Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 18, 1892, Image 2

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Grist of New from Cmilir Town
HulUliit Improvements art
Holntr Made.
Canky, March IS. tioneral improvements
are being miie. Farmers are planting their
crops, l.umlwrtnon are hauling larger loads
us the roads get Ix'tter.
Vit raised the smoke stack to his new
mill Tuesday. The planers are in position
nearly ready for business.
Mr Zeek has commenced to build his
shoo and will he ready lor work in a few
weeks. V. Riprs is Imilding another house
to rent. m. Knight also has his house
nearly completed and lias rented it to Mr
Thornton. Mr. Weei is having his hotel
repainted when adds greatly to its appear
ance. H. A. t.ee has sold two lots to Mr. Colter,
of Kivcrside. who will build a house and
barn and in the future Uveal 1'anhy.
Mr. Waigamot has a force of men open
ing out the new bridge road.
The Uvt ure and oysier supper last week
provisi a grai J saiw.-s. The church was
well tilled and nearlv a hundred sat down
to the supper. Joseph Shvill was chief
The A. U. I. W. initiated John Zeek last
Saturday evening. j
iVnool closed last Friday after running
five months under the able management of
Trot. C. Y. I'raper and Miss Nellie liissell.
Mr. Terry held services at Marks prairie
last Sundav in the place of Kev. l.owther!
who was called to Heaver Creek to preach,
the lunerai sermon of Mrs. Cirahain, who!
died last Saturday at her home. j
Mr. Evans's family have moved back to j
their place lor the summer.
Mrs. Cox has a ten-pound boy born last!
Thursday, the 10th. I
Edward, Inet and Alice Birtchct are vis
iting relatives here. i
Miss Ix)la Shu.II, of Portland, is visiting
her brother. Joseph Shull.
V. E. Weed, ot Fort Stevens, has been
visiting relatives and old aciiuainsances of
this place.
Pr. Green, of Michigan, has arrived and
will probably locate here. He is a first
class physician.
Miss Ella Stone has returned from a visit
to Stella.
School Matters in the IHstriet.-The Finest
Team in New Era Free intt.
Bkatib Creek, March H. John Wright,
accompanied by his family, will start for
Eastern Oregon tooay.
Charles Locke and faiuily, of the west
side, have moved into one of the mill
houses a:td will work for Enos Cahill. Mr.
Caliill will start his milt shortly.
William Rider spent a few days of the
past week with his brother of Independ
ence. William McDonald has built a house on
the land that he recently purchased of Au
gust Staehli and has moved in. Mr. Staehli
has purchased a span of horses which
makes the finest team in New Era precinct,
their combined weight being but a few
pounds of 2800.
School closed last Friday and an enter
tainment was given in the evening which
was very interesting. Miss Thompson is a
successful teacher and carries with her the
confidence of her pupils. She is now visit
ing the Misses Hunter of Carus, but will re
turn to Portland shortly.
B. C. Lelaml has purchased a lot in New
Era on w hich he will build a cellar for the
purpose of storing potatoes in the fall. The
Brown brothers will plant fifty-five acres to
potatoes this season.
The Central Point literary society has ad
journed till the third of September.
Last Thursday night a coyote killed a
sheep and carried away a lamb belonging
to Mr. Staehli.
At the school meeting held in district
No. 69 a seven mill tax was levied for the
purpose of raising funds to build a new
school house. B. C. Lelaud was elected
clerk and Robert Matbeson director.
George Eider and Ellen Brown of this
place were united in marriage in Portland
the first of March. Native.
Interesting Exercises to Mark the Close of the
Winter Term.
Needy, March 16. The largest audience
ever congregated at one time in Needy met
on Wednesday evening of last week at the
public school building to witness the closing
exercises of the school which had been in
progress since September last. Thanks to
the skill and taste of M. E. Hardesty, Lizzie
Noblitt and Rachael Byland the stage was
beautifully and artistically decorated and
arranged. The best of music was furnished
by Professors Thomas and Ed. Yoder. The
young ladies of the school were elegantly
dressed for the stage characters which they
assumed. Mr. Otis Townsend rendered
excellent assistance in providing furniture,
etc., and in taking charge of the curtain for
which he has the thanks of the entire
school. Excellent order was observed dur
ing the whole evening, every one was in the
best of spirits, and "all went merry as a
marriage bell." The following was the pro
gram for the occasion :
Competing Railroads George Ackerson,
Henry Wolfer, Louis Spagla, Albert Stewe.
The Five Wishes Grace Byland, Mannie
Crocker, Blanche Byland, Lilly Thompson,
Katie Korstetter, Lydia Kinsie.
