lleam, per can
(irren Apple, wr Ik
Spudii, mm k
heal, per bushel
. I no
, I :w
, I '.'ft
, 4 tm
. 'Jo
, 2ft
. 10
. I"
, Ml
I lo
Call and see my roiluml price list on line sin k niul finr silk over mul
underwear. You will find uie in wlmt in culled the Main Town or Con
tar Town of Oswego, on tho Houtlnvost corner of Litdd mid lhirlmui Sta,,
two Mucks from stcntnlioiit laiuling. I will discount this jirice list 2 J
nr cent. (Oi nil hills amounting to 10 or upMar, Is if the ensh ncctiin
uuiies the order.
Look at this PRICE LIST Before You Start for Porttand.
Coniti Ono, Coino All, And Keep the Hull Moving.
g sVrit'iiHi call and scttlo up for last year.
G. W. Prosser.
I curry the largest and best assorted stock of wall iiier ever brought
to Oregon City, and will sell at l'ortlund prices. Let inn givo yon
figure on your work.
Shop on Seventh street, m-iir Center.
DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop.
A Full Lino of Fresh Drugs and Medicines.
Patent Medlclnosof all Makoa, Notions, Confectionery, Cigars.
hi: kii'iioi t iti:i i i.i.v ni.i.i ii
Shivelev's lll'K'k, ... ... Seventh Street
209 2no & 1 TO FRONT ST.,
Doors, Windows, Mouldings,
Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kindti.
Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed.
riiK i:n tiii: I.OWDNT.
j8hop corner Fourth and Water atreeta, hack of Popo A Co'a, Oregon City
T. JVX. CROSS, IVIanap;cr,
MhiDfe HUH S is Ernes
Holiday Goods and Gents Furnishing Goods.
MtiiAiti: in:ii.ij a mvvn:i:i.
Cooke's Stables
W. H. COOKE, Manager,
HiiccCHHOR to U. II T . iSc L. Co,
Corner Fourth and Main Streets,
of the (!it.y. Ki(H of any uYitcription
furniHhed on nhort notiee.
All kinds of Truck and Solivory BubI
nous promptly attended to.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.
I Oat-i, " "
j Nulls, per ki'K
! Suit, LherpiHil, ho pound niii
, . a mi
. , on
. . tkl
,, 70
. , ID
. a w
. . 2ft
. 2A
. 4'yl
Sliurtu, ptr nark
Hran, " " .,,
Plt'llkfllKl llainu
St, t' " aide .,,
Country "
SI, C. Ilanm, A 1
SI. ('. No. '.'
Coal CMI, pnrcaii, 1'earl , , .
11 " raw, "
Arl'Ufklp Cnllee, per pnnr
Ureen Cotlee, lata! t' U, Hr
Ks. 0 Sonar . .
Our catah onie Is complete in
every department, and tells
lmw to Kfow all kinds ol ve
tietahles, hotv to plant and
trim trees, lmw to use, and
what are the ln'st Irrlilicra,
him to handle Ih-chcU', etc.
Free to all- Send lor it.
B. JH. perry & Go's Seeds
I Manufacture
and Sell
of the Best Quality;
Rough and Dressed
Lumber and Boxes.
Prices the Lowest.
Goods the Best.
Four Miles East of Hubbard.