Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 18, 1892, Image 3

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
( iiiiillilultn fur Momlimtlou.
Tliu MlimiiiK Iihvo boi'ii announced
fur tliu vitrluiiH ollliTt:
i'or HirttiMitiillv K. M. Hartnmn
of Molulln, C. A. lli'rmiin ol Ort'K-m City.
Kor Hliwriir K. C. MiiiUock o( Nmw
Km, A, II. Muriiiiiii l Mitrijiiam.
Kor Clink I.. I l'ortiT ol OreKon
Cily , Alrx Tlinmmin of ('larkMiiuiM, Jiul
mm lluwvll of Oregon City, Uuo. K. Nor
ton of Needy,
Kor Hocordor W.T. vVlillWk of Ore
gon C'lly, 8. M. Itimmliy ol Molalla.
l'orTniiimror J, 0. Wntlittroll of Can
tiitli, N. M. Moody or Molalla, M. 11.
V illuimliby of Ort'iiun City.
Kor Surveyor Sidney Hinyth of Or
Kt'ii City.
Kor Niiritilendeiit of HeliooU B. A.
1). (iuiley of Canity, !. If. l)uriti, of
Went Oregon City, Arthur Winclmi of
AUrki Pralrlo.
Ko County Coiiiinlwilotipr (ieo. Hun
dull of Central Point.
INTK.NDKMT. J. H. Nolcoti, ono of tlit) lx'"t known ol
tlie M'liool tom lnTf'l CUikamaa county,
li a rundldat for the rulilirn nomi
nation for comity mitrliitmliint of
pulilio Inatrurllon ll liaa tuiittlit
ckool a numltor of yrani In llio t-ounty
nd U tlioroii(lily wall i'o,iulntd with
tlia nedi of our tiuhllc arlioola. He la
well educated and capable and ellkl
nt educator.
lin I biiiiI (irht of IMNlrli't IIhnIiich
A hM of tlie Cliilnm AifiiliiHt
the ( nil nt y Allowed,
EVANS At till home near Cantiy,
March 14, 1HU2, of cancer, William
Evan, kihI evenly-IWa yearn, eleven
montha and twenty-five dayt.
Mr. Kvana waaooeof the oldeat end
moat rrnnctml ploneera of the valley.
IU wm lxrn In Waahlnirton county, In
diana, March 10, 1HUI, ami came to Ore
gon more than forty ynura ago. Ilia
wife died a few yean bk, three daiigh
tare and Ave aoiia survive.
Dial No.
M. T.
WAUNKK At the home of her parent
at WMaunvllle. March 11, lHiC, Mmtie
Wauner, atied fourteen yearn, nine
moiitha and two days.
Mattie Wanner n horn at VIIon'
villi'. When eiuht eara idd ahe attended
eehool at lrl 1., int. Thiee yenra bkohIi
Wim a'teiidiiitt whoo At 1.4 OraiwU, and
liua oinee Ihtii nil liulualrioua atiidental
Wilmiiiville. Mi pasM-d quietly away
ahniil aix o'clock Friday eveninn with
connentiiMi ol the drain alter an illiieaaof
nine day. Tho liiUniigut took place
March 14 in the cemetery at Stafford
Nearly thirty vehielm folluwed the re
nialna to their hint ieitliif pluon.
The dece.m d w one of the VtriuliteH
of aiudeiita, the inoM ainialde of frienda,
and the iiiohI IovIiik nl aihtKia. I lot
cheerful diwiMiiion mid wiirm heart
CailHed her to iohch a hiwt of fiieiidi
w ithout a Mincle enemy,
Kor one ho lovinn, yoiinu ami lender
to he torn from home and loved onea
Beema unhenriilde. No wonder th hitter
team fell like ruin oyer the hier of our
loved one. I'm let un hue that the Imp
pier liere will iextor our darlinn to
our anna,
" Fur Ural hnlh n.nrloil fm li nrmwtni itjl
Ami mimltfi re.! rvtry neerel tear,
A ml Imxveu long iiol IiIIm .hull ejr
Kor all lili clillilrun ntnfer hr."