In Want of a Servant Mirtie Thompson,
Lilly Bror.kart, Emma Ackerson, Alice
Ackerson, Sadie Crocker, Asa Thompson.
The Bound Girl Grace Byland, Tilly
Thompson, Mabel flardesty, Lydia Kinsie.
The Watermelon Pickle Florence Crock
er, Charles Crocker.
Uncomfortable Predicament A. Thomp
son, O. H. Byland, Lilly Brockert, Emma
Ackerson, Alice Ackerson.
Scandal Asa Thompson, Edith Hardes
ty, Andrew Thompson, Mirtie Thompson,
Blanche Korstetter.
The Unsuccessful Advance Andrew
Thompson, Florence Crocker. ,
Mark Twain and the Interviewert I.ouia
Montandou, Asa Thompson.
Morning, Noon and Sight-Edith llard
esty, Blanche Karster, Sadie Crocker.
liock of Age (tableau)lllanche Hy
laud. Faith, Hope and Love (tableau xV-Kdith
Hardesty, Florence Crocker, Alice Acker
son. Apart from the above there were many
good pieces rendered by the pupils of the
primary grade.
The pupils one and all are to he congratu
lated for the excellent manner in which
they rendered the parts assigned to them.
Brain Fever Causes the Heath f a Young (ilrl.
Other News Items
WusoNvtu ic, March S. Our third spoil-
! ing school was held at the school house lust
Friday evening. A large number re
present. Among them were some line
sellers from Frog Fond and I'nion.
S. B. Seely is building a new picket fence
around his residence.
C. T. Tooie is making extensive improve
ments on his place in the line of fenciiiK,
clearii g, ev.
Marion Young is preparing to erect a fine
mansion near the house he now occupies.
; John liulsoii and family inoed over from
Woodhurn last Friday.
Among the recent arrival at Wilouville
w as recorded at the home of Kmil Hansen,
on the 1st instant, a small boy.
Mr. Win. Kushbv and wife expect to start
soon for Salt Luke, I'tah, w here they intend
residing. Many warm friends join in w ish
ing them God sliced.
General satisfaction is expressed on the
appointment of our new road su;rvisor,
John Kose.
A watch belonging to Mr. P.. V. Short
mysteriously disapinared one day recently,
' never to return again," as some one un
doubtedly thinks. He may yet think dif
ferently. At the annual school meeting, held yes
terday it was decided to have another term
of school immediately alter the present
session closes. H. Wiley was elected di
rector to fill the otrice of Max S hulpins
who refused to qualify for another term.
Chas. Wagner was re-elected clerk, which
seaks for the appreciation of faithful serv
ices Ykso.
Business of the Annual School Meeting.
Newi of the a'eigliborhood.
Fsou Poxd, March 13. The weather is
fine and the farmers are beginning to im
prove their time by plowing and sowing
j train, ami some are digging their potatoes
left over from last fall. They keep m tair
shape in the ground,
Meint Peters raised a large barn last week
w hich will add greatly to the looks of his
The Frog Pond school closed last Thurs
day after a successful term of four months
taught by H. II. Rohb. He will go from
here to Damascus to teach next summer, to
begin the 21st of this month. He is a good
teacher and we recommend him highly.
The deputy assessor, Mr. Uiirtvy, started
in here last week on his summer's job. He
is doing it about the same old way as last
T. L. Turner is clearings piece of ground
which w ill add greatly to the improved looks
of his farm. .
At the school meeting in joint district
No. 10 Fred Ellegsen was elected director
and F. M. Kruse clerk. The new board
hired Mr. A. Coles from Milk Creek to teach
the spring term, to begin April 4, and lev
ied a rate bill of V f) to make up the short
age. Mr. Jack Howard, at the mouth of Mo
ialla river, is clearing off land and intends
setting out 700 or 800 peach trees of the best
varieties. It is the boss place for peaches
being quite sandy and dry.'
Mrs. Frank Burger has been visiting
friends and relatives and showing her baby
boy to Portland people the past week.
Mrs. John Mays is the happy mother of a
fine girl baby,
John Tyler has left the Pond for an onion
patch over by Woodburn. We wish him
good luck in his enterprise but I am afraid
he will miss it
Miss Ella Turner has returned from her
trip to Dayton, Washington. She thinks
the country is fine, but the people
Politics are quiet up here, but will liven
up about next Saturday I hope. H. M. B.
Cnrrinsvllle News.