JAtidAH March 11, l,s;i2, at Kant Tort
land, of apinal ii'enlliitia, K.llen, lit
tle daughter of I,ouia ami Mary Jag
uar, iitfed 4 yearn, 4 moiithannd Sdaya.
The funeral took place at Oregon City,
Sunday niornlrg from the home of Hen
jiimln Jak'gar, the aerviiva la-ing con
ducted hy Hev. Kdward tilttena of the
M, K. church.
Buffer llttlo children In come unto m, for ol
inch l iho klhg'iou, ol htovon
liny lti wenli of tha bU'iel Itnleemer
To the wirmwtiw n pear Iiiih rt,
Mhtcn th weight of their anrrowe,
Auil roailort their rlet utrlekeu hearu
Kotifit In white, like nonie pine, potlew anial,
l.ttlla tun (In meekly crinaed nn her breatt;
ltrlnht, wlimome eym, elorrd lorevcr,
Tlroleaa leet forever at rent
Little Ici'l llfe'i Journey li oyer,
Utile tianda llfe'i work U all dono;
Wluaiinie eyea are now opened In heaven,
Un her brow rotti the eniwn ahe haa won,
Then mourn not the lnn nf your darling,
(led deemed It waa bent ynil ahnnUl part;
He took her ere tin and temptntlou
Hud entered her Innocent heart.
To the foot of the crnm brim your anrrowa;
He ean aootlie every aorrow and pain;
Meekly bow to tho will of our Savior ;
KeJoUte that your lma 1 hit gain.
Only tlioae who have purled with dear onoa
Can know your heart'a annulah and pain;
Jtny our Uvea ho that when Hod ahull call in
We ahull meet our dear loved one anuln.
Minnik lUl.UM.
There was ft UnptiHt hnptitmi In the
murL'iii ol the. river near tho foot of
Eleventh atre-et litNt Snndny moniiiiK.
Throe or four apeelatorn who were
uiiindiiiir 'on 8OIII0 float itm lous took
nn Involuntary enioimon that camp
near hying it HetioiH all'iiir on aiv
count of the moving log. All wore
jufi'ly roiciieil, however
Tho ladit'H of the l'runliytorian chuich
served rc-froalmumta WediicHdity In
one of the ntor rooms of the Shivoly
block. Tlicy were patroiii.od by the
dulegiitea and iiintiy of the town people.
The West Side school begiin last Mon
day morning for a term of eight months
with Mr. Goo. II. Dunn, principal and
MiHsM. A. Harrison, of Benton county,
The county comiiiiKaionerH' Mint wua
In acsHlon last week, convening Wednes
day and continuing daily Beaaloni till
Saturday night.
TIhiD, W, Juincs road wait ordered
opened and the cxpenao account of 2'J.
2U In the matter was ordered paid. The
anmu action was had In reference to the
W. 1). l'artlow road the expense ac
count being 121.(10. The Koraythe road
was alao ordered opened and the damage
claim of tl5end $18. 80 expense were
ordered paid.
The following rlgnationa and appoints
meiita of road supervisors were actwl
uion :
Heslgned Appo'uled
Thoa, Ciibbe. T. Armstrong
C. Wilhulm. W. Ilnrrin.
John Taylor. M. Kuhhii.i
lteeves rcHigned as judge of
election In Marrjuain precinct and 0.
W. Mcntlcy was appolntetl in his stead.
II. K Hlevens alao resigned aa clerk of
election In Canenmh precinct and K. W.
l'orter was appointed in bis stead.
J, W, Hiiiilh, supcrriaorof road dis
trict No. 3R, was authorized to procure
powder, fuse, cap etc, for use In hia
district not to coat to exceed .')0
Rtirvior Hharp of road dialrict No.
US was authorised to buy ftOO pounds of
powder with fuse etc., for road work.
It wat ordered that Commissioner
Moenhke purchase half a doten road
scrapers for the county and that 8tier
viaorJ.W, Itoois of road distiict No.
(7 have one of theae scrapers. Super
visor Root alao authorixed to pro
cure blaatlng material! not to coat to
exceed 50. 1
The action of the connty Judtm In per
mitting William Miller, supervisor of
district No, 23, to have two road scrapers
waa approved.
The petition of Alfred Clark ami
othera for a county road to be known as
tho Harmony road was granted and
County Surveyor Hniy'h wa appointed
surveyor and K. Fred Cappa, W. II.
Kiehhoffttlld 3. W. HiH'tato view raid
road, to meet at Clackamas station i
Mn-li "I Tim an in k aellcin waa had In '
referent to the iietitioii of J V Davis
and otheis for a i nuiiiy rotwl, the view
ers named being K. M. Siiuiinei, Thos
Urillilh, end l'red li"i(e. to meet at the
place of iK-niiiii'iig Maii h 1".'. Also in
rebition to the road petitioned for by J.
A. Thayer and others, Ilemy lluuhca,
Joseph Harrington and Percy Williams
Mug named viewers, to meet at the
Ocgimiing point March .10.
In the matter of the biidge acrosa
Deep creek the county surveyor's report
wits received and the clerk was ordered
to advertise for bids to be opened April
7lh at 1 o'clock p. tn.
The trillion of William Borsch, Max
Smith and Uuiis Seehtern for the can
cellation f tax salew for ISIrO was denied.
J. W. Doorca, supervisor ol roud dis
trict No. ! I, was authoM.ed to prix-tire
not to exceed titXI iunda of powder to
use in hi district, but his application
for luinlicr was denied.
Supervisor B. W. Zimmerman was
ordered to procure materials and have
two bridges constructed on the Barlow's
prairie anil Boynton road.
Stiervisor K. Mather waa authorised
to procure powder and caps for use in
road district No. 4, not to exceed in
cost $75.
II. Nelson, suerviBor of road district
No. tlfi, was authorixed to procure 2000
(eet of lumber to repair a bridge in his
district. The petition of C. l'agh and
othera for a count road was granted and
County Surveyor Smyth was apK)intod
to survey and Robert DeShaner.M.Kiese
cher and Julius Wentland to view said
road, to meet at the place of beginning
March 24. The same action was had
respecting the petition of N. II. Darnall
ami others for a county toad, Silas
Wright, W, H. Vaughn and Asa Saund
ers being appointed viewers, to meet at
the place of beginning March 20.
It was ordered that the clerk issue a
warrant to Julius Wentland for$!) in full
payment for care and keeping of Oscar
Starker to March ft, 1802.
On hearing and conmdering the peti
tion of James Winston and others
praying for the Improvement of
tho Winston and Union school
house road and in pursuance of a policy
heretofore acted upon by this court m
tho cases wherein money from the
county fund has been appropriated for
the Improvement of certain county roads
as tha Oregon City and Molalla road,
the Aburnothy road, the Improvement1
ol the grade at Moss hill and the im
provement of tho grade at Oakley hill
and in view of tho fact that, the county
is in debt it is ordered that no money
will be appropriated for the improve
ment of said road or any road during the
present year 1802 until a sum of money
equal to half the cost of the proposed
improvement if subscribed and paid into
the county treasury by the parties in
terested in and petitioning for such
proposed im provement.
Supervisor Fred Bluhm of road district
No. 42 waB allowed two stone hammers.
The application of Supervisor Silas
Wright for 2500 feet of lumber for district
No, 60 was also allowed, as was Super-
vitor Looney'. application for a crar
for district No. 12.
Authority to purchase lumber waa
given to Herman liruna, supervisor ot
district No. 0 and he was ordered to
proceed utidtir the advice of McBrldoA
Dresser regarding tho resistance of
Joseph lleck to tho building of a bridge
across Ticker creek on the Duncan and
Nelson road.
The inanition of C, T. Howard and
othera for a county road was granted
and the county surveyor waa appointed
to survey and Hlntoti l'aine, Keuben
Wright and Levi SUdiman to view the
tame, to meet at Mullno March 28.
The petition of E. Parker and othera
for county road was granted and a
survey ordered and Krneat Mutlnas.
Chris Hohnrg and C. C. ISadeock ap
pointed to yiuw the road, to meet at the
place of beginning April 1.
The report of U. Hair that the family
of John W. James, waa in destitute
circumstances and unable to earn a
living was approved.
The petition of Z. 8. Card and others
for an appropriation for a bridge over
Maylleld creek In district No. 40 was
laid over to the April term.