Currissville , March 13. Friday of last
week as Mr. Harrison Tracy was feeding
his stock a young bull pitched at him, got
him down, and would have hurt him badly
had not his sister had presence ot mind and
struck the animal several times with the
milk pail. Then Mr. Tracy, jr., dehorned
the beast.
Mrs. Lloyd Huffman has moved to Port
land to live.
Mr. George Palmateer, son of Beth Pam
ateer, came home from east of the moun
tains very ill.
Mr. Dall Willcox and family are to move
into the house formerly occupied by the
Brown family. Mr. Bates has moved to the
place formerly owned by Mr. Willcox.
Mr. Doc. Roberts is to move home the
first of next month.
Park Place Items.
Pabk Place, March 15, -Owing to the
fine weather of this and last month work of
all kinds is farther advaticed than usual in
Mr. Sol Emit, the sawyer at Gladstone
saw mill, while operating the lath saw had
the misfortune to break the thumb of his
right hand.
More Interest than usual was manifested
at our Bchool meeting. A two mill tax for
school purposes, and a three mill tax for the
payment for the school site, were levied.
Rev. L. B. Trullingcr will hold services
at Park Place church the third Sunday of
this month.
The republicans ot this precinct will speak
for themselves March 23d. j
Captain Smith was called away to Pome
roy, Washington, to the bedside of his fa
ther who is very low with erysipelas but is
now some better.
Mount rirasant Rote.
Movnt ri.KASANT, March l.V Mr, J. U
Waldrou and family noon leave for Califor
nia, w here they Intend making their future
Mr. Ijtwton, who hat been 111 for several
weeks, is improving,
Mr. Ceo. ljello and family eonlemplate
a trip to Nostneca, accompanied by Mrs.
(Mouse and Miss Annie Wllohart.
Mr. T. K, Holmes and wife, of Spokane,
are visiting at Rose farm,
Mrs. Rarvk is Improving her place by
building a new hoard feiio along the road,
Mr, Ward l.awton was very heartily re
ceived al the Mount Pleasant dancing school
last Saturday evening alter his recent ill
ness. Miss F.lla Williams, who has been quite
ill in Portland, is Improving slowly, and we
hope to see her home again soon,
Mrs. A. K. King, of llwaco, is visiting
her mother al Locust farm.
MMie Mount Pleasant dancing school Is
progressing finely under the liiauawinel of
Fred A. Case ami Arthur 0. Warner. The
following wore present l-t Saturday even
ing: Misses Clara Belle Ely, Alice Glass-
pool, tlie Hickman, Minnie Johenk, Ktta
Kellogg. Mona King, Koran I aelle,
Blanche ami Ethel McCord. Grace Myers,
Ida Pease, Albina Russell, Ina, Tilhe and
Martha Ranch, Helen Riggs, tny and
Ethel Thompson, Annie and Emma Wile
hart, Helen Warner, Messrs. Ered Case, lu-
ane. George and Charles Ely, K. M. Haines.
E. Harrington, K. Hickman, J. llowlmid,
C. Huntington, K. K. Kellogg, W. H. Law-
i ton, T. Moore. II. Martin, (', K. Kiiivll, II.
('. Stevens, J. L. Swathird. II. Thorn. W.
B. Wiggins, A. C. Warner. I Wkotk Ir.
Mount Pleasant S-1i.mi1 Notes.
Moi'ntain Vix, March 1G.-I believe no
one has given the Kntkhtkisk the proceed
ing of our annual school meeting held at
the Mount Pleasant school house on Mon
day evening, March 7. George C. Ely was
elected director and J. L. Swalt'ord clerk.
Whole number of votes cast ninety-eight,
of which Mr. Ely received liftvnine and
Mr. Svvattord sixty making thir respective
majorities twenty and twenty-two.
After the election of otlb-ers a motion
was made and carried that those using the
old school house for a dancing hall be re
quired to pay the sum of f.'.lr night lor
such use the money to tie added to the
fund ol the district. At the dance held there
last Saturdav evening the new clerk was on
hand to receive Ihel-'.oO which was prompt
ly and honorably paid in advance.
The Hoard have employed Miss Ak'gie
Beattie, of Mountain VI, and Miss Win
nie Graham, of Oregon City, as teachers for
the ensuing term, w hich will commence on
next Monday, the 21st. This choice of
teachers we think will give general satisfac
tion. Ali-iia.
Sandy Notes.
Sasjuv, March 10. Mr. Pratt, editor of
the Troutdale Champion, is visiting our
J. II. Revenue lost a valuab.t young
mare last week. She Meived a krk from
a horse which broke her Wf, ?nd renoeni
her helpless.
The East Portland, Sandy a. id Monu
Hixwl stage is alsiut to tmmnre em
weekly trips. "
Our Sandy mail route, on which Geofge
Beelie is carrier, is soon to be extended lo
Salmon River.
We regret to learn that C. F. Parker is
still very low with dropsy and heart disease.
His life is in ril.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Andre rejoice, and well
they may. Such another little uine-oiind
daughter would not be easy to find.
Farmers are working hard to get spring
wheat and oats sown.
The warm weather has started the fruit
buds. .Rather too early for permanent
spring weather. Wooukat,
The Needy Neighborhood.
Needy, March 14. A very pleasant neck
tie party was given last Friday evening at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Iden Bower.
It was largely attended by the young peo
ple of this vicinity who indulged in various
social games and plays. A good old-fashioned
supjier was served by the hostess to
which all did ample justice.
Miss Lillie Bower, of Silverton, has been
with us for a few days visiting friends and
The annual school meeting in district No.
40 was held last Monday, the 7th. The fol
lowing business was transacted : Mr, Wm.
Stewy was elected director and J. D. Bitter
clerk. A twelve-mill tax was voted to pay
of' Indebtuess on the school house.
News of Mink.
Mikk, March 8. In school district No.
SO O, Moehnke was elected director fur three
years anil Martin Hill clerk. A proiosition
to levy a live-mill tax to furnish the school
house with patent seats was voted down.
Mr. J. S. Waughtel of Winters, California,
was the guest of Wm. Roberts last week.
Miss Flora Moehnke is the latest victim
of the grip.
Mr. C. Moehnke started his traction en
gine to Oregon City today.
John Shannon, Mr. Welsh, and Mr.
Straight of Oregon City, have gone on a
hunting trip to the mountains. Monk,
Jiorthvmt .News Jioles.
Rosebtirg yoted a special 10-inill
(school tax without a dissenting voice.
That's business, and it speaks volumes
for the enterprise and progressiveneHsof
its citizens.
WopgrowerH In Polk county in the
vicinity of Dallas and Eola report that
the hop louse has made its appearance
in those localities. Next year they (the
lice) will probably bo found grubbing tip
the yards, providing they are as much
earlier in proportion as those Polk
county lice.
Rosebtirg Review: W. K. Caldwell
informs us that liopgrowing is to re
ceive some attention in his section in
the fiituro. On Hubbard crook, JJ,
Kprague will put out a yard of six acres,
and J, E. Zachra, one of fifteen acres.
On the Calapooia, .1. H, Mires will have
a yard comprising several acres. This
is a good move, as the Umpqua valley
is uuequaled for hops.
Receiving New
To talk about war
in Chili
Wo will tjuoto a few hard hittort
5 gallons
3 pounds
22 pounds
l'uildors' Hardware and
Our stock of P tots and Shoes will suit the most fastidious. There is no better line of Hat
and Cups in Clackamas County. We are receiving a complete lino of IUlY (!OOlS and
MILUNKliY direct from the Kast.'which wo will sell at Prices that will surprise you.
Oivo us a call and bo convinced.
Carlton & Rosenkrans' New Cash Store,
Loaders in Low Prices for Clackamas County.
Crescent Wedges (warranted.) B & S Proof Chains. Arcade Files.
Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties.
Oregon City Agent, ......
The Karuiers' Institute. !
llolow will Ihj found the program of !
the furtnors' itmtittilo, which will 1 ;
hold at Moltillu (irunuti Hull, Clui'kii-j
mus county, April 8 and 0, 1S!IJ. It is to j
th tnti'ront of every farmer in Oregon
U ttttond tlito inxtituU'H, kiul il In to
tirJIiorH-.l thntall who tan will ho there:
rillllAV, AI BIL S, 11:30 a. .
M osic.
A ild rent f wt'lcoiiie .Dr. J. Casio.
KpKponse Alms and olijwln of tho mute
auricultiirul coIU-kd . . . . Prof. J. 1) U-U lier,
artinir presiilt'tit.
GnwM's K. I. Cartttr.
The Di'luvul Imliy crearn wpnrator. 0x"ra-
to. hy 0. II. Schmiilt.
12 to 1:30 p. m. Dinner reooiui.
fKIllAY, l.'.n t. M,
M usic.
Weedy planta of Oregon I'rof M. Crai.
Kami live sloclt K. A. Wright.
Question hox and answers to same.
ATI-KDAY, AFKU0, 9:30 A. M.
Grange work, etc
,.T. C. Howard.
Innovation of old orchards
George Coot, horticulturist.
Our young men anil woman in relation
to proirressive agriculture
C. H. Schmidt.
12 to 1:30 p. m. Dinner recess.
8ATDR0AT, 1:30 P. M.
Farming A. B. Kllse.
An essay by "A Matron."
Question box and answers to same.
Closing remarks on education ...
Prof. J. D. Letcher.
Judge ft. P. Iloiso, Hon, J, Voorhecs and
Hon. John M I n to are expected to be present
and take part In the proceedings.
TreuNiirerN Notice.
I have now in my IiiuhIh funds appli
cable to the payment of all warruntM
endoraed prior to March 13, 1810. In
tercut will ceane from date of thin notice.
S. B. Camkc,
Treasurer of ClackumuH county
Dated Oregon City, Feb. II), 181)2.
For Snle.
A good farm near Carug known an the
Farrblace; contains 154 acros, 20 of
good tillage land, 25 incloHcd and Heeded
paHttiro, well watered. Fino orchard,
and garden of nmu.Il fruit.H. Mow barn,
root hotiHO and well.
Price reasonable, one-third canli
balance on long time. Apply to owner,
A. O. IIaywahii.
Uaker City Hindu: Already Hoveral
families have removed from the Eastern
states and settled in our midst, and tin
interview with them will show you how
well our mineral resources are being ad
vertised throughout tho East, Those
arriving now are only forerunners of
what are to come, ond over 100 families
are expected during the coming summer.
ROSE l iil S,
Spring and Summer Goods
or nnvwhoro else,
ami LOW l'KICKS.
Hut if you wish to
wo mo at your service,
best Pearl Oil, - 80.85
Arbuckle's Coffee $.65
Nice C Sugar, - - $1.00
Nails at Portland prices, ami nil other piod in proportion.
l.M Front Strict. HARDWARE I'orllmirf. Wm.
NurthwitiiPru Atfeuta fur
Uur ucchlmt Tiilllriotiih . Ifmer Unrs . -Hllvr Humli Haws
cm iiiLiVWiKM-wtiotii
Special Bills Cut to Order -
Mill and Yard on tho Uiver, Foot of Main Stroet,
()HE(i()N CITY, OK.
"y s. iickst,
Miiiist bisiif J on Approred Security.
ORlce In the 1'imt Olllee llullilluf ,
Oregou City, Oroguu,
Thirty Yenni Kiperlrure on I'sclflo Coast,
Auslrtlla slid Europe
Prsnsres Plsns, Klevstlnns, RiM'tlnna, Per
spectives, Working l'rswlni(s, Ik'tslln suit Hpeel
fli'stliiiis ot sll kinds of Ptihlln snil I'rlvsto
HulMliixs, accimiisuleil by rulUlile estimates
ot cost.
Surveynri suit Enidiionrs Field notes slut
Kiml estste sRenls, I'lsiis id SiilnllvUion, I'lsi
tml with seeursey aud neatness, to any scale or
size of IfrswiiiK.
Office In lleioow's 8aih A Donr Factory, oppo
site l iiiiKreuiitliinal Church, Mnin street, Ore
(ton t Ity.oreKon
Do Not Buy
GooJh you do not neod simply bo
cnimo they si'om cheap. That Hort
of economy is tho worst kind of ex
travagance. A Coffin
Will ho of service, some day, but
you would bo silly to buy one just
for that reason. So in all lines of
business, even our own, our advice
is don't buy anything
But we have to eat, and WE have
the bottom prices. Call and bo
convinced. f Gals. Coal Oil, 7oe.;
also Flour and Feed at way down
W. T. Spooncsr & Co.,
No, 3, Coin. Hank Block, OfcKon City.
Hcliool deportment cards one cent
each, good for term, at the Entkkpiusb
talk about (iOOI)
Crescent Mcol
Great Reduction
Cabinet Photographs
Thwalto'a ,
187 First Htrrat, Hrt. Morrison and Yamhill
C. ir. FRIDRWIl,
Blacksmithing and Re
pairing. Wagon. Bc2r Work anil Hone SdocIdi.
All work flrHt-clnsft and promptly done.
Hhop at Elyville.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Singlo Rigs, and sad
dle horses alwayB on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the bam for loose stock.
fnfortmition renunlititr any kind of
stock promptly attended to by person or
horses Bought and Sold.
Practical Horseshocr,
Shop on Msln St., opp. W onion Mills.
SDeclel Attention Given to Contracted or Bad reel
Ten yours oxpoilonoe lu oaslorn cities.
J. HITTNKIt, Propr.
The OMixt l'lit 'nH Hold In
OriKn 4'ily.
Clean rooms with comfortable beds
TubloR supplied with the best the mu
Kot allorcls.