It was ordered that the following con
stitute the Jury list for the year 1802:
Oregon City precinct II. P. Bestow.
carjienter; Jr. F. White, carpenter ; .
M. Sumner, carpenter; James Uoake,
machinist ; Sim Nefxger, laborer ; Chaa.
Califf, farmer; Ueorge Boylan, laborer;
Chaa. Fuge, laborer; David Caufleld
merchant; 8. 8. Walker, painter; Milo
Uard, farmer ; J. M. Tayloi, speculator,
Clackamas precinct A. Mather, Geo.
II Wester.
Damascus precinct L. E. Welae,
Henry Troge, J. R. Morton.
Harding't precinct Georg) Arm
strong. Eagle Creek precinct Henry Hoeff-meiater.
Oswego precinct A. J. Thompson,
Prealey Jarrioch. Adam Walling, Wil
liam Dyer, Oscar Eaton, William Haiti
non, J. J. Bullock, J. R. Hayes.
Oartield precinct John Palmateer.
Bieyera product Peter Paulsen.
Canyon Creek precinct Joehua Gor-
Tualatin precinct J, L. Kruse, H
IderhotT, and George Schieve.
Cauby precinct 8. 8. Garrison, II
R. C. Phelps.
Needy precinct A. W. Lawrence, J
K. Miller. Daniel Kuufman, II. John
Bton, J. H. Wolfer, William Roop,
I,ower Molalla precinct Henry Smith
I.. E. Armstrong, Charles Cone, I). H
I'nionpiecinct Joseph Graham, Hen1
ry Snvde
Maniuiim precinct J. 8. Voder, J. T
Drake, S. R. Taylor, Dan Albright, J. F
Vpper Molalla precinct Levi Steh
man, Cyrus Jon-s, Raymond Dickey
Charles Holds, Charles Thomas, Aaron
B. Klise.
New Era precinct David McArthur
J. M. Kinley.
Cherryville precinct Charles Batty
The county surveyor was directed to
set grade stakes for the improvement of
the Oregon City and Highland road.
The sheriff's Hccial bond as tax col
lector was Hied and approyed
The time in which Henry Kanft was
to have completed the townships maps
of the county having expired and
nothing having been done in the matter
the contract was cancelled.
C, Bair waa paid $19 60 and
Moehnke $18, mileage And per diem.
The report of the sheritl to July 1
1801 w as approved except as to the state
ment of double assessments, errors and
omissions, that had been found to con
tuin many errors. But as the items are
all carried on to the delinquent tax roll
and the amounts will be collected and
accounted for where practicable this was
deemed unimportant.
The following claims were allowed at
the amounts stated
State vs Sam Balchlcr $ 110
' " Geo Susbauer 25.05
' " Cornelia C Willig, insane. ... 4H 10
" " Daisy Hurley H 85
" " ('has Ilurkart 20 (10
" " K A B Howard 62 IS
" " It Poinsett 10 75
" " Thos Scott 1 70
A CVoight, bridge exn 25 87
C D A 1) C Lalourette, atty fees 25 00
Drawing Jury, Can by precinct 7 00
Oregon City Iron Works 9 00
Alex Thomson, teachers ex 51 00
W II Cook, freight 43 08
Drawing Jury, Oartield precinct ... 14 X)
Meston & Dygert, record books 100 50
0 D Barnard & Co, ballot boxes 241 50
1 W Dahtell, pauper exp
Frey&Hinkle " "
J W Wolfer " '
Portland Hospital " "
It Gaucher, " "
St, Vincent's Hospital " "
Geo J Wolfer " "
K RCIiarman,clty tr " "
Moody A Engle " "
K N Foster " "
AV 15 t'nrll "
Geo A Harding " "
Scott Bros lumber
I) I, Trulllnger "
A I. biitkins rd exp
Oksooi Citt KsTKKraiss, supplies 05 50
Ckmili'iiliig, lumber 17 551
The following additional retiorts and
claims of road supervisors were allowed :
pist.ro, kamk amt.
2 J no W Klaley 44 00
3 J W Boots ....00 00
4 Ilrul'Wi Danil 21 00
7 ..J A Itleliey., 00
10 Itobt. Coniior 18 Of)
20 1 POIse 14 00
28 K P Larasn ,..21 00
SO. V (1 Newkerehner 00 00
42 K W Dully 10 00
47 A H Wing 12 00
65. A Monti M 00
U Victor Krlckitt-n 18 00
44 Joseph ltts's, no claim
07 A Ascholl 16 00
Kttiifliou, the Cricket.
The Falls City Dramatic company will
present an elaborate production of "Fan-
chon.the Cricaet," at Shlvely's ball on
Wednesday and Thursday evenings
March 23d and 24th.
Fancliu'n, "The Cricket" , .Mrs. L. Cashing.
Father Uarbeaud, a rich farmer
...J, Mr. Geo. Parking.
K7( ti"rother,
Colin I
Father CoillanK
Old Fad I
Mother liorbeaudi
Fist Ml
i m i URi
. ..Mr. J. H. Geori-e.
Mr. Clias. Kenney,
Mr. W. Rhoadea.
....Mr. Grant Olds.
....Mrs. K. D. Walker.
....Mias Binlie Walker.
...Miss l.iziie Walker.
Mai. on (
Huietle Miss Gertrude Wileys.
Special scenery has been provided and
good mualc will tie furnished hy Fox's or
cheatra. Among other sicialtiea are the
MayKjledanre, the Shadow dance, etc.
Bulldlujc For Kale.
Notice is hereby given that Hie old
school building of school district No. 43
Clackamas county will be sold at public
outcry Co the highest bidder on Saturday
Aprlf 2nd 1892 at 10 o'clock a. m. at tbe
school house door. Purchaser to move
building from the ground within thirty
days do'p date of sale. Terms cash in
J. L. Swapford,
Clerk of Dist No. 43.
letter MM.
The following is the list of letters remain
ing in the post otUce at Oregon City, Oregon,
March 18, le
50-foot Streets and an Alley in Every Block.
Within Twenty Minutes Walk of the Business Portion
of Oregon City.
Lots 50x100 feet for sale cheap on easy terms.
Agent for Owners.
Corner Main and Cth Streets (Office formerly occupied by F. D. Bruce.)
1 .aison, Miss Annette
Low, A E
Mead, P H
tiliarock, Miss M
Altiee, Hen J
HllWlTW, M h
tlaxter, W W
Hcimet, John
Frost. Miss Uosa
If called for, please sav when advertised
E. m! RANDS, P. M.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is bereby given that the firm
of Fuller & Letwthwaite is bereby dis
solved oy mntual consent. Tbe busi
ness hereafter will be conducted by A.
J. Lwthwaite and all debts due tlie
Arm will be isid to him and all debts
owing by said firm will be paid by
him. A. Fi LLtB,
3-4:4-25 A. J. Lkwthwaite
The American Protective Tariff League
has hint issued a new campaign text
Book for 1KH2 It is entitled 'Ameri
can Tariife from 1'lvniouth Rock to
McKinlev." This little book of one
hundred pages is perhaps the most com
plete hiief oresenta'.ion of tbe benefits
of Protection and Reciprocity pet printed
and will be sent to any address for ten
cents. In ordering please say, "Send
me No. 62." This is tlie catalogue num
ber of the document. Address, W'ilhnr
F. Wakeman, (ien'l Sec'y, No. 135
West 23rd St., New York.
Manufacture and Dealer) In
The only complete line in Oregon City, embracing everything the
trade demands.
Honest work and reasonable prices is our aim.
PortlandSeetl Oompanv
Seeds, Trees, Fertilizers, Poultry
and Bee Supplies,
Spraying Materials, Etc., Etc.
No. 171 Second Street, PORTLAND, OREGON.
Ituckleii's Arnl:a Salve.
The Nest Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
jierfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G
A. Harding.
All persons indebted to the under
signet! will call immediately and settle
their accounts. All accounts not settled
by April 1st will be placed in my at
torney's hands for collection.
Gko. A. Hardino.
Miss Wilkinson is about to open a milli
nery establishment in a part of the Btore
occupied byG. W. Rich for crockery.
Mr. Rich is going out of the crockery
and glassware business.
Sunday Services.
8 05
1 G5
4i 05
17 75
102 00
2'1 16
5 00
10 00
4 f0
10 00
8 50
2 10
25 00
18 00
Sidney Smyth, fees and oxp 50 50
W A Huntley, supplies, 30 40
Nohlitt's stables, team 4 00
T Yocuni, Insane SI 86
Peter Nehren, lettering ballot boxes 10 50
W b llrown, rd exp 20 10
H II Johnson, clerk fees 000 51
Pope A Co, supplies 12 85
EM Rands, stamps 11 00
E Coldren, lumber 8 00
W W H Samson, sheriff fees 401 CO
W T Whitlock, recorder's fees 230 05
0. W. Lucas, Pastor. Bervicea at 11 A. tt. anil
7:S0 r H. Sunday School alter morulns ser
vice. Prayer meettiig Wednesday eveninn at
7:.H0 o.clocit. Prayer meeting ot Young People,!
Society ot Christian Endeavor every Sunday
evening at 6.MI prompt.
Pakkkh Paator Mornluft Service at UiSnuday
Seliool at l'2-lf; Kvenlng Service 6:30; Kvgnlar
iiraver meeting Wednesday evening. Monthly
Oovonnnt Meeting every Wednesday evening
preceding the first Suuday lu the mouth. A
oomlal Invitation to all.
H ILI.K1IHAND, Pastor. On Sunday mass at and
10:80 a. M. Every second and fourth Suuday
Gorman sermon after iho S o'clock mass.
At nil other masses English sermons, Sunday-
School at 2:S0 k. M. Vespers, apologctlcal
suliji-cis, and Heneilletlnn at 7:H0r. M.
Eniv, GiTTKNS, Pastor. Morning service at 11:
Snndav School at l'2:l.v, Kvenlngservlce at7:ao.
Kpwnrth League meeting Sunday evening at
S:S0: Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 0:80.
strangers cordially Invited.
W, (liBONKV, Pastor. Services at 11 A. M. and
7 no p. m Salvhnth 8ehnol at 10 a. m. Young
People's Society ot Christlau Endeavor meets
everv Sunday evening at 6 .H0. Wednesday
ovonlng prayer meeting at 7:o. seats iree.
F.bnst, ot the Evangi'lieal Assoeiatlon, will hold
ervleoa every alternate Sunday at 11 A. M
other Sunday at 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meetlug
every Wednesday eveniug at 7:30. German
Sabbath school every Suuday at 10 A.M.
MtM.tR, pastor. Services first and third Sunday
In each month at Oregon City, at 11 a. m. 7 p.m.
second Sunday at Mountain Home at n . m.:
fnurth Sunday at Harmony school house at 11
a. m. Praver meeting, Oregon Cily, Wednesday
eveaing. Suuday school, 10 a. m.
Oregon City Sash and Door Co.
Carry the Largest Stock of
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc.
In Oregon City.
Special sizes of Doors and Windows made to order. Turning of all kinds
Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts
Furnished on application. Builders, give us a call, and see if our work
is not of the best, and our prices as low as the lowest. Price List sent
on application.
Factory, Cor. Main and Uth Sts., Oregon City.
Blacksmiths and Wagon
Flic Wagon ut Carriage Wort a specialty.
Twenty years experience as a Horse Shoer
None but first class work done.
Shop on Main Street, near Suspension Bridge,
Eetablishrd 163.
C, 1 Breeii,
Dray age &
arid parce
parts of
to all
s delivered
the city.
Best2oc Lodings and Meals in the Town.
Hot Meals at All Hours.
Fine Perfumeries anfl Toilet Articles,
Also a full stock of
General ltlnchNmithiug nul re-
Wagon and Bum Work a Specialty.
Horseshoeing in a first class manner,
anby. - - - Oregon.
Next Door to the Armory,
J. Ill JUMinr.V, Proprietor.
Full Stock of All Kinds of Fresh
and Saltwater Fish. Poul
try and Game.
Highest Cash Price Paid for Poultry.
Candies, Nuts, Notions, Etc.
Fine Tobaccos and Cigars.
Complete line ot Holiday Goods at Port
land prices